Directing Sentence Examples
She came back, directing Alex in her sisterly way.
Directing our tips was not an easy chore either.
Corday asked, directing his question to Dean.
You were so busy directing my life that it never occurred to you that you were being disrespectful of me.
Their very numbers and their crowded and swift movement deprived them of that possibility and rendered it not only difficult but impossible for the Russians to stop this movement, to which the French were directing all their energies.
The intern took charge, directing them to a small room that contained a cot.
Directing Connie to the house would be difficult, but Lisa could wait at the end of the drive.
Do write to me soon again, directing your letter to Boston.
Jonathan was playing with the three smaller children, directing them as Alex would.
She captured his neck in the noose of her arms, directing his head down to her with a gentle touch of her hand on the back of his neck.
AdvertisementBut he gave secret encouragement to the movement, and ended by practically directing its activity through La Farina.
I think she was merely directing the comment at you because she thought you might want to know.
He was one of the promoters of the scheme for the Royal Society, and in the king's charter in 1662 was nominated a member of its directing council.
He hopped into the car, directing her to the small Cafe a few miles down the road.
Directing the finder to the comet, he has at once in the field of view all available comparison stars.
AdvertisementThe diet of Spires (1529) had received a letter from the emperor directing it to look to the enforcement of the edict of Worms against the heretics.
A Trypanosome always possesses two distinct nuclear bodies, one the trophonucleus, regulating the trophic life of the cell, the other, the kinetonucleus, directing its locomotor activities.
On the 17th of November the legislature passed an act directing the governor to order an election of delegates on the 2nd of January 1861 and their meeting in a convention on the 16th.
Balard at the College de France, in 1876 he succeeded that chemist in the chair of chemistry, and in 1882 he became directing professor at the municipal Ecole de Physique et de Chimie.
Ultimate peace is uniformly proclaimed by every dictator at home, by every conqueror abroad, as the goal to which he is directing his efforts.
AdvertisementDirecting answers to faceless voices, she searched the crowd for any of the crew.
It was raised above feudalism only to be abased before the two directing forces of the reformation, the papacy and the religious orders.
From 1638 to 1651 the Covenanters were the dominant party in Scotland, directing her policy both at home and abroad.
The subsequent process, the warrant directing a messenger-at-arms to charge the debtor to pay or perform in terms of the letters, was called "letters of horning."
Thus (2) the Holy Spirit appears as directing and energizing throughout the whole struggle with the powers of evil to be overcome in either ministry, of Master or disciples.
AdvertisementAlike in expenditure, in forms of receipt, and in methods of administration the central government has the right of directing and supervising the work of municipal and provincial agencies.
He accordingly wrote to Bacon, directing him to intimate to the judges his pleasure that they should delay judgment until after discussion of the matter with himself.
Schwarz took an important part in the founding and directing of the German Protestantenverein, and became an eminent exponent of liberal theology.
Pitt, the first real Imperialist in modern English history, was the directing mind in the expansion of his country, and with him the beginning of empire is rightly associated.
These lectures were of great importance at the time, and of the utmost value in directing energy into new and profitable channels of work.
Beneath the tail is a rudder for directing the course of the machine to the right or to the left; and to facilitate the steering a sail is stretched between two masts which rise from the car.
On the 6th of March 1454 Casimir issued a manifesto directing the incorporation of the Prussian provinces with Poland, but granting them at the same time freedom from taxation and full autonomy.
Send email links to your contact list directing them to the site.
It was more like a professional tour, especially with Alex directing.
Sir Henry Burdett quotes an order, dated 30th May 1578, directing the master and the prior of the Hotel Dieu "not to receive henceforth any novices without speaking of it to the company, because there are an excessive number of nuns and novices, who cause great expense to the said Hotel Dieu."
In 1906 a bill was passed somewhat modifying the existing status of the classes above mentioned, and especially directing new ordinances with regard to the judicial treatment of Christian natives.
He further invaded the exclusive rights of the patricians by directing his secretary Gnaeus Flavius (whom, though a freedman, he made a senator) to publish the legis actiones (methods of legal practice) and the list of dies fasti (or days on which legal business could be transacted).
