Devil Sentence Examples
She wanted to know what the devil was going on.
Stop there, you devil with the cart!
He could have told her he was the devil and that he now owned her soul, and she would have stayed there, wondering if he'd kiss her.
The devil looked around.
Others, as most legislators, politicians, lawyers, ministers, and office-holders, serve the state chiefly with their heads; and, as they rarely make any moral distinctions, they are as likely to serve the devil, without intending it, as God.
And what devil made me go to that wat?
Am I so bad that I end up married to the devil?
Met the devil himself and decided I'd had enough of this shit.
But the devil knows what this is.
She shuddered to her core at the evil peering through his gaze, feeling very much like the devil was offering her a deal without telling her the price.
AdvertisementShe had no choice but to trust the devil.
Red Devil used to be the most popular brand of lye for home-based soap makers, but this product has since been taken off the market.
Your breasts will look especially perky no matter what you wear in this retro-styled bra that's available in colors white, black, electric lilac, neon blue, gold and the suggestively named red devil.
The character was an aspiring actor who developed a one woman comedy show entitled "Jerry Seinfeld is the Devil."
He offers Luke the devil's bargain - the opportunity to help Vader overthrow the Emperor and rule with him as father and son over a dominion of slavery.
AdvertisementSpecialty stores may also offer themed Valentines sets such as angel, devil, and cupid outfits.
Lizzy Borden previewed their latest CD 'Deal With the Devil' and their world wide tour at the 'Wacken Open Air Festival Germany', in front of 35 thousand people.
The running joke about Chad is that he sold his soul to the devil in order to maintain his youthful appearance, but there is much more to him than his boyish good looks.
Modeling a strange landscape that haunts him in every pliable medium, he is startled to discover that the landscape is real; a strange geological structure called Devil's Tower, in Wyoming.
Books and games weren't the only places you could find women in jeopardy, brooding atmosphere, the antics the undead, devil worship, and other dark doings.
AdvertisementIn the episode "The Devil in the Dark" Dr. McCoy is ordered to the planet's surface once again, this time to treat an alien known as a Horta.
Flight first penned about it in The True Legend of St. Dunstan and the Devil; Showing how the Horse-Shoe came to be a Charm against Witchcraft.
His eyes twinkled with the very devil.
The devil left, and an angry Talon hauled her up, sinking his teeth into her arm again.
She felt the poison in Talon's blood, but whatever poison ran in the devil's body was inseparable from him.
AdvertisementThis guy was the devil.
The devil was with him.
The devil's smile grew as his cold eyes took all of them and settled on Bianca's necklace.
Before the blonde could run, the devil snatched her.
The devil's cold dark eyes flared and turned black.
The devil reached over to Darian, placing a hand on his red forehead.
Though his eyes were still dark, the devil appeared calm.
She put her hair down to hide the mark, horrified by the idea of belonging to the devil.
The same instincts that warned her against the last deal with him told her she'd never win any bet with the devil I'll give you the terms first this time.
She slept with the devil.
Her heart slammed into her chest at the thought of confronting the devil.
In a deal with her mate, who just happened to be the devil.
It wasn't the first time she'd heard such a thing, but it sounded far worse coming from the devil than it had Wynn.
He didn't have the pointed teeth of a demon, which she hoped was indication enough she wasn't about to make a deal with the devil.
Her courage almost gave out at the idea of walking into the devil's personal hangout.
Shipton is a devil.
But give the devil his due, he paid his way.
He quirked a brow, and the dark eyes twinkled with the very devil.
A similar scene flashed before Kris. One from long ago, when another blond woman had fallen to the devil that was his brother.
Katie raised a dark brow, her eyes twinkling with the very devil.
His eyes twinkled with the very devil, but his expression and tone were incredulous.
The name "flock" is given to a material formed of wool or cotton refuse, or of shreds of old woollen or cotton rags, torn by a machine known as a "devil."
Luther contemptuously dismissed him as a "devil's mouth."
East and west of the mountain and a little in advance of it are lesser hills, the Devil's Peak (3300 ft.) being to the east and Lion's Head (2100 ft.) to the west.
Tipperary, Ireland, pleasantly situated on undulating ground connecting the Devil's Bit and the Slieve Bloom mountains.
