Diary Sentence Examples
Effie told me about the prostitute whose diary you're reading.
The latter is a diary of events kept during Sir Stamford Raffles' administration by his Malay scribe.
He ceased keeping a diary, avoided the company of the Brothers, began going to the club again, drank a great deal, and came once more in touch with the bachelor sets, leading such a life that the Countess Helene thought it necessary to speak severely to him about it.
The building was burnt to the ground with all that it contained, including his private diary for forty years.
Maybe it's a diary.
In the diary was set down everything in the children's lives that seemed noteworthy to their mother as showing their characters or suggesting general reflections on educational methods.
Dean wondered how Effie would accept the final chapter of Annie's diary, once he had a chance to share it with her as Cynthia had promised.
They were for the most part quite insignificant trifles, but did not seem so to the mother or to the father either, now that he read this diary about his children for the first time.
In 1802 he was appointed editor of the Gentlemen's Diary, and in 1818 editor of the Ladies' Diary and superintendent of the almanacs of the Stationers' Company.
Evelyn notes in his Diary a visit in 1673 to the Italian glass-house at Greenwich, " where glass was blown of finer metal than that of Murano," and a visit in 1677 to the duke of Buckingham's glass-works, where they made huge " vases of mettal as cleare, ponderous and thick as chrystal; also looking-glasses far larger and better than any that came from Venice."
AdvertisementA blog can be considered a kind of online diary.
Copious extracts from a diary kept by him at this time are given by Bain; they show how methodically he read and wrote, studied chemistry and botany, tackled advanced mathematical problems, made notes on the scenery and the people and customs of the country.
A glorious record of their sufferings is to be found in the Diary of Sozzini, the Sienese historian, and in the Commentaries of Blaise de Monluc, the French representative in Siena.
A note in his diary, dated the 7th of November 1749, shows that he had then 4 Malthus quoted Franklin in his first edition, but it was not until the second that he introduced the theory of the " preventive check."
His Diary of his residence in St Petersburg and London was published in Philadelphia in 1892.
AdvertisementHe was first known as a mathematician by his essays in the Ladies' Diary for 1744.
A diary of symptoms may help track this information.
A report by Sir James Clark led to the queen's visiting Balmoral in 1848, and to the purchase of the Balmoral estate in 1852, and the queen's diary of her journeys in Scotland shows what constant enjoyment she derived from her Highland home.
It consists mainly of one broad street, in which a majority of the houses are Jacobean; those on the north side, which have projecting upper storeys, forming the colonnade commended in the Diary of Samuel Pepys for 1668.
Due to my ever increasingly hectic schedule, I have taken to keeping a diary with me at all times.
AdvertisementThe diary begins on July 4th in Monaco, where he finished 10th.
So eminently respectable a person as John Evelyn thought no harm in bowling for stakes, and once played at the Durdans, near Epsom, for £io, winning match and money, as he triumphantly notes in his Diary for the 14th of August 1657.
Many interesting details of the fire are given in Pepys's Diary.
In 1797 Wilberforce noted in his diary that Tierney's conduct was "truly Jacobinical"; and in May 1798 Pitt accused him of want of patriotism.
His ordinary diary has disappeared, with his letters to his wife and to Madame de Stael.
AdvertisementOf this tour he left a minute diary.
Adams (ed.), Memoirs of John Q uincy Adams, comprising portions of his diary from 1795 to 1848 (12 vols., Philadelphia, 1874-1877).
It was the hand of the author of that offensive Missive to Frederick William III., on the liberty of the press, that drafted the Carlsbad decrees; it was he who inspired the policy of repressing the freedom of the universities; and he noted in his diary as "a day more important than that of Leipzig" the session of the Vienna conference of 1819, in which it was decided to make the convocation of representative assemblies in the German states impossible, by enforcing the letter of Article XIII.
He manipulated the evidence against him, and having been entrusted with the search of Laud's papers, he published a garbled edition of the archbishop's private "Diary," entitled A Breviate of the Life of Archbishop Laud.
