Dietary Sentence Examples
On his return his health was rather worse; but he would submit to no dietary regime.
The sunlight when outside in the open also helps the rabbit to absorb dietary calcium.
According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, people aged 50 and over should be especially careful to consume foods rich in vitamin B12 as well as reducing sodium intake to 1500 mg per day.
On the ground that the aim of every prosperous community should be to have a large proportion of hardy country yeomen, and that horticulture and agriculture demand such a high ratio of labour, as compared with feeding and breeding cattle, that the country population would be greatly increased by the substitution of a fruit and vegetable for an animal dietary.
This is probably due to two causes - the emigration of the poorer classes who subsisted on that form of food, and the gradual introduction of a more varied dietary.
Binding to bile acids In vitro binding of bile acids by certain components of dietary fiber has been well documented.
In these cases natural dietary antioxidants are limited in their effect.
The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between specific dietary carotenoids and the incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD ).
I f you have any special dietary needs just let us know in advance.
Please keep me and the others apprised of your progress, and I look forward to receiving more dietary information in due course.
AdvertisementChronic renal failure is amenable to dietary modification however acute is not.
To monitor adherence to diet Serial measurements of EMA are a reliable marker for dietary adherence.
Dietary changes that may be helpful The body repairs and builds new tissues in a process called anabolism.
Conversely, vegetarians may have lower dietary exposures to chemicals which are more prevalent in meat and fish (e.g. arsenic ).
Vegetarian and other dietary requirements happily catered for with advance notice.
AdvertisementHowever, studies have shown that dietary cholesterol also increases HDL cholesterol which may protect against coronary heart disease.
And eggs are an excellent source of dietary choline without a high fat intake.
Recommendations and guidelines are provided for dietary chromium in domestic animal species.
Consider excess dietary vitamin A intake as a possible cause for congenital cleft palate when it occurs and review the mothers nutritional history.
Influence of dietary mackeral oil on the condition of organs and on the blood lipid composition in the young growing pig.
AdvertisementDocument Back to previous page Are natural dietary constituents limiting for protection against light exposure?
I settled for dry cornflakes, dry toast and despite dietary morals, cake.
It will give therapists the tools to motivate clients to follow specific dietary and supplementary recommendations to achieve optimum health.
Current approaches to weight control include dietary and lifestyle interventions, drug treatment, and surgery, and have varying degrees of success.
Those with levels between 5.2 mmols/l and 6.5 mmols/l should be given dietary counseling and advice on the other risk factors.
AdvertisementIf you have any special requirements (e.g. dietary, access, hearing etc.) please let us know in advance.
However, if you have specific special dietary needs we would be delighted to try and meet them.
This includes not only dietary changes, but also modifying your behavior and ideally participating in a regular exercise program.
Health promotion strategies are investigated and studies carried out to assess the factors affecting health behavior changes, particularly dietary behavior.
She can give valuable advice on cleaning methods and even dietary advice if needed.
Consuming dietary vitamin and mineral supplements may help play an important role in maintaining good health.
This estimate is somewhat higher than the high-level adult dietary intake of arsenic of 0.42 mg/day estimated from the 1994 TDS.
Although replaced by non-starch polysaccharides, most people are familiar with the term dietary fiber so it will be used here.
This fluoride would come from food and drink or from fluoride dietary supplements.
Diabetes specialist dietitians are ideally placed to deliver dietary information to people with type 2 diabetes (BDA, 1999 ).
They offer discreet, durable and highly professional cards articulating your dietary needs to waiters and chefs.
The only rich source of dietary squalene comes from the liver oils of the deep-sea dogfish.
Unusually, we are also told the number of dietary items in the data dredge, namely 67.
Elliott & Topps [4] further showed the response of allantoin excretion to dietary protein intake in cattle.
The most direct way for humans to reduce dietary exposure to dioxins, the report finds, is to reduce consumption of animal fat.
In those days, before health scares and dietary fads, milk and milk shakes were the trendy drinks.
The walls of plant cells are the sources of dietary fiber.
The new form of dietary folate is about to change all that.
He needs the whole variety of dietary components homemade baby foods can offer, including the calories we would rather forego!
Dietary changes that may be helpful Animal studies suggest that dietary fructose may contribute to the development of retinopathy.
