Directors Sentence Examples
In 1664 he was chosen one of the directors of the imperial army raised to fight the Turk; and after the peace which followed the Christian victory at St Gotthard in August 1664, he aided the English king Charles II.
Macaulay imputes this reduction to Hastings as a characteristic act of financial immorality; but in truth it had been expressly enjoined by the court of directors, in a despatch dated six months before he took up office.
The directors of the Company were disposed to act upon this resolution; but in the court of proprietors, with whom the decision ultimately lay, Hastings always possessed a sufficient majority.
On the 31st of December 1 599 Queen Elizabeth granted the charter of incorporation to the East India Company, and Sir James Lancaster, one of the directors, was appointed general of their first fleet.
The three Jacobinical Directors thereupon intrigued to bring to Paris General Lazarre Hoche and his army destined for the invasion of Ireland for the purpose of coercing their opponents; but these, perceiving the danger, ordered Hoche to Paris, rebuked him for bringing his army nearer to the capital than was allowed by law, and dismissed him in disgrace.
Such advice could not be grateful to the philosophers themselves - then a definite professional class, not unlike the "spiritual directors" of a later Rome, who earned their bread by smoothing away the doubts of the scrupulous on all matters intellectual and moral.
Its constitution was drawn up in the spring of 1797 by committees appointed, and to some extent supervised, by him; and he appointed the first directors, deputies and chief administrators of the new state (July 1797).
The unrest in France in the years1795-1797resulted mainly from the harshness, incompetence and notorious corruption of the five Directors who, after the 13th of Vendemiaire 1795, practically governed France.
All those who wished for peace and orderly government came by degrees to oppose the Directors; and, seeing that the latter clung to Jacobinical catchwords and methods, public opinion tended to become "moderate" or even royalist.
In order to discount the chances of failure, Bonaparte warned the three Directors that Augereau was a turbulent politician, not to be trusted overmuch.
AdvertisementThe election of Merlin of Douay and Francois of Neufchatel as Directors, in place of Carnot and Barthelemy, gave to that body a compactness which enabled it to carry matters with a high hand, until the hatred felt by Frenchmen for this soulless revival of a moribund Jacobinism gradually endowed the Chambers with life and strength sufficient to provoke a renewal of strife with the Directory.
The Fructidorian Directors contemptuously rejected the overtures for peace which Pitt had recently made through the medium of Lord Malmesbury at Lille; and they further illustrated their desire for war and plunder by initiating a forward policy in central Italy and Switzerland which opened up a new cycle of war.
His relations to the Directors were most strained.
The other officials are the sheriff, treasurer and coroner, elected for two years; the auditor, recorder, clerk of courts, prosecuting attorney, surveyor and infirmary directors, elected for two years; and the board of school examiners (three) and the board of county visitors (six, of whom three are women), appointed usually by the probate judge for three years.
Each state institution in addition has its own board of trustees appointed by the governor, and each county infirmary is under the charge of three infirmary directors chosen by popular vote.
AdvertisementNevertheless, not being a regicide, he was not appointed to be one of the five Directors to whom the control of public affairs was entrusted after the coup d'etat of Vendemiaire 1795; but, as before, his powers of judgment and of tactful debating soon carried him to the front in the council of Five Hundred.
The moderation of his views brought him into opposition to the Directors after the coup d'etat of Fructidor (September 1797), and for a time he retired into private life.
An appointive board of public service consists of a president and four directors of divisions, public welfare, public safety, public utilities, and streets and sewers.
Then, from 1891 to 1903, by what was practically a new charter, that which is known as the "federal plan" of government was tried; this centred power in the mayor by making him almost the only elective officer, by giving to him the appointment of his cabinet of directors - one for the head of each of the six municipal departments - and to each director the appointment of his subordinates.
Within a year he and a fellow missionary were dispatched from that place to Abyssinia to act as spiritual directors to the Portuguese residents.
AdvertisementAlthough the electors of each school district have ample powers reserved to them, in actual practice matters are attended to chiefly by an elected board of directors.
His claims on the attention of the Directors had been strengthened by his reading two papers before the French Institute, the first on the commercial relations between England and the United States (in the sense referred to above), and the second on the advantages to be derived from new colonies.
Bonaparte by his victories over the Austrians in Italy and Styria had raised the French republic to heights of power never dreamed of, and now desired to impose on the emperor terms of peace, to which the Directors demurred.
The coup d'etat of Fructidor (September 1797) had perpetuated the Directory and led to the exclusion of the two "moderate" members, Carnot and Barthelemy; but Talleyrand saw that power belonged really to the general who had brought about the coup d'etat in favour of the Jacobinical Directors headed by Barras.
Carnot was elected one of the five Directors in November 1795, and continued to direct the war department during the campaign of 1796.
AdvertisementTo correct abuses in the life insurance business which were discovered in 1905 by a committee of the state legislature, laws were passed in the next year regulating the election of the directors of the insurance companies, and the investments of the companies and the distribution of dividends, limiting the amount of business of the larger companies and prohibiting rebates on insurance premiums. A state superintendent of insurance, (since 1860) appointed by the governor, holds office for three years.
