Diluting Sentence Examples
One class, represented by gelatin, will redissolve on warming or diluting, while the other class, containing such substances as silica, albumen, and metallic, hydrosulphides, will solidify on heating or on the addition of electrolytes to form a solid "gel" which cannot be redissolved.
A standard sodium hydrate solution can be prepared by dissolving 42 grammes of sodium hydrate, making up to a litre, and diluting until one cubic centimetre is exactly equivalent to one cubic centimetre of the sulphuric acid.
Of course, in applying the method means must be adopted for suitably diluting the bacterial mixture.
Diluting squash well will make it less sugary, but again try to keep it to mealtimes.
I like to keep fresh-frozen strawberries in my freezer and I have found that using them instead of ice cubes adds more strawberry flavor instead of diluting the flavor like ice would.
It blends well with other ingredients and adds the benefits of milk without diluting the mix.
Changing formula or diluting to half strength are common practices but are usually unnecessary and may even prolong symptoms and delay nutritional recovery.
It is made by diluting a 3-oz package in a quart of water or by adding one-fourth teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of sugar to a pint of water.
A stunning solitaire pairs well with either a plain or a diamond-accented band without diluting the power of the one carat focal stone.
Stretch apple juice or grape juice by diluting it with water.
AdvertisementThinners and solvents must be used when diluting oil paints or cleaning brushes and other painting supplies.
It is only, however, when we deal with comparatively concentrated solutions that the heat-effect of diluting the solutions is at all great, the heat-change on diluting an already dilute solution being for most practical purposes negligible.
It forms a valuable treatment in diabetic coma and eclampsia, acting by diluting the toxins in the blood.
The filtered caustic liquor passes to the concentration plants; the washings are employed for diluting fresh vat-liquor for the next operation, or for dissolving solid soda-ash for the same purpose.
The cold water dissolves the sugar and this solution trickles into the glass diluting the green absinthe.
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The treatment is far from satisfactory, and consists in keeping up the strength and diluting the poison in the blood and in the urine by the administration of bland fluids, such as soda-water, milk and plain water, in quantities as large as possible.
The potassium cyanide solution is standardized by dissolving 0.5 gramme o£ pure copper in 5 cc. of nitric acid, diluting, adding io cc. of ammonia, and titrating exactly as described above.
But this important invention was of little use until John Glover, about 1866, found that the nitrous vitriol could be most easily reintroduced into the process by subjecting it to the action of burner-gas before this enters into the lead chambers, preferably after diluting it with chamber acid, that is, acid of from 65 to 70%, H 2 SO 4, as formed in the lead chambers.