Seeing then that the Catholic sovereigns had been forced to expel them, that many bishops and other eminent persons demanded their extinction, and that the Society had ceased to fulfil the intention of its institute, the pope declares it necessary for the peace of the Church that it should be suppressed, extinguished, abolished and abrogated for ever, with all its houses, colleges, schools and hospitals; transfers all the authority of its general or officers to the local ordinaries; forbids the reception of any more novices, directing that such as were actually in probation should be dismissed, and declaring that profession in the Society should not serve as a title to holy orders.
But such is not the view of the Church of England in her doctrinal standards, and there is an express rubric directing that any that remains of that which was consecrated is not to be carried out of the church, but reverently consumed.
It was, however, certainly one of the "ornaments of the minister" in the second year of Edward VI., the rubric in the office for Holy Communion directing the priest's "helpers" to wear "albes with tunacles."
Two devoted adherents of William of Orange, Paul Buys, advocate of Holland, and Johan van Oldenbarneveldt, pensionary of Rotterdam, were the statesmen who at this difficult juncture took the foremost part in directing the policy of the confederacy.
The turning of attention towards the knee interferes with the jerk; hence the device of directing the person to perform vigorously some movement, which does not involve the muscles of the lower limb, at the moment when the light blow is dealt upon the tendon.
Rocco de Alcubierre was directing the works for the construction of the " Reali Delizie " at Portici, he received orders from Charles IV.
Preparations had been made by the allies, ever since Ney's appearance,to break off the engagement, and now the tsar ordered a general retreat eastwards, himself with the utmost skill and bravery directing the rearguard.
In 1875 he became a member of the revised committee directing the Monumenta Germaniae historica, himself undertaking the direction of the section Antiquitales, and in 1888 became president of the central board in Berlin.
It is difficult to avoid the impression that Capello was only half-hearted in adopting, and in directing his corps commanders to adopt, the line of action indicated by his chief.
After 1815 Bonne-Carrere retired into private life, directing a profitable business in public carriages between Paris and Versailles.
The qualified electors of each district having an ungraded school elect a moderator, a director and a treasurer - one at each annual school meeting - for a term of three years, who constitute the district school board, and this board is entrusted with ample power for directing the affairs of the school.
In 1855 he was appointed archivist at Breslau; in 1862 he became professor of history at Heidelberg, and ten years later professor at Berlin, where he was a member of the directing body of the Monumenta and a member of the Academy.
He was accused (it appears unjustly) by the Royalists of directing his fire particularly on the house occupied by the queen, and up to the end of the First Civil War showed himself a steady partisan of the parliament.
The district council are also empowered to obtain an order of justices directing the closing of any well, tank or cistern, public or private, or any public pump the water from which is likely to be used for drinking or domestic purposes, or for manufacturing drinks for the use of man, if such water is found to be so polluted as to be injurious to health.
During his last two commands he was engaged first in overlooking the measures taken to meet a threatened invasion, and then in directing the movements of the numerous small squadrons and private ships employed on the coasts of Spain and Portugal, and in protecting trade.
From the beginning of his residence with Ludovico his combination of unprecedented mechanical ingenuity with apt allegoric invention and courtly charm and eloquence had made him the directing spirit in all court ceremonies and festivities.
With the view of directing the thoughts of Christians to the first coming of Christ as Saviour, and to his second coming as Judge, special lessons are prescribed for the four Sundays in Advent.
When the home government became aware of the state of affairs orders were sent directing the " Neptune " to proceed to Tasmania, and it did so after having been in Simon's Bay for five months.
He became not merely Chancellor of the Exchequer, but also leader of the House of Commons, the Prime Minister concentrating his energies on the work of the War Cabinet (see English History), the supreme directing authority, of which Cabinet Mr. Law was also a member, though he was not expected to give regular attendance.
Pachomius spent his life in organizing and directing the great order he had created, which at his death included nine monasteries with some three thousand monks and a nunnery.