It was authorized to plant colonies and to govern them under a very limited supervision of the States-General, such as the approval of its appointment of a governor and of its instructions to him; and its own government was vested in five chambers of directors and an executive board or college of nineteen delegates from those chambers, eight of the nineteen representing the Chamber of Amsterdam.
Immediately after the issue of the charter a few of the more adroit directors of the Amsterdam Chamber hastened to acquire for themselves, as patroons, the tracts of land most favourably situated for trade.
On both sides of the entrance to Delaware Bay Samuel Godyn, Samuel Blomaert and five other directors who were admitted to partner ship in the second year (1630) established the manor and colony of Swaanendael; on a tract opposite the lower end of Manhattan Island and including Staten Island, Michael Pauw established the manor and colony of Pavonia; on both sides of the Hudson and extending in all directions from Fort Orange (Albany) Kilian van Rensselaer established the manor and colony of Rensselaerwyck.
He received commissions from the cathedral of Cadiz, from the grand duke Paul, from the king of Prussia, from the directors of the Concert Spirituel at Paris; beside his transactions with Breitkopf and Hertel, and with La Chevardiere, he sold to one English firm the copyright of no less than 129 compositions.
The public school system is administered by a state superintendent of public instruction, a state board of education, regents or trustees of higher institutions of learning, a superintendent of the common schools and a board of education in each county, and a board of directors in each school district.
In a school district which maintains a four-year accredited high school there is a text-book commission consisting of the city superintendent or the principal of the high school, two members of the board of directors designated by the board, and two teachers appointed by the board.
Beck's successor Bienerth 1 attempted to rule by means of a Cabinet of mere officials, in which undersecretaries of State were appointed as temporary directors of their respective departments.
In each county there is a county superintendent, and in each school district a board of directors.
There are the usual administrative boards whose members are appointed by the mayor, some of them with the approval of the board of aldermen, though the board of school directors is elected by direct popular vote.
It was governed under a constitution, drafted by Cabet, which vested the legislative authority in a general assembly composed of all the males twenty years of age or over and the administrative authority in a board of six directors, three of whom were elected every six months for a term of one year.
In 1827 he obtained a seat in the supreme council, and in March 1835, after he had acted as the first governor of the proposed new presidency of Agra, he provisionally succeeded Lord William Bentinck in the governor-generalship. During his brief tenure of office (it lasted only for one year) he carried out several important measures, including that for the liberation of the press, which, while almost universally popular, complicated his relations with the directors at home to such an extent that he resigned the service of the Company in 1838.
In each county there is a county superintendent, elected biennially, and in each school district a board of directors.
The government of the university is entrusted mainly to a board of nine directors appointed by the mayor.
He bestowed on them the church of St Andrea and conferred at the same time the valuable privilege of making and altering their own statutes; besides the other points, in 1546, which Ignatius had still more at heart, as touching the very essence of his institute, namely, exemption from ecclesiastical offices and dignities and from the task of acting as directors and confessors to convents of women.
The House of Lords contains tapestry dating from 1733, and remains in its original condition, but the octagonal House of Commons was demolished by the bank directors, and replaced with a cash-office.
In ordinary times the president may be almost compared to the managing clerk in a large business establishment, whose chief function is to select his subordinates, the policy of the concern being in the hands of the board of directors.
The university (Hiigskola) was a private foundation (1891), but is governed by a board, the members of which are nominated by the state, the town council, Royal Society of Science and Literature, directors of the museum, and the staffs of the various local colleges.
This doctrine gradually rallied all moderate minds, and finally inspired the directors of Christendom in Rome itself.
Towards the end of the 13th century the directors of the Christian world occupied the throne of St Peter for too short a time to be able to make their personal views prevail or to execute their political projects at leisure after ripe meditation.
The centre of trade is the Manchester Royal Exchange, and though some companies or firms prefer to do business by means of their own salaried salesmen, managers or directors, most of the yarn is sold by agents.
The various expansions and developments have made it difficult to maintain the ratio between accommodation and requirements, and although overcrowding is troublesome only during some three or four hours a week, at "high 'Change" on market days, various complaints and suggestions provoked in 1906 an appeal from the chairman of directors to the Manchester corporation.
In addition the district directors levy local rates which must not be greater than the state and county taxes combined.
In Scotland Robert Haldane sold his estate and devoted f, 25,000 to the cause; with others he would have gone to India himself but for the prohibition of the East India Company, one of whose directors said he would rather see a band of devils in India than a band of missionaries.
In 1884 he became vice-president of the line, in 1888 president, and in 18 9 9 chairman of the board of directors.
In 1788 Sir Joseph Banks, at the request of the directors, drew up a memoir on the cultivation of economic plants in Bengal, in which he gave special prominence to tea, pointing out the regions most favourable for its cultivation.
Evidence of the abundant existence of the indigenous tea-tree was obtained; and the directors of the East India Company.
He was chosen in 1892 president of the board of directors of the World's Columbian Exposition, the successful financing of which was due more to him than to any other man.
From 1831 to 1833 Mill was largely occupied in the defence of the East India Company, during the controversy attending the renewal of its charter, he being in virtue of his office the spokesman of the court of directors.
While the natives of India appreciated the results of Lord Hastings's achievements, the court of directors grumbled at his having extended British territory.
