Diets Sentence Examples
The coronation of Birger Jarlsson Valdemar took place in the cathedral in 1251; and in the reign of Gustavus Vasa several important diets were held in the town.
At the two Diets held by him, at Kassa and Talya, in 1683, the estates, though not uninfluenced by his personal charm, showed some want of confidence in him, fearing lest he might sacrifice the national independence to the Turkish alliance.
The united diet which was opened on the 3rd of February 1847 was no more than a congregation of the diets instituted by Frederick William III.
His proposals came to nothing, but he continued the struggle at a series of diets, and urged the Germans to emulate the courage and union of the Swiss cantons.
Sigismund, more fortunate than the Polish kings, seems to have had little trouble with his diets.
During the thirty-two years of his reign he held at least fifteen diets,' at which no fewer than 450 statutes were passed.
Their privileges were overridden, their petitions were disregarded, their diets were degraded into mere registries of the royal decrees.
In the course of 1707 two Rakoczian diets even went so far as formally to depose the Habsburgs and form an interim government with Rakoczy at its head, till a national king could be legally elected.
The diets were henceforth to be triennial, and every new king was to pledge himself to be crowned and issue his credentials 1 within six months of the death of his predecessor.
The frequent diets held in the earlier part of the reign occupied themselves with little else but war subsidies; after 1811 they ceased to be summoned.
AdvertisementSpecially significant were the Memorandum addressed to the throne by 55 deputies of the Croat party of Right, in the Croatian, Bosnian, Dalmatian and Istrian Diets, and the political strike organized by the pupils of both sexes in almost all the middle schools of the Slavonic South.
During the later middle ages it was the seat of several diets, that of 1184 being of unusual size and splendour.
In 822 and 823 two great diets were held in the palace, and at the former there were present deputies from the eastern Sla y s, the Avars and the Normans.
Diets, however, were held in the town in 951, 1015, 1069 and 1109, and councils in loon and 1006.
Under the Hohenstaufen many brilliant diets were held within its walls.
AdvertisementFor its own immediate affairs each duchy has a separate diet, but in more important and general matters a common diet, formed of the members of the separate diets and meeting at Coburg and Gotha alternately, exercises authority.
Numerous diets were held here from time to time, and after.
The same may be said of the various Gravamina, or lists of grievances against the papacy drafted from time to time by German diets.
Its castle, erected by Birger Jarl in the 13th century, played an important part in the early annals of Sweden; and no fewer than twenty diets or important assemblies were held either in the castle or in the town.
This was all the more probable owing to the fact that since the Constitution of 1867 there had been a certain analogy between the franchise for the Reichsrat, the Territorial Diets, and the elected commercial bodies.
AdvertisementDuring that time he attended the infrequent imperial diets, and took an interest in the struggle in the Netherlands and the defence of the empire against the Turks.
To this the dietines, or local diets, of Great Poland, and Little Poland, agreed, but at the last moment the whole project foundered on the question who was the proper custodian of the new assessment rolls, and the king had to be content with the renewal of former subsidies, varying from twelve to fifteen groats per hide of land for three years.
The privileges conferred upon the magnates of which these councils were composed, especially upon the magnates of Little Poland, who brought the Jagiellos to the throne, directed their policy, and grew rich upon their liberality, revolted the less favoured szlachta, or gentry, who, towards the end of the 14th century, combined for mutual defence in their sejmiki, or local diets, of which originally there were five, three in Great Poland, one in Little Poland and one in Posen-Kalisz.'
Thus by the Articles of Cerekwica presented to him by the sejmik or dietine of Great Poland in 1 454 on the outbreak of the Teutonic War, he conceded the principle that no war should in future be begun without the consent of the local diets.
But to this the magnates and the szlachta were equally opposed, the former because they feared the rivalry of a national assembly, the latter because they were of more importance in their local diets than they could possibly hope to be in a I The Red Russian sejmik was of later origin, c. 1433.
AdvertisementFrom sheer weariness and disgust the king refrained from any intervention in public affairs for nearly ten years, looking on indifferently while the ever shorter and stormier diets wrangled perpetually over questions of preferment and the best way of dealing with the extreme dissenters, to the utter neglect of public business.
In later days it became the chief instrument of foreign ambassadors for dissolving inconvenient diets, as a deputy could always be bribed to exercise his veto for a handsome consideration.
He was one of the princes who urged upon the emperor the necessity of enforcing the Edict of Worms, and at several diets was prominent among the enemies of the Reformers.
The loss of revenue consequent upon the secession of Lithuania placed John Albert at the mercy of the Polish Sejmiki or local diets, where the szlachta, or country gentry, made their subsidies dependent upon the king's subservience.
During the early times of the Hungarian monarchy it was the most important mercantile centre in the country, and it was the meeting-place of the diets of 1016, 1111, 1114 and 1256.
He managed to get more money than his father could ever get, and at one of his diets won the hearts of the whole assembly by unexpectedly appearing before them in the simple grey coat of a Masovian squire.
