Differently Sentence Examples
But he'd treated her so differently than Sasha.
If I have since learned differently, I am not going to tell anybody.
In this matter, differentiation has proceeded very differently in animals and plants respectively, no nerves or sense organs being structurally recognizable.
Do you treat these calls differently from the usual calls?
I learned to move differently so I could survive.
The first is that we all value things differently, such as in our jelly bean example.
It'll react differently with your natural abilities.
But he employed Nordin quite differently from his episcopal colleague Olaf Wallqvist.
The question has been very differently judged.
After the code was firmly established, the Locrians introduced a regulation that, if a citizen interpreted a law differently from the cosmopolis (the chief magistrate), each had to appear before the council of One Thousand with a rope round his neck, and the one against whom the council decided was immediately strangled.
AdvertisementThe coefficient of expansion is constant for such metals only as crystallize in the regular system; the others expand differently in the directions of the different axes.
Why would we conduct ourselves any differently in world affairs?
I'd treat you differently, but I'm sorry for your father, so I will conceal it.
She had an interesting perspective, and she made him think about things differently.
Not many people thought differently of the first Ancient Immortal, who had led the Council with six of his sons for many years before being killed.
AdvertisementThe next important expedition was differently conducted.
If you ask her, she might say differently.
In 1894 and 1895, Fischer, in a remarkable series of papers on the influence of molecular structure upon the action of the enzyme, showed that various species of yeast behave very differently towards solutions of sugars.
Regular crystals expand equally in all directions; rhombic and quadratic expand differently in different directions.
It is likely that the name was differently understood in different periods and.
AdvertisementBut not only is the character of the Reformation differently conceived from what it once was; our notions of the process of change are being greatly altered.
It was the same face he had seen before, there was the same general expression of refined, inner, spiritual labor, but now it was quite differently lit up.
Different types of sleep disorders affect sleep differently.
Martha, the little girl who originally told us about them, described them differently from what Fitzgerald found.
He considered the first night they met and how differently it would have played out if he had caught up to her in the parking lot.
AdvertisementThe revenue receipts under the Republic have increased especially over those of the old regime in the item of customs duties; and the expenditure is very differently distributed.
The capitals are like those of the Basilica, but the details are differently worked out.
The vessels, especially those in which many differently coloured glasses were incorporated, required prolonged annealing.
But for this he would hardly have established so absolute an antithesis between industrial and military competition, and have shown himself readier to recognize that the law of the struggle for existence, just because it is universal and equally (though differently) operative in every form of society, cannot be appealed to for guidance in deciding between the respective merits of an industrial or military and of an individualist or socialist organization of society.
As soon as historians of different nationalities and tendencies begin to describe the same event, the replies they give immediately lose all meaning, for this force is understood by them all not only differently but often in quite contradictory ways.
Remember that different materials feel different and behave differently.
Do remember that different materials behave differently in hot and cold weather.
Counselors are always on hand to offer the required level of support following an abortion and teenage pregnant women are dealt with no differently than an adult whom has experienced an abortion.
If you made the wrong choice at the time, think about what you could have done differently to create a better outcome.
The program works differently than the main Coca Cola program in that students must find the Phi Theta Kappa nominator for their school.
The term organic is defined differently from the term natural by these watchdog agencies, but to the average consumer the descriptions may seem almost interchangeable.
Western jeans sometimes fit differently than average brands, so take note of how comfortable the fit is, how well the jeans accentuate your figure and whether or not they mix and match with other items in your closet.
Since women are all shaped differently, wear what works with your specific body shape.
Each store labels their clothing differently; just because you wear a 4x in one style, doesn't mean you wear it in another.
The same size 18 dress will fit each individual differently.
A breakage-sensing system works much differently.
A passenger that breaks his arm falling in the bathroom during turbulence is counted no differently than if a pilot misjudges a runway and the resulting crash results in a hundred deaths.
Online personalities can lead you to think differently of someone than you would with direct conversation.
Of course, each person is different and may experience symptoms differently and overlap the various stages.
Each car insurance company calculates rates differently, so you may be surprised to find that you aren't paying the least you can for the coverage you have on your vehicle.
