Did Sentence Examples
Did I hurt you?
Did you know that?
And that was the way it did happen.
How did you know you loved him?
Still the king did not answer.
What did she eat today?
But how did you know?
It did not try to bite or scratch.
What answer did Novosiltsev get?
No one did, because the Mangaboos did not wear hats, and Zeb had lost his, somehow, in his flight through the air.
AdvertisementWhy did you do it?
Did I ever tell you that you're the most handsome man I've ever seen?
How much money did Alex have?
All he could do was cross strains of wheat, much in the same fashion as Gregor Mendel did in the 1800s.
How did you get here?
AdvertisementThe apron did not dry quickly enough to suit me, so I drew nearer and threw it right over the hot ashes.
For a moment the boy did not know what he meant by this question.
His attitude toward her did an about face so obvious that even Jonathan noticed.
The people did not like this.
Did he have reddish-brown hair, and did he ride a gray horse?
AdvertisementI base that expectation in part on the fact that today, many of us already live in more comfort than the richest king in the world did two hundred years ago.
Did you tell him how it makes you feel?
What did you want me to say?
Actually, she didn't know that.
The horse did not stir.
AdvertisementIn fact, he'd probably be horrified to know he slipped and did it now.
When did that start - and was it a good thing?
I just did it.
He did not know whether he should take the right-hand fork or the left-hand.
Did I give Jonathan his fair share of attention?
Did you call my accountant?
So, he found her questions amusing, did he?
But even that did not satisfy the Princess.
Long afterward James Hogg said, "I never felt so grateful to any creature below the sun as I did to Sirrah that morning."
As the nation grew, so did what came to be called the American Dream.
A poor person with a six-year-old car today has more wealth than a poor person with a six-year-old car did back in 1911, for the simple reason that cars are so much better now.
They used to hang in long festoons from our porch, filling the whole air with their fragrance, untainted by any earthy smell; and in the early morning, washed in the dew, they felt so soft, so pure, I could not help wondering if they did not resemble the asphodels of God's garden.
After that Princess Mary did not see her father for a whole week.
It was Alex who talked her into the IVF, but what did it matter?
Why did you hide it from me?
Where did you come from?
I had noticed that my mother and my friends did not use signs as I did when they wanted anything done, but talked with their mouths.
He knew that all the intellectual lights of Petersburg were gathered there and, like a child in a toyshop, did not know which way to look, afraid of missing any clever conversation that was to be heard.
He was ill and did not leave his study.
In the sea of faces, she didn't see Alex.
What did she want?
And why did you say that?
Imagine if all the people with boring, dead-end machine jobs were told they never had to work another day in their life at a job they did not like.
He didn't need proof.
I didn't ask about his family tree.
I mean, that they didn't feel this way all the time.
As a matter of fact, I did.
It was true, she didn't know him.
I didn't think I would ever meet you.
Did you sleep alright?
Maybe he didn't want a permanent relationship.
Lisa hesitated, afraid of blundering further, but why did he need a sitter when his mother lived in the house?
For the most part, the work she did for the Giddon family was little more than she would have done at home - with the exception that at home she probably would have made a sandwich instead of a meal.
Sleep came without definition, as did the dream.
The advisors of the Princess did not like this test; but she commanded them to step into the flame and one by one they did so, and were scorched so badly that the air was soon filled with an odor like that of baked potatoes.
And yet, didn't clinical words like selective reduction and gestational carrier mask the facts?
No doubt he didn't like being reminded that her dream could only be achieved by unnatural methods.
I didn't know you felt that way.
So you could pretend it didn't bother you?
Apparently the horse knew the rider meant business, because it didn't act up again.
She certainly didn't feel any different.
I didn't realize what a mess it was.
I didn't want to tell you this on the phone.
How did you feel?
Lisa did the best she could to draw a map on the small piece of paper.
Did Len ever call you?
What he did there was a mystery.
Did you invite him here?
What else did he know or suspect?