The other chief difficulty arose from the absence of any authoritative restraint on the hearing of confessions by young and unqualified priests, the Church of England merely directing the penitent who wishes for special help to resort to any "discreet and learned minister."
Finding that the king was ready to back them in all their enterprises, the Despensers resolved to take the fearful risk of snatching at supreme power by using their masters name to oust the barons who were now directing affairs from their position.
It was necessary to have recourse to one head of the executive government, controlling and directing its actions.
Early in 1858 the House of Commons, by an increased majority, passed a bill amending the oaths imposed by law on members of both Houses, and directing the omission of the words on the true faith of a Christian from the oath of abjuration when it was taken by a Jew.
Ministers might even then have taken steps to stop the vessel by directing her detention in any British port to which she resorted for supplies.
It seemed as if the court system which Burke had been denouncing for a dozen years was now finally broken, and as if the party which he had been the chief instrument in instructing, directing and keeping together must now inevitably possess power for many years to come.
Stoic loyalty to a belief in responsibility based on freedom of choice appeared difficult to reconcile with a belief in an all-pervading Anima Mundi, a world power directing and controlling actions of every kind.
He was one of the chief spokesmen of the party, and he took a very important part in directing its policy.
Of 2000 infantry and 200 cavalry at least one quarter must be Athenian citizens capable of directing the mercenaries.
On the 14th of January 1217 the king wrote from Oxford to his justiciary, Geoffrey de Marisco, directing that no Irishman should be elected or preferred in any cathedral in Ireland, Objections "since by that means our land might be disturbed, to Irish which is to be deprecated."
Pitt was now very zealous in defending the interests of his employers against the new East India Company, and in protecting their settlements from the attacks of the natives; in directing the commercial undertakings of the company he also appears to have been very successful.
The outbreak of the Comuneros in Castile coincided with the social and agrarian revolt in Valencia known as the Germania or brotherhood, from the name of the directing committee appointed by the insurgents.
In May 1659 he brought a command from Charles in Brussels, directing the bishop of Salisbury to summon all those bishops, who were then alive, to consecrate clergymen to various sees "to secure a continuation of the order in the Church of England," then in danger of becoming extinct.'
In the House of Lords he was very active in directing the business of the government, and in 1791 he was transferred to the foreign office, retaining his post at the board of control until 1793.
My wife was the most strong willed among us and absent her other dominant attribute would have second guessed any decision maker directing her.
If I went to Leland Anderson with this I'd be back directing traffic—if Jonathan Winston didn't nail me first for not following his orders.
If the court finds that sections 78 and 79 are satisfied, it must make an order quashing the acquittal and directing a retrial.
Great 3D laser cubes are made by directing a single laser beam through a crystal block to an exact point.
After writing Four Weddings and a Funeral and Notting Hill, Richard Curtis makes his directing debut.
He was twice wounded, bravely directing the fire of his men, under a heavy enfilade.
Purpose is life's yellow highlighter, emphasizing fate and directing your free will.
While your main photographer is directing your posed shots your reportage photographer will be covering impromptu moments of the day.
William Stanton Playwriting, theater and radio; theater praxis; directing; British theater since 1956.
He also organized amateur theatricals, directing an all Pakistani cast in a touring production of The Merchant of Venice.
In 413, on the suggestion of Alcibiades, he fortified Decelea in Attica, where he remained directing operations until, after the battle of Aegospotami (405), he took the leading part in the blockade of Athens, which was ended in spring 404 by the surrender of the city.
They are a novum salutis genus - a new path to Heaven, to tread which counted "for full and complete satisfaction" pro omni poenitentia and gave "forgiveness of sins" (peccaminum remissio) 1; they are, again, the "foreign policy" of the papacy, directing its faithful subjects to the great war of Christianity against the infidel.
But it would be a mistake to regard the Crusades (as it would be a mistake to regard the Carolingian empire) as a pure creation of the Church, or as merely due to the policy of a theocracy directing men to the holy war which is the only war possible for a theocracy.
