Directory Sentence Examples
Clearly, then, the Directory was doomed.
The Directory was guilty of even greater abuses in dealing with the assignats.
In this Assembly he proposed that " a confession of faith, a catechism, a directory for all the parts of the public worship, and a platform of government, wherein possibly England and we might agree," should be drawn up. This was unanimously approved of, and the laborious undertaking was left in Henderson's hands; but the " notable motion " did not lead to any immediate results.
To avoid disbanding it, which might, as after the peace of Basel, have given the counter-revolution further auxiliaries, the Directory appointed Bonaparte chief of the Army of England, and employed Jourdan to revise the conscription laws so as to make military service a permanent duty of the citizen, since war was now to be the permanent object of policy.
For the constitution of the year 1795 which inaugurated the period of the Directory (1795-1799) see French Revolution.
Discords arose between the Vatican and the French Republic, and it is clear that Napoleon and the French Directory ordered Joseph to encourage revolutionary movements in Rome.
The division in the legislature was reproduced in the Directory.
He took no part in public affairs under the directory, the consulate or the empire, and in 1816 was banished as a regicide.
On the fall of the Directory by was made a senator and grand officer of the Legion of Honour; under the empire he became a count; and after the restoration of the Bourbons he took his seat as a peer.
The Westminster Directory which superseded the Book of Common Order also enjoins interment "without any ceremony," such being stigmatized as "no way beneficial to the dead and many ways hurtful to the living."
AdvertisementSprott and Thomas Leishman, in the introduction to their edition of the Book of Common Order, and of the Westminster Directory published in 1868, collected a valuable series of notices as to the actual usage of the former book for the period (1564-1645) during which it was enjoined by ecclesiastical law.
This effort culminated in the Westminster Assembly of divines which met in 1643, at which six commissioners from the Church of Scotland were present, and joined in the task of drawing up a Common Confession, Catechism and Directory for the three kingdoms. The commissioners reported to the General Assembly of 1644 that this Common Directory "is so begun.
An act of Assembly on the 3rd of February and an act of parliament on the 6th of February ordered its use in every church, and henceforth, though there was no act setting aside the "Book of Common Order," the Westminster Directory was of primary authority.
The Directory was meant simply to make known "the general heads, the sense and scope of the Prayers and other parts of Public Worship," and if need be, "to give a help and furniture."
The act of parliament recognizing the Directory was annulled at the Restoration and the book has never since been acknowledged by a civil authority in Scotland.
AdvertisementBut General Assemblies have frequently recommended its use, and worship in Presbyterian churches is largely conducted on the lines of the Westminster Assembly's Directory.
He was a member of the Council of Five Hundred and then of the Conservative senate, and the dissolution of the Directory was the result of a motion which he made to that effect.
Although peace was made with France in 1796, the demands of the French Directory, whose troops occupied Rome, alarmed the king once more, and at his wife's instigation he took advantage of Napoleon's absence in Egypt and of Nelson's victories to go to war.
He was appointed secretary (greffier) to the commune of Marseilles, and in 1792 was commissioned to go to the Legislative Assembly and demand the accusation of the directory of the department of Bouches-du-Rhone, as accomplice in a royalist movement in Arles.
But three other methods of confession for private use are mentioned in the exhortations in the communion service, which constitute the principal directory for private devotions among the authoritative documents of the English Church.
AdvertisementThough the French attempt at a concerted invasion had failed, however, the Directory did not abandon the enterprise, and commissioned Bonaparte to draw up fresh plans.
His energy was largely responsible for the suppression of the royalist insurrection of the 13th Vendemiaire, and the important place he occupied at the beginning of the Directory is indicated by the fact that he was elected by twenty-seven departments as member of the Council of Five Hundred, and became its first president.
Under the Directory he entered the Council of the Five Hundred (of which he was president during the month of Nivose, year IV.), was a member of the Tribunal of Cassation, plenipotentiary at the Congress of Rastatt, and became a director in the year VI.
It resolved that the constitution Directory.
With the establishment of the Directory the Revolution might seem closed.
AdvertisementNevertheless the four years of the Directory were a time of arbitrary government and chronic disquiet.
