Diagnose Sentence Examples
It was most unkind of you to cruelly diagnose him otherwise and accuse him of being a thief.
Information and statements including those regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
I'm not a vet so I can't diagnose the cause of your cat's hair loss, but I can give you some advice.
The cause of feline hair loss is difficult to diagnose.
The CAGE Test asks only four questions to diagnose problem drinking.
Only a physician can diagnose kidney stones, kidney infections and other kidney-related ailments.
Remember that only a physician can diagnose an illness, so please make an appointment and consult with your doctor for a proper diagnosis.
Whether this is the first diagnose of ADHD or if it has been a part of your life since grade school, this disorder can morph into new problems and issues during the turbulent years of adolescence.
Ultrasound scan accompanied by a contrast agent can also be used to diagnose testicular torsion.
The only person who can diagnose you with high cholesterol is a medical professional, so if you suspect you might have the condition, it's important to see a doctor right away.
AdvertisementHomeopathic doctors are doctors that diagnose and treat conditions using homeopathy, which is the art and science of healing by using safe, natural methods.
While only a doctor can diagnose mental health disorders, a simple depression test can help you decide if you may need medical attention.
Attempting to diagnose a drug addiction on your own is both ineffective and potentially dangerous.
Two sleep centers in the Brandenton area offer services that can help to diagnose the condition.
A spinal tap (lumbar puncture) is another procedure that the doctor may order to diagnose leukemia.
AdvertisementThe electroencephalogram (EEG) is the main test used to diagnose epilepsy.
Non-professionals often "diagnose" this disorder, and all of this attention actually only undermines the true disorder and treatment.
While some think that the BDI II alone can effectively diagnose depression, that's not actually what the inventory does.
Your doctor can either diagnose you or refer you to a mental health professional for further evaluation.
Many mental health professionals may diagnose you with adjustment disorder with depression if you suffer from the symptoms of depression due to a major life changing event.
AdvertisementHowever, there are some common symptoms of depression that professionals use as a guide to diagnose depression.
While chronic lying is not a psychological disorder recognized by the DSM-IV (the Diagnostic Manual used by health care professionals to diagnose mental disorders), it has been associated with other issues.
Only a veterinarian can diagnose the exact cause of this outbreak and I highly urge you to persuade your sister and son to both have their pets examined as soon as possible.
Your dog health care professional can diagnose a case of worm infestation by examining a stool sample from your pet.
It takes a qualified veterinarian to help diagnose exactly which foods cause an allergic reaction in your pet in order to rule out which items should not be fed.
AdvertisementHe/She will diagnose the cause of the sores, and likely prescribe medication to alleviate her discomfort.
Thanks for your question, and I hope your vet is able to quickly diagnose the problem.
It is often thought difficult to diagnose since it mimics other diseases.
Learn to evaluate, diagnose, and treat the five most common diseases.
However, you should not try to diagnose or treat yourself or anyone else, unless you are a licensed mental health professional.
Learn how to diagnose restless leg syndrome and the common factors that often lead to this sleep disorder.
They will be able to properly diagnose OHS through tests eliminating other pulmonary causes including cancer and other diseases.
The patient may also asked to participate in a sleep test at the center to further diagnose their sleep issues.
To diagnose PLMS, a doctor would prescribe a sleep study, or polysomnogram.
Specialized instruments and lab technicians monitor sleep patterns, body movements, and brain waves, and a doctor uses the results of the sleep study to diagnose sleep disorders definitively.
Sleep apnea is hard to diagnose because it can take people who suffer from it years to recognize the symptoms.
Specialists in the field along with student physicians in training work with patients to diagnose and treat restless legs, snoring, sleep apnea and insomnia.
Dr. Fishman is a neurologist who works with patients to diagnose and treat sleep apnea.
To diagnose this, various scans and examinations are necessary.
Only a doctor can diagnose the level of your sleep apnea sleep disorder through a sleep study.