Another source of trouble was the attitude of the emperor Sigismund, who, not content with protecting by his presence and as far as possible directing the deliberations of the "Universal Church," followed on more than one occasion a policy of violence and threats, a policy all the more irritating since, weary of his previously assumed role of peacemaker between the Christian powers, he had abruptly allied himself with the king of England, and adopted an extremely hostile attitude towards the king of France.
He was still with Davout, but, concluding that he had missed an order directing him to Dornburg, he thought to conceal his error by assuming the receipt of the order evidently alluded to in the last words, and as a result he marched towards Dornburg, and his whole corps was lost to the emperor at the crisis of the next day's battle.
During his residence in Birmingham, Messrs Chance being makers of glass for use in lighthouse lamps, his attention was naturally turned to problems of lighthouse illumination, and he was able to devise improvements in both the catoptric and dioptric methods for concentrating and directing the beam.
Not only had a whole array of subsidiary industries to be established and supplies of raw materials secured; thousands of skilled workmen and hundreds of directing personalities of strong character and exceptional ability had to be found and trained.
The priests of Amane at Meroe and Napata, in fact, regulated through his oracle the whole government of the country, choosing the king, directing his military expeditions (and even compelling him to commit suicide, according to Diodorus) until in the 3rd century B.C. Arkamane (Ergamenes) broke through the bondage and slew the priests.
If the person on whom the notice is served objects to give effect to it, he may be summoned before justices, and the justices may make an order upon him to abate the nuisance, or prohibiting the recurrence of the nuisance if this is likely, and directing the execution of the necessary works.
In accordance with this boast, in February 1687 he issued a mandate directing that Father Alban Francis, a Benedictine monk, should be admitted a master of arts of the university of Cambridge, without taking the oaths of allegiance and supremacy.
But despite her grief, or perhaps just because of it, she took on herself all the difficult work of directing the storing and packing of their things and was busy for whole days.
Sitcom star Damon, pictured, will make his directing debut with the film Behind The Smile.
The human officers are safely behind the lines in underground bunkers directing the battle.
Simply directing that a certain percentage of the non-custodial parent's income should be directed toward child support payments doesn't take into account the other financial responsibilities that person has.
Instead, when calling in, consumers received a message directing them to use the company's "web chat" feature.
Instead of actually directing the team, they base the results on the statistics of an individual player, sometimes even entire teams.
They may be directing you to look-alike sites to apply, so they can gather your personal data.
However, we all know that circumstances have a way of directing us to unavoidable choices.
This time is vital for directing the course of your therapy.
Even if it doesn't, high school performances can open doors to other areas of the theater like production, directing, stage management, and writing.
Some teenagers who enjoy filmmaking or directing, may want to join a site like
Put a sign up directing people to an outdoor wedding that is hard to find in the countryside.
Clooney's nominations made history as he became the first person ever to be nominating for acting in one movie and directing in a different movie.
Over the next few years, he played both criminals and detectives in several crime films, and he got involved in directing.
Wilson's resume also includes several film roles, as well as writing, directing, and producing credits.
Neil Patrick Harris is an all-around entertainer, with success in acting, live theater, hosting, directing, and singing.
With a famous comedy team for his parents, Ben Stiller was born with innate comedic timing and a talent for directing.
Those who ask "What is Erika Alexander doing now?" will also be pleased to learn that she has become involved with writing, directing, and producing both television shows and feature films.
The Best Picture award represents the gold standard for writing, producing, and directing in major motion pictures.
Mel Gibson soared to the A-list as an affable cinematic heavyweight with starring roles in Mad Max and Lethal Weapon, as well as directing and producing credits for Braveheart and The Passion of the Christ.
Healthcare providers can partner with you on a number of important decisions, including finding suitable replacements in your new locale and directing you to resources of necessity or interest.
Then you should definitely check out our short guide below, directing you to some of the best online casual game destinations out there.
Despite that, you are kept busy flushing out the bad guys, directing your teammates, finding and completing your objectives, so when the action does hit, be prepared to some quick thinking and button pressing to finish your mission.
