Discipline Sentence Examples
The discipline was there before the Reformers.
Sirian's coldness had never struck her as anything but rigid discipline and cool thinking.
The discipline was strict.
His great object was discipline.
Entire conformity with the Scottish Church was maintained, and strict discipline was enforced by pastoral visitations, kirk-sessions and presbyteries.
Have you learned any sort of discipline?
But the discipline and moral of the army were shaken and its organization faulty.
He knew no discipline or restraint.
If children do not learn self discipline then merely following rules will not result in a disciplined life.
Another salient feature of the Moderate policy was the consolidation of discipline.
AdvertisementThey have few expectations of their children and impose little or inconsistent discipline.
They also understand discipline and what behavior is appropriate and inappropriate, and they understand the concepts of words like "please" and "thank you."
A strong attraction is often the hallmark of this relationship; Pisces craves Virgo's sense of order and discipline, and Virgo greatly appreciates Pisces' deep and understanding nature.
For example, a priest will have skills and three talent trees (Discipline, Holy, and Shadow).
To succeed, it was essential that the fellah should be taught that discipline might be strict without being oppressive, that pay and rations would be fairly distributed, that brutal usage by superiors would be checked, that complaints would be thoroughly investigated, and impartial justice meted out to soldiers of all ranks.
AdvertisementTheir training consisted of gymnastic and warlike exercises which developed strength and discipline that would be as useful in executing public works and in dragging large monuments as in strictly military service.
He earned the confidence of the Porte by the cruel discipline he maintained in his own sanjak, and the regular flow of tribute and bribes which he directed to Constantinople; while he bent all his energies to extending his territories at the expense of his neighbours.
The penal discipline of to-day, much modified and varied it is true, may be largely traced to it.
Online classes require a considerable amount of discipline.
As a teacher and master Hegel inspired confidence in his pupils, and maintained discipline without pedantic interference in their associations and sports.
AdvertisementStimulated by the success achieved by Mrs Fry, the Prison Discipline Society continued its labours.
Education should be to 1st degree level or above in a relevant discipline.
Learning to meditate requires a sense of discipline.
If these involved high claims of independence and power for the Church, they also asserted a high standard of devotion and discipline.
If the debtor broke his oath, he became liable to the discipline of the Church.
AdvertisementIn every mutiny against the discipline of the college he was the ringleader.
He was probably already regarded as the leading exponent of the Roman discipline in England when his speech at the council of Whitby determined the overthrow of the Celtic party (664).
That this system works without friction is due to the German habit of discipline; that it is, on the whole, singularly effective is a result of the peculiarly enlightened and progressive views of the German bureaucracy.
The necessities of military discipline were also a subject of attention.
Ismails exactions from the Egyptian peasantry reacted on the army, causing discontent; and when he was tottering on the throne he instigated military demonstrations against his own government, and, by thus sapping the foundations of discipline, assisted Arabis revolution; the result was the battle of Tell el-Kebir, the British occupation, and the disbandment of the army, which at that time in Egypt proper consisted of 18,000 men.
The discipline of the old army had been regulated by a translation of part of the Code Napoleon, which was inadequate for an Eastern army, and the sirdar replaced it by the British Army Act of 1881, slightly modified, and printed in Arabic. -
Tb.e honesty and discipline of the fellah were shown to be undoubtedly of a high order.
The barrack-square drill was smart under the old system, bUt there was no fire discipline, and all individuality was crushed.
Bands of armed men fighting for their own hand traversed the country, and in the ten years between 1434 and 1444 the provinces were terrorized by these ecorcheurs, who, with the decline of discipline in the English army, were also recruited from the ranks of the invaders.
The central authority was gradually made effective, and a definite system of payment, by removing the original cause of brigandage, and the establishment of a strict discipline learnt perhaps from the English troops, gradually stamped out the most serious of the many evils under which the country had suffered.
A certain number of Bulgars at Kukush in Macedonia and elsewhere form a "uniate" church, which accepts the authority and dogma of Rome, but preserves the Orthodox rite and discipline.
So in his warfare, though he kept strict discipline and allowed no wanton violence, he treated severely all who had in his opinion transgressed.
In 1560 John Knox propounded in his First Book of Discipline a comprehensive scheme of education from elementary to university, but neither this proposal nor an act passed by the privy council in 1616 for the establishment of a school in every parish was carried into effect.
The court of each university is the supreme authority in regard to finance, discipline, and the regulation of the duties of professors and lecturers.
The Book of Discipline and the Book of Common Order express Knox's ideals, which, as far as they were noble, as in the matter of education and of provision for the poor, remained, in part or in whole, " devout imaginations."
He could not pursue; the whereabouts of his right was unknown, and after the battle his best officers felt rather dismayed than encouraged by the conspicuous lack of discipline.
Of course, both Michael Phelps and Speedo acknowledge that what makes him a champion is a combination of talent, skill and discipline.
During the great sailors' strike at Marseilles in 1904 he showed pronounced sympathy with the socialistic aims and methods of the strikers, and a strong feeling was aroused that his Radical sympathies tended to a serious weakening of the navy and to destruction of discipline.
Several of the decretal letters of Siricius are extant, in which, at the request of certain groups of Western bishops, he sets forth the rules of ecclesiastical discipline.
He established an excellent library, and through his strict discipline and consummate scholarship soon raised the monastery to an educational institution of a high order.
This grand feat of arms was marked by many points of interest, such as the capture of the Dutch ships, which were frozen in the Helder, by the French hussars, and the splendid discipline of the ragged battalions in Amsterdam, who, with the richest city of the continent to sack, yet behaved with a self-restraint which few revolutionary and Napoleonic armies attained.
In disgust at his advice being disregarded, Mr. Thomas resigned the secretaryship of the Union, but was eventually persuaded, on promises of better discipline, to resume office.
And again, when they challenged His disciples for not observing the regular fasts, He gently reminded them that they themselves relaxed the discipline of fasting for a bridegroom's friends.
