Discharge Sentence Examples
Feeling better than she had in months, she nagged the doctor to discharge her from the hospital.
The discharge is not infrequently accompanied by a sizzling sound.
Various devices have been suggested for extinguishing the arc and yet allowing the condenser oscillatory discharge to take place.
Several rivers, of which the Komo is the chief, discharge their waters into the estuary.
Local governing authorities now discharge economic functions of enormous importance and complexity, involving sums of money larger than sufficed to run important states a generation ago.
The elongated cylindrical cones grow chiefly at the ends of the upper branches; they are purplish at first, but become afterwards green, and eventually light brown; their scales are slightly toothed at the extremity; they ripen in the autumn, but seldom discharge their seeds until the following spring.
With the rise and fall of the tide the discharge pipes are flushed at the bottom.
The combination of nitrogen with oxygen was first effected by Cavendish in 1785, who employed a spark discharge.
The trestles of this weir are, as usual, hinged to the apron, so that in flood-time they can be completely lowered into a recess across the apron by means of chains actuated by a winch, leaving the channel perfectly open for the discharge of floods and for the passage of vessels when the lock is submerged.
During this stage, whitish discharge from the vagina may be present.
AdvertisementSymptoms include severe abdominal pain, high fever, and vaginal discharge.
His declining days were spent in the discharge of his honourable Florentine office and in the composition of his history.
The discharge of water is by law so regulated that the maximum flow shall not exceed 250,000 cub.
Vessels load and discharge by means of lighters, the outer harbour having a depth at entrance of 24 ft.
Formerly the sparkand absorption-spectra were the sole methods available; a third method was introduced by Crookes, who submitted the oxides, or preferably the basic sulphates, to the action of a negative electric discharge in vacuo, and investigated the phosphorescence induced spectroscopically.
AdvertisementThere is a quay here where large vessels can discharge, and agricultural produce is exported.
It was not, however, a commercial success, and the same result attended Siemens and Halske's application of the silent discharge.
The conversion of nitrogen into ammonia by electricity has received much attention, but the commercial aspect appears to have been first worked out by de Hemptinne in 1900, who used both the spark and silent discharge on mixtures of hydrogen and nitrogen, and found that the pressure and temperature must be kept low and the spark gap narrow.
Alexander annulled his grant in 1258, but still pressed Henry for the discharge of unpaid arrears of subsidies.
At Chushul (below the Kyi-chu) the discharge of the river is computed to be about 35,000 cub.
AdvertisementNear Goalpara the discharge of the river in January 1828 was computed to be 140,000 cub.
Thence he was led to his famous researches on the phenomena produced by the discharge of electricity through highly exhausted tubes (sometimes known as "Crookes' tubes" in consequence), and to the development of his theory of "radiant matter" or matter in a "fourth state," which led up to the modern electronic theory.
Under the influence of the transient current, the galvanometer needle undergoes a momentary deflection, or " throw," which is proportional to Q, and therefore to 8B, and thus, if we know the deflection produced by the discharge through the galvanometer of a given quantity of electricity, we have the means of determining the value of 8B.
They contain scarcely any water except in the rainy season, when they are very full and rapid, and discharge themselves into the Runn, all along the coast of which the wells and springs are more or less impregnated with common salt and other saline ingredients.
They are merely craters raised above the level of the surrounding country by the gradual accretion of the soft oily mud, which overflows at frequent intervals whenever a discharge of gas occurs.
AdvertisementThe attention of Newton was also directed to the discharge of water from orifices in the bottom of vessels.
P. Hachette (1769-1834) in1816-1817published memoirs containing the results of experiments on the spouting of fluids and the discharge of vessels.
Bornemann re-examined all these results with great care, and gave formulae expressing the variation of the coefficients of discharge in different conditions (Civil Ingenieur, 1880).
For these opinions he was in 1728 suspended from the discharge of ministerial functions, and finally deposed in 1730.
A modification of the system of double-bottom defecators has lately been introduced with considerable success in San Domingo and in Cuba, by which a continuous and steady discharge of clear defecated juice is obtained on the one hand, and on the other a comparatively hard dry cake of scum or cachaza, and without the use of filter presses.
When Cuba was the chief sugar-producing country making clayed sugars it was the custom (followed in refineries and found advantageous in general practice) to discharge the strike of crystallized sugar from the vacuum pan into a receiver heated below by steam, and to stir the mass for a certain time, and then distribute it into the moulds in which it was afterwards clayed.
Earthy matter and other matter precipitated and fallen on the copper double bottom may be dislodged by a slowly revolving scraper - say every twelve hours - and ejected through the bottom discharge cock; and thus the heating surface of the copper bottom will be kept in full efficiency.
Sometimes the cells are erected in a circle, so that the spout below the slicing machine revolving above them with a corresponding radius can discharge the slices into the centre of any of the cells.
By carefully watching the flow from the discharge cock of the cistern the change from the first liquor to the next is easily detected, and the discharge is diverted from the canal for the first liquor to the canal for the second liquor, and, when required, to the canals for the third and fourth liquors.
In former days, when refining sugar or " sugar baking " was supposed to be a mystery only understood by a few of the initiated, there was a place in the refinery called the " secret room," and this name is still used in some refineries, where, however, it applies not to any room, but to a small copper cistern, constructed with five or six or more divisions or small canals, into which all the charcoal cisterns discharge their liquors by pipes led up from them to the top of the cistern.
The broad worm, Dibothriocephalus latus, is similarly estimated to discharge 15 to 20 metres of proglottides, weighing 140 grammes.
The fact of this increased leucocytic activity during the early stages, or the whole course of infection by Cestodes, is indirect proof that these parasites do normally discharge toxic substances into their hosts.
All these salts are mild astringents when applied externally, as they coagulate the albumen of the tissues and of any discharge which may be present.
Of the rivers farther south, which discharge into the Amazon through the Madeira, the Madre de Dios alone offers an extended navigable channel, together with some of its larger tributaries, such as the Heath and Chandless.
The body of the still is provided with one or more openings at different heights to serve for the discharge of the residue in the still, and sometimes with a glass gauge to record the quantity of matter in the still.
Under these governors the great and small councils continued to discharge municipal business and to administer the Paduan law, contained in the statutes of 1276 and 1362.
There are also polite and ordinary forms of expression, often so different as to constitute distinct languages; and there are a number of honorifics which frequently discharge the duty of pronouns.
From that time until his death in 1881 the Aga Khan, while leading the life of a peaceful and peacemaking citizen, under the protection of British rule, continued to discharge his sacerdotal functions, not only among his followers in India, but towards the more numerous communities which acknowledged his religious sway in distant countries, such as Afghanistan, Khorasan, Persia, Arabia, Central Asia, and even distant Syria and Morocco.
The production of ozone in small quantities during electrolysis, and by the so-called silent discharge, has long been known, and the Siemens induction tube has been developed for use industrially.
As president he was punctilious in the discharge of his duties, ready to give help and encouragement to artists young and old, and his tenure of the office was marked by some wise and liberal reforms. He frequently went abroad, generally to Italy, where he was well known and appreciated.
Let the canister be touched with the finger to discharge it perfectly.
A simple method for condenser comparison is to charge the two condensers to the same voltage by a battery and then discharge them successively through a ballistic galvanometer and observe the respective " throws " or deflections of the coil or needle.
But the desire to discharge obligations incurred is no doubt respectable in itself, and Villehardouin, as one of the actual negotiators of the bargain, must have felt it with peculiar strength.
The discharge of the comminuted material takes place through an aperture, which is covered by a thin steel plate perforated with numerous slits about Ath in.
In India itself opinion was more divided, both among the English and among the Indians; but there was a large moderate section among both which welcomed the proposed reforms. In Dec. 1919 he had the satisfaction of passing the Government of India bill, embodying the recommendations of the report, through Parliament, and on its third reading he described it as a step in the discharge of our trusteeship for India; the ultimate justification of our rule would be in the capacity of the Indian peoples to govern themselves.
The early lessons which he had received from his father were continued by his uncle Daniel, and such was his progress that at the age of twenty-one he was called to undertake the duties of the chair of experimental physics, which his uncle's advanced years rendered him unable to discharge.
In the heavy weather prevailing at the time the " Good Hope " and " Monmouth " could not fight their main-deck guns, and their broadside discharge (including " Glasgow ") was reduced to 2 9.2-in.
The harbour is about equidistant from New York, Philadelphia, and the capes of Chesapeake Bay, and is used chiefly by vessels awaiting orders to ports for discharge or landing.
He was fond of gaiety and of sport; but neither ever turned him away from the punctual and laborious discharge of his royal duties.
There is no difficulty in observing the temperature of the surface of the sea on board ship, the only precautions required being to draw the water in a bucket which has not been heated in the sun in summer or exposed to frost in winter, to draw it well forward of any discharge pipes of the steamer, to place it in the shade on deck, insert the thermometer immediately and make the reading without delay.
His sermons show no traces of his bold theological speculations, and he seems to have been faithful in the discharge of his duty.
It is true that the Florentine Simone Sigoli, who visited Cairo in 1384, in his Viaggio al Monte Sinai still speaks of "Presto Giovanni" as a monarch dwelling in India; but it is the India which is conterminous with the dominions of the soldan of Egypt, and whose lord is master of the Nile, to close or open its discharge upon Egypt.