Depending upon their age, these people experienced the 1960s very differently, because the 1960s most definitely ended very differently than they had begun.
Because of this, it is important to treat gray hair differently than you would treat hair that is still producing natural pigment.
One person may take the information and have a recurring dream while another person might process the information differently and have a nightmare.
While most people take 2 to 4 milligrams of Ativan to help their severe insomnia, everyone is different and respond differently to medications.
Both techniques allow you to see better in the dark, but they work differently.
The infrared night vision goggles that you're going to build work quite a bit differently.
Frame color is a personal choice in most cases, but lenses take a bit of thought since different colors function differently in various light conditions.
Tails plays rather differently, although his attacks are accessed via the same button combinations.
Each one plays differently and utilizes various abilities and weapons distinct to that particular role.
As any copter jock would be happy to tell you, helicopters fly differently than airplanes, and concomitantly, helicopter games are radically different from airplane simulations.
However, the bonus squares are positioned differently.
My commanding officer thought differently and so began the grueling task of learning how to fire every gun-type in the game.
Some games, as you will see them listed below, include attachments that mimic the reel differently.
A television operates differently than a computer monitor, so you may experience some flickering with text, images or lines.
This version plays a little differently than the traditional game.
You have to use your noggin' in this game.Gaining experience points is also handled quite differently.
Each weapon you grab will act differently and is mostly for fun.
The ESA is concerned but respectful; it may be time for them to cut their losses and pick their battles differently.
If, however, the wines utilize either one or the other grape alone, then they are labeled differently.
While this is basically true when it comes to food, alcohol calories are different because your body converts and burns them differently than other food and drink.
Since the treadle does work differently than an electric machine you should plan on giving yourself a few days of practice before you get serious about a project.
Both have hands free capability, however each is used differently depending on the situation.
Women's packs are designed differently than men's packs to ensure a comfortable fit.
While most companies offer these five types of plans, they charge differently for each one.
Everyone uses his or her smartphone differently and the Motorola Droid line of devices is no exception.
However, it is classified differently from CMT1 because it is passed through families by a different pattern of inheritance.
However each child may experience symptoms differently.
In addition, parents in different cultures, from different social classes, and from different ethnic groups rear their children differently.
However, this affects males and females differently because males and females have a different number of X chromosomes.
The death of a peer, even someone they hardly knew, affects adolescents differently than the death of an older person.
Identical twins will have the same DNA, genetic material (genotype), but it may be expressed differently (phenotype).
The therapist helps the patient identify negative or distorted thought patterns and the emotions and behavior that accompany them and then retrains the depressed individual to recognize the thinking and react differently to it.
Other types of bacteria may grow in differently sized or shaped colonies, allowing the microbiologist to differentiate the bacteria.
In spite of conscious attempts to reduce sex role stereotyping in the final decades of the twentieth century and in the early 2000s, boys and girls are still treated differently by adults from the time they are born.
These drugs are chemically related and have similar uses, but because they are distributed differently in the body, they may be used for different purposes.
Each person with celiac disease is affected differently.
Few drugs are effective against viral diseases, and each viral illness will be evaluated and treated differently, depending on the virus and the overall health of the child.
Medications affect each child differently, and no one medication works for every child with IBS.
Although each baby develops differently, these milestones indicate a child's progress over time.
Newborns must learn to breastfeed effectively, and babies suck on breast nipples differently than on a pacifier.
Selection of an antidepressant for their child is done on an individual basis, as drugs may work differently for different people.
It was seen as a predisposition that allows two individuals to experience the same objective event very differently within the range of normal behavior and development.
People react differently to different cold medications and may find some more helpful than others.
Children sometimes react differently than adults.
Diaphragms come in several different sizes because all women are shaped differently.
Copper IUDs are less common and work slightly differently.
While all brands of birth control pills work to prevent pregnancy, each pill is formulated slightly differently.
People view the accuracy of the Chinese gender chart differently.
Each type of birth control pill has possible side effects that affect each woman differently.
This is because men tend to store fat differently from women; women store fat in their hips and thighs, men usually store fat in their bellies.
Don't pay too much attention to the size the tag says it is, swimsuits fit differently than sports wear so try a few sizes until you get that perfect fit.
