Dielectrics Sentence Examples
Lorentz of Leiden, from considerations based on the Clausius-Mossotti theory of dielectrics.
Residual Charges in Dielectrics.-In close connexion with this lies the phenomenon of residual charge in dielectrics.
It has been shown that this behaviour of dielectrics can be imitated by a mechanical model consisting of a series of perforated pistons placed in a tube of oil with spiral springs between each piston.
Soc., 1880, 30, p. 411, showing experiments on residual charge of condensers and a comparison between the behaviour of dielectrics and glass fibres under torsion.
Weber's hypothesis of electric atoms, capable of diffusing through metallic bodies and conductors of electricity, but capable of vibration only in non-conductors, it is possible that the ultimate mechanism of conduction may be reduced in all cases to that of diffusion in metallic bodies or internal radiation in dielectrics.
The 19th series (1845) contains an account of his brilliant discovery of the rotation of the plane of polarized light by transparent dielectrics placed in a magnetic field, a relation which established for the first time a practical connexion between the phenomena of electricity and light.
An immediate deduction from Maxwell's theory was that in transparent dielectrics, the dielectric constant or specific inductive capacity should be numerically equal to the square of the refractive index for very long electric waves.
One such area of excellence is the Center for Physical Electronics and Materials (PEM ), in the field of microwave dielectrics.
Materials grown and studied include superconductors, high index dielectrics, magnetic films, and metallic coatings.