Digestive Sentence Examples
They are metamerically placed, and belong to the same metamere as the digestive caeca, thus alternating with the generative sacs.
The digestive tract of Patella offers some interesting features.
Cream is better than milk, as most cats digestive systems can handle the butterfat.
Indeed he was so much prepossessed in favour of a classification based on the structure of the digestive organs that he could not bring himself to consider vocal muscles to be of much taxonomic use, and it was reserved to Johannes Muller to point out that the contrary was the fact.
Whether bacteria will be destroyed or not after they have been ingested by the leucocytes will depend upon the digestive powers of the latter, and these probably vary in different species of animals.
The endoderm is generally also an epithelium one cell in thickness, the cells being digestive, secretory and sometimes muscular.
The mid-gut is essentially the digestive and absorptive region of the alimentary canal, and its surface is, in most cases, increased by pouch-like or tubular outgrowths which not only serve as glands for the secretion of the digestive juices, but may also become filled by the more fluid portion of the partially digested food and facilitate its absorption.
In addition to the digestive and excretory glands already mentioned, various glandular structures occur in the different groups of Crustacea.
If the sulphate is prescribed in the form of a pill, it may be so coated as only to be soluble in the intestinal digestive fluid.
But the larvae of the Ecaudata are mainly herbivorous and the digestive tract is accordingly extremely elongate and coiled up like the spring of a watch.
AdvertisementWhile in the alimentary canal they are subjected to the action of the digestive fluids and the varied contents of the stomach and intestines, and after absorption they come under the influence of the constituents of the blood and lymph, and of the chemical action of the tissue cells.
Treatment to neutralize the acidity of the digestive juices can help to relieve the symptoms of the ulcer.
Barium examinations are a common test using this method which shows up the digestive system with the use of a liquid called barium examinations are a common test using this method which shows up the digestive system with the use of a liquid called barium.
Trikatu formula increases the digestive fire, which then burns away these accumulated toxins and cleanses the alimentary canal.
Dexamethasone A steroid drug Enterobacter cloacae An organism that is normally found in the digestive tract.
AdvertisementAlso, the digestive system needs some space to operate in, so stuffing yourself to the maximum will actually inhibit digestion.
Similarly one plain digestive has a Points value of 1, whilst two biscuits have a Points value of 2½ .
Anyway, I'm pleased to report that a nice cup of tea and a chocolate digestive restored her back to her normal self.
Using LCMS techniques, we have already proven that chalcone release takes place in the parasite digestive vacuole.
Lack of fiber is a prime cause of many rabbit digestive problems.
AdvertisementClick Here Further Details Texas Virtual Clinic Information on common digestive problems including dysphagia (difficulty swallowing ), heartburn, anorexia.
One is to take digestive enzymes to help your body to get the most from your food.
The apple pectin helps to regulate the digestive system and to metabolize fatty acids.
White Stilton & Lemon For a quick and easy cheesecake, top a digestive cookie with a generous helping for an instant bliss fix.
A variety of digestive processes can remove the available nitrogen compounds from the smallest gnat to a full grown rat.
AdvertisementAll our digestive, blood and respiratory systems are needed to provide energy for muscle systems - again - to overcome gravitation!
Special diets to prevent hairball contain high levels of fiber, which pet nutrition increases the amount of water held in the digestive tract.
Good for the digestive system Asparagus contains a prebiotic fiber called inulin.
Fasting has been used by patients for weight management, to rest the digestive tract and for lowering lipids.
Just because my digestive system is offended, this does not a scary movie make.
Moreover, mortality data show an increased rate of cancers for the digestive organs in the Department.
Acid and the digestive enzyme pepsin are secreted here.
Renagel® binds phosphate from food in the digestive tract.
It was therefore accepted at the time that the attack on her digestive system had been the result of a tropical sprue.
The latter especially helps soften the stools, making them easier to pass through the digestive tract.
An infusion taken two to three times daily is a digestive tonic or can be used externally to wash wounds.
Probiotics and Beneficial Bacteria Researchers estimate that more than 400 species of bacteria inhabit the digestive tract.
Ideally small children, who have got very short digestive tracts compared to adults, should go about twice a day.
A cookie or tablet which is a nutritional supplement for dogs with digestive upsets.
Symptoms may affect the skin, digestive system, behavior, arthritis or even urinary incontinence.
Several forms of secondary digestive vacuoles were recognized in these cells.
Vera juice is also very good for the digestive tract.
The secretion wets an insect very rapidly, but, so far as is known, seems to be completely destitute of digestive power - indeed, rather to accelerate decomposition.