Each child feels differently about clothes and choosing what they wear.
CoQ10 acts on cholesterol differently than the red yeast rice.
Depending on which part of India they live in, women may drape their saris differently from region to region.
Since everyone who loves Lefse makes it differently, you can also view some of the more popular Lefse recipes on the website.
Knowing what you know now, would you do anything differently?
The look of consternation on her face, however, told him differently.
Deities view the world differently?
He thought it was her, and she couldn't tell him differently.
Would you choose differently?
Things were done differently.
When Shipton looped the rope to descend, after he faked cutting it, Edith's cut was then positioned differently.
You know, when I was down in that room losing my mind, you said something that made me start to see things differently.
Katie was available most of the time, but she and Katie saw things differently.
I remember you differently.
That pic all over the web says differently.
While the connexion lasted he thought very differently.
Different writers have regarded the life of Abraham differently.
In other words, " atheism " has been used generally by the orthodox adherents of one religion, or even of a single sect, for all beliefs which are different or even differently expressed.
We must be content to treat the aether as a plenum, which places it in a class by itself; and we can thus recognize that it may behave very differently from matter, though in some manner consistent with itself - a remark which is fundamental in the modern theory.
It is instructive to observe how differently the prophets of the 8th century speak of the judicial or " teaching " functions of the priests and of the ritual of the great sanctuaries.
Our Matthew and our Luke are just combinations, differently constructed, of these two documents, with a certain amount of additional matter which the editors had collected for themselves.
It also passed into Italy, but in a smaller multiple of 35 drachmae, or 1/4th of the Greek mina; 12 Italian weights (44) bearing value marks (which cannot therefore be differently attributed) show a libra of 2400 or 1/4th of 9600, which was divided in unciae and sextulae, and the full-sized mina is known as the 24 uncia mina, or talent of 120 librae of Vitruvius and Isidore (18) = 9900.
Among them (29) the two contiguous groups can be discriminated by the 129 being multiplied by 30 and 60, while the 67 or 134 is differently x 25, 40, 50 and l00.
This independence of adaptation applies to every detail of structure; the six cusps of a grinding tooth may all evolve alike, or each may evolve independently and differently.
The details of the process are somewhat differently described, however, by different observers.
The newer scheme aimed at a greater equality of voting power; but it has been differently interpreted.
Similarity operates differently if the similar groups stand in different lines of the exemplar.
As he might write, so might he think differently in his long career.
Above all, we must consider our present point that Platonic influence is a sign of earliness in an Aristotelian work; and generally, the same man may both think and write differently at different times, especially if, like Aristotle, he has been a prolific author.
The plan commonly adopted to obviate the necessity of inconveniently long stems is to construct a number of hydrometers as nearly alike as may be, but to load them differently, so that the scaledivisions at the bottom of the stem of one hydrometer just overlap those at the top of the stem of the preceding.
It is introduced into the Synoptic Outline very differently in those two Gospels, which clearly suggests that it existed in a separate form, and was independently combined by the first and third evangelists with their other document.
Like many other geographical designations the use of which is controlled neither by natural nor political boundaries, the name has been very differently employed by different writers and at different periods.
This being so, it is evident that if all the distasteful species in a given area are differently coloured, some individuals of all the species will be annually sacrificed to the experimental tasting of inexperienced foes before the numerous lessons have been learnt.
The numerous non-denominational missions previously referred to are differently worked.
The name was, however, applied very differently at different times.
He himself, however, valued his method and his knowledge very differently, and argued that he knew what his predecessors were ignorant of, because he had been taught in no human school.
In the case of metamerism we can imagine that the atoms are differently linked, say in the case of butylene that the atoms of carbon are joined together as a continuous chain, expressed by CC C C, normally as it is called, whereas in isobutylene the fourth atom of carbon is not attached to the third but to the second carbon atom, i.e.
The first compound, containing a group COH, or more explicitly 0 = CH, is an aldehyde, having a pronounced reducing power, producing silver from the oxide, and is therefore called propylaldehyde; the second compound containing the group - C CO C - behaves differently but just as characteristically, and is a ketone, it is therefore denominated propylketone (also acetone or dimethyl ketone).
