Digression Sentence Examples
In other cases, it is more difficult to pinpoint what is affecting a child's behavior or learning digression.
It bears the strongest likeness to the epic in all save its unversified form; in both are found, as fixed essentials, simplicity of plot, chronological order of events, set phrases used even in describing the restless play of emotion or the changeful fortunes of a fight or a storm, while in both the absence of digression, comment or intrusion of the narrator's person is invariably maintained.
Pardon the digression, back to the divorce.
First, let's take a short digression into how we got here.
I hope the reader will pardon this digression, which is not without interest.
To follow it, we must make a little digression into the history of Bolshevism.
Travelling thence to Peshawar (Purushapura), the capital of Gandhara, he made a digression, through the now inaccessible valley of Swat and the Dard states, to the Upper Indus, returning to Peshawar, and then crossing the Indus (Sintu) into the decayed kingdom of Taxila (Ta-cha-si-lo, Takshasila), then subject to Kashmir.
By way of a slight digression, care should also be taken to look into tax options for similar reasons.
This section is a brief digression in answer to a question posed by a visitor to the church I attend.
In all, it seems a pointless digression that does little for our appreciation of the film.
AdvertisementBut to return now to the four typical genera, which have led to the above lengthy digression.
To see this, we need to make a short digression to consider the truth conditions for subjunctive conditionals.
Bens demonstrates how to stay neutral, synthesize ideas, summarize content, ask questions and manage digression.
On the other hand, he is full of cumbrous repetition, he lacks precision in argument and is prone to digression, his quotations from Scripture are often inappropriate, and he is greatly influenced by Jewish exegesis.
This singular romance is diversified by, or, to speak more properly, it is the vehicle of the most bewildering abundance of digression, burlesque amplification, covert satire on things political, social and religious, miscellaneous erudition of the literary and scientific kind.
AdvertisementThis was a digression of a new kind, if anything can be called a digression in a work the plan of which is to fly off at a tangent whenever and wherever the writer's whim tempts him.
To the following year (1688) belongs his Digression sur les anciens et les modernes, in which he took the modern side in the controversy then raging; his Doutes sur le systeme physique des causes occasionnelles (against Malebranche) appeared shortly afterwards.