Devise Sentence Examples
I prefer to use this app because it allows me to devise my own music playlists.
Devise a realistic menu and stick to it.
The engineers' newest project is to devise a more efficient water filtration system.
The purpose of this meeting is to devise a strategy for our company to pay off its debt.
Great efforts have been made to devise cottonpicking machines, but, as yet, complete success has not been attained.
This quiz is used to devise a customized diet plan.
He began to devise a plan to win her back for himself.
I imagine an eternity of punishment as only the Dark One can devise.
Manufactures were fostered in every way he could devise.
Or you can devise something with a bit of craftiness.
AdvertisementThis was an attempt to devise a system of government that would apply to Cleveland, a city of 400,000 inhabitants, and to Painesville with its 5000 inhabitants.
Perhaps someone could devise a better method of preventing such wastage.
Devise, and make appropriate and effective use of, pre-defined elements eg templates, master pages, styles, glossaries.
Have your Information Technology (IT) specialist devise a method that will allow candidates to easily post their resumes to your site.
Who wants to know the conventionally unknowable enough to devise and use a system like the Yi?
AdvertisementHe proved unable to devise a common plan of action on the part of the Catholic princes against Elizabeth of England and the Turks; while he was also powerless to check the, spread of brigandage in the papal state.
But does a modern pluralist society need to turn somersaults in an attempt to devise a common national identity at all?
These publications will help you devise strategies for quality improvement.
Perhaps you could also devise a place to store general craft supplies while you're organizing.
Once a determination is made that braces are needed to correct a problem, the orthodontist will devise a treatment method.
AdvertisementOne way to devise a tasty vegan meal plan is to rely upon staples that are versatile enough to play a main role in multiple meals.
Studies can help to devise treatment plans for this puzzling illness.
Once you build up your stash of sewing notions, you will need to devise a way to organize and store your items.
Not only are there a lot of pictures to help you devise a costume, many of the better shops will have individual pieces available for rent.
Some inmates are scam artists and will devise plans to get you to send them money.
AdvertisementVirgos like to devise a carefully thought out plan and stick with it.
The parents usually devise schedules among themselves based on one another's needs and the number of children.
After working for several years, they were able to devise a revolutionary calculator that set the stage for the rise of compact electronic calculators.
Expanding technological frontiers has made it possible for engineers to devise miniature yet useful products like small clock radios or stereos.
The consulting company will also work with the EMS or fire department to devise a marketing program for their specific needs.
If there are specific issues or keys to customer service you feel need to be dealt with, you may want to consider hiring a skill training company which will work with you to devise a seminar that will meet your company's needs.
Keep in mind that consistency is the key when performing rehabilitation exercises, so devise an exercise schedule and stick to it.
Understanding leg anatomy can help you devise an effective thigh toning workout program.
If you don't belong to a gym, you can devise an effective thigh toning program by using a combination of resistance band, and body weight exercises such as squats and lunges.
Before you hit the shops, devise a budget for yourself and stick to it.
Instead, you can devise some kind of scoring system, such as trading chips in for tickets that allow people to bid on prizes later in the night.
Food Network Chopped pits chefs against each other in a fast paced cooking competition in which they have to devise a three course menu incorporating three mystery ingredients that are not revealed until just as the competition begins.
The chefs must devise a three course menu that incorporates each of the ingredients.
Being nervous is normal, but again, don't try to devise a personality you think they want to see.
People with experience in working the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the 9/11 attacks helped to devise the set and the challenges for the show so that the experience was a valid test of survivalist skills.
It should be possible to devise a way to resolve these sort of disputes without always creating an inconvenience for the passengers.
The difference between S-Video and Composite really depends on which devise has the better Y/C separation or comb filter.
Try to devise a way of preserving his insights while avoiding the vicious regresses to which he can give rise.
I would not eat stewed rhubarb with my fingers, or, indeed, with any instrument that science could devise.
Those who have to lead an ar my and devise stratagems, must learn the art of war.
Cromwell, who had no desire to exercise arbitrary power and whose main object therefore was to devise some constitutional limit to the authority which circumstances had placed in his hands, now accepted the written constitution drawn up by some of the officers, called the Instrument of Government, the earliest example of a "fixed government" based on "fundamentals," or constitutional guarantees, and the only example of it in English history.
In this retreat he probably wrote his eclogues, but in 1520 "Maistre Barkleye, the Blacke Monke and Poete" was desired to devise "histoires and convenient raisons to florisshe the buildings and banquet house withal" at the meeting between Henry VIII.
The suit was brought to break the will, and Webster, for the plaintiffs, after stating that the devise could stand only on condition that it was a charity, argued that it was not a charity because no teaching was such except Christian teaching.
In 1860 he was chairman of the House "Committee of Thirty-three," consisting of one member from each state, and appointed to consider the condition of the nation and, if possible, to devise some scheme for reconciling the North and the South.