The return air from fiery workings is never allowed to approach the furnace, but is carried into the upcast by a special channel, called a dumb drift, some distance above the furnace drift, so as not to come in contact with the products of combustion until they have been cooled below the igniting point of fire-damp. Where the upcast pit is used for drawing coal, it is usual to discharge the smoke and gases through a short lateral drift near the surface into a tall chimney, so as to keep the pit-top as clear as possible for working.
The size of the discharge aperture can be varied by means of a flexible wooden shutter sliding in a groove in a cast iron plate, curved to the slope of the casing.
By the adoption of more refined methods of construction, especially in the shape of the intake and discharge passages for the air and the forms of the fan blades, the efficiency of the ventilating fan has been greatly increased so that the dimensions can be much reduced and a higher rate of speed adopted.
It was in the discharge of the task which had been laid upon him by Ignatius that Polycarp was brought into correspondence with the Philippians.
The general slope of the country is towards the north-east, as indicated by the course of the rivers which traverse or bound the territory, and finally discharge themselves into the Jumna.
He now devoted himself to the discharge of his duties as a member of the consistory.
This was the beginning of his connexion with John Stuart Mill, which led to a life-long friendship. In 1841 he became substitute for Dr Glennie, the professor of moral philosophy, who, through ill-health, was unable to discharge the active duties of the chair.
The rivers, which have a minimum discharge of loo cub.
This circumstance appeared so anomalous that some astronomers doubted whether the surviving lines were really due to calcium; but Sir William and Lady Huggins (née Margaret Lindsay Murray, who, after their marriage in 1875, actively assisted her husband) successfully demonstrated in the laboratory that calcium vapour, if at a sufficiently low pressure, gives under the influence of the electric discharge precisely these lines and no others.
The Marine Department was created a separate branch of the board of trade in 1850, about which time many new and important marine questions came under the board of trade, such, for example, as the survey of passenger steamers, the compulsory examination of masters and mates, the establishment of shipping offices for the engagement and discharge of seamen.
In the rainy season this valley becomes a sea, flooded by the discharge of the Khanega; in summer the Arabs dig holes here which supply them with brackish water.
But the elector John George III., at whose personal desire the post had been offered to him, was soon offended at the fearless conscientiousness with which his chaplain sought to discharge his pastoral duties.
Ammonia can be synthesized by submitting a mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen to the action of the silent electric discharge, the combination, however, being very imperfect.
The close inter-relation which existed in primitive society between magic, priesthood and kingship has been indicated by Frazer in his Early History of the Kingship. His remarks throw some light on the early character of priesthood as well as kingship. " When once a special class of sorcerers has been segregated from the community and entrusted by it with the discharge of duties on which the public safety and welfare are believed to depend, these men gradually rise to wealth and power till their leaders blossom out into sacred kings."
With Dr Hugo Miller as his collaborator he published several papers of a chemical character between the years 1856 and 1862, and investigated, 1868-1883, the discharge of electricity through gases by means of a battery of 14,600 chloride of silver cells.
This provides for taking water from the Ohio river at a point on the Kentucky side opposite the village of California, Ohio, and several miles above the discharge of the city sewers; for the carrying of the water by a gravity tunnel under the river to the Ohio side, the water being thence elevated by four great pumping engines, each having a daily capacity of 30,000,000 gallons, to settling basins, being then passed through filters of the American or mechanical type, and flowing thence by a gravity tunnel more than 4 m.
The authority to grant such discharge was conceived to be included in the power of binding and loosing committed by Christ to His Church; and when in the course of time the vaguer theological conceptions of the first ages of Christianity assumed scientific form and shape at the hands of the Schoolmen, the doctrine came to prevail that this discharge of the sinner's debt was made through an application to the offender of what was called the " Treasure of the Church " (Thurston, p. 315).
At low water in the winter season the discharge is only about 36,000 cub.
His concluding years were mainly spent in the discharge of his spiritual duties, and he died at Mayfield in Sussex on the 23rd of August 1348.
In 1871 he began to turn his attention to experimental physics, his earlier researches bearing upon the polarization of light and his later work upon the electrical discharge in rarefied gases.
He found it impossible to secure sufficient money for the proper discharge of his functions, and in 1688 he was still petitioning for payment of his accounts in this business.
The time of respite had been wasted, all attempts at national reformation had failed; how should Yahweh spare a nation which had shown no tokens of fitness to discharge the vocation of Yahweh's people ?
Here, for the next thirty-six years, until his death on the 8th of June 1727, he continued to discharge the twofold office of pastor and professor with rare energy and success.
The regulation as to convents seems partly due to a desire to avoid the worry and expenditure of time involved in the discharge of such offices and partly to a conviction that penitents living in enclosure, as all religious persons then were, would be of no effective use to the Society; whereas the founder, against the wishes of several of his companions, laid much stress on the duty of accepting the post of confessor to kings, queens and women of high rank when opportunity presented itself.
For the discharge of other county functions the qualified electors of each county elect every two years three commissioners, a sheriff, a solicitor, a treasurer, a register of deeds and a register of probate; two auditors also are appointed annually by the supreme court.
Indeed, the doctrine of "aspects" and "influences" fitted excellently with his mystical conception of the universe, and enabled him to discharge with a semblance of sincerity the most lucrative part of his professional duties.
The first class consists of those praefecti who were nominated as temporary delegates by the Ilviri, when through illness or compulsory absence they were unable to discharge the duties of their office.
The last years of his life were spent in the faithful discharge of his episcopal duties; his death took place at Clermont on the 18th of September 1742.
Certain extraordinary features were produced when the retreat of the ice sheet had progressed so far as to open an eastward outlet for the marginal lakes along the depression between the northward slope of the Appalachian plateau in west-central New York and the southward slope of the melting ice sheet; for when this eastward outlet came to be lower than the south-westward outlet across the height of land to the Ohio or Mississippi river, the discharge of the marginal lakes was changed from the Mississippi system to the Hudson system.
The superintendent of the Ninth Census, 1870, presented a computation 01 the effects of this causefirst, through direct losses, by wounds or disease, either in actual service of the army or navy, or in a brief term following discharge; secondly, through the retardation of the rate of increase in the colored element, due to the privations, exposures and excesses attendant upon emancipation; thirdly, through the check given to immigration by the existence of war, the fear of conscription, and the apprehension abroad of results prejudicial to the national welfare.
The discharge of a river at a weir can be regulated as required and considerably increased in flood-time by introducing a series of openings in the centre of a solid weir, with sluice-gates or panels which slide in grooves at the sides of upright frames or masonry piers erected at convenient intervals apart, FIG.
This arrangement has been provided at several weirs on the Thames, to afford control of the flood discharge, and reduce the extent of the inundations; the largest of these composite weirs on that river is at the tidal limit at Teddington, where the two central bays, with a total length of 2421 ft., are closed by thirty-five draw-doors sliding between iron frames supporting a foot-bridge, from which the doors are raised by a winch.'
The barrage at the head of the Nile delta, and the regulating sluices across the Nile at Assiut and Esna in Upper Egypt below Assuan, are examples of draw-door weirs, with their numerous openings closed by sluice-gates sliding on free rollers, which control the discharge of water from the river for irrigation.
The discharge at the weir whilst it is raised is effected either by partially tipping some of the shutters by chains from a foot-bridge, or by opening butterfly valves resembling small shutters in the upper panels of the shutters.
The addition of a foot-bridge greatly facilitates the raising and lowering of these shutter weirs, and also aids the regulation of the discharge; but it renders this form of weir much more costly than the ordinary frame weir, and where large quantities of drift come down with sudden floods, the frames of the bridge are liable to be carried away, and therefore boats must be relied on for working the weir.
In spite of its high cost, the drum weir furnishes a valuable hydraulic contrivance for situations where it is very important to be able to close a weir of moderate height against a strong current and to regulate with ease and precision the discharge past a weir.
In the episcopal church of the United States churchwardens discharge much the same duties as those performed by the English officials; their duties, however, are regulated by canons of the diocese, not by canons general.
No longer was a trading company to discharge the duties of a sovereign.
The waters are constantly rising and falling, and almost never is the discharge at any point uniform.
If an hepatic abscess is injudiciously left to itself it may eventually discharge into the chest, lungs or belly, or it may establish a communication with a piece of intestine.
This appointment was inaugurated by two events, - a course of eight lectures on sound, which proved no success and was not repeated, and the determination by means of a revolving mirror of the speed of electric discharge in conductors, a piece of work leading to enormously important results.
In the most primitive Lamellibranchs there is no separate generative aperture but the gonads discharge into the renal cavity, as in Patella among Gastropods.
At coronations, however, and great festivals it became the custom in England and elsewhere to appoint magnates of the first rank to discharge for the occasion the domestic functions of the ordinary officials.
The custom-house occupies a considerable part of the shore-line in front of the old city, and has a protected basin for the discharge of lighters.
The principal rivers of the state are the Maracassume and Tury-assu, the Mearim and its larger tributaries (the Pindare, Grajahu, Flores and Corda) which discharge into the Bay of Sao Marcos, and the Itapicuru and Monim which discharge into the Bay of Sao Jose.
