Dies Sentence Examples
He dies by poison soon afterwards.
The demon dies with me.
You women have to beat that horse until it either dies or gets up and runs.
In such cases the original parent-actinula does not itself become a medusa, but remains arrested in development and ultimately dies off, so that a true alternation of generations is brought about.
When the root dies later such of these as remain are discharged into the soil, and are then ready to infect new plants.
To paint a Joan of Arc who lives and dies inglorious is the theme she sets herself, and through most of the novel it is perfectly executed.
In Cunina parasitica, however, the ovum develops into an actinula, which buds actinulae as before, but only the daughter-actinulae develop into medusae, while the original, parent-actinula dies off; here, therefore, larval budding has led to a true alternation of generations.
If either husband or wife dies intestate and there are no descendants the whole of the estate passes to the survivor; if there are descendants the surviving spouse has the use of the homestead for the remainder of his or her life, an absolute title to one-third of the other real estate of the deceased, and to personal property limited to $1000 besides wearing apparel.
It has since been shown, however, that unless the gas is at a pressure of more than two atmospheres this wave soon dies out, and the decomposition is only propagated a few inches from the detonator.
Yeah, but he doesn't mind leaving her out in the cold after he dies.
AdvertisementMy father's line dies with me, Hilden.
If the wife dies intestate the husband has a right to the use of her real estate for life, and to one-third of the personal estate if there is issue; otherwise to the whole.
This avoided the necessity of readjusting the dies between blows, and ensured greater accuracy in the impression.
You'll find it hard to kill yourself when I'm the one who determines who lives and dies.
Should his blood and those who carry it be exiled, the planet dies.
AdvertisementAnd if I leave, everyone dies.
When a divorce is granted, the defendant is not permitted to marry other than the plaintiff for three years, unless the plaintiff dies.
Here he seeks a female, pairs, and soon afterwards dies.
So, too, mind consists but of extremely fine particles of matter, and dissolves into air when the body dies.
If it is absent, the cell loses its power of assimilation and growth, and soon dies.
AdvertisementThe roots are prevented from fulfilling their function of taking up water and salts from the soil; the leaves accordingly droop, and the whole plant wilts and in bad attacks dies.
If unsuccessful it dies.
The ciliated stage is only capable of free life for five or six hours, and if at the end of that time it has not encountered and attached itself to a minnow, it dies.
The female is fertilized by the male and three or four days later lays a single egg - the winter egg - and then dies.
Coins may be made by casting in moulds or by striking between engraved dies.
AdvertisementThe blank was made red-hot and struck between cold dies.
The blanks are converted into coin by receiving an impression from engraved dies.
Each blank is placed on the lower of two dies and the upper die is brought down forcibly upon it.
The dies and collar are shaded.
In the Synoptists, Jesus " grows in favour with God and man," passes through true human experiences and trials, prays alone on the mountain-side, and dies with a cry of desolation; here the Logos' watchword is " I am," He has deliberately to stir up emotion in Himself, never prays for Himself, and in the garden and on the cross shows but power and self-possession.
When either husband or wife dies intestate one-third of the separate real estate of the deceased goes to the survivor if there are two or more children, one-half of it if there is only one child, the whole of it if there are no children, no issue of children, and no father, mother, brother or sister.
If, however, the pipe is blown strongly, the funda mental dies away, and the first overtone is predominant.
When a system is set vibrating and left to itself, the vibration gradually dies away as the energy leaks out either in the waves formed or through friction.
But if the blowing is continued, usually in less than a second the sound dies away to a small fraction of that due to either alone.
The sound swells out and dies down n1 - n2 times per second, or there are n1 - n2 beats per second.
Mexican acquaintance with the signs related only to their secondary function as dies (so to speak) with which to stamp recurring intervals of time.
It was the birthplace of Thomas of Celano, the author of the Dies Irae.
In the east the range is mostly narrow, and dies away on the edge of the Tsaidam depression; but in the west it swells out into the lofty and imposing mass of the Ilve-chimen or Shia-manglay, which is capped with perpetual snow.
Not only is it of lower elevation than them both, but it dies away towards the west, the valleys on each side of it meeting round its extremity to form one broad, open valley, with an altitude of 11,790 to 13,725 ft.
Sven Hedin, whilst agreeing that this may possibly be the true conception, inclines to the view that the Achik-kol Range dies away towards the E., and that the Chimen-tagh and the Kalta-alaghan merge westwards into the border-ranges that lie north of the Muzluk-tagh and the Tokuzdavan.
He further invaded the exclusive rights of the patricians by directing his secretary Gnaeus Flavius (whom, though a freedman, he made a senator) to publish the legis actiones (methods of legal practice) and the list of dies fasti (or days on which legal business could be transacted).
Rivalin is killed in battle, and Blancheflor, after giving birth to a son, dies of grief.
