Discern Sentence Examples
We must discern between the truth and lies.
The man stopped, thinking he'd heard some movement behind him, but after listening a few minutes could discern no human sound and was satisfied he was alone.
We must discern the truth.
Few can discern the meanings inherent within a dream world.
There was no way to discern if it was the vehicle loaned to Howie.
Darian studied his friend, unable to discern exactly what Jule wanted him to know.
Children, who play life, discern its true law and relations more clearly than men, who fail to live it worthily, but who think that they are wiser by experience, that is, by failure.
It is difficult to discern the divine will.
Can you discern a difference between them?
Through our own recovered innocence we discern the innocence of our neighbors.
AdvertisementIt is from this time that we discern two distinct tendencies in the viking people.
The general effect is impressive, not by any virtues of style, for we do not discern one, but by reason of the magnitude and importance of the undertaking, and the visible conscientiousness and the grasp with which it is executed.
He sat on the floor with her, but could discern neither what was wrong, nor how to help.
With rich data, grounded theorists can more readily discernwhat participants mean and how they define their experiences.
The firelight flickered weakly; creating shadows on his face that made his expression hard to discern.
AdvertisementWe can discern two important trends related to the project's purpose.
We must discern more about them.
In spite of legendary accretions we can still discern the true outlines and significance of his life.
So our ability to find cause and effect in that—and to really discern fact from fallacy, what's good from what's bad for us—is highly suspect.
The purpose of these programs is to guide students to establish or discern their own system of values on which to base their moral decisions.
AdvertisementIt is not difficult to discern the influence of naïve materialism in contemporary thinking.
We clearly discern how this reacted on his Messianic conceptions.
His skin was the shade of melted chocolate, his features too exotic to discern his ethnicity, and his long, straight hair was braided down his back.
If you're not familiar with the various retail configurations, it can be difficult to discern why one bundle costs $100 more than a package that appears to be nearly identical.
Hence we see that if one unit is derived from another it may be possible, by the similarity or difference of the forms of the curves, to discern whether it was derived by general consent and recognition from a standard in the same condition of distribution as that in which we know it, or whether it was derived from it in earlier times before it became so varied, or by some one action forming it from an individual example of the other standard without any variation being transmitted.
AdvertisementWe can occasionally, however, discern traces of his tact and remarkable prudence; and, on the whole, his attitude, particularly with regard to the Union question, recommended him to James.
But we should first note a few points that we can discern from reading the sed contra.
Could they discern editor Antony Gibbs ' individual " handwriting " in these otherwise disparate films?
O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?
With the noise equal to the data, it is hard to discern the presence of a single sinusoid.
This might be hard to discern, as rents appear static in all but a handful.
It is not difficult to discern the influence of naïve materialism in contemporary thinking.
It is easy to discern from varied allusions in the Old Testament that the Canaanite impress of sensuous life clung to the autumnal vintage festivals.
The usual tendency has been to regard it in the light of the criticism of early Israelite history, which demands some reconstruction (§ 8), and to discern distinct tribal movements previous to the union of Judah and Israel under David.
The only way to truly discern the benefits of feeding any food to your dog is to actually feed it on a trial basis for at least two months.
While casual observers may not be able to discern whether the gem is a diamond or another stone, many people will assume that it is not a diamond simply because fancy colors are so rare.
Carat size is the least significant factor in its quality, though it may be hard to discern true champagne shades in very small stones.
Unless you are familiar enough with the Kooba line to be able to discern a replica, it is best to shop at authorized retailers.
So, keep your guard up and try to discern the true fortune teller from the fake.
In fact, it is quite well known that people born under this sign can discern evil plans and interpersonal problems of others by reflecting them in a mirror of obsidian glass.
Teenagers' interests can occasionally be hard to discern, particularly since teens change their hobbies and interests frequently, but some basic themes are suitable for nearly any teen party.
Differing levels are difficult to discern the difference with the naked eye.
Before eye makeup application begins, it's imperative to discern the most appropriate eye look.
A good trainer can discern a confused pet from a dangerous one, and many are willing to come to your home to observe your dog in his own habitat.
These costs are also rolled into the price of each puppy, so be sure you ask to see any vet reports and bills that may apply in order to discern whether the puppy you are considering has been adequately checked.
This lens offers the wearer a high degree of protection, as well as making it easy to discern color while the safety goggles are being worn.
Keeping a diary or journal of events you believe are paranormal can help you discern whether you have any ability, and if so, what form it takes.
The true nature of ghost voices is difficult to discern, due to the fact that the events are so unpredictable, and at times even the words that the voices convey appear meaningless.
No matter which precautions Ouija board users take to only communicate with so-called "good" spirits, it can be quite difficult to discern the intentions of any spirit that pops up to chat.
Meditation confers many benefits, especially for people who seek to develop or discern their psychic abilities.
It can be hard to discern which sites are the best and where to get up-to-the minute information without spending hours upon hours investigating each site.
