Dictatorship Sentence Examples
This dictatorship of Rosas continued until 1852.
The three volumes ended with the dictatorship of Caesar.
Sulla's dictatorship was the form taken by a provisional government.
But towards the close of Lerdo de Tejada's term he was suspected of aiming at a dictatorship, and Diaz, whom he had proscribed, made preparations for a rising, then retiring to Texas.
He wrote twenty-three books on the period between the Social War and the dictatorship of Sulla.
In May 46 B.C. a third dictatorship was conferred on Caesar, this time for ten years and apparently as a yearly office, so that he became Dictator IV.
As president of the provisional government he summoned (Dec. 18th, 1830) the Diet of 1831, and after the termination of Chlopicki's dictatorship was elected chief of the supreme council by 121 out of 138 votes (January 30th).
He did not return till 82, during the dictatorship of Sulla.
He acquiesced in the earl's dictatorship; left to his eldest son, Edward, the difficult task of reorganizing the royal party; marched with the Montfortians to Evesham; and narrowly escaped sharing the fate of his gaoler.
Bayle, a born journalist and the most able critic of the day, conceived the plan of the Nouvelles de la republique des lettres (1684-1718), which at once became entirely successful and obtained for him during the three years of his control the dictatorship of the world of letters.
AdvertisementReturning to Rome, he held the dictatorship for eleven days, was elected consul for 48 B.C., and set sail for Epirus at Brundisium on the 4th of January.
It is possible that it may have some foundation in the terms of the law establishing his third dictatorship.
In January Alexander had still upheld the ideal of a free confederation of the European states, symbolized by the Holy Alliance, against the policy of a dictatorship of the great powers, symbolized by the Quadruple Treaty; he had still protested against the claims of collective Europe to interfere in the internal concerns of the sovereign states.
War was at hand, but Montrose formed a party by " the band of Cumbernauld," to suppress the practical dictatorship of his rival and enemy, Argyll, who, he understood, was to be one of a triumvirate, and absolute north of Forth.
He saluted his little nephew as king without a moments hesitation, though he was aware that with the commencement of a new reign his own dictatorship had come to an end.
AdvertisementHe seized and beheaded Lord Saye, the treasurer, and several other unpopular persons, and thight have continued his dictatorship for some time if the Kentish mob that follawed him bad not fallen to general pillage and arson.
It was a hard and selfish generation which witnessed the Wars of the Roses and the dictatorship of Moral Edward IV.
Barbaroux accused Robespierre of aiming at a dictatorship, and Buzot demanded a guard recruited in the departments to protect the Convention.
Since the close of the Convention affairs at home and abroad had been tending more and more surely to the establishment of a military dictatorship. Feeling his powers equal to such an office he only hesitated about the means of attainment.
Under the searchlights of the new learning, the dictatorship of Ptolemy appeared no more inevitable than that of Aristotle; advanced thinkers like Domenico Maria Novara (1454-1504) promulgated sub rosa what were called Pythagorean opinions; and they were eagerly and fully appropriated by Nicolaus Copernicus during his student-years (1496-1505) at Bologna and Padua.
AdvertisementTowards the middle of the 18th century Leipzig was the seat of the most influential body of literary men in Germany, over whom Johann Christoph Gottsched, like his contemporary, Samuel Johnson, in England, exercised a kind of literary dictatorship. Then, if ever, Leipzig deserved the epithet of a "Paris in miniature" (Klein Paris) assigned to it by Goethe in his Faust.
Fronde The victor of Lens and Charenton imagined that every of the one was under an obligation to him, and laid claim to a dictatorship so insupportable that Anne of Austria and Mazarin assured by Gondi of the concurrence of the parlement and peoplehad him arrested.
To the departments that were hostile to the dictatorship of Paris, and the tyranny of Danton or Robespierre, it promised the referendum, an executive of twenty-four citizens, universal suffrage, and the free exercise of religion.
Although brought about by the Terrorists, the tragic fall of Robespierre put an end to the Reign of Terror; for their chiefs having disappeared, the subordinates were too much Thfrd divided to keep up the dictatorship of the third commiUee Committee of Public Safety, and reaction soon set in.
At Modena, Duke Francis IV., the worst of all Italian tyrants, was expelled by a Carbonarist rising, and a dictatorship was established under Biagio Nardi on the 5th of February.
AdvertisementMilitary dictatorship and pronouncements of Iranian ayatollahs are not supported by Islamic values.
Establish a dictatorship, protect a government which shoots demonstrators in the city?