Into these regions descended Hibil the brilliant, in the power of Mana rabba, just as in the Manichaean mythology the "primal man," armed with the elements of the king of light, descends to a contest with the primal devil.
At the end of the world the devil Ur will swallow up the earth and the other intermediate higher worlds, and thereupon will burst and fall into the abyss of darkness where, along with all the worlds and powers of darkness, he will ultimately cease to be, so that thenceforward the universe will consist of but one everlasting world of light.
The familiar, who is sometimes replaced by the devil, commonly figured in witchcraft trials; and a statute of James I.
In the vicinity is a cliff or ridge of rock called Teufelsmauer (Devil's wall), from which fine views are obtained across the plain and into the deep gorges of the Harz Mountains.
The monkish garb was revealed by Satan to Peter at the baptism, when it was the devil, the ruler of this world, who, so costumed, leaned forward and said, This is my beloved son.
In the cave the saint held his famous colloquy with the devil, in which Satan was worsted and contemptuously dismissed.
At the Mermaid Ben Jonson had such companions as Shakespeare, Raleigh, Beaumont, Fletcher, Carew, Donne, Cotton and Selden, but at the Devil in Fleet Street, where he started the Apollo Club, he was omnipotent.
The phrase, "devil's advocate," has by an easy transference come to be used of any one who puts himself up, or is put up, for the sake of promoting debate, to argue a case in which he does not necessarily believe.
The latter commemorates, according to tradition, the fowl which was the first living being to cross the bridge and thus fell a prey to the devil, who in hope of a nobler victim had sold his assistance to the architect.
That evils are to be shunned, because they are of the devil and from the devil.
The form Drakul - devil - by which this line is known in history is no doubt a nickname given by the rival line.
To 1726 also belongs The Political History of the Devil.
Bohn's "British Classics" includes the novels (except the third part of Robinson Crusoe), The History of the Devil, The Storm, and a few political pamphlets, also the undoubtedly spurious Mother Ross.
To the beginning of the 13th century the popular superstitions regarding sorcery, witchcraft and compacts with the devil were condemned by the ecclesiastical authorities as heathenish, sinful and heretical.
It was maintained at the bar that the denial of the most fundamental doctrines of Christianity would not be a lawful cause for such rejection, but the judgment only queries whether a denial of the personality of the devil or eternal punishment is consistent with membership of the church.
The process was usually explained as the result of the action of a spirit, angel or devil, and many unessential formulae, invocations, "calls," written charms with cabbalistic signs, and fumigations, were employed.
It is a good-humoured satire upon marriage, the devil being forced to admit that hell itself is preferable to his wife's company.
For every one who shall not confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is antichrist; and whosoever shall not confess the testimony of the Cross is of the devil; and whosoever shall pervert the oracles of the Lord to his own lusts and say that there is neither resurrection nor judgment, that man is the first-born of Satan.
After he had undergone the ceremony of degradation with all the childish formalities usual on such occasions, his soul was formally consigned by all those present to the devil, while he himself with clasped hands and uplifted eyes reverently committed it to Christ.
On the west they extend about 3 m., by Green Point to Sea Point, between the sea and the foot of the Lion's Rump; on the east they run round the foot of the Devil's Peak, by Woodstock, Mowbray, Rondebosch, Newlands, Claremont, &c., to Wynberg, a distance of 7 m.
Thus they regard the devil as the creative agent of the Supreme God, a reinstated fallen angel who is the author of evil.
But in Tobit we find Asmodaeus the evil demon, TO 7rovrlpov Sac,uoviov, who strangles Sarah's husbands, and also a general reference to " a devil or evil spirit," 77/€144,a.
He is also identified with the devil; thus, in accordance with old German tradition, he is dressed as a nobleman (ein edler Junker), all in red, with a little cape of stiff silk, a cock's feather in his hat, and a long pointed sword; at the witches' Sabbath on the Brocken he is hailed as "the knight with the horse's hoof," and Sybel in Auerbach's Keller is not too drunk not to notice that he limps.
To him salvation bears a double aspect, involving both release from the control of the devil and the transformation of man's nature by the indwelling of the Divine.