The natural colour of tussur silk is a greyish fawn, and that shade it was found impossible to discharge by any of the ordinary bleaching agents, so as to obtain a basis for light and delicate dyes.
But Sir John Strachey, the author of the scheme, explains in his book on India that the original intention was nothing more than the annual application of surplus revenue, of the indicated amount, to purposes of famine relief; and that when the country was free from famine, this sum should be regularly devoted to the discharge of debt, or to the prevention of debt which would otherwise have been incurred for the construction of railways and canals.
When the pressure becomes very low, inconvenience arises owing to the difficulty of establishing the discharge.
Thomson 6 places spherical bulbs inside thick spiral conductors through which the oscillating discharge of a powerful battery is led.
The rapid variation in the intensity of the magnetic field causes a brilliant electrodeless discharge which is seen in the form of a ring passing near the inner walls of the bulb when the pressure is properly adjusted.
When, for instance, we observe the relation of the gas contained in a Plucker tube through which an electric discharge is passing, there can be little doubt that the partition of energy is very different from what it would be in thermal equilibrium.
We might define temperature in the case of a flame or vacuum tube by the temperature which a small totally reflecting body would tend to take up if placed at the spot, but this definition would fail in the case of a spark discharge.
The question arises whether in a vacuum discharge, in which only a comparatively small proportion of the molecules are affected, we are to take the average radiation of the affected portion or include the whole lot of molecules, which at any moment are not concerned in the discharge at all.
This is most likely to occur in a discharge through a vacuum tube and it is just there that the greatest variety of spectra is observed.
The definition of temperature given above, though difficult in the case of a flame and perhaps still admissible in the case of an electric arc, becomes precarious when applied to the disruptive phenomena of a spark discharge.
The only sense in which we might be justified in using the word temperature here is by taking account of the energy set free in each discharge and distributing it between the amount of matter to which the energy is supplied.
But the molecules affected by a spark discharge are not in any sense in equilibrium as regards their partition of energy and the word temperature " cannot therefore be applied to them in the ordinary sense.
Experimentally we should be confined to a strict investigation of absorption spectra, because in the electric discharge temperature has no definite meaning, and variations of pressure and density are not easily measured.
Experiment (c) is, however, generally taken to mean that this closeness of packing cannot be the sole determining cause, for it is argued that if a closed vacuum tube can show both wide and narrow lines according to the mode of discharge, density alone cannot account for the change.
A discussion of band spectra on a very broad basis was given by Thiele,' who recommends a formula - q +qi(s+c)+ +qr(s+c)r n in the discharge, except within the region of the kathode glow.
Hemsalech have observed that the insertion of a self-induction in a condenser discharge almost entirely obliterates the air lines, and the same effect is produced by diminishing the spark gap sufficiently.
The explanation of these facts presents no difficulty, inasmuch as during the sudden discharge which takes place in the absence of a self-induction, the metallic molecules have not sufficient time to diffuse through the spark gap; hence the discharge is carried by the gas in which it takes place.
When, however, the time of discharge is lengthened, the conditions of the arc are more nearly approached.
The photographs taken by Royds show the separate oscillations of each spark discharge even when the circuit only contained the unavoidable capacity of the leads.
The subject wants further investigation, especially with a view to deciding the connexion between the molecular rush and the discharge.
While some of the phenomena seem to indicate that the projection of metallic vapours into the centre of the spark is a process of molecular diffusion independent of the mechanism of the discharge, the different velocities obtained with bismuth, and the probability that the vibrating systems are not electrically neutral, seem to indicate that the projected metallic particles are electrified and play some part in the discharge.
If oxygen is rendered luminous by the electric discharge, a series of spectra may be made to appear.
Completing his divinity studies by a series of partial sessions, he was "licensed" to preach in June 1815, but continued to discharge his scholastic duties for three years.
In the eruptions of 1823, 1832, 1840 and 1868 the floor of the crater rose on the eve of an eruption and then sank, sometimes hundreds of feet, with the discharge of lava; but since 1868 (in 1879, 1886, 1891, 1894 and 1907; and once, before 1868, in 1855) this action has been confined to Halemaumau and such other pits as at the time existed.
He continued to discharge the duties of this post until his death, which took place on the 17th of February 1715.
But in order to discharge it, a reform of psychology as well as of metaphysics is required.
The harbour is an open roadstead, very dangerous to shipping in northerly winds, and the discharge and loading of cargoes is effected by means of lighters at considerable risk and expense.
After the death of Peter (November 25, 3 11), he was received into communion by Peter's successor, Achillas, elevated to the presbytery, and put in charge of one of the great city churches, Baucalis, where he continued to discharge his duties with apparent faithfulness and industry after the accession of Alexander.
On the other hand, in winter the warm currents coming in from the Persian Gulf being met to a large extent by northerly currents from the snow-covered tracts of Armenia, are condensed down on to the plain and discharge moisture enough to cover the gravel steppes with spring herbage.
Storage for eight months did not disturb the density of the chemically extracted gas, nor had the silent electric discharge any influence upon either quality.
After the discharge was once started, the difference of potentials at the terminals of the tube varied from 630 volts upwards.
From the manner of its preparation it was clear at an early stage that argon would not combine with magnesium or calcium at a red heat, nor under the influence of the electric discharge with oxygen, hydrogen or nitrogen.
Berthelot that under the influence of the silent electric discharge, a mixture of benzene vapour and argon underwent contraction, with formation of a gummy product from which the argon could be recovered.
He continued to discharge his judicial duties till within a few days of his death at Edinburgh on the 27th of December 1782.
In summer, coaching tours discharge numbers of visitors daily; the railway station is Bettws (London & NorthWestern railway).
In the gallant discharge of its duties he was dangerously wounded by a leading outlaw, whom he slew in single combat; and while yet confined to Hermitage Castle he received a visit of two hours from the queen, who rode thither from Jedburgh and back through 20 miles of the wild borderland where her person was in perpetual danger from the freebooters whom her father's policy had striven and had failed to extirpate.
It was probably at the time when a desire for revenge on her calumniatress made her think the opportunity good and safe for discharge of such a two-edged dart at the countess and the queen that Mary wrote, but abstained from despatching, the famous and terrible letter in which, with many gracious excuses and professions of regret and attachment, she transmits to Elizabeth a full and vivid report of the hideous gossip retailed by Bess of Hardwick regarding her character and person at a time when the reporter of these abominations was on friendly terms with her husband's royal charge.
Qualifications for the general body of electors are full age of twenty-five years, Bavarian citizenship of one year at least, and discharge of all rates and taxes.
The glass is excited positively by friction with the rubbers, and the charge is drawn off by the action of the points which, when acted upon inductively, discharge negative electricity against it.
On the other side of the rotating disk were placed two metal combs C, C, which consisted of sharp points set in metal rods and were each connected to one of a pair of discharge balls E, D, the distance between which could be varied.
After that the discharge balls might be separated a little and a continuous series of sparks or brush discharges would take place between them.
If two Leyden jars L, L were hung upon the conductors which supported the combs, with their outer coatings put in connexion with one another by M, a series of strong spark discharges passed between the discharge balls.
The studs on the armature plate were charged inductively by being connected for a moment by a neutralizing wire as they passed in front of the field plates, and then gave up their charges partly to renew the field charges and partly to collecting combs connected to discharge balls.
In general design and construction, the manner of moving the rotating plate and in the use of the two Leyden jars in connexion with the discharge balls, Voss borrowed his ideas from Holtz.
He also devised an alternating current electrical machine in which the discharge balls were alternately positive and negative.
Nearly all the polders of Zeeland and South Holland are able to discharge naturally into the sea at average low water, self-regulating sluices being used.
The final removal of polder water, however, is only truly effected upon its discharge into the " outer waters " of the country, that is, the sea itself or the large rivers freely communicating with it; and this happens with but a small proportion of Dutch polders, such as those of Zeeland, the Holland Ysel and the Noorderkwartier.
In the same way, some boezems discharge first into others, which then discharge into the sea or rivers.
It is therefore very improper that one man should be considered fit to discharge the duties of both, and that by this means the ecclesiastical order should interfere with the monastic life, and the rule of the monastic life in turn interfere with the interests of the churches."
While inflating the bellows he would leave the suction port open and close the discharge port with a pinch of his finger; and while blowing the air against the fire he would leave the discharge port open and pinch together the sides of the suction port.
Besides the qualifications required of a presentee by canon law, such as being of the canonical age, and in priest's orders before admission, sufficient learning and proper orthodoxy or morals, the Benefices Act requires that a year shall have elapsed since a transfer of the right of patronage, unless it can be shown that such transfer was not made in view of a probable vacancy; that the presentee has been a deacon for three years; and that he is not unfit for the discharge of his duties by reason of physical or mental infirmity or incapacity, grave pecuniary embarrassment, grave misconduct or neglect of duty in an ecclesiastical office, evil life, or conduct causing grave scandal concerning his moral character since his ordination, or being party to an illegal agreement with regard to the presentation; that notice of the presentation has been given to the parish of the benefice.
The burgomaster is entirely dependent upon the police and the chief of the district, and has to discharge all sorts of functions (bailiff, policeman, &c.) which have nothing to do with municipal affairs.