Twelve medical and two veterinary officers are also employed departmentally, as well as officers acting as directors of supply, &c. Since the assumption of command by the third sirdar, Colonel (afterwards Lord) Kitchener, the ordnance, supply and engineer services have been separately administered, and a financial secretary is charged with the duty of preparing the budget, making contracts, &c. The total annual expenditure is 500,000.
He flattered in turn Saint Just and the Terrorists, the Thermidorians and the Directors, and played always for his own hand - a strange egoist who rose to fame as the leader of an idealist and sentimental crusade.
Valuable work in exploration is annually done by the directors of these schools and by their pupils.
By the act of parliament which transferred the government of India from the company to the crown, the administration in England is exercised by the sovereign through a secretary of state, who inherits all the powers formerly belonging to the Court of Directors and the Board of Control, and who, as a member of the cabinet, is responsible to parliament.
In 1679 the English obtained from the Mogul emperor a firman exempting them from dues everywhere except at Surat; but Shaista Khan refused to recognize the document, and on the 14th of January 1686 the court of directors resolved to have recourse to arms to effect what they could not obtain by treaty.
In 1758 Clive was appointed by the court of directors to be governor of all the company's settlements in Bengal.
Warren Hastings, a tried servant of the company, distinguished alike for intelligence, for probity and for knowledge of oriental manners, was nominated governor by the court of directors, with express instructions to carry out a predetermined series of reforms. In their own words, the court had resolved to " stand forth as diwan, and to take upon themselves, by the agency of their own servants, the entire care and administration of the revenues."
Shore would have proceeded more cautiously than Cornwallis's preconceived idea of a proprietary body and the court of directors' haste after fixity permitted.
The ambitious policy and the continuous wars of Lord Wellesley exhausted the patience of the court of directors at home.
Some of these reforms were distasteful to the covenanted service and to the officers of the army, but Lord William was always staunchly supported by the court of directors and by the Whig ministry at home.
Public opinion in India, as well as the express wish of the court of directors at home, pointed to Metcalfe as the most fit person to carry out the policy of Bentinck, not provisionally, but as governor-general for a full term.
In 1844 Lord Ellenborough was recalled by the court of directors, who differed from him on many points of administration, and distrusted his erratic genius.
In the same year the Rajput state of Karauli was saved by the interposition of the court of directors, who drew a fine distinction between a dependent principality and a protected ally.
The Act for the Better Government of India (1858), which finally transferred the entire administration from the company to the crown, was not passed without an eloquent protest from the directors, nor without acrimonious party discussion in parliament.
The government is vested primarily in the court of directors appointed under the company's charter, which may be compared to the colonial office in its relation to a British colony, though the court of directors interests itself far more closely than does the colonial department in the smaller details of local administration.
The public service is recruited by nomination by the court of directors.
For each state hospital for the insane there is a special board of directors consisting of three members appointed by the governor with the concurrence of the Senate, one every two years, and over them all is the commissioner of state hospitals for the insane, who is appointed by the governor with the concurrence of the Senate for a term of four years.
When a prisoner has served onehalf of his term and his conduct has been good for two years (if he has been confined for that period) the board of directors may parole him for the remainder of his term, provided there is satisfactory assurance that he will not be dependent on public charity.
He also received the first Bruce medal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, awarded by the directors of the Berlin, Greenwich, Harvard, Lick, Paris and Yerkes observatories.
He became second vice-president of the New York Central & Hudson river in 1869 and was its president in 1885-1898, and in 1898 was made chairman of the board of directors of the Vanderbilt system.
There is also a superintendent of schools for each county, and the counties are divided into school districts, each having three directors, who disburse the school funds and have the care of the school property.
Roxburgh sent to the directors of the East India Company a bale of the fibre which he described as "the jute of the natives."
The central administration of the government lines is in the hands of a board of railway directors, and there are local administrative bodies for each of five districts.
They were so pleased with the resources of the country that on.their return to Holland they represented to the directors of the company the great advantages that would accrue to the Dutch Eastern trade from a properly provided and fortified station of call at the Cape.
The Bohemians immediately established a provisional government consisting of thirty " directors," ten of whom were chosen by each of the estates.
With the consent of the Senate he appoints all officers whose election or appointment is not otherwise provided for, including the bank examiner, state chemist, dairy and food commissioners, the boards of labour and health; the directors of the state institutions, &c., and fills all vacancies in elective offices until new officers are chosen and qualified.
The governor and other state officers form other boards, but the legislature is given power to establish special boards of directors.
The nobles also retained the right of appointing representatives to sit in the College of Deputed Councillors, in certain colleges of the admiralty, and upon the board of directors of the East India Company, and to various public offices.
In 1654 the directors of the Company drew Cromwell's attention to this suggestion, laying stress on the excellence of its harbour and its safety from attack by land.
Such measures were the complement of the control over taxation which they had previously gained, and as far as their power of supervision went, it constituted them and not the king the directors of the course of government.
That step, enabling the directors of the Bank of England to issue notes unsecured by bullion, had the effect of gradually restoring confidence.
He distinguished himself in the campaigns of his cousin, the stadtholder Frederick Henry of Orange, and was by him recommended to the directors of the Dutch West India company in 1636 to be governor-general of the new dominion in Brazil recently conquered by the company.