In its final shape the constitution established of 1793 was impracticable and proceeded to frame the Directory impelled them to keep their predominance.
But the Directory was sustained by the military successes of the year 1796.
The two vacant places in the Directory were filled by Merlin of Douai and Francois of Neufchâteau.
The retirement of Francois of Neufchateau and the choice of Treilhard as his successor made no difference in the position of the Directory.
At home the Directory was in a most critical position.
Thus the Directory and the Councils came to their unlamented end.
It was because Napoleon gave a practical form to these achievements of the Revolution and ensured the public order necessary to their continuance that the Directory was bankrupt of reputation, and he intended to be far more than a mere member of a board.
For the history of the Assemblies during the Revolution a main authority is their Proces verbaux or Journals; those of the Constituent Assembly in 75 vols., those of the Legislative Assembly in 16 vols.; those of the Convention in 74 vols., and those of the Councils under the Directory in 99 vols.
In compliance with a peremptory demand from the English government, and in spite of a counter-threat from the French Directory, the refugees were surrendered.
During the Directory he was charged with diplomatic missions, first to Lille and then to the congress of Rastadt (October 17 9 7), where the negotiations dragged wearily along and were finally broken.
During four years the Directory attempted to fill this blank.
Under the name of moderates they demanded an end to this war which England continued and Austria threatened to recommence, and that the Directory from selfinterested motives refused to conclude; they desired the abandonment of revolutionary proceedings, order in finance and religious peace.
The Directory, then, was in a minority in the country, and had to be ever on the alert against faction; all possible methods seemed legitimate, and during two years appeared Struggle successful.
The bureaucrats of the old systemhaving returned to their offices and being used to these indirect taxeslent their assistance, and thus the Directory was enabled to maintain its struggle against the Coalition.
England remaining invulnerable in her insular position despite Hoches attempt to land in Ireland m 1796, the Directory resumed the traditional policy against Austria of conquering the natural frontiers, Carnot furnishing the plans; hence the war in southern Germany, in which Jourdan and Moreau were repulsed by an inferior force under the archduke Charles, and Bonapartes triumphant Italian campaign.
Chief of an army that he had made irresistible, not by honor but by glory, and master of wealth by rapine, Bonaparte imposed his will upon the Directory, which he provided with funds.
These military successes did not prevent the Directory, like the Thermidorians, from losing ground in the country.
The attempt of the counter-revolutionaries to make an army for themselves out of the guard of the Legislative Assembly, and the success of the Catholics, who bad managed at the end of August 1797 to repeal the laws against refractory priests, determined the Directory to appeal from the rebellious parliament to the ready swords of Augereau and Bernadotte.
In order to win back public opinion, tired of internecine quarrels and sickened by the scandalous Aggressive immorality of the generals and of those in power, policy and to remove from Paris an army which after having of the given them a fresh lease of life was now a menace to Directory.
But Bonaparte saw what they were planning; and to the rupture of the negotiations at Lille and an order for the resumption of hostilities he responded by a fresh act of disobedience and the infliction on the Directory of the peace of Campo-Formio, on October 17, 1797.
The Directory finally conceived the gigantic project of bolstering up the French Republicthe triumph of which was celebrated by the peace of Campo-Formio by forming the neighboring weak states into tributary vassal republics.
The Directory had to make a stand or perish, and with it the Republic. The directors had thought France might retain a monopoly second in numbers and in initiative.
The law of conscription was voted on the 5th of September 1798; and the tragedy of Rastadt, where the French commissioners were assassinated, was the opening of a war, desired but illprepared for, in which the Directory showed hesitation in strategy and incoherence in tactics, over a disproportionate area in Germany, Switzerland and Italy.
As though shattered by a reverberant echo from the cannon of the Trebbia, the Directory crumbled to pieces, succumbing on the 18th of June 1799 beneath the reprobation showered on Treilhard, Merlin de Douai, and La Rvellire-Lpeaux.
To soothe the populace and protect the frontier more was required than the resumption, as in all grave crises of the Revolution, of terrorist measures such as forced taxation or the law of hostages; the new Directory, Sieys presiding, saw that for the indispensable revision of the constitution a head and a sword were needed.