Little is known about the pathways through which fructose exerts these effects, and the benefits and threats of dietary fructose remain debatable.
Fighting for the tooth The sugar industry is up in arms over new WHO dietary guidelines.
Do you ask about lifestyle issues e.g. smoking, alcohol, dietary habits, exercise patterns, hazardous sports or occupations?
Comment The only herbal or dietary intervention for which there was any good evidence was for vitamin B1 at 100 mg daily.
He was sent to be educated with a dietary counselor at the isolation hospital at Bryne Boars, Chesil Beach.
First, dietary intake over the seven days was found to differ between the groups.
A dietary study of elite cyclists estimated their average daily calorie intake at over 6000 calories!
Any symptom or disease affecting any of these organ systems could be caused by a dietary intolerance.
Dietary supplementation (as sodium iodide) may be needed to prevent the hypothyroidism in these cases.
Very few exemptions from paying KFC - only extremely strict dietary requirements (e.g. kosher, not vegan ).
Effects of different forms of dietary hydrogenated fats on serum lipoprotein cholesterol levels.
Therefore the ' Spring Fever ' of silliness in horses may actually have a dietary root, that of low magnesium in the grazing.
Ground-dwelling prey such as centipedes and the dipteran muscid Scatophaga stercoraria appeared to be common dietary components.
Special Meals Dietary meals may be ordered on flights operated by SWISS, provided meal service is offered.
Most breeders of Australian parakeets will be able to advise the beginner with dietary needs for the chosen species.
The 97.5th percentile level of consumption is generally taken to be representative of the upper limit of normal dietary behavior.
Virus such as distemper or parvo, irritant poisons, food poisoning or dietary allergies are the most common causes of diarrhea.
However, studies of human dietary preferences reveal up to one-half of the population may not like to eat fish.
To move the balance of the national diet toward recognized dietary recommendations.
Evening meals, packed lunches, special dietary requirements all catered for by arrangement.
For someone who has had a large bowel resection a return to their previous dietary pattern should be possible.
Some of these rules - like the dietary restriction against eating pork - are very similar.
Maize (or corn) is also an important dietary staple in much of the third world.
We are looking for confirmation that they cannot find any prohibited substances in the dietary supplements.
In general there is no need to take dietary supplements.
In the analysis of 42 trials, effects were seen both with dietary calcium and with use of calcium supplements.
The women who had no signs of metabolic syndrome lost a similar amount of weight using either dietary approach.
Some of us may feel anxious, depressed or fearful, we may have dietary problems, trouble sleeping or trouble sleeping or trouble staying awake.
Excess non-protein nitrogen in the form of dietary urea reduced embryo quality.
Dietary components have been implicated to be important in the development and management of struvite and calcium oxalate uroliths in cats.
If you have any special dietary requirements (e.g. vegetarian ), please mention this when registering.
So Paul got a wake-up call and a quick education in dietary restraint.
The aorta may be fatally weakened by a lack of mature elastin in animals deprived of dietary copper.
All results compared the lowest with the highest quintile of dietary intake.
Daily dietary supplementation with 3 g of calcium carbonate may reduce the recurrence of adenomas.
This type of restrictive diet can create a negative attitude toward dietary changes.
It is not enough to undergo dietary regimens to rid the body of toxins.
High calorie, high energy Vitamin concentrate, Palatable dietary supplement helps stimulate appetite, increases weight gain.
Some of us may feel anxious, depressed or fearful, we may have dietary problems, trouble sleeping or trouble staying awake.
If you have any special dietary requirements (e.g. vegetarian), please mention this when registering.
This will still be his main dietary source of nutrition.
Wellness cat food uses real meat as the main-stay in nearly all of its formulas, unless a specific formula addresses a particular dietary concern.
Free feeding makes it difficult to answer a veterinarian's dietary questions during a non-routine visit for illness or disease.
While soft food is not generally the best dietary avenue for younger cats, senior cats can benefit greatly because they may experience enough oral pain with hard food to lose interest in eating.
All dietary changes should be gradual unless your veterinarian suggests otherwise.
Talk to your vet about any concerns or questions you may have regarding your cat's dietary needs.
In fact, illnesses stemming from dietary deficiencies are on the rise.
Usually crystals are a sign of too many minerals in the cat's diet, and you will be advised to make dietary changes.
Although this food will cost more money, your cat's health should improve because of the dietary changes.