The Saxon emperors also held diets in the city, which about the year 1000 was surrounded with walls.
A clean sweep was made of the medieval polity surviving in the somnolent local diets and corporations.
Among the more prominent secular buildings are the Giirzenich, a former meeting-place of the diets of the Holy Roman Empire, built between 1441 and 1447, of which the ground floor was in 1875 converted into a stock exchange, and the upper hall, capable of accommodating 3000 persons, is largely utilized for public festivities, particularly during the time of the Carnival; the Rathaus, dating from the 13th century, with beautiful Gobelin tapestries; the Tempelhaus, the ancestral seat of the patrician family of the Overstolzens, a beautiful building dating from the 13th century, and now the chamber of commerce; the Wallraf-Richartz Museum, in which is a collection of paintings by old Italian and Dutch masters, together with some works by modern artists; the Zeughaus, or arsenal, built on Roman foundations; the Supreme Court for the Rhine provinces; the post-office (1893); the Imperial Bank (Reichsbank); and the municipal library and archives.
During this century their power was limited by the formation of diets in many of the principalities.
Once having been formed these local diets soon extended their functions.
This fact, added to the influence of the local diets, made even the princes weary of war, and a universal and continuous demand arose for some reform of the machinery of government.
A series of diets between 1495 and 1499 produced only mutual recriminations, and then Maximilian met with a serious rebuff.
After Maximilian had taken the novel step of assuming the title of Roman emperor at Trent in 1508 the last of the reforming diets met at Cologne in 1512.
But it was some time before the circles came into working order; the only permanent reform of the reign was the establishment of the imperial court of justice, and even this was not entirely satisfactory, I\Iaximilians remaining diets loudly denouncing it for delay and incompetence.
The local diets, which, as we have seen, formed a real check Th on petty tyranny, and kept up an intimate relation between the princes and their subjects, were nearly all destroyed.
Ignoring the II., privilege of 1156, the emperor claimed certain rights Quarrel- in Austria, and summoned the duke to his Italian diets.
Bodies were established for executive, financial and judicial purposes, the Austrian lands constituted one of the imperial circles which were established in 1512, and in 1518 representatives of the various diets (Landtage) met at Innsbruck, a proceeding which marks the beginning of an organic unity in the Austrian lands.
Haugwitz (1700-1765); the motley system which had survived from the middle ages was gradually replaced by an administrative machinery uniformly organized and centralized; and the army especially, hitherto patched together from the quotas raised and maintained by the various diets and provincial estates, was withdrawn from their interference.
Leopold, then, reverted to the traditional Habsburg methods; the old supremacy of the Church, regarded as the one effective bond of empire, was restored; and the Einheitsstaat was once more resolved into its elements, with the old machinery of diets and estates, and the old abuses.
Meanwhile the old system of provincial diets and estates was continued or revived (in 1816 in Tirol and Vorarlberg, 1817 in Galicia, 1818 in Carniola, 1828 in the circle of Salzburg), but they were in no sense representative, clergy and nobles alone being eligible, with a few delegates from the towns, and they had practically no functions beyond registering the imperial decrees, relative to recruiting or taxation, and dealing with matters of local police.
On the i 1 th of March a meeting of " young Czechs " at Prague drew up a petition embodying nationalist and liberal demands; and on the same day the diet of Lower Austria petitioned the crown to summon a meeting of the delegates of the diets to set the Austrian finances in order.
On the 15th of March the government proposed to summon a central committee of local diets; but this was far from satisfying public opinion, and on the 25th of April a constitution was proclaimed, including the whole monarchy with the exception of Hungary and Lombardo-Venetia.
Since that year the empire had been the subject of numerous experiments in government; by the last, which began in 1860, Landtage or diets have been instituted in each of the territories on a nearly uniform system and with nearly identical powers, and by the constitution published in February 1861 (the February Constitution, as it is called), which is still the ultimate basis for the government, there was instituted a Reichsrath or parliament for the whole empire; it consisted of a House of Lords (Herren- haus), in which sat the archbishops and prince bishops, members of the imperial family, and other members appointed for life, besides some hereditary members, and a Chamber of Deputies.
The members of the latter for each territory were not chosen by direct election, but by the diets.
Belcredi, who had come into power in 1865 as a Federalist, and had suspended the constitution of 1861 on the 2nd of January 1867, ordered new elections for the diets, which were then to elect deputies to an extraordinary Reichsrath which should consider the Ausgleich, or compact with Hungary.
As the existence of the empire would thereby be endangered, Beust interfered; Belcredi was dismissed, Beust himself became minister-president on the 7th of February 1867, and a new edict was issued from Vienna ordering the diets to elect a Reichsrath, according to the constitution, which was now said to be completely valid.
Of course, however, those diets in which there was a Federalist majority, viz.
In the rural districts the clergy had much influence; they were supported by the peasants, and the diets of Tirol and Vorarlberg, where there was a clerical majority, refused to carry out the school law.
The Reichsrath and all the diets were dissolved.