This man's unusual faith, based on his soldierly sense of discipline, surprised the Lord, who declared that it had no equal in Israel itself.
They are entrusted especially with the surveillance of the parish priests and other priests of their districts, and with matters of ecclesiastical discipline.
Two conceptions lay at the basis - the thought of the spiritual priesthood of all believers and the belief that the state was a divine ordinance, that the magistracy might represent the whole body of believers and that discipline and administration might be exercised through courts constituted somewhat like the consistorial courts of the medieval bishops, their members being appointed by the magistracy.
The experiment was a failure; Bahrdt, never at ease under the strict discipline maintained by von Salis, resigned in 1777, and the school was closed.
The Afghans, inured to bloodshed from childhood, are familiar with death, and audacious in attack, but easily discouraged by failure; excessively turbulent and unsubmissive to law or discipline; apparently frank and affable in manner, especially when they hope to gain some object, but capable of the grossest brutality when that hope ceases.
Discipline Gaol& is well maintained, though separate confinement is practically unknown; and various industries (especially carpet-weaving) are profitably pursued wherever possible.
To avoid contagion, it is legitimate for the EU to submit national budgets to a binding discipline.
The pastors were to preach, administer the sacraments, and in conjunction with the elders to exercise discipline.
The doctors were to teach the faithful in sound learning, to guard purity of doctrine, and to be amenable to discipline.
Their business was to supervise daily life, to warn the disorderly, and to give notice to the consistory of cases requiring discipline.
The state retained control of the ecclesiastical organization, and Calvin secured his much-needed system of discipline.
It adopted a confession of faith and a book of order or discipline.
He received his early education, according to Morice his secretary, from " a marvellous severe and cruel schoolmaster," whose discipline must have been severe indeed to deserve this special mention in an age when no schoolmaster bore the rod in vain.
Hence, even in countries where the Roman Church is established, such as Belgium, Italy, the Catholic states of Germany and cantons of Switzerland, most of the Latin republics of America, and the province of Quebec, and a fortiori where this Church is not established, there is now no discipline over the laity, except penitential, and no jurisdiction exercised in civil suits, except possibly the matrimonial questions of princes (of which there was an example in the case of the reigning prince of Monaco).
In the diocese of Rome, exercised discipline of a penitential kind over their lay members; but in later times their censures have generally ceased to carry temporal consequences.
There remain to the spiritual courts in Russia the purely ecclesiastical discipline of clerks and laity and matrimonial causes.
Whilst the campaign of 1809 had seriously shaken the faith of the marshals and the higher ranks in the infallibility of the emperor's judgment, and the slaughter of the troops at Aspern and Wagram had still further accentuated the opposition of the French people to conscription, the result on the fighting discipline of the army had, on the whole, been for good.
But though the battlefield discipline of the men was better, the discipline in camp and on the march was worse, for the troops were no longer eager to reach the battlefield, and marched because they were compelled, not of their own goodwill.
It has generally been forgotten that the utter want of march discipline in the French, and not the climatic conditions, was responsible for the appalling disasters which ensued.
All day during the 27th stragglers continued to cross, covered by such combatants as remained under sufficient discipline to be employed.
Mime Necker, despite her talents, her beauty and her fondness for philosophe society, was strictly decorous, somewhat reserved, and disposed to carry out in her daughter's case the rigorous discipline of her own childhood.
On the "Retreat to Corunna" fatigue, wet and bitter cold, combined with the sense of an enforced retreat, shook the discipline of Moore's army; but he reached Corunna on the 11th of January 1809, where he took up a position across the road from Lugo, with his left on the river Mero.
In this retreat, although military operations were skilfully conducted, the Allies lost 7000 men, and discipline, as in that to Corunna, became much relaxed.
Four captains of the people (hejtmane) were elected, one of whom was Zizka; and a very strictly military discipline was instituted.
The penalty is forfeiture by the offender of any advantage from the simoniacal transaction, of his patronage by the patron, of his benefice by the presentee; and now by the Benefices Act 1892, a person guilty of simony is guilty of an offence for which he may be proceeded against under the Clergy Discipline Act 1892.
The victory seems to have been due mainly to the admirable discipline and fighting qualities of the soldiers, and he obtained the honour of a triumph only after the decree of the senate against it had been overborne by popular clamour.
Seneca even made the discussion of such problems into a regular discipline, claiming that their concrete character gave an interest in morality to those who had no love for abstractions; while they prevented those who had from losing themselves in the clouds.
And law in plenty was forthcoming, so soon as the Church developed the discipline of public confessions followed by appropriate penances for each fault.
He negotiated with Alexis Comnenus at Constantinople, re-established at Nicaea some discipline among the crusaders, caused the siege of Antioch to be raised and died in that city of the plague on the 1st of August 1098.
Here we pause to remark that in Tertullian's view the church as a whole possesses the power of self-government and administration, though in the interest of discipline and convenience it delegates that power to special officers.
These are subdivided into pastors, who administer the word and sacraments, doctors, who teach and expound the Bible, elders pure and simple, who exercise rule and discipline.
Knox, for example, did away with the imposition of hands (M`Crie's Knox, period vii.), though the rite was restored by the Scottish Presbyterian Church in the Second Book of Discipline.
Throughout the latter part of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century, the Hungarian gentry underwent a cruel discipline at the hands of their Habsburg kings.
This masterly winter-campaign first revealed Gdrgei's military genius, and the discipline of that terrible month of marching and counter-marching had hardened his recruits into veterans whom his country regarded with pride and his country's enemies with respect.
Rome is indeed to be honoured as the mother of the churches; nor would Gerbert oppose her judgments except in two cases - (I) where she enjoins something that is contrary to the decrees of a universal council, such as that of Nice, or (2) where, after having been once appealed to in a matter of ecclesiastical discipline and having refused to give a plain and speedy decision, she should, at a later date, attempt to call in question the provisions of the metropolitan synod called to remedy the effects of her negligence.