In fact, the Persian religion throughout all its multitude of purifications, observances and expiations was a constant warfare against impurity, death and the devil.
At a subsequent confederation, held at Lublin in June, Zebrzydowski was reinforced by another great nobleman, Stanislaus Stadnicki, called the Devil, who "had more crimes on his conscience than hairs on his head," and was in the habit of cropping the ears and noses of small squires and chaining his serfs to the walls of his underground dungeons for months at a time.
Micas and other platy minerals (such as chlorite), which naturally grow most rapidly on their edges, would show this tendency best, and such minerals usually form a large part of the best slates; but even Sketch (by Du Noyer) of a block of variegated slate from Devil's Glen, Co.
On the Lednock are the falls of the Devil's Cauldron and on the Turret and its feeders several graceful cascades.
According to Daub (Judas Ischariot, oder Betrachtungen Tiber das Bose im Verhaltniss zum Guten, 1816, 1818) Judas was "an incarnation of the devil," to whom "mercy and blessedness are alike impossible."
After a preliminary examination of all possible different attempts at a solution of the problem of evil, the attempt is here made to represent the devil as an instrument of God.
Christ and the devil are the two hands of God, Christ the right hand, and the devil the left, the devil having power over this world-epoch and Christ over the next.
The devil here assumes very much the characteristics of the punishing and just God of the Old Testament, and the prospect is even held out of his ultimate pardon.
Her mother, Agatha Southill, was a reputed witch, and Ursula from her infancy was regarded by the neighbours as "the Devil's child."
Shortly after his marriage Eric issued a circular ordering a general thanksgiving for his delivery from the assaults of the devil.
But if the first human beings thus stood entirely under the dominion of the devil, the glorious spirits took them under their care from the very outset, sending aeons down to them (including Jesus), who instructed them regarding their nature, and in particular warned Adam against sensuality.
The religion which had proceeded from the historical Jesus he repudiated together with its founder, and Catholicism as well as Judaism he looked upon as a religion of the devil.
So may the Devil I Respite their souls from Heaven!"; Hellas, 657, "Bask in the [deep] blue noon divine"; Julian and Maddalo, 218, where "Moans, shrieks, and curses, and blaspheming prayers" is absent in the earlier editions though required for the rhyme; so lines 299-301 of the Letter to Maria Gisborne.
But when Christ opened to me how He was tempted by the same devil, and overcame him and bruised his head, and that through Him, and His power, light, grace and spirit, I should overcome also, I had confidence in Him; so He it was that opened to me, when I was shut up and had no hope nor faith.
Perhaps this, as well as his meddling with astrology, caused him to be charged with practising magic, the particular accusations being that he brought back into his purse, by the aid of the devil, all the money he paid away, and that he possessed the philosopher's stone.
Origen taught that a germ of the spiritual body is in the present body, and its development depends on the character, that perfect bliss is reached only by stages, that the evil are purified by pain, conscience being symbolized by fire, and that all, even the devil himself, will at last be saved.
The place is a centre for artists, geologists and botanists, for the ascent of Snowdon, Moel Siabod, Glydyr Fawr, Glydyr Fach, Tryfan, &c., and for visiting Llyn Ogwen, Llyn Idwal, Twll du (Devil's Kitchen), Nant Ffrancon and the Penrhyn quarries.
Even Zamoyski who had placed him on the throne complained that the king was possessed by a dumb devil.
He was at liberty, after thirty years of anxiety and drudgery, to indulge his constitutional indolence, to lie in bed till two in the afternoon, and to sit up talking till four in the morning, without fearing either the printer's devil or the sheriff's officer.
The promoter of the faith, popularly called the "devil's advocate" (advocates diaboli), is the defendant, whose official duty is to point out to the tribunal the weak points of the case.
Their summits are open and covered with heath but their flanks and the lower ground are magnificently wooded The hills are deeply scored by steep and picturesque valleys, o which the most remarkable is the Devil's Punch Bowl, a hollo of regular form on the west flank of Hindhead.
They believe in a better life hereafter, but have no idea of a hell or a devil, their evil spirits only tormenting them in the present state.
The mannerisms and grotesque exaggerations of his writings annoyed persons of refinement, and suggest Matthew Arnold's advice to flee " Carlylese " as you would flee the devil.