Iseult of the white hand overhears this, and when the ship returns, bringing Iseult to her lover's aid, either through jealousy or by pure inadvertence (both versions are given), she tells Tristan that the sail is black, whereon, despairing of seeing his love again, the hero turns his face to the wall and dies.
Tristan is here the son of Meliadus, king of Loonois; his father does not die, but is decoyed away by an enchantress, and the mother, searching for her husband, gives birth to her child in the forest and dies.
What men call their souls become extinct when the body dies.
During the middle ages Latin prose never dies out.
Thus in a Venetian story the ingenious Beppo ties up Death in a bag and keeps him there for eighteen months; there is general rejoicing; nobody dies, and the doctors are in high feather.
In a Sicilian story an innkeeper corks up Death in a bottle; so nobody dies for years, and the long white beards are a sight to see.
The youth was thus originally a goldsmith, and also an engraver of dies and niellos, and in these arts he became extremely eminent.
He was particularly famed for his dies for medals; he rose to be mint-master at Bologna, and retained that office till the end of his life.
The plant is propagated from suckers and requires very little attention after transplanting to the field where it is to remain, but it takes six to eight years to mature and then yields an average of ten gallons of sap during a period of four or five months, after which it dies.
In ancient Rome the Di manes, or as we should say the blessed dead, who reposed in their necropolis outside the walls, were specially commemorated on the dies parentales or days of placating them (placandis Manibus).
There is no legal limitation to his re-eligibility any number of times; but tradition, dating from the refusal of George Washington to be rioniinated for a third term, has virtually established the rule that no person shall be president for more than two continuous terms, If the president dies, the vice-president steps into his place; and if the latter also dies in office, the succession passes to the secretary of state.f The president receives a salary of $75,000 a year, besides $25,000 a year for travelling expenses, and has an official residence called the Executive Mansion, or more familiarly the White House.
It is alleged to have been found growing wild between the Euphrates and the Tigris; but the discovery has never been authenticated, and unless the plant be sedulously cared for, the species p dies out in a surprisingly short space of time.
He was the leader of the free traders, and after 1878 refused to follow Bismarck in his new policy of protection, state socialism and colonial development; in a celebrated speech he declared that the day on which it was introduced was a dies nefastus for Germany.
A word, however, is necessary as to the Rabbinical doctrine of the Messiah who suffers and dies for Israel, the Messiah son of Joseph or son of Ephraim, who in Jewish theology is distinguished from and subordinate to the victorious son of David.
He that dies in defence of it is a holy martyr.
The custom, which is ultimately based on the penance of "sackcloth and ashes" spoken of by the prophets of the Old Testament, has been dropped in those of the reformed Churches which still observe the fast; but it is retained in the Roman Catholic Church, the day being known as dies cinerum (day of ashes) or dies cineris et cilicii (day of ash and sackcloth).
The phrase dies cinerum appears in the earliest extant copies of the Gregorian Sacramentary, and it is probable that the custom was already established by the 8th century.
When a husband dies intestate leaving a widow and issue, the widow has the use of one-third of his real estate for life and one-third of his personal estate absolutely; if he leaves no issue but there be collateral heirs or other kindred, the widow has the real or personal estate or both to the value of $5000, the use of one-half the remaining real estate for life, and one-half the remaining personal estate absolutely; if the husband leaves a will the widow has the choice between her dower right and the terms of the will.
When a wife dies intestate leaving a husband and issue the husband has the use of all her real estate for life, and the personal estate is divided among the husband and children share and share alike; if there be no issue the husband has the use of all her real estate for life and all her personal estate absolutely; if the wife leaves a will the husband has the choice between its terms and his right by courtesy.
If a man dies without being wounded he is considered to be the victim of the sorcerers and the evil spirits with which they consort.
Mr Andrew Lang says that "whenever a native dies, no matter how evident it may be that death has been the result of natural causes, it is at once set down that the defunct was bewitched."
Similarly, also, information must be given concerning death where the deceased dies not in a house.
He wrote many hymns, among them a version of "Dies Irae"; several of them, together with letters, &c., are to be found in the Life by James Brown.
He also composed in 1255 the Legend of St Clare; and he is one of those to whom the sequence Dies irae is attributed.
It is much used also for certain rock-crushing machinery (the shoes and dies of stamp-mills) and for safes.
If Ulpian is identical with the famous jurist, the Deipnosophistae must have been written after his death (228); but the jurist was murdered by the praetorian guards, whereas Ulpian in Athenaeus dies a natural death.
If a child is born alive, but in consequence of its premature birth, or of the means employed, afterwards dies, the offence is murder; the general law as to accessories applies to the offence.
After flowering the plant dies down, but increases by new lateral growths from the rootstock.
If a man dies unreconciled to God through Christ, he must pass through another cycle of imprisonment in flesh; perhaps in a human, but with equal likelihood in an animal's body.
Lamech dies in the year of the Flood.