As a matter of fact, the discipline of the Eastern churches with regard to the relics was, from the very beginning, much less severe than that of Rome and a great number of the Western churches.
While pointing out that history has a utility as a mental discipline and a part of a liberal education, he recommended its study chiefly for its own sake, for the truth's sake and for the pleasure which it brings.
The organization and equipment is defective, and the force deficient in numbers and discipline.
Enactments were also passed touching procedure in the ecclesiastical courts, the creation of new monastic orders, appointments to offices in the church, marriage-law, conventual discipline, the veneration of relics, pilgrimages and intercourse with Jews and Saracens.
From 1850 until his death he interfered little in affairs of dogma and church discipline, although he addressed to the powers circulars enclosing the Syllabus (1864) and the acts of the Vatican Council (1870).
We see now that the practice of the experimental method endows with a new vision both the experimenter himself and, through his influence, those who are associated with him in medical science, even if these be not themselves actually engaged in experiment; a new discipline is imposed upon old faculties, as is seen as well in other sciences as in those on which medicine more directly depends.
The founding of new teaching universities, in which England, and even France, had been at some disadvantage as compared with Scotland and Germany, strengthened the movement in favour of enlarging and liberalizing technical training, and of anticipating technical instruction by some broader scientific discipline; though, as in all times of transition, something was lost temporarily by a departure from the old discipline of the grammar school before a new scheme of training the mind in scientific habits and conceptions was established or fully apprehended.
By these, and other instruments of precision, such as the thermometer, of which we have already spok en, the eminently scientific discipline of the measurement of functional movements, so difficult in the complex science of biology, has been cultivated.
He brought bills into parliament to reform Church patronage and Church discipline, and worked unremittingly for years in their behalf.
He strengthened the regimental system adopted by Dingiswayo and perfected the discipline of his army.
Experiments have also been made with the Kachin hillmen and with the Shans; but the Burmese character is so averse to discipline and control in petty matters that it is impossible to get really suitable men to enlist even in the civil police.
It appears from the evidence of Europeans who resided in Ava, that they were entirely unacquainted with the discipline and resources of the Europeans.
During his first expedition (622) he failed to secure a footing in Armenia, whence he had hoped to take the Persians in flank, but by his unwearied energy he restored the discipline and efficiency of the army.
Liturgies were taking shape, penance was deemed of more importance than repentance, and there was more insistence on discipline than on Christian morality.
Why he submitted to a discipline palpably unsuited to his fiery spirit we cannot tell.
Fleury's evident intention was to write a history of the church for all classes of society; but at the time in which his great work appeared it was less religion than theology that absorbed the attention of the clergy and the educated public; and his work accordingly appealed to the student rather than to the popular reader, dwelling as it does very particularly on questions of doctrine, of discipline, of supremacy, and of rivalry between the priesthood and the imperial power.
With this view he composed a treatise on The Laws and Discipline of Sacred War, which he presented to Saladin, who received it with peculiar favour.
Roused by these crying evils, a small band of earnest men formed themselves into an association for the improvement of prison discipline.
Irons were strictly forbidden except in cases of "urgent and absolute necessity," and it was ruled that every prisoner should have a bed to himself - if possible a separate cell, the last being the first formal statement of a principle upon which all future prison discipline was to be based.
But by this time a still more determined effort had been made to establish some uniform and improved system of prison discipline.
There can be little doubt that this committee was greatly struck by 4he superior methods of prison discipline pursued in the United States.
All discipline officers were permitted to wield the whip summarily and without the slightest check.
The third stage in Sir George Grey's scheme contemplated the enforced emigration of released convicts, whom the discipline of separation and public works was supposed to have purged and purified, and who would have better hopes of entering on a new career of honest industry in a new country than when thrown back among vicious associations at home.
Meanwhile prison discipline in the elementary stage, as inflicted on lesser offenders, was continually discussed.
A new committee sat in 1863, and in its report again remarked in no measured terms upon the many and wide differences that still existed in the gaols of Great Britain as regards construction, diet, labour and general discipline, "leading to an inequality, uncertainty and inefficiency of punishment productive of the most prejudicial results."
Matters could only be mended by the exercise of legislative authority, and this came in the Prison Act of 1865, an act which consolidated all previous statutes on the subject of prison discipline, many of its provisions being still in force.
These commissioners had power to consolidate by closing superfluous prisons, to establish one system of discipline, and generally by watchful supervision, aided by the experience of specialists, to maintain that muchdesired uniformity which had been so long and unsuccessfully sought.
The verdict given was in the main satisfactory; but doubts were expressed as to the severity of the discipline inflicted, the principal features of which were moderate labour, ample diet and substantial gratuities.
Having thus traced the history of secondary punishments and prison discipline in England, it will be well to describe the system now actually in force.
In a word, as regards discipline, labour, treatment, exactly the same system obtains in the "local" prisons throughout the United Kingdom.
The Prison Act of 1898 made some marked changes in penal discipline.
It was feared that the removal of this powerful deterrent would adversely affect discipline, but on the contrary, the yearly average of prison offences has diminished from 147 to 131 per thousand prisoners, and it has been felt by the authorities that the limitation was salutary and wise.
The question will arise some day whether it is really necessary to maintain fifty-six local prisons, with all their elaborate paraphernalia, their imposing buildings and expensive staff, to maintain discipline in daily life and insist upon the proper observance of customs and usages, many of them of purely modern invention.
India retains association as the system most suitable for its criminal classes, with other methods generally abandoned in Great Britain, such as the employment of wellconducted prisoners as auxiliaries in prison discipline and service; deportation is still the penalty for the worst offences and is carried out on a large scale and with satisfactory results in the Andaman Islands.
The latter sometimes lapses into methods which are not usually thought compatible with prison discipline, such as the permission to play on musical instruments, the holding of concerts, the privilege of smoking and chewing tobacco, of receiving baskets of provisions, novels and newspapers from friends outside.
