Disapproval Sentence Examples
His dark eyes reflected the disapproval in his tone.
Andre raised his eyebrow in polite disapproval, the same way his father did.
A'Ran gazed at her silently, making his disapproval clear.
In December 1821 Sidmouth resigned his office, but remained a member of the cabinet without official duties until 1824, when he resigned owing to his disapproval of the recognition of the independence of Buenos Aires.
Anything would have been better than his silent disapproval.
And yet, he had not spoken a word of disapproval.
Couples are often separated by misunderstanding or family disapproval.
Daniela's voice was heavy with disapproval.
As long as Cromwell lived there appeared little hope of the restoration of the monarchy, and Charles and Hyde had been aware of the plots for his assassination, which had aroused no disapproval.
In any case, I'm on my way, darling, he said with disapproval.
AdvertisementThe right of speech and vote was restricted to the nobles, the people being permitted to express their opinion only by signs of applause or disapproval.
Roland hinted disapproval, but did not venture more.
They tend to be watchful of us, Sofi said in disapproval.
Dusty should have given you a means of contacting someone in an emergency, he said with disapproval.
He sensed Death's disapproval.
AdvertisementHis reasons for disapproval he explained to the king and Buckingham, but found to his surprise that their indignation was strongly roused against him.
The Jansenist Church is, however, intensely conservative, and viewed with extreme disapproval the departures made by the German Old Catholics from Catholic tradition, notably in the matter of clerical celibacy.
To Cardinal Hohenzollern, Urban was reported to have said that the theory of the earth's motion had not been and could not be condemned as heretical, but only as rash; and in 1630 the brilliant Dominican monk Tommaso Campanella wrote to Galileo that the pope had expressed to him in conversation his disapproval of the prohibitory decree.
Their looks ranged from amazement to surprise to Dustin's look of disapproval aimed at Pierre.
The ancient demon shook his head in disapproval.
AdvertisementIncreasing public disapproval of Bush began with Cindy Sheehan's decision to confront Bush on his vacation in Texas in August.
They fear rejection, need constant reassurance and advice, and are oversensitive to criticism or disapproval.
He let it be known that he strongly disapproved of their proposal to elect Count Melzi, the Italian statesman most suitable for the post; and a hint given by Talleyrand showed the reason for his disapproval.
His scheme for the establishment of a university which should satisfy both Roman Catholics and Protestants met with general disapproval.
He began the study of law in response to his father's advice; he discontinued it in response to his mother's disapproval.
AdvertisementIn addition, the citizen is often called upon to vote yea or nay on questions such as amendments to the state constitutions, granting of licences, and approval or disapproval of new municipal undertakings.
There have, however, been divines who dissented from this general disapproval.
Gabriel hid a smile, hearing the gruff-but-gentle disapproval of an older brother in Andre's voice.
Scargill was seen to have been right all along and disapproval of the Government's policy came even from conservative back benchers.
Much more to the point, given his father's early disapproval I think Darwin faced two basic options in his life.
These words have no meaning other than to express disapproval by the ruling class.
Only 29 (13 %) registered disapproval of the CSI.
But equally, others must be free to voice disapproval of their lifestyles, particularly where this is a key element of religious faith.
They could push into northern China, and face Russian disapproval.
He quickly incurred the disapproval of his presbytery by offering communion to anyone who attended his church.
They combine filial obedience and propriety with a steadfast resolve to take no real notice of parental disapproval of her unlikely but successful match.
The clouds of moral disapproval of infection were dispelled.
At that time, the idea met with widespread disapproval from virtually every quarter.
Lexie refuses to take any notice of Julie's strong disapproval of her attitude to Jessie.
Other beliefs withered in the blast of official disapproval.
Disapproval of a practice in itself would have to be rooted in a finding that the only motivating reasons are purely egocentric ones.
Disapproval was to her what neuralgia and fancy needlework are to many other women.
By withdrawing public subsidy for Sinn Fein Members it underscores the disapproval of all true democrats for what has happened.