By the 15th of May 1307 a writer of a letter from Forfar says that if Edward dies his cause in Scotland is lost.
Its notes are marvellous imitations of " the most mellow, sweet-sounding flute," but the singer itself, according to Mr Simson, is " a very insignificant-looking little, greyish-coloured bird," which " always dies in captivity."
Abstract argument has shown that change in the unity is impossible; yet the senses tell us that hot becomes cold, hard becomes soft, the living dies, and so on.
The text of the Dies Irae so imperatively demands either a very dramatic elaboration or none at all, that even in the 16th century it could not possibly be set to continuous music on the lines of the Gloria and Credo.
The most awkward shapes, involving excessive extensions of metal, are produced by drawing processes between dies of iron and steel in power presses.
Objects that do not require annealing are produced by dozens per minute, and all the movements of feeding and stamping and removal are often automatic. The ductility of metals and alloys is utilized in wire and tube-drawing through dies on long benches.
In thick plates it is not attempted by hand, but pressing is done between dies, or segments of the sphere are prepared separately and riveted together.
The methods employed are "raising" by the hammer, and pressing in dies.
One species of Halictus nearly reaches the desired stage; but the first young bees to appear in the perfect state are males, and when the females emerge the mother dies.
Days of grace (dies non) are in existence practically among English-speaking peoples only.
When, again, Bradley and Bosanquet speak of the universal as if it always meant one ideal content referred to reality, they forget that in universal judgments of existence, such as " All men existing are mortal," we believe that every individually existing man dies his own death individually, though similarly to other men; and that we are thinking neither of ideas nor of reality; but of all existent individual men being individually but similarly determined.
According to a common Indian belief a wealthy man who dies without an heir returns to guard his wealth in the form of a serpent, and Italian superstition supposed that to find a serpent's skin brought good luck (Leland) .2 No singular preference for jewels on the part of serpents will explain the belief, and creatures like the jackdaw which have this weakness do not enjoy this prominence in folk-lore.
When a husband or a wife dies intestate one-half of the property of the deceased goes to the survivor; if there are no children or descendants of any child three-fourths of it goes to the survivor; if there are no children or descendants of any child and the estate does not exceed $10,000 the whole of it goes to the survivor.
No great institution lives or dies by logic. Christianity rests on great religious needs which it meets and gratifies, so that its life (like all other lives) is in unrationalized emotions.
If the husband dies intestate, leaving no descendants and no paternal or maternal kindred, the whole of his estate goes to his widow absolutely.
If the husband dies intestate, leaving a widow and issue, either by her or by a former marriage, the widow is entitled to at least one-third of his personal estate; if he leaves no issue by her, she is entitled to so much of his personal estate as was acquired by him by virtue of his marriage with.
He wrote excellent English versions of the Dies irae and the Stabat mater.
At Exiles they are separated and guarded with special precautions; and in January 1687 one of them (all the evidence admittedly pointing to La Riviere) dies.
Now there is a zone of the equatorial Andes, ranging between about 4000 and 6000 feet altitude, where the very best flavoured coffee is grown, where cane is less luxuriant but more saccharine than in the plains, and which is therefore very desirable to cultivate, but where the red man sickens and dies.
After development of fruit the plant dies down, but suckers are frequently produced from the base of the stem which become new plants.
By the Romans he was identified at an early date with Mercurius, whence our name "Wednesday" (Woden's day) as a translation of dies Mercurii.
With the death of Emund, which took place in 1060, the old family of Swedish kings dies out.
The latter dies, and Josaphat survives as a hermit many years.
When either of them dies it is necessary for the other to ascertain in whose body the celestial being whose outward form has been dissolved has been pleased again to incarnate himself.
After a perilous voyage to Thrace, Delos, Crete and Sicily (where his father dies), he is cast up by a storm, sent by Juno, on the African coast.
To the bottom and muller are attached grinding plates (shoes and dies), which are replaced when worn; and to the sides three wings to deflect the moving pulp towards the centre, and thus establish the necessary pulp current.
In amalgamating without the use of chemicals, finely divided iron, worn from the shoes and dies in the stamp-mill and the pan, decomposes cerargyrite and argentite, and the liberated silver is taken up by the quicksilver; the process is hastened by adding salt.
In many mystical Oriental religions the perfection of the human self is absorption in the infinite, as a ripple dies away on the surface of water.
He prided himself on his motto, Nulla dies sine linea.
The Eastern Section of the Caucasus gradually dies away east of Baba-dagh (11,930 ft.) towards the Caspian, terminating finally in the peninsula of Apsheron.
Thyrsis sings to a goatherd how Daphnis, the mythical herdsman, having defied the power of Aphrodite, dies rather than yield to a passion with which the goddess had inspired him.
Radu dies in 1310, and is succeeded by a series of voivodes whose names and dates are duly given; but this early chapter of Walachian history has been rudely handled by critical historians.