His large schemes and lavish expenditure alarmed however the parsimonious directors of the West India company, but John Maurice refused to retain his post unless he was given a free hand, and he returned to Europe in July 1644.
He had himself set the age qualification of the directors at forty, and thus debarred himself as candidate, as he was only thirtyfour.
In 1622 Coen obtained leave to resign his post and return to Holland, but in his absence great difficulties had arisen with the English at Amboina (the so-called massacre of Amboina), and in 1627 under pressure from the directors of the East India Company he again returned as governor-general to Batavia.
The executive was to consist of five directors chosen by the Ancients out of a list elected by the Five Hundred.
The directors were aided by ministers for the various departments of State.
Since the separation of powers was still deemed axiomatic, the directors had no voice in legislation or taxation, nor could directors or ministers sit in either house.
After the Council of the Ancients had been chosen by lot, it remained to name the directors.
If peace were made, the armies would return home and the directors would have to face the exasperation of the rank and file who had lost their livelihood, as well as the ambition of generals who could in a moment brush them aside.
The patronage of the directors was ill bestowed, and the general maladministration heightened their unpopularity.
The directors baffled all such endeavours.
The selfishness of the three directors threw away this golden opportunity.
Among the directors the lot fell on Letourneur to retire, and he was succeeded by Barthelemy, an eminent diplomatist, who allied himself with Carnot.
But among the Jacobins themselves there had arisen an extreme party hostile to the directors.
Before the new deputies could take their seats the directors forced through the councils the law of the 22nd Floreal (May II), annulling or perverting the elections in thirty departments and excluding forty-eight deputies by name.
In the councils the directors were loudly charged with corruption and misgovernment.
But the directors were driven by self-interest to new adventures abroad.
Bonaparte was resolved not to sink into obscurity, and the directors were anxious to keep him as far as possible from Paris; they therefore sanctioned the expedition to Egypt which deprived the Republic of its best army and most renowned captain.
The directors had been forced to recall Bonaparte from Egypt.
Of the directors, Sieyes and his friend Ducos had arranged to resign; Barras was cajoled and bribed into resigning; Gohier and Moulins, who were intractable, found themselves imprisoned in the Luxemburg palace and helpless.
With the help of Barras he proceeded to rid himself of the other directors.
The three new directors were so insignificant that they could give no trouble, but for the same reason they were of little service.
The directors having resolved on the offensive in Germany, the French crossed the Rhine early in March, but were defeated by the archduke Charles at Stockach on the 2 5th.
The commissioners presented a very valuable report in 1838, but its specific recommendations were never adopted by the government, though they ultimately proved of service to the directors of private enterprises.
The executive authority, entrusted to five Directors, was no more than a definite and very strong Committee of Public Safety; but Sieys, the author of the new constitution, in opposition to the royalists, had secured places of refuge for his party by reserving posts as directors for the regicides, and two-thirds of the deputies seats for members of the Convention.
Political and financial coups detat were not enough for the directors.
The directors were consoled for this enforced peace by acquiring the left bank of the Rhine and Belgium, and for the forfeiture of republican principles by attaining what had for so long been the ambition of the monarchy.
The Directory had to make a stand or perish, and with it the Republic. The directors had thought France might retain a monopoly second in numbers and in initiative.
In the council of Five Hundred, Bourdon belonged to the party of "Clichyens," composed of disguised royalists, against whom the directors made the coup d'etat of the 18th Fructidor.
The Industrial School, which is for orphan, helpless, wayward and abandoned children, is governed by a board of directors consisting of the governor, comptroller, secretary of state, and treasurer as ex officio members, and seven other members, a portion retiring every two years, and their successors being appointed by the remaining directors with the concurrence of the senate.
The collective mind of the Board of Directors had become the antithesis of the momentum Tesla had gained in his lifetime.
I was reluctant to interfere with the honest exercise of directors' discretion.
Directors of Studies will be informed if persistent absenteeism is observed.
Stageworks Youth Theater is an opportunity for budding actors, designers, writers, directors and stage managers to create unique shows.
Opinion among the directors seems equally divided, except for a retired admiral who is undecided.
The company directors may sometimes appoint managers or attorneys of the company, granting them certain powers to manage the affairs of the company.
Such a policy makes finding willing Directors of Studies difficult and naturally leads Colleges to feel less altruistic toward the University.
The Directors of the two new centers warmly welcomed the announcement.
Much to the delight of the bank's directors, the new service immediately aroused great interest from the national media.
But we live in a world where even artistic directors talk about the plays they are putting on as ' product ' .
The 24-year-old shows a maturity that many older directors rarely attain.
Featuring the films of emerging directors alongside the more established auteurs is a distinguishing factor of the Seagate Foyle Film Festival.
Even in business, new directors learn by example when they reach the boardroom.
The directors are subject to the general fiduciary duty to act bona fide for the benefit of the company as a whole.
Like all directors ' powers, granting a service contract must be done bona fide for the benefit of the company.
I'm a tad worried bout it tho because even tho both directors are very talented, they are also quite different.
Why should a family lose a breadwinner and the company and its directors that committed this crime lose nothing?
All members of the board â chairwoman, non-executive and executive directors and clinical directors should look to their consciences and consider their positions.
Year-on-year comparisons could be made for 31 directors and 19 got a pay rise last year.
