Disbelief Sentence Examples
Surprise, then disbelief, crossed her features.
For a moment he stared at her in disbelief — and then his eyes flared with renewed fury.
His mouth dropped open, and disbelief crossed his features.
Disbelief made her look twice to ensure her eyes hadn't gone as crazy as her thoughts.
Her disbelief that Rhyn had chosen someone like her
Julie shook her head in disbelief.
It bounced around her head, first in disbelief, then in shock, and finally, in anger.
She stared at him in disbelief.
Megan asked in disbelief, appearing through the door leading to the hall.
When the psalmist declares that " the fool hath said in his heart, there is no God," he probably does not refer to theoretical denial, but to a practical disbelief in God's government of human affairs, shown in disobedience to moral laws.
AdvertisementHe vacillated between disbelief and agony.
He shook his head in disbelief.
He braced himself for the fear or disbelief that did not come.
Will there be the same disbelief that in our time, humanity could have acted with such inhumanity?
Lisa stared at Allen in disbelief.
AdvertisementCarmen shook her head in disbelief.
In the second place, and most usually, it is applied to a purely intellectual, metaphysical disbelief in the existence of any god, or of anything supernatural.
She turned questioning eyes on Connie, who shook her head in disbelief.
She nodded, still regarding him with disbelief.
His disbelief was clear.
AdvertisementA few seconds later, you're gasping in disbelief at your expanding bump!
Bianca sank onto the couch, staring in disbelief.
The death-dealer was shaking her head in disbelief.
Save among the Indians, active disbelief in Christianity is practically non-existent, and even among them 90% are nominally Christian.
It is not however asserted that his mere willing to believe is a proof of the truth of what he wishes to believe, any more than a will to disbelieve justifies disbelief.
AdvertisementProtestant suspicion was excited; in 1673 was passed the Test Act, obliging all office-holders to receive the sacrament in the Established Church, and to declare their disbelief in transubstantiation.
She'd expected horror or disbelief from him during the hour straight that she poured her heart out to him.
She and the robed man both stopped moving, watching in disbelief as the amulet skittered, rolled, and disappeared into Rhyn's cell.
The three vampires sat quietly, occasionally shaking their heads in disbelief.
However, I managed to suspend disbelief long enough to enjoy the tale.
There is still widespread disbelief or downplaying of the real significance of Peak Oil.
To Ish's initial disbelief, the ' world has ended ' in his absence.
The sin of disbelief in a particular revelation will also be considered later.
Even the most organized women can find themselves staring in disbelief at a positive pregnancy test.
He or she can help you work through your grief, anger, disbelief, frustration, and all the other emotions that run rampant through your mind from one hour to the next.
Without the other person telling you in person and letting you know it's real, you might even be in disbelief.
Totally disbelief seems to wash over the entire stadium at this unexpected turn of events.
When the hull numbers were painted onto the ship, the Catholic crew stared in disbelief at the reflection the numbers made on a piece of metal in the shipyard.
Who Knew describes the feeling of disbelief and disappointment when a relationship comes to an end.
She refused.In follow-up interviews, Russell repeatedly stated his disbelief that the person who played the best game wasn't automatically crowned the winner.
Disbelief surged through her, and she clenched her eyes closed, praying they thought her dead enough not to shoot her as they did the others.
You do n't have to suspend disbelief, everybody knows what it is.
This turned to gasps of disbelief and then a roar of acclaim as the thunderbolt shot crashed into the far corner of the net.
As the rest of the industry watched in disbelief, we sold boots as fast as we could produce them.
In Africa, the continent 's wretched stared in disbelief that a white westerner could be in worse shape than them.
If you don't believe it can work or that it doesn't have the power to connect to the dead, you won't have much luck, which will ultimately feed your disbelief about online Ouija.
He watched the expectant look turn to one of disbelief.
Disbelief and sorrow crossed her face as she began to understand her options.