His success as a preacher was, at this early period, not very great; but he was soon transferred to Bridgnorth (Shropshire), where, as assistant to a Mr Madstard, he established a reputation for the vigorous discharge of the duties of his office.
The phosphorescence produced by friction has been known since the time of Robert Boyle (1663); the diamond becomes luminous in a dark room after exposure to sunlight or in the presence of radium; and many stones phosphoresce beautifully (generally with a pale green light) when subjected to the electric discharge in a vacuum tube.
He was appointed to an honorary librarianship, with no duties to discharge.
It is more liable to occur in the earlier than in the later months of pregnancy, and it would also appear to occur more readily at the periods corresponding to those of the menstrual discharge.
Altogether it is estimated (by von Dingelstedt) that the total discharge of all the rivers emptying into the Caspian amounts annually to a volume equal to 174.5 cub.
Some rivers vary much in their discharge at different seasons.
Such may be seen on the canals of Cuttack, derived from the Mahanadi, a river of which the discharge does not exceed 400 cub.
Its dimensions should be capable of carrying off the whole water used so quickly as to prevent the least stagnation, and discharge it into the river.
These small drains discharge themselves into the main drain, and are in every respect the reverse of the feeders.
Its full discharge is 3800 cub.
Thus the whole system broke down, the barrage was pronounced a failure, and attention was turned to watering Lower Egypt by a system of gigantic pumps, to raise the water from the river and discharge it into a system of shallow surface-canals, at an annual cost of about £250,000, while the cost of the pumps was estimated at £700,000.
The idea of ponding up the superfluous flood discharge of the river is not a new one, and if Herodotus is to be believed, it was a system actually pursued at a very early period of Egyptian history, when Lake Moeris in the Fayum was filled at each Nile flood, and drawn upon as the river ran down.
Accordingly, when it was determined to construct a dam, it was decided that it should be supplied with sluices large enough to discharge unchecked the whole volume of the river as it comes down until the middle of November, and then to begin the storage.
There are, of course, many uncertainties, as the conditions of discharge in the free atmosphere may differ widely from those in glass vessels.
If, as is now generally believed, aurora represents some form of electrical discharge, it is only reasonable to suppose that the auroral lines arise from atmospheric gases.
If it exists, it is presumably confined to cases when the auroral discharge comes unusually low.
This done, he was considered to be in truste dominica and bound to the discharge of all the services this involved.
The attitude may be described as due to prolonged, not very intense, discharge from reflex centres that regulate posture and are probably intimately connected with the cerebellum.
A sudden intense sense stimulus usually suffices to end this tonic discharge.
Even under the strong rule of Charlemagne it was difficult to find men to discharge these duties impartially, and after his death in 814 it became almost impossible.
By the result of a symbolic discharge of arrows he informed the king of his coming success against Syria, and immediately thereafter he died.
The two leading types of volcanic areas are the plateaus, in which sheets of porphyrites, basalts and even trachytes were emitted, sometimes with wide discharge of volcanic ashes, and the puys, or isolated vents, or scattered groups of vents, which discharged comparatively a small amount of lava and ashes.
If, for instance, the testes fail to develop normally, the secretion which they discharge into the blood is abnormal in character and amount, with the result that the characters of the remotest parts of the body are more or less profoundly affected.
He was released in January 1312 and again became treasurer; but he was disliked by the "ordainers," who forbade him to discharge the duties of his office.
In the 11th century the indulgence consisted in a remission of part of the penance imposed in the confessional, in return for the discharge of some obligation voluntarily assumed by the penitent.
Like most of the large Amazon tributaries, its discharge into the Maranon is through several distinct channels.
He continued to discharge the duties of the ministry until 1869, when he resigned.
He called for the intervention of Mehemet Ali, governor of Egypt; the latter settled the dispute, but Abdullah then refused to discharge the claims of Mehemet Ali.
Incidentally, however, they do in some cases partially discharge that function, namely, when what is called a "preheater" is used to warm up the compressed air before it enters in the motor cylinder.
The inheritance was a perilous one; his mother and others would have dissuaded him from accepting it, but he, confident in his abilities, declared at once that he would undertake its obligations, and discharge the sums bequeathed by the dictator to the Roman people.
When the two metal surfaces are connected for a short time with the terminals of some source of electromotive force, such as an electric machine, an induction coil or a voltaic battery, electric energy is stored up in the condenser in the form of electric strain in the glass, and can be recovered again in the form of an electric discharge.
The plates are placed in a vessel full of insulating oil which prevents the glow or brush discharge taking place over their edges.
Owing to the variation in the value of the dielectric constant of glass with the temperature and with the frequency of the applied electromotive force, and also owing to electric glow discharge from the edges of the tin foil coatings, the capacity of an ordinary Leyden jar is not an absolutely fixed quantity, but its numerical value varies somewhat with the method by which it is measured, and with the other circumstances above mentioned.
In wet seasons it overflows its banks and becomes greatly extended in area, discharging its surplus waters into the San Joaquin; but in dry seasons the evaporation is so great that there is no such discharge.
From this point it flows west, and then south-west past Missis, until it makes a bend to discharge its waters south of Ayas Bay.
At stated intervals to offer reverential homage and oblations of food to the forefathers up to the third degree is one of the most sacred duties the devout Hindu has to discharge.
Which of these two views should be adopted in any case seems to depend upon the motives with which the earlier operations (usually the discharge of the cargo) were presumably undertaken.
In the discharge of his vice-chancellor's duties he came into conflict with Laud, who even thus early was manifesting his antagonism to the prevailing Puritanism.
But it was to pastoral work, and not to academic duty, that he thenceforth devoted himself, associating with it, and scarcely placing on a lower level, the affectionate discharge of his duties as a son and brother.
Thus the amount and character of public ex penditure necessarily depends on the functions that the state undertakes to perform - national defence, the maintenance of internal' order, and the efficient equipment of the state organization; such are the tasks that all governments have to discharge, and for their cost due provision has to be made.
Watson carried out elaborate experiments to discover how far the electric discharge of the jar could be conveyed along metallic wires and was able to accomplish it for a distance of 2 m., making the important observation that the electricity appeared to be transmitted instantaneously.
The abundant discharge of electricity by points was observed by Franklin is his earliest experiments, and also the power of points to conduct it copiously from an electrified body.
He added definiteness to the idea of the self-induction or inductance of an electric circuit, and gave a mathematical expression for the current flowing out of a Leyden jar during its discharge.
He confirmed an opinion already previously expressed by Helmholtz and by Henry, that in some circumstances this discharge is oscillatory in nature, consisting of an alternating electric current of high frequency.
Discharge through Gases.-Many eminent physicists had an instinctive feeling that the study of the passage of electricity through gases would shed much light on the intrinsic nature of electricity.
It has long been known that air and other gases at the pressure of the atmosphere were very perfect insulators, but that when they were rarefied and contained in glass tubes with platinum electrodes sealed through the glass, electricity could be passed through them under sufficient electromotive force and produced a luminous appearance known as the electric glow discharge.
Sir William Crookes took up in 1872 the study of electric discharge through The Work of Hertz (London, 1894).
Hittorf made in 1869 the discovery that solid objects could cast shadows or intercept this cathode discharge.
The cathode discharge henceforth engaged the attention of many physicists.
The final outcome of these investigations was the hypothesis that Thomson's corpuscles or particles composing the cathode discharge in a high vacuum tube must be looked upon as the ultimate constituent of what we call negative electricity; in other words, they are atoms of negative electricity, possessing, however, inertia, and these negative electrons are components at any rate of the chemical atom.
He was accused 2 " I wax now somewhat ancient; one-and-thirty years is a great deal of sand in the hour-glass....I ever bare a mind (in some middle place that I could discharge) to serve her majesty; not as a man born under Sol, that loveth honour; nor under Jupiter, that loveth business (for the contemplative planet carrieth me away wholly); but as a man born under an excellent sovereign, that deserveth the dedication of all men's abilities.
The ore is under better control than is possible with the continuous feed and discharge, and when sufficiently roasted can be passed red-hot to the reverberatory furnace.
It is moreover an astringent to the tissues, hindering the further discharge of fluid.
But in accordance both with the growing tendency to separate command and administration and with the desire to enlist local sympathies and utilize local resources, "associations," partly of civilian, partly of military members, were formed in every county and charged by statute with all matters relating to the enlistment, service and discharge of the county's quota in the force, finance (other than pay, &c. in camp), buildings, ownership of regimental property, &c. To these duties of county associations are added that of supervising and administering cadet corps of all sorts (other than officers' training corps), and that of providing the extra horses required on mobilization, not only by the territorial force, but by the expeditionary force as well.
In spite of reduced expenses, a highly estimated revenue, and the contemplated raising of taxes, there was a deficit, for the payment or discharge of which the government would be obliged to demand supplementary supplies.
Farther south this excessive precipitation is in the form of snow in the Cordilleras, forming glaciers at a comparatively low level which in places discharge into the inlets and bays of the sea.
The formation of these icy streams at comparatively low levels, with their discharge direct into tidewater estuaries, is a phenomenon not to be found elsewhere in the same latitudes.
For the purpose of checking the inflammatory processes and lessening discharge from mucous membranes astringents are employed.
He was entrusted with the discharge of two important functions, that had never before been united in one person, viz.