Always change your cat's diet slowly and discuss any dietary changes with your veterinarian.
However, readers need to research each dietary claim carefully and weigh one philosophy against another.
Fiddling with your cat's nutritional balance because you have embraced a dietary theory can sometimes yield a diet that is dangerously deficient.
Pet owners should always monitor their cat's physical response to a dietary change and discuss such matters with a veterinarian.
The marketplace is filled with different dietary options.
The food which meets her dietary needs and which she enjoys is undoubtedly the best.
When choosing a food for your cat, the diet should match her biology, activity level and any other special dietary needs she may have.
Often you will find that part of your treatment consists of dietary changes, exercise, changes in lifestyle and natural therapies.
The Office of Dietary Supplements recommends that women who are pregnant or nursing avoid taking valerian because there is not enough evidence to support its safety.
Dietary changes, including adding more fiber to the diet, often reduce cholesterol naturally over time.In addition to the higher fiber content in acai, acai berries are also rich in monosaturated fats.
She outlines dietary choices and herbal remedies she believes are effective against inflammation and pain.
The fruit is also full of protein, dietary fiber and high levels of both omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids.
Herbal treatments for arthritis and other holistic treatments often call for dietary changes and additions.
If these lifestyle modifications haven't done the trick, reducing blood pressure with herbal medicine or dietary changes may.
There is a growing list of benefits associated with this oil as a dietary supplement for diseases ranging from arthritis to Alzheimer's and migraines.
The medicinal value is best obtained by taking the oil and butter internally, in the form of dietary supplements or food products.
Before you begin taking any dietary supplement, it is very important that you discuss it with your medical doctor, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or taking other medications or supplements.
It can be used externally in cosmetic creams, lotions or soaps, or the oil may be taken internally in the form of a dietary supplement.
Many people use evening primrose oil (EPO) as a dietary supplement for diseases ranging from arthritis (inflammatory diseases) to Alzheimer's, menopause, cancer, heart disease, impotence, infertility and fibromyalgia.
Please consult your health professional prior to using dietary supplements.
According to the National Institute of Health Office of Dietary Supplements, patients in clinical trials using black cohosh report a low incidence of black cohosh side effects.
For many people, treating social anxiety disorder with herbs, supplements and dietary changes will be effective.
In addition to dietary changes such as adding calcium, vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, and flaxseed, herbal supplements also work well in helping patients reduce their blood pressure levels.
Alongside any herbal treatments, bolstering the herbal effects through dietary changes may go a long way in aiding a man's recovery.
Some individuals harbor sensitivity to certain trigger factors, whether dietary or environmental.
This type of turmeric has been standardized for use as a dietary supplement and may be safer overall for regular consumption.
First, always consult a physician before using dietary supplements.
Furthermore, pregnant women should not consume turmeric as a dietary supplement because the herb may act as a uterine stimulant.
Ingesting turmeric for psoriasis may produce more positive results once any dietary burdens and trigger factors are removed from the equation.
Herbs and other dietary supplements are one way to provide pain relief without resorting to pharmaceutical drugs.
S. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, herbs and other botanicals are classified as dietary supplements, not drugs, so herbal supplements are not required to demonstrate the health benefits they claim.
Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
They are dietary substances and nutrients that either slow or prevent the oxidative process.
Studies suggest that keeping dietary fat low reduces the risk of heart disease, as well as certain types of cancer and diabetes.
Since some dietary fat is necessary, it's wise to know which types are best.
Monounsaturated fats include olive, canola, and peanut oils; most nutrition experts consider olive oil one of the best dietary fats.
Does anyone who's coming to dinner have any sort of dietary allergies or other types of restrictions?
Does anyone coming to dinner have any dietary restrictions?
Keep your date's dietary restrictions in mind.
Don't be afraid to change the recipe to fit your ingredients or to suit your guest's dietary needs.
Whenever a major dietary change is adopted, the potential for side effects exists.
If you're interested in starting this or any other major dietary change, consult with your doctor first, and be sure to do ample research on the subject.
Brewer's yeast starts out in an active form, but as a byproduct of the beer industry, it's inactive and often used by vegetarians as a dietary supplement.
They can't simply assume that the raw label means that the product is suitable to their particular dietary restrictions.