At this time, you will stop controlling an individual character, instead directing the actions of the tribe.
Cult followings can't fix the writing, the directing, and the plain-old bad acting.
You pick them up and move them around the village, directing them to different areas and teaching them new skills.
The oncologist is a physician who specializes in cancer care and usually coordinates the treatment plan, directing chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and any treatment that does not involve radiation or surgery.
When a new baby comes into the family, older children feel betrayed by their parents and may become angry, directing their anger first toward the parents and later toward the intruder who is usurping their position.
Directing a fan on the child will help cool the child.
That is, there is one person who is directing the flow of the dance while the other person follows.
A layered look can add a bohemian charm to your curls simply by balancing the curl and directing the attention to some of your better assets.
In 2000, the United States Congress passed a law directing that federal agencies create a plan to allow eligible employees to work from home to "the maximum extent possible without diminished employee performance."
While she will take some time off to enjoy her new baby and get back into shape, we can expect more acting and directing from this versatile television star.
As you focus your attention around the console, you can "move" the ball by directing which fans blow and how hard.
Baumbach, director of 1995's Kicking and Screaming discussed his new film The Squid and the Whale, as well as his outlook on life and how it intersects with writing and directing.
It became a cult classic, and his professional directing career had begun.
If you enjoy watching [Independent Films|independent films] and scoping out the next big thing in directing, it is hard to beat Cinequest Online.
He has two other directing jobs upcoming, so it will be interesting to see how he can pull off this sequel with two veteran Underworld actors and one excellent TV actress.
Ancient wall drawings can also be seen directing customers to purchase something.
New Moon director Chris Weitz will not be directing the third installment of the series.
This historical drama was nominated for the Golden Globe Best Motion Picture award, and also won five Vegas Film Society awards, including Best Actor, Best Directing, Best Editing, Best Screenplay and Best Film.
In addition to naming one program as the top drama series, there are also program specific awards for the best directing team and casting.
Most directors spend a year or two with the program, typically directing a handful (and sometimes many more) of episodes and sharing the duties with other directors on the team.
During that last year on Another World, Wheeler took an interest in directing which lead to her directing several episodes of ATWT and Guiding Light.
The plot of the novela follows Rafael Carballo who is directing the novelas within the novela.
The Aura Wellness Center is a family owned company with a Master Yoga Teacher directing courses and training camps.
By focusing on the breath and directing it into the concave side of the spine, the muscles stretch and increase lung capacity.
Another important aspect of getting the media to write about you is directing your press release to the right person.
In any size company, a business manager is responsible for listening and directing other employees who answer to them.
However, any fad diet directing you to eliminate foods or food groups lacks the total nutrition required for optimum health.
Professional liability insurance for UBS financial advisers serving in any guiding, directing, or monetary action planning capacity is a smart idea.
Some states have instituted automobile insurance rules directing that drivers must also buy coverage that pays for their own injuries sustained in an accident.
Stephen Spielberg burst onto the directing scene with his second feature film, Jaws.
Spammers can use shortened URLs to their advantage, directing clickers to a site that offers support because there is supposedly something wrong with your computer.
If you simply send out a reply without directing it at anyone, your followers won't know who you are talking to.
If they are simply directing and marching, having them all gussied up would be fine - but what if their skills go beyond that?
After a brief struggle with the task of directing the administration of the most extensive and the worst organized monarchy in Europe, he sank back into his pleasures and was governed by other favourites.
During the struggle that went on in his soul, he began to take note of his psychological state; and this was the first time that he exercised his reason on spiritual things; the experience thus painfully gained he found of great use afterwards in directing others.
The moment news of their activity reached him, whilst still in pursuit of Sir John Moore, he despatched letters to all the members of the Confederation warning them that their contingents might soon be required, and at the same time issued a series of decrees to General Clarke, his war minister, authorizing him to call up the contingent of 1810 in advance, and directing him in detail to proceed with the formation of 4th and 5th battalions for all the regiments across the Rhine.