The diary, mentioned above, did not survive, perhaps through Brougham's success, and the papers from which Sir Herbert Maxwell made his selection came into his hands from Mrs Blackett Ord, whose husband was the grandson of Creevey's eldest step-daughter.
James Melville (1556-1614), nephew of the more celebrated reformer, Andrew Melville, who was minister of Kilrenny, has given in his Diary a graphic account of the arrival at Anstruther of a weatherbound ship of the Armada, and the tradition of the intermixture of Spanish and Fifeshire blood still prevails in the district.
The Makura no Zshi (Pillow Sketches), like the Genji Monogatars, was by a noble ladySei Shonagonbut it is simply a record of daily events and fugitive thoughts, though not in the form of a diary.
In 1780, also, he began to keep that diary which forms so conspicuous a record of the doings of himself and his contemporaries.
His diary shows that in the outward journey Scott's mind was full of care and anxiety, while the disappointment of finding by Amundsen's record that he was not first to reach the Pole was a shock from which his spirits seemed never to recover.
His Letters and Diary (1825-80) were published by Paul Nerrlich (Berlin, 1885-87).
These copies, now deposited in the Lenox Library, New York City, contain a diary in 24 typewritten volumes, besides some correspondence and other private papers.
From the diary of his friend John Worthington we learn that Cudworth was nearly compelled, through poverty, to leave the university, but in 1654 he was elected master of Christ's College, whereupon he married.
His spiritual nature was high-strung and delicate; and this condition was aggravated by his constant study, his long fasts and his frequent vigils - in one year, according to his diary, he kept sixty fasts and twenty vigils.
Hence John Evelyn was able to enter in his Diary under the date Dec. 14, 1655, "Now were the Jews admitted."
Here is his daily diary with all the news from the trip.
There's one sure way to keep yourself honest; keep a food diary or journal.
Furthermore a study of his manuscript diary now shows that he opposed the efforts of Walker and Buchanan in the.
He rapidly passed on, through books like Inferno (1897), the diary of a semi-lunatic, up into the sheer mysticism of To Damascus (1898), where he reconciles himself at last to Christianity.
Stanley's proposal to Emin, as stated in the latter's diary, was that Emin should either remain as governor-general on behalf of the king of the Belgians, or establish himself on Victoria Nyanza on behalf of a group of English merchants who wished to start an enterprise in Africa on the model of the East India Company.
See Count Estenccizy's Campaign Diary (Hung.), ed.
In this office he was in constant intercourse with Pepys, whose diary frequently mentions him; but the insinuations of Pepys against him must not be taken too seriously, as there is no evidence to show that Batten in making a profit from his office fell below the standards of the time.
His diary reveals a tender and devout private life which has been overlooked by those who have only considered the versatile facility and persuasive expediency that marked the successful public career of the bishop, and earned!
A passage in Emerson's Diary, written on his homeward voyage, strikes the keynote of his remaining life.
The years 1720 to 1726 are partially recorded in his diary and in the resolutions for his own conduct which he drew up at this time.
His Life, written by himself up to 1678, with his diary and correspondence, and an index to his manuscript collections, was edited by William Hamper, and published in 1827.
His Literary Diary was published in New York in 3 vols.
Dexter, who quotes largely from Dr Stiles's Itineraries, a daily account of his travels; the Diary gives a valuable picture of the life of New England in 1769-1795 and many interesting estimates of Stiles's contemporaries.
Other useful books are Wriothesleys Chronicle and Machyns Diary, and they have numerous successors; some of their works have been edited for the Camden Society, which now takes the place of the Rolls series.
The generous Windham made an entry in his diary of his reception of the new book.
Other administrative officers are a commissioner of insurance (from 1867 to 1878 the secretary of the state was commissioner of insurance; the office became elective in 1881); a commissioner of labour and industrial statistics; three railroad commissioners,3 who have jurisdiction over all public utilities, including telegraph and telephone; a commissioner of banking; a diary and food commissioner; a state superintendent of public property; three tax commissioners who act (since 1901) as a state board of assessment; commissioners of fisheries (established 1874); a state board of agriculture (1897); and a state board of forestry (2905, succeeding a department created in 2903).