Approaching any significant dietary makeover can be a scary process, but there are ways to make the shift easier on you, both physically and mentally.
Should dietary intake be inadequate, the body can then draw upon this reserve.
For strict vegetarians (vegans), dietary supplements may be the best way of getting a sufficient dose of B12.
Keeping that in mind though, any major dietary change will result in different effects for different people.
In addition to containing essential amino acids that aid your body with dietary processes, protein helps the body build muscle, create and repair strong tissues, manufacture antibodies, and maintain energy.
While living as a vegan reaches beyond diet, the dietary aspect offers a number of health benefits.
The famiy member following the raw food diet can embrace his own dietary choices at leisure.
Sunflower seeds also contain dietary fiber, particularly the insoluble fiber that can aid the body against colon cancers.
Since natural forms of fiber are often lacking in the standard American diet, a quick handful of sunflower seeds is a terrific way to work this dietary factor into one's day.
Please consult a registered dietitian or nutritionist for specific dietary information.
The original dietary recommendations for protein were developed during the country's agrarian past, when people needed the energy from abundant protein to chop wood, fetch water, plow fields, and walk five miles to school every day.
Many are especially sensitive to others' dietary needs and concerns because they have personal experiences with struggling to find food to eat or talking with people who challenged their way of eating.
Sprouted chia seeds are edible and contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, provide ample dietary fiber and are also a source of protein.
The days of eating meals without a rule book are becoming a distant memory as more and more people strive to achieve better health and nutrition through dramatic dietary restrictions.
Wheatberries are an excellent source of whole grains and dietary fiber, both of which can help you maintain a healthy weight and stay full for longer periods of time.
Dietary guidelines define one serving of grain as one ounce or the equivalent of one ounce.
It can be easier for those with dietary restrictions to get a full meal without worry and means more choices for everyone to try.
If your guests have special dietary needs, be sure to include some sugar free candies or other treats that will be suitable.
Of course, not all guests may enjoy chocolate, and it is wise to investigate any potential allergies or dietary concerns before choosing any edible favor.
Passengers with special dietary needs will not feel overlooked on Celebrity cruise ships.
Not only are specific dietary needs addressed, but also, the food is gourmet-quality.
Alaskan cruises with vegetarian meals are not hard to come by provided you inform the ship's staff of your dietary restrictions prior to setting sail.
Special dietary restrictions, including vegetarian, diabetic, and low cholesterol, can be accommodated if you inform your travel agent or the cruise company directly when booking your Alaskan voyage.
If you are not working with a travel agent or with a customer service agent directly from the cruise line, then be sure to look for a place to register your dietary needs on the company's website.
As long as your requests are reasonable, most cruise lines will be more than happy to accommodate your dietary restrictions.
This will give you a chance to get a current assessment of his health, as well as an opportunity to discuss the dietary changes you're planning to make.
Your vet will also check your dog's weight, offer opinions on his dietary needs and make sure your dog doesn't have any other major health conditions that need to be addressed.
It is always best to discuss your puppy's unique dietary needs with your breeder or your veterinarian.
However, you could be compromising your dog's dietary needs in the process.
You can find dog biscuit recipes in every flavor and to help with every possible dietary condition.
Most dogs find them easy to digest, and they are a great source of dietary fiber.
So while it is true that an organic muffin will probably be healthier for you than a regular processed muffin, you still must pick and choose which organic snacks are best for your dietary needs.
This is useful for families with different dietary requirements.
If you wish to provide your pet with all organic dietary choices, you may want to try Timberwolf Organics.
Everyone loves pancakes, but some people have dietary restrictions that prevent them from eating any type of wheat.
Organic fruits and vegetables should always be at the top of your grocery shopping list, but don't forget your other dietary needs.
Organic whole food vitamin supplements answer a need for a product which is environmentally friendly and which offers what many consider a superior dietary supplement.
According to a report by the National Institutes of Health, you are more likely to take a dietary supplement if you are physically active and have a body mass index (BMI) under 25.
While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not regulate dietary supplements, you have avenues to ensure the quality of the supplements you take.
Also, third-party organizations such as the Non-GMO Project and the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) offer guidance on choosing dietary supplements.
If you have the healthy lifestyle mindset, you may be more inclined to consider other dietary supplements.
You may find dietary supplements such as turmeric, nettle, grapeseed extract, or hawthorn included.