This explains the retention of Italy, imposed on the Directory from 1796 onward, followed by his criminal treatment of Venice, the foundation of the Cisalpine republica foretaste of future annexatiofis the restoration of that republic after his return from Egypt, and in view of his as yet inchoate designs, the postponed solution of the Italian problem which the treaty of Lunville bad raised.
No more far-seeing than the Directory or the men of the year III., he thought that, with energy and execution, he might succeed in the Peninsula as he had succeeded in Italy in 1796 and 1797, in Egypt, and in Hesse, and that he might cut into Spanish granite as into Italian mosaic or that big cake, Germany.
The treatment of the duke of Parma by the Directory was keenly resented by the queen.
The military plans of the Directory were unsuccessful during the absence of their greatest general in Egypt, and the second coalition gained successes in 1799 which had seemed impossible since 1793.
But the return of Bonaparte, followed as it was by the fall of the Directory and the establishment of the Consulate, commenced a new epoch for Spain.
Under the Directory he sat in the Council of the Five Hundred, retiring after the coup d'etat of 18 Brumaire (November 9, 1799).
The Directory in 1801 ordered his writings on the art to be translated and published at Paris in 20 volumes under the title of Le Cultivateur anglais.
Appointed a member of the Directory on the ist of October 1 795, he became its president in 1796, and retired by ballot in 1799.
These files are generated into several subdirectories, according to LEIF's standard project directory hierarchy.
Use of or access to the Civil Engineering Directory shall constitute acceptance of and agreement to be bound by this Agreement.
Directory topics include arable, contractors, country sports, farm buildings, forestry, horticulture and livestock.
The Standard Plan provides its own CGI directory for hosting custom scripts and also supports asp; server-side scripting and server-side includes.
You can use the attrib command to remove the read-only attribute from the destination directory.
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If there are any trailing directory delimiter characters, they are removed.
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The Gopher selector string may be an empty string; this is how Gopher clients refer to the top-level directory on a Gopher server.
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Each file system has a root directory from which all other files in that file system can be reached.
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Returns the location of the main Starlink java directory which contains the lib, bin, etc, source directories and others.
Now, do a directory listing by typing in ls -l.
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Alternatively, you may make an entire directory off-limits.
If a directory is read, pax extracts all files under the directory recursively, then generates the files.
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Unix based web servers allow a convenient shortcut to accessing files placed in the directory public_html in the user's home directory.
Once you get the hang of it file manipulation and directory traversals become so speedy that using it as root can be risky!
On a PC, creating a unique spool directory improves printing performance by eliminating spooling conflicts within Windows.
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With attribute type synonyms, a directory can assign multiple names to the same attribute.
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The default is to con- vert relative encoding directories to absolute directories by prepending the current directory.
To initiate a connection to your M drive home directory via the command-line, you MUST have super-user privileges to your linux workstation.
Denounced to the Legislative Assembly by the directory of the department of Rhone-et-Loire for having made a nocturnal domiciliary perquisition, he was sent to the bar of the Assembly, which approved of his conduct.
When, therefore, Tone urged the directory to send effective assistance to the Irish rebels, all that could be promised was a number of small raids to descend simultaneously on different points of the Irish coast.
The Directors feared a rupture with the man to whom they owed their existence; and the house of Austria was fain to make peace with the general rather than expose itself to harder terms at the hands of the Directory.
The Directory, after the coup d'etat of Fructidor, had acknowledged a state of bankruptcy by writing off twothirds of the national debt in a form which soon proved to be a thin disguise for repudiation.
The war of the Second Coalition having brought about the expulsion of the French from Italy, the Directors were exposed to a storm of indignation in France, not unmixed with contempt; and this state of public opinion enabled the young conqueror within a month of his landing at Frejus (9th of October 1799) easily to prevail over the Directory and the elective councils of the nation.
True, the Directory seemed on the point of collapse; it had been overcome by the popularly elected Chambers in the insignificant coup d'etat of 30 Prairial (18th of June) 1799; when Larevelliere-Lepeaux and Merlin were compelled to resign.