If approved, the CVA binds all creditors irrespective of how they voted and allows the directors to retain control of their company.
That means the possibility of significant fines or even custodial sentences for company directors.
It would be very demeaning to many other talented directors to rate them like that.
Alan and Dan both love Directors Bitter, use lynx deodorant and drive a Luxus car.
Employees must be given the same status as shareholders and the consequent right to elect directors to the Board.
Non-Executive directors are members of the public who are appointed onto the Trust Board.
I believe my input so far has been useful to both the executive directors and the DT Board.
All available services at both cemeteries may be booked through local funeral directors.
Day-to-day management will rest with the remaining executive directors who will report to a management committee chaired by Allen Thomas, the Chairman.
Dividends The Directors are pleased to recommend an interim dividends The Directors are pleased to recommend an interim dividend of 5.8 pence per share.
Due to the subsequent failure by the Company Directors to submit further documentation to the Commission, registration of the charity did not proceed.
There is another slightly different version, stating that Broadway musical directors would do the same test on an aging hotel doorman.
In July 2000 the Society's voting members overwhelmingly endorsed a proposal from the Board of Directors to convert to a public limited company.
Directors can be just as clueless as studio execs.
Deans, Heads of Departments and Directors of Research are encouraged to circulate this flyer widely among their faculty members.
Latterly, the company had begun to recruit franchisees to operate below regional directors.
Currently, many funeral directors will not sell coffins separately or offer a hearse for use, unless the entire funeral package is purchased.
Ross MacGibbon's style is not histrionic; he does not raise the temperature among his colleagues in the way that directors sometimes can.
The festival will also hold five master classes with internationally acclaimed directors.
I was slinging mud and pinecones at my lads between scenes and one of the Assistant Directors shouted " Oi you come here!
Under Insolvency Legislation, disqualification orders can be made against company directors.
The original ' The Directors ' was extremely funny, but the trailers suggest the camp is a bit overplayed in this one.
If you are going to do musicals, you must engage directors who know how to bring panache and sparkle to the production.
All these initiative are having a major effect on the way directors view business probity.
Actors, directors, producers, all have a heat quotient based on how much attention their little flame can bring to a film.
At the time of the devolution referendum the CBI Scotland polled the 1200 Scottish company directors.
The package includes a seat in-front of the Directors Box, a program for the evening and half-time refreshments.
The Board itself determines the remuneration of non-executive directors.
The other area affecting directors which has attracted a great deal of comment is in relation to directorsâ remuneration.
Use rights Directors are entitled to ongoing equitable remuneration for the re-use of their work.
The report on the directors ' remuneration is set out on pages 27 to 32.
Nominee directors do not usually have an active role or function in the actual business of the company.
Non-Exec bulletin Shared services bulletin sent to NHS directors of finance to provide updates on the progress of the National Shared Services Initiative.
Directors are being targeted by disgruntled shareholders, regulators, auditors and other claimants.
The directors of the other films took distinctive, even showy, approaches to their subjects.
It sued the parent company and the two directors and sought summary judgment.
It, therefore, seemed timely to review the way in which students were supported by Directors of Studies.
Once assessed, it might be appropriate for directors to undertake formal training or, perhaps, a program of executive coaching.
Nominee directors are needed when you must maintain a certain level of anonymity when conducting transactions.
Now that she has increased her remit to include urology, she works with two Clinical Service Unit Directors and two Clinical Governance Forums.
Sure there's plenty for us to sing from the rooftops about - dolby 5.1 mixes, anarmorphic widescreen, directors cuts et al.
The consolidation of interests which resulted, and which has been developed by the addition in 1884 of seven other British directors, chosen from among shipping merchants and business men, has augmented, for the benefit of all concerned, the commercial character of the enterprise.
The harbour works in the Montenegrin port of Antivari, commenced in March 1905 and completed early in 1909, were an Italian concern, and Italy became a party to the agreement for the Danube-Adriatic Railway (June 2, 1908) together with Russia, France and Servia; Italy was to contribute 35,000,000 lire out of a total capital of 100,000,000, and to be represented by four directors out of twelve.
Its directors have sought through classes, lectures, and special exhibitions, to make it a power in popular education and to coordinate its work with that of the schools and colleges.
In vain did the Austrian envoy, Cobenzl, resist the cession of the Ionian Isles to France; in vain did the Directors intervene in the middle of September with an express order that Venice must not be ceded to Austria, but must, along with Friuli, be included.
The Directors feared a rupture with the man to whom they owed their existence; and the house of Austria was fain to make peace with the general rather than expose itself to harder terms at the hands of the Directory.
After acting for a brief space as one of the French envoys to the congress of Rastatt, Napoleon returned to Paris early in December and received the homage of the Directors and the acclaim of the populace.
The war of the Second Coalition having brought about the expulsion of the French from Italy, the Directors were exposed to a storm of indignation in France, not unmixed with contempt; and this state of public opinion enabled the young conqueror within a month of his landing at Frejus (9th of October 1799) easily to prevail over the Directory and the elective councils of the nation.
The British government seemed, at one time, rather to favour a British participation, but when the terms of the convention were published, the strongest objection was taken to the constitution of the board of directors which established German control in perpetuity, while it was evident from the general tenor of the convention that a political bias informed the whole; in the end public feeling ran so high that any British participation became impossible.