It is important to have a sleep study done to evaluate your symptoms and diagnose your condition.
In order to diagnose sleep apnea, a patient must undergo a sleep study.
However, many drugstores and supermarkets allow users to diagnose themselves by selling reading glasses at various strengths.
Other tests to diagnose stroke may include a transcranial Doppler ultrasound and neurosonogram.
The radiation oncologist uses radiation to treat cancer, while the surgical oncologist performs surgery to diagnose or treat cancer.
Radiologists read the x rays, ultrasound images, CT scans, and MRI images to help diagnose cancer.
In order to begin early, effective treatment, it is critical for pediatricians to diagnose HSV infection in newborns as soon as possible.
To diagnose a mitochondrial disorder and rule out other diseases, more extensive tests may need to be performed.
In some cases, a physician may not be able to diagnose the patient with a specific mitochondrial disorder even after extensive evaluation.
The purpose of a CSF analysis is to diagnose medical disorders that affect the central nervous system.
Because platelet counts are sometimes ordered to diagnose or monitor bleeding disorders, patients with these disorders should be cautioned to watch the puncture site for signs of additional bleeding.
Although there is some disagreement over what criteria should be used to diagnose Tourette syndrome, the most common aid in the diagnosis is the DSM-IV.
In most cases, the child with WS will require multidisciplinary care throughout adult life, with continued medical assessment to diagnose and treat medical complications early.
The best way to diagnose PMS is to review a detailed diary of a woman's symptoms for several months.
Ultrasonography is often used to diagnose fetal abnormalities, gallstones, heart defects, and tumors.
Abnormally low levels of somatomedin C will require further investigation, so doctors may perform the hGH stimulation test to diagnose hGH deficiency.
It is not always easy to diagnose the exact type of albinism a person has.
In the early 2000s, a blood test has been developed that can identify carriers of the gene for some types of albinism; a similar test during amniocentesis can diagnose some types of albinism in an unborn child.
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2; MMPI-A) is a written psychological assessment, or test, used to diagnose mental disorders.
A pediatric allergist can diagnose the specific cause of the allergic reaction and provide the correct allergen extracts.
To diagnose a corneal abrasion, a topical anesthetic with a yellow dye called flourescein is placed into the eye.
For example, tumors and autoimmune diseases were as of 2004 easier to diagnose.
An electrocardiogram and echocardiogram may be performed to diagnose heart disease.
The most difficult time to diagnose A-T is during the period when neurologic symptoms start to appear (early childhood) and the typical telangiectasias have not yet appeared.
In many cases the doctor is able to diagnose the disorder only by a slow process of eliminating other diagnostic possibilities.
In some cases, cardiac catheterization, a more invasive diagnostic procedure, may be performed to diagnose atrial septal defect.
Treatment should be provided by a pediatric cardiologist, a specialist trained to diagnose and treat congenital heart disease.
In some cases, the doctor will diagnose GERD after taking a thorough medical history, listening carefully for GERD symptoms, and doing a physical exam.
If the physical exam demonstrates nothing else is wrong, the pediatrician may diagnose colic by the parent's description of the crying.
They are a painless, non-invasive way to help diagnose problems such as broken bones, tumors, dental decay, and the presence of foreign bodies.
Fetal echocardiography is used to diagnose congenital cardiovascular defects in utero, usually after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Treatment should be provided by a pediatric cardiologist, a specialist trained to diagnose and treat congenital cardiovascular defects.
The inkblots allow the patient to project his or her interpretations, which can be used to diagnose particular disorders.
By measuring characteristic wave patterns, the EEG can help diagnose certain conditions of the brain.
Physical examination and routine x rays may yield enough evidence to diagnose benign bone tumors, but removal of tumor tissue for microscopic analysis (biopsy) is the only sure way to rule out malignancy.
Cytogenic and molecular genetic studies, which assess the structure and composition of chromosomes and genes, may also be used to diagnose osteosarcoma.