Dumont's Recollections of Mirabeau and the Diary and Letters of Gouverneur Morris give the impressions of foreigners with peculiar advantages for observing.
The older literature on the Lapps received a notable addition by the discovery in 1896, among the letters of Linnaeus preserved in the British Museum, of a MS. diary of a journey made in 1695 to the north of Swedish Lappmark by Olof Rudbeck the younger.
In 1878 he published the first of his works on Bismarck - a book entitled Bismarck and seine Leute, wdhrend des Krieges mit Frankreich, in which, under the form of extracts from his diary, he gave an account of the chancellor's life during the war.
He had a taste for puerile amusements, a mania for useless little domestic economies in a court where millions vanished like smoke, and a natural idleness which achieved as its masterpiece the keeping a diary from 1766 to 1792 of a life so tragic, which was yet but a foolish chronicle of trifles.
At the end of his life he wrote of Amiel, "The man who has time to keep a private diary has never understood the immensity of the universe."
She was their diary, their calendar and their conscience, and they loved her like a sister.
The 100th birthday of the Woolwich Foot Tunnel is in the diary for Sunday 3 October 2012.
Allotment Diary for Monday 12th June 2006 Back to June entries If at first you don't succeed, sow some more cauliflowers.
The PDA is a small, portable handheld computer that typically comes equipped with diary and personal organizer tools.
Martha's diary - planning sheet Write Martha's diary with an emphasis on using connectives.
Each week, our mayor writes a brief diary about his previous week.
You will keep your own reflective diary; You will receive feedback from the Scheme Leader.
Web logs - A relatively new feature like an online diary.
It could, for example, be used initially to convey messages between school and home in place of the usual home/school diary.
He looked at dad's EEG test results and the seizure diary.
We want to encourage prayer triplets, prayer in small groups, using Ebe prayer diary, prayer ministry, etc.
Check that the photo call is in the picture desk diary at newspapers and the advance planning desk diary at TV studios.
Instead, after opening and shutting many drawers, Melanie came across the diary of Miss S L Gleaden.
Reading my diary entries and letters and looking at photos had been a catalyst for all the pent-up emotions inside me.
The speaking engagement had been in the diary for some time.
In addition to images, maps, and diary excerpts, you'll find biographical essays about the intrepid travelers.
Then find out more... Upcoming events There are no events scheduled for the next 14 days. Please, see the full events diary.
The enduring fame rests on The Diary of a Young Girl (sometimes called The Diary of Anne Frank ).
Dave the Dealer Dave Diamond Geezer, diary famed among resellers for making a margin on anything.
Whilst Anne was in hiding she kept a diary describing the isolation that they felt and their constant fear of discovery.
Lucky I had the foresight to record a diary every day for the last ten years.
Except for occasional glimpses of life among the other workers, the majority of diary entries remain of the " nothing new " variety.
And I have read your diary that you have so goodly written for me, and which breathes out truth in every line.
Based on the author's personal diary, the book has a startling immediacy which is complemented by reflections matured over three decades.
Leather bound and neatly inscribed with my Great-grandfather's name, they were filled with carefully scribbled diary entries that spanned over ten years.
Bridget Monty Python es's Diary Where does integrand go on holiday?
Free from wheat diary lactose sugar yeast gluten salt corn/maize soya starch artificial colors preservatives and flavoring.
With an address book, diary, and digital voice memo, it is your own personal assistant.
Pastimes for ladies included needlework, drying and pressing flowers, reading, keeping a diary or journal and music.
Hulk's diary As with much of the best comedy, there are glimpses of real pathos here.
His duties as Steward required him to be so and in his diary he frequently employs Latin words and terms drawn from legal phraseology.
We want to encourage prayer triplets, prayer triplets, prayer in small groups, using Ebe prayer diary, prayer ministry, etc.