Other detached tracts cover a considerable space in Annandale, one of them ascending the deep defile, known as the Devil's Beef Tub, at the head of that valley.
Mayflies and dragon-flies danced in the sunlight; lizards darted across the paths; and legions of spiders pervaded the grass, many very beautiful - frosted - silver backs, or curious, like the saltigrades, who took a few steps and then gave a leap. There were crickets in infinite numbers; and flies innumerable, from slim daddy-long-legs to ponderous, black, hairy fellows known to science as Dejeaniae; hymenopterous insects in profusion, including our old friend the bishop of Ambato (possibly Dielis), in company with another formidable stinger, with chrome antennae, called by the natives ` the Devil '; and occasional Phasmas (caballo de palo) crawling painfully about, like animated twigs."
The roots of this eschatological fancy are to be sought perhaps still deeper in a purely mythological and speculative expectation of a battle at the end of days between God and the devil, which has no reference whatever to historical occurrences.
Thus the opposition between God and the devil already plays a part in the Jewish groundwork of the Testaments of the Patriarchs, which was perhaps composed at the end of the period of the Maccabees.
This conception of the strife of God with the devil was further interwoven, before its introduction into the Antichrist myth, with another idea of different origin, namely, the myth derived from the Babylonian religion, of the battle of the supreme God (Marduk) with the dragon of chaos (Tiamat), originally a myth of the origin of things which, later perhaps, was changed into an eschatological one, again under Iranian influence?
Thus it comes that the devil, the opponent of God, appears in the end often also in the form of a terrible dragonmonster; this appears most clearly in Rev. xii.
Now it is possible that the whole conception of Antichrist has its final roots in this already complicated myth, that the form of the mighty adversary of God is but the equivalent in human form of the devil or of the dragon of chaos.
Finally, it must be mentioned that Antichrist receives, at least in the later sources, the name originally proper to the devil himself.3 From the Jews, Christianity took over the idea.
In Church history a sect founded by Patricius (c. 387), teacher of Symmachus the Marcionite, are known as the Patricians; they believed that all flesh was made by the devil.
About half a mile to the west of Boroughbridge there are three upright stones called the Devil's Arrows, which are of uncertain origin but probably of the Celtic period.
On the question of the Atonement he regards the death of Christ as a sacrifice offered to God and not a ransom paid to the devil.
Miltitz received the "golden rose" to give to Frederick, and was furnished with several letters in all of which the pope spoke of Luther as a "child of the devil."
The bold and patriotic Crabbe contrived to board the bewitched flagship, and was seen apparently laying about him with an axe on the water - which the spectators took to be a proof either that he was mad, or that this was the devil in his shape.
Chroniclers lavish on him the titles of "archipirata," "vir flagitiosissimus et nequissimus," and poets made him an associate of the devil.
He has furnished some of the attributes of the ordinary conception of the devil.
This tract, called " The Devil's Ball Room," proved the worst travelling of the whole trip. Next day in lat.
The essence and mode of operation of original sin is concupiscence, which, as of the devil, subjects man in his natural state to the devil's dominion.
Motawakkil, in 850, formulated an edict by which these sectaries were compelled to wear a distinctive dress and to distinguish their houses by a figure of the devil nailed to the door, excluding them at the same time from all public employments, and forbidding them to send their children to Moslem schools.
By the former council his arguments were described as Pultes Scotorum (" Scots porridge") and commentum diaboli (" an invention of the devil").
This purely secondary aspect of the serpent as the devil cannot be noticed here.
There is an obvious development from the serpent qua reptile to the deity or the devil, and that the original theriomorphic form is not at once forgotten can be seen in Zeus Meilichios, Aesculapius Amynos, in the Cretan snake-goddesses, or in the Buddhist topes illustrated by Fergusson.
For a thousand years the answer was " to the devil."
St Anselm denied that any penalty was due to the devil, and in terms of feudal honour restated the problem.
The Christian passages, which are poetically of no value, are evidently of literary origin, and may be of any date down to that of the extant MS. The curious passage which says that the subjects of Hrothgar sought deliverance from Grendel in prayer at the temple of the Devil, " because they knew not the true God," must surely have been substituted for a passage referring sympathetically to the worship of the ancient gods.