In 1838 he communicated to the Academy the details of his apparatus, which utilized the revolving mirrors employed by Sir C. Wheatstone in 1835 for measuring the velocity of the electric discharge; but owing to the great care required in the carrying out of the project, and to the interruption to his labours caused by the revolution of 1848, it was the spring of 1850 before he was ready to put his idea to the test; and then his eyesight suddenly gave way.
They thought, in obtaining their discharge, that they had much improved their condition, but they soon discovered the reverse to be the fact.
A narrow width of the coast districts collects its waters for discharge into the Arabian Sea direct.
To the south-west are the long sweeping valleys of Rakshan and Panjgur, which, curving northwards, likewise discharge their drainage into the Mashkel.
Seeking for commercial profit, not in the exchange of commodities, but solely in the acquisition of actual gold and silver, and realizing that the home market could not absorb a tithe of the merchandise imported, the Lisbon capitalists sent their ships to discharge in Antwerp (where a Portuguese staple was established in 1503), or in some other port near the central markets of Europe.
During the 12th and at the beginning of the 13th centuries the curia regis continued to discharge these functions, except that its importance and actual competence continued to increase, and that we frequently find in it, in addition to the vassals and prelates who formed the council, consiliarii, who are evidently men whom the king had in his entourage, as his ordinary and professional councillors.
He is practically free from the multifarious duties which the English consul has to discharge in connexion with the mercantile marine, nor has he to perform marriage ceremonies; and financially he is much better off, being allowed to retain as personal all fees obtained from his notarial duties.
The churchwardens, who are representative officers of the parishes, are also executive officers of the bishops in all matters touching the decency and order of the churches and of the churchyards, and they are responsible to the bishops for the due discharge of their duties; but the abolition of church rates has relieved the churchwardens of the most onerous part of their duties, which was connected with the stewardship of the church funds of their parishes.
The new birth when lost may be restored through repentance, which is not merely (I) sincere sorrow, but also (2) confession of each individual sin to the priest, and (3) the discharge of penances imposed by the priest for the removal of the temporal punishment which may have been imposed by God and the Church.
In May 1816 he was reinstated as major, and in 1819 was promoted to be a lieutenant-colonel; and in the routine discharge of his duties he was stationed at various posts on the western frontier.
This blending of the two systems of education produced the happy result of fitting this Moslem chief in an eminent degree both for the sacerdotal functions which appertain to his spiritual position, and for those social duties of a great and enlightened leader which he was called upon to discharge by virtue of that position.
The modifications which this original type undergoes are usually more or less plainly correlated with the functions which the appendages have to discharge.
The paired ovaries discharge their products into a median coelemic chamber with lateral branches (C), often called the uterus, from which the ripe ova are discharged by a median dorsal pore into the terminal region of the rectum (cloaca).
Under an act of 1893 the borough police may, in addition to their ordinary duties, be employed to discharge the duties of a fire brigade.
If a house does not possess a sufficient drain, the occupier may be required to provide one, and to cause it to discharge into a sewer if there is one within zoo ft.
It has been calculated that the average daily discharge of the Muir in summer is 30,000,000 cubic ft.
Both rivers discharge their waters into the Caspian; as also does the Zumgail, a small stream which drains the eastern extremity of the Caucasus range in the government of Baku.
The railway company has constructed jetties at which steamers can discharge their cargo.
They all flow north-westwards and discharge into the Baltic Sea.
The discharge of the lake is computed to be 75,200 cubic ft.
Electrical studies, however, engaged most of his attention, especially in connexion with the theory of the voltaic cell and the electric discharge in rarefied gases.
The basis of its endowment was a fund of $6379 contributed in 1866 by the 62nd and 65th regiments U.S. Colored Infantry upon their discharge from the service; it has agricultural, industrial, sub-normal, normal and collegiate departments.
The Pacific coast rivers are numerous, and discharge a very large volume of water into the ocean in proportion to the area of their drainage basins, because of the heavy rainfall on the western slopes of the Coast range.
It probably has the largest discharge of water of the Pacific group, and has about 300 m.
He was unable, however, in consequence of ill-health, to reside at Bogota and discharge the presidential duties, and consequently in August 1888 Senor Carlos Holguin was designated to act for him.
We have quoted the informal tribute of Racine; but it should not be forgotten that Racine, in discharge of his duty as respondent at the Academical reception of Thomas Corneille, pronounced upon the memory of Pierre perhaps the noblest and most just tribute of eulogy that ever issued from the lips of a rival.
Although, like the other streams which cross the Karroo, the river is sometimes dry in its upper course, it has an estimated annual discharge of 51,724,000,000 cubic ft.
Throughout the course of the river Severn, the head-waters of which are chiefly supplied from such formations, this rate does not materially change, even down to the city of Worcester, past which the discharge flows from 1,256,000 acres.
Thus, for example, on woo acres or less, it commonly falls to onetenth of a cubic foot, and upon an upland Silurian area of 940 acres, giving no visible sign of any peculiarity, the discharge fell, on the 21st of September 1893, to one-thirty-fifth of a cubic foot per second per woo acres.
The Thames at Teddington, fed largely from cretaceous areas, fell during ten days in September 1898 (the artificial abstractions for the supply of London being added) to about one-sixth of a cubic foot, and since 1880 the discharge has occasionally fallen, in each of six other cases, to about one-fifth of a cubic foot per second per woo acres.
If, therefore, instead of regarding only the mean rainfall of several gauges over a series of years, we compare the relative falls in short intervals of time among gauges yielding the same general averages, the discrepancies prove to be very great, and it follows that the maximum possible intensity of discharge from different areas rapidly increases as the size of the watershed decreases.
Extreme cases of local discharge are due to the phenomena known in America as " cloud-bursts," which occasionally occur in Great Britain and result in discharges, the intensities of which have rarely been recorded by rain-gauges.
Even neglecting the isolated and local discharges due to excessive and generally unrecorded rainfall, the variation in the discharge of all streams, and especially of mountain streams, is very great.
On that occasion the Thames records gave a discharge of 7.6 cub.
In both these cases the natural maximum discharge is somewhat diminished by the storage produced by artificial canalization of the rivers.
These illustrations of the enormous variability of discharge serve to explain what is popularly so little understood, namely, the advantage which riparian owners, or other persons Comperei nterested in a given stream, may derive from works cation water.
Thus in order to determine truly the continuously available discharge of any stream, it is necessary to know not only the mean flow of the stream, as represented by the rainfall less the evaporation, but also the least favourable distribution of that flow throughout any year.
These fissures take the place of the streams in an impermeable area, and those beneath the valleys must obviously be called upon to discharge more water from the surface, and thus be brought in contact with more carbonic acid, than similar fissures elsewhere.
Many orifices through which water at first only dribbled were thus caused to discharge water with great force, and entirely free from sand, against the opposite side of the well, while the general result was to increase the inflow of water many times, and to entirely prevent the intrusion of sand.
The puddle wall is crossed by a pedestal of concrete carry- - 3 ing the brick discharge cul v ert.
Where the contributory drainage area exceeds 5000 acres, the discharge, even allowing for so-called " cloud-bursts," rarely or never exceeds the rate of about 300 cub.
But, as smaller areas are approached, the excessive local rainfalls of short duration must be provided for, and beyond these there are extraordinarily heavy discharges generally over and gone before any exact records can be made; hence we know very little of them beyond the bare fact that from woo acres the discharge may rise to two or three times 300 cub.
Yet it cannot be too constantly urged that such filtration depends for its comparative perfection upon the surface film; that this surface film is not present when the filter is new, or when its materials have been recently washed; that it may be, and very often is, punctured by the actual working of the filters, or for the purpose of increasing their discharge; and that at the best it must be regarded as an exceedingly thin line of defence, not to be depended upon as a safeguard against highly polluted waters, if a purer source of supply can possibly be found.
In the ordinary course of intermittent supply or for the purpose of repairs, the water is cut off at some point in the main above the leakages; but this does not prevent the continuance of the discharge in the lower part of the town.
Much of the success of draining depends on the skilful planning of these main drains, and in making them large enough to discharge the greatest flow of water to which they may be exposed.
Whilst on furlough in Paris Marceau joined in the attack on the Bastille (July 14, 1789); after that event he took his discharge from the regular army and returned to Chartres, but the embarrassments of his family soon compelled him to seek fresh military enployment.
At this place was a gauge for measuring the discharge of the river.
When the main equatorial current reaches the African coast a minor stream is sent northwards to the source of the Indian counter-current, but the discharge is chiefly by the Mozambique current, which south of Cape Corrientes becomes the Agulhas current, one of the most powerful stream currents of the globe.
The country is well watered by numerous rivers, all of which discharge into Delagoa Bay.
No person not of full age, imperfectly educated, stupid, blind, deaf, deformed or otherwise defective in mind or body, or for any reason whatsoever unfit to discharge the duties or unworthy to represent the manhood of the nation, could be king, even though he were the eldest son of the preceding king.
By continued user of the same land for some years and discharge of the public obligations in respect of it in addition to the ciss or payment as tenant, a ceile became a subowner or permanent tenant and could not be evicted.
The penance was regarded (not without precedent in earlier times) as the discharge of a liability due to God or the Church; and so much sin was reckoned to involve so much debt.