It consists of a hollow tube, or tubes, of which the wall is made up of the two body-layers, ectoderm and endoderm, and the cavity is a continuation of the digestive cavities of the nutritive and other appendages, i.e.
A crop-like dilatation of the gut and a recurved intestine, embedded in the compact yellowish-brown liver, the ducts of which open into it, form the rest of the digestive tract and occupy a large bulk of the visceral hump. The buccal region presents a pair of shelly jaws placed laterally upon the lips, and a wide range of variation in the form of the denticles of the lingual ribbon or radula.
A special " sympathetic " system arises by paired nerves from the oesophageal connectives; these nerves unite, and send back a median recurrent nerve associated with ganglia on the gullet and crop, whence proceed cords to various parts of the digestive system.
In the anthopolyp, on the other hand, the digestive cavity is always subdivided by so-called mesenteries, in-growths of the endoderm containing vertical lamellae of mesogloea (see Anthozoa).
In all cases the important action is the binding of complement to the bacterium by means of the corresponding immune body; whether or not death of the bacterium occurs, will depend upon its susceptibility to the action of the particular complement, the latter acting like a toxin or digestive ferment.
The food requirements of adult flies are mainly for carbohydrates which are taken in liquid form having been dissolved by regurgitated digestive juices.
Apple Powder - is a great source of water soluble fiber to help maintain a healthy digestive system.
They need ad lib good quality hay, both to keep their digestive system healthy and to stave off boredom.
Aloe vera juice is also very good for the digestive tract.
Research shows that these beneficial cultures are abundant in the digestive tracts of breastfed babies and so Nestle developed Good Start Natural Cultures.
Breast milk apparently causes less digestive problems in infants.
Because the mouth is the beginning of the digestive process, yeast overgrowth here can travel through the gastrointestinal tract and come out the other end.
Domestication has changed the behavior and appearance of cats, but not their digestive systems.
Because the nutrients that cats need are already present in whole prey, their systems do not convert and produce necessary nutrients from their foods, but rely on the prey's digestive system to do this for them.
When they groom themselves they ingest the clay which can cause a blockage in their digestive systems and can be fatal.
Veterinarians have a theory that eating grass provides extra fiber to help cats cough up hairballs and clear their digestive tracts.
Butter is thought to help loosen the hair clod, and the extra fiber found in squash is believed to help keep the mass moving out of the digestive tract.
These masses can be large and hard, sometimes too big to either cough up or pass on through the digestive system.
Probiotics keep your feline's digestive system working efficiently.
Watch your cat for any signs of digestive distress.
The only carbohydrates they are likely to get are those that may be still encased in the digestive system of their prey.
Cats have a digestive system that doesn't require much more than meat.
These herbs are added to sooth the cat's digestive system in a similar way to the natural grass chewing that cats do.Using a variety of oils fulfills your cat's needs for Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids.
Too much change can cause an animal to be finicky about her food or even give her digestive problems.Once you find a food that your cat loves and that seems to work well for her, use it exclusively.
While these ingredients will fill your animal up, they may just as easily give your pet digestive problems.
Some of these ingredients may be harmful to animals with allergies while others cause digestive problems.
Holistic cat foods are formulated with the idea that a cat's digestive system is still the same as that of her wild feline cousins who wouldn't normally have access to potatoes, livestock hooves, or dried, powdered chicken feathers.
Working with your vet to tailor-make a pet's diet will improve your favorite feline's life and digestive health.
This allows your cat to adjust to the new diet without digestive upset.
By the end of the two week period, your cat should be eating only the raw food and her digestive system should be working efficiently.
Tapeworms generally begin their life cycle on a flea and then migrate into the cat's digestive system when she grooms herself and ingests the flea.
She will often lick their abdomens to stimulate the digestive system and help them urinate and defecate.
The controversy stems from the fact that bentonite clay litters may enter the lungs and digestive tracts of a cat and trigger negative effects.
Should it enter the digestive tract, it can quickly absorb water and form blockages.
When ingested, clay litter may pose an even more serious threat to the digestive tract.
As carnivores, high-carbohydrate products containing grains and cereals are inappropriate for cats' digestive systems.
Even a home-cooked diet may mess with your cat's delicate digestive system.
This is reflected in their digestive systems, their tooth structure and their behavior.
Carbohydrates involve a different digestive process and enzymes which cats are lacking.
Brazilians have used Acai more many years as a digestive aid as well as for skin problems.
This tea is designed to naturally enhance the body's digestive system by combining ginger root, peppermint, and chamomile, which are touted for their soothing and stomach-settling abilities.