He was known to disapprove of the Directory both as an institution in the making of which he had had no hand, and of its personnel, with one exception.
The Directory thought it time to act; the bureau central had accumulated through its agents, notably the ex-captain Georges Grisel, who had been initiated into Babeuf's society, complete evidence of a conspiracy for an armed rising fixed for Floreal 22, year IV.
M de Stael (whose mission had been in abeyance and himself in Holland for three years) was accredited to the French republic by the regent of Sweden; his wife reopened her salon and for a time was conspicuous in the motley and eccentric society of the Directory.
His Formularium tabellionurn (a directory for notaries) and Quaestiones (a book of decisions) are no longer extant.
The two vacant places in the Directory were filled by Merlin of Douai and Francois of Neufchâteau.
Moreover, their Clichy club, directed by the abb Brottier, manipulated Parisian opinion; while many of the -refractory priests, having returned after the liberal Public Worship Act of September 1795, made active propaganda against the principles of the Revolution, and plotted the fall of the Directory as maintaining the States independence of the Church.
At the same time the Directory, whose mistrust was excited by his attitude in the question of Parma, insisted upon his dismissal.
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Pressing RETURN leaves the prefix set to the root directory of the boot device.
The exclude patterns actually short-circuit the directory traversal stage when rsync finds the files to send.
Unix based web servers allow a convenient shortcut to accessing files placed in the directory public_html in the user 's home directory.
Further slash characters indicate branches of the server 's directory tree in the usual way for PC 's.
Every mode requires the user to specify a bedpost directory.
Once you get the hang of it file manipulation and directory traversals become so speedy that using it as root can be risky !
The files do end up in the cups spool directory.
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Deleting a package does not mean removing it from the stow directory or discarding the package tree.
Active Directory does not support this attribute syntax, instead it uses an older and more limited X500 syntax.
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Once I put her version of the war file in my tomcat deployment directory it ran fine.
On Unix, you can run make test at the top-level directory where Python was built.
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In 1846 the twopenny post directory is replaced by a County directory containing only land-owners.
This way I can prevent corrupted archives from unpacking into the current directory.
Kernel sources are unpacked in the /usr/src directory, creating the directory /usr/src/linux.
A new decompress option has been added so that files may be unzipped into a specific directory separate to the download directory.
In this case, the ser- vise is the name of the file in the /etc/pam.d / directory.
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The Open Directory Project provides an extensive list of these smaller sites.
California Department of Education - Learn the basics about the California educational system, including testing guidelines and a directory of schools with contact information for each.
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College Scholarships - This scholarship website offers a directory of Christian higher education institutions by state.
Christian Colleges - Not to be confused with the above, the Christian Colleges site profiles a number of online Christian schools and has financial aid information, a state-by-state directory, and more.
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Check the directory for your state's games to learn how to compete or volunteer.
Another option is to contact a local branch of the National Association of Area Agencies of Aging using their state-by-state directory to ask for local options and recommendations.
There is also a state-by-state directory of retirement communities which is open to visitors of the site who have not paid a membership fee.
Also review a directory of participating state games to contact the organization nearest you.
This site is a great resource with information on transportation, a directory of services, a newsletter and so much more.
This website also includes a Federal Grant Index and a Federal Grant Directory along with many informative articles and helpful links.
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Our senior living directory allows users to find communities and care options based on their criteria.
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Seniors A 2 Z provides a national senior care directory that provides information and resources for many important and relevant topics of interest to seniors.
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Senior Living provides a residence directory for senior citizens that includes low income housing units.
Be aware that even a phone number, when entered into a reverse phone directory on the Internet, can provide your name and address.
Retirement Homes has a searchable directory based on type of housing and location in the United States and Canada.
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The APSAA features a Member Directory that helps visitors to find psychotherapists in their regions.Individuals plagued with recurring nightmares and disturbing images do not necessarily have to seek guidance from a psychoanalyst.
However, if none of your friends wear contacts, that could be tricky and a directory may be your best bet.
Need a directory to find contact lenses in Boulder, Colorado?
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To keep up to date on new indoor water parks as they open, check regularly with an indoor water park directory.