Prenatal testing can also diagnose MPS in the fetus, but this testing is normally done only when there is some reason to expect to find the disorder (e.g. family history of the disease).
Because itching can be caused by such a wide variety of triggers, a complete physical examination and medical history will help diagnose the underlying problem.
Children's drawings can also aid in helping to diagnose learning disabilities.
A mental health professional can diagnose phobias after a detailed interview and discussion of both mental and physical symptoms.
A less common test used to diagnose renal vein thrombosis is renal venography, also called renal angiography, an x-ray examination of the renal veins after a contrast material (dye) has been injected.
The child's doctor will not be able to diagnose narcolepsy on the basis of a routine physical examination.
An experienced physician can diagnose a myopathy by evaluating a child's medical history and by performing a thorough physical examination.
Polysomnography can be used to help diagnose sleep disorders as well as conduct research into sleep.
This test can also be used to help diagnose primary hypersomnia.
The child's symptoms and medical history help a primary care physician to diagnose constipation.
Doctors diagnose failure to thrive by plotting the child's weight, length, and head circumference on standard growth charts.
As mentioned earlier, there are no laboratory tests to diagnose tics as such.
A sweat test is never used to diagnose these conditions.
The pediatrician will often perform a red reflex test to diagnose or confirm leukocoria.
Checking the mother's weight and abdominal measurements can help diagnose cases in which there are no other risk factors present.
It is often possible to diagnose OI solely on clinical features and x-ray findings.
Fetal hemoglobin measurement helps diagnose a group of inherited disorders that affect hemoglobin production, among which are the thalassemias and sickle cell anemia.
It may also be done to help doctors diagnose acquired illnesses such as acquired hemolytic anemia, leukemia, pernicious anemia, and certain types of cancer.
In order to diagnose reactive hypoglycemia in those without diabetes, a blood sample must be drawn while a child is experiencing symptoms.
Abdominal ultrasound is able to effectively visualize and diagnose most obstructions.
Pervasive developmental disorders are diagnosed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which provides criteria for physicians to diagnose the specific type.
Some physicians may hesitate to diagnose very young children with a specific type of pervasive developmental disorder.
Amniocentesis is a procedure used to diagnose fetal defects in the early second trimester of pregnancy.
A physician may be able to diagnose warts with a simple examination.
More comprehensive x rays are needed to diagnose a broken jaw.
There are no specific or reliable tests to diagnose PCS.
The Giemsa stain is used often to diagnose neonatal inclusion conjunctivitis.
Other techniques used to diagnose a chlamydial infection are enzyme immunoassays, serum antibody tests, and DNA probes.
Laparoscopy is done to diagnose conditions or to perform certain types of surgeries.
Once the baby's gestational age and weight are determined, further tests and electronic fetal monitoring may need to be used to diagnose problems or to track the baby's condition.
Rash and dry skin in hot weather are usually sufficient to diagnose these conditions.
While this simple test can be helpful, it is certainly not a perfect way to diagnose or rule out the diagnosis of sinusitis.
Hepatitis A symptoms often go unrecognized because they are not specific to hepatitis A, thus a blood test (IgM anti-HAV) is required to diagnose HAV infection.
This screening test cannot diagnose a specific condition; it only indicates the increase of risk for several birth defects.
The danger of failing to diagnose this disorder is that children may be referred for unnecessary surgery because of their reflux symptoms.
Since many infants in the first month of life can have a herpes infection and not have skin lesions, it takes a great deal of time and effort to diagnose and treat these infections early.
Other than providing regular vitamin supplements and a balanced diet to prevent deficiencies, parents should not attempt to diagnose and treat deficiencies on their own.
A stair-stepping test may be used to evaluate stamina, but a blood test is required to diagnose iron deficiency.
It is important to diagnose and treat amblyopia early because significant vision loss can occur if it is left untreated.
The emotional and physical highs and lows of cocaine use correspond to the manic depression of the bipolar patient, making the disorder difficult to diagnose.