If you have an existing health condition, you should consult your doctor before taking dietary supplements, especially those with similar effects as your prescription medications.
These supplements provide a complex base of nutrients including dietary fiber, making them a healthy choice.
Armed with this knowledge, you can make good choices for dietary supplements.
Vegetarians, for example, may have vitamin or mineral deficiencies, especially if plant sources are their only form of dietary protein.
Liquid Organic Life Vitamins provide nutritional support for people with dietary deficiencies or health conditions which affect nutrient uptake.
One thing to bear in mind with vitamins is that they are regulated as dietary supplements.
By choosing organic health and beauty products, you are making a healthier choice for your dietary supplements.
The term kosher refers to foods that satisfy the requirements of Jewish dietary laws.
Only certain types of animals can be eaten under Jewish dietary laws.
Some birds, such as chicken and turkey, may be eaten, but they must be ritually slaughtered under Jewish dietary law.
Organic kosher meats are those that have been both slaughtered under Jewish dietary law and raised under organic conditions.
The company has since reached out to others with special dietary needs including those with food allergies or food sensitivities such as celiac disease patients and others needing gluten free products.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, over three-quarters of the dietary sodium in American diets come from processed foods including frozen foods.
Like other manufacturers, Amy's Kitchen includes dietary recommendations for several types of dietary needs such as gluten-free menus and dairy-free diet plans.
If you have other dietary needs such as dairy-free products, Amy's products recognize these health concerns as well.
Can the facility accommodate special dietary needs?
Complementing the magazine's health features, the food section provides numerous healthy options and tips for dealing with dietary concerns.
You'll find plenty of advertisements for special foods, diets, and dietary supplements meant to promote healthy aging.
Well-balanced and nutritional meals, that meet any dietary restrictions, is important.
What type of dietary accommodations will be made if necessary?
For those not interested in the thrill rides, guided tours through the park and fine dining designed for special dietary needs are also available throughout the property.
Elderly patients should maintain regular appointments with their physician and follow their instructions with regard to dietary and prescription needs.
Meals are low in sugar and salt, and can be tailored to suit special dietary needs.
For some women dietary changes may help alleviate signs of menopause.
Naturally, what you put into the basket depends on your father's favorite foods and special dietary needs.
It is often treated by dietary changes and insulin injections or tablets.
Dietary issues can contribute to insomnia in many people.
Dietary guidelines are individualized, based on the child's age, diagnosis, overall health, and level of functioning.
Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for medical therapies prescribed by a doctor.
The physician will monitor the child's weight gain and advise the parents of the goal weight gain and any necessary dietary changes.
Bile is a liquid mixture of cholesterol, bile salts, and waste products, including bilirubin, which the liver excretes through thousands of tiny biliary ducts to the intestine, where the bile aids in the digestive process of dietary fats.
Infants who are formula-fed should use special formulas (Alimentum, Pregestimil) that contain chemicals to enhance digestion of dietary fats.
A dietary expert should be consulted to guide in the development of feeding requirements for an infant who has been treated surgically for biliary atresia.
Other cases of plant poisoning result from the use of herbal dietary supplements that have been contaminated by toxic substances.
Other dietary supplements have been found to contain small quantities of prescription medications or even toxic plants.
If a child develops symptoms of lactose intolerance, the doctor should be consulted concerning dietary substitutions.
Many children may only need to eliminate major milk-containing products from their diet, while others who are intolerant to even small amounts of lactose may be required to follow severe dietary restrictions.
Fructose intolerance can be a life-threatening condition if strict dietary guidelines are not followed.
Diabetes mellitus should be controlled with appropriate medication and dietary changes.
Treatment usually includes medications, dietary modifications, and-if complications arise-specific interventions tailored to alleviating the problem.
Dietary guidelines are individualized, based on the child's age, diagnosis, overall health, severity of disability, and level of functioning.
Relaxation techniques and dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for medical therapies prescribed by a doctor.
Parents and caregivers of children who suffer from depression should consult their child's physician before administering any herb or dietary supplement.
The main dietary sources in children's diets of saturated fat are whole milk, cheese, hot dogs, and luncheon meats.
Recommendations for dietary change include switching to 1 percent or skim milk, low-fat cheese, and meats from which the fat can be trimmed.