Throughout the human digestive tract, millions of microscopic organisms help digest food and transform food into useful nutrients.
Candida albicans, also commonly called 'yeast', is a single-celled organism that lives in the digestive tract and in women is also found in the vagina.
Mints make excellent flavorings, and teas and tisanes brewed from mint calm upset stomachs, flatulence and any discomfort in the digestive system.
It is commonly used for digestive problems, sore throats and respiratory problems.
These oils stimulate your digestive system, which can lead to neutralization of stomach acids.
It can help to fight free radicals in your body, improving your skin quality, your digestive system, and reducing the risk of cancers and heart disease.
Indigestion-Ginger is widely known as a digestive aid, which may benefit individuals with stomach cramps and common stomach discomfort.
Keep in mind that agave's herbal medicine effect is said to be on the stomach and to help constipation, so you may simply be taking too much and stimulating the digestive tract too much.
This herbal remedy may be used if you are experiencing digestive tract upset but should not be taken daily due to the possible side effects of diarrhea and dehydration from the laxative properties of the herbs.
Minor digestive issues can also be treated homeopathically.
Homeopaths aim to maintain health and wellness and can treat conditions such as allergies, headaches and digestive problems, while also strengthening the immune system to fend off illness in the future.
Individuals with asthma have reported that fenugreek has aggravated their symptoms and some individuals may experience mild diarrhea or digestive complaints.
Merck offers an impressive collection of information on various disorders, including cancer, digestive disorders, nerve disorders and much more.
A Chiu Chow meal is typically polished off with oolong tea as a digestive aid.
Paan is also used as an astringent to clear the digestive system.
Stress can cause irritable bowel and other digestive disorders, such as ulcers.
Stress hormones actually shut down the digestive processes, causing a disruption in that system that can lead to variety of digestive discomforts.
Some evidence suggests that cooking, while destroying some digestive enzymes, is still better for digestion overall and that this affects development.
A diet high in fiber keeps your digestive system in perfect working order.
Some say they help improve the digestive system.
When the enzymes are destroyed, the pancreas has to work really hard to crank out digestive enzymes.
This milk was touted as a supplement to help people with various digestive problems.
Besides Lactobacillus acidophilus there are other bacteria that are beneficial to the human digestive system and contribute to good health.
There are also a number of probiotic supplements that claim to add the beneficial bacteria to your digestive system.
By eating prebiotics, you can ensure the beneficial bacteria continue to grow and thrive in your digestive system.
By adding probiotic foods to your diet and eating a healthy diet that includes the prebiotic foods, you can strengthen your digestive system and your whole body.
Some people, however, have digestive trouble and the vitamin becomes difficult to break down and absorb into the body.
This group is responsible for breaking down other foods in the digestive system, maintaining liver function, and helping with the functions of the nervous system.Leafy green vegetables contain many of the B-complex vitamins.
Potassium aids in digestive health, as well as maintaining bodily fluids and normal heart functions.
A probiotics definition includes tiny, microscopic organisms that many people believe benefit the human body and digestive system.
In natural and alternative medicine fields, probiotics are sometimes used to prevent or even treat digestive and intestinal conditions.
Also, individuals with digestive impairments may have a difficult time breaking down proteins in sunflower seeds.
Many people report digestive reactions to nuts and seeds, though in some cases soaking the seeds for hours beforehand may aid the digestion.
In fact, letting your dog fast for a day can be beneficial for clearing the digestive tract, increasing it's efficiency.
Keeping your pet on familiar food will help lessen his stress and decrease his chances of a digestive disturbance.
Fleas can cause your dog to get worms, which wreak havoc with his digestive system.
Some food stuffs are actually toxic to our pets, while others may simply cause mild digestive disturbances.
Intestinal worms are parasites that live out their life cycle in a dog's digestive tract.
Solid chunks of these bones are harder to digest because it takes longer for the digestive juices to penetrate the bones.
It's certainly more tempting than kibble, and will give the digestive acids something to do besides irritate any ulceration that might be present.
Any raw meat may harbor worms that can continue their life cycle in your dog's digestive tract.
Any sudden changes could cause some digestive upset.
Because these ingredients are not normal canine food, they can lead to digestive disturbances and other unpleasant side-effects including flatulence and irritable bowels.
You just have to make the change gradually so you don't upset their digestive systems.
Corn and wheat are frequently linked to food allergies and digestive disturbances.
The digestive system breaks food down into nutrients and removes waste from the body.
Acupuncture treatment is effective in the relief of digestive problems, easing musculoskeletal pain, and hormonal imbalances.