She didn't like putting her mother's old China in the dishwasher.
Such a pleasant day and evening should have ended with a restful night and happy dreams, but it didn't.
In fact, that was a good way to make sure he didn't.
Alex didn't know about her fear of flying and she'd just as soon he didn't learn.
I didn't have much of an idea about the cost of raising children then, either.
Right now she'd like to kiss those smooth lips - and she might if she didn't know where they'd been last.
That didn't sound very nice.
How did having a son become a financial issue?
Whatever the reason, the kiss had awakened her as effectively as the prince did sleeping beauty.
And what did she know about him?
It was all so fast that she didn't have time to think.
What did she know about him?
Sarah and Giddon both seemed content with the arrangement, but she felt guilty about the money she earned... or didn't earn.
Connie immediately assured her that the Giddon's wouldn't be shelling out the money if they didn't think she was earning it.
Connie still didn't know about her car.
Whatever the reason, it felt good to have options he didn't know about.
She changed into a sleeveless blouse and shorts, wondering as she did so if he would object to the shorts.
Her soft touch did more than erase the worry from his brow.
I'm glad you did.
Did he know she had spied on them?
If Connie didn't tell Allen where to find her, who did?
Lisa turned her face away and hoped Tammy didn't notice her shoulders shaking as she laughed silently.
Len said he didn't say anything either.
I didn't know you all would be up so early.
Did he overhear her conversation with Connie?
Maybe he didn't like to walk, but he was certainly good at it – and capable of stealth.
So why did you stop?
He didn't say and I didn't ask.
Yancey was down the trail to whatever he did for a living.
Then how did he know I was here?
The shed at Hugson's Siding was bare save for an old wooden bench, and did not look very inviting.
But he did not wish the little girl to think him a coward, so he advanced slowly to the edge of the roof.
But in the corner, almost hidden from his fellows, one poor man was sitting who did not enjoy the singing.
We did our own canning, especially pickles, and I picked berries every summer so my mom could make jelly.
I did not then know why Belle acted in this way; but I knew she was not doing as I wished.
And not only was Napoleon not afraid to extend his line, but he welcomed every step forward as a triumph and did not seek battle as eagerly as in former campaigns, but very lazily.
It was true, and it brought color to his neck, but he didn't comment.
The suitcase didn't seem that heavy at the time.
He was respectful of her concerns, but they didn't see eye-to-eye on any of it - except the fact that they both wanted another child.
The Christmas tree could only be seen from the back of the house, but that didn't matter.
He didn't want to go, so maybe this was his expression of resistance.
With everything going on, Carmen didn't have time to worry about flying, but when they were all sitting at the airport, she finally had time to stew over it.
Felipa didn't seem to notice anything unusual in his attitude, so maybe he had always treated them that way.
In fact, maybe he didn't know her very well.
Of course, they didn't have the same mother, either.
I didn't bring anything formal.
Not now implied later, but that didn't feel comfortable either.
The idea of making love in a strange bedroom was disturbing enough, but with only a door between them and the children, locked or not, it didn't feel right.
Still, she didn't feel uncomfortable.
I didn't mean to scare you.
He didn't need any preconceived ideas about his little brother or sister.
A touch of humor lurked in Señor Medena's dark eyes, but he continued as if he didn't notice.
Christmas was only a few days away, and yet it didn't seem like Christmas.
In the first place, he didn't consider this home.
But then, a party didn't seem like something Señor Medena would plan.
Carmen continued wrapping gifts and didn't comment.
I didn't know you were awake.
But he didn't answer.
If he thought Alex was warming to him, he saw more than she did.
She slept so soundly that she didn't wake when Alex returned.
A friend, certainly, but their relationship was also romantic so best friend didn't seem like a good description.
I didn't realize you felt that way.
It made a safe ball that didn't go far, which was perfect for Destiny.
Some might think Dulce didn't know what she was missing, but Carmen suspected she did.
Certainly she wanted to feel special to Alex - and did.