Offbeat Management ' s diary - Blog 16/09/2006 Lee is s diary - Blog 16/09/2006 Lee is still plugging away promoting his debut album.
My diary is very slippy too & I often have to make up for 6 days at a time.
Thatâs my intention with this blog; I kinda consider it a combination of a diary, a report, and a virtual soapbox.
Posted in Diary, Writing on May 1st, 2005 by Graham Sleep releases me from it's clammy talons.
You can direct your friends in a sci-fi thriller, animate your own cartoon, or keep a video diary.
I just hope the pages of Paula's Diary do not have the thumbprints of a certain Konrad Kujau all over them.
Put it in your diary for May Day - not that we would condone any vandalism.
The diary kept by the young surveyor indicates that there were already many squatters, largely of German origin, along the South Branch of the Potomac. Christopher Gist, a surveyor in the employ of the first Ohio Company (see Ohio Company), which was composed chiefly of Virginians, in1751-1752explored the country along the Ohio river north of the mouth of the Kanawha, and the company sought to have a fourteenth colony established with the name " Vandalia."
Among his other works are The Phantom Ship (1839); A Diary in America (1839); 011a Podrida (1840), a collection of miscellaneous papers; Poor Jack (1840); Joseph Rushbrook (1841); Percival Keene (1842); Monsieur Violet (1842); The Privateer's Man (1844); The Mission, or Scenes in Africa (1845); The Little Savage (1848-1849), published posthumously; and Valerie, not completed (1849).
They find that the documents are of composite origin, partly notes from Mary to Darnley, partly a diary of Mary's, and so on; all combined and edited by some one who played the part of the legendary editorial committee of Peisistratus (see Homer), which compiled the Iliad and Odyssey out of fragmentary lays !
Pepys was delighted with the playing of "pretty, witty Nell," but when he saw her as Florimel in Dryden's Secret Love, or the Maiden Queen, he wrote "so great a performance of a comical part was never, I believe, in the world before" and, "so done by Nell her merry part as cannot be better done in nature" (Diary, March 25, 1667).
Bishop Ingham's book contains long extracts from the diary of Governor Clarkson, which vividly portray the conditions of life in the infant colony.
We thus find Vopiscus acknowledging that when he began to write the life of Aurelian, he was entirely misinformed respecting the latter's competitor Firmus, and implying that he would not have ventured on Aurelian himself if he had not had access to the MS. of the emperor's own diary in the Ulpian library.
I also keep a diary.
Offbeat Management ' s Diary - Blog 16/09/2006 Lee is still plugging away promoting his debut album.
The only publicity that produced was a snide diary piece in The Telegraph under the headline " Cobblers to the Commons ".
Yup, we just sniggered at a few ourselves... particularly like those Ozzfest snapshots in Throwdown 's diary.
Posted in Diary, Writing on May 1st, 2005 by Graham Sleep releases me from it 's clammy talons.
I just hope the pages of Paula 's Diary do not have the thumbprints of a certain Konrad Kujau all over them.
We aim to make the briefing vibrant with the latest news on Citizenship, diary dates and a main feature each month.
I bided my time till that great man paused in his occupation of writing down voluminous notes in a big diary.
By looking at my old diary, I can juxtapose my past with my current life.
Diary of a Worm, by Doreen Cronin, chronicles the life of a worm.
Unlike most other books, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid", started as an online cartoon of sorts, written in daily installments on a kids' website called Funbrain.
He narrates his story through the medium of a journal (or diary) that his mother bought him.
However, Rodrick has seen Greg's diary and knows all about Greg's "big secret."
While adults may find the drone of constantly bad days and self-centered escapades, kids often find "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" a story that they can relate to.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid actually got its start on Fun Brain.
One of the recurring themes in Diary of a Wimpy Kid, is that Frank, Greg's father, thinks that Greg is too "wimpy."
One reason that kids love "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series is that they can relate to Greg's struggles.
Was Diary of a Wimpy Kid based on life experiences?
In writing Diary of a Wimpy Kid, its sequel, and the following books in the series, Jeff Kinney has said on his Web site that he wanted "to write a story about all the funny parts of growing up."