In the first mentioned, the contract system, by which a contractor hires the prisoner's labour from the state, has proved very profitable, but at the sacrifice of discipline and neglect of reformatory processes upon the individual.
This leasing-out system has been carried further in some of the southern states, and has produced the convict camps, which have been much criticized and condemned from the harshness of the discipline enforced, the many abuses that exist and the meagre results other than monetary that have been obtained.
The people of Irak had never been accustomed to discipline, and no improvement had taken place during the troubles of the last years.
The peasant got rid of a hateful drudgery which not only took up his time and means in an unprofitable manner, but placed him under the rough control and the arbitrary discipline of stewards or reeves and gave occasion to all sorts of fines and extortions.
In 1828, after a year's special preparation, young Fremont entered the junior class of the college of Charleston, and here displayed marked ability, especially in mathematics; but his irregular attendance and disregard of college discipline led to his expulsion from the institution, which, however, conferred upon him a degree in 1836.
But Kearny's authority being confirmed about the 1st of April, Fremont, for repeated acts of disobedience, was sent under arrest to Washington, where he was tried by courtmartial, found guilty (January 1847) of mutiny, disobedience and conduct prejudicial to military discipline, and sentenced to dismissal from the service.
Neoplatonism had accepted the Aristotelian logic with its sharper definition than anything handed down from Plato, and, except the logic of the Sceptics, there was no longer any rival discipline of the like prestige.
No scientific discipline, however, with the doubtful exception of descriptive psychology, stands to gain anything from a temper like that of Hume.
If alleged Psycho- P g Logy.ic a priori constituents of knowledge - such rubrics as substance, property, relation - come to be explained psychologically, the formal logic that has perforce to ignore all that belongs to psychology is confined within too narrow a range to be able to maintain its place as an independent discipline, and tends to be merged in psychology.
That it was the formal character of Herbart's logic which was ultimately fatal to its acceptance outside the school as an independent discipline is not to be doubted.
Finally he accepted the decrees against him and retracted "all that he said contrary to the faith, morals and discipline of the Church."
At the dawn of Greek history Mycenae is no longer the seat of empire; new empires, polities and civilizations have grown up - Sparta with its military discipline, Delphi with its religious supremacy, Miletus with its commerce and numberless colonies, Aeolis and Ionia, Sicily and Magna Graecia.
Akbar succeeded his father in 1556 under the regency of Bairam Khan, a Turkoman noble, whose energy in repelling pretenders to the throne, and severity in maintaining the discipline of the army, tended greatly to the consolidation of the newly recovered empire.
He was ever pressing his views of ecclesiastical government and discipline, derived from the Apostolical Constitutions, on the ecclesiastical authorities, and marvelled that they could not see the matter in the same light as himself.
The popes, then, or at least the more politic of them, have been content to lay down as the condition of reunion no more than the acceptance of the distinctive dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church, especially the supremacy and infallibility of the pope; the ritus of the Uniat Oriental Churches - liturgies and liturgical languages, ecclesiastical law and discipline, marriage of priests, beards and costume, the monastic system of St Basil - they have been content for the most part to leave untouched.
Teresa turned to the mystical writers, and learnt from them how to root out the last relics of self-love from the mind by a long discipline of mystical trance and " contemplation."
English youths who spend their time at Eton between athletic sports and Latin verses, and who take an Ireland with a first class in "Greats" at Oxford, are pursuing the same course of physical and mental discipline as the princes of Gonzaga or Montefeltro in the 15th century.
The doctors of the universities were too wedded to their antiquated manuals and methods, too satisfied with dullness, too proud of titles and diplomas, too anxious to preserve ecclesiastical discipline and to repress mental activity, for a genial spirit of humanism to spread freely.
Until the following March, Washington's work was to bring about some semblance of military organization and discipline, to collect ammunition and military stores, to correspond with Congress and the colonial authorities, to guide military operations in widely separate parts of the country, to create a military system for a people entirely unaccustomed to such a thing and impatient and suspicious under it, and to bend the course of events steadily towards driving the British out of Boston.
We may therefore expect in primitive asceticism to find many abstentions and much self-torture apparently valueless for the training of character and discipline of the feelings, which are the essence of any healthy asceticism.
The Pythagoreans and Orphic mystae so abstained all their life long, and Porphyry eloquently insists on such a discipline for all who "are not content merely to talk about Reason, but are really intent on casting aside the body and living through Reason with Truth.
The Order, however, which the would-be ascetic can enter by regular initiation, when he is twenty years of age, entails a discipline much more severe.
The Scottish church, hitherto without a definite constitution, soon espoused under his able leadership a logical and thorough Presbyterianism, which was expressed in the Second Book of Discipline, adopted by the assembly in 1577, and was never afterwards set aside by the church when acting freely.
Three specialist routes - military, schools and healthcare chaplains, each route specifically tailored to the needs of each chaplaincy discipline.
It was found also that such delinquents were subjected to discipline according to the rules of the church to which they belonged.
This emerging discipline has been given renewed impetus with the announcement of the 2012 Olympics.
I will act on behalf of the parents, teachers and children forgotten by Mr Blair, to restore discipline and respect in classrooms.
Suitable candidate will have at least an HNC in a related discipline.
The work of the League of Struggle was organized on principles of centralism and strict discipline.
Certainly there must be freedom to frame the law as a humanities discipline and not solely as a branch of social science.
Students should have educational qualifications in a physical science discipline or demonstrable work experience in any of these areas.
Richmond & Zetland Harriers Sports club involved in road running, track and field, fell running and multi discipline.
Make sure we baseball's mariners play from underwriting discipline.
Estimates put it that the number of jobs open to students from any degree discipline at upwards of 50% .
Eat what Your Child eat what Your Child Eats This requires commitment and discipline!
This is the ethical outworking of the good news, and even ecclesiastical discipline.
Are able to discipline someone in a way that does not cause enmity.
Carlson decided to relax the traditional methods of military discipline to develop greater esprit de corps.