So long as parliament was sitting they were kept in check; as soon as it had voted supplies and the Delegations had separated, they ordered new elections in all those diets where there was a Liberal majority.
The measure transferred the right of electing members of the Reichsrath from the diets to the direct vote of the people, the result being to deprive the Federalists of their chief weapon; it was no longer possible to take a formal vote of the legal representatives in any territory refusing to appoint deputies, and if a Czech or Slovene member did not take his seat the only result was that a single constituency was unrepresented, and the opposition weakened.
To the north of Pest lies the historic Rakos field, where the Hungarian diets were held in the open air from the 10th to the 14th century; and 23 m.
From 1440 to 1447 he was in Germany, acting as papal legate at the diets of 1441, 1 44 2, 1445 and 1446.
Gelnhausen became an imperial town in 1169, and diets of the Empire were frequently held within its walls.
With perfect fearlessness and piercing eloquence, he rebuked the sloth, the avarice, and the lawlessness of the diets which were doing their best to make government in Poland impossible.
The city of Worms was frequently visited by the imperial court, and won the title of "Mother of Diets."
As capital of Transylvania and the seat of the Transylvanian diets, Kolozsvar from 1830 to 1848 became the centre of the Hungarian national movement in the grand principality; and in December 1848 it was taken and garrisoned by the Hungarians under General Bern.
Although nominally subject to Poland, and represented in the Polish diets and at the election of Polish kings, it enjoyed the rights of a free city, and governed a considerable territory with more than thirty villages.
The town was specially favoured by the German monarchs, who frequently resided and held diets here, and in 1219 Frederick II.
Soon it became a favourite residence of the Saxon emperors and was the scene of several diets.
He regularly accompanied his father to the diets of which he was a member, followed the course of the debates, of which he kept a journal, and made the acquaintance of the great Szechenyi, who encouraged his aspirations.
Fifteen diets were held here during the middle ages, when its fairs enjoyed the importance which was afterwards transferred to those of Leipzig.
A decree published on the 10th of October 1860 established diets with limited powers.
The composition of these parliamentary assemblies was to a certain extent modelled on that of the ancient diets of Bohemia and other parts of the empire.
Several imperial diets were held in Wiirzburg, chief among these being the one of 1180 when Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony,.
Sigismund held Imperial diets in the town.
As prince of Transylvania he summoned diets in 1599 and 1600, and, having expelled the voivode of Moldavia, united under his sceptre three principalities.
Matters grew even worse on the death of Bakocz, when the magnates Istvan Bathory, Janos Zapolya and Istvan Verboczy fought each other furiously, and used the diets as their tools.
Most people in native cultures eating diets dictated by availability experienced vibrant health.
The diets were dominated by pelagic and benthopelagic prey and relatively little use was made of the benthic biota.
The bright colors, such as red and yellows, are based on pigments called carotenoids, which are derived from their diets.
Detox or not detox or not detox are these diets a good idea?
In the short term, most people who go on low carbohydrate diets lose weight very quickly.
High-protein diets restrict carbohydrate intake, and, by default, that means some fruit and vegetables.
She designed the diets for the 1993 Everest expedition that put the first British woman, Rebecca Stevens MBE, on the summit.
A number of people go through food fads, or go on diets.
Send this article to a friend Forget those quick-fix fad diets!
We can also make delicious cakes to order for special diets including gluten, dairy & nut free.
Special diets to prevent hairball contain high levels of fiber, which pet nutrition increases the amount of water held in the digestive tract.
Naively, Bandolier thought that iron deficiency was of only historical interest in Britain, tho important in developing countries with poor diets.
Diets filled with cereal fiber also may help prevent diabetes and a painful intestinal inflammation called diverticular disease.
These tables allow ready comparison of the differences between rats fed diets containing foreign lectin and the appropriate controls.
Effect of diets containing genetically modified potatoes expressing Galanthus nivalis lectin on rat small intestine.
Most people don't consume enough magnesium in their diets.
Me I`m all for faddy diets that include chocolate milkshake if you know what i mean!
Special diets can be catered for with advance notice.
Cheese now outranks meat as the number one source of saturated fat in our diets.
Low protein diets during early pregnancy in rats were found to significantly reduce birth weight of pups.
Fasting, skipping meals, and overly restrictive diets will enable you to lose weight in the short run.
Suggestions include sardines, pilchards, roast chicken, or one of the invalid diets available from vets.
These diets are also said to help food cravings and help fill you up as protein foods promote satiety.
In other words, most UK citizens aren't getting nearly enough selenium in their diets.
Diets based mainly on silage could be deficient in vitamin E and the trace element selenium.
Atkins diet, low carb diets, the cabbage soup diet - they are all here.
So how can we include soy in our diets?
The objective is to determine whether or not transgenic DNA can be detected in milk of cows fed diets containing GM material.
Low GI diets also reduce mean blood glucose concentrations, insulin secretion and serum triglycerides.