But at any rate he always endeavoured to discharge an obligation, even if he sometimes interpreted it by the strict letter of the law and not with liberality.
He had ruined a splendid constitution by the cornDeath of bination of sloth and evil living, and during his last ward years had been sinking slowly into his grave, unable to take the field or to discharge the more laborious duties of royalty.
Irish landlords complained that their properties, ruined by the famine, and encumbered by the extravagances of their predecessors, could not bear the cost of this new poor law; and the ministry introduced and carried a measure enabling the embarrassed owners of life estates to sell their property and discharge their liabilities.
So far as 1 A cano, like furo, is a kind of natural canal; it forms a lateral discharge for surplus water from a river.
Special attention has already been called to the fourteen great streams which discharge into this reservoir, but it receives a multitude of secondary rivers, which in any other part of the world would also be termed great.
With this method it is necessary that the rake should enter and discharge several times before the retort is clear, and thus the use of a telescopic ram worked by hydraulic power, which pushes the coke before it and discharges it at the other end, is an advantage.
The Baltic receives much more water by rainfall, discharge of rivers, &c., than it loses by evaporation; hence a surplus must be got rid of by an outflowing current which may be named the "Baltic Stream."
That it must be a periodic stream, because the discharge of the rivers into the Baltic varies with the season of the year.
At Lobito steamers can come close inshore and discharge cargo direct.
For some distance outside the Galata bridge, both shores of the Golden Horn have been provided with a quay at which large steamers can moor to discharge or embark their passengers and cargo.
This electrification would favour the spread of a positive, but hinder that of a negative discharge.
There is, in all probability, a connexion between this phenomenon and the peculiarities of positive and negative brush and other discharge in air.
With his usual disinterestedness he refused to receive his stipend, now that he was no longer able to discharge the duties of his office.
He was appointed as one of the judges in the trial of Rene of Alengon, and showed such zeal in the discharge of his functions that Louis XI.
In 1857 the proportion of discharge by the three branches of the Danube was Sulina 7%, St George's 30% and Kilia 63%; but in 1905 the relative proportions had altered to Sulina 9%, St George's 24% and Kilia 67%.
In the northern portion of the province are two considerable lakes, Artynia or Apolloniatis (Abulliont Geul), and Aphnitis (Maniyas Geul), which discharge their waters into the Macestus from the east and west respectively.
His son, Philip IV., was an abler man, and even gave indications of a wish to qualify himself to discharge his duties as king.
Very shortly afterwards, another war minister, General Castillo, attempted to strike at the root of military insubordination, and simultaneously in every garrison of the kingdom the senior sergeants, more than 1000 in all, were given their discharge and ordered to start for their homes on the spot.
When bees are wintered on thin, watery food not sealed over, and are unable for months to take cleansing flights, they become weak and involuntarily discharge their excrement over the combs and hive, a state of things never seen in a healthy colony under normal conditions.
Neri was not a reformer, save in the sense that in the active discharge of pastoral work he laboured to reform individuals.
The opening or dehiscence of the anthers to discharge their contents takes place either by clefts, by valves, or by pores.
In the latter case individual stamens may move in succession towards the pistil and discharge their contents, as in Parnassia palustris, or the outer or the inner stamens may first dehisce, following thus a centripetal or centrifugal order.
Salonica lies on the west side of the Chalcidic peninsula, at the head of the Gulf of Salonica (Sinus Thermaicus), on a fine bay whose southern edge is formed by the Calamerian heights, while its northern and western side is the broad alluvial plain produced by the discharge of the Vardar and the Bistritza, the principal rivers of western Macedonia.
They often have very heavy corresponding obligations, as will be seen in the case of one (the East Africa) where the obligations were too onerous for the company to discharge, though they were inseparable from its position.
A battery of vessels is so arranged that one vessel can always be made the last of the series to discharge finished meal and to be recharged with fresh meal, so that the process is practically a continuous one.
With compressed-air machines which discharge the cold air direct into the insulated room or hold, a snow box is provided close to the outlet of the expansion cylinder to catch the snow and congealed oil.
Fermat was for some time councillor for the parliament of Toulouse, and in the discharge of the duties of that office he was distinguished both for legal knowledge and for strict integrity of conduct.
Some of them cause so much irritation that the discharge is very watery (hydragogue cathartics), while others, for example aloes, by acting gently on the lower part of the bowel and on its muscular coat, produce simply a laxative effect.
The oscillograph can be made to exhibit optically the form of the current curve in non-cyclical phenomena, such as the discharge of a condenser.
In this way an optical representation is obtained of the oscillatory discharge of the condenser.
A cathode discharge is projected through two small holes in plates in the narrow part of the tube on a fluorescent screen at the end of the enlarged end, and the cathode ray or pencil depicts on it a small bright greenish patch of light.
The release of CRH triggers the pituitary gland's discharge of adrenocorticotropic hormone, which in turn stimulates the adrenal gland to secrete cortisol.
The lighting exploits advances in lighting technology, using mercury discharge lamps which are energy saving and safe.
This is achieved by using a plasma arc, where energy is released by an electrical discharge in an inert atmosphere.
Surgical complications, visual acuity at discharge, 6 weeks, and 1 year follow up, and surgically induced astigmatism are reported.
It is then usually partially backfilled with argon to avoid the possibility of forming a glow discharge.
The discharge from the breakout point became very bushy.
Crane facilities for discharge of bulk and break bulk cargoes are available.
Keep the underside of the cutter deck and the discharge chute clean.
Chlamydial conjunctivitis Both eyes will be red with a sticky discharge.
The EAW has a good record of monitoring and enforcing compliance with licensed effluent discharge consents.
The early discharge policy resulted in the median postoperative hospital convalescence being reduced from 5 to 3 days (P 0.001 ).
Infected horses often develop a nasal discharge which may start clear but becomes thick with pus and often copious in amount.
Use wet cotton wool to clean away any discharge on your eyelids or your eyelashes.
Symptoms are often not apparent, but can include cystitis, a discharge and irregular bleeding.
Mr Ellis was given a conditional discharge by the Judge who ordered him to pay £ 150 costs to Suffolk Coastal.
A troublesome increase in vaginal discharge may need assessment.
Catalog of human error led to massive radioactive discharge.
Affected cattle have a fever, rapid breathing and a nasal discharge.
To facilitate early hospital discharge, services to meet assessed needs will not be charged up to the first 4 weeks.
However, few researchers have studied infants beyond discharge to ascertain what impact the encounter has on mother-infant dyads.
It is not completely electronic because the purchaser still has to make the application for discharge, accompanied by the charge certificate.
Rarely cervical eversion is associated with excessive mucous discharge warranting treatment.
Taking the " highly exceptional circumstances " into account, the Sheriff said, " I grant you an absolute discharge " .
They also often contain a summary of procedures undertaken and advice for discharge for the patient's general practitioner or family doctor.
Check for previous surgery incision scars, infection, discharge, swelling and signs of skin lesions or defects.
Payment to the Insured by the insurer for an insured by the insurer for an insured benefit shall be a valid discharge of the Insurer's liability.
Understandably he told Counsel that he suspected impropriety, and asked that the application to discharge the juror should be made.
Sources of such energy include lasers, arc discharge lamps, and tungsten halogen bulbs.
The technologies developed for treating leachate have evolved to achieve compliance with increasingly strict discharge consent limits.
This recognition of the discharge of uranium metal posed of becquerel's false.
Visit the GP prescribing the naltrexone within the week after discharge from the clinic.
The aim was to give the emergency nurse practitioners autonomy to deal with minor problems, order investigations and discharge patients.
Proof of the inability of an Expert Committee to express opinion will not discharge such onus.
Water recirculation technology provides optimal growing conditions for livestock, to prevent both disease and the discharge of wastes back to the environment.
Time and current checked charge to avoid overcharge, memory effect and deep discharge.
Discharge containment equipment (such as drip pans) are in place.
In some cases weaknesses may persist until the day of discharge from hospital therefore further out-patient physiotherapy may be arranged at your local hospital.
In the discharge or that responsibility it exercises the full plenitude of judicial power.
The College may invite the proctors to enter its premises and authorize them to act in the discharge of their University duties.
These tend to rupture either to the outside or into the back of the throat and discharge thick yellow pus.
All vessels were now to discharge their cargo only at designated " legal quays " in the Pool of London.
The simplest way to avoid this is to discharge the cells completely then recharge them using the cell manufacturers recommended recharge regime.
During use the first thing which was apparent was the change in sound from the TC discharge when compared to my equally spaced rotary.
You will also find a separate section on the issues relating to Hospital Discharge.
Pipework connecting discharge appliances to SVP manifold, should be designed not to cause self siphonage.
Ideally he would windrow using vertical rear discharge muck spreader with hoods fitted to the back. Has two tanks to collect slurry effluent.
The discharge summary should contain details of arrangements for follow up and management.
They sometimes rupture and discharge fluid or pus, and sometimes open sinus tracts form.
The criteria for discharge are that the patient should be able to walk unaided without stumbling or feeling unstable.
Gonococcal urethritis is diagnosed in 98 per cent of men by microscopic examination of the discharge obtained from a urethral swab.
No direct discharge to the adjacent watercourse is permissible.