In a Washington Post interview, Jeff Kinney said that he wanted to portray "the ultimate childhood" in Diary of a Wimpy Kid and outline a tale that was meant for adults to appreciate in the process of looking back at their own childhoods.
Kinney did not believe he was writing for children until his publisher, Abrams, suggested that his material be printed as a kids' book.So, was Diary of a Wimpy Kid based on life experiences?
However, Greg is a completely normal kid, which is one thing that helps attract so many young readers to the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.
Though he hasn't compared himself directly to Greg, Kinney admitted that the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series is at least partly based on his life and experiences as a kid.
To follow the latest Diary of a Wimpy Kid news, receive series updates, learn about Jeff Kinney's other books, and read Jeff's blog, visit his official Web site.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a wildly popular series among kids of all ages, and the many cartoons in the books make them fast page-turners for fifth-graders.
If a relative from the past has left behind a diary or journal, pass it around, read it aloud and discuss the events and people that shaped the writer's life.
This site offers additional key player updates, in addition to a fascinating players' journal section, with personal diary entries from players, such as Tampa Bay's Derrick Brooks.
As a side note, beef is not eaten but diary products are widely used.
Use the notebook to jot down quick notes or even keep a diary about the places you visit or things that happen.
In addition to the doll-related games, Star Doll Heaven lets members post an online diary, personal presentation page, and guestbook.
This membership allows them access to all doll-related games, but prevents them from using the site's diary, guestbook, message center, and online forum.
Most actresses shed and gain weight for roles, such as the weight Renee Zellweger famously put on for the filming of Bridget Jones' Diary.
By diary, we can assume he means schedule and not the junior high type with flowers and unicorns on the cover and the little lock and key that never work.
Doctors, psychologists and even hypnotherapists may request that an individual keep the diary.
They are as natural a part of life as waking and a reason to consider keeping a sleep diary and put your own dreams to the test.
Some people enjoy keeping track of their dreams with a dream diary or journal that they keep next to their bed.
Keep a sleep diary or journal to track bedtime rituals and sleep patterns.
Learn how to keep a sleep diary and dream journal.
Read his diary and learn what goes on behind the scenes leading up to the Xbox 360 launch!
Another way to identify food allergies is to keep a food diary, recording everything eaten for a period of three or four weeks and noting any allergic reactions during that period.
The best way to diagnose PMS is to review a detailed diary of a woman's symptoms for several months.
By keeping a headache diary, the child and parents can identify and then avoid the specific substances that seem to cause headache symptoms.
A headache diary can be used to record the characteristics of headaches, including possible triggers, such as foods, weather changes, odors, mood, stressful situations, emotions, or menstrual phases.
Parents can help their child create and maintain a headache diary to record headache symptoms, triggers, as well as the duration and frequency of the headaches.
Maintaining a sleep diary for each child will provide the parent with baseline information in assessing the nature and severity of childhood sleep problems.
Some pediatricians suggest that parents maintain a sleep diary and observe the child throughout several night terror episodes, noting the amount of time following sleep when the night terror begins.
To identify other problem-causing foods or beverages, it is helpful for the parent and child to keep a diary of symptoms for two or three weeks.
The doctor can then review the diary with the parent and child to identify possible problem foods.
To identify other problem-causing foods or beverages, it is helpful for the parent and child to keep a diary of symptoms for two or three weeks, including daily activities, meals, symptoms and emotions.
The doctor can then review the diary with the parent and child to identify possible problem areas.
If the parent suspects that certain foods trigger asthma symptoms in the child, the pediatrician may recommend keeping a food diary for a few weeks to identify problematic foods.
Another way to get students to write with their own voice is to have the students keep a diary or journal.
Be sure to record your pregnancy in a diary, scrapbook or photo album.
The best approach may be to keep a food diary and share it with your physician.
Private Notes Planner Talking Diary Planner - The talking diary planner can help kids pretend play their own web show.