The lion belongs to the genus Fells of Linnaeus (for the characters and position of which see Carnivora), and differs from the tiger and leopard in its uniform colouring, and from all the other Felidae in the hair of the top of the head, chin and neck, as far back as the shoulder, being not only much longer, but also differently disposed from the hair elsewhere, being erect or directed forwards, and so constituting the characteristic ornament called the mane.
These different estimates depend to a great extent upon the particular standard of the writer, and also upon the circumstance that lions, like other animals, show considerable individual differences in character, and behave differently under varying circumstances.
As an accident of pregnancy, it is far from uncommon, although its relative frequency, as compared with that of completed gestation, has been very differently estimated by accoucheurs.
If Y and Z are groups which behave very differently, then there is apparently no tautomerism and a definite formula can be given to the compound.
Very differently situated are the great canals of Lombardy, drawn from the Ticino and Adda rivers, flowing from the Maggiore and Como lakes.
In this assembly the voting power was somewhat differently distributed; but the attempt to make it bear some proportion to the importance of the various states, worked out so badly that Austria had only four times the voting power of the tiny principality of Liechtenstein.
The ordinary conjugation is formed quite differently.
Further, besides thus using glaze on a large scale, differently colored glazes were used, and even fused together.
This might be accounted for by the inhabitants of Lower Egypt having practised a different mode of disposing of the dead, or by their cemeteries being differently placed.
The genealogy of Haraldr is given differently in Saxo, but there can be no doubt of his historical existence.
A more recently discovered version in Magdalene College, Cambridge, in MS. Pepys 2498, is entitled The Recluse, and is abridged and differently arranged.
Probably by the same artist, though his name was spelled differently, were the bronze doors of San Paolo fuori le Mura, Rome, careful drawings of which exist, though the originals were destroyed in the fire of 1824.
Adopting a hypothetical law of the dispersion of differently coloured rays of light, he proved analytically the possibility of constructing an achromatic object-glass composed of lenses of glass and water.
These three sciences, of the objects of mind, of the operations of mind, of the processes used in the inferences of mind, are differently, but closely related, so that they are constantly confused.
Taking the carelessly expressed propositions of ordinary life, they do not perceive that similar judgments are often differently expressed, e.g.
It is apparent that such a doctrine as the Trinity is itself susceptible of many explanations, and minds differently constituted lay emphasis upon its different elements.
The young wine immediately after the cessation of the main fermentation is very differently constituted from the must from which it was derived.
Horn had clearly perceived this; and his cautious neutrality was therefore the soundest statesmanship. But the politicians who had ousted Horn thought differently.
Why a younger son had been originally selected, to the prejudice of his elder brother, is differently stated by different writers.
The influence upon Stoicism of Heraclitus has been differently conceived.
He found that mercury specially prepared behaves quite differently from ordinary mercury, and that a drop of water deposited thereon spreads over the entire surface.
Excess of stain is afterwards removed from the tissues by the use of decolorizing agents, such as acids of varying strength and concentration, alcohol, &c. Different bacteria behave very differently to stains; some take them up rapidly, others slowly, some resist decolorization, others are easily decolorized.
Two hundred discourses exist to prove his fecundity, while his versatility is shown by the fact that he could treat the same subject differently on half a dozen occasions.
Thus many of Livy's inconsistencies are due to his having pieced together two versions, each of which gave a differently coloured account of the same event.
On the other hand, the larger and handsomer chital, or spotted deer (C. axis), stands apart by its white-spotted fawn-red coat and differently formed antlers.
All ancient writers agree in representing Naples as a Greek settlement, though its foundation is obscurely and differently narrated.
In this the same "facts" appear differently, because no longer separated from other aspects that belong to the full reality of the known world.
The lines are broadened (as was already known), the intensity of emission is much increased, but some are weakened and some strengthened, nor is the amount of broadening the same for all lines, nor is it always symmetrical, being sometimes greater on the red side; but besides the effect of unsymmetrical broadening, every line is displaced towards the red; different lines again behave differently, and they may be arranged somewhat roughly in a few groups according to their behaviour; reversals are also effected, and the reversed line does not always correspond with the most intense part of the emission line.