There is a fairly easy way to discern the right answer for your particular question; simply take a look at who will see you in your intimate apparel, and the occasion for which you are wearing it.
It covers the top of his head and it is difficult to discern whether the long blonde locks of hair that do show are his real hair or instead realistic extensions.
I certainly always consider a client's ideas, but I can quickly discern between concepts that will or will not be effective, and try to lead them in a clearer direction.
In popular usage "conscience" is generally understood to give intuitively authoritative decisions as regards the moral quality of single actions; this usage implicitly assumes that every action has an objective or intrinsic goodness or badness, which "conscience" may be said to discern much in the same way as the eye sees or the ear hears.
The uninitiated cannot perceive them; but they are plainly revealed to the A ntiquity spiritually minded, who discern the profound import of this theosophy beneath the surface of the letters and words of Holy Writ.
Now, in order to discern this underlying truth in the various and apparently conflicting world creeds, appeal was made to a "Secret Doctrine," and "Esoteric Teaching," which Madame Blavatsky proclaimed had been held for ages as a sacred possession and trust by certain mysterious adepts in occultism, or "Mahatmas," with whom she said she was in psychical as well as in direct physical communication.
But the ultimate purpose of the bee is not exhausted by the first, the second, or any of the processes the human mind can discern.
It is difficult for the average consumer to discern whether these foods are made from healthy and safe protein sources.
On the other hand, some items really do lack in quality, and it's important to discern good from bad - especially when you're shopping for items that are on sale.
It's far too easy to discern an ill-fitting shirt in the crowd; we've all seen the guy with the baggy or folded sleeves, and no one wants to be in that situation, especially in a formal setting!
With this option, the wearer is still able to discern color easily.
While depression is a well-known illness, many people feel ill-equipped to discern between common sadness and a condition requiring medical attention.
However, this can be tricky to discern particularly if you are shopping online.
However, even though Mikado eyewear is designed to feel "non oppressive," you wouldn't be able to discern that from its highly durable and quality constructed frame.
Once you see the products for yourself, you may be better able to discern if Silhouette is the right fit for your personality, eyewear needs, and lifestyle.
As you may be able to discern from the game's title, this version of Risk will feature five playable factions.
Often, the differences between a very good wine and an outstanding wine are subtle and may beyond the ability of the average wine drinker to discern.
Read below to discover some of these pros and cons, and discern whether or not it will work well for you.
These videos are used to filter novices from advanced dancers, so directors are able to discern who is qualified for what they are planning, and who will not quite fit in with the current choreography or curriculum.
No matter which celebrity look you are after, there are some key ways to help discern if the look is right for you.
However, difficult folds can be confusing or impossible for a novice to discern from a book.
This is a great way to get a feel for the current beach looks and to discern what may work best with your body type.
You will need to investigate any claims made by a manufacturer in order to discern exactly what "pharmaceutical grade" means for this specific supplement.
This serves to narrow your search for the perfect coffee grinder down a little bit, but it also serves to help you discern various ratings.
Nose Desserts - Many of the fragrance oils at this website are made in the USA, and their descriptions are clearly written to discern which ones are domestically produced at a glance.
Really discern who your audience is, and you will meet great success with your chosen endeavor.
How do you discern between infatuation and the real thing?
Essentially Creative Commons assists writers (and others) in licensing their work to a degree that others can easily discern what is available for reuse and what is not.
Much like a new born, his motto is "I want", and he spends much of his time trying to discern and accomplish just that.
It was not only that he hated and distrusted the boyars, but he was already statesman enough to discern that they could not be fitted into the new order of things which he aimed at introducing.
Through the almost impenetrable darkness and confusion we only discern this much, that Italy was powerless to constitute herself a nation.
It may with truth be said that after Jeremiah we discern the parting of the ways.
In the midst of all this civil strife the Pharisees and all who were preoccupied with religion found it almost impossible to discern what they should do to please God.
Beneath his fun-making we can discern a man who is fundamentally serious, and whose ethical standards are ever lofty.
These and other cases in which we are led to discern very primitive witness behind Acts, do not indeed give to such witness the value of shorthand notes or even of abstracts based thereon.
As a moral being we are less able to discern what he was like.
He could discern the subtle changes in hue and would walk for hours in the woods appreciating nature's rich bounty.
But when the several nations of Europe had acquired distinct though rude written languages of their own, sufficient for the purposes of their rising literatures, then first learning revived, and scholars were enabled to discern from that remoteness the treasures of antiquity.
In areas of the world where carob was not as popular, grains of wheat or rice were used in similar ways to discern the weight of diamonds.
It's not difficult to discern just why Scorpio makes the most jealous and fitful lover of the zodiac.
Communication is another factor that is difficult to discern in cases of Asperger's syndrome.
Of course, luxury is all about look and feel, which you can't discern when shopping online.
As he joined her they squinted into the heat waves, shielding their eyes against the bright sun - trying to discern something of the shadows below the plume.
They could even discern dimly some generalized stock whence had descended whole groups that now differed strangely in habits and appearance - their discernment aided, may be, by some isolated form which yet retained undeniable traces of a primitive structure.