In the end, only you can judge if Blue Buffalo is the right food for your dog, so make the change gradually to avoid shocking your dog's digestive tract.
Sudden changes in diet are hard on a puppy's system and can bring on digestive and growth problems.
In addition to these items, the company adds Lactobacillus Acidophilus and other bacteria that are found in yogurt to support the digestive system of your dog.
Sudden changes can cause upsets and imbalances in your dog's digestive system.
Pre and Probiotics to keep your dog's digestive system healthy.
Eagle Pack also offers a variety of dog treats and digestive remedies.
After the cooking process, a patented formulation called ActiCoat is added to provide live, active probiotic cultures which promote a healthy intestinal tract and overall digestive health.
Again, this dog food appears to have helped a great many dogs and had a positive outcome on ending digestive problems, loose stools and even vomiting.
This strain infects the bloodstream and attacks the lining of the digestive tract, bone marrow and cells.
Make sure if you are away from home when exercising your dog that you take extra poop bags; exercise can speed up the digestive process.
A home cooked diet allows a dog owner to prepare food with fresh meats, fruits and vegetables that contain maximum nutritional value and avoid any food ingredients that may irritate the dog's digestive system.
When you decide to make the change from your normal dog food to Bravo dog food, the company recommends adding some probiotics and digestive enzymes to your dog's food the day before you begin feeding them raw foods.
Offer clear water to reduce dehydration, and withhold food for 24 hours to let the digestive system rest.
Sauces, fried foods or meat scraps may have way more fat than a dog's digestive system can handle.
Yogurt is typically easy on the digestive system and, depending on the brand, may contain healthy bacteria or probiotics.
If you do decide to give California Natural a try, transition your dog to this new food slowly to avoid upsetting his digestive system.
Many believe amethyst aids the digestive, heart, and nervous systems.
These are particularly used by sufferers of digestive complains and ailments such as Crohns disease.
Their digestive systems lack the necessary physiology to digest vegetation.
This is due in part to their small size as well as the immaturity of their digestive and immune systems.
This dry food mimics the diet of a wild cat and fulfills the requirements of your cat's carnivorous digestive system.
Young digestive tracts absorb toxins more readily than adult digestive tracts, and young kidneys don't detoxify as efficiently as adult kidneys.
Over a period of time, as the body ages, the digestive system may have more difficulty breaking down vitamin tablets and capsules.
It contains a combination of vitamins and minerals as well as green tea extracts and aloe vera to support the digestive system.
Since liquid vitamins are so readily absorbed into the body, they work extremely well for people who have compromised immune systems, digestive problems, or are ill.
When cattle are fed grain, organic or not, it disrupts the natural chemical balance of their digestive systems.
Acute ITP is characterized by bleeding into the skin or from the nose, mouth, digestive tract, or urinary tract.
Most parents consult a pediatrician or primary care doctor after noticing their child has the typical purpuric skin rash, frequent nosebleeds, or bleeding from the digestive or urinary tract.
Bile is a liquid mixture of cholesterol, bile salts, and waste products, including bilirubin, which the liver excretes through thousands of tiny biliary ducts to the intestine, where the bile aids in the digestive process of dietary fats.
Side-effects may include mouth sores, digestive upsets, skin rashes, and hair loss.
Once the victim is under medical care, doctors have the option of treating the person with a specific remedy to counteract the poison (antidote) or with activated charcoal to absorb the substance inside the individual's digestive system.
This technique, which is known as gastric lavage, involves introducing 20 to 30 mL of tap water or 9 percent saline solution into the person's digestive tract and removing the stomach contents with a siphon or syringe.
When dairy products are ingested, the lactose reaches the digestive system and is broken down by lactase into the simpler sugars glucose and galactose, which can then be absorbed into the bloodstream.
Lactose intolerance can be caused by some diseases of the digestive system (for example, celiac sprue and gastroenteritis) and by injuries to the small intestine that result in a decreased production of lactase.
To diagnosis lactose intolerance, usually healthcare professionals measure the absorption of lactose in the digestive system by using the lactose tolerance test, the hydrogen breath test, or the stool acidity test.
Oral food challenges with foods are more tedious than inhalation testing, since full passage through the digestive system may take a day or more.
Henoch-Schönlein purpura-A syndrome sometimes classified as a hypersensitivity vasculitis, associated with a variety of digestive symptoms, pain in the joints, and kidney involvement.
Gastrointestinal-Pertaining to the digestive organs and structures, including the stomach and intestines.
Heme (component of hemoglobin in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body) is broken down into bilirubin, which moves to the liver where it is processed and added to bile, a digestive fluid.