You could say it is like a diary, tracking calls, photos and phone numbers.
Every weekday morning, I enjoyed reading “The Times Diary,” a collection of short human-interest articles that appeared at the bottom of the editorial page in The Times of London.
During this phase, you'll be required to keep a food diary.
The whole concept behind a treasure hunt is to go through stuff, but no one wants a group of young children digging through a rare collection of stamps, nor would you want to find a tween boy reading your daughter's diary.
Made Man highlights their top 10 chick flicks featuring titles like Dirty Dancing, Love Actually, Legally Blonde and Bridgette Jones Diary.
Keeping a diary or journal of events you believe are paranormal can help you discern whether you have any ability, and if so, what form it takes.
Keep a diary of your thoughts and observations regarding your child's behavior.
A paper diary with check boxes for protein, fat, and carbohydrate servings per meal and per day served as a member's diary.
Using Weight Watchers Points Calculator, a diet diary along with a daily exercise routine, makes it easy to follow the Weight Watchers Points system which is based on your weight.
A good way to determine this is to use a food diary and consult an online calorie counter to determine caloric intake.
Many people with IBS keep a food diary and monitor their symptoms that way, developing their own IBS diet based on the foods that seem to cause them the fewest problems.
Not all of these groups will affect everyone with IBS in the same way, which is why it is important to keep a food diary and determine which foods are causing you the most problems.
You might want to keep a food diary for a week or so, writing down everything you eat and compare it with what the food pyramid suggests you should be eating.
Weight Watchers QuickTrak System-Weekly Points diary sheet issued weekly at meetings.
Nutridiary - Is a free online food and exercise diary.
A printable food diary is one of the most effective diet aids available.
Another type of diary looks to psychological factors that can affect eating habits.
The diary includes sugars and fat but notes that these are not specific food groups.
The diary is brief, covering two days of food intake and it is designed as a lesson plan for students.
The diary is detailed, providing spaces for food groups for each meal and for snacks.
The Walk of Life diary is a particularly helpful journal because it offers a way for you to track your feelings about eating and it encourages you to keep track of your daily successes.
A printable food diary that includes emotional states can help you recognize some of the underlying psychological factors that can come into play.
The Column Food Diary is an excellent tool for people who need to deal with emotional eating.
A food diary for intolerances is used to track what is eaten as well as symptoms experienced.
A free printable food diary is a valuable asset that can help you become accountable for your behaviors while promoting a healthy diet and exercise plan.
From Weight Watchers to self-help groups, most veteran dieters recommend keeping a diary or journal of what you ate, how much you ate, when and where you ate.
You don't need a fancy book, unless purchasing a special diary motivates you.
Other than that, keep your food diary as you go through the process to increase awareness of foods that bother you.
In this case, follow a soft, bland diet such as the BRAT diet, and keep a food diary.
To keep her fans informed, Erin has a regular online blog called Erin's Secret Diary.
And we've all seen the granny panties scene in The Bridget Jones Diary.
She is about to be married, and having found her mother's diary, she decides to use her wedding as an opportunity to invite the three men she believes could be her father to the wedding, which is to be held at her mother's Greek hotel.
Video diary segments from the participant begin, and are sprinkled throughout the rest of the show.
Danielle seemed to have the game locked, but she hadn't counted on the fact that her private diary room confessions would be shown to the jury before the vote.
Those diary room stints were filled with rants and insults, and a hurt jury awarded the game to Lisa.
With the help of his friends and an old diary, Harry must find the chamber, defeat a surprising enemy, and save the life of Ron's sister.
To identify your triggers, keep a diary of when your symptoms occur, what you were doing at the time, and any foods, chemicals, or environmental conditions that you were exposed to.
Instead of recording their thoughts in a diary or a journal, they post it on their blog.
While it is still wonderfully fulfilling to keep a spiral bound diary at the bedside to record life's most precious of moments, online journaling definitely has its advantages.
Some people use blogging as an online diary, while other people use it for different purposes, such as political commentary or promoting a business.
It is Annie's diary, written when she first met Rev. Martin!