The study also said that vegetarian diets in adolescence could lead to lifelong health-promoting dietary practices.
In the United States, nutritional deficiencies have generally been replaced by dietary imbalances or excesses associated with many of the leading causes of death and disability.
Overnutrition results from eating too much, eating too many of the wrong foods, not exercising enough, or taking too many vitamins or other dietary replacements.
Some physicians may recommend a variety of dietary measures to treat stomatitis.
Stomatitis caused by irritants can be prevented by good oral hygiene, regular dental checkups, and good dietary habits.
Lipidoses are genetic disorders, passed from parents to their children, characterized by defects of the digestive system that impair the way the body uses dietary fat.
Diabetes is treated with insulin and dietary changes.
A class of drugs called statins is known to help lower LDL in combination with dietary changes and exercise, and studies have shown that they have no adverse effects in children.
Cholestin has been available since 1997 as a cholesterol-lowering dietary supplement.
The product is available as a dietary supplement, not a drug; its actual mechanism is not known.
The algae, known as Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) is available as an over-the-counter dietary supplement.
Making certain dietary and lifestyle changes can significantly improve the child's headache symptoms.
To prevent headache symptoms associated with certain foods, parents should work with a registered dietitian to facilitate specific dietary changes.
They also should carefully read food labels to identify and avoid dietary triggers.
An RD can also teach the family how to use either the dietary exchange lists or carbohydrate counting system to monitor food intake.
Dietary changes and moderate exercise are usually the first treatments implemented in type 2 diabetes.
Children with type 2 diabetes may be prescribed oral medications if they are unable to keep their blood glucose levels under control with dietary and exercise measures.
An IEP should cover such issues as blood glucose monitoring, dietary plans, and treating highs and lows.
A careful history to evaluate medication use, dietary changes, family history of illnesses, and other symptoms is necessary.
Recurrent canker sores may indicate a metabolic imbalance, dietary deficiency, stress, and a lack of rest.
Children who have frequent canker sores may benefit from dietary supplements of B-complex vitamin or may undergo blood and allergy tests to see if some other underlying cause can be identified.
Nutritionists may be able to offer advice and guidance in choosing dietary supplements, identifying foods to avoid and balancing nutritional needs.
The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for folate is 400 mcg per day for adults, 600 mcg per day for pregnant women, and 500 mcg for nursing women.
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)-The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) are quantities of nutrients in the diet that are required to maintain good health in people.
Glucose is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract directly and is also derived from digestion of other dietary carbohydrates.
The zinc inhibits the absorption of dietary copper.
Families consuming a well-balanced diet without overuse of dietary supplements are unlikely to have problems with mineral toxicity.
Children or adolescents diagnosed with Wilson's disease must observe the dietary limitations described earlier.
When mineral toxicity results from the excessive consumption of mineral supplements, toxicity can be prevented by minimizing the use of dietary supplements and keeping iron tablets in particular out of the reach of children.
Rickets-A condition caused by the dietary deficiency of vitamin D, calcium, and usually phosphorus, seen primarily in infancy and childhood, and characterized by abnormal bone formation.
Good dietary sources of calcium are milk, cheese, and other dairy products.
Trigger substances can include hormones (for example oral contraceptives, menstruation, pregnancy), drugs, and dietary factors.
Dietary modifications to help prevent obesity include limiting soft drink and fast food consumption, monitoring food portion sizes, and providing a well-balanced diet.
Poor nutrition and dietary habits can lead to weight gain and obesity.
Dietary modification is important for helping children lose weight and prevent obesity.
The transition to vegetarianism can be smoother for adolescents who make informed choices with dietary practices.
The survey also stated that vegetarian diets in adolescence could lead to lifelong health-promoting dietary practices.
Good nutrition is also important for general health, but no specific dietary regimen has been shown to control scoliosis development.
Dietary changes may include limiting foods high in phosphorus, such as dairy products, meat, and poultry.
To maintain adequate nutrition, a registered dietitian can help parents and children implement specific dietary changes.
Dietary changes such as eliminating stimulant foods (coffee, cola, chocolate) and late-night meals or snacks can be effective in treating some sleep disorders.
The amount of each mineral that is needed to support growth during infancy and childhood, to maintain body weight and health, and to facilitate pregnancy and lactation, are listed in a table called the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA).