He studied law, and while still young took to politics, associating himself with the most advanced movements, writing articles for the anarchist journal Le Peuple, and directing the Lanterne for some time.
He harried the Limousin and laid siege to the castle of Chalus; while directing an assault he was wounded in the shoulder by a crossbow bolt, and, the wound mortifying from unskilful treatment or his own want of care, he died on the 6th of April 1199.
Directing his efforts at first to reproducing the deep green and straw-yellow glazes of China, he had exhausted almost his entire resources before success came, and even then the public was slow to recognize the merits of his ware.
If the Prussians now retired northwards, parallel to the direction which Wellington would follow perforce on the morrow, the chance of co-operating in a decisive battle would still remain to the allies; and Gneisenau's order issued by moonlight, directing the retreat on Tilly and Wavre, went far to ensuring the possibility of such combined action.
In 1881 Mr Blaine, then U.S. secretary of state, addressed an instruction to the ministers of the United States of America accredited to the various Central and South American nations, directing them to invite the governments of these countries to participate in a congress, to be held at Washington in 1882, " for the purpose of considering and discussing the methods of preventing war between the nations of America."
In 1776, as president of the provincial convention, which adopted a state constitution for Virginia, he drew up the instructions to the Virginia members of Congress directing them to advocate the independence of the American colonies.
He was in nominal direction of military operations during the war with Spain in 1898, though his personal share of the operations was confined to directing the almost unopposed Porto Rico expedition.
But as this reaction is reversible, we must observe the conditions necessary for directing it in the right sense.
Huygens contrived some ingenious arrangements for directing such telescopes towards any object visible in the heavens - the focal adjustment and centring of the eyepiece being preserved by a braced rod connecting the objectglass and eye-piece.
Freedom from tremor, ease and delicacy of movement and facility of directing the instrument to any desired object in the heavens are the primary qualifications.
Since the transit circle is preferable to the equatorial for such observations wherein great accuracy is required, the declination and hour circles of an equatorial are employed, not for the determination of the right ascensions and declinations of celestial objects, but for directing the telescope with ease and certainty to any object situated in an approximately known position, and which may or may not be visible to the naked eye, or to define approximately the position of an unknown object.
On the sixteenth day of the seventh month a feast is held in honour of Mithra, the deity presiding over and directing the course of the sun, and also a festival to celebrate truth and friendship. On the tenth day of the eighth month a festival is held in honour of Farvardin, the deity who presides over the departed souls of men.
But he soon showed petulance towards the civil authorities, from whom he came to differ concerning the political ends in view; and he now found severe critics, who doubted his capacity for directing an offensive war; but the government yielded to his plans for an oblique, instead of a direct, movement upon Richmond and the opposing army.
Owing to the fact of his being unknown in London, to his exceptional courage and coolness, and probably to his experience in the wars and at sieges, the actual accomplishment of the design was entrusted to Fawkes, and when the house adjoining the parliament house was hired in Percy's name, he took charge of it as Percy's servant, under the name of Johnson_ He acted as sentinel while the others worked at the mine in December 1604, probably directing their operations, and on the discovery of the adjoining cellar, situated immediately beneath the House of Lords, he arranged in it the barrels of gunpowder, which he covered over with firewood and coals and with iron bars to increase the force of the explosion.
His influence over the Dutch members was supreme, and in addition to directing the policy of the Bond within the Cape Colony, he supported and defended the aggressive expansion policy of President Kruger and the Transvaal Boers.
For if consciousness be looked upon as simply an epiphenomenon, an unaccountable appearance accompanying the succession of material changes, the possibility either of active interference by human volition at any point within the physical series or of any controlling or directing efficacy of consciousness over the whole set of material changes which accompany its activity becomes unthinkable.
In the same year commissioners were nominated by the crown to inquire (inter alia) as to a general system for railways in Ireland, and as to the best mode of directing the development of the means of intercourse to the channels whereby the greatest advantage might be obtained by the smallest outlay.