A lot of men clearly saw fatherhood as discipline, as responsibility foisted on you from above - ultimately necessary, but preferably postponed.
It is academically fraudulent and an offense against University discipline.
City's discipline was beginning to get a little frayed.
Instruction in this discipline has for decades been based on a few classic textbooks which until now have adequately fulfilled their purpose.
Thus, many universities have gophers that group together information often a particular discipline.
Managing Discipline and grievance more buy Help your managers take the fear and stress out of dealing with discipline and grievance in the workplace.
Case of mhpi discipline velas said japan has picked.
Whilst the public is subjected to " market discipline ", however, multinationals continue to enjoy the largesse of the Bank.
Buddhists are often described as atheists, because their discipline of spiritual liberation is wholly unconnected with any belief in divine agency.
Specific legislation shall regulate the functioning and powers of the management and discipline organ of the administrative jurisdictional magistracy.
Impairment was also associated with substantial costs, e.g. attorney malpractice and the Washington State Bar Association discipline process.
The post monetarist path to stability requires the discipline of a long term institutional framework.
Any decision to support an institution, particularly in circumstances of underlying insolvency, creates a moral hazard that undermines market discipline.
Public Health informatics seems to be a somewhat neglected discipline on the web.
One is the approach of pure nonviolence, which cannot readily or easily attract large masses, for it requires extraordinary discipline and courage.
Now he had somebody who could provide the discipline and technical nous that he lacked.
It looks like esthetics is a discipline which will remain opaque to me.
They note " Computational modeling has strengths orthogonal to the strengths of either traditional research discipline " (p. 7 ).
Bea notices Meg looking pained at Sally's heavy handed attempts to impose discipline.
A baby parrot needs discipline as, much like a human toddler, they do get into anything and everything.
It will also create a discipline of not living off of your entire paycheck.
For Hammond all contemporary craft potters, however diverse in method and intention, contributed to the momentum of the discipline.
Some ordinary men attain samadhi through spiritual discipline; but they do not come back.
When I asked about the severe discipline at El Bulli, he fixed me with a wide-eyed stare.
Even at the front under strict discipline officers could not prevent unofficial, totally illegal truces between men.
The consequence of fools despising wisdom and discipline has been great on their own lives, schools, society and family life.
As a judicatory it is the final court of appeal; and by it alone can the graver censures of church discipline be reviewed and removed.
The weak point in the system is that episcopal superintendence being exercised in every case by a plurality of individuals there is no one, moderator or senior member, whose special duty it is to take initial action when the unpleasant work of judicial investigation or ecclesiastical discipline becomes necessary.
For example, John Row, one of the five commissioners appointed by the Scottish Privy Council to draw up what is now known as the First Book of Discipline, distinctly says that" they took not their example from any kirk in the world; no, not from Geneva ";"; but they drew their plan from the sacred Scriptures.'
When their ministers, moved by an intense desire to keep the Church pure by means of the exercise of scriptural discipline, claimed special spiritual rule over the people, it was not wonderful that the latter should have been reluctant to submit to a new spiritual despotism.
Hence friction, at times, between the Reformers and civic authorities friendly to the Reformation; not as to whether there should be "discipline" (that was never doubted) but as to whether it should be ecclesiastical or municipal.
This discipline is all-important, and is the special business of the governors.
In 1576 William, with the support of Holland, Zeeland and their allies, put forth forty articles, by which doctors, elders and deacons were recognized, and church discipline given to the elders, subject to appeal to the magistrate and by which the Church was placed in absolute dependence on the state.
Different views on subscription and discipline, and the arbitrary act of excision were the barriers to union, but these were removed; in 1758 the adopting act was re-established in its original breadth, the "Synod of New York and Philadelphia" was formed, and the reunion was signalized by the formation of the presbytery of Hanover in Virginia.
In 1834 a convention of the Old Side was held in Philadelphia, and the "Act and Testimony" was adopted charging doctrinal unsoundness and neglect of discipline upon the New Side, and urging that these should be excluded from the Church.
In 1869 and 1871 commissions were appointed to inquire into prison discipline, and as a consequence of the report of the last commission, issued in 1874, the principle of cellular confinement was put in operation the following year.
But it is just to remember that without the stern discipline of the law the community of the second temple could hardly have escaped dissolution, and that Judaism alone preserved for Christianity the hard-won achievements of the prophets.3 4.
Of Marston Moor he writes, "we never charged but we routed them"; and thereafter his battles were decided by the shock of closed squadrons, the fresh impulse of a second and even a third line, and above all by the unquestioning discipline and complete control over their horses to which he trained his men.
In those provinces of the Anglican communion where the Church is not established by the state, the tendency is not to attempt any external discipline over the laity; but on the other hand to exercise consensual jurisdiction over the clergy and office-bearers through courts nearly modelled on the old canonical patterns.
His visit to the Azores, which was constantly broken by confinement to a darkened room, is chiefly noteworthy from the fact that he there began the mental discipline which enabled him to compose and retain in memory long passages for subsequent dictation; and, apart from the gain in culture, his journey to England, France, and Italy (April 1816 to July 1817) was scarcely satisfactory.
By the common methods of discipline, at the expense of many tears and some blood, I purchased the knowledge of the Latin syntax," but manifestly, in his own opinion, the Arabian Nights, Pope's Homer, and Dryden's Virgil, eagerly read, had at this period exercised a much more powerful influence on his intellectual development than Phaedrus and Cornelius Nepos, "painfully construed and darkly understood."
Irksome as were his employments, grievous as was the waste of time, uncongenial as were his companions, solid benefits were to be set off against these things; his health became robust, his knowledge of the world was enlarged, he wore off some of his foreign idiom, got rid of much of his reserve; he adds - and perhaps in his estimate it was the benefit to be most prized of all - " the discipline and evolutions of a modern battalion gave me a clearer notion of the phalanx and the legion, and the captain of the Hampshire grenadiers (the reader may smile) has not been useless to the historian of the Roman empire."