If an underlying neurological disorder has been identified, dietary guidelines are individualized, based on the child's age, diagnosis, overall health, caloric and energy needs, and level of functioning.
Other diets that have been tried with varying success include dietary supplementation with plasmalogen precursors to increase plasmalogen levels and with cholic acid to normalize bile acids.
In general, most treatments that are attempted for peroxisomal disorders are dietary, whereby attempts are made to artificially correct biochemical abnormalities associated with the disorders.
Another area of dietary therapy that is being investigated is the supplementation of the diet with pure DHA, given as early in life as possible, in conjunction with a normal well-balanced diet.
Any dietary changes should be monitored biochemically to determine if the supplements are having their desired effects and are not causing additional adverse effects.
A pediatrician can calculate a healthy range of body weight for the child, recommend dietary guidelines, and provide activity guidelines to help the child safely and effectively lose weight.
A consultation with a registered dietitian also may assist the parent or caregiver in implementing dietary changes.
Dietary guidelines are individualized, based on the child's blood pressure levels and specific needs.
Dietary supplements, including garlic, fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids), L-arginine, soy, coenzyme Q10, phytosterols, and chelation therapy may be beneficial, but the exact nature of their effects on blood pressure is unknown.
Parents should work with their child to make dietary changes and increase their activity level to manage hypertension and prevent it from getting worse.
Everyone can benefit when a heart-healthy lifestyle is followed, so the dietary and activity changes made for the hypertensive child will benefit the entire family.
Dietary fiber intake should be increased gradually, along with an increase in water consumption, in order to produce soft, bulky stools.
A suggested goal for dietary fiber intake during childhood and adolescence is consumption in grams equivalent to the age of the child plus 5 grams per day.
Dietary fiber-Mostly indigestible material in food that stimulates the intestine to peristalsis.
The doctor will also want a dietary history, to determine if there have been any feeding problems.
Therefore, even if no causative factor is uncovered for a child with FTT, aggressive dietary management is the key to successful treatment.
There are no dietary restrictions; children may eat normally before the test.
This condition usually results from a dietary deficiency but may also be due to an inability to absorb (malabsorption) folic acid.
A wholesome, balanced diet rich in nutrients can help prevent dietary deficiencies that lead to anemia.
Naturopaths often recommend dietary supplements of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, and beta-carotenes, found naturally in fruits and vegetables, to ease inflammation and fight infection.
Because some children with pervasive developmental disorders have food sensitivities or food allergies, allergy testing and subsequent dietary modification may help.
Help in dietary planning is available from dieticians (healthcare professionals specializing in food and nutrition) or from support groups for individuals with celiac disease.
When a child with celiac disease eats at a friend's house, the friend's parent should be aware of the child's dietary limitations.
A number of brain scan studies also indicate a degeneration of the white matter in the brains of older patients who have not maintained adequate dietary control.
This abnormality may explain why many PKU patients who receive sufficient dietary tyrosine still experience some form of learning disability.
As of 2004, dietary therapy (also called nutrition therapy) is the most common form of treatment for PKU patients.
Special PKU dietary mixtures or formulas are usually obtained from medical clinics or pharmacies.
Early newborn screening, careful monitoring, and life-long strict dietary management can help PKU patients to live normal, healthy, and long lives.
Recommended dietary allowance (RDA)-The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) are quantities of nutrients in the diet that are required to maintain good health in people.
The child's doctor or a registered dietitian can help in making dietary adjustments and can advise when to start gradually reintroducing milk products, if applicable.
With good dietary management, children with carbohydrate intolerance can lead normal lives.
Parents should reinforce with the child that carbohydrate intolerance is not a life-threatening condition and that dietary changes can help reduce symptoms.
Acupuncture has been used to treat sinusitis, as have a variety of dietary supplements, including vitamins A, C, and E, and the mineral zinc.
There is no cure for IBS; however, dietary changes, stress management, and sometimes medications are often able to eliminate or substantially reduce its symptoms.
Dietary changes and sometimes medications are considered the keys to successful treatment.
Dietary changes, including a low-fat, high-fiber diet, may help decrease IBS symptoms.
The formula for determining the recommended fiber intake for children, as advised by the American Dietetic Association, is to take the child's age plus five to equal the grams of dietary fiber the child should consume daily.
A registered dietitian can help the parent and child make specific dietary changes.