The general and the diplomatist soon came to an understanding, and Talleyrand tactfully brought about the alliance between Bonaparte and Sieyes (q.v.) (then the most influential of the five Directors) which paved the way for the coup d'etat of Brumaire (see French Revolution and Napoleon I.).
The pilgrimage retained its importance for the commercial well-being of Mecca; to this day the Meccans live by the Hajj - letting rooms, acting as guides and directors in the sacred ceremonies, as contractors and touts for land and sea transport, as well as exploiting the many benefactions that flow to the holy city; while the surrounding Bedouins derive support from the camel-transport it demands and from the subsidies by which they are engaged to protect or abstain from molesting the pilgrim caravans.
Furthermore, there must be at least a quorum of directors present at the meeting.
We believe this was because most administrative receivership appointments are made with the support of the company 's directors.
The courts are reluctant to interfere with the honest exercise of directors ' discretion.
See the page in this guide on appointing and remunerating directors for information on involving all directors in the decision-making process.
The remuneration of non-executive directors shall be a matter for the executive members of the Board.
Redistribution or republication of texts in any medium requires the written consent of the project directors and translators.
The members will still have the power to vote on all the non-executive directors as they retire by rotation at general meetings.
Non-Exec bulletin Shared services bulletin Sent to NHS directors of finance to provide updates on the progress of the National Shared Services Initiative.
In October 2003, the CBI produced its own guidance for directors on severance pay.
In practice the directors and stockholders of a failed limited company simply lost their original investment.
The service contracts of all directors with the company are terminable on 12 months ' notice.
The first floor of the stadium has the bottom tier of seating and directors seating area.
Reporting to him will be a triumvirate of directors, each with a wide-ranging brief.
Now that she has increased her remit to include Urology, she works with two Clinical Service Unit Directors and two Clinical Governance Forums.
Sure there 's plenty for us to sing from the rooftops about - dolby 5.1 mixes, anarmorphic widescreen, directors cuts et al.
On the formal side, create a board of directors if you don't already have one.
Wide screen format is what movie directors claim they want you to view their movies in, in order to get the maximum enjoyment of lighting, action and scenery without jumping from side-to-side common with regular screen movie viewing.
Some directors don't want a lot of make-up or they don't want a lot of blood, but others do.
They claim to provide you time with agents and casting directors, presenting to you a shortcut ahead of the competition.
The festival showcases more than 80 films from major directors and offers special outdoor film screenings and other special events.
Typically, musical theatre has been reserved for high school and up because teachers and directors believed a full-blown production was beyond what middle school kids were capable of handling.
Reach out to local producers, writer, directors, and agents with your headshot/resume combo.
Click on the PDF icon below to print out a worksheet in which you can see some of the best questions to ask as well as add your own and write some notes when you do meet with directors or talk to them on the phone.
We've heard that some directors won't even allow the writers on the set.That wasn't the case with this film.
After her agent sent a tape to casting directors, she was given a role in The Ice Storm.
The Walk of Fame not only salutes film stars, but also television actors, radio personalities, stage performers, directors, singers, songwriters, and other celebrities.
He's the creator of the best-seller The Fat Smash Diet and is also on the board of directors at the American Council on Exercise.
Apparently casting directors saw something special in the young actor and called him a few days later to re-audition.
Even upon receiving a taped audition from Brolin that he put together with the help of directors Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez (he was working with them on Grindhouse and Planet Terror at the time), they passed on him for the role.
If he keeps working with award winning directors and actors he has been working with recently, there is no doubt that Brolin's talents will continue to be recognized by the public and his peers.
It wasn't until his starring role in The Pick-Up Artist thaat directors in Hollywood began taking notice of the 23 year old's acting abilities.
He started singing and piano lessons at the age of 11 and was quickly noticed by directors who placed him in small television roles and advertisements.
Casting directors chose Kristen, replacing the original cast member.
Wilder's off-beat sense of humor and impeccable comedic timing made him a favorite amongst directors and screenwriters.
While directors, screenwriters, and other production staff are also recognized, it's the actors who always steal the show.
The 2000 Academy Award nominees included blockbuster films and celebrated actors, directors, and screenwriters who were all honored in traditional style at the lavish ceremony, held on March 25, 2001.
Directors frequently take special pains to cast female and male leads of complementary heights.
Remember, admissions directors have to get through thousands of these essays.
If it is, it will list numerous colleges and universities and have a board of directors.
Hall directors always welcome feedback and questions from dorm residents.
Speak with program directors and advisors further to learn how you can build your own program according to your budget.
Dieticians, cooks, wait staff, maintenance staff, front office personnel, accountants, financial aid advisors, marketing professionals, even wellness and activity/entertainment directors all help to keep the facilities efficient.
Some activity directors in care facilities have other creative ways to keep seniors moving, such as sticking balls on tic-tack-toe boards mounted on walls and using resistance bands for strength training.
The following websites provided information and ideas regarding activities for nursing home residents.Nursing Home Activities Resource provides activity ideas for nursing home recreational coordinators, activity directors and volunteers.
This organization dedicates itself to the support and development of emerging screenwriters and directors.