Diaphragm-The thin layer of muscle that separates the chest cavity containing the lungs and heart from the abdominal cavity containing the intestines and digestive organs.
When humans eat raw or undercooked infected meat, the walls of the cysts are broken down in the human digestive tract, and the individual becomes actively infected.
Digestive system symptoms such as vomiting, constipation, and feeding difficulties may occur.
Common symptoms of food allergies include hives and rashes; swelling of the eyes, lips, and mouth; respiratory symptoms; and digestive problems.
Serotonin-A widely distributed neurotransmitter that is found in blood platelets, the lining of the digestive tract, and the brain, and that works in combination with norepinephrine.
These histamines trigger allergic symptoms that affect many areas of the body, particularly the skin, respiratory system, nervous system, and digestive system.
Digestive disorders after eating specific foods are not always allergies.
They can also be symptoms of other, more serious digestive diseases and malfunctions.
In these cases, the digestive tract reacts to a specific part of the food; for example, the protein or the sugar in a specific food.
The digestive system rebels, resulting in gas, bloating, upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
In other cases, the child's reaction is due to an underlying digestive disorder such as irritable bowel syndrome, which is a chronic condition that is often triggered by specific types of food.
Of particular concern are digestive symptoms that keep the child from eating properly or cause the child to lose weight.
Digestive and neurological symptoms could also be an indication of other underlying disorders.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease that affects the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands, and male fertility.
Close attention to and prompt treatment of respiratory and digestive complications have dramatically increased the expected life span of a person with CF.
In the pancreas, clogged passageways prevent secretion of digestive enzymes into the intestine, causing serious impairment of digestion-especially of fat-which may lead to malnutrition.
Meconium is the first dark stool that a baby passes after birth; ileus is an obstruction of the digestive tract.
Other abdominal symptoms are caused by the inability of the pancreas to supply digestive enzymes to the intestine.
While the intestines themselves also provide some digestive enzymes, the pancreas is the major source of enzymes for the digestion of all types of foods, especially fats and proteins.
Pancreatic insufficiency-Reduction or absence of pancreatic secretions into the digestive system due to scarring and blockage of the pancreatic duct.
Lipidoses are genetic disorders, passed from parents to their children, characterized by defects of the digestive system that impair the way the body uses dietary fat.
In infants, it may simply be a matter of having an immature digestive system.
The child is asks to drink a cup of liquid that coats the digestive track.
Images are often sent to a video monitor where the doctors and technicians observe the behavior of the upper digestive tract and snap still images from the monitor.
The upper GI endoscopy, also called the esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), by contrast, is a more sensitive test and offers a more complete picture of what is happening in the upper digestive tract.
As of 2004, it was the test of choice for many gastroenterologists (doctors specializing in diseases of the digestive system).
Many doctors are, as of 2004, beginning to understand that GERD, like many other digestive disorders, can occur at any age.
For others, it is a lifelong struggle with food and their digestive tract.
Contrast material is commonly used in making x rays of the digestive system.
The central nervous system in humans and other mammals contains five different types of opioid receptor proteins, located primarily in the brain, spinal cord, and digestive tract.
The opium in paregoric works to control diarrhea because it slows down the rhythmic contractions of the intestines that ordinarily move food through the digestive tract.
Symptoms may include fatigue, reduced secretion of digestive acids, confusion, and forgetfulness.
In Menkes disease, which is usually first noticed in infancy, impaired transport of copper from the digestive tract results in low levels of copper in the blood, while copper accumulates in the kidney, pancreas, and skeletal muscle.
Menkes disease-A genetic disease caused by a mutation on the X chromosome and resulting in impaired transport of copper from the digestive tract.
One Japanese study of children brought to the emergency room for removal of foreign bodies from the respiratory and digestive tracts found that the nose was the most common location (39.4% of patients) of these objects.
Enterobacterial infections are disorders of the digestive tract and other organ systems produced by a group of rod-shaped bacteria called Enterobacteriaceae.
Enterobacterial infections can be produced by bacteria that normally live in the human digestive tract without causing serious disease or by bacteria that enter from the outside.
Enterobacterial infections in the digestive tract typically start when the organisms invade the mucous tissues that line the digestive tract.
The doctor will ask about the frequency and appearance of the diarrhea as well as about other digestive symptoms.
These procedures involve significant surgical alteration of the digestive tract and require substantial modification of diet after the surgery to much less than 1,000 calories per day.
Fluids and food are not taken by mouth until the mother's digestive function returns.