She turned to Fred and handed him her latest translations of Annie Quincy's diary.
He also edited Captain Cook's Journals, and Clarendon's Diary and Letters (1763).
From time to time Jeremy Taylor appears in London in the company of his friend Evelyn, in whose diary and correspondence his name repeatedly occurs.
Much light has been thrown on the history of the Quakers in Aberdeenshire by the discovery in 1826 at Ury of a MS. Diary -of Jaffray, since published with elucidations (2nd ed., London, 1836).
A scheme of study which he drew up for 1722 with a time-table for each day of the week is still to be seen in his earliest diary, which became the property of Mr George Stampe of Great Grimsby.
His diary shows how little he understood, or cared for, the business of a king.
An Autobiography was compiled by his widow and his private secretary from his diary, sermons, records and letters (1897-1900).
He visited Canada during Papineau's revolt and the United States in 1837, and gave a disparaging account of American institutions in a Diary published on his return to England.
He notes that at the congress of Vienna he received 22,000 florins through Talleyrand from Louis XVIII., while Castlereagh gave him £600, accompanied by les plus folks and his diary is full of such entries.
His Diary and Letters, with an Account of his Administration, was published at Boston in 1884-1886.
His Diary, which appeared in the Atlantic Monthly (1909-1911), is extremely valuable for the study of the Civil War and Reconstruction.
After the emperor's death Professor Geffcken, a personal friend, published in the Deutsche Rundschau extracts from the diary of the crown prince containing passages which illustrated his differences with Bismarck during the war of 1870.
He had undoubtedly shown that he was an injudicious friend, for the diary proved that the prince, in his enthusiasm for German unity, had allowed himself to consider projects which would have seriously compromised the relations of Prussia and Bavaria.
Most of the copies of the Deutsche Rundschau containing the extracts from the crown prince's diary were confiscated, but there is an English edition, published in 1889.
His name first appears in the Ladies' Diary (a poetical and mathematical almanac which was begun in 1704, and lasted till 1871) in 1764; ten years later he was appointed editor of the almanac, a post which he retained till 1817.
Previously he had begun a small periodical, Miscellanea Mathematica, which extended only to thirteen numbers; subsequently he published in five volumes The Diarian Miscellany, which contained large extracts from the Diary.
See The Diary and Letters of Gouverneur Morris (2 vols., New York, '888), edited by Anne Cary Morris; Jared Sparks, Life of Gouverneur Morris (3 vols., Boston, 1832), the first volume being a biography and the second and third containing Morris's miscellaneous writings and addresses; and Theodore Roosevelt, Gouverneur Morris (Boston, 1888), in the "American Statesmen" series.
For the Hakluyt Society, of which he was ifor some time president, he edited (1863) the Mirabilia descripta of Jordanus and The Diary of William Hedges (1887-89).
On the 31st of May 1643, however, Prynne received orders from the parliament to search his papers, and published a mutilated edition of his diary.
The London degree largely figures on the Connexional Diary; and now the Welsh degrees, in arts and divinity, are being increasingly achieved.
His Diary is therefore a valuable chronicle of contemporary events from the standpoint of a moderate politician and a devout adherent of the Church of England.
Evelyn's Diary covers more than half a century (1640-1706) crowded with remarkable events, while Pepys only deals with a few years of Charles II.'s reign.
Evelyn's Diary remained in MS. until 1818.
A selection from this was edited by William Bray, with the permission of the Evelyn family, in 1818, under the title of Memoirs illustrative of the Life and Writings of John Evelyn, comprising his Diary from 1641 to 1705/6, and a Selection of his Familiar Letters.
Evelyn's active mind produced many other works, and although these have been overshadowed by the famous Diary they are of considerable interest.
Evelyn's friendship with Mary Blagge, afterwards lvIrs Godolphin, is recorded in the diary, when he says he designed "to consecrate her worthy life to posterity."
Next to the Diary Evelyn's most valuable work is Sylva.