A husband owning a homestead is debarred from selling or mortgaging it without the joinder of his wife, and if the husband dies leaving a widow or minor children the homestead passes to either or to both jointly, and may be so held until the youngest child is twenty-one years of age or until the marriage or death of the widow.
If a husband dies without leaving children or other descendants, the widow is entitled to all the real and personal estate which came to him by marriage, to what remains of the personal property which came into his possession by the written consent of his wife, and to onehalf his other real and personal property at the time of his death.
If a husband dies leaving descendants only by a former marriage, the widow may take in lieu of dower the personal property that came to him by means of marriage, or if there be children by both marriages she may take in lieu of her dower right to his real estate an absolute right therein equivalent to the share of a child.
The other important administrative officers are the secretary of state (who succeeds the governor if he dies or resigns - there is no lieutenant-governor), treasurer, attorney-general, superintendent of public instruction and labour commissioner.
After oviposition, which may extend over several weeks, the female dies.
Whenever a husband dies intestate, leaving a farm or a house and lot in a town or city which was the residence of the family at his death, his widow, widow and children, or children alone if there be no widow, may hold the same as a homestead to the extent of 160 acres if it be a farm, or one acre if it be a town or city lot.
If either husband or wife dies intestate and leaves no issue the surviving spouse is entitled to the entire estate of the deceased, both real and personal.
The Tarim, which is on the whole a sluggish, shallow, winding stream, fringes the great desert of Takla-makan on the west, north and east, and, after being extensively drawn upon for irrigation purposes in the oases (Yarkand, Kashgar, Maral-bashi, Ak-su), through which it passes, it eventually dies away in the salt reed-grown lake or marsh of Lop-nor (Karakoshun).
Later is the Fostbreedrasaga (1015-1030), a very interesting story, told in a quaint romantic style, of Thorgeir, the reckless henchman of King Olaf, and how his death was revenged in Greenland by his sworn brother the true-hearted Thormod Coalbrow's poet, who afterward dies at Sticklestad.
In the 13th century it is put to a third use, to tell the plain story of men's lives for their contemporaries, after satisfying which demand it dies away for ever.
The children belong to the class of the mother, and when the father dies go to her village for support, the land and fruit trees in each district being divided between the two classes.
Among Bessemer's numerous other inventions, not one of which attained a tithe of the success or importance of the steel process, were movable dies for embossed stamps, a gold paint, sugar machinery, and a ship which was to save her passengers from the miseries of mal de mer.
Weed, a skilful American machinist, who, after some years of strenuous effort, succeeded in devising and perfecting special rollers and dies, by the use of which foundation was produced with a midrib so thin as to compare favourably with natural comb built by the bees.
Astrological considerations likewise already regulated in ancient Babylonia the distinction of lucky and unlucky days, which passing down to the Greeks and Romans (dies fasti and nefasti) found a striking expression in Hesiod's Works and Days.
When a husband dies his widow is entitled to a dower in one-third of his real estate, and, if there be not more than two children, to one-third of his personal estate; if there are more than two children her share of the personal estate is the same as that of each child.
When a wife dies leaving a husband of whom there has been issue born alive, he has by the courtesy a life interest in all her real estate and all her personal estate; if the wife die intestate and leave no other heirs the husband is entitled to all her real estate in fee simple.
There's a transfer of power from the moment a Black God dies and his successor takes his place.
The White God must exist for the sake of humanity, but an exiled immortal is no loss if he dies.
You don't bring something food and clothing if you don't care if it dies. If you want it – Toby - to live, come to the castle this evening after dark falls. We have matters to discuss. Bring Kris. If you want the angel to die then stay right here.
In the end, Tiyan will survive, even if my line dies with my daughter.
As one teacher put it, 'The mind creates the abyss; the heart crosses it. ' From Who Dies?
As the city roar dies away and light ebbs from these busy plains the mountain enjoys the afterglow and radiates its presence.
One such collection, in the Cathays p ark museum, is a collection of seals and seal dies.
The plant dies down to just below soil level in the late autumn.
If you peel the bark off a tree, you don't renew its youth as a sapling; it just dies.
Bag o ' Fish inventor dies Loch Lomond in gigantic fish threat Never mind Nessie, say boffins at Loch Lomond Oceanic Center.
Then father returns from the army, grandfather dies, and she moves wither her parents and baby brother into a newly-built council house.
Parallel to the production of high-grade steels is Sheffield's development of sintered carbides for use on tipped cutting tools and in certain dies.
The standard model comes with a magnetic chuck for holding the dies, and a 3-jaw chuck for holding the punches.
The female is wingless and never leaves the cocoon where it lays all its eggs and dies.
From the day dies started being manufactured to produce milled coinage in England, mistakes were made.
The Chapel had long been used as a secure store by the Exchequer and it contained many ancient relics, including old coinage dies.
She lays her eggs in November and dies with the first cold snap.