In children with JDMS, vasculitic ulcers usually appear either in the skin rash or in the digestive tract.
Vasculitic ulcers in the digestive tract may lead to perforation of the intestines, which is a medical emergency.
Children who have developed sudden weakness of the muscles that control breathing or swallowing, or those who have developed vasculitic ulcers in the digestive tract may need to be hospitalized.
Obstruction prevents food from passing through the digestive tract, interfering with digestion and nutrition.
It is a short but often troublesome section of the digestive tract.
Some digestive processes are carried out in the bowel before food passes out of the body as waste.
Most children do not have continuing digestive problems.
Complications can include other digestive disorders such as intestinal motility, duodenogastric reflux, gastritis, peptic ulcers, and megaduodenum.
Excess iron may cause problems of the stomach and digestive tract, liver problems, an increased risk of diabetes, and male sexual problems.
Several herbs, including chamomile (Matricaria recutita), dandelion (Taraxacum mongolicum), and burdock (Arctium lappa), act as bitters, stimulating the movement of the digestive and excretory systems.
Parents may need to seek medical advice about digestive and elimination aids and about adjusting the child's diet and fluid intake to promote normal elimination.
Many babies with fragile X syndrome may have trouble with sucking, and some experience digestive disorders that cause frequent gagging and vomiting.
If there is bleeding into the neck, head, or digestive tract, or bleeding from an injury, emergency measures may be required.
Any incident that causes blood to collect in the head, neck, or digestive system can be very serious and requires immediate attention.
Hemorrhage from a coagulation disorder, particularly into the brain or digestive track, can prove fatal.
This can result in digestive problems, behavioral changes, brain damage, seizures, or coma.
This condition is due to a deficiency of the enzyme trypsin and other digestive enzymes produced in the pancreas.
Hernias are weaknesses in the abdominal wall that can trap a portion of intestine (incarceration) and cut off the passage of food and waste through the digestive tract.
It helps to regulate digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems.
It also affects the muscles of the digestive system, causing constipation and other digestive problems.
Celiac disease is a disease of the digestive system in which the inside lining of the small intestine (mucosa) is damaged after eating wheat, rye, oats, or barley, resulting in interference with the absorption of nutrients from food.
Not all people have digestive system complications; some people only have irritability or depression.
The diarrhea is usually caused by opportunistic infections of the digestive tract; the most common disease agents are Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia lamblia, Campylobacter, or rotaviruses.
Nutritional concerns for children with XHIM are related to infections of the digestive tract resulting in chronic diarrhea.
Not only is the immature digestive tract less able to protect itself, but premature infants are subjected to many stresses on the body in their attempt to survive.
Myotonic dystrophy affects heart muscle, causing arrhythmias and heart block, and the muscles of the digestive system, leading to motility disorders and constipation.
Frequent digestive disturbances and diarrhea may lead to malab-sorption of essential nutrients and failure to thrive.
The lungs, digestive system, and nervous system (including the brain) are underdeveloped in premature babies and are particularly vulnerable to complications.
Because E. coli toxins are produced in the large intestine rather than higher up in the digestive system, symptoms typically occur from one to three days after eating contaminated food.
Charcoal tablets, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and citrus seed extract can be taken to help normalize the digestive system.
Digestive diseases such as celiac disease and tropical sprue (which affect absorption in the intestine), as well as intestinal infections and injuries, can reduce the amount of enzymes produced.
An over-the-counter product marketed by the brand name Beano contains the enzyme alpha-galactosidase that works with the body's digestive system to break down complex carbohydrates into simple sugars that are easily digested.
Gastroenterologist-A physician who specializes in diseases of the digestive system.
It enters the body via the gut and replicates in the digestive tract and spreads to infect the liver, where it multiplies.
It interacts with immune cells called mast cells, which reside in the skin, airways, and digestive system.
It accounts for a substantial proportion of the patients seen by specialists in diseases of the digestive system (gastroenterologists).
Although researchers do not yet understand all of the links between changes in the nervous system and IBS, they point out the similarities between mild digestive upsets and IBS.
Like traditional doctors, alternative practitioners advise a high-fiber diet to reduce digestive system irritation.
Crohn's disease-A chronic, inflammatory disease, primarily involving the small and large intestine, but which can affect other parts of the digestive system as well.
Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the digestive tract, particularly the stomach, and large and small intestines.
Specifically, live cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus are said to be effective in soothing the digestive tract and returning the intestinal flora to normal.
Some children may also have frequent digestive disturbances and diarrhea that can lead to improper absorption of nutrients and malnourishment, occurring most commonly in IgA deficiency.
