Digests Sentence Examples
Additionally, if the body easily digests food, it uses less energy to do so, so that increases a person's overall vitality.
Besides the university library, there is the Ohio state library occupying a room in the capitol and containing in 1908 126,000 volumes, including a "travelling library" of about 36,000 volumes, from which various organizations in different parts of the state may borrow books; the law library of the supreme court of Ohio, containing complete sets of English, Scottish, Irish, Canadian, United States and state reports, statutes and digests; the public school library of about 68,000 volumes, and the public library (of about 55,000), which is housed in a marble and granite building completed in 1906.
These were huge digests of all that popes, councils, primitive fathers had decided on every kind of question pertaining to the confessional - what exactly is a sin, what kind of questions the priests must ask, under what conditions he could give absolution.
He possessed a thorough knowledge of law, and wrote treatises on that subject, some fragments of which are quoted in the Digests.
He gave to posterity not one code but two digests or collections of extracts, which are new only to this extent that they are arranged in a new order, having been previously altogether unconnected with one another, and that here and there their words have been modified in order to bring one extract into harmony with some other.
Nilson (Ber., 1874, 7, p. 1719) digests the well-washed chamber mud with a moderately concentrated solution of potassium cyanide, whereby the element goes into solution in the form of potassium selenocyanide, KSe(CN), from which it is precipitated by hydrochloric acid.
This can be used to efficiently compute the digests of strings that share a common initial substring.
It is also edited and used to produce thirty-three thematic digests, including one relating to publishing.
Aliquots of the digests were reduced with sodium borohydride to yield metallic mercury.
It also digests the starch in your food into glucose.
AdvertisementFor example, the trypsin of the pancreas (see Nutrition) digests albuminous bodies in neutral or alcoholic solution, and if the whole of that which is secreted in the pancreas for the digestion of meat in the intestine were absorbed unchanged into the circulation, it would digest the body itself and quickly cause death.
Your dog only receives nutrition from the food his system actually digests.
Macrophage-A large white blood cell that engulfs and digests foreign invaders, such as bacteria and viruses, in an attempt to stop them from causing disease within the body.
When your body digests these foods, they break down into simple sugars (glucose) and your body uses the sugars for energy.
Obesity surgery changes the way in which your body digests and absorbs food.
AdvertisementBromelain is a protease enzyme that digests protein.
According to his premise, diet should be dictated by blood type because each blood type digests foods differently.
Just as the stomach and intestines receive food and digest it, so the brain receives impressions, digests them, and has as its organic secretion, thought.
The job of the villi is to absorb nutrients from your food as it digests.