Hence if the sun's diameter were measured through differently coloured screens, the violet disk must appear greater than the red.
In Actinia equina the Edwardsia stage is arrived at somewhat differently.
The 18th century is very differently interpreted in different quarters.
Of these notions the former has a somewhat complex ethical import; it seems to blend several elements differently prominent in different minds.
The combination of antecedents is somewhat differently given by different writers; but all agree in representing the conscience of any individual as naturally correlated to the interests of the community of which he is a member, and thus a natural ally in enforcing utilitarian rules, or even a valuable guide when utilitarian calculations are difficult and uncertain.
Wollaston, by blocking off one of the streams with a screen, sufficient lateral separation being obtained by combining two equal crystalline prisms cut differently with respect to the optic axis - an arrangement that achromatizes more or less completely the pencil that is allowed to pass.
Weak and strong microscope objectives act differently.
As with the simple microscope, different observers see differently in the same compound microscope; and hence the magnification varies with the power of accommodation.
It is true that many of these animals react somewhat differently to drugs, both as regards each other and as regards man, but for the most part the differences are quantitative rather than qualitative.
Seeing the relative lack of consequence your life has in the grand scheming of deities and Immortals kind of makes you view things differently, Gabe.
True, they'd had more of an understanding than an official agreement, but he never failed to deliver, even if he had a reputation for interpreting the terms differently than those who made him the deal.
His clothing was styled differently, with a dark V-neck tunic, dark pants, and a thick belt around his lower abdomen.
She writes so differently than what you'd expect, given her circumstances—where she is and what she's doing.
In the first grade, I experienced an epiphany that girls were always treated differently than boys.
Did he have an innate predisposition to react differently?
There are about 44 phonemes in English and some are pronounced differently according to their position in a word, e.g. .
Each night the system was configured slightly differently, proving highly adaptable.
My husband's appendix was situated a little differently than most- it was pointing upward, away from the colon.
Of interest to the authors is also whether adult bilinguals perceive speech similarly or differently to monolinguals.
Native micellar casein has a different structure from caseinate and is probably used differently by the body.
It seems scarcely conceivable that they would have behaved any differently.
Back 5 The Communication has, however, been differently construed.
The number of false fire alarms may have persuaded management differently over time.
One of the main keys to interpreting handwriting is the fact that we always write differently from the model taught to us at school.
You must know a fair amount about Greek dialects and morphological rules to retrieve the differently inflected occurrences of a " word.
Not only this - is it morally justifiable for people to be punished differently for the same thing?
These will display differently on different systems, and with different mailers on the same system.
A high school dropout he joined the Marine Corps at 17.The military and he saw things differently.
Spain is in line in football the meatpacking mogul differently about things.
The Brick House also oscillates between two very differently characteristic types of home.
Does a child have an innate predisposition to react differently to different sex others?
The data is compiled what will continue shots and hurrying putts differently about things.
They may enact the rituals slightly differently, or embellish them a touch, so essentially they are copying them with slight variations.
We found 3 grunt sculpin, each quite differently marked from the others.
New mechanisms Organic solar cells work differently from conventional inorganic semiconductor solar cells.
We may have sinned differently, but we're all sinful and all sin.
They all control the air solenoids differently to the road boxes so need big jetting changes to run.
For example, rivers draining a chalk catchment may be expected to respond very differently from nearby urban watercourses.
With such vile xenophobia expressed against Germany, how can we expect English football fans to behave differently?
Providence has instilled into the heart of man a sentiment of justice and goodness, of beauty and of truth, that is manifested differently at different times.
Hermagoras devoted himself particularly to the branch of rhetoric known as oixovoyla (inventio), and is said to have invented the doctrine of the four QTavaaS (status) and to have arranged the parts of an oration differently from his predecessors.
Alexander himself first visited the site of Troy and there went through those dramatic acts of sacrifice to the Ilian Athena, assumption of the shield believed to be that of Achilles and offerings to the great Homeric dead, which are significant of the poetic glamour shed, in the young king's mind, over the whole enterprise, and which men will estimate differently according to the part they assign to imagination in human affairs.