Studies support Prelief's efficiency in reducing bladder pain and urinary urgency when used in the diets of interstitial cystitis (IC) sufferers.
The reforms of 1495 were rendered abortive by the refusal of Maximilian to attend the diets or to take any part in the working of the new constitution, and in 1497 he strengthened his own authority by establishing an Aulic Council (Reichshofrath), which he declared was competent to deal with all business of the empire, and about the same time set up a court to centralize the financial administration of Germany.
It is a railway junction of some consequence, with cultivation of vines, fruit and vegetables, brewing, tanning, &c. Diedenhofen is an ancient Frank town (Theudonevilla, Totonisvilla), in which imperial diets were held in the 8th century; was captured by Conde in 1643 and fortified by Vauban; capitulated to the Prussians, after a severe bombardment, on the 25th of November 1870.
He reversed the unfortunate ecclesiastical policy of his father, allowing a wide liberty of dissent, and releasing the imprisoned archbishop of Cologne; he modified the strictness of the press censorship; above all he undertook, in the presence of the deputations of the provincial diets assembled to greet him on his accession, to carry out the long-deferred project of creating a central constitution, which he admitted to be required alike by the royal promises, the needs of the country and the temper of the times.
It was assumed that the Protestant nobles' jealousy of the burgesses would prevent them from interfering; but religious sympathy proved stronger than caste prejudice, and the diets protested against the persecution of their fellow citizens so vehemently that religious matters were withdrawn from their jurisdiction.
The alienation of Croat and Magyar - for centuries close allies in the struggle against the Turk - grew rapidly in the 'forties, mainly owing to the aggressive legislation passed by successive Hungarian diets, and tending to curtail Croatia's ancient liberties and extend the sway of the Magyar language.
Instead of the close protection from the outer air, the respirators, and the fancy diets of our fathers, the modern poitrinaire camps out in the open air in all weathers, is fed with solid food, and in his exercise and otherwise is ruled with minute particularity according to the indications of the clinical thermometer and other symptoms. The almost reckless reliance on climate, which, at Davos for instance, marked the transition from the older to the modern methods, has of late been sobered, and supplemented by more systematic attention to all that concerns the mode of life of the invalid.
Opposition soon arose, and as Alexander could not understand a freedom which differed from himself, and would not condescend to the use of corruption, by which the ancient Polish diets had been managed, he was driven to use force.
In opposition to the opinion of many historians, his contemporaries, that Poland fell through the nobility and the diets, Schmitt held (as did Lelewel) that the country was brought to ruin by the kings, who always preferred dynastic interests to those of the country, and by the pernicious influence of the Jesuits.
He even thought the time opportune for finishing the building begun by Papa by summoning the central assembly of the diets, and wrote to the tsar to this effect (December 31, 1845); and he persevered in this intention in spite of the tsars paternal remonstrances.
Nations will maintain their own traditions, holidays, music, idioms, diets, and a thousand things that make them different from other nations.
The main source of methane is ruminants fed on low quality, fibrous diets.
Diets will thus become more closely attuned to local products and more seasonal in nature.
In other words, most UK citizens are n't getting nearly enough selenium in their diets.
Special high fat diets can help to keep the body 's energy needs supplied whilst starving the tumor.
Dried diets can also help prevent the build up of tartar on teeth.
Studies support Prelief 's efficiency in reducing bladder pain and urinary urgency when used in the diets of interstitial cystitis (IC) sufferers.
Parents who are ultra concerned with their child's early diets almost always travel down the path of homemade baby food.
Online Herbs Shoppe you will find the latest information about herbs, vitamins, diets, scientific researches and their results, reviews of the sold goods, reports on application of products.
Prepared raw diets can be purchased for cats online.
Special diets, medication and hormone therapy can slow the disease down to prolong the cat's life.
Wellness also adds chicken fat in its cat diets to provide arachadonic acid, an essential fatty acid for felines.
To begin, if you have more than one cat, unless they are the exact same age and gender, it is highly unlikely that they have the same cat health needs and should be on different diets.
Pet owners who have concerns regarding how healthy their pets' diets truly are should carefully read all labels before purchasing commercial pet foods.
Also, be aware of additives and preservatives that may be harmful or unnecessary in your pets' diets.
Cats do not need a lot of variety in their diets.
These foods mimic the natural diets of feral cats.
Acidified diets are fed to cats that have urinary tract problems.
Cats can suffer from diabetes, particularly those that are overfed on inadequate diets.
Kidney and heart problems are also common in cats that are fed high-protein and high-fat diets composed of poor protein and fat sources.
Similar to humans, cats that are fed high quality diets will be more likely to live long, healthy lives.
As the name implies, raw diets replicate what a cat might eat in the wild.
Some manufacturers sell these types of prepared diets which you will likely only find at pet stores.
Prepared raw diets are more expensive and require refrigeration.
It's the same way people approach diets if they want to keep the weight off.
In Brazil the Acai is an important crop because the Acai berry makes up a huge part of the diets of Amazonian people-as much as 42 percent according to Wikipedia.