The episodes alternate with periods of normal digestive functioning.
The endoderm forms the lining of lungs, bladder, digestive tract, tongue, tonsils, and other organs.
Eosinophilic gastroenteropathies have a specific name corresponding to the area of the digestive system where the highest numbers of eosinophils are found.
In EE, high levels of eosinophils are detected in the esophagus but not in any other parts of the digestive tract.
Gastroenteropathy symptoms vary depending on where the eosinophils are found and in what layer of the digestive system their numbers are highest.
Malabsorption-The inability of the digestive tract to absorb all the nutrients from food due to some malfunction or disability.
Some of these items will pass right on through the digestive tract and leave the body through the feces.
Other objects, like needles, broken poultry bones, or razor blades, can get stuck at various points in the digestive tract and cause trouble.
He or she may order an x ray of the neck, chest, and/or abdomen to locate a foreign body in the esophagus, airway, or lower digestive tract.
The foreign object then is either pulled out or pushed into the stomach, depending on whether the physician thinks it will pass through the digestive tract on its own.
Objects in the digestive tract that are not irritating, sharp, or large may be followed as they continue on through.
With regard to foreign bodies in the digestive tract, between 80 percent and 90 percent pass through without incident; 10-20 percent can be removed with an endoscope; and fewer than 1 percent require surgical removal.
Meckel's diverticulum-A congenital abnormality of the digestive tract consisting of a small pouch off the wall of the small bowel that was not reabsorbed before birth.
A Meckel's diverticulum increases the risk that a foreign object in the digestive tract will get trapped or stuck in the small intestine and cause problems.
Deficiency of calcium or imbalances with phosphorus and magnesium can produce muscle cramping and digestive problems.
Human milk is a better source of iron than cow's milk, since about half of the iron in human breast milk is absorbed by the infant's digestive tract.
Spinach and Swiss chard bind calcium in the digestive tract and are not a ready source.
However fatty foods or spicy meals that may bring about digestive distress at bedtime may trigger sleep disturbances and awaken a child out of an otherwise peaceful slumber.
In some cases, the doctor may order laboratory tests or imaging studies to determine the presence of drugs or poisonous substances in the person's blood or urine, or evidence of head injuries or abnormalities in the digestive tract.
In most cases, the herb increases the tendency of NSAIDs to irritate the digestive tract.
Many serious digestive system effects of NSAIDs can be prevented by taking mysoprostol (Cytotec), but this drug is only appropriate for patients with a high risk of ulcers.
It is believed that these defects occur around the fourth week of pregnancy when the digestive tract is forming.
The digestive tract is unnecessary for fetal growth, since all nutrition comes from the mother through the placenta and umbilical cord.
Aspiration pneumonia, an infection of the respiratory system caused by inhalation of the contents of the digestive tract, may also develop.
Anemia, malnutrition, and digestive disorders, including bowel obstructions, can develop, if trichotillomania develops into trichotillophagia or eating of the hairs.
Lead poisoning is also harmful to adults, in whom it can cause high blood pressure, digestive problems, nerve disorders, memory loss, and muscle and joint pain.
Moreover, at the very worst, individuals with a sensitive scalp or systemcan experience a wide array of side effects from a burning itching scalp to digestive and allergic reactions.
Testosterone doesn't travel into the bloodstream from the digestive system very well, but it can be absorbed easily if it's given as an injection.
Not only is food moving more slowly in your digestive system, but the baby may now be pressing against your stomach.
Finally, the digestive system and some glands are developed from the endoderm cells.
During the first month, the heart begins to beat and the first parts of the nervous and digestive systems begin to form.
Gastrointestinal problems can affect stomach, esophagus or other parts of the digestive system.
It nutritionally supports the liver, while also helping the eliminative system and the digestive system.
Because chia is high in soluble fiber, it significantly slows the rate at which food passes through the digestive tract.
This means that if you take too much, you will excrete the excess quantity in your urine, or it can potentially cause digestive upset resulting in diarrhea.
Remember, vitamin C cannot be stored in your body, so taking more than 1000 mg at once will do you no good and will probably just upset your digestive system.
Vitamin B3 which is also known as niacin helps your digestive system to function properly.
Being a fat-soluble vitamin, deficiency can result from poor fat absorption in the digestive tract.
If you have certain digestive ailments, such as celiac disease and Crohn's disease, then you might not be absorbing enough vitamin D in your gastrointestinal track.
Inside your digestive system are millions of microscopic organisms.
The supplement is said to restore and replenish natural strains of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system.
If you suffer from chronic digestive upset, the news that a simple dietary supplement can help you may be good news indeed.
