Devotes Sentence Examples
Sainte-Beuve devotes to him two papers of delicate and admiring criticism.
George Sand, who was a firm believer in the doctrine of heredity, devotes a whole volume of her autobiography (Histoire de ma vie, 1857 seq.) to the elaboration of this strange pedigree.
The Conseil .suprieur devotes its attention to all questions touching the fighting efficiency of the fleet, naval bases and arsenals and- coast defence.
Leibnitz devotes an introductory chapter in his Theodicee, 1710 (as against Pierre Bayle), to faith and reason.
The long poem celebrating the triumph of Christ and His saints was called forth by the favour shown him by Pope Leo VII., during whose pontificate he visited Rome, and he devotes fourteen books to the history of the popes.
He feels the increasing languor of the time as well as the languor of advancing years, and seeks to encourage younger men to take up the role of lyrical poetry, while he devotes himself to the contemplation of the true art of living.
There is also a lighter form of excommunication which "devotes" the goods of an offender, but only separates him from the congregation.
The Cambridge Platform of 1648 by which the New England churches defined their practice, devotes ch.
They were written for the public at large, but few save professed students, who can admire and value his exhaustiveness, will read the many hundreds of pages which he devotes to a short period of history.
Space forbids any attempt to sketch here the special growth of criticism in other countries, such as France, where the brilliant genius of Renan was in part devoted to the Old Testament, or within the Roman Catholic Church, which possesses in Pere Lagrange, for example, a deservedly influential critical scholar, and in the Revue Biblique an organ which devotes much attention to the critical study of the Old Testament.
AdvertisementEuclid devotes his third book entirely to theorems and problems relating to the circle, and certain lines and angles, which he defines in introducing the propositions.
Among medieval writers Albertus Magnus (born 1205) devotes much of the second section of his De animalibus to physiognomy; but this chiefly consists of extracts from Aristotle, Polemon and Loxus.
It places this question of "soul" at the head of all the points it deals with, and devotes to it an amount of space quite overshadowing all the rest s So also in the earliest Buddhist book later than the canon - the very interesting and suggestive series of conversations between the Greek king Menander and the Buddhist teacher Nagasena.
More and more the Master devotes Himself to the little circle of His disciples, who are taught that they, as well as He, can only triumph through defeat, succeed by failure, and find their life in giving it away.
Among the humble-bees (Bombus) the workers help the queen, who takes her share in the duties of the nest; the distinction between queen and workers is therefore less absolute than in the hive-bees (Apis), whose queen, relieved of all nursing and building cares by the workers, devotes her whole energies b FIG.
AdvertisementThere is still a certain difference observable, however, in so far as the speculative mystic remains primarily concerned with the theory of the soul's relation to God, while the theosophist gives his thoughts a wider scope, and frequently devotes himself to the elaboration of a fantastic philosophy of nature.
He devotes himself more exclusively to the little body of his faithful friends and commits his mission to them.
At the Dutch university, where he matriculated on the 27th of October 1745, he associated with a small knot of English youths, afterwards well known in various circles of life, among whom were Dowdeswell, his subsequent rival in politics, Wilkes, the witty and unprincipled reformer, and Alexander Carlyle, the genial Scotchman, who devotes some of the pages of his Autobiography to chronicling their sayings and their doings.
Stubbs's preface to the second volume of Walter of Coventry (" Rolls" ed.), which devotes special attention to Langton.
He is here dealing with a different question; and it is unreasonable to suppose, and indeed contrary to the style in which Louvois corresponds with Saint-Mars, that he devotes the whole letter to the one subject with which he started.
AdvertisementThe extravagance of the last-named commentator takes the form of seeing elaborate allegories; that of some others devotes itself chiefly to identifying the characters of the romance with more or less famous historical persons.
The department of Santander devotes considerable attention to horsebreeding.
Rutherford (1881); Lobeck devotes his attention chiefly to the later, Rutherford to the earlier usages noticed by Phrynichus.
Finally, he who devotes himself on principle to furthering the good of others as his highest moral obligation is from the highest point of view realizing, not sacrificing, himself.
However, he devotes the book to giving the big picture.
AdvertisementCustomer Experience Maximizing visitor enjoyment Hill View House devotes a whole page to its environmental policy on the Hill View House website.
The native disposition of the Tosks has been modified by intercourse with the Greeks and Vlachs; while the Gheg devotes his attention exclusively to fighting, robbery and pastoral pursuits, the Tosk occasionally occupies himself with commercial, industrial or agricultural employments; the Gheg is stern, morose and haughty, the Tosk lively, talkative and affable.
The whole subject was properly introduced by Treviranus, 1 who in his large philosophical work devotes considerable space to the " geographical 1 Treviranus, Biologie oder Philosophie der lebenden Natur, vol.
Glazer devotes particular attention to the "special grief" that he recognizes can arise from the loss through a tragedy."
Unlike nearly all commercial store brands, Orijen devotes approximately one-third of its formula to fruits and vegetables.
This site devotes most of their articles to definitions, so you won't be able to ask a question if you need some clarification on an article, but you will discover the meaning of each of the numbers.
By the year 2000, Waltham devotes its newest line to women and unveils a limited edition pink gold watch.
He respects all living things and devotes his life for peace in the Universe.
He was educated at the monastery of Reichenau, near Constance, where he had for his teachers Tatto and Wettin, to whose visions he devotes one of his poems. Then he went on to Fulda, where he studied for some time under Hrabanus Maurus before returning to Reichenau, of which monastery he was made abbot in 838.