Extract the package files to either the "Downloads" folder or the "Collections" folder in "The Sims 2" directory in the My Documents path for EA Games.
If you find that you're having a hard time earning certain trophies, you can circumvent the requirements by editing a little file.In the directory where you installed Chuzzle on your computer, look for a folder called Profiles.
If you want your converted files to go in a specific directory on your computer, then click the Select button and pick a location.Lastly, you can pick the frame rate and audio quality of your converted file.
Hook your Sony PSP to the computer and open the PSP directory.
You should see a directory called MP_ROOT.
Click on that so you are in that directory.
If not, start again and make sure you are in the MP_ROOT directory and not in the directory that contains the music, savedata, and photos folder.
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Wallpapers Directory - The sheer number of wallpapers found here may not be as impressive as other sites, but the quality is right up there with the rest of them.
See the Americana Exchange Auction Database for a comprehensive directory of auction houses and a list of upcoming auctions expected to include collectible books.
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Visit to find directory listings for a wide variety of retailers specializing in Art Deco pieces.
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If there isn't a Cabela's, Coleman, or REI retail outlet in your area, you can check an online directory for camping equipment suppliers in your area.
A KOA Campground Directory can be a valuable resource when you are looking for a place to stay during your next camping trip.
Each year, an updated version of the popular printed KOA Campground Directory is published.
The directory contains details about each campground that bears the KOA name at the time of publication.
Additionally, the directory includes a complete road Atlas, so you can use it to map out your road trip route as well as locating campsites in the different towns you will travel through along the way.
To use the online KOA Campground Directory, simply click the "Find a KOA" link on
The U.S. directory allows users to search by state, and the Canadian database allows Province-specific searches.
If you'd like to keep a copy of the directory in your RV or other vehicle that you use when traveling, the printed option will be the best choice for you.
The online directory will have the most current information, as updates can be made as soon as the changes occur rather than having to wait for an annual publication to be printed.
Go Campin' Directory of North Carolina RV Campgrounds - Visit the NC specific Go Campin' page to find listings for many independently owned and operated RV campgrounds located in every part of the state.
Outer Banks Vacation Guide - See the campsites directory on for information about places to enjoy ocean front camping in North Carolina.
A Cell Phone Directory can be described in two ways.
Most of today's cell phones come with a commonly used function called the "directory."
The directory on a cell phone can be customized and programmed to hold and store phone numbers for anyone the cell phone owner wants to easily access.
A cell phone directory usually has the ability to organize all of the entries so they are in alphabetical order or in a preferred/programmed order.
Selecting a name from a cell phone directory is similar to a "speed dial" on a regular phone since the number is automatically dialed when the cell phone user hits "send" or "call" when a particular phone number is highlighted.
A wireless "411" directory does exist, but most people's cell phone numbers are not included on the list.
The companies that have opted out of placing their customers' cell phone numbers in a public directory are Verizon, U.S. Cellular Corp, Sprint, and Alltel.
Of course, if individuals who subscribe to one of these companies want their cell phone number included in the directory, they can opt in and add their numbers.
One of the main reasons that mandatory inclusion in the national 411 cell phone directory has not become a reality is that many cell phone owners are charged for incoming calls.
Many cell phone owners are also concerned about including their cell phone numbers in a cell phone directory because they do not want to start receiving telemarketing calls.
With a reverse phone directory, you may have the phone number, but you do not know the name of the person or company.
By entering the complete number, the search engine may then be able to find the number within its directory and feed you the rest of the information.
The process that these companies follow is not dissimilar to that of a private investigator, except they already have access to a comprehensive cell phone directory.
One developer liked the idea of Coverflow so much that he created a cell phone directory application that effectively displays your contact list in a Coverflow-like style.
In addition to finding available hotspots based on an updated directory, these stumblers will also dynamically add more hotspots based on what the current iPhone is able to detect.
One way to resolve these problems is to open iSync, which is located in the applications directory, and then click on "Reset Sync History."
The process was simple and easy to understand, including the ease of access to the video directory.
They can consult the Head Start directory (on the Head Start Bureau web site).