Even were certainty as to these alternatives attained, we could only guess at the average rate of accumulation, which experience shows to proceed very differently on different sites and under different social and climatic conditions.
Conductivity.-Conductivity, whether thermic or electric, is very differently developed in different metals; and, as an exact knowledge of these conductivities is of great importance, much attention has been given to their numerical determination (see Electric conduction; and Conduction Of Heat).
It is also conceivable that bodies might gravitate differently at different temperatures.
Pfleiderer in the second edition of his Urchristentum (1902, pp. 281-335) abandoned his former view on the Apocalypse and followed essentially the lines adopted by Bousset, though the details are differently treated.
New contrasts are formed by the juxtaposition of differently toned metals; or these with an inlay of haliotis shell, introduced by Alfred Gilbert; or of coloured wax, favoured by Onslow Ford; or enamelling, perfected by Professor von Herkomer; or stained ivory, pearls, or semi-precious stones.
The causes of their disgrace have been differently stated by the annalists (see BARMEcIDES).
The fact that, in practice, the judgments even of connoisseurs are perpetually at variance, and that the so-called criteria of one place or period are more or less opposed to those of all others, is explained away by the hypothesis that individuals are differently gifted in respect of the capacity to appreciate.
What if we thought differently?
It does so in orders of magnitude better than what came before it—libraries—but only better, not differently.
If it gets enough "meh" responses, the system knows it has to re-juggle all the stats and do it differently.
So even if no new goods were created tomorrow, we could still vastly increase the wealth of the world by allocating existing goods differently.
In addition, how food affects us unquestionably has a lot to do with genetic factors, and because everyone has a different genetic makeup, different foods affect each of us differently.
In spite of the massive benefits civilization offers to every person in every station of life, a crazy few will always see it very differently.
I used to think, when I read in my books about your great city, that when I visited it the people would be strangers to me, but now I feel differently.
Why should I treat these questions differently?
Sonya sat down and Natasha pinned the ribbon on differently.
Malasha, who kept her eyes fixed on what was going on before her, understood the meaning of the council differently.
He began to explain that he understood love for a women somewhat differently.
He now often remembered his conversation with Prince Andrew and quite agreed with him, though he understood Prince Andrew's thoughts somewhat differently.
I said it then only because it would have been dreadful for him, but he understood it differently.
I thought quite differently.
We all react differently to what we have just seen.
The five Central American governments each responded very differently, resulting in varied levels of CSO participation.
Acute sciatica seemed to respond no differently from chronic sciatica.
We may have sinned differently, but we 're all sinful and all sin.
There are few tarns on the slaty, rocks north and west of Keswick, which weather differently giving smoother, gentler scenery.
Debate still goes on about the 20-day standstill rule, which is applied differently in England & Wales, compared to Scotland.
The CD-Rom adds non-linear, or differently linear, temporalities to this tradition.
If the race unfolds differently than you expected modify your strategies accordingly.
There's no right way to create liquidity because everyone is different and responds to the outcomes of creating liquidity differently.
You can't always pay attention to the size on the outfit, and you may need to use a little bit of your own judgment, since different clothing companies may size clothing differently.
Because preemies often grow at a slower rate than full term babies, growth charts that include physical and mental developments are often calculated differently.
Again, it is important to remember that every child develops differently.
Because cerebral palsy affects children differently, an individualized treatment plan will be created for your child if he is diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
Ghetto names are typically variations of more traditional names, just spelled differently.
Parental requests - While you might love that noisemaker, the parents of the birthday boy or girl may think differently.
A chef's knife with a steel blade and a synthetic handle will weigh and feel differently than a chef's knife with a steel blade, a bolster and a wooden handle.
This is important since different materials behave differently and you will be able to judge the fitting much better.
Also, remember that shoes made by different manufacturers will all have different sizes and a size 5 of 'X' brand will fit differently than a size 5 from 'Y' brand.
Every skate will fit differently so it is important to find the best fit possible for both comfort and safety.
Shoes of the same size may fit very differently depending on the manufacturer.
Everyone learns a little differently, and you should choose the book that offers you the best resources to learn these new skills.