Having first determined by experiment - for which he was given special facilities by the admiralty - what are the manoeuvring powers of ships propelled by steam under varying conditions of speed and helm, he proceeded to devise a system of tactics based on these data.
The length of time and other disadvantages attending the combustion method have caused investigators to devise other processes.
Constantine Palaeologus, the last occupant of the imperial throne, took every measure that the courage of despair could devise for the defence of the doomed city; but his appeal to the pope for the aid of Western Christendom was frustrated through the bigoted, anti-Catholic spirit of the Greeks.
As soon, however, as he thought his power secure, he threw off the mask, and began to harass and oppress the Huguenots by every means he could devise.
All that human foresight could devise for the consolidation and perpetuation of the newly established Hungarian empire had been done by Matthias in the last years of his reign.
By Carnot's principle, in all irreversible processes, dH/0 must be algebraically less than do, otherwise it would be possible to devise a cycle more efficient than a reversible cycle.
Both husband and wife retain their separate title to the property which each owned before marriage and to that acquired after marriage by gift, devise or descent, and to the increase of all lands thus acquired, but the husband has the sole management both of his own and of his wife's separate property.
All property which either husband or wife acquires during the marriage, other than by gift, devise or descent, is their common property, and during coverture may be disposed of by the husband only; on the death of the husband the widow has one-half of the property, which they held in common.
The parallel motion known by his name is a three-bar linkage, which gives a very close approximation to exact rectilinear motion, but in spite of all his efforts he failed to devise one that produced absolutely true rectilinear motion.
Either husband or wife may hold, manage and dispose of his or her separate property independent of the other, but property which they hold in common is under the management and control of the husband except that he cannot devise by will more than one-half of the community real or personal property, or convey, mortgage or encumber any of the community real estate unless his wife joins him.
In return for these enormous concessions the partitioning powers presented the Poles with a constitution superior to anything they had ever been able to devise for themselves.
Reading in 1657 of Otto von Guericke's air-pump, he set himself with the assistance of Robert Hooke to devise improvements in its construction, and with the result, the "machina Boyleana" or "Pneumatical Engine," finished in 1659, he began a series of experiments on the properties of air.
Churchyard was employed to devise a pageant for the queen's reception at Bristol in 1574, and again at Norwich in 1578.
He was sincerely religious; but his wellmeant efforts to unite the Lutheran and Reformed Churches, in celebration of the tercentenary of the Reformation (1817), revealed the limits of his paternal power; eleven years passed in vain attempts to devise common formulae; a stubborn Lutheran minority had to be coerced by military force, the confiscation of their churches and the imprisonment or exile of their pastors; not till 1834 was outward union secured on the basis of common worship but separate symbols, the opponents of the measure being forbidden to form communities of their own.
The estates, indeed, were summoned in March 1815, but the attempt to devise a constitution broke down; their appeal to the federal diet at Frankfort to call the elector to order in the matter of the debt and the domains came to nothing owing to the intervention of Metternich; and in May 1816 they were dissolved, never to meet again.
It is certain that the necessary removal of George Douglas from Lochleven enabled him to devise a method of escape for the prisoner on the 25th of March, 1568, which was frustrated by detection of her white hands under the disguise of a laundress.
The latter had for some years perceived the influence exercised in benefit societies by badges and titular appellations, and he further endeavoured to devise some quaint phraseology which would be attractive to the working classes.
Thus, from the sheer inability of the assembled ministers to devise a plan on which all could agree, Prussia and the states that had joined her in the Union were compelled to recognize the Frankfort diet.
It was, however, far easier to acknowledge that the Capitulations rgime was defective and had outlived its time than to devise a remedy and get all the nations interested to accept it.
To raise funds to satisfy the rapacity of the Porte the princes became past masters in the art of spoliation, and the inhabitants, liable to every species of tax which the ingenuity of their Greek rulers could devise, were reduced to the last stage of destitution.
This led him about 1799 to devise his famous voltaic pile consisting of disks of copper and zinc or other metals with wet cloth placed between the pairs.
Bacon saw that his method was impracticable (though he seems to have thought the difficulties not insuperable), and therefore set to work to devise new helps, adminicula.
Having dealt with hand-presses, we must now go back to the end of the 18th century, when the first experiments were made to devise some mechanical means of producing larger printed sheets, and at a quicker rate.
Therefore I would advise you, as you tender your life, to devise some excuse to shift of your attendance of this Parliament, for God and man hath concurred to punish the wickedness of this time.
Devizes (Divisis, la Devise, De Vies) does not appear in any historical document prior to the reign of Henry I., when the construction of a castle of exceptional magnificence by Roger, bishop of Salisbury, at once constituted the town an important political centre, and led to its speedy development.
Edward was persuaded that he could devise the crown by will, the council and the judges were browbeaten into acquiescence, and three days after Edwards death (July 6, 1553), Lady Jane Grey was proclaimed queen in London.