Ultrasound can also be used to diagnose Dandy-Walker and Chiari II malformations.
Many children with VWD have mild symptoms or symptoms that can be confused with other bleeding disorders, making it difficult for a doctor to diagnose VWD based on clinical symptoms.
Instead, doctors diagnose OCD after evaluating a person's symptoms and history.
Assessment-In the context of psychological assessment (a structured interview), assessment is information-gathering to diagnose a mental disorder.
Because clefting causes specific physical manifestations, it is easy to diagnose.
This is the most difficult type of tracheoesophageal fistula to diagnose, because both eating and breathing are possible.
A physician will diagnose a burn based on visual examination and will also ask the burned person or family members questions to determine the best treatment.
Speech and language therapists diagnose stuttering by asking stutterers to read out loud, pronounce specific words, and talk.
Spirometry can help a physician diagnose a range of respiratory diseases, monitor the progress of a disease, or assess a patient's response to treatment.
Angiomas and vascular malformations are not difficult to diagnose.
It is important to diagnose the condition before the intestinal obstruction causes an overgrowth of bacteria that evolves into a medical emergency.
It is important to diagnose the condition early in order to prevent the development of enterocolitis.
The goal of syphilis screening is to diagnose and treat infections before transmission occurs.
In female teen patients, laparascopy has the added benefit of being able to diagnose and treat gynecologic conditions and ectopic pregnancy during the appendectomy if the appendix is found to be normal.
It may be used to diagnose cognitive development disorders in young children through an analysis of visual construction skills.
The only way to diagnose listeriosis is to isolate Listeria monocytogenes from blood, cerebrospinal fluid, or stool.
Another technique that is used to diagnose the syndrome before birth is called fluorescence in situ hybridization, or FISH.
In order to diagnose AD/HD, psychologists and other mental health professionals typically use the criteria listed in the DSM-IV.
Personal and family medical history, description of seizure activity, and physical and neurological examinations help primary care physicians, neurologists, and epileptologists diagnose this disorder.
Doctors diagnose mood disorders based on the patient's description of the symptoms as well as the patient's family history.
Although methylation testing can accurately diagnose PWS, it cannot determine if the PWS is caused by a deletion, maternal uniparental disomy, or a mutation that disrupts imprinting.
Diagnose and treat muscular, nervous, and skeletal issues, especially those related to the spine, from a holistic approach that takes into account a patient's overall health.
Diagnose, monitor, and treat abnormalities of the skin, hair, nails, including skin cancers, tumors, moles, acne, eczema, and contact dermatitis.
Prevent, diagnose, counsel, monitor, and treat patients for mental, addictive, and emotional disorders.
These four-year programs prepare optometrists to diagnose and treat a number of eye problems and prescribe corrective lenses.
Lab technicians work behind the scene, running tests on specimens like blood, urine and other bodily tissues to help physicians diagnose disease.
A medical assistant is not a physician's assistant, and the position does not require you to treat, examine or diagnose patients.
In order to diagnose the cause of the bleeding, a visit to your doctor is recommended.
The early symptoms of tubal pregnancy are generally mild, making tubal pregnancy difficult to diagnose in the earliest stages.
Proactive medical care can help diagnose a pregnancy that is located outside of the uterus, which is critical for the mother's health and future fertility.
These symptoms alone, especially because of their mild nature, cannot be used to diagnose ectopic pregnancies.
Talking to each other is one of the best solutions, as well as seeing a doctor to diagnose any underlying conditions.
A physician can diagnose a tubal pregnancy using ultrasound, blood tests, and a pelvic exam.
Describe your cramping/pain to your healthcare provider so that he or she can help you diagnose whether it is benign pain or a sign of possible problems.
If your blood levels of vitamin D are low, it is important to diagnose and treat the deficiency before long-term health consequences result.
Before you pitch your coffee maker, take some time to see if you can diagnose the problem you're having and come up with a solution.