Disorders of your digestive tract can impact how your body absorbs vitamin D and other nutrients.
Of the types of probiotics, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG is the most well researched of these good bacteria for the digestive system.
It binds to the intestines' mucous membranes and helps to maintain the proper balance of good bacteria in your digestive system.
If you suffer from digestive conditions such as diarrhea or constipation, you will likely see benefits from taking Culturelle Probiotic.
People with milk allergies or those suffering from celiac disease may also find relief from the digestive support of probiotics.
Culturelle restores that proper balance of good bacteria within your digestive system.
Culturelle targets the immune response that occurs within your digestive system.
IgA or immunoglobulin A is a type of naturally-occurring antibody found in your respiratory and digestive tract.
It is a natural product that works with your body's system to provide digestive relief and an immunity boost.
When you travel, your body is placed under stress setting you up for infections and digestive discomfort.
Culturelle Probiotic helps increase the good bacteria in your body and reduce your risk of digestive upset.
Digestive upset is a common side effect.
Perhaps the most important benefit of using this probiotic formula is its ability to help treat digestive disorders.
It provides relief for the occasional bout of diarrhea or other digestive complaint.
The delicate balance of the digestive system influences strength and vitality and affects adverse health conditions in the body.
The human body, specifically the digestive system, contains natural and normal bacteria.
Once in the intestines the probiotics are useful in supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the lower digestive tract.
Probiotic Pearls come in several formulas to target different digestive needs.
Seventy percent of your immune system begins in your digestive tract.
Instead of needing to process a capsule or pill, the digestive system is able to easily assimilate the liquid supplement.
The nutrient maintains the health of external and mucosal tissues throughout the digestive tract, respiratory system and skin.
The nutrient also operates in this same capacity within the respiratory system, digestive tract and skin.
The former helps move material through the intestines more readily, while the latter bulks up stools and helps to clean the digestive tract.
When you supplement vitamin B12, it can be degraded and not easily absorbed by the body if it has to go through the digestive tract.
The human digestive tract contains about 400 beneficial bacteria that aid digestion and reduce signs of aging, but you can maintain a healthy balance of them by taking probiotic supplements.
The living nutrient also reduces free radicals, which are digestive byproducts that contribute to signs of aging in the body.
The makers of Proleva claim this fruit may help improve the appearance of the skin, while improving digestive health.
The Digestive Blend contains bean extracts and powders, enzymatic powders such as bromelain (derived from the pineapple) and papain (derived from the papaya), soy and herbs such as milk thistle, a liver cleansing herb.
Rickets results from a lack of vitamin D rich foods in a child's diet, insufficient sunlight exposure, or digestive system problems that result in poor vitamin D absorption.
At worst, high dosages of vitamin C may aggravate the digestive tract, particularly the intestines, leading to diarrhea or loose stools.
Hence, it is unlikely users will experience the typical array of digestive symptoms when taking this particular vitamin C formula.
Daytrillen is a natural multivitamin formula containing 63 trace mineral digestive enzymes as well as a blend of whole based food nutrients.
It also contains amino acids, fatty acids, digestive enzymes, and fiber.
Deficiency signs and symptoms include anemia, sore tongue, loss of appetite, weakness, failure to grow or slow growth in children, and digestive upset.
It helps regulate the digestive system and can lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Insoluble fiber retains its bulk as it passes through the digestive track.
The supplements can cause digestive upset.
The Phillips Colon Health Probiotic Capsules contain three strains of beneficial bacteria, which balance the digestive system, promote regularity, and hamper the overgrowth of harmful organisms.
An enteric-coated capsule withstands stomach acids and passes intact to the intestines, where other digestive juices break down the coating and release the ingredients.
Did these digestive problems crop up after a bad flu, a stressful incident, or a trip out of the country?
Digestive symptoms can also range from mild to severe.
Bread products can aggravate many digestive disorders due to their carbohydrate and gluten factors.
Also, according to the NNDIC, between 15 to 20 percent of celiac sufferers experience no digestive symptoms at all, but instead display a pernicious and blistering rash across their body called Dermatitis Herpetiformis.
Celiac sprue symptoms are highly variable and can closely mimic symptoms of many common digestive disorders.
The first category involves digestive distress experienced as your small intestine is slowly destroyed by gluten intolerance.
The digestive symptoms of celiac disease can often resemble irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, food allergies, or many gastrointestinal infections.
While the ambiguous symptoms listed in the previous section are commonly experienced by people with gluten sensitivity, it may surprise you to learn that digestive symptoms are actually less common.