Diathermy Sentence Examples
Be prepared to use diathermy at these late stages.
Options for treatment if it gets too large might include diathermy, laser treatment, surgery or drugs to shrink the gland.
The latter may be overcome if the flap is raised by using cutting diathermy.
Laparoscopic ovarian diathermy is a safe and effective alternative to ovulation induction with gonadotropins.
At these times surgical diathermy is not in use.
Placebo comparisons Placebo was usually sham short wave diathermy, and patients were a mixture of acute and chronic.
The second method is thermolysis, which is also known as short-wave diathermy.
A commercial machine for microwave diathermy operates with an output power of 100 watts at 2,450 MHz.
The skin is opened using cutting diathermy and the subcutaneous tissue using coagulation diathermy.
The peritoneal reflection is then incised with the diathermy a few millimeters posterior to the " white line " .