She scanned the room, but didn't spot him.
I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.
If he knew who Alex really was, he probably knew more than Alex did.
Carmen rubbed her sore neck and searched the room for Alex again, but didn't find him.
And why didn't he introduce her?
If his family had lived in the United States for centuries, why didn't they learn to speak proper English?
The baby didn't belong to Joseph.
The other obvious fact was that Dulce didn't accept the inheritance issue.
It was a good thing they didn't change after church, because everyone at the table was dressed as if going to church.
For some reason that didn't seem likely.
Carmen glanced at Alex, but he either didn't notice her attention, or he was avoiding her eyes.
Oh, and we were whispering so you knew we were talking, but you didn't know what we were saying.
The way he did it reminded her of Alex.
You didn't hurt me.
But your father didn't kiss me, and Josh didn't...
You didn't say a word to your father, but you snarled at me as though I did something wrong.
Then he turned away and rubbed the back of his neck in that way he did when he knew he was wrong but wasn't sure why.
His words were comforting, even if they didn't resolve her concerns.
Of course, that didn't mean much.
Did you miss the job?
Did you need time away from me?
He didn't care if she got cold.
Alex didn't like any kind of discord, which generally meant that she shouldn't contest anything he said or did.
He didn't tell her about the money because it would lead to questions - both about the money and the fact that he had been hiding it from her.
Then again, maybe he figured she wouldn't understand them if she did look.
All right, so he wasn't trying to hide his wealth, but he certainly did try to hide his family.
Maybe so, but you did.
Carmen assigned responsibility for that to herself because she didn't notice early enough that Destiny was sick.
He would want to know, yet if he did, he might try to drive in on icy highways.
Of course, to an extent, she did.
He did a lot of researching before he talked to me.
Nor did he say anything when she exchanged the guitar for a violin and paid for lessons.
It didn't take long for him to get home, and when he came in from the garage, he went directly to his gun cabinet and took out a rifle.
Still, she did have the right to know.
We didn't have Jonathan when he was an infant, and there was so much sadness at the time Destiny was born.
Still, that nagging feeling in her stomach didn't go away.
They didn't make it to the restaurant.
I guess it was storming so bad that they didn't see or hear the train.
The antidepressants didn't help that much, but maybe they were responsible for the fact that she had not lost control yet.
I didn't mean to pry.
I didn't know you expected a gold-engraved invitation.
You didn't betray my trust.
Well, maybe we both did a little.
That didn't explain what she had seen at the building.
Had they decided they didn't want her bored and inquisitive?
Didn't he know that the more he didn't want her to see it, the more she wanted to see what it was?
Who hasn't sat at a stop light and been so distracted by something else that they didn't notice the light was green?
Of course, it could happen, but it simply didn't fit his character.
As long as she didn't wind up at that building, her safety was of no real concern.
Maybe if he saw that she didn't go near the building, he would relax his guard.
But then, he didn't actually say he told her.
But no, he had Diablo with him – or did he?
Apparently he did a lot of walking.
He called out behind her, but she didn't stop.
Of course, that didn't mean he wasn't involved.
Allen didn't do drugs either – as far as she knew.
Of course, she didn't leap cars with motorcycles or sky dive, but in retrospect, she had always been attracted to danger – at least to some degree.
As he walked away, her stomach did a flip-flop.
He did ask if she could talk.
Maybe he had more information he didn't want to give over the phone with Yancey listening.
In fact, until the death of her family, she rarely ever dreamed – or at least didn't remember them.
If he was guilty, he probably deserved it, but is family didn't.
She didn't want the family picture, as that was the one they used in the newspaper.
At least he didn't appear to be drunk.
And if I did, I wouldn't tell the likes of you.
How... did he... know I... was here?
How did you know I was here.
No, she wasn't sure, but that didn't seem to matter.
Maybe he didn't know what to do, or that she needed help.
I didn't send him.
But you sent him to get information about Yancey, didn't you?