Inside the audition room, it may be just you and a few casting directors, or a group of potential cast members with an entire panel of casting directors.
Directors like Uwe Boll have created movies based on video games, but the fan response has typically not been that great.
These videos are used to filter novices from advanced dancers, so directors are able to discern who is qualified for what they are planning, and who will not quite fit in with the current choreography or curriculum.
Many of the directors study rigorously in Mexico and are certified teachers of the folkloric style.
Other stars and directors lent their own vision to it, though.
Funeral directors usually do all they can to allay the family's fears and give them peace of mind that all will go well with the funeral and burial.
A check with undertakers, church leaders or funeral home directors in the area may aid in locating the records.
Many continue to work full time as nurses, professors or nursing, or directors at large institutions and offer legal nurse consulting on the side for an hourly fee.
Most park directors have Master's of Business Administration (MBA) degrees with knowledge in community organization, budgeting and management.
All information regarding Board of Directors, the current roster, committees, and term limits.
Tasks you are likely to be required to complete include drafting an articles of incorporation document, creating bylaws for the entity, filing mandatory paperwork with the court system, selecting directors, and other related tasks.
A nonprofit Board of Directors is an important asset to any organization.
Most nonprofit board of directors members are volunteers who are not compensated for their service.
Board Source is a great reference site pertaining to anything regarding Board of Directors.
It is often key players in the organization who are responsible for soliciting large amounts of money; this is usually the nonprofit board of directors.
Another challenge may be that for every dollar donated, the board of directors will match that amount.
They are managed by their own directors or trustees and are classified as 501(c)(3).
After a series of disruptions and problems, the board of directors decided to no longer have them involved.
Most board of directors are in charge of the endowment.
As part of the organization of the organization's money, it is important for the board of directors of the organization to allocate a portion of the funds raised to be placed into the fund.
Ensure the board of directors comes together to discuss the best investment policy for the endowment fund.
Lists of staff, board of directors as well as general information can be found.
For music directors or band leaders, the sheet music is available at online sites such as
Besides, camp directors typically look for outgoing employees, so a painfully shy teenager has little chance of being hired in the first place.
The Directors Fortnight showcases little-known filmmakers; these selections are considered the most radical offerings to be seen at Cannes.
Long-time Utah resident Robert Redford chaired the inaugural Board of Directors.
Whether they're scary movies, or comedies makes no difference; many people think the writers, producers, and directors of TV movies are scraping the absolute bottom of the celluloid barrel.
Each September, the New York Film Festival showcases the newest cinematic efforts of directors from all around the world.
Events at the 2005 festival also included HBO Directors' Dialogues - up close and personal interviews with some of the festival's directors.
Thanks to the magic of the Internet, modern movie archives also have film clip videos and sometimes interviews with the stars, writers and directors behind a project.
These classic movies depend on the artistry of the directors and the talent of the actors and actresses to carry the film, which is what makes classic movies so great to watch.
This opens the door for lesser known directors and actors to get their art out to the masses.
Finally, many directors and film producers will use different script versions for the "directors cut" or "uncut" versions of films when they go to DVD format.
Re-creating old movies allows directors and screenwriters to have a new take on an old idea, along with giving audiences nostalgic feelings.
Silva's organization grew so quickly that eventually it even consisted of regional directors with learning seminars spreading across the entire world.
Soap opera awards honor the writers, directors, producers and actors of the daytime genre.
In other words, actors can nominate actors, and directors can nominate directors.
Not only are the performers and directors competing for the coveted awards, but the networks and shows also battle it out to see which one receives the most nominations and awards as well.
Most directors spend a year or two with the program, typically directing a handful (and sometimes many more) of episodes and sharing the duties with other directors on the team.
If the directors help bring the program to life, it's the writers who create the building blocks to work with.
Kristin de los Santos is often featured in E Entertainment Television programs where she interviews actors, writers and directors about the shows they work for.
In the case of Coronation Street, there are numerous individuals who have contributed to the show's success, including over 100 writers, 100 directors and almost 30 producers since its inception.
The individual directors were each very accommodating.
Certification directors recommend you have an intermediate skill level with Pilates before pursuing teaching.
They prefer to provide funding for companies in niche industries which the corporate officers and directors are familiar with.
Usually, it includes profiles, resumes and other qualifications of the managers and board of directors which make them suitable for their positions.
Presented reports to Board of Directors and annual Stockholders meeting.
Check with association directors of associations you're affiliated with to see if they have Web sites available where you can post an ad for a fee.
Contact association directors of associations in your industry to see if they will allow you to post ads free.
For example, middle-level executives, project managers, quality or safety directors, government placements, career professionals with more than 10 years experience and even some sales positions are often better detailed on two-page resumes.
Most HR directors and hiring managers look at a well-composed and error-free interview thank you letter as a sign of a professional.
Your first Board of Directors is important to the success and growth of your non-profit.
The names of those on the Board of Directors will also be provided.
The directors used creative camera angles and cuts to ensure that no outright explicit content is displayed, but this didn't stop a small uproar among certain viewers.
After Star Wars, movie directors turned to using large, sweeping, symphonic theme songs that made a strong statement.
David Gilbert is a member of the Miss Florida pageant board of directors.
The actual pitch is most commonly done in front of a group of producers and directors.