If you are in doubt about what part you may need to make the repair, consult a professional who can easily diagnose the issue.
The doctor may use an endoscopy to help examine the small intestine closer and may take a small tissue sample of the small intestine to diagnose the condition.
These symptoms can mimic a broad array of other disorders which make celiac disease difficult to diagnose, though an early diagnosis is necessary to prevent further destruction of the intestinal lining.
This is one of the reasons why celiacs are so difficult to diagnose.
However, the major problem most celiac sufferers encounter is that celiac disease is often difficult to diagnose.
The average celiac may also be unaware of a genetic predisposition to gluten intolerance, so it is no wonder it can take approximately a decade for most doctors to accurately diagnose a celiac.
A simple blood test will diagnose the disease based on the presence of certain antibodies.
In fact, most medical professionals won't diagnose ADHD in children unless the symptoms have begun before the age of seven, been present for at least six months, and occur in more than one setting.
Other disabilities are harder to diagnose.
They stress, however, that these criteria "should be used only by trained health care providers to diagnose or treat ADHD."
It wasn't necessary for Cayce to even meet his patients; he was able to diagnose physical ailments and mental illnesses with amazing accuracy.
Medical intuition involves using psychic abilities to diagnose physical ailments and their causes.
These early readings proved that Cayce not only had the ability to "view" these individuals remotely, but he could correctly diagnose their illnesses and determine a cure if one was available.
She challenged her interns to diagnose her symptoms as a mystery patient.
Before and After - Izzie uses her interns to diagnose patient X and the episode also features a crossover with Private Practice.
Since piercings are often irritated when they are fresh, it's sometimes difficult to diagnose a true infection at home.
Instead, mental health professionals will diagnose these individuals with high- or low-functioning autism.
Fragile X syndrome can be difficult to diagnose in children, especially those who are mildly affected.
Only recently have educational, psychiatric, and medical professionals even been able to diagnose it, and even now, they are often sharply divided on the proper treatment.
As awareness of autism increases, the ability of school and medical professionals to identify, diagnose, and treat autism in young children is growing constantly.
It is important to know something about how to know if a child is autistic but only a professional is qualified diagnose or refute cases of autism.
To make it more difficult to diagnose Rett syndrome, no two people will present the same signs and symptoms.
Currently, Aspergers is a specific diagnosis in the DSM-IV but some doctors may diagnose a person who meets the criteria for AS with high functioning autism or PDD-NOS.
Aspergers in girls may be especially challenging to diagnose, and females with relatives on the spectrum may be more likely to have the disorder.
Whether you're hoping to diagnose an engine problem with your car or simply want to learn more about the navigation system, the Toyota Prius manual is a great source of information.
Car Talk is a humorous radio show, in which hosts Tom and Ray Magliozzi diagnose car problems over the air.
With the right skills, you may be able to diagnose car trouble before taking your vehicle to a mechanic.
One of the easiest ways to diagnose a car problem is to use your sense of sight.
Use your senses to help diagnose car trouble, and then take your car to your mechanic for confirmation.
However, in other instances it's harder to diagnose and more serious in nature.
Don't diagnose yourself with something fatal until you've fully researched the causes of your unexplained weight gain.
Medifast does not claim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The tripod exercise can also be used to diagnose any balance discrepancies.
When you file a claim, a technician will be sent to your home to diagnose the problem and to make repairs.
The home warranty insurer will contact one of the contractors on its list and ask them to contact you to arrange a convenient time to come to your home to diagnose and repair the problem.
The American Academy of Family Physicians can help you diagnose a skin rash.
It is impossible to diagnose a medical condition based solely on an article.
White patches can be difficult to immediately diagnose because, like many other symptoms that manifest themselves on the skin, they can be caused by many different conditions.
The following fingernail problems, and their accompanying symptoms, will help you diagnose serious or minute fingernail health problems.
A doctor will be able to diagnose your condition visually since no tests exist to confirm heat rash.