I didn't tell you to send Allen.
I didn't have any idea he'd do this to you.
He did so unwittingly.
I banged on the door, but you didn't answer.
Tammy didn't wake up.
If she had asked about the building when we passed it, I might have figured she had never seen it, but she pretended she didn't notice.
No wonder he didn't ask her to leave.
She didn't act like she was afraid of him.
I trusted you with that information and you gave it to the one person she didn't want to know.
She didn't want to talk about herself anyway.
I just didn't think ahead.
Did you know that the female gender had a guardian?
They followed the course of a broad stream and passed several more pretty cottages; but of course they saw no one, nor did any one speak to them.
Zeb also wanted to see his home, and although he did not find anyone morning for him, the sight of Hugson's Ranch in the picture made him long to get back there.
The schoolhouse was two or three miles from home, but he did not mind the long walk through the woods and over the hills.
They did not kill him, but they drove him out of the city and bade him never return.
The boy stammered and did not know what to say.
If somebody outside your village knew something, it did not matter; for you, it did not exist.
But as we grew up, reality set in that market forces did not allow those activities to pay enough to support us, so at some point we all figured out we had to "earn a living."
Of course I did not know what it was all about, but I enjoyed the pleasant odours that filled the house and the tidbits that were given to Martha Washington and me to keep us quiet.
But I did not find out the secret for several years.
Some have asked what I got to eat; if I did not feel lonesome; if I was not afraid; and the like.
They make shift to live merely by conformity, practically as their fathers did, and are in no sense the progenitors of a noble race of men.
And having got rid of this young man who did not know how to behave, she resumed her duties as hostess and continued to listen and watch, ready to help at any point where the conversation might happen to flag.
Helene was so lovely that not only did she not show any trace of coquetry, but on the contrary she even appeared shy of her unquestionable and all too victorious beauty.
Everyone waited, so emphatically and eagerly did he demand their attention to his story.
She feared for her brother who was in it, was horrified by and amazed at the strange cruelty that impels men to kill one another, but she did not understand the significance of this war, which seemed to her like all previous wars.
I guess I didn't at first.
I did not mean to hurt you.
So why did she feel so threatened?
I thought maybe we could get a van, but I didn't know if we could afford it.
I had connections no one else did.
He didn't want anything to do with them, so they didn't exist.
He didn't want to go and he had made no effort to get along with his father.
There was no immediate need for a van and if they did need one, they... he, obviously had the money.
I did, but apparently that status changed.
The whole truth didn't sound nearly as bad as part of the conversation.
I didn't ask him that.
Alex was secretive and he did like to be in control.
I did and I thought he was going to bite my head off.
Are you blaming a little boy for what his mother did?
If she was, I didn't know about it.
Did she ever regret going back to her husband?
Did Alex know Katie carried this burden?
He didn't act concerned when she told him she had looked at them - not until she questioned the source.
So where did the money come from?
He had access to his part much earlier than I did, so he was able to make some investments that really paid off.
But why didn't you say something to me about all of this before now?
Still, all the information Katie provided created a clearer picture of why Alex acted the way he did at home.
Maybe they had, but what choice did they have?
Of course - and he wanted to be there as much as she did.
Jonathan and I did the chores.
God is punishing my daughter for what you did.
It was only two thirty in the afternoon, but she didn't want to go back to sleep.
They did another x-ray this morning and the infection has spread to the other lung.
If he was coming down with a cold, he needed rest - and Destiny didn't need to be exposed to it.
Destiny didn't need her at the moment.
Destiny probably wouldn't wake before they returned, and even if she did, Señor Medena would keep her occupied.
If he was on the road, he didn't need to be distracted.
At worst... she didn't want to think about that.
Alex told her to call him back if she didn't give birth in an hour.
He didn't bring it up again - not even when Jonathan was unable to get his short arm into a comfortable position to play the guitar.
When she glanced up at it, she did a double take.
He said he would be gone for two days, but didn't say why he was going.