But service under Northumberland was no bed of roses, and in his diary Cecil recorded his release in the phrase ex misero aulico factus liber et meijuris.
Balbus kept a diary of the chief events in his own and Caesar's life (Suetonius, Caesar, 81).
During his residence in Kendal, Dalton had contributed solutions of problems and questions on various subjects to the Gentlemen's and Ladies' Diaries, and in 1787 he began to keep a meteorological diary in which during the succeeding fifty-seven VII.
The society in which the child was thenceforward reared is known to readers of Brantome as well as that of imperial Rome at its worst is known to readers of Suetonius or Petronius as well as that of papal Rome at its worst is known to readers of the diary kept by the domestic chaplain of Pope Alexander VI.
See Memoirs, by Rev. Job Orton (1766); Letters to and from Dr Doddridge, by Rev. Thomas Stedman (1790); and Correspondence and Diary, in 5 vols., by his grandson, John Doddridge Humphreys (1829).
From this time Godwin became a notable figure in London society, and there was scarcely an important person in politics, on the Liberal side, in literature, art or science, who does not appear familiarly in the pages of Godwin's singular diary.
Condensed in the highest degree, the diary is yet easy to read when the style is once mastered, and it is a great help to the understanding of his cold, methodical, unimpassioned character.
In his diary, on the i3th of December, when his difficulties had become extreme, he noted that if the expeditionary force does not come in ten days, the town may fall.
His real genius, however, did not lie in the direction of verse; and his first signal success was with a story, A Village Sexton's Diary, in 1824, which was rapidly followed by other tales, descriptive of village life in Jutland, for the next twelve years.
His diary of his travels enables us to follow his movements almost day by day.
The vivid account of this last expedition given in his diary contrasts with the usual dry entries of interviews and disbursements.
A still more striking contrast is the passionate outburst of sympathy and indignation with which, in the same diary, he comments on the supposed kidnapping of Luther by foul play on his return from the diet of Worms. Without being one of those who in his city took an avowed part against the old ecclesiastical system, and probably without seeing clearly whither the religious ferment of the time was tending - without, that is, being properly speaking a Reformer - Diirer in his art and his thoughts was the incarnation of those qualities of the German character and conscience which resulted in the Reformation; and, personally, with the fathers of the Reformation he lived in the warmest sympathy.
These records contain an extraordinarily large and valuable mass of historical material, including, as one item, 246 volumes of the king's diary.
His main productions were a diary kept at intervals during eighteen months (1785-1787), and translations of the Antigone, the Manual of Epictetus, &c. But the characteristic feature of his studies was the copious extracts which from this time onward he unremittingly made and preserved.
Stanley's expedition was on its way to relieve him, it is clear from Emin's diary that he had no wish to leave his province, even if relieved.
These web pages are one example; another is forthcoming The Astronomer's Diary, our first almanac on CD-ROM.
The actor is well-known across generations for roles in The English Patient, Pride and Prejudice, Shakespeare in Love, Bridget Jones' Diary, Love Actually, Mamma Mia and What a Girl Wants.
During the 2009 Tour de France, Lance Armstrong created a diary on Twitter.
For thirty-six years Creevey had kept a "copious diary," and had preserved a vast miscellaneous correspondence with such people as Lord Brougham, and his step-daughter, Elizabeth Ord, had assisted him, by keeping his letters to her, in compiling material avowedly for a collection of Creevey Papers in the future.
He had public and private audiences with the pope on the 9th of April and the 11th of May 1848, but recorded next to nothing in his diary concerning them, though numerous other entries show an eager interest in everything connected with the Roman Church, and private papers also indicate that he recognized at this time grave defects in the Church of England and a mysterious attractiveness in Roman Catholicism, going so far as to question whether he might not one day be a Roman Catholic himself.
In the diary that she kept at the Wright-Humason School in New York she wrote on October 18, 1894, "I find that I have four things to learn in my school life here, and indeed, in life--to think clearly without hurry or confusion, to love everybody sincerely, to act in everything with the highest motives, and to trust in dear God unhesitatingly."