Miriam gasped in disbelief.
He peeked through the sidelight then gasped in disbelief.
He spotted the canvas and smiled, shaking his head in disbelief.
When she continued to stare at him blankly, he shook his head in disbelief.
Dean exclaimed in disbelief.
She raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
The same may be said of the lineal descendant of savage medicine - the magical leech-craft of European folk-lore; cures for toothache, warts, &c., act in spite of the disbelief of the sufferer; how far incredulity on the part of the healer would result in failure is an open question.
She could see the amazement on their faces, the total disbelief at seeing a suburban housewife charging toward them.
They also expressed disbelief at some of the information they were given about landmarks.
The effect of her actions on audiences ranges from a sense of pity to a horrified disbelief that such a woman could actually exist.
This provoked disbelief, not least from Rose, but put off the argument with Alice that had been brewing.
I remember the disbelief and then thinking about whether all was lost - was there still a chance for us?
All I could do was stare at the result in stunned disbelief.
In utter disbelief his asked Herod " Where do you get this audience?
However the stewards gave him a hearing and to everyone's disbelief upheld his objection.
Derrida's words in The Post Card also perhaps generate in most readers the passions of disbelief and even scorn.
Kellogg once hit a shuttlecock into the crowd in disbelief and Clark yelled desperately at 1-14 in the second game.
In Africa, the continent's wretched stared in disbelief that a white westerner could be in worse shape than them.
President Milosevic, in apparent disbelief that anybody could say something so stupid, asked the question again.
He has also publicly expressed his disbelief in ADD, postpartum depression, and the use of medications to correct chemical imbalances.
This section is full of one-off photos that are sure to make you laugh (or shake your head in confusion and disbelief).
After all, who doesn't want to willingly suspend his disbelief to come face to face with the underdog hero, or battle orcs in the field?
It was Connie's turn to stare, and she did so in disbelief.
She must have sensed my disbelief.
This cosmic theory is a curious combination of materialistic and abstract ideas; the influence of his master Telesio (q.v.), generally predominant, is not strong enough to overcome his inherent disbelief in the adequacy of purely scientific explanation.
Early English chronicles, such as the Chronicon e chronicis of Florence of Worcester, who died in 1118, described minutely and without a suggestion of disbelief the flourishing state of Lyonnesse, and its sudden disappearance beneath the sea.
Hutton himself frequently misrepresented the doctrine by describing it as "belief in an unknown and unknowable God"; but agnosticism as defined by Huxley meant not belief, but absence of belief, as much distinct from belief on the one hand as from disbelief on the other; it was the half-way house between the two, where all questions were "open."
For a moment he stared at her in disbelief — and then his eyes flared with renewed fury.
The point about fairies etc is so infantile in logic I can barely contain my disbelief.
Danby, while communicating the "Popish Plot" to the parliament, had from the first expressed his disbelief in the so-called revelations of Titus Oates, and his backwardness in the matter now furnished an additional charge of having "traitorously concealed the plot."
Derrida 's words in The Post Card also perhaps generate in most readers the passions of disbelief and even scorn.
They'd sat for hours, until human-Deidre's distress faded and turned first to disbelief then hope then resolve.
He was frozen in disbelief that bordered on horror then suddenly swept her up into his arms.
C. Gorham to the benefice of Brampford Speke in spite of the latter's acknowledged disbelief in the doctrine of baptismal regeneration, brought to a crisis the position within the Church of England of those who believed in that Church as a legitimate part of the infallible Ecclesia docens.
But Cynthia's tone betrayed her disbelief in the words she was saying.
Lord Aberdeen made no secret of his dislike for the Turks, and openly expressed his disbelief in the reality of their reforms; and in January 1853 the tsar, in conversation with Sir Hamilton Seymour, the British ambassador at St Petersburg, spoke of the Ottoman Empire as " the Sick Man," and renewed the proposals for a partition made in 1844.