It is only until very recently that Americans started consuming large quantities of acai and going on acai berry diets.
As simple as cinnamon may seem, it is a healthy nutrient to add to diets.
Hypertension supplements, the a low salt diet such as the DASH diet, and specialized high blood pressure diets can help some people lower their blood pressure.
This makes it especially attractive to those with diabetes and those who pursue low glycemic index diets.
A raw and living foods diets, vegan diet, or vegetarian diet can provide a healthful diet for many people.
However, there is plenty of discussion about what happens to the health of people who regularly consumed high fat diets.
For example, many Chinese emperors consumed high fat, high cholesterol diets, and as a result lived very short lives.
The root can be used as a part of a macrobiotic diet as help for people that need more fiber in their diets.
Macrobiotic diets are based on whole foods and avoid processing whenever possible.
Low Carb foods and low carb diets are very popular.
Diets that focus on low carb foods may be best suited for people with insulin resistance.
Diets that are high in protein and low in carbs can put a tremendous strain on the liver and kidneys.
A better understanding of diabetes gives diabetics more options in their diets.
Fad diets and teenagers seem to go hand-in-hand.
Since no one wants to be the object of their peer's disdain, teens often turn to fad diets in order to lose weight.
Diets are regimented and don't take into consideration that variety is the spice of life.
Before you become the next victim of fad diets and teenagers, consider whether you want to gain all of the weight back, or perhaps more.
There are many different diets available on the market today.
Many of these diets require you to eliminate certain foods completely, while others have to do with limiting your intake of only certain foods.
All of these diets may be effective in losing pounds quickly, but they may not keep it off or be healthy.
Most fad diets are not healthy and will deprive your body of the nutrition it needs.
Since fad diets are not suitable for teenagers (and for most adults), you may wonder what you really need to do to lose weight.
Teens need diets high in protein and fiber to build strong amino acids for muscles.
Traditional diets in areas of Asia and the Mediterranean are nearly wholly vegetarian and these are regularly pointed to as exemplars of good health.
Some tout his example as a reason for the rise in popularity of vegetarian diets while others blame his vegetarian habits for his heart troubles.
In reality, the diet plan that Clinton chose to shape up was a low carb diet plan, which is heavy in protein and not compatible with grain and fiber rich vegetarian diets.
Although this rumor clearly has no weight, given that Clinton is NOT a vegetarian, there are some who believe that certain vegetarian diets can actually increase the rate of heart disease.
Two things are certain about former President Clinton and vegetarian diets, however.
Vegetarian diets are not inherently healthy.
Fortunately for those looking to eliminate the Easter time staple from their diets, there are a number of excellent egg substitutes available.
The high levels of protein and iron make coconut an excellent addition to vegetarian and vegan diets.
Cultivated for centuries for their nutritious beans, soybeans form many useful protein-packed foods suitable for vegan and vegetarian diets, including tofu and miso.
When people with traditional diets think of processed foods, they often imagine Twinkies or boxed dinner kits that are packed with sodium.
That's important to know, because vitamin B 12 is often lacking in many vegetarian diets since most vitamin B12 is obtained from animal products such as beef or pork.
Once of the biggest concerns that vegetarians have is how they will get enough protein in their diets.
They start to discover what foods they like and dislike and cater their diets appropriately.
Live diets are gaining ground, but are they sound?
It's important to note that most people, vegan or otherwise, do get enough vitamin B12 in their diets.
All healthy diets should include some amount of protein.
Many people that follow raw food diets or drink lots of protein smoothies believe that a Vitamix is indispensable for making smoothies at home.
Search for vegan diets on the Internet and you'll find quite an array of websites, articles, and stores to peruse, read, and shop.
Some soy products and prepackaged meat substitutes contain high amounts of sodium and are not as nutritious as whole foods, so vegetarians should strive to combine these products with other protein sources in their diets.
Though vegans do not eat these foods, vegetarians can include them in their diets and reap the benefits of the natural protein, vitamins, and minerals they provide.
Because of its support of organic farming methods, alternative power sources such as solar and wind, and healthy diets, Silk is considered to be a leading natural-foods company among many of its customers.
Here they've listed 30 of their favorites, and the recipes that are marked with a "V" are also suitable for vegan diets.
Many people are seeking information on raw plant based diets.
People who follow plant-based diets are smart to keep around staple ingredients and recipes for a few healthy, easy-to-make vegetarian meals that can be whipped up at a moment's notice.
As with many diets that call for extreme additions or restrictions, a fat-free diet invites many opinions on its potential health risks and benefits.
Various tests can determine if certain foods eliminated from individual diets will pose serious health risks or offer considerable benefits.
The trend toward high-protein diets is starting to wane as healthcare experts warn about the side effects of too much protein.
In this day and age of fad diets, you never know what Aunt Suzie can or cannot eat that weekend!
Did you know that 87 percent of adults and 76 percent of children regularly consume caffeine in their diets?
Most of us know someone has gone on a rapid succession of failed diets, but is it really possible to suffer from diet addiction?