But in more essential points we can discern no progress.
With increased intuition, you can easily discernnew channels for creativity in your personal life or business.
In the works of all of these, although we occasionally discern a hint of the new style, the old Persian manner is still supreme.
In these, as well as in his most dramatic success of Marengo in 1800, we can discern no trace of strategical innovation.
In certain chapters it is possible to discern the questions of the missi and the answers of the inhabitants.
The writer is acquainted with no experiments in which it was attempted to discern the future (except in trivial cases as to events on the turf, when chance coincidence might explain the successes), and only with two or three cases in which there was an attempt to help historical science and discern the past by aid of psychical methods.
Before it was a marvellous mirror erected on a many-storeyed pedestal (described in detail); in this speculum he could discern everything that went on throughout his dominions, and detect conspiracies.
The phrases " discern the body " and " discern ourselves " in i Cor.
Written records were few at the time when the pantheon was built up, so that the process of construction cannot be followed historically from stage to stage; but it is possible by arguing backwards from the later facts to discern the main tendencies at work, and the principal elementary cults that served as the materials.
One can already discern a movement in various quarters towards a recognition of impersonal theism, and towards fixing the teaching of the philosophical schools upon some definitely authorized system of faith and morals, which may satisfy a rising ethical standard, and may thus permanently embody that tendency to substitute spiritual devotion for external forms and caste rules which is the characteristic of the sects that have from time to time dissented from orthodox Brahminism."
He was the first to discern that public opinion, though generally slow to form and slow to act, is in the end the paramount power in the state; and he was the first to use it not in an emergency merely, but throughout a whole political career.
I could also discern the Moon-like phase of Venus, but not very distinctly, nor without some niceness in disposing the Instrument.
Thediffereuce in customs and culture between the dwellers on the two sides of the Channel was sufficient to make this possible; though it is hard to discern any adequate justification for the Norman attitude.
Though cunning, he was destitute alike of foresight and of self-control; he could never discern the way in which his conduct would be judged by other men, because he lacked even the rudiments of a conscience.
We may discern during these same years a great intellectual activity.
In the practical wisdom of Thales, one of the seven, we cannot discern any systematic theory of morality.
So soon as we make clear to ourselves the essential nature of this method, we are able to discern the specific difficulties or perplexities arising ' See further Idealism; Metaphysics; Logic, &c., where Kant's relation to subsequent thought is discussed.
What characterizes a tadpole is the conjoined globular head and body, so formed that it is practically impossible to discern the limit between the two, sharply set off from the more or less elongate compressed tail which is the organ of propulsion.
The substantial education supplied by the parish schools, of which nearly the whole population could then avail themselves, had diffused through all ranks such a measure of intelligence as enabled them promptly to discern and skilfully and energetically to take advantage of this spring-tide of prosperity, and to profit by the agricultural information now plentifully furnished by means of the Bath and West of England Society, established in 1777; the Highland Society, instituted in 1784; and the National Board of Agriculture, in 1793.
Although the whole conception of the work implies that confusion of the provinces of poetry and history which was perpetuated by later writers, and especially by Lucan and Silius Italicus, yet it was a true instinct of genius to discern in the idea of the national destiny the only possible motive of a Roman epic. The execution of the poem (to judge from the fragments, amounting to about six hundred lines), although rough, unequal and often prosaic, seems to have combined the realistic fidelity and freshness of feeling of a contemporary chronicle with the vivifying and idealizing power of genius.
From this separation arise all the difficulties in the effort to develop the notion systematically, and in tracing the history of Kant's philosophical progress we are able to discern the gradual perception on his part that here was to be found the ultimate cause of the perplexities which became apparent in considering the subordinate doctrines of the system.
Under the name Shaddai (which Neldeke suggests 2 was originally Shed' " my demon ") it is possible to discern the name of a deity who in later times came to be identified with Yahweh.
We have also seen with it several times the five satellites of Saturn, in viewing of which this telescope had the advantage of the Huygenian at the time when we compared them; for, being in summer, and the Huygenian telescope being managed without a tube, the twilight prevented us from seeing in this some of these small objects which at the same time we could discern with the reflecting telescope."
We discern a Christian section whose Christianity was political rather than religious, who were Romans first and Christians afterwards, whom a new breeze in politics might easily have wafted back to the old religion.
But then having thought on a tender way of polishing, proper for metall, whereby, as I imagined, the figure also would be corrected to the last; I began to try, what might be effected in this kind, and by degrees so far perfected an Instrument (in the essential parts of it like that I sent to London), by which I could discern Jupiters 4 Concomitants, and shewed them divers times to two others of my acquaintance.
Only then will you find the knowledge to discern the differencebetween truth and error.
I could not discern which button had been pressed so I was going to look at the value of the buttons to tell them apart.
Unable to discern the source of his objection, she finally turned an inquisitive gaze on him.
It contains a number of obviously fictitious stories, through which, however, it is not impossible to discern the general character of the man.