The information given by ambulance dispatchers can sometimes be crucial in whether a patient lives or dies.
Mozart composed this divertimento, or sextet for strings and two horns, eight days after his pet starling dies.
They have all started from the base that the mind dies with the brain in order to appease orthodox scientific dogmas.
The shivering grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.
The chattering of the crowd dies down to an expectant hush, only broken by the occasional whistle and the odd yell.
After the death of this second impostor, Marina dies in prison.
A whole life policy that will pay $ 100,000 if the person insured dies has a face value of $ 100,000.
Dying without a Will A person who dies without making a Will or without making a valid Will, dies intestate.
After a long and happy life, Granddad laird dies, and Lord Lyon says that B is the new laird.
Macbeth here dies laughing, a blessed release from a godless world, but it is not moving.
The bulging eyeglass burnt the legend to the lie- the artist dies, shrouded under the gray mackintosh, the empty sky.
Samuel Crompton, inventor of the spinning mule, dies at the age of 74.
The 9th became thus a dies non in the competition.
Each person in every layer dies with probability p at each iteration.
It continues to lose mass via a stellar wind as it dies, forming a planetary nebula.
In addition, I ask you to reconsider plans to replace Mercedes with more polar bears when she dies.
Three sizes of vacuum pyrolysis furnaces for cleaning screens, dies etc complete the range.
The drone's sole function is to mate with virgin queens (from which act he dies ).
It is the place where the fire never goes out, where the worm never dies, where the thirst is never quenched.
Some even quipped how City always do well every time a Pope dies.
A child dies every 15 seconds from diseases associated with unsafe drinking water and inadequate sanitation.
The female scale insect produces between 500--2000 eggs over many days, and then dies.
In every heart attack some heart muscle is damaged or dies and is replaced by scar tissue.
He bribed the sexton to lay him next to Cathy with no casket walls between them when he dies.
The original version also includes a silly skit about a human who dies and looks for heaven.
They were made by highly-skilled smiths using dies and punches to stamp the decoration on to the metalwork.
If the egg is not fertilized by sperm, it dies and the egg and uterus lining are shed as a period.
If she dies a spinster, the money goes to a cousin.
Star Chamber proceedings of the Dies Committee have put all of us on notice.
A few days later, a second hunger striker dies.
Man comes and tills the earth and lies beneath, And after many a summer dies the swan.
The plant dies down in winter then regrows in March-April from the large fleshy taproot.
The result is that the bipolar transistor dies the " heat death " .
Where is she whose love never dies, however wicked, however vile I am?
Holiday party held every year they savage holiday wright dies a happy.
Where there is no issue and the deceased dies intestate the surviving spouse is entitled to the whole estate, both real and personal, if it does not exceed $2000, and if it exceeds that sum the survivor is entitled to $2000 and one-half of the remainder; if there are no kindred, the whole of the estate goes to the surviving spouse.
But all is not finished with the passage of the soul to the land of the dead; the soul may return to avenge its death by helping to discover the murderer, or to wreak vengeance for itself; there is a widespread belief that those who die a violent death become malignant spirits and endanger the lives of those who come near the haunted spot; the woman who dies in child-birth becomes a pontianak, and threatens the life of human beings; and man resorts to magical or religious means of repelling his spiritual dangers.
A widower is entitled by courtesy to a life interest in all his wife's real estate; if she dies intestate, he is entitled to all her personal estate; if she dies intestate, leaving no descendants and no paternal or maternal kindred, he is entitled to her whole estate absolutely.
The drone 's sole function is to mate with virgin queens (from which act he dies).
It remains in effect until it is revoked by the Principal, or until the Principal becomes mentally incompetent or dies.
Once a white rot sclerotia has germinated and re-infected a new crop, it dies.
The vaudevillian antics, the brass band tactics, the star chamber proceedings of the Dies Committee have put all of us on notice.
One child dies every eight seconds from a waterborne disease; 15 million children a year.
But then a beloved rabbi dies, and his passing brings his wayward daughter back.
A kind but workaholic husband, Ollie, finds his life thrown into turmoil when his wife dies during child birth.
Parents can typically not be blamed when their child dies from SIDS.
Sometimes unwary buyers get stuck paying for a heap that dies before the note is paid.
If you feel your battery isn't at its full potential, then let the phone drain the battery (leave the phone on until it dies) and then place it on the charger for a full 18 to 24 hours.
If the worm is small, white and looks a bit like rice when it dies, it is more than likelya tapeworm.
One visitor grows concerned after her cat's sister dies of heart failure.
Ragdoll cats are sometimes sent to rescue centers because an owner grows ill and must go into a nursing home or perhaps even dies.
After many years, Rontu dies and Karana ends up catching a dog she believes is his son.
If the primary or a secondary cardholder dies, then the balance owing on the card will be paid, up to a maximum of GBP 20,000.