The Dutch emulated the British in the Arctic seas during this period, directing their efforts mainly towards the discovery of a north-east passage round the northern end of Novaya Zemlya; and William Barents or Barendsz (1594-1597) is the most famous name in this connexion, his boat voyage along the coast of Novaya Zemlya after losing his ship and wintering in a high latitude, being one of the most remarkable achievements in polar annals.
It is the privilege of the archdeacon of Canterbury to induct the archbishop and all the bishops of the province of Canterbury into their respective bishoprics, and this he does in the case of a bishop under a mandate from the archbishop of Canterbury, directing him to induct the bishop into the real, actual, and corporal possession of the bishopric, and to install and to enthrone him; and in the case of the archbishop, under an analogous mandate from the dean and chapter of Canterbury, as being guardians of the spiritualities during the vacancy of the archiepiscopal see.
And in January 1902, reversing the policy which had its inception in the encyclical, Rerum novarum, of 1891, and had further been developed ten years later in a letter to the Italian bishops entitled Graves de communi, the "Sacred Congregation of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs" issued instructions concerning "Christian Democracy in Italy," directing that the popular Christian movement, which embraced in its programme a number of social reforms, such as factory laws for children, old-age pensions, a minimum wage in agricultural industries, an eight-hours' day, the revival of trade gilds, and the encouragement of Sunday rest, should divert its attention from all such things as savoured of novelty and devote its energies to the restoration of the temporal power.
By directing the telescope to a distant object, or to the intersection of the webs of a fixed collimating telescope (see Transit Circle), it is easy to measure the effect of a small change of zenith distance of the axis of the telescope in terms both of the level and of the micrometer screw, and thus, if the levels are perfectly sensitive and uniform in curvature and graduation, to determine the value of one division of each level in terms of the micrometer screw.
Starting with a visit to Piombino, on the coast opposite Elba, he went by way of Siena to Urbino, where he made drawings and began works; was thence hastily summoned by way of Pesaro and Rimini to Cesena; spent two months between there and Cesenatico, projecting and directing canal and harbour works, and planning the restoration of the palace of Frederic II.; thence hurriedly joined his master, momentarily besieged by enemies at Imola; followed him probably to Sinigaglia and Perugia, through the whirl of storms and surprises, vengeances and treasons, which marked his course that winter, and finally, by way of Chiusi and Acquapendente, as far as Orvieto and probably to Rome, where Caesar arrived on the 14th of February 1503.
The officers directing the march rode backward and forward between the carts.
Two officers were standing on the knoll, directing the men.
Since a financial professional is directing and diversifying the investments, typically less risk is associated with a mutual fund than with investing in stocks and bonds directly.
It includes a user's training manual that contains information about the program, how it works and what to look for when directing the program to delete something it detects.
Dustin looked at her then tossed a look over his shoulder at Damian before directing her away.
Avoiding the possessed king, Taran took his place directing the great hall's activities.
The angle between two objects, such as stars or the opposite limbs of the sun, was measured by directing an arm furnished with fine " sights " (in the sense of the " sights " of a rifle) first upon one of the objects and then upon the other (q.v.), or by employing an instrument having two arms, each furnished with a pair of sights, and directing one pair of sights upon one object and the second pair upon the other.
He ordered Fox's liberation, and in November 1657 issued a general order directing that Quakers should be treated with leniency, and be discharged from confinement.
What is required is some means for localizing and directing a beam of radiation.
Immured in his castle at Pavia, accumulating wealth by systematic taxation and methodical economy, he organized the mercenary troops who eagerly took service under so good a paymaster; and, by directing their operations from his cabinet, he threatened the whole of Italy with conquest.
But where the side is not a uniform scarp, but made up of a series of ridges and valleys, the tendency will be to distribute the detritus in an irregular manner, directing it away from one place and collecting it in great masses in another, so that in time the land form assumes a new appearance.
The members of the Duma, moreover, were placed at the mercy of the government by a clause empowering the Directing Senate to suspend or deprive them.
Clement continued the struggle of his predecessors with the emperor Louis the Bavarian, excommunicating him after protracted negotiations on the 13th of April 1346, and directing the election of Charles of Moravia, who received general recognition after the death of Louis in October 1347, and put an end to the schism which had long divided Germany.