Parents should reinforce with the child that IBS is not a life-threatening condition and that dietary changes and stress reduction can help reduce symptoms.
In Asia, on the other hand, fish bones are a frequent offender because fish is a dietary staple in most countries of the Far East.
Infancy is a period of increased risk for iron deficiency because dietary iron may not be adequate for the rapid growth of the child in the first two years of life, an example of increased demand.
Decreased dietary iron intake is a contributing factor in iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia.
Bioavailability describes the percent of dietary iron that is successfully absorbed via the gastrointestinal tract to the bloodstream.
The assessment of whether a food is low or high in iron can also be made by comparing the amount of that food eaten per day with the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for iron.
Iron deficiency anemia in infants and young children can be prevented by breast-feeding, consuming good dietary sources of iron, and using fortified foods.
Primary or congenital immunodeficiencies are genetic and are not preventable by avoidance of exposures or by dietary measures.
Calcium deficiency due to lack of dietary calcium occurs only rarely and is often due to vitamin D deficiency, because vitamin D is required for efficient absorption of dietary calcium.
Dietary magnesium deficiency is uncommon, but may occur in chronic alcoholics, persons taking diuretic drugs, and as a result of severe, prolonged diarrhea.
Calcium and phosphorus are plentiful in foods, and dietary deficiencies are rare.
Vitamin D deficiency impairs the absorption of dietary calcium and can provoke calcium deficiency (hypocalcemia) even when adequate calcium is consumed.
Dietary magnesium deficiency is rare because the mineral is found in nearly all foods, but it can occur through poor diet or in malnutrition, or result from excessive losses due to severe diarrhea or vomiting.
Many Americans are deficient in dietary chromium, which can be associated with poor regulation of insulin and related imbalances in glucose (either diabetes or hypoglycemia).
In children, iron deficiency is due to periods of dietary deficiency and heavy demands for iron during rapid growth.
Infants are at risk for acquiring iron deficiency because their rapid rate of growth needs a corresponding increased supply of dietary iron, for use in making blood and muscles.
Urinary zinc levels will differ between normal dietary intake (16 mg per day) and low-zinc diets (0.3 mg per day); normal urinary zinc is about 0.45 mg per day while low-zinc urinary levels are about 0.150 mg per day.
Plasma zinc levels tend to be maintained during a dietary deficiency in zinc.
The Required Dietary Allowances (RDA) guidelines can help ensure that minerals are being obtained.
Dietary recommendations to ease cramps include increasing fiber, calcium, and complex carbohydrates, cutting fat, red meat, dairy products, caffeine, salt, and sugar.
The goal of dietary treatment is to minimize galactose intake.
The galactose-1-phosphate levels of the individual will establish the level of dietary restriction necessary.
All other caregivers or teachers involved with the child need to be notified of the child's dietary restrictions, and the potential consequences if they are not maintained.
Many BED individuals binge after long intervals of excessive dietary restraint; therapy helps normalize this pattern.
If left unchecked, the poor dietary habits and obesity that are symptomatic of BED can lead to serious health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart attacks, and type 2 diabetes.
In most cases, bringing food from home is not permitted since certain foods may be restricted and the child's specific dietary intake may need to be recorded.
A nurse usually consults with the parents to learn about the child's dietary restrictions or preferences.
Children with severe food allergies to whole food groups, such as milk or wheat, may require dietary management by a dietitian or nutritionist to ensure they receive the proper nutrients and a well-balanced diet.
One of the ways in which 1,25-diOH-D accomplishes this is by stimulating the absorption of dietary calcium by the intestines.
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin D for both children and adults is 200 International Units (IU) per day.
Do any of your guests have special dietary needs?
In order to improve the condition of her own hair, Jennifer Aniston has also been known to consume Phyto's Phytophanere, a dietary supplement for both hair and nails.
Whether it's due to aging, a genetic condition, a medical problem, or a dietary deficiency, hair loss is increasingly common and has become a genuine concern for many women as well as men.
They may aid the customer to find healthy menu choices for special dietary needs.
While Britney enjoyed flaunting her voluptuous pregnant form, she was also pleased to have an excuse to relax her normally strict dietary regimen.
Through these resources, a vegan mom can often find the support she needs for her dietary choice.
Fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K dissolve in fat and are absorbed from the small intestines along with dietary fat.