A physician will administer a prescription strength cream that will treat the rash, and will also be able to diagnose the underlying condition.
If this is your first bout of heat rash, seek medical treatment promptly to diagnose and classify your condition.
However, eczema can be worsened by these substances, so it's important to consult a dermatologist who can properly diagnose the condition and prescribe treatment.
I have some sort of disease no one can diagnose, and one of my coworkers gave me this number to try.
Millions of parents have already used amniocentesis and sonograms to diagnose Down's syndrome or cystic fibrosis.
Diagnosis of E. histolytica infection Historically, light microscopy has been the method of choice to diagnose amoebiasis.
A renal angiogram helps to diagnose narrowed blood vessels to the kidney.
There is no one test that will diagnose appendicitis with certainty.
It's hard tho to diagnose arthritis - there are so many different kinds.
For a young child, the GP may listen to their chest and diagnose asthma from their symptoms.
Another avenue of nanotechnology research is to develop nanometre-sized contrast agents with ultrasound to diagnose ovarian cancer.
The difficulties of diagnosing epilepsy Epilepsy can be difficult to diagnose in anyone.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The only way to diagnose endometriosis is by a laparoscopy.
A description of the problem you are having will also help to diagnose the fault.
The hospital laboratory can diagnose glandular fever by testing a blood sample from a patient.
Your doctor will be able to diagnose fibromyalgia based on the symptoms you describe.
The doctor also may find it helpful to examine chalky, sodium urate deposits (tophi) around joints to diagnose gout.
Both the reviews tell us how difficult it is to diagnose heart failure, with references to prove it.
No amateur or professional hypnotist lacking proper medical training could diagnose definitely between the various conditions.
In addition, there are no blatant symptoms of the disease, so doctors cannot properly diagnose the illness until it's significantly advanced.
Diagnose the danger of seismic liquefaction, and suggest counter-measures.
In fact, an increase in the ability to diagnose lupus, and increased reporting of lupus would be a good thing.
These can give misleading figures as it is very difficult to diagnose migraine correctly by questionnaire.
For example, trauma or the effect of corneal opacity on the ability to diagnose cataract.
Broadly, two approaches are employed to diagnose osteoporosis.
The only sure way to diagnose a blighted ovum is through an ultrasound.
Both amylase and lipase are sometimes ordered together to diagnose acute pancreatitis.
Teachers diagnose what children know and then remediate by teaching them what they do not know.
Diagnosis and treatment A doctor can often diagnose scabies by giving you a physical examination and taking your medical history.
However, TRALI may be difficult to diagnose clinically, and not all cases were supported by positive donor serology.
This research opens a better way to diagnose and treat chronic sinusitis, and reduce the annual 300,000 sinus surgeries that are needed.
A number of imaging techniques can be used to diagnose renal artery stenosis, all with similar accuracy.
How could this test be used to diagnose whether this patient has contracted syphilis?
Subjects underwent pelvic ultrasonography to visualize their ovaries in order to diagnose or exclude polycystic ovaries.
Tapeworm infection has traditionally been more difficult to diagnose.
The doctor used an interesting modality to diagnose her patient.
If your baby manages to swallow two or more magnets, they can become attracted to each other through body parts, such as the intestines, causing major injuries that are very hard to diagnose.
Before you diagnose your toddler with a stuttering problem, pay attention to how he speaks.
A physician must diagnose the newborn respiratory problem.
Medical history-A full medical history work-up will be done to diagnose or rule out any other disorders.
This condition is difficult to diagnose until it has advanced to the point where the heart muscles thicken and prevent the cat's heart from pumping or contracting normally.
These additional symptoms might indicate a respiratory infection, something your vet should have been able to diagnose when he examined your kitten.
I hope your vet is able to diagnose the cause of the sneezing because I am fresh out of ideas on that one.
With a personal examination, the vet will be able to properly diagnose your cat and offer treatment options.