Texas child support laws state that both parents are required to provide support for their child until he/she turns 18 and graduates from high school, turns 19, dies, or is emancipated--whichever occurs first.
As the name implies, these payments will continue until the recipient dies or remarries.
Alimony is not paid from the paying spouse's estate if he or she dies.
The judge may award permanent alimony in that situation, which means the payments continue until the recipient dies or remarries.
This one likely falls into the realm of common sense, but alimony requirements specify that payments must cease when one or the other spouse dies.
Spousal support in California ends automatically when either party dies or the individual receiving the support payments remarries, unless the parties have signed an agreement otherwise.
Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, thus transferring carbon from the atmosphere into the biosphere, where it stays until the plant dies.
QuickKutz Squeeze The QuickKutz Squeeze is a handheld die cut tool that uses magnets to hold individual dies in place.
Combo Dies already come in dozens of designs, including sports, holidays, beach and vacation themes.
Sizzix actually makes converters that are designed to make it easier to use other dies and embossers in their machines, although there is no need to buy the specialized equipment.
So far, this has not been the case, and punches are still an excellent choice, especially for people that don't do much punch art and don't want to make the investment in a machine and dies.
If someone you care about dies or you lose your job, you may wonder what you did to deserve this and realize that there was nothing you could have done to prevent it or change it.
Eggs have everything and no one dies when you eat an unfertilized egg.
In this poem, she describes how much she cherishes her beloved as deep as her soul can reach and until she dies.
It is always tragic when someone so young dies unexpectedly.
His cancer was detected early; since his dad dies at the age of 73 as a result of cancer, DeNiro has been proactive in getting regular checkups.
When a celebrity dies of natural causes, there are tributes to be paid and fans mourn the loss of one of their idols.
After a brave battle with pancreatic cancer, Patrick Swayze dies at the age of 57.
When a celebrity dies, it becomes big news for every form of media.
Sometimes the owner dies and a new home is needed for the dog that is left behind.
It is hardy even into Scotland, where it dies down like an herbaceous perennial.
The fruit is at first coral-red, afterwards dark purple or almost black, and the foliage dies off a rich claret.
A choice plant for the select bulb garden or rock garden, but dies out in heavy soil, thriving in calcareous soils.
This is a handsome plant for shady plots of deep moist soil in the wild garden or the margins of peat borders, but it dies away quite early in summer, so must be grouped with other things for autumn effect.
The usual plan is to transplant just when the flowers are opening, but at this period of growth the plant is forming a tuber for the following year, and if this is in any way injured it dies.
Most of the other varieties have inconspicuous flowers, but one or two are worth growing for the sake of their autumn foliage, which dies away in various shades of crimson.
Being slow to spread and difficult of increase, it should be left for several years undisturbed, and while of strong growth, it sometimes dies off suddenly.
It's evergreen in really warm climates but dies back to the ground after a sharp frost.
This way you are able to harvest your crop before the plant dies off.
Even with the best of care, sometimes a gardenia turns yellow and dies.
If a person dies intestate, without having made a will, his or her estate will be distributed according to the law set out in the state of residence.
After a person dies, his or her estate needs to be settled.
A term life insurance policy only provides death benefits if the insured dies during the term of the policy which typically has a duration of one to thirty years.
If the insured person dies during the time when the insurance policy is in effect, the insurance company pays the amount of the death benefit to the beneficiary of the policy.
The death benefit on a term life insurance policy is fixed, which means it is the same amount regardless of when the person dies within the term of the insurance policy.
The only reason you may dies is if you're being overwhelmed by enemies slicing and dicing you.
For some reason, if the person that is important to you dies (the person you need to abduct), extract their brain stem before you return to the Mothership -- the DNA is usually worth more.
Choose the first answer to each question to get the maximum for everything.If a party member "dies" leave the area for a safe place.
When a villager dies, drag them to the northeast corner of the island.
The character never dies; instead you can continue to play at the spot you died.
The patterns and dies used in making the item are often destroyed to ensure that it won't be made sometime in the future.
If a child has experienced the death of a family pet and understands that the dog or cat will not come back, the child is more likely to understand that the person who dies will not come back either.
Some older children begin to understand that death can happen to anyone, especially if a child their own age dies.
This is especially a problem when the child's peer dies suddenly in an accident or after a long illness.
After laying her eggs, the female also dies.
The infected human cell dies and releases thousands of new viruses.
The child loses weight, becomes very weak, and if untreated eventually dies from an opportunistic infection.
Seizures become a problem between ages one and two, and the baby usually dies by about age four.
A brown recluse spider's bite can lead to necrotic arachnidism, in which the tissue in an area of up to several inches around the bite becomes necrotic (dies), producing an open sore that can take months or years to disappear.
Only about one person in 100 with mumps encephalitis dies from the complication.
Parents of a child who dies of SIDS do not gain a medical explanation of their infant's death.