As the airflow changes, the grass cuts differently.
However, I quickly realized that the brush felt different because it works differently.
Should this vet have done anything differently?
Even cats from the same litter may react differently when they are ill.
Size-wise, they should be slightly larger than your thumbnail unless a recipe suggests differently.
A cat that urinates in the corners might respond to an oval or round shaped pan differently than a cat that urinates in the middle of the box.
Businesses that do not take advantage of rewards programs might decide differently.
This is another rewards program but is structured a bit differently with individuals earning points.
This means the Internal Revenue Service does not distinguish these types of businesses any differently from individuals for tax purposes.
Divorce affects people differently when they are in their 20's than it when they are in their 40's or 60's.
When both parents share the custody of their minor children, the court will calculate child support payments differently then if only one parent has custody.
Spousal support is calculated differently; whether it will be paid and the amount is determined by a judge.
While active and passive solar powers work entirely differently, they both help reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable energy future for the earth.
For example, glass is recycled differently than used rubber tires.
Stop taking it at least two weeks prior to surgery unless your doctor tells you differently.
However, every person's biochemistry is unique and the condition of psoriasis may respond differently to certain treatments in specific people.
Color awakens one's senses in either a pleasant or unpleasant way, and we all feel differently about individual colors, and coordinating groups of colors known as color schemes or palettes.
Colors look differently once you get them home due to the difference in lighting.
Lighting, especially fluorescent lighting, can make colors look differently than natural lighting or incandescent lighting.
While a standard curtain rod is hung from the top, or just above a window, covering the entire area, café curtains work differently.
Generally, mineral makeup is applied differently then other types of powder and many new customers find this discouraging.
The one thing that I would do differently is learn how to style hair.
Differently formulated from its competition, this mascara's wand dips into a makeup mixture that forms small "tubes" around your lashes, abolishing clumps, streaks, and flakes that are common culprits of most eye makeup products.
Each one goes on a little differently but has very similar effects.
While those who are emo usually appear mysterious or reclusive, the truth of the matter is they often love the attention they receive for looking and acting differently from their peers.
As generations grow and prosper and different classes of people speak differently, you may find that the meaning of words constantly shifts.
Your pet will age and act differently as it gets older giving you a truly realistic experience.
Unlike other types of dictionaries like Webster's where you can just look up a word and see an entry, crossword puzzle dictionaries work a little bit differently.
Understanding the way color is reflected by light and how some subjects absorb color differently than others will help you improve your photography skills.
It also illustrates how it can be used differently than previous versions of Photoshop.
Digital camera models display camera settings with various dials, buttons and LCD screen menus quite differently.
Since each one can be decorated differently, you can use all your Halloween cupcake ideas on the same batch.
Even if kids don't like a new food the first time they taste it, they may eat the same food if it's prepared differently or if they see someone they admire eating it.
This is a nice place to include your feelings about the entire journey, what you might have done differently and perhaps a hint about your next dream vacation.
However, just as all prescription drugs affect each person differently, herbs do as well.
Just as everyone reacts to stress in their own way, they also react to stress relieving methods differently.
Because everyone reacts differently to stress, identification of the physical and psychological symptoms of stress often go unnoticed until they become severe and overall health begins to decline.
The next time they come to group, each member can share an experience and reflect on what could have been done differently.
Just as each person reacts to stress differently, each person has her own way of coping with stress.
It may simply be changing the way you think about the situation or doing things differently so that you don't run into as many challenges.
Each disorder manifests itself differently, and even within disorders one person may experience symptoms differently from another person.
Teenage girls experience depression differently than boys do.
Whether you are trying to let go of someone, feeling lonely or wishing that things had turned out differently, you're bound to find something that fits your emotions on this site.
It's also important that you find out what size you are, since brands size differently.
Try on different makeup, style your hair differently - the works.
Many raw food proponents define raw foods a bit differently, so the first thing Susan did was share her thoughts on what it means to eat a raw food diet.
Plus, this supplement will affect everyone who takes it differently, as is the nature of all supplements and drugs.
Each company works differently but in most cases you can choose the display unit when you send your bouquet to be preserved.
Stretch limousines are classified slightly differently by each limo company.