The revolution, one of the great upheavals of the 20th century, opened with the struggle to overthrow the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz.
A better way to oppose dictatorship is for people to make revolution against it and every other aspect of capitalism.
After that I found that Civic Forum stands even more against me and against those who were fighting the communist dictatorship.
The Portuguese fascist dictatorship was overthrown by the people, allied to sections of the army, in 1974.
Myanmar is ruled with an iron fist by a brutal military dictatorship, which has renamed the country Myanmar.
We are barely in an elective dictatorship at the moment.
Isn't it clear that the dictatorship of the proletariat is excluded by the dictatorship over the proletariat?
November - December Lenin begins to set up a Bolshevik dictatorship.
An attempt by General Kornilov to establish a right wing dictatorship is a disastrous flop.
This broad scope denies people the right to resist oppression, even to struggle against dictatorship.
The rebel regime in Rhodesia is not only defying the Crown and imposing an increasingly oppressive dictatorship.
The notion that the utterly reactionary counter-revolutionary Stalinist dictatorship of the USSR was likely to invade western Europe was, of course, absurd.
The democratic process has become a sham - there is an elected dictatorship in Parliament.
In some ways the autocracy was a dictatorship which sat upon thousands of village republics that were mere vassals.
Central Italy refused to be bound by the treaty, and offered the dictatorship to Prince Carignano, who, himself unable to accept owing to Napoleons opposition, suggested Boncompagni, who was accordingly elected.
If this explanation be accepted, emphasis was thus laid in early times on the military aspect of the dictatorship, and in fact the office seems to have been instituted for the purpose of meeting a military crisis such as might have proved too serious for the annual consuls with their divided command.
He was charged with aiming at a dictatorship, with permitting or even encouraging the imprisonment, torture and execution without trial of political opponents, with maladministration of the finances and with aggression against the neighbouring states.
He held aloof at first from the Polish national rising of 1830, but at the general request of his countrymen accepted the dictatorship on the 5th of December 1830; on the 23rd of January 1831, however, he resigned in order to fight as a common soldier.
Without a second chamber there is always the danger that a unicameral parliament could become an elective dictatorship.
The Chinese government, still a dictatorship based on an agrarian society of low-tech simple-tooled muscle, cracks the whip to get the wayward youths and the growing China business market under control.
China is still a dictatorship that appears to distrust the U.S., yet agreements between the two countries have been solidified of late, after President Bush went for a visit.
The clash between the two societies and Stavia's growing understanding of the nature of the benevolent dictatorship run by her mother is cast in relief by the women's ritualizing of Euripides' classic play, The Trojan Women.
Many people, especially those who have never lived under the rule of a dictatorship, do not fully appreciate how critical the right of free speech is.
The centuries provide us with many reasons why freedom of speech is so critically important to maintaining basic human freedom from oppression and dictatorship.
On the 12th of May the dictatorship of Garibaldi was proclaimed at Salemi, on the 15th of May the Neapolitan troops were routed at Calatafimi, on the 25th of May Palermo was taken, and on the 6th of June 20,000 Neapolitan regulars, supported by nine frigates and protected by two forts, were compelled to capitulate.
The emergency office of the early and middle Republic has few points of contact, except those of the extraordinary position and almost unfettered authority of its holder, with the dictatorship as revised by Sulla and by Caesar.
Antonius in 44 B.C. carried a law abolishing the dictatorship as a part of the constitution.
The Cuvaj Dictatorship. - The triumphant vindication of Mr. Supilo and his colleagues of the Serbo-Croat coalition gave a fresh incentive to the idea of unity throughout the southern Slav provinces of Austria-Hungary.
Wharton and Henry Smith (1794-1851) until 1835, when Santa Anna overthrew the federal constitution of 1824 and established a dictatorship. A consultation of representatives from the various settlements met at San Felipe de Austin, October to November 1835.
The Communists aimed at a dictatorship of the proletariat, the creation of workmen's and military councils and a close handin-hand cooperation with Soviet Russia.
State organization of production by a bureaucracy, or by the dictatorship of a single section of the people, does not mean Socialism.
The aristocratic government was again expelled under the dictatorship of Jurgen Wullenweber (c. 1492-1537), till the old order was re-established in 1535.
Under Caesar's dictatorship Cicero abstained from politics.
The Turks, however, urged thereto by Russian diplomacy, crossed the Danube, and a joint Russo-Turkish dictatorship restored the Organic Law.