There are many forms of these diets on the market and they all come with the promise of losing weight fast.
It's usually achieved with the aid of weight-loss drugs, surgery or fad diets.
Celebrity diets are extreme and impractical for achieving long term results.
What she has done right in this process is that although she is willing to go on controversial diets just to land a role, she goes on record as saying it's not a good way to go about losing weight.
Not only is there a wide range of menu options, but the highly trained chefs can easily prepare meals for diabetic, low fat, kosher, gluten-free, low sodium, or lactose-free diets.
The BARF diet actually mirrors the way dogs have eaten for thousands of years before man began manufacturing artificial diets.
When cooking for your dog you don't want to vary their diets too much as that can lead to diarrhea and an upset stomach.
Hill's Science Diet produces a full line of formulas for dogs in various life stages, as well as Prescription Diets that are supposed to support the health needs of sick dogs.
Instead of tempting human taste buds with a variety of flavorful names, Orijen sticks to their "Biologically Appropriate" concept by dividing their diets according to your pet's needs through different life stages.
Carrots and green beans are included in many home-cooked dog diets.
Their research indicated that dogs need protein-rich diets and real USDA meat is the best source.
All diets contain an Omega 3 fatty acid blend.
The Four-Star Nutritionals Grain-Free Surf & Turf recipe has received many positive reviews from proponents of natural dog diets such as the The Dog Food Project and the Dog Food Analysis site.
Many pet owners use Fromm pet food in place of prescription diets for health conditions with veterinary approval.
Overall, Fromm pet food appears to be a healthy alternative to some commercial diets.
I have been amazed at just how many animals have been cured by fixing their diets.
Before the era of commercial dog food, dogs ate homemade and raw dog food diets.
However, veterinary experts who support raw diets claim raw foods are superior to commercial formulas.
Their diets did not include cooked meats, grains or today's commercial formulas.
Raw diets include fresh meat with bones, vegetables and fruits.
The cooking process in many homemade diets and in commercial dog food preparation may reduce some of the natural nutritional value of the ingredients.
Veterinarians who endorse raw diets argue that dogs receive more nutrients from raw food.
Some dogs with allergies to common ingredients in commercial diets, such as corn or gluten, can thrive on raw diets.
Many issues with ear infections or stomach problems were eliminated through raw diets.
Dog owners can prepare raw diets at home or buy prepacked raw food diets at holistic pet stores and online.
Veterinarians who support commercial dog food say that it is also healthier than raw diets because each daily serving contains the right amount of daily vitamins and other nutritional requirements for a dog.
Some homemade diets are modified to include cooked meat with fresh produce.
Many raw pet diets contain chicken or beef.
Many dog owners find homemade dog food more convenient, affordable and healthy than commercial diets.
Many dog owners choose to feed their dogs homemade diets because it is more natural.
A large number of dogs with health issues thrive on home cooked diets.
Certain foods are not recommended for canine diets because dogs cannot digest them properly, and in some cases the foods are actually toxic to canines.
However, you have to be careful to make sure homemade diets provide adequate daily nutrition.
Located in Green Bay, Wisconsin, AFS specializes in fresh frozen raw meat diets and freeze dried meat diets for dogs and cats.
Dogs also have sensitive stomachs, so making sudden changes in their diets can set your housebreaking efforts back.
Precise Pet Products is an established brand for natural dog food diets, but just how natural is it?
When pet food manufacturers call their formulas natural, they may mean raw meals, holistic formulas, or diets with higher percentages of nutritious food sources and vitamin enrichments rather than fillers or chemical preservatives.
Fresh chicken, chicken meal, fish meal and lamb meal are also the main protein sources for these diets.
The diets also have a large amount of vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids.
There are also educational videos, tutorials, and health articles promoting diets rich with vegetables.
Organic tea is a great choice for people who are looking to lose weight and need to replace sugary sodas or coffee in their diets.
Some small amount of trans fat is present in meat, but the vast majority of trans fat in most people's diets comes from processed foods made with hydrogenated oils.
Vitamins and Supplements can be used to help support even the healthiest of diets.
Although the popularity of health food continues to increase, home delivery food for organic diets is still hard to acquire.
One of the best means of home delivery food for organic diets, especially when it involves produce, is to become a member of a local community supported agriculture program.
The Annie Appleseed Project has a list of other countries and metropolitan areas with companies that specialize in home delivery food for organic diets.
Pesticides were not found again until the children when back to their normal diets.
Can be used as a wheat substitute for restricted diets.
They are often overweight because their diets consist of white foods - white milk, white sugar and white flour.
This is because both dogs and cats are very popular pets and because they subsist on predominately carnivorous diets.
Vegan and organic foods delivery services are available nationwide and provide an alternative to grocery shopping for people who can't shop regularly at stores or have trouble finding products to fit their diets and lifestyles.
All natural and organic snacks are a great addition to most diets.
The NOP reversed itself and closed the organic certification program which certified pet foods as balanced diets.