People may also share ideas about what worked well or what they might have done differently and this is an excellent way to create some great games.
Instead, talk to your friends and family who recently got married about wedding planning issues, like things they wish they would have done differently and what they loved about their weddings.
End pieces may be curved or shaped differently, and that's acceptable.
The legal limit for blood alcohol level (BAC) is the equivalent of about one drink per hour for women, or two drinks per hour for men, but everyone processes alcohol differently.
I have to do things differently and choose not to be around drinking.
Different people simply react differently to certain types of medication.
Each works differently, but all are meant to aid in your effort to quit smoking.
Different drugs cause different symptoms, and again, everyone reacts differently.
Keep in mind that different people will react differently in an intervention situation.
Every drug affects the brain differently, but all psychological addictions have one thing in common.
However, everyone's body reacts differently to alcohol.
Teenage depression manifests itself differently than in adult depression.
Like all comforters, goose down comforters come in various sizes, but some are sized differently from the industry standards of twin, full, queen, king, and California king.
Knowing the difference between a dust ruffle and bed skirt will help when you place a custom order as the two types attach differently.
The fibers catch the light differently when chenille is looked at from various angles, giving it an almost iridescent appearance.
Frog cake pans are hard to come by, but at least one formal model exists, and there are a myriad of other ways to create a frog cake by combining differently shaped pans.
Lightly score your cake down the middle with a serrated knife, and decorate each half differently.
Not that both situations aren't embarrassing for both ladies involved, but reality show stars' minds seem to work a bit differently when the lights and cameras are on them.
As you can see, celebrity weights fluctuate and are reported differently depending on the source.
He apparently doesn't like to be treated any differently than the other customers.
While the perfect pair of legs may be defined differently by different people, the celebrities listed below are generally regarded as having a great pair of gams.
All clothing brands size their items slightly differently, so it's important you try on a couple of pairs to find the right size.
Since the little ones do not participate in many activities, there are usually few patches, badges and pins at this level, though this is determined differently by individual troops.
Toddler sizes are notorious for fitting differently depending upon the size.
Still, it is always a good idea to keep your receipts for the more costly apparel, since every baby develops differently.
Each class is set up differently so be sure to check the college catalog for a course schedule and weekend requirements.
While each cruise line defines ship sizes slightly differently, it is commonly accepted that any ship capable of catering to greater than 2,000 passengers during a single sailing is considered "large" or "mega."
Passengers interested in world adventure travel cruises need to prepare differently for their vacation than if they were going on a more popular itinerary.
She hasn't put any weight on, and she isn't really acting any differently.
Each microwave behaves differently, so start at half power and heat for two to four minutes at a time, stirring between stages.
Every single puppy or dog learns differently, so if you think, "Oh look how cute, I just have to have a puppy", please be sure you have the time and the energy to meet his needs.
Remember, just like humans, every single puppy is going to learn differently.
As a wise friend has told me many times, "Dogs aren't dumb animals, they just vocalize differently than we do."
So remember, they both might look like guitars, but classical and steel string guitars are designed very differently.
However, rock guitarists might finger a G chord differently.
Products purchased for these specialized applications can be marked and handled differently from residential or retail consumer plumbing fixtures and products.
Commercial plumbing fittings and fixtures can also be packaged differently, with fewer individual instructions, less consumer-friendly containering, and in greater quantities for volume purchases and discounts.
Propane, like electricity and natural gas, is priced differently depending on where you live.
A tankless water heater works differently, by heating the water just as you need it, rather than storing it indefinitely.
The tees, of course, are made differently from one another depending on where they are sold.
At King Size, the categories are set up a little bit differently than at BG Direct, but this collection is not any less all encompassing than its competitor.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) evaluates personal care products differently from food and pharmaceuticals.
Different diets handle the reintroduction phase differently.
Viruses behave differently than bacteria.
From two to seven months, infants tend to interact differently with primary caregivers than they do with strangers but in general still do not display solid preferences.
This was an important discovery, for it demonstrated for the first time that the genes inherited from one's mother can be expressed differently than the genes inherited from one's father.
However, some genes work differently depending on if they were inherited from the egg or the sperm.