Differentiating Sentence Examples
By his discovery that the attracting force in any direction of a mass upon a particle could be obtained by the direct process of differentiating a single function, Laplace laid the foundations of the mathematical sciences of heat, electricity and magnetism.
Whether it be bedtime, weekend curfew, or limited television regulations, without the differentiating opinions of a separate parent, one parent has the opportunity to gain full control.
In addition to the expansion beyond guitars, some other innovations have been introduced in World Tour, sizably differentiating this game from Rock Band 2, another rhythm game that was released around the same time.
Beginning in the bosom of prophecy, and steadily differentiating itself from it in its successive developments, it never came to stand in absolute contrast to it.
The value of the angular coefficient d(pv)/dp is evidently (b - c), which expresses the defect of the actual volume v from the ideal volume Re/p. Differentiating equation (17) at constant pressure to find dv/do, and observing that dcldO= - nc/O, we find by substitution in (is) the following simple expression for the cooling effect do/dp in terms of c and b, Sdo/dp= (n+I)c - b..
But, though according to the phraseology of the time he was a sophist, he was not a typical sophist - his principle that, while scientific truth is unattainable by man, right opinion is the only basis of right action, clearly differentiating him from all the other professors of " virtue."
The Specific Heat Itself Can Be Deduced Only By Differentiating The Curve Of Observation, Which Greatly Increases The Uncertainty.
The transgenic stem cells were transplanted into infertile male mice that have no differentiating cells in their testes.
Examples using uppercase as a differentiating marker - entry Return (proper noun) in UD.
We have cloned two cDNAs which encode the only members of the Myb class of transcription factors found in differentiating pine xylem.
AdvertisementMansel charged Kant with inconsistency in this preferential treatment of the moral consciousness; all our knowledge, even in moral things, was " relative " and was " regulative."' But, whether consistent or inconsistent, Kant was deliberate in differentiating between the ethical and the theoretic knowledge of man.
In differentiating e ikr/r with respect to r, we may neglect the term divided by r 2 as altogether insensible, kr being an exceedingly great quantity at any moderate distance from the origin of disturbance.
Not only can witch costumes be created from clothing you may already own, witches also have differentiating styles and looks.
It was the capacity of the hard drive that was used as the key differentiating factor.
Differentiating itself from many other smartphones on the market, BlackBerry PDA phones have several characteristic features.
AdvertisementThe phones within each of these sets have some differentiating features, to be sure, but they offer much of the same technology and the same kind of form factor.
Overhydration can occur alone or in conjunction with excess blood volume, and differentiating between these two conditions may be difficult.
The RDW aids in differentiating anemias that have similar indices.
As the dance became popular and evolved it became the differentiating factor in every variation of the form.
Many researchers believe that people began to adopt surnames in the Middle Ages as a means of differentiating clans and related groups.
AdvertisementOnce you've selected your Mohawk length, you can modify the style further by adding eye catching color or by differentiating the texture with various styling products.
Because discharge and bleeding often go hand-in-hand in relation to hormonal changes, differentiating between what is normal and what is abnormal can be tricky.
Differentiating these stones from natural diamonds can be difficult, but as Lux notes, "it is possible with sophisticated gemological equipment."
The Desert hiking boot is very similar to the Gearbox, differentiating in its lack of side pocket but featuring Hummer's exclusive signature lining.
The process of branding a business involves differentiating the organization from competitors and other entities by establishing a unique identity for the company.
AdvertisementPreviously to Hansen's work the only way of differentiating I Hansen found there were three species of spore-bearing Saccharomycetes and that these could be subdivided into varieties.
The vowels play no part in differentiating the roots, for the vowels are practically the same in the corresponding forms of every root.
He was a strong advocate of the groupflashing system as a means of differentiating lights, and invented an arrangement for carrying it into effect optically, his plan being first adopted for the catoptric light of the Royal Sovereign lightship, in the English Channel off Beachy Head.
The resultant electric force E at that point is then obtained by differentiating V, since E = - dV/dx, and E is in the direction in which V diminishes fastest.
As a preacher, his message was apparently simple; his two great convictions were the fatherhood of God, and that all religious systems which had any stability lasted because of a portion of truth which had to be disentangled from the error differentiating them from.
Differentiating and equating to zero, the cost is least when dC _ LP +La =o, dl = l2 P=ale=G; that is, when the cost of one pier is equal to the cost erected of the main girders of one span.
Thus even God is a substance, a separate individual, whose differentiating essence is to be a living being, eternal and very good; He is however the only substance whose essence is entirely without matter and unconjoined with matter; and therefore He is a substance, not because He has or is a substratum beneath attributes, but wholly because He is a separate individual, different both from nature and men, yet the final good of the whole universe.
Since the two sides of the stratum are similar the last two terms are equal, and Differentiating with respect to c, we find dc = P' d p(x ' -41rpe (0))+47rp20(c).
Differentiating equation 9 with respect to s we obtain, after dividing by 27 as a common factor, pyds - T cos a ds + Ty s i n ad s =o...
The cultural as well as the microscopical characters of a pathogenic organism may be closely similar to other non-pathogenic members of the same group, and it thus comes to be a matter of extreme difficulty in certain cases to state what criterion should be used in differentiating varieties.
Such a serum may accordingly within certain limits be used for differentiating this organism from others closely allied to it (vide infra).
The great puzzle connected with the name Geber lies in the character of the writings attributed to him, their style and matter differentiating them strongly from those of even the best authors of the later alchemical period, and making it difficult to account for their existence at all.
Until greater knowledge of protoplasm and particularly of proteid has been acquired, there is no scientific room for the suggestion that there is a mysterious factor differentiating living matter from other matter and life from other activities.
It was clear, therefore, that in its very nature, house-to-house visitation was both wasteful and insufficient, and it remained for Liverpool to correct the difficulty by the application, in 1873, of the " Differentiating waste water meter," which has since been extensively used for the same purpose in various countries.
In well-equipped waterworks each house service pipe is controlled by a stop-cock accessible from the footpath to the officials of the water authority, and the process of waste detection by this method depends upon the manipulation of such stop-cocks in conjunction with the differentiating meter.
The tracing of this history, and the explanation of the general characters of Echinoderms and of the differentiating features of the classes in accordance therewith, constitutes the Pelmatozoic theory.
This will is expressed in records; and, as the state progresses from infancy through the stage of tutelage under the church to its modern, omnicompetence, so its will is expressed in an ever widening and differentiating series of records.
Gross examination is an important aid to differentiating a subarachnoid hemorrhage from a traumatic tap.