He didn't look up.
Katie said she should confront him when he did that - tell him how it made her feel.
She didn't want to cry.
He'd feel sorry for her and she didn't want that.
So that was why he didn't want her to be involved.
I don't want you to lose anything, but you know I'd want to be with you even if we didn't have a dime to our name.
That didn't sound like Alex.
Makeup was something she rarely wore, but she did have some.
He didn't need any tips on the art of romancing.
Alex didn't like highly spiced food, so she decided to bake Cornish game hens for the base of the meal.
It was the first time she didn't blush.
Still, a person didn't need to say it to feel it.
He would simply evade the question - like he did in Texas.
While her romance session failed to reveal his problem, it did wonders for her confidence.
It was hard to say whether Alex was withholding facts so she couldn't contest his decisions or simply because he thought she did not need to know.
Obviously he didn't actually believe that.
No wonder Dulce didn't want to let go of him.
When she didn't respond, Alex looked up.
Maybe she didn't know him as well as she thought she did.
But then, if Tessa didn't marry him, why didn't Dulce tell him about the baby?
That's why I didn't tell you.
He shrugged, but didn't respond.
I don't know why she didn't ask for it before - or why she didn't tell me about the baby.
He didn't marry Dulce.
Probably because he didn't know how to handle the situation - and Alex always wanted to be in control.
Why would he need to lie when he could simply tell her that it didn't concern her?
I didn't know what to tell you until then.
As it turned out, Señor Medena had the same perspective on the situation as Carmen did.
If he didn't love you, he wouldn't care.
He didn't comment, but several times that evening she caught him watching her with a reflective expression.
Everyone relaxed and the conversation did a one-eighty.
Carmen glanced at Alex and did a double take.
I didn't know it would be like this.
I didn't think I would feel this way.
We didn't have the opportunity to prepare for her.
I guess we both had a change of heart, didn't we?
I hope you didn't do that on my account.
I did not take your Dad away.
He didn't succeed in gaining custody.
If they wanted what he and Carmen had, why didn't they go out and find it?
So why did you think she was out of your league?
I graduated two years ahead of her and didn't keep in touch.
I thought you didn't judge people by their pocketbooks.
She didn't know anything about what he was doing.
Maybe friends didn't let friends drive drunk, but how did they stop them when there were so many?
That car didn't look like much even when it was clean, but it was reliable.
So they did suspect her.
I didn't mean to be so disrespectful.
That night exhaustion did what no pill could do, and she finally slept.
Why did you tell Howard about the books?
I didn't tell Howard or anyone else anything about you.
The sun got up before she did the next morning.
It didn't really matter.
The clever cost savings idea of sleeping in the car didn't sound so safe right now.
I didn't mean to yell at you, but you nearly scared me to death.
Her spirits did a roller coaster as she desperately watched his retreating back, and then comprehended his words.
Maybe the mother and sister didn't exist.
Where did you plan to sleep tonight?
He didn't look like a rich man, but then, what did a rich man look like?
Did you get her car off the cliff, dear?
Oh my, you're fortunate the car didn't go over the edge with you in it!
When she didn't respond, he peered over the paper again.
No wonder he didn't see the light.
He was helping, even if he did so grudgingly.
What did she know about this man... other than the fact that he had a volatile temperament?
He didn't respond, and she thought it best to direct her energy to walking rather than talking.
He didn't have to bring her here at all.
She encircled his neck with one arm, noting that his breathing didn't seem at all labored as he carried her across the creek.
And when I... hugged you... you didn't seem to mind at first.
Why didn't you tell me?
Not that the idea didn't have some appeal.
He didn't know her at all, but that was beside the point.
Somehow, the concept of spontaneity didn't fit him.
It was ridiculous... and exciting... bold and impulsive - everything she didn't want to be.
What did he do?
You didn't tell me he was gorgeous!
It was Connie's turn to stare, and she did so in disbelief.
Did she think Giddon had other reasons for bringing a young girl into the house?