Wing-covers and hind-wings are alike absent, and the latter are represented by a pair of little knobbed organs, the halteres or balancers, which have a controlling and directing function in flight.
All his energies were now directed to securing food and vessels for its transportation and to directing its distribution in Belgium.
What both Ritschl and Schleiermacher insist on is that the belief in miracles is inseparable from the belief in God, and in God as immanent in nature, not only directing and controlling its existent forces, but also as initiating new stages consistent with the old in its progressive development.
It is interesting, too, to notice the part which the laity already plays in directing the course of the Crusade.
It was Thomas who organized the Toulouse campaign of 1159; even in the field he made himself conspicuous by commanding a company of knights, directing the work of devastation, and superintending the conduct of the war after the king had withdrawn his presence from the camp. When there was war with France upon the Norman border, the chancellor acted as Henry's representative; and on one occasion engaged in single combat and unhorsed a French knight of reputation.
Vigorous opposition was made by Liebig and Berzelius, the latter directing his attack against Dumas, whom he erroneously believed to be the author of what was, in his opinion, a pernicious theory.
The first sixteen performances took place at Bayreuth, in July and August 1882, under Wagner's own directing, and fully realized all expectations.
Unhappily the exertion of directing so many consecutive performances seems to have been too much for the veteran master's strength, for towards the close of 1882 his health began to decline rapidly.
Wellington followed, directing the Portuguese to remove all boats from the Mondego and Douro, and to break up roads north of the former river.
Wellington had insufficient siege equipment and transport for heavy guns; five assaults failed, and Soult (having left Suchet in Valencia) and also the Army of Portugal were both approaching, so Wellington withdrew on the night of the Retreat 21st of October, and, directing the evacuation of from Madrid, commenced the "Retreat from Burgos."
For small bodies other than spheres the coefficient will be different, but its sign will always be negative for diamagnetic substances and positive for others; hence the forces acting on any small body will be in the same directions as in the case of a sphere' Directing Couple acting on an Elongated Body.
It can be shown 3 that in a uniform field an elongated piece of any non-crystalline material is in stable equilibrium only when its length is parallel to the lines of force; for diamagnetic substances, however, the directing couple is exceedingly small, and it would hardly be possible to obtain a uniform field of sufficient strength to show the effect experimentally.
The sentence was forthwith executed, his body being thrown into the cloaca, where, however, it was found by another pious matron, Lucina, whom Sebastian visited in a dream, directing her to bury him ad Catacombas juxta vestigia apostolorum.
He committed the great mistake, too, of directing the movements of distant armies from the seat of government, though those armies were under able generals.
It was no longer necessary to suppose that a halfconscious" anima "was directing every movement.
If the striking conceptions of Paul Ehrlich and Emil Fischer continue to prove as fertile in inspiring and directing research as at present they seem to be, another wide sphere of.
In September 1797 the government learnt from the informer MacNally that Lord Edward was among those directing the conspiracy of the United Irishmen, which was now quickly maturing.
He attacked the Empire with great violence, directing his opposition especially against Baron Haussmann, prefect of the Seine.
The dose of jalap is from five to twenty grains, the British Pharmacopeia directing that it must contain from 9 to II% of the resin, which is given in doses of two to five grains.
While directing a fire of hot shot to burn the "Congress," Commodore Buchanan of the "Merrimac" was severely wounded and was succeeded in the command by Lieutenant Catesby ap Roger Jones.
During the campaign of 1866 he received the command of an army consisting of four army corps; he was assisted by General von Blumenthal, as chief of the staff, but took a very active part in directing the difficult operations by which his army fought its way through the mountains from Silesia to Bohemia, fighting four engagements in three days, and showed that he possessed genuine military capacity.
But there are laws directing events, and some of these laws are known to us while we are conscious of others we cannot comprehend.
But, like all the great paradoxes of philosophy, it has its value in directing our attention to a vital, yet much neglected, element of experience.