The De Institutione Coenobiorum (twelve books) describes the dress, the food, the devotional exercises, the discipline and the special spiritual dangers of monastic life in the East (gluttony, unchastity, avarice, anger, gloom, apathy, vanity and pride).
Such groups (each with its local deity) would combine for definite purposes under the impulse of external needs, but owing to inevitable internal jealousies and the incessant feuds among a people averse from discipline and authority, the unions were not necessarily lasting.
He attributed to his early discipline in this logic an impatience of vague language which in all likelihood was really fostered in him by his study of the Platonic dialogues and of Bentham, for he always had in himself more 6f Plato's fertile ingenuity in canvassing the meaning of vague terms than the schoolman's rigid consistency in the use of them.
Though section 61 of the Naval Judge Discipline Act 1866 recognizes the possibility of his Advocate presence at a court-martial, he does not nowadays the attend, but is represented by his deputy or by an Fleet.
These enthusiastic evangelists esteemed zeal a higher virtue than discipline and decorum, and put small emphasis on church systems as compared with conversions.
It speaks well for the patriotic devotion and discipline of her commons that Athens, weakened by plague and military disasters, should have withstood for so long the blows of her numerous enemies from without, and the damage inflicted by traitors within her walls (see Antiphon, Theramenes).
The Quakerism of this period was largely of a traditional kind; it dwelt with increasing emphasis on the peculiarities of its dress and language; it rested much upon discipline, which developed and hardened into rigorous forms; and the correction or exclusion of its members occupied more attention than did the winning of converts.
Above all, many of its members have come to " the conviction, which is not new, but old, that the virtues which can be rewarded and the vices which can be punished by external discipline are not as a rule the virtues and the vices that make or mar the soul " (Hatch, Bampton Lectures, 81).
In the passage cited above, "monastic discipline, the daily charge of singing in the church, learning, teaching, writing," in other words devotion and study make up the even tenor of Bede's tranquil life.
Instead of seizing all provisions and burning what they could not remove, the Prussian generals enforced on their men the utmost forbearance towards the inhabitants, and the fact that they were obeyed, in spite of the inhumanity the people showed to their sick and wounded countrymen, proves that discipline was by no means so far gone as has generally been believed.
Prosecutions 2 The term "Protestant" is used here in its widest sense of those Churches which reformed their doctrine and discipline as a result of the religious revolution of the 16th century (see Reformation).
It has indeed been maintained by eminent scholars, chiefly by Hatch and Harnack, that the word episcopus was given originally to the chief officer of a club or a confraternity, so that the episcopus was a financial officer, whereas the presbyters regulated the discipline.
The fervid temperament of a fresh and vigorous race, which received the Latin discipline just as Latium had tw9 or three centuries previously received the Greek discipline, revealed itself in the writings of the Senecas, Lucan, Quintilian, Martial and others, who in their own time added literary distinction to the Spanish towns from which they came.
The Cretan cities, irrespective of origin, exhibit serfage, militant aristocracy, rigid martial discipline of all citizens, and other marked analogies with Sparta; but the Asiatic Dorians and the other Dorian colonies do not differ appreciably in their social and political history from their Ionian and Aeolic neighbours.
According to the medieval canon law, based on the decretals, and codified in the 13th century in the Corpus juris canonici, by which the earlier powers of metropolitans had been greatly curtailed, the powers of the archbishop consisted in the right (i) to confirm and consecrate suffragan bishops; (2) to summon and preside over provincial synods; (3) to superintend the suffragans and visit their dioceses, as well as to censure and punish bishops in the interests of discipline, the right of deprivation, however, being reserved to the pope; (4) to act as a court of appeal from the diocesan courts; (5) to exercise the jus devolutionis, i.e.
And thus, within the large congregations where there was so much that was open to censure in doctrine and constitution and morals, conventicles were formed in order that Christians might prepare themselves by strict discipline for the day of the Lord.
That baptism is called the Seal (vdpa'yls), and Illumination (4ceno-phs) in the 2nd century has been set down to the influence of the pagan mysteries; but as a matter of fact the former term is a metaphor from military discipline, and the idea conveyed in the latter that gnosis or imparting of divine love is an illumining of the soul is found both in the Old and New Testaments.
Otho had owed his success, not only to the resentment felt by the praetorian guards at Galba's well-meant attempts to curtail their privileges in the interests of discipline, but also largely to the attachment felt in Rome for the memory of Nero; and his first acts as emperor showed that he was not unmindful of the fact.
Brawling in a church was an offence which formerly fell solely under the cognizance of the spiritual courts, but by the Ecclesiastical Courts Jurisdiction Act 1860 any person guilty of brawling in churches or chapels of the Church of England or Ireland, or in any chapel of any religious denomination, is liable on conviction to a fine or imprisonment (see Brawling), while clergymen of the Church of England may also be dealt with under the Clergy Discipline Act 1892.
However much they might personally disapprove, ' zealous priests could not forbid their parishioners to dance on Sunday, if the practice had won widespread toleration; on the other hand, they could not relax the usual discipline of the church on the strength of a few unguarded opinions of too indulgent casuists.
It is not in the Puritan direction, but intended to emphasize and to make more clear church doctrine and discipline, which in recent years had become obscured or decayed.
Yet under Julius steps were taken to abolish plurality of benefices and to restore monastic discipline; the Collegium Germanicum, for the conversion of Germans, was established in Rome, 1552; and England was absolved by the cardinal-legate Pole, and received again into the Roman communion (1554) Julius died on the 23rd of March 1555, and was succeeded by Marcellus II.
As a conscious effort to bring religion into daily life, chivalry was less successful than later puritanism; while the educated classes of our own day far surpass the average medieval knight in discipline, self-control and outward or inward refinement.
But it happened that this small state was led by a man of high military genius, capable of infusing into others his own undaunted spirit, while his subjects had learned both from him and his predecessors habits of patience, perseverance and discipline.