The official unionists quickly made their disapproval of the Action Council known.
The earlier phases of the French Revolution excited his deepest sympathy, a sympathy which induced him to avow his strong; disapproval of the war with France.
Creditors base their approval or disapproval decisions on whether or not it appears that the applicant will pay back the debt as agreed.
In this type of situation, an adult's expressed disapproval may suppress the behavior, but the behavior is likely to emerge again in situations where an adult supervisor is not present.
Parents may express disapproval of a behavior by scolding or yelling.
They are afraid of saying something considered foolish by others and are deeply hurt by any disapproval from others.
Homophobia-An irrational hatred, disapproval, or fear of homosexuality and homosexuals.
At this age, children are deterred from stealing mostly by their fear of parental disapproval.
In the past, families who made the decision to continue carrying a baby with a terminal diagnosis were left to cope on their own as best they could, sometimes even with the disapproval and censure of their medical team.
Many teen couples also deal with their parent's disapproval of their relationship.
Permissive parents often "give in" to their children's wishes, hesitating on boundaries as soon as their child protests, gets angry, throws a tantrum, or expresses disapproval in some way.
Where were Zoe and Anthony going to pursue their relationship and escape the disapproval of her family?
Darkyn lifted his head in what Gabriel took to be disapproval.
The investigations will then naturally divide themselves into three parts, the first of which deals with those to our mind inevitable forms in which we are obliged to think about things, if we think at all (metaphysics), the second being devoted to the great region of facts, trying to apply the results of metaphysics to these, specially the two great regions of external and mental phenomena (cosmology and psychology), the third dealing with those standards of value from which we pronounce our aesthetical or ethical approval or disapproval.
That there were certain limits beyond which the translator might not venture, without incurring the censure of the authorities, may be inferred from the few instances of translation which are mentioned with disapproval in the Mishna and elsewhere.
The governor's good-natured wife came up with a look of disapproval.
The Official Unionists quickly made their disapproval of the Action Council known.
Broadly speaking, the " smaller body" is characterized by a rigid adherence to old forms of dress and speech, to a disapproval of music and art, and to an insistence on the " Inward Light " which, at times, leaves but little room for the Scriptures or the historic Christ, although with no definite or intended repudiation of them.
In 1855 he supported Gladstone in the efforts to bring about peace with Russia before the capture of Sebastopol; in 1856 he opposed the opening of museums on Sunday; in the following year he supported Cobden in his disapproval of the second opium war with China.
The legislatures of Massachusetts and Connecticut approved of these proposed amendments and sent commissioners to Washington to urge their adoption, but before their arrival the war had closed, and not only did the amendments fail to receive the approval of any other state, but the legislatures of nine states expressed their disapproval of the Hartford Convention itself, some charging it with sowing "seeds of dissension and disunion."
But however excellent his intentions, his publicly expressed disapproval of the ChamberlainMilner policy probably did more harm than his private influence with Mr Kruger could possibly do good.
In 1800, Adams was again the Federalist candidate for the presidency, but the distrust of him in his own party, the popular disapproval of the Alien and Sedition Acts and the popularity of his opponent, Thomas Jefferson, combined to cause his defeat.
He publicly expressed his disapproval of the attacks on the Jews in 1878; and the coalition of Liberal parties founded in 1884 was popularly known as the "crown prince's party," but he scrupulously refrained from any act that might embarrass his father's government.
Femmes bassist Brian Richie sued bandmate Gordon Gano for giving Wendy's permission to use the track - a move that surprised Gano given that Richie never mentioned his disapproval during the tour they ended right before he filed the suit.
Modesty also plays a strong role with Duggars, as well as chaperoned dates, no kissing until marriage and the strong disapproval of using birth control.
They also overwhelmingly expressed disapproval for Kristen Stewart, who played Bella Swan.
This order led to an outcry among the fathers of Basel and incurred the deep disapproval of the legate Cesarini.
The supposed right of Convocation to stamp heretical opinions with its disapproval was exercised on a somewhat memorable occasion.
