Diagnosing Sentence Examples
Meanwhile, tests for genes that point to other muscle diseases help doctors avoid wrongly diagnosing myositis, " he said.
This entity is a potential pitfall in diagnosing adrenal neuroblastoma.
Blood tests may be helpful for diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis, but other tests may be needed as well.
Lickey and Gordon (1991) provide a clear and detailed description of the difficulties and uncertainties involved in diagnosing schizophrenia.
In this study, the authors evaluated the usefulness of cardiovascular tests for diagnosing convulsive syncope in patients with apparent refractory epilepsy.
While the correct diagnosing of a severely ill animal should be up to a veterinarian, owners should be aware of the signs that their cat needs medical attention.
Diagnosing PTSD can be tricky especially when other mental illnesses may be present.
If you need help diagnosing an addiction, you can contact your physician or a drug treatment center.
They may work more closely with other doctors in diagnosing and treating their patients.
Again, diagnosing and testing for these diseases figures into the price of a Portuguese Water Dog.
AdvertisementIt is important when diagnosing geriatric depression that those around the depressed person are able to distinguish what depression truly is, while ensuring it does not become a misdiagnosis of dementia.
Diagnosing insomnia and treatment in Florida starts with this type of consultation.
Diagnosing sleep apnea requires those who are affected with it to seek a consultation with their physician.
The Texas Children's Sleep Center specializes in diagnosing and treating children who suffer from problems related to sleeping, falling asleep, staying asleep, sleep walking and more.
The Texas Children's Sleep Center focuses on diagnosing, treating and in many cases, overcoming those issues.
AdvertisementCardiologist-A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating heart diseases.
The staff at a poison control center and emergency room doctors have the most experience diagnosing and treating poisoning cases.
There are two main ways of diagnosing food allergies by the elimination method.
Endodontist-A dentist who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the pulp and other inner structures of the tooth.
Because of the complex nature of mitochondrial disorders, physicians take a multi-faceted approach to diagnosing such diseases.
AdvertisementOther specific screening tests (PSA, prostate surface antigen) are helpful for diagnosing prostate cancer.
One of the primary measurements used in diagnosing adjustment disorder is the occurrence of the stress-causing event within the past three months.
It is one of the most important single indicators in diagnosing Marfan syndrome.
For these reasons many physicians use their clinical judgment as well as the DSM-IV criteria as a guide to diagnosing Tourette syndrome.
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)-A technique for diagnosing genetic disorders before birth by analyzing cells obtained by amniocentesis with DNA probes.
AdvertisementUltrasound, computed tomography scans (CT scans) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI scans) are helpful in diagnosing Wilms' tumor.
Intravenous pyelography, in which a dye injected into a vein helps show the structures of the kidney, can also be used in diagnosing this type of tumor.
Stool and blood tests are not helpful in diagnosing pinworms.
The first part of diagnosing amenorrhea is a careful history, including a record of medications and any surgical procedures involving the abdomen or genitals.
The ionizing irradiation sensitivity test is the most useful test for diagnosing A-T.
Cardiac catheterization-A procedure to passes a catheter through a large vein into the heart and its vessels for the purpose of diagnosing coronary artery disease, assessing injury or disease of the aorta, or evaluating cardiac function.
The upper GI series is particularly important in diagnosing infants.
Diagnosing GERD in children is sometimes controversial.
Most physicians want to know the results of a lipid panel before diagnosing high cholesterol and recommending treatment.
Research on diagnosing cardiovascular defects when the fetus is in the womb may lead to future treatment to correct these conditions before birth.
A PET scan, which evaluates cerebral blood flow and brain metabolism, may be of help in diagnosing mild head injury.
One procedure for diagnosing children aged 24 to 36 months asks parents to complete a standardized questionnaire in which they check off the vocabulary the child knows and write down examples of the child's two-word sentences.
The first step in diagnosing juvenile dermatomyositis is the taking of a complete history and giving the child a thorough physical examination.
The NE will assist the clinician in diagnosing illnesses as diverse as seizure disorders, narcolepsy, migraine disorders, dizziness, and dementia.
Imaging studies are not helpful in diagnosing narcolepsy, although in some cases the doctor may order an MRI or CT scan to rule out a brain tumor or other abnormality in brain structure.
Sleep latency is measured in minutes and is important in diagnosing depression.
Diagnosing children with an anxiety disorder can be very difficult, since anxiety often results in disruptive behaviors that overlap with other disorders such as attention-deficit hyperactivity.
Diagnosing thalassemia and sickle cell anemia, both of which involve disorders of hemoglobin, will require measuring the different types of hemoglobin through a laboratory testing method called hemoglobin electrophoresis.
Cerebrospinal fluid analysis-A laboratory test, important in diagnosing diseases of the central nervous system, that examines a sample of the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
A woman can assist the doctor in diagnosing the cause of oligomenorrhea by keeping a record of the time, frequency, length, and quantity of bleeding.
This is usually done by a gastroenterologist, a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating bowel disorders.
However, the predictive value of amniocentesis in diagnosing Turner syndrome varies from 21 to 67 percent.
Occasionally, in diagnosing a chronic lung disorder, the sample of sputum is collected using a procedure called a bronchoscopy.
