Dinoflagellates Sentence Examples
The Dinoflagellates are relatively large for Mastigophora, many attaining 50 µ (50 ") in length.
The affinities of the Dinoflagellata are certainly with those Cryptomonadine Flagellates which possess two unequal flagella; the zoospores or young of the Cystoflagellates are practically colourless Dinoflagellates.
Some flagellates combine the methods of plant and animal feeding, however most planktonic dinoflagellates are in fact plants.
Ingestion of ciliates was greater than that of heterotrophic dinoflagellates, which reflected a higher abundance of ciliates in the water column.
It is divided into five major sections covering bacterial pathogens, toxigenic fungi and marine dinoflagellates, protozoa, and viral and virus-like agents.
This is caused by the dominance of large dinoflagellates in this period.