He was then a mere lad, amiable, well-meaning, but entirely under the dominion of his mother, a woman of many virtues, who surrounded him with wise counsellors, watched over the development of his character and improved the tone of the administration, but on the other hand was inordinately jealous, and alienated the army by extreme parsimony, while neither she nor her son had a strong enough hand to keep tight the reins of military discipline.
During the lifetime of Griffith Jones the course of Welsh Methodism had run in orthodox channels and had been generally supported by the Welsh clergy and gentry; but after his death the tendency to exceed the bounds of conventional Church discipline grew so marked as to excite the alarm of the English bishops in Wales.
Resolutions were also adopted on the Beguines and their mode of life (see Beguines), the control of the hospitals, the institution of instructors in Hebrew, Arabic and Chaldaic at the universities, and on numerous details of ecclesiastical discipline and law.
De Misericordia et Justitia, a collection of biblical and patristic extracts with a commentary (an important work for the history of church law and discipline), which is to be found in the Anecdota of Martene, vol.
The well-known story of Tauler's conversion and discipline by "the Friend of God from the Oberland" (see Nicholas Of Basel) cannot be regarded as historical.
Soon bitter controversies arose, especially in the West, where questions of discipline have always been to the fore (see Montanism; Novatianus; Donatists).
All are required to abstain from tobacco and wine; the women used not to be allowed to wear gold or silver, or silk or brocade, but this rule is commonly broken now; and although neither celibacy nor retirement from the affairs of the world is either imperative or customary, unusual respect is shown to those who voluntarily submit themselves to ascetic discipline.
Besides the appearance of the hair, the raised cicatrices, the belief in omens and sorcery, the practices for testing the courage of youths, &c., they are equally rude, merry and boisterous, but amenable to discipline, and with decided artistic tastes and faculty.
A law passed on the 1st of July 1902 requires that all private schools must be authorized by the state, and arranges for their periodical inspection, for the enforcement of proper sanitation and discipline, and for the appointment of a suitable staff of teachers.
This council not only continued the Hildebrandine reforms by sharpening the discipline of the clergy, but marks an epoch in the history of the papacy by its famous regulation of future elections to the Holy See (see Lateran Councils, and Conclave).
The Guards had made their whole march as if on a pleasure trip, parading their cleanliness and discipline.
When sent for by Count Ostermann, Rostov, remembering that he had charged without orders, felt sure his commander was sending for him to punish him for breach of discipline.
Scarcely a quarter of the soldiers remain with the standards of their regiments, the others go off by themselves in different directions hoping to find food and escape discipline.
Students are encouraged to attend the lectures to improve their critical and self-reflexive intellectual approach to the practice discipline of media production.
The nature and source of conflict has also been a central interest for sociological theorists since the founding of the discipline.
We aim to help the children develop self discipline and will not tolerate bullying in any form.
It 's a desperate situation, and the Dirty Pair are the galaxy 's last hope to discipline the unruly bunch !
But Patel keeps his discipline nicely and might have had a wicket if Pietersen 's uppish cover-drive had picked out a fielder.
The Decline of The Discipline It is generally regarded that medicine in the Muslim world began its decline at around the twelfth century.
I gave my toddler an admonitory look for drawing on the walls, but she was so proud of her creation that I couldn't properly discipline her.
You must have a lot of discipline in order to complete all of the training required for a marathon.
Most product release dates can be hit, as long as the team is solid and discipline around the product spec exists.
Too much money leads to bad habits, the chief ones being sloppiness and lack of discipline.
Discipline procedures should be spelled out to the babysitter.
These cards are still valid options, but one that requires cardholder discipline to extract the best advantage.
One tip I recommend is differed gratification exercises to develop the discipline that what you want can be better savored and more satisfactory if you save for it.
Good money management requires that you get good information, learn how to use it, and exercise the discipline necessary to meet your long-term financial goals.
Showering him/her with expensive presents and neglecting to discipline inappropriate behavior will only create problems later on.
Always check with the agency that regulates attorney discipline in your state to ensure that your lawyer is a member in good standing.
If one parent adopts a style of discipline the other does not agree with, this can lead to arguments and stress in the home.
This encompassed daily care and nurturing as well as decision making in areas like health care, religion, allowance, education, privileges, bedtimes, chores, food restrictions and discipline.
Frivolity was frowned upon and hard work and discipline became the order of the day.
The education of an interior decorator varies widely; a professional decorator may possess a degree in interior design, a related discipline, or no degree at all.
Learning how to measure and having the discipline for accuracy can help you say good-bye to those kind of surprises.
Also, don't expect to fall into a deep meditative state during the first few attempts, like any discipline, meditation requires practice.
Yoga - Yoga is an Eastern discipline of stretching that clears and focuses the mind while pushing the body.
Not only will you reap physical benefits, but if you practice this mental discipline regularly you can experience the positive effects of meditation on the mind.
Most elementary anger management programs target at-risk children, such as those with a history of discipline problems at school.
Parents of bullies tend to use inconsistent discipline and don't monitor their children's whereabouts as much as some other parents.
Boot camps for troubled teens use military exercises, rigorous physical training and discipline to break defiant adolescents of their bad behavior.
Boot camps, military schools and boarding school are all options for discipline problems, but drug treatment programs that are close to home are a better first step.
Discipline is still important, so set rules and stick to them.
That's a conversation you two need to have, that doesn't involve discipline, yelling or emotion.
Whether a student is found cheating on tests or homework, or is simply hanging with the wrong clique, trouble follows when teens feel they can't share their fears and concerns to an adult without fear of judgment or discipline.
However, physics projects can help make the discipline leap off of the page and into real life situations.
Young models can learn a lot from modeling, from self-esteem to discipline.
When conventional discipline isn't effective, a wilderness camp for troubled teens may just be what your teenager needs.
Falling grades, discipline problems at school (up to and including suspension) and problems with peers or parents may occur.
If you're an advanced cake decorator with some extra time on your hands and plenty of discipline, you can create a wide variety of different gum paste flowers that look very realistic.