Then he solemnly took the estates to witness, as he stood there "in the sight of the Almighty," that he had begun hostilities "out of no lust for war, as many will certainly devise and imagine," but in self-defence and to deliver his fellow-Christians from oppression.
Our aim is to devise tax credits, refunds, and abatements in order to benefit these non-profit organizations.
Custom system - people installing their own solar panels can devise a system that is tailored precisely to their needs.
The design you ultimately choose may be exactly like one of those above, or it could be a unique creation that you devise yourself.
Over the course of the three years, her team learns to know, understand and watch for specific movement choices the dog makes, as well as how to devise a training schedule for correction and improvement of the movement.
A professional should devise an individualized treatment plan for each child and allow the child, family, and school to have a great deal of input into the treatment process.
Some parents devise a category system to help their children manage their allowances.
Another way that job loss services can help unemployed people is by helping them to devise a strategy for finding a job.
Any relevant changes to the baby's heart rate may caution your health provider to devise a new birth plan or prepare additional tests to ensure a safe and healthy birth.
If you try to take it, your death will be the most horrible I devise yet.
Devise a copyright policy outlining aims and objectives of the network.
We devise an equivalent of the Jones matrix formulation for light possessing orbital angular momentum.
It is not enough simply to devise a universal checklist and send line managers out to do it.
Devise a short polished improvisation that uses the ideas you have discussed.
They also directed NATO's military wing to devise a plan to assist them.
As early as 1539 Cardan had solved certain particular cases, but it remained for his pupil, Lewis (Ludovici) Ferrari, to devise a general method.
During his residence in Birmingham, Messrs Chance being makers of glass for use in lighthouse lamps, his attention was naturally turned to problems of lighthouse illumination, and he was able to devise improvements in both the catoptric and dioptric methods for concentrating and directing the beam.
Years afterwards, he pretended that he had only signed the "devise" as a witness, but in his apology to Queen Mary he did not venture to allege so flimsy an excuse; he preferred to lay stress on the extent to which he succeeded in shifting the responsibility on to the shoulders of his brother-in-law, Sir John Cheke, and other friends, and on his intrigues to frustrate the queen to whom he had sworn allegiance.
In 1769 Don Jose de Galvez was sent out as special commissioner to devise reforms, with powers independent of the then viceroy, but without much immediate result.
No comfort that wealth could purchase, no contrivance that womanly ingenuity, set to work by womanly compassion, could devise, was wanting to his sick room.
For relatively short focal lengths a triple construction such as this is almost necessary in order to obtain an objective free from aberration of the 3rd order, and it might be thought at first that, given the closest attainable degree of rationality between the colour dispersions of the two glasses employed, which we will call crown and flint, it would be impossible to devise another form of triple objective, by retaining the same flint glass, but adopting two sorts of crown instead of only one, which would have its secondary spectrum very much further reduced.
Ealdorman Alfred's son, not being recognized as legitimate, has to claim folkland not by direct succession or devise, but by the consent of the king.
The constitution provides that the property and pecuniary rights of every married woman, at the time of her marriage, or afterwards, acquired by gift, devise or inheritance, shall not be subject to the debts or contracts of the husband; and that laws shall be passed providing for the registration of the wife's separate property.
With indecent haste he began to devise a scheme for marrying his niece Elizabeth, whose brothers he had murdered but a year before.
The detection of carbon and hydrogen in organic compounds by the formation of carbon dioxide and water when they are burned was first correctly understood by Lavoisier, and as he had determined the carbon and hydrogen content of these two substances he was able to devise methods by which carbon and hydrogen in organic compounds could be estimated.
At this juncture Henry was desirous of getting his eldest son and namesake crowned as his colleague, the best mode that he could devise for avoiding the dangers of a disputed succession at his death.
The inventor of these treats, Joe Roetheli, actually developed them because his own dog was so resistant to regular tooth brushing, and he felt he could devise a better way to clean and freshen his pet's mouth.
And as in other industries, giant retailers have taken sales from specialized toy chains and squeezed some of the incentive to devise the next great toy.
Then either devise a pattern or just sew the squares together randomly.
He had several interviews with the Italian patriot, and persuaded him of the impracticable nature of his plan, thereby obtaining for the government leisure to devise a more reasonable scheme.
A widow has a dower right in one-third of the real property to which her husband had absolute title, but a wife may convey or devise her real property free from her husband's right of tenancy by courtesy.
The Wiirzburg Conference is the name given to the meeting of representatives of the smaller German states in 1859 to devise some means of mutual support.
His responsibility for Edward's illegal "devise" of the crown has been studiously minimized by Cecil himself and by his biographers.
This was enough to trouble the consciences of many excellent men; and it became necessary to devise a compromise that should set their minds at rest, by showing them that they could be at once good citizens and good Catholics.
He set himself to devise the former as far back as 1858, but his system of signals was not adopted by the navy until 1867.