A vet would really need to diagnose the cause of the hair loss because it can be from so many different problems, but I can give you some tips.
Yes, not an appetizing log to keep, but it may help your vet diagnose what is going on.
Since this disease mimics so many other ailments, the best way to quickly and correctly diagnose it is through a blood test.
A complete blood count test, along with a physical examination of the feline, will help a veterinarian diagnose the disease.
If you've ever tried to diagnose a sick cat before, you know how difficult it can be.
Being aware of any significant changes can help you diagnose a sick cat early so that he receives proper medical treatment when necessary.
All of these tests and results will help the veterinarian diagnose the type of urinary tract disorder that your cat has.
Each of these tests detects the presence of the coronavirus antibodies, but they cannot be used to positively diagnose FIP.
There are no screenings that definitively diagnose FIP at present, although there are some in development.
Currently the only way to diagnose FIP is by biopsy or necropsy.
Should the ELISA and IFA test give conflicting results, the PCR test offers a way for your veterinarian to diagnose feline leukemia.
The only way to diagnose rabies is to send brain cells for examination.
Vomiting is a symptom of many cat diseases, so it's a bit dangerous for an owner to try to diagnose the cause of the vomiting on her own.
It is usually easy for pet owners to diagnose hairball vomiting because the mass of hair is typically visible in the expelled matter.
Food issues can be difficult to diagnose because most commercial cat foods contain a plethora of ingredients all muddled together into a wet or dry formula.
A veterinarian may run a routine battery of tests to diagnose cardiomyopathy, and these can include an EKG, an x-ray or ultrasound images to examine the shape and condition of your cat's heart.
If the readings remain in the elevated ranges, a physician will diagnose hypertension and recommend medication or lifestyle changes.
Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Only a professional can diagnose an anxiety disorder.
There are numerous things that could be going on here because skin conditions are so difficult to diagnose.
Your vet will have to diagnose the exact cause of your pet's illness.
As you can see, it's going to take a vet to diagnose the cause of the infection and decide the most effective way to treat it.
As you can see, skin problems can be difficult to diagnose because there are just so many causes.
This course includes how to diagnose and treat the disease in dogs with other ailments.
It is important to note that Dr. Cole is not a medical doctor and his lectures are not meant to diagnose or treat health conditions.
In many cases, a sleep study is necessary to diagnose the condition properly.
Although not commonly used to diagnose heart murmurs, it may be used to help physicians evaluate certain congenital cardiovascular defects.
It is used as a means to diagnose an allergic reaction to foods.
The test helps diagnose or confirm certain febrile diseases that are known to be associated with febrile agglutinins.
It is possible to diagnose peroxisomal disorders in utero.
This form of examination can help diagnose anisometropia.
Now, I don't know what medicine you gave them, but typically you need to take a stool sample to your vet so he/she can diagnose which type of worms your kittens have, and give them the right medicine to kill that particular species.
Unless the case is occurring in a person known to have been exposed to or in the midst of an epidemic of meningococcal disease, there may be no specific symptoms or signs found that help the doctor diagnose the problem.
While there are over-the-counter products that can help you find out if you have a yeast infection (which could cause the vaginal discharge you are experiencing), you shouldn't make the mistake of trying to diagnose yourself.
Tibetan herbalists diagnose illnessees based on their association with these characteristics, and prescribe remedies according to a book that encompasses the known properties of herbal remedies in Tibetan medicine.
A medical professional can diagnose an anxiety disorder by cataloging symptoms, and typically at least four separate symptoms - either physical or emotional - need to regularly occur in order to conclude that anxiety attacks are present.
Pulmonary function tests help a doctor to diagnose respiratory diseases and disorders such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and emphysema, and mechanical injury by measuring the degree of lung impairment.
As of 2004 there was no one test or group of tests that can reliably diagnose DIC because it is a clinical event that occurs without warning, arising from another event such as surgery, childbirth, snakebite, and certain disease conditions.