Unfortunately, there has been little or no research into the correct charging wattages of discharge lamps.
With these goals in mind, we have designed a new type of capillary discharge waveguide with a square cross-section.
St Elmo's Fire.-Luminous discharges from masts, lightning conductors, and other pointed objects are not very infrequent, especially during thunderstorms. On the Sonnblick, where the phenomenon is common, Elster and Geitel (87) have found St Elmo's fire to answer to a discharge sometimes of positive sometimes of negative electricity.
The differences characteristic of the two forms of discharge are described and illustrated in Gockel's Das Gewitter.
The spectrum of helium as observed in a discharge tube is distinguished by a moderate number of brilliant lines, distributed over the whole visual spectrum.
They would discharge their pastoral duties as individuals, but when a solemn ecclesiastical act, like ordination, was performed, it would be done, as in the case of Timothy, by" the laying on of the hands of the presbytery "; 14 and when an authoritative decision had to be reached, as in regard to circumcision, a synod or court was called together for the purpose.
In teaching, in dispensing the sacraments, in presiding over public worship, and in the private functions by which he ministers to the comfort, the instruction and the improvement of the people committed to his care, a pastor acts within his parish (or congregation) according to his own discretion; and for the discharge of all the duties of the pastoral office he is accountable only to the presbytery from whom he received the charge of the parish (or congregation).
The discharge of a debt may take place either by payment of the amount due, by accord and satisfaction, i.e.
Hertz, however, made known in 1887 the experimental proofs that the discharge ' See Telegraphic Journal of London, vol.
Wien's method of impact excitation by employing a form of spark gap which quenches the primary discharge instantly and excites the free oscillations in the antenna by impact or shock.
Many points in the development and mechanism of the nematocyst are disputed, but it is tolerably certain (I) that the cnidocil is of sensory nature, and that stimulation, by contact with prey or in other ways, causes a reflex discharge of the nematocyst; (2) that the discharge is an explosive change whereby the in-turned thread is suddenly everted and turned inside out, being thus shot through the opening in the outer wall of the capsule, and forced violently into the tissues of the prey, or, it may be, of an enemy; (3) that the thread inflicts not merely a mechanical wound, but instils an irritant poison, numbing and paralysing in its action.
Analogy.Considering the parts of the body in relation to their functions, that is as organs, they are found to present peculiarities of form and structure which are correlated with the functions that they have to discharge; in other words, the organ shows adaptation to its functions.
His Vindication appeared in February 1779; and, as Milman remarks, " this single discharge from the ponderous artillery of learning and sarcasm laid prostrate the whole disorderly squadron " of his rash and feeble assailants.'
By far the most frequent and important of the religious ceremonies is that of baptism (masbutha), which is called for in a great variety of cases, not only for children but for adults, where consecration or purification is required, as for example on all Sundays and feast days, after contact with a dead body, after return from abroad, after neglect of any formality on the part of a priest in the discharge of his functions.
Its principle was exactly house, that of the clearing houses used by the railways and the oat to n nk an d banks, the cancellation of indebtedness and discharge periodic s i mply of balances.
But so slight is the precipitation that the Juba alone has a permanent discharge seawards.
It flows through the populous regions of the continent of Europe, to discharge into one 01 the most frequented seas opposite Great Britain, and, besides serving as a natural outlet for Germany, Belgium and Holland, is connected with a great part of central and southern France by the Rhine-Rhone and the Rhine-Marne canals, and with the basin of the Danube by the Ludwigs-Canal.
Eytelwein (1764-1848) of Berlin, who published in 1801 a valuable compendium of hydraulics entitled Handbuch der Mechanik and der Hydraulik, investigated the subject of the discharge of water by compound pipes, the motions of jets and their impulses against plane and oblique surfaces; and he showed theoretically that a waterwheel will have its maximum effect when its circumference moves with half the velocity of the stream.
Recently, however, a well-known sugar maker in Germany has altered his battery in such manner that instead of having to open a large door below the cells in order to discharge them promptly, he opens a comparatively small valve and, applying compressed air at the top of the cell, blows the whole contents of spent slices up a pipe to the drying apparatus, thus saving not only a great deal of time but also a great deal of labour of a kind which is both arduous and painful, especially during cold weather.
He was at last offered his discharge on giving a bond of £1000 to do nothing to the prejudice of the commonwealth.
The acts of religion partake of the general simplicity of desert life; apart from the private worship of household gods and the oblations and salutations offered at the graves of departed kinsmen, the ritual observances of the ancient Arabs were visits to the tribal sanctuary to salute the god with a gift of milk, first-fruits or the like, the sacrifice of firstlings and vows (see Nazarite and Passover), and an occasional pilgrimage to discharge a vow at the annual feast and fair of one of the more distant holy places (see MEccA).
At the same time, according to Catholic teaching, such Indulgence was not a mere permission to omit or postpone payment, but was in fact a discharge from the debt of temporal punishment which the sinner owed.
Waste weirs resemble ordinary solid weirs in providing for the surplus discharge from a reservoir of an impounded river or mountain stream over their crest; but in reality they form part of a masonry reservoir dam for storing up water for water-supply or irrigation, kept purposely lower than the rest of the dam to allow the excess of water to escape down the valley (see Water-Supply).
Everywhere along the river there is a never-ending variation of velocity and discharge, and an equally ceaseless transformation of the river's bed and contour.
Various classes of quaestors may be distinguished according to the duties they had respectively to discharge.
Thomson, the successor of Maxwell and Lord Rayleigh in the Cavendish chair of physics in the university of Cambridge, began about the year 1899 a remarkable series of investigations on the cathode discharge, which finally enabled him to make a measurement of the ratio of the electric charge to the mass of the particles of matter projected from the cathode, and to show that this electric charge was identical with the atomic electric charge carried by a hydrogen ion in the act of electrolysis, but that the mass of the cathode particles, or " corpuscles " as he called them, was far less, viz.
It seems that a state court has no right to issue a habeas corpus for the discharge of a person held under the authority of the federal government.
This has been remedied by a system of sewers, which after passing by a tunnel through the hill of Posilipo cross the plain beyond and discharge their contents into the open sea on the deserted coast of Cumae, 17 m.
C. Brodie in 1853 showed that a trace of iodine also expedited the change_ The same form is also produced by submitting ordinary phosphorus to the silent electric discharge, to sunlight or the ultraviolet light.
Riess explains it by the negative electrification of the plate caused by the friction of the water vapour, &c., driven along the surface by the explosion which accompanies the disruptive discharge at the point.
After he had retired from public labours he lingered for some months, enduring the severest agony without a murmur, and cheerfully attending to all the duties of a private kind which his diseases left him strength to discharge.
He was energetic in the discharge of his duties, but aroused much animosity among the colonists by his zeal in looking after the royal quit-rents, and by exacting heavy fees for the issue of land-patents.
On squeezing the penis a large amount of purulent discharge came out through the urethra.
Powers The SAI does not have the powers of requisitioning all records of the auditee departments/organisations to discharge its mandate.
Rarely the eyes are the only affected body part, and in those cases the discharge is thought to involve the rostral occipital cortex.
It is a serious offense to discharge waste at sea or into harbor waters.
Select a topic I have a smelly green discharge I have small spots on my penis Was the condom safe enough?
Some patients complain of a sticky, stringy mucous discharge.
The postoperative briefing to all patients on discharge ensured that those with any problem or subnormal vision reported back to the hospital.
Thrush produces a foul smelling black discharge in the affected sulcus of the frog.
Tests In primary syphilis diagnoses can be made by microscopy of the discharge or even aspirating fluid from the enlarged lymph glands.
Hull, testifying the Receipt thereof, shall be a sufficient Discharge in that Behalf.
Flexible tubing allows the discharge nozzle to be sited alongside or over the hazard.
Vasopressin cells display phasic discharge patterning that reflects bistability in the mechanisms governing membrane excitability.
Most generic lights which use filament bulbs which produce a yellowy light that is not as bright as a discharge lamp.
Her allergies caused a rheum discharge from her eyes and nose that caused her to want to take allergy pills so she wouldn't sniffle all day.
All traces of pee and poop need to be washed off, and if blood or discharge is noticed, the nursing team must be notified as this may signify infection.
His twin brother, who was larger than Tyler, remained hospitalized for four months before his discharge.
Concrete and metal are conductive and encourage the battery to discharge while in storage.
She is now back to sneezing. she has no nose or eye discharge and no fever.
Although nasal discharge is quite common with this type of infection, some cats don't present with this symptom, so it's still worth checking into.
He has discharge from both eyes that crusts to a brown color.
Although the mucous discharge is not a direct symptom of distemper, the disease lowers a cat's immunity, so it's possible for an affected animal to develop a secondary respiratory infection.
If you notice that your cat is sneezing, her nose is running, she is drooling, she has stopped eating, her eyes are red and/or have a discharge, or she generally looks ill, a visit to the vet is in order.
Is there a discharge coming from the nose?
In this form of bankruptcy, the borrower receives a debt discharge, and no longer has to repay it.
Judgments are purged six years from the date they were filed and bankruptcies are purged six years from the discharge date.
Open loop systems - The principle behind these systems is much the same as the closed loop system except that it can only be installed where adequate water and open discharge is possible.
Water resources are not impacted from any kinds of discharge.