Casting directors are looking for performers who will draw in viewers, so they usually don't want boring.
It is virtually impossible to list the exact criteria that casting directors and producers from different shows are looking for in potential contestants.
Casting directors are looking for authentic individuals.
Applicants who try to impress casting directors by going on and on about their litany of achievements typically don't go far in the application process.
Sometimes, you will understand exactly what the casting directors are looking for, especially if the show in question is a new season of one of MTV's existing reality shows.
Because our authors and directors promised us so much.
Episode directors told Shatner and Nichols to turn to the side at the last moment to give the illusion of a kiss.
Many fans hoped to see a romance between Janeway and Chakotay, and the writers and directors certainly gave them enough significant looks and hesitations to build on.
Unlike many commercial ventures striving to make money off of pop culture, the SciFi Channel made sure that it was the real deal, including Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry and author Isaac Asimov on its board of directors.
Many of the Star Trek cast members have gone on to be directors or have furthered their acting careers.
What I didn’t know that they were all in the audience the day before when I’d been invited to the National Space Society and they had asked me to serve on the board of directors.
Dr. Obagi is the Chief Medical Officer and a member of the Board of Directors for Obagi Medical Products, Inc. The company continues to grow and develop new products for use throughout the world.
Occasionally they will also tie in to marketing campaigns run by the entertainment industry and announce chats that have celebrities, directors, and other creative people directly interacting with fans.
Social networking is used by college students, homemakers, business managers, actors, writers, researchers, teachers, directors, engineers, politicians and more.
It is easy to tell that the purple fuel handlers are different than the yellow plane directors.
These types of uniforms can be purchased in stores, online or found in catalogs sent to most band directors.
I use to observe how his Art Directors and Designers developed award-winning concepts and campaigns and tried to learn from them.
The directors were determined "to stand forth as diwan, and take upon themselves by their own servants the entire management of the revenues."
The resignation was promptly accepted, and one of the directors was appointed to the vacancy.
His father, Arthur van Sittart (1691-1760), and his grandfather, Peter van Sittart (1651-1705), were both wealthy merchants and directors of the Russia company.
His conduct was attacked before the board of directors in London, but events seemed to prove that he was in the right, and in 1769 he became a director of the company, having in the previous year obtained a seat in parliament.
There are also directors of stores, of naval construction, of the medical service, and of the submarine defences (which are concerned with torpedoes, mines and torpedo-boats), as well as of naval ordnance and works, The prefect directs the operations of the arsenal, and is responsible for its efficiency and for that of the ships which are there in reserve.
While in the interests of his canal Lesseps had resisted the opposition of British diplomacy to an enterprise which threatened to give to France control of the shortest route to India, he acted loyally towards Great Britain after Lord Beaconsfield had acquired the Suez shares belonging to the Khedive, by frankly admitting to the board of directors of the company three representatives of the British government.
The charitable and penal institutions of the state are controlled by separate boards of directors, but all are subject to the general supervision of a board of visitors composed of the governor, lieutenant-governor and speaker of the House of Representatives, and a woman appointed by the governor.
Gaine, general manager of the company, stated before the Select Committee that in the view of the directors the bargain was a hard one, because it gave no consideration in respect of the goodwill of the great business, with its gross income of over £ 2,000,000 per annum and its net revenue of over £750,000, which the company had built up. The company had had to pay for all the experiments and mistakes which are inherent in the launching and development of any new industry.
The Neapolitan Democrats chose five of their leading men to be directors.
National control of the railways was secured by a proviso that the directors must be of Italian nationality.
At the same time it mediated between the companies and the employees, and in June a settlement was formally concluded between the ministers of public works and of the treasury and the directors of the companies concerning the grievances of the employees.
The directors having offered a prize of £500 for the best engine, trials were held on a finished portion of the line at Rainhill in October 1829, and three engines took part - the Rocket of George and Robert Stephenson, the Novelty of John Braithwaite and John Ericsson, and the Sanspareil of Timothy Hackworth.
This prosperity and the apparent security of Judaism led to a breach between Hyrcanus and his spiritual directors, the Pharisees.
The speculative character has entirely faded out of it, or rather has been crushed out by the tightness with which the directors of the Roman Church now held the reins of discipline.
From every dispute which he had with the central authorities at Paris he emerged victorious; and he took care to assure his ascendancy by sending presents to the Directors, large sums to the nearly bankrupt treasury and works of art to the museums of Paris.
The successful course of the campaign and the large sums which he sent from Italy to the French exchequer served to strengthen his hold over the Directors, and his constructive policy grew more decided.
The failure of Hoche led the three Directors to fix their hopes on Bonaparte.
This cession was based on political motives, which Bonaparte judged to be of overwhelming force; and he now decided to support the Directors and overthrow the moderates.
The coup d'etat was favourable to Bonaparte; it ensured his hold over the Directors and enabled him to impose his own terms of peace on Austria; above all it left him free for the prosecution of his designs in a field of action which now held the first place in his thoughts - the Orient.
In short, the Directors of the Bureau had to do as they were told.
Before you are given the green light to appear on national TV, casting directors want to see how you move, react to questions, or handle different situations.
The new Directors, Gohier and Moulin, were honest but incapable and narrow-minded.