Amy's products originally focused on vegans and vegetarians who had few options for prepared foods back in the 1980s, which made following such diets difficult.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, over three-quarters of the dietary sodium in American diets come from processed foods including frozen foods.
The diet plan overcomes some of the drawbacks of restricted diets by incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into its menus.
Though obesity rates are higher than ever before, a surprising number of people are still facing malnourishment and undernourishment due to their off-balance diets.
Additionally, many people are choosing to follow diets and make lifestyle changes that prevent them from consuming the most optimal balance of vitamins and minerals for their health.
Many brands are vegan, gluten-free, and animal-free, so they will work for many diets and lifestyles.
Many people report feeling an energy boost and improved health as a result of adding these whole foods supplements into their diets.
You'll find plenty of advertisements for special foods, diets, and dietary supplements meant to promote healthy aging.
It's necessary to outline any special needs upfront and address the level of care required for issues such as diets, social behavior, mobility assistance, incontinence, night assistance, and personal care.
People are living longer, and improved diets and lifestyles mean that they are continuing to be active, but for many seniors, the sort of activity they enjoyed when they were younger has to be modified for their different abilities.
Are arrangements made for special diets?
Elimination diets often include a rotation component, by which even the limited foods allowed at the beginning are allocated in such a way that no single food is eaten more than once within a three-day period.
Different diets handle the reintroduction phase differently.
Carbohydrates-Compounds, such as cellulose, sugar, and starch, that contain only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and are a major part of the diets of people and other animals.
The main dietary sources in children's diets of saturated fat are whole milk, cheese, hot dogs, and luncheon meats.
Since fat is important for growth, experts also caution that fat intake should not be under 25 percent of daily calorie intake and that parents of children under age two should not restrict fat in their diets.
Another element that needs to be restricted in children's diets is the intake of sodium through salted foods.
The study also said that vegetarian diets in adolescence could lead to lifelong health-promoting dietary practices.
The diets of vegetarian adolescents should be monitored closely to make sure they include a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, and non-meat protein sources.
People with CF usually require high-calorie diets and vitamin supplements.
Low-fat diets are not recommended except in special circumstances, since fat is a source of both essential fatty acids and abundant calories.
Some people with CF cannot absorb enough nutrients from the foods they eat, even with specialized diets and enzymes.
They do not require special diets, educational programs, isolation from other children, or other modifications of the family's routine.
Processed (packaged foods) and refined foods (white flour products, white rice) and refined sugars (white sugar, brown sugar, molasses, and products made with them) should be avoided in all diets.
Persons with coughs should be sure to maintain balanced and healthy diets.
Low fat diets or more easily digestible fat is useful in some people.
For example, persons with Meniere's disease may avoid episodes of vertigo by omitting salt, alcohol, and caffeine from their diets.
Persons who experience dizziness should limit alcohol intake and avoid diets that are high in fat.
Pregnant women whose diets are deficient in folic acid have a greater chance of having a baby with neural tube defects (NTD), such as spina bifida.
Parental concerns about mineral toxicity in most children should be directed toward preventing accidental consumption of iron and other mineral supplements in young children and in monitoring the adoption of fad diets in teenagers.
Persons who consume diets that are rich in calcium are less likely to experience a fracture than those who have diets that are deficient in calcium.
For cancer, studies of populations around the world have implied that plant-based diets have lower associated risks for certain types of cancer.
Some nutritionists have designed transition diets to help people become vegetarian in stages.
Individuals should be willing to experiment with transition diets and should have patience when learning how combine vegetarianism with social activities such as dining out.
The survey also stated that vegetarian diets in adolescence could lead to lifelong health-promoting dietary practices.
However, vegetarians, and particularly vegans who eat no animal products, need to be aware of particular nutrients that may be lacking in non-animal diets.
Vegetarians should be aware of getting complete protein in their diets.
Vegetarians do not necessarily have healthier diets.
Lacto-ovo vegetarian-People who do not eat meat, but do include dairy products and eggs in their diets.
The diets of vegetarian adolescents should be monitored closely to make sure they are eating a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, and non-meat protein sources.
Because of differences in individual diets and individual needs, the decision regarding any child's need for supplements should be made by the parents after discussion with the pediatrician and, where appropriate, a nutritionist.
Other diets that have been tried with varying success include dietary supplementation with plasmalogen precursors to increase plasmalogen levels and with cholic acid to normalize bile acids.
Children with advanced liver disease need to follow specific diets issued by the treating physician.
Since most people who eat meat or eggs get enough B12 in their diets, a deficiency of this vitamin usually means that the body is not absorbing it properly.
Special diets, hearing aids, and vision aids can be used to mitigate some symptoms of Patau syndrome.
It may be necessary for people with these disorders to restrict the amount of water they drink and/or adjust the amount of salt in their diets.
After these individuals reach age 10, variations in their diets seem to have less influence on their IQ development.
In the early 1950s, researchers first demonstrated that phenylalanine-restricted diets could eliminate most of the typical PKU symptoms-except for mental retardation.