One important part of diagnosing food poisoning is the need for doctors and community health professionals to determine if a number of people have eaten the same food and show the same symptoms.
Emergency room physicians have the most experience diagnosing and treating CO poisoning.
Usually these procedures are done for a reason other than diagnosing Klinefelter syndrome.
Personality tests are administered for a wide variety of reasons, from diagnosing psychopathology (e.g., personality disorder, depressive disorder) to screening job candidates.
Psychological assessment of children is used for a variety of purposes, including diagnosing learning disabilities and behavioral and attention problems.
There are no medical tests for diagnosing autism.
Blood tests may also be useful in diagnosing ileus.
The most important and difficult aspect of diagnosing CVS is to make sure there is not an acute and life-threatening event in progress.
Diagnosing iron deficiency anemia begins with the pediatrician taking a careful history, including the child's age, symptoms, illnesses, general state of health, and a family history of anemias.
Diagnosing low levels or imbalances of the electrolytes sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, or phosphate involves measuring the serum levels of each.
This is referred to as the "crowding effect" and helps in diagnosing amblyopia.
Physical symptoms are usually all that is necessary for diagnosing dehydration, although laboratory tests may be ordered by the physician.
The first step for diagnosing Chiari malformation Type I is an accurate and detailed history and physical examination.
These tests appear to be especially useful in diagnosing flu in children, allowing doctors to make more accurate treatment decisions in less time.
The key to diagnosing a hypotonic infant is a neurodevelopment examination.
The challenge in correctly diagnosing a "floppy" child lies in distinguishing between central and neuromuscular hypotonia.
Diagnosing seasonal AR is usually easy and can often be done without a medical specialist.
Only physicians experienced in diagnosing and treating severe acne, such as dermatologists, should prescribe isotretinoin.
W. "CDC Issues recommendations for diagnosing, managing, and reporting foodborne illnesses."
Its more precise classification is a result of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, fourth edition (DSM-IV) system for characterizing and diagnosing mental and behavioral disorders.
In classifying and diagnosing mood disorders, doctors determine if the mood disorder is unipolar or bipolar.
Work with physicians in diagnosing and treating heart and vascular problems.
Provide care for the female reproductive system, including diagnosing and treating any disorders that appear as well as pregnancy and delivery.
Keep in mind, however, that each case is different and the mother's current health status and age can play a huge role in diagnosing her pregnancy as high risk.
Screening before and after birth are helpful in diagnosing these defects.
Diagnosing endometriosis can be difficult, especially in its early stages.
Gliadin antibody testing is often employed as a tool for diagnosing celiac disease.
Accurately diagnosing ADHD in children can be difficult, since a young child often does not know how to articulate his/her problems.
For some children, diagnosing a disability is obvious.
In fact, diagnosing ADHD in Children relies heavily upon a variety of assessments, tests, observations, behavior ratings scales, medical histories, and physical exams.
According to Dr. Vicki Panaccione, diagnosing ADHD involves much more than making a snap judgment.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides specific criteria for diagnosing ADHD.
Socialization issues-In diagnosing autism symptoms, mild behavior problems may first be noticed in how a child socializes.
Mood swings-Because toddlers are notorious for their mood swings, diagnosing autism on the basis of emotional behavior is often difficult to do.
Part of the process of diagnosing the condition relies on the answers provided by parents about their children.
That is part of the difficulty in diagnosing the disorder - almost every child with autism has his own range of symptoms.
Further tests revealed that the child was not autistic at all, but the story highlights the difficulty in diagnosing autism spectrum disorders.
This appears to be especially important in diagnosing the condition in females.
Diagnosing Rett syndrome can be complex.
Doctors will use the American Association of Childhood and Adolescent Psychiatry, or AACAP, guidelines for officially diagnosing autism in a child.
Diagnosing autism in infants is challenging because the symptoms typically involve a lack of normal behavior and not the presence of abnormal behavior.
If you suspect your child is exhibiting infant autism symptoms, trust your instincts and demand an evaluation by a professional with experience diagnosing and treating autistic disorders.
Get together with your doctor and discuss each possibility in depth during the screening and diagnosing process.
The UMDF also funds research into diagnosing, treating and curing mitochondrial disease.
New criteria in the works for the DSM-V may eliminate the distinction as far as diagnosing autistic disorders because it may merge social and communication delays into one domain.
This can lead to some people self diagnosing mild forms of autism, but many experience subclinical symptoms that do not require treatment.
Diagnosing car problems and repairing them on your own can be difficult.
Health insurance, also known as Medical Insurance, was created to cover the costs of diagnosing, treating, and curing illnesses and injuries.
The first step in diagnosing and treating a skin disorder is to seek a doctor's care.
A section about honeybee diseases includes information about diagnosing and several downloadable advisory leaflets.
You should never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking advice because of something in the Contents and you should not use the Contents for diagnosing a health or other problem or prescribing a medication.
Examination of fixation using vertical prisms is useful in diagnosing amblyopia in the absence of strabismus.
The difficulties of diagnosing epilepsy Epilepsy can be difficult to diagnose in anyone.
We came to the conclusion that in diagnosing patients with abnormal uterine cavity, MR imaging may help differentiate malignant from benign disorders.