Kickit also offers a large amount of links in their links directory to help dancers find all the resources related to their inquiry.
The social security death index is a directory of deaths reported to social security.
A categorized and cross-referenced directory, Cyndi's List provides the genealogist with an extensive array of genealogy sites on the Internet.
Cyndi's List has a directory of websites with passenger lists from ships that sailed to the United States from many different countries.
Cyndi's List is a cross-referenced directory, divided into broad categories, that provides a wide range of links to genealogy sites on the Internet.
This directory offers links to every state in the United States to search for public records, including divorce records.
Divorce offers a free directory of divorce record research tools.
Free PRF is a directory of links to resources for researching divorce and other vital records online.
This valuable directory features links to everything from cemetery records to county records, newspaper obituaries, historical society records and more.
This directory offers links to every state in the United States to search for public records, including divorce, marraige, death and birth records.
Gen Wed has free marriage records databases and a directory for U.S., U.K. and Canadian family history research.
To find a specialist near you, you can check out the American Hair Loss Council's member directory.
There are many online directories and resources that explain INCI names in more detail, one of which is the Somerset Cosmetic Directory which has a directory listing over 6,000 INCI names. provides an entire directory of poetry resources, many of which are grade specific. claims to be Canada's biggest jobsite directory and "your site to the hidden jobmarket in Canada."
A directory of state employment offices are can be found on or you can run an online search for "personnel board" and the name of the state.
There is a comprehensive directory of state unemployment insurance offices on the U.S. Department of Labor's website.
State and Local Government on the Net is a directory of government websites at the state, county and city levels.
A directory of state employment offices are can be found on or you can run an online search for the name of your state paired with the phrase "state employment" to find out where listings are posted.
Of course, the best way to find a reliable mortgage broker is through referrals from friends and family, but you can also seek an online mortgage quote or consult your local phone directory.
There are many mortgage brokers in the state and they can be easily found at the Minnesota State Directory of Mortgage Brokers.
If you're ready to do more research on the mortgage lenders in you area, PersonalHome provides a directory of Austin area mortgage brokers and lenders.
Along with that, you can visit the Austin Refinance Directory, or the title companies that offer Austin Texas mortgage refinance options.
You can also contact online directories such as ServiceMagic, American Society of Home Inspectors and the American Home Inspection Directory.
Find an Orlando home inspector using a local inspector directory.
You can also browse a substantial directory of mortgage brokers using the online UK Mortgage Brokers Index.
Mortgage 101 also offers important information interest rates, a lender directory, and mortgage calculators.
Consult the local office directory at HUD's website to find the office that serves your area.
You can find a CLC through your local La Leche League group or through the ILCA directory.
This sub-page to the official web site for Napa Valley offers a terrific directory of Napa Valley wine tours to take advantage of.
For a complete list of options for dog boarding visit an Internet directory such as those found via popular sites such as Yahoo or Google.
Simply clicking on "Supermodels" yields an alphabetical directory of women; this makes it easy to track down just who you're looking for.
Just click on the "Female Models" category to be taken to the directory.
A quick look in your local phone directory will reveal sources for swimming pools in your area.
It contains a searchable directory of clubs and you can search by activity to make sure you find a club that's suitable.
Read more about it at Fashion Model Directory.
Scentsy provides a directory of their consultants on their website.
Since many smaller suppliers only operate locally, it can be tough to find them without a comprehensive directory.
Additionally, if you feel that foundations are likely to provide an excellent resource for funding for your organization, you may want to consider subscribing to The Foundation Center's Foundation Directory Online.
Access to the directory is fee based, with monthly plans starting as low as $19.95 per month.
The directory is an excellent resource for researching grant opportunities available from foundations.
An online professional directory can be found on CAN's website.
Listings in the directory contain contact information as well as a description of the product or service that is provided.
Another perk of CAN membership is being able to list a product or service in the directory.
TruDating is an online dating service directory.
While these sites offer advertisements and mild propaganda, if you employ them as a simple directory, they do provide a nice resource.
A Love Links website provides a directory of these types of online dating games.
You can do a reverse directory check online once you have a phone number to look up.
This Restaurant Directory site has a list of places to eat.