Thus the aristocratic constitution of Sieys was transformed into an unavowed dictatorship, a public ratification of which the First Consul obtained by a third coup detat from the intimidated and yet reassured electors-reassured by his dazzling but unconvincing offers of peace to the victorious Coalition (which repulsed them), by the rapid disarmament of La Vende, and by the proclamations in which he filled the ears of the infatuated people with the new talk of stability of government, order, justice and moderation.
With no opposition or dissent to the new laws, Australia is simply turning into an elected dictatorship.
Our small country is more threatened today than ever by the superpower now seeking to impose a fascist dictatorship on a global scale.
Economic problems The war in DR. Congo disrupted trade and farming, adding to economic woes caused by decades of dictatorship.
By 1835 the Americans were chafing under the Mexican dictatorship.
A marriage is a partnership, not a dictatorship.
It's a partnership, not a dictatorship ... a successful marriage, anyway.
This is a marriage, Carmen, not a dictatorship.
Tradition represents the dictatorship as having a life of three centuries in the history of the Roman state.
In matters of finance Cambon was now supreme; but his independence, his hatred of dictatorship, his protests against the excesses of the Revolutionary Tribunal, won him Robespierre's renewed suspicion, and on the 8th Thermidor Robespierre accused him of being antirevolutionary and an aristocrat.
On the 26th to 29th July Caesar celebrated a fourfold triumph and received the dictatorship for ten years.
Salemi, whence he issued a proclamation assuming the dictatorship of Sicily in the name of Victor Emmanuel, with Crispi as secretary of state.
A general election, in February 1906, was followed by three changes of ministry, the last of which, on the 19th of May, inaugurated the regime known in Portugal as the dictadura or dictatorship. JoaoFranco, the new prime minister, was conspicuous among Portuguese politicians for his integrity, energy and courage; he intended to reform the national finances and administration - by constitutional means, if possible.
The failure of the dictatorship and the inability of the monarchists to agree upon any common policy had discredited the existing regime, and at the general election of August 1910 the Republican candidates in Lisbon 1910.
So far as it has any such force in Europe, it may be said partly to be connected with Bonapartism, and to denote a popular but military dictatorship, partly to be connected with the federal idea, and to denote a precedence over other kings possessed by a ruler standing at the head of a composite state which may embrace kings among its members.
The right of voting being confined to members of the Communist party, the Government represented by no means one really elected by universal suffrage but rather a dictatorship of the lower classes.
Cardinal Latino to some extent succeeded, and was granted a kind of temporary dictatorship. He raised the 12 buoni uomini to 14 (8 Guelphs and 6 Ghibellines), to be changed every two months; and they were assisted by a council of loo.
It seemed to be the sign of a change when a new party, the Autonomisten, arose, vho demanded as a practical concession that the dictatorship of the chancellor should cease and local self-government be granted.
The necessity of carrying on the government of the country somehow or other had been the chief motive of his adherence to Cromwell rather than any sympathy for a republic or a military dictatorship, and his advice to Cromwell to accept the title of king was doubtless tendered with the object of giving the administration greater stability and of protecting its adherents under the Statute of Henry VII.
His first resignation in 1864 was refused; but the despotic acts by which he sought to establish a dictatorship only embittered his opponents, and in September 1865 he retired from office.
The Sardinian Admiral Persano's salute of nineteen guns on the occasion of Garibaldi's official call constituted a practical recognition of his dictatorship by the Sardinian (Piedmontese) government.
Twice he was called from the plough to the dictatorship of Rome in 458 and 439 In 458 he defeated the Aequians in a single day, and after entering Rome in triumph with large spoils returned to his farm.
It is interesting to observe that the old law of debt was not really abolished until the dictatorship of Julius Caesar, who practically adopted the legislation of Solon more than five centuries before; but it was too late then to save the middle class.
His literary dictatorship was unquestioned.
In 1895 he resigned his seat in parliament - an action which made his political dictatorship still more remarkable.
From the first he posed as an opponent of the Mountain, accused Robespierre of aiming at the dictatorship (25th of September 17 9 2), attacked Marat, and proposed to break up the commune of Paris.
Every one suspected him of aiming at a dictatorship; attacks, not the less formidable for their injustice, were directed against him from all sides, and his cabinet fell on the 26th of January 1882, after an existence of only sixty-six days.
Sulla retired to Puteoli after his resignation of the dictatorship in 79, and ten days before his death reconciled the disputes of the citizens by giving them a constitution.
SaintJust proposed a dictatorship as the only remedy for the convulsions of society.