If the deficiency is not treated (usually by bone marrow transplant), a person with SCID usually dies from infection before the age of two years.
After stinging, the honeybee normally leaves its barbed stinger in its victim, and then the bee dies.
Muscle tissue dies quickly, but a well-preserved part can be successfully reattached as much as 24 hours after the amputation occurs.
In about 15 percent of cases, the baby is severely affected and dies before birth.
If the individual dies in Israel, the body will be buried in the shroud without a coffin.
When a loved one dies, those closest to the deceased may often deny the fact that the person is really gone by saying, "It can't be happening." This is known as the initial stage of the grieving cycle.
Please find someone else to talk to about these issues; children think they should be responsible for finding solutions to these problems, and they have enough to deal with when a parent dies without adding any extra worries into the mix.
The most important thing to remember when a pet dies is to let your child grieve naturally.
When a grandmother or grandfather dies, you might be responsible for planning the funeral or memorial service.
These families have made the difficult choice to continue with the pregnancy until the baby dies or the pregnancy is full-term.
When a loved one dies, disposing of his or her personal property can be a tedious yet emotional task.
There are not many websites that address a man's grief when his child dies, but the few that are available do have some good information.
When a loved one dies, it's hard enough to deal with the mourning.
When someone dies, you may need free public death records to prove that the person has died.
When a child dies, funerals or memorial services are usually held to remember that young one's life.
Most children don't know how to handle their emotions and feelings when someone close to them dies.
Sometimes grief at the death of a loved one is more intense when a parent dies who you were not close to as opposed to a parent you had a great bond with.
In fact, if the black fish dies, it's considered a good indication that it absorbed the negative energy that would otherwise have affected you and your family.
When a person dies, his or her heirs are appointed guardians if they are under age of 18.
Guardianship Records - When someone dies, the minor heirs are appointed a Guardian.
The payment on a reverse mortgage comes due when the borrower moves out of the home as a primary residence or dies.
The homeowner, or the homeowner's estate, pays the lender back what was borrowed plus interest when the homeowner dies, sells or moves out of the home.
Rather, no repayment is necessary until the last homeowner listed on the mortgage dies, sells the home, or leaves the home permanently.
After 20 weeks, a baby that dies is referred to as a stillbirth.
Extreme opponents of the choice argue that if complications from a planned unassisted childbirth arise and the baby dies, the mother or parents should be charged with manslaughter.
If the razor dies quickly or will not turn on at all after being placed on the charger, the problem is likely due to either the razor's internal battery or the charging station.
If your razor will not hold a charge and dies during operation, or will not turn on at all, there could be a problem with either the rechargeable battery or the charging unit.
If a member of the military dies as the result of combat, the medal is given to a family member.
Tungsten, carbon and other substances are ground up and compressed with high heat and pressure dies.
For a joint work that is co-authored by more than one author (not work for hire) the 70 year term is applied after the last author dies.
If the author dies, their surviving spouse owns one-half of the copyright termination interest.
Peter Parker's idol, Uncle Ben dies early in the first movie and creates a spiral for Parker from man to Spider-Man.
This means that after the physical body dies, the soul lives on and merely leaves the physical plane to resume its original form of pure energy.
The biggest change to the OC season 3 cast happens at the end of the season when fan favorite Marissa Cooper played by Mischa Barton dies in the season finale.
Mischa Barton plays Marissa Cooper, the love of Ryan Atwood's life who dies in his arms at the close of the season.
Katherine's aunt Lillian (Ellen Geer) dies of natural causes, but not before writing a note that reveals the truth of Dylan Mayfair versus Dylan Davis.
Her arrival leads to the dissolution of Katherine's marriage and Sylvia later dies during the tornado.
The series follows workaholic brain surgeon Dr. Andrew Brown (played by Treat Williams), whose life takes a dramatic turn when his wife dies.
For example, if you can't wait to find out if your favorite soap opera character lives or dies after seeing his or her car catapult off of a cliff at the end of a particualr episode, soap spoilers are there to help.
Fans held their collective breaths for months as spoilers pointed to Lafayette as the victim in the car, after all, Lafayette dies at the end of the first book and beginning of the second.
Claudia Joy's daughter dies in a bombing at the bar.
Amanda breaks up with Jeremy, then stops in the bar on her way to college and dies in a bombing.
Dell's ex-girlfriend Heather dies in an explosion, and his daughter Betsy nearly does as well.
Keith and Karen get engaged, but he later dies at the hands of Dan.
Haley goes back on the road, then fights depression after her mom dies.
He later dies in the OR, but she survives.
He proposes to her just before his surgery, then dies.
Meredith nearly dies after drowning, and meets some of her deceased patients, including Denny.
In the novels, Eric's family dies from fever whereas the HBO series blames the King of Mississippi, Russell Edgington, for murdering Eric's family and taking his father's Viking crown.
This dynamic duo "play to nourish a longing in the heart for that which never dies - the experience of love and meditation."