After two years he returned to Copenhagen, but his lectures excited so much disapproval that he took a professorship at Halle in 1804.
Pierre recalled how Helene had smilingly expressed disapproval of Dolokhov's living at their house, and how cynically Dolokhov had praised his wife's beauty to him and from that time till they came to Moscow had not left them for a day.
In Alexandria, however, this custom had been given up, and Demetrius took occasion to express his disapproval and recall Origen to Alexandria.
Franklin noted the phenomenon with disapproval in his advocacy of increased population; Malthus with approval in his search for means to decrease population.
Deliberate alteration is occasionally due to disapproval of what stands in the text or even to less creditable reasons.
Parliament had repeatedly expressed its disapproval of the Magyar demands upon the crown, but had succeeded only in demonstrating its own impotence.
They gave general offence, and the disapproval, according to Froude, stopped the sale for years.
Taylor himself attempts to find the roots of ethics in the moral sentiments of mankind, the moral sentiments being primarily feelings or emotions, though they imply and result in judgments of approval and disapproval upon conduct.
The disapproval was clear in his voice as he slowly repeated her words.
Evidence in support of this view is sought for in the accounts in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and elsewhere, where the decisions of the witan were received with loud expressions of approval or of disapproval by an assembled crowd, and it is argued that this is a survival from an earlier age, when all the freemen attended the witan.
It was therefore with surprise and some disapproval that people found Mr. Lloyd George, who appreciated his powers, admitting him into his Government in July 1917 as Minister of Munitions, a post in which he did good work for a year and a half, but did not come specially before the public. After the war, however, when Mr. Lloyd George reconstructed his Government, he became Secretary of State both for War and for Air, a conjunction of offices which was much criticized.
But he made no sign of disapproval when the doctrine was defined, and subsequently, in a letter nominally addressed to the duke of Norfolk on the occasion of Mr Gladstone's accusing the Roman Church of having "equally repudiated modern thought and ancient history," Newman affirmed that he had always believed the doctrine, and had only feared the deterrent effect of its definition on conversions on account of acknowledged historical difficulties.
It is because of his disapproval that Alondra is in this situation now.
One of the first acts of the governor, by which he sought to establish in Canada the three estates - nobles, clergy and people - met with the disapproval of the French court, and measures were adopted to curb his ambition by increasing the power of the sovereign council and by reviving the office of intendant.
Moreover, paying such honor to Bagration was the best way of expressing disapproval and dislike of Kutuzov.
The party of the old and dissatisfied, who censured the innovations, turned to him expecting his sympathy in their disapproval of the reforms, simply because he was the son of his father.
Kris shook his head, his look of disapproval mixed with amusement.
This measure was opposed to many of the dearest beliefs and feelings of Palmer, and he evidenced his disapproval by abstaining from voting on the resolutions.
He expressed disapproval of the Tenure of Office Act, making the consent of the Senate necessary for the removal of civil officers, and drafted the supplementary act on Reconstruction, passed over the president's veto on the 19th of July 1867.
He looked around in disapproval at the disaster that remained of the new gym.
Jay, however, in a letter written to the president of Congress from Spain, had expressed in strong terms his disapproval of such dependence upon France, and, on arriving in Paris, he demanded that Great Britain should treat with his country on an equal footing by first recognizing its independence, although the French minister, Count de Vergennes, contended that an acknowledgment of independence as an effect of the treaty was as much as could reasonably be expected.
He'd changed into a sweater and dark jeans and gazed down at her, disapproval in his hard features.
The raised eyebrow expressed her disapproval of his sudden appearance in a way that made him want to touch her and remind her that he did what he wanted now.
Gabriel's soft cluck of disapproval filled the air around him as Rhyn sat in the corner, watching the most vexing woman in the world --his mate --sleep.
She's not leaving because he expressed disapproval, is she?
On the 16th of September his disapproval of the popular excesses at Warsaw caused him to quit the government after sacrificing half his fortune to the national cause; but it must be admitted that throughout the insurrection he did not act up to his great reputation.