Typical diets prescribed for PKU patients provide very small amounts of phenylalanine and higher quantities of other amino acids, including tyrosine.
In addition, PKU diets include all the nutrients normally required for good health and normal growth, such as carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
High protein foods such as meat, fish, chicken, eggs, nuts, beans, milk, and other dairy products are banned from PKU diets.
Ideally, school-age children with PKU should be taught to assume responsibility for managing their diets, recording food intake, and for performing simple blood tests to monitor their phenylalanine levels.
Women with PKU must be especially careful with their diets if they want to have children.
Most patients improve significantly on diets avoiding foods to which they are allergic.
It is accepted that iron is hard to absorb; this, in combination with diets that may not meet daily requirements, is a common route to iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia.
Urinary zinc levels will differ between normal dietary intake (16 mg per day) and low-zinc diets (0.3 mg per day); normal urinary zinc is about 0.45 mg per day while low-zinc urinary levels are about 0.150 mg per day.
Some penicillin medicines contain large enough amounts of sodium to cause problems for people on low-sodium diets.
Children with DiGeorge syndrome should be kept on low-phosphorus diets.
Breastfeeding mothers of highly allergic infants may need to eliminate suspected food allergens from their diets, because food proteins ingested by a mother can be transferred to the infant via breast milk.
Naturopaths favor food elimination diets as a way of managing AD, as well as lowering the child's overall intake of animal products.
Long-term food elimination diets as a strategy for controlling AD are discussed below.
With a cheese sauce recipe for low carb diets, you can have your low carb foods and make them taste good also.
Using a cheese sauce recipe for low carb diets is easy because cheese is already a low carb food item.
Once you master the roux, you can experiment with other sauces to create a cheese sauce recipe for low fat diets.
Cut smoking and excessive drinking out of their diets.
However, based on studies in the past, it is suggested that further research be conducted before women begin eating high-fat diets to increase fertility.
For the twinning study, the milk drinkers were compared to women who followed vegan diets.
Because some of these defects can develop before a woman even knows she is expecting, doctors encourage women who want to have babies to get sufficient amounts of folic acid in their diets.
Dieticians encourage everyone to have a lot of color in their diets.
Diets high in salt and saturated fat can limit your chances of conceiving.
If you decide to feed any of these commmercial diets, be sure to purchase high-quality food because low-quality turtle meal will often contain less fish and meat.
Nevertheless, if you're a self-disciplined gym disciple with a penchant for high-protein diets, then chances are you look stunning in this style, which is usually dominated by toned teenage girls.
Vitamin K is an essential nutrient for good health, and knowing about foods high in Vitamin K can help individuals plan diets to accommodate their nutritional needs.
While most people don't get enough magnesium in their diets, an actual magnesium deficiency is rare.
Provitamin A is largely spared from ill effects, although it's the beta-carotene found in carrots that is responsible for the peculiar orange-tinted look people who jump on fad diets heavy on carrots get.
There's also bonus information on healthy eating, special diets, a vitamin encyclopedia and much more.
According to Diets in Review 78 percent of the people who tried this product liked it.
For an antioxidant boost, some people may consider adding antioxidant pack supplements to their daily diets.
Because vitamin B 12 comes predominantly from animal sources, it is not unusual for vegans and vegetarians to not get enough of this important vitamin in their diets.
There are also diets for vitamin B12 deficiency which can help to boost the amount taken daily.
It may be necessary for people whose diets do not include enough vitamin B12 to take the vitamin in supplemental form.
Vegetarians, vegans and those eating kosher and other religious diets do not take products containing gelatin.
The use of coconut oil is especially popular in many low carbohydrate diets because it is carb-free and offers a high degree of satiation.
Diets extremely low in fat, or the presence of medical conditions that interfere with the absorption of dietary fat, will result in vitamin A deficiencies.
Many people do not get enough calcium in their diets despite the prevalence of fortified foods which add calcium and vitamins.
There are also a number of people following low-fat, low-carb, or low-calorie diets who might find sweets unnecessarily tempting.
Bringing your test results to a doctor may make treatment more immediate, yet individuals who test positive may want to eliminate gluten from their diets the moment they receive a positive gene test.
If you are unsure about how to follow an elimination diet, then perhaps you should consult a trained professional who understands how these diets work and the effective implementation of such programs.
When you take into consideration the breadth of foods that may cause problems, you can understand why the elimination diets restrict such a vast array of items.
Gluten-free diets are hard enough to maintain without having to source tasty recipes, and makers of gluten-free products are well aware people want homemade taste without all the effort.
Persons on extremely restricted or allergy sensitive diets will enjoy the many ways one can individualize these recipes.
With all of the hype about gluten-free diets, you may find yourself asking why gluten-free food is better for us?
Ever wonder who's on those calorie-restriction diets?
Besides having a less active lifestyle, many kids' diets are not as healthy as they could be.
Children who are inactive and eat unhealthy diets often turn into adults with weight-related health problems.