Business can dry up just as quickly when the flurry of jobs or orders suddenly dies.
This adds expense because of set up preparations and the cost of needed dies to stamp the image.
In the old days, typesetting was produced by hand, with metal dies placed by hand backwards in a metal rack to complete a line of type fitted into a press.
When your phone dies in a few years, and it will, use the warranty to kick up your telephony tech choice to the next level of what's available then.
Dies are available that can produce squares, rectangles, triangles and several other geometric shapes.
The printing business lives or dies by word of mouth advertising, and all printers go to great lengths to protect their reputations, for they know the standard rule of customer service.
And if the whole thing dies back, don't give up on it.
It is used to replace income if the policyholder dies, and Geico recommends that all of its customers have a policy with a value of at least 10 years worth of income.
In some cases, the policy may pay out if the pet is stolen or dies.
In the case of endowment and whole life insurance policies, the beneficiary receives a death benefit if the insured is injured and dies.
However if the policy matures before the insured dies, the money goes to the policy holder.
The person insured is the one whose life the policy covers, while the beneficiary or beneficiaries are the people who receive income when the insured person dies from causes covered under the policy.
If long term care becomes a necessity for a person with an acceleration rider, the money received to help pay for services is an advance on the death benefit due when the person dies.
Accidental Death Benefits - Pays benefits to a beneficiary if the insured dies due to accidental causes during the trip.
Additionally, dependents qualify if the employee becomes entitled to Medicare benefits, dies, or if the employee divorces the spouse.
This coverage also pays out a benefit if a pet dies.
Once the survivor dies, the payments end.
If the annuitant dies before this date, his or her beneficiaries receive the balance of the payments.
If the insured dies, the company has a cash cushion to use to recruit or retain a replacement.
Your songs are saved on a hard disk, and even if your battery dies completely, your songs will still be there when a new battery is installed.
When one of their friends, Ivory, dies, they decide to use his ashes as fertilizer to grow marijuana.
Lloyd Webber doesn't actually consider the show, called Love Never Dies, to strictly be a Phantom of the Opera sequel, but audiences and the press have tagged it as such since it brings back the original Phantom characters.
The first seeds of Love Never Dies were planted in the 1990s, when Lloyd Webber and the original Phantom costume designer began to discuss the idea.
In a struggle, Meg shoots Christine, who dies in the Phantom's arms.
The headline Survivor Castaway Dies greeted reality TV fans on January 20, 2010.
Long before the Survivor Castaway Dies headlines, Lyon was born in Nevada.
An Immortal doesn't even know he's immortal until he dies.
Eventually, losing his best friend and his wife to the monster, Victor takes ill and dies.
Knowledge that an heir to Isildur is returning to claim the vacant throne drives him mad, and he dies by his own hand, while trying to slay his surviving son.
Before he dies he tells Eragon a great secret, which I will not reveal.
One of Picard's best friends was Lt. Jack Crusher, who dies while serving with Picard on the USS Stargazer.
The legend of the slayer says that when one slayer dies, another is chosen.
He returns to England when Buffy dies, but comes back to Sunnydale when the Scoobies resurrect her in season six of the series.
The premise behind this technology is that when the humanoid Cylon dies, their consciousnesses is downloaded into a new copy of their original body.
If the hub is destroyed, the Resurrection Ships can no longer function and when a Cylon dies, they die.
The snowram fails and almost everyone dies from the ensuing cold.
Obi-Wan dies in a duel with Darth Vader, but the Force is with Luke and he is the one who destroys the Empire's Death Star.
He terrifies Frodo, but manages to pull himself back from the abyss and dies defending the Hobbits.
Successful, Theoden leads the Rohirrim to defend Gondor and dies at the hands of the Witch King.
For nearly a decade, the question "who dies in the new Harry Potter book?" troubled fans of the boy wizard created by J.K. Rowling.
Albus Dumbledore - In a stunning turn of events, Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts and Harry's mentor dies in the fiery conclusion of the series penultimate novel.
The novel sold more than 44 million copies worldwide and answered for the last time who dies in the new Harry Potter book?
It soon dies and then drops off on its own.
When a person dies, the prime suspect is always the surviving spouse.
You don't bring something food and clothing if you don't care if it dies. If you want it – Toby - to live, come to the castle this evening after dark falls. We have matters to discuss. Bring Kris. If you want the angel to die then stay right here.
If that means he dies, so be it.
My line dies with me tonight!
When a husband dies 'intestate leaving a widow and issue, the widow is entitled to the life use of one-third of the real estate and to one-third of the personal estate absolutely.
After an account of the ancient history of Macedonia and of the intrigue of Nectanebus we are told how Philip dies, and how Alexander subdues Rome and receives tribute from all European nations.
Mars, again, as third from the Moon, will preside over Tuesday (Dies Martis, Mardi), and so forth.