It didn't take long for Lisa to adjust to her new job.
What the Giddons did on their own land was their business, yet it left her feeling uncomfortable.
I didn't know you were . .
A smile was plastered on his dark face, but it didn't reach the smoldering eyes.
What was down that path that he didn't want her to see?
He was certainly mysterious, even a little eccentric, but... what did she know about the business?
Not once did he look in their direction.
Where did he go?
If it was so dangerous out there in the woods, why did Giddon feel so safe?
Sure, that sounded possible... if he didn't spend every day at the barn.
How did you know where to find me?
You always did have a high opinion of yourself.
If you feel that way, why did you come all the way out here to see me?
How did you know where I was working?
Did it ever occur to you that I came out here to see someone else?
But you didn't invite me.
She didn't look back, but his muffled curse chased after her.
Why had he come to this house, and how did he know the way?
Obviously it wasn't something he often did.
It wasn't as if she had any part in becoming that way, nor did it make her a better person.
The topic on Sesame Street was professions, which was the perfect opportunity for Lisa to ask her what Giddon did to earn a living.
What was down that path that no one wanted to talk about, and why did Giddon insist that his houseguest should not wander around alone?
What did Giddon do to afford such finery?
Surely Sarah and Tammy weren't involved, but did they know?
And you didn't pick them?
Did he know she was attracted to him?
Did he think that it would keep her silent?
Still, it didn't hurt to let someone know - just in case.
She didn't mention the conversation or the money.
Announcing that she was mailing a letter didn't seem wise, so she walked down to the mailbox.
It was as if she were talking about someone she didn't know.
The conversation obviously upset Yancey, but he didn't seem to be concerned that a stranger was listening.
Didn't I tell you it was dangerous to be alone?
She didn't have a car.
I didn't think about how it might affect you if I got hurt out there.
They were so absorbed in each other that they didn't hear the car enter the drive.
Anyway, I was lucky it was a low cliff and that Yancey found me before a bear did.
Yancey stepped through the door with his arms full of groceries and Lisa didn't miss the warning look he shot his mother.
She died when Tammy was born, didn't she?
Did Valorie discover that Yancey was involved with drugs?
When she didn't get her way, she'd cry and act like she was afraid of him.
In any case, Yancey didn't seem to be all that determined to avoid a relationship.
They didn't say anything he didn't already know.
You actually sought out my company - or did you have something earth-shattering to tell me?
Yes. Where did you learn to do that?
She didn't look at Yancey when they left.
He didn't like a police officer there – or her leaving with him, but what could he say?
Whatever did I say to make you think that?
Len, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were jealous.
She stared at him, but he didn't look at her.
If I did, I wouldn't be bringing you back here.
She hesitated a moment, wanting to tell him, but thinking she would be betraying Yancey if she did so.
Connie would have told Len about the fact that Yancey didn't want to give her his phone number.
Did Connie tell Allen where to find me?
No, but she did say he visited you.
Did he say what he wanted?
He didn't really get the chance.
So what difference did it make who came up with the idea as long as it was a good one?
She glanced around the room again and did a double take when she saw the man in a dark brown suit.
Did he have business with Yancey?
The porcelain clock on the wall proclaimed the time as ten minutes until twelve, but it didn't seem that late.
She didn't look up.
I simply didn't want your mother to feel uncomfortable.
He had become far too familiar and apparently assumed a relationship that didn't exist.
The only person who didn't view her as a sitter or maid was Yancey, and his viewpoint was as a lover.
I didn't mean to make you late for your appointment.
How did he know she was getting her car today?
What was in the building that he didn't want her to see?
How did you know Allen was looking for me?
I told him I didn't know anything and he tried to strangle me.
Didn't you have any idea how he felt about you?
Len was eyeing Yancey's car and didn't see them until they stepped out the door.
How long ago did this happen?
Why didn't Howard call for help?
Maybe he didn't realize how bad it was.