Vaginal discharge starts to occur before actual menstruation.
After booking through My Cruise Club, you will be required to fax a copy of your DD214 discharge papers or a copy of the leave and earning statement with your social security numbers blackened out.
Characterized by coughing, nasal and eye discharge, fever, listlessness and appetite loss, the illness is not life-threatening by itself but can lead to potentially fatal secondary infections.
The skin edges are quite red and the area has some brown and white discharge.
My bitch seems to have a lot of discharge.
A slight amount of clear discharge would be considered normal during a pregnancy, especially as whelping time draws near.
If your bitch isn't close to delivering, the discharge could be a sign of a urinary tract or brucellosis infection.
In this case, it would be a good idea to take her to your vet and allow him/her to culture the discharge for diagnostic purposes.
As long as she isn't having abnormal discharge or showing any other signs of not feeling well, you can go on as normal.
Discharge coming from the eyes, ears or nose can often indicate an illness in your dog.
Although swelling of the vulva can begin days or weeks before the onset of full heat, you should count the first day you detect blood discharge as day one of the cycle.
However, there can be a prolonged period of swelling before the discharge begins, and this will necessarily add to the total length of the heat cycle.
This stage is marked by obvious physical changes such as swelling of the vulva and a bloody discharge, but the bitch is not yet receptive to breeding.
Discharge lightens during this time while the bitch ovulates.
Diestrus - This is the third stage of the heat cycle in which a bitch typically resumes heavier discharge for about four to seven days as the cycle begins to draw to a close.
Once a common choice for ceiling lights, fluorescents use a combination of mercury vapor and electric discharge to produce ultraviolet light.
An effective way to find a quality care provider is to ask for recommendations from one's doctor, hospital discharge planner or social worker.
If a loved one is hospitalized, the discharge planner is a convenient source.
Let your doctor know if you experience deep sores or if you develop signs of infection, such as a fever, discharge, or increased swelling and redness.
In the National Hospital Discharge Survey from 1980-1998, the rate of stroke for infants less than 30 days old (per 100,000 live births per year) was 26.4, with rates of 6.7 for hemorrhagic stroke and 17.8 for ischemic stroke.
The tiny bile ducts in that part of the liver where the surgery is performed discharge their bile directly into the intestine, and the channels will gradually enlarge.
The benefit of this, however, is that uterine discharge diminishes faster and the uterine involution occurs more quickly.
The bloody show is a slight discharge of blood and mucus.
With short neonatal hospital stays, jaundice will not have peaked or become apparent at the time of hospital discharge.
Therefore, infants at risk for severe hyperbilirubinemia should be identified so they can be observed closely both while in the hospital and after discharge.
Kernicterus is still relatively uncommon but has been on the rise with the mandated early postnatal discharge policies.
Most adolescent girls with vaginal candidiasis experience severe vaginal itching and have a discharge that often looks like cottage cheese and has a sweet or bread-like odor.
The early symptoms of trachoma include the development of follicles (small sacs) on the conjunctivae of the upper eyelids; pain; swollen eyelids; discharge; tearing; and sensitivity to light.
U.S. parents should call the doctor if they notice any discomfort or discharge from their child's eye, especially if they have recently traveled in areas where trachoma is common.
Girls who develop vaginal pinworm may experience vaginal itching or a vaginal discharge.
Expectorant-A drug that promotes the discharge of mucus from respiratory system.
If there is a discharge from the nose, the doctor will look at it to see whether it contains cerebrospinal fluid, which would indicate damage to the bones of the skull as well as the nasal bones.
An additional element of postoperative care is the recommendation by many doctors that the child use ear plugs to keep water out of the ear during bathing or swimming to reduce the risk of infection and discharge.
Bed-wetting, also called enuresis, is the unintentional discharge of urine during sleep.
The child's nasal discharge is watery as well as bloody.
Infected bites usually cause pain, inflammation of the connective tissues, and a pusfilled discharge at the wound site within eight to 24 hours.
After discharge from the hospital the mother will be on modified bed rest, lying on her side until 37 weeks of gestation.
Symptoms include mild to severe discomfort in one or both eyes; redness; swelling of the eyelids; and watery, yellow, or green discharge.
Infection with an adenovirus, however, may also cause a significant amount of pus-like discharge and a scratchy, foreign-body-sensation in the eye.
Symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis include a pus-like discharge and crusty eyelids after awakening.
There may be large amounts of pus-like discharge, and symptoms may include intolerance to light (photophobia), watery mucus discharge, and tenderness in the lymph nodes near the ear that may persist for up to three months.
Symptoms range from itching and redness to a mucus discharge.
In such cases, the discharge may be cultured and tested to determine the organism responsible for causing the condition.
The skin around the wound is red and feels warm, and the wound may ooze pus or a whitish discharge.
The hole or rupture can cause temporary hearing loss, pain, and occasional discharge.
Less common side effects, such as sore mouth or tongue and vaginal itching and discharge also may occur and do not need medical attention unless they persist or are bothersome.
The doctor examines the eyes, ears, nose, and throat, looking at the tonsils for signs of swelling, redness, or discharge.
Although epilepsy is a collective term for a variety of different types of seizures, all forms of epilepsy start with a random discharge of nerve impulses into the brain.
Leaking of amniotic fluid or unusual vaginal discharge, and fever could signal the onset of infection.
In rhinitis, the mucous membranes become infected or irritated, producing a discharge, congestion, and swelling of the tissues.
After several days, the nose becomes less inflamed and a thick, sticky mucus replaces the watery discharge.
This change in the appearance of the nasal discharge helps to distinguish rhinitis caused by a viral infection from rhinitis caused by an allergy.
Homeopaths might prescribe any of 10 different remedies, depending on the appearance of the nasal discharge, the patients emotional state, and the stage of infection.
After discharge from the hospital, these infants return home still requiring special care.
Many sources advise parents to room in with the baby prior to discharge from the hospital so that they can learn how to care for the special health needs of infants recovering from necrotizing enterocolitis.
The infant will be tearing and have a purulent ocular discharge, and the eyelids will be swollen.
Any red eye, with or without discharge, should be examined by an appropriate healthcare practitioner.
The eye may be irrigated with saline to help remove the mucus discharge.
Research has shown that the risks of massaging preterm infants are minimal and that infants benefit from improved developmental scores, more rapid weight gain, and earlier discharge from the hospital.
The discharge of this lining is the menstrual flow.
Vaginal discharge is a necessary part of the body's regular functioning.
Normal discharge, usually clear to white, is part of the body's self-cleaning process.
As discharge leaves the body, it takes bacteria with it, which helps prevent vaginal infections.
The first symptom of otitis externa is often itching of the ear canal, followed by watery discharge from the ear.
Following discharge from professional care, the person is closely monitored for neurological symptoms that may arise or worsen.
The first is given soon after birth and sometimes before hospital discharge.
Bacterial labyrinthitis may produce a discharge from the infected ear.
The doctor will test the child's hearing and order a laboratory culture to identify the organism if the patient has a discharge.
A smelly or bloody discharge from one nostril is a symptom of foreign bodies in the nose.
Females may have a vaginal discharge and experience flu-like symptoms with HSV2 outbreaks, including fever, headache, muscle aches, and fatigue.
Hemophilus infections are characterized by acute inflammation with a discharge (exudate).
In one 1990 study, 92 percent of adolescents hospitalized for mania who stopped taking the drug experienced a relapse of symptoms within 18 months of discharge, compared to 37 percent of those who stayed on lithium therapy.
At other times, there will be warning signs, such as bloody discharge from a woman's vagina, a sign of cancer of the cervix.
Among adolescent boys, common symptoms are burning or painful urination and pus-like discharge from the penis.
Nasal diphtheria produces few symptoms other than a watery or bloody discharge.
In the case of the most common pituitary tumor, prolactinoma, there may be a milky breast discharge.
As well, kangaroo care has been found to promote parent and infant bonding, breastfeeding, and early discharge for premature infants.
The initial discharge from the nose is clear and thin.
Later it changes to a thick yellow or greenish discharge.
Before the child leaves the hospital, the health care providers will review discharge instructions with the child and parents.
Parents should remember to bring the car seat with them on the day of the child's hospital discharge.
Discharge planner-A health care professional who helps parents arrange for health and home care needs after their child goes home from the hospital.
After discharge from the hospital, about 25 percent of otherwise healthy infants who are still showing signs of jaundice may continue to be tested for bilirubin levels.
Please note that proof of honorable discharge must accompany the application form.
You will also need to locate the deceased soldier's discharge documents to confirm they were honorably discharged.
For example, Great Uncle Ed may have sued Cousin Tom back in 1900 for failing to properly discharge his duties as executor, or for wrongfully disposing of estate items.
In that situation, it is helpful to add the place of entry into the service and the place of discharge.
These documents trace a service member's life in the military, from muster to discharge.
Military discharge papers can be a valuable genealogy research source if your ancestors were members of the armed services.
After individuals complete their service to the military, they receive an official military discharge.
There are several military discharge types, which range from honorable to dishonorable.
The type of discharge reflects a service member's conduct and record, as well as the reason for the discharge.
Discharge type is noted on the papers that accompany a service member's separation from the military.
Typically, military discharge documents will include important information about a service member.