So you've picked your degree and discipline.
Does your online college offer a master's program in your discipline?
Bioengineering degree programs combine coursework in the fields of biology and engineering to give students a solid education in the principles and techniques of this discipline.
Enrolling in a distance education program for this discipline has several benefits.
According to the school's website, every academic discipline offers some online courses - though many fields cannot be completed fully online or through distance learning.
This community college in Cheyenne, Wyoming offers a large list of degrees and certificates in many discipline areas.
He had observed the dogs while serving in World War I and was very impressed with their loyalty and discipline.
Raising the dog successfully from a puppy to an adult is well worth it in terms of companionship if you are prepared to give this breed the attention, exercise and discipline it not only needs, but craves from you.
The choice of term appears to be related to the country of origin or discipline of the observer.
Whether your instrument is guitar or bass, with the above resources and the discipline to sit and practice, you'll be able to wow your friends with your version of Sweet Home Alabama in no time.
Women today are health conscious, but it takes discipline and motivation to stick with any fitness routine.
Exact disciplinary measures vary between public and private schools as well as grade level, and concerned parents should contact their child's school for details on bus safety and discipline.
A School Safety Plan must also address discipline issues.
Yes, there are goals to be met (set by yourself) and the only way you can achieve them is by your own determination and discipline.
In other countries, children are commonly treated in a harsh, strict manner, using shame or corporal punishment for discipline.
It includes various child-rearing practices, for example weaning, toilet training, and discipline.
They may be careless or unaware of the child's needs for affection and discipline.
Discipline is also a concern of parents.
While discipline in necessary to teach a child how to live comfortably in society, it should not be confused with punishment.
The role of the stepparent and status in the family is often unclear with regard to authority, level of involvement with the stepchild, and discipline.
Trained counselors, educators, or psychologists work with parents to help them find positive discipline strategies and positive communication skills to promote child anger management and conflict resolution skills.
Indeed, research has revealed that aggressive behavior is the common link between harsh, inconsistent discipline and rejection by peers.
Many parents and teachers were therefore afraid to discipline their children, and permissiveness became the rule.
The term "discipline" comes from the Latin word "disciplinare," which means "to teach."
Through discipline, children are able to learn self-control, self-direction, competence, and a sense of caring.
The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that an effective discipline system must contain three elements.
If these three aspects are all present in a program of discipline, the result generally is improved child behavior.
Discipline teaches both social and moral standards and should protect children from harm by teaching what is safe.
Parents should demonstrate a unified front when it comes to discipline.
As children respond to this positive relationship and consistent discipline, the need for negative interaction decreases.
Extinction is a type of discipline that seeks to prevent inadvertent positive reinforcement for negative behavior.
Despite its common acceptance, research shows that spanking is a less effective form of discipline than others, such as time-out or removal of privileges.
Discipline strategies with infants should be passive.
Toddlers, like infants, still benefit most from passive types of discipline and a toddler-safe environment.
However, discipline remains just as important for teens as it does for younger children.
One of the most common problems in child discipline is an inconsistent approach between two parents.
Time-out-A discipline strategy that entails briefly isolating a disruptive child in order to interrupt and avoid reinforcement of negative behavior.
There is often no other adult with whom to share decision-making, discipline, and financial responsibilities.
Questions pertain to rules regarding food and methods for handling discipline problems and fees the parents will pay.
How does the sitter handle issues of discipline?
It is also important to maintain as much normalcy as possible after a divorce by sticking to regular routines, such as meal times, bedtime, rules of behavior, and methods of discipline.
Infants, because of their fragility, are more susceptible to injury from physical discipline than older children.
Yoga achieves its best results when it is practiced as a daily discipline, and yoga can be a life-long exercise routine, offering deeper and more challenging positions as a practitioner becomes more adept.
The goal of therapy is to help provide a consistent daily schedule, support, rules, discipline, and limits, as well as to help train patients to get along with others by modifying behaviors.
In many cases, parents themselves need intensive training on modeling and reinforcing appropriate behaviors in their child, as well as in providing appropriate discipline to prevent inappropriate behavior.
Some parents worry that stress might bring on a seizure and are therefore unwilling to discipline a child with a seizure disorder and might give in to the usual childish demands.
On the whole, the families of creative children discipline them without rigid restrictions, teaching them respect for values above rules.
However, hip hop has made it big in the formal dance school environment, and has become a great outlet and source of exercise for many who don't have the discipline or interest for something as refined and strict as ballet.
Today, despite more popular dance forms such as hip hop and ballroom filling our living rooms, many dancers continue to value tap training and realize the importance of being at least adequately skilled in this discipline.
However, through four performers with careers cumulatively spanning over a hundred years, it is possible to get an idea of the kind of discipline, passion, and lives flamenco dancers live.
Ballet is often credited with teaching children discipline, musicality, and a non-competitive group mentality.
Keep in mind that conventional education may give the appearance of creating discipline but outward appearance can be misleading.
Discipline is crucial to a child's education because human beings need to cultivate good habits and excellent character.
Often overlooked in public schools, art as a discipline teaches so much more than how to color between the lines.
You want the best and the brightest in your discipline teaching you!
What about discipline when the baby gets older?
Who will discipline and what technique will you use?
Of course Phelps is a master of discipline and ability, but he generously cites Speedo's assistance and quality swimwear as part of what has helped propel him to new heights in the swimming world.
Early in 2009, Phelps ran into some trouble when photographs surfaced of him smoking from a bong, suggesting a drop in his strong discipline and potentially affecting his chances of competition.
While these women may be born with generous assets, it still takes a lot of hard work and discipline to sculpt those bodies into toned perfection.
How do you plan to discipline your children?
Something else will catch her imagination, and she may lack the discipline to wait until her current project is finished before starting the new one.
The Scorpio man must learn discipline; this is a nasty topic that he'll resist.
Virgo helps Pisces learn greater discipline while Pisces teaches Virgo that it's okay to let loose of self-discipline every now and then.