If Howard hadn't come along when he did, Allen might have killed you.
He did save your life, you know.
So did I. Maybe you feel like we both betrayed your trust.
It was intended as a short kiss, but it didn't work out that way.
Hopefully her voice didn't sound as unsteady to him as it did to her.
It was a total mystery to her why Len and Howard couldn't light a fire in her the way Yancey did.
I didn't see the girl at the pool.
She turned the knob, but the door didn't open.
It was a risk that didn't pay off.
Didn't you see me when you walked by?
He continued as if he didn't hear.
She folded her arms across her stomach and walked closer to him so she didn't have to yell.
He did it again.
Her face felt hot and cold by turns and she didn't have enough saliva to swallow.
A simple shake of the head obviously didn't satisfy him.
Was there nothing she could do that didn't give her emotions and everything else away?
Did you find something?
Did you talk to Len?
The pieces of the puzzle simply didn't fit together.
Once he was seated and started the engine, she thanked him, but he didn't respond.
Yancey didn't get out, but he did wait until she had her car started before he turned his car around and headed back to the house.
If he was angry, he certainly wasn't acting like he usually did.
He didn't look at her when she walked through.
She didn't need his pity.
She used the same suit cases when she came and she had the same clothes, but it didn't look like there was enough room to put it all in.
Did he marry Valorie for love, or because she found out about his business?
I tried to call you on your cell phone, but I didn't get an answer.
His voice sounded restrained, but she didn't respond.
What did you think my business was?
I said I didn't plan to let you leave.
Covered all the bases, did you?
I don't like publicity and I didn't want to subject my family to it either.
I didn't think I had a chance of getting someone like you to sit for me.
I didn't want you to see the painting until it was done.
How did you unravel all that?
Sleuthing mostly, but it didn't take me long to realize that most people give a lot away if you listen and observe profoundly.
Lisa said that when she was choking, you stood by and did nothing.
There wasn't anything on that tablet that I didn't already know at that point, though.
Mertz said she told him she didn't know who Yancey was or what he did.
But how did you know he wouldn't do something to her to keep his secret.
She did say he was temperamental, Connie said.
He did act hesitant about it, but his encouragement sounded sincere.
Lisa had time between when Howard left and Giddon arrived to call the police, but she didn't.
It did cross my mind that Mertz might have something to worry about, though.
I'm surprised she didn't figure that one out right away.
Lisa seemed to fear him more than she did Giddon.
She didn't want to believe he was doing something like that, but it was fresh on her mind that the unthinkable actually does happen.
Did she actually look that bad?
I told her we had house rules; no hanky-panky, but she didn't believe me.
If it were any other man, she might think it was sexual frustration, but Brandon didn't appear to be interested in any of them.
Did he suspect that she was beginning to feel more for him than simple friendship?
Did he want to move out of the apartment?
Maybe he didn't like competition.
His attention was on some children playing in the park across the street, so he didn't immediately see her.
I didn't know you liked that sort of thing.
I didn't mean to offend you.
Fried chicken, gravy, biscuits - did they eat like this all the time?
I can't imagine why he didn't tell us his friend was a pretty girl.
How did you two meet?
So why didn't you bring up the other two?
Why did he bring her here?
Then, again, if he did want to talk to her about something, this was the perfect opportunity.
He did date occasionally, but he didn't appear to be serious about any of the girls.
They were disappointed when Adrienne didn't invite Michael... or anyone else, for that matter.
It probably looked better for him, anyway, as he didn't have a date.
Why didn't you say something before you left?
I didn't think about it.
The smoke was bothering me and I didn't want to ruin the party for all of you, so I simply walked home.
I told Julia and Rachel that I'd come back if I didn't find you here.
They didn't know what to think - you coming in here all huffy and chewing me out.
Yet, wasn't it better if the issue didn't surface for a while?
She tried her voice once before she managed to speak, and even then the voice didn't sound like her own.
I didn't want to get emotionally involved with anyone.