However sweet this world seemed, however fair the flesh, both world and flesh were theoretically given over to the devil.
Thinking as he did that the New World had been the undisturbed realm of Satan before the settlements were made in Massachusetts, he considered it natural that the Devil should make a peculiar effort to bring moral destruction on these godly invaders.
In these texts God the Father is identified with the Zervan of Zarathustrism, the devil with Ahriman.
As regards rival Isiac and Mithraic baptisms, he asserts that their waters are destitute of divine power; nay, are rather tenanted by the devil who in this matter sets himself to rival God.
The course intersects the so-called Devil's Ditch or Dyke (sometimes also known as St Edmund's Dyke), an earthwork consisting of a ditch and mound stretching almost straight for 5 m.
As in India, after the expulsion of Buddhism, the degrading worship of Siva and his dusky bride had been incorporated into Hinduism from the savage devil worship of Aryan and of non-Aryan tribes, so, as pure Buddhism died away in the north, the Tantra system, a mixture of magic and witchcraft and sorcery, was incorporated into the corrupted Buddhism.
They further declared that all who affirmed that heresy existed in Bohemia were " liars, vile traitors and calumniators of Bohemia and Moravia, the worst of all heretics, full of all evil, sons of the devil."
He evidently thinks that the times have not changed for the better - what with the frequency with which the devil is invoked in modern France, and the sinful expenditure common in the matter of embroidered silk coats.
He left the service of the king of Canaan because the king feared the devil, and that of the devil because the devil feared the Cross.
Saints and good people are always depicted full face, the devil and all bad folk are shown in profile.
He was known in Walachia as Dracul, or the Devil, and has left a name in history as Vlad the Impaler.
In the same pamphlet as the Sunday Epistle was published the legend of St Sisoe and sometimes that of Avestitza, - the former saved the children of his sister from the attacks of the devil, who had devoured them and had to restore them alive; the latter is the female child-stealing demon, who is prevented by an angel from carrying out her evil design.
The stones are thrown in the name of Allah, and are generally thought to be directed at the devil.
But do thou flee, 0 Devil, for the judgment of God is at hand."
The English prayer-book excludes them, as it also excludes the renunciation of the devil and all his angels, his pomps and works.
In the neighbourhood are the Alachua Sink, Payne's Prairie, Newman's Lake, the Devil's Mill Hopper and other objects of interest.
The old sage who held that the first Whig was the Devil, was yet compelled to forgive Burke's politics for the sake of his magnificent gifts.
If we assume a connexion between the two names, there is nothing to show how the god became in later times the devil.
Thomas Bagley was accused of declaring that if in the sacrament a priest made bread into God, he made a God that can be eaten by rats and mice; that the pharisees of the day, the monks, and the nuns, and the friars and all other privileged persons recognized by the church were limbs of Satan; and that auricular confession to the priest was the will not of God but of the devil.
And this was the prayer of Christians, whose, baptismal oath pledged them to renounce "the devil and his works.
They have since been adduced as Divine attestations of her saintship, but the sisterhood in the convent set them down to possession by a devil; her new departure was due in their eyes to no worthier motive than the desire to be peculiar and to be reputed better than other people.
Its grotesque external ornamentation earned for it the name of Duivelshuis, or devil's house.
Sir John Norris, famed in the Netherland wars, was president of Munster, and so impressed the Irish that they averred him to be in league with the devil.
Christ must be God; for if not, the devil would have had a natural claim on him, and he would have been no more exempt from death than the other children of Adam; he must be man, if his blood were indeed to redeem us.
On God incarnate the power of the devil is broken, and in Him is accomplished the reconciliation between God and man, who henceforth pursues his true object, namely, to become like unto God.
The Bad Lands and the Arikaree are famous fossil fields, the latter being the source of the Daemonelix, or " Devil's cork-screw," a large spiral fossil, apparently a lacustrine alga.
His canonization drew from Luther a violent brochure "against the new false god and old devil, who is to be lifted up at Meissen."
In English legal phraseology "devil" and "devilling" are used of barristers who act as substitutes for others.
Any remuneration which the legal "devil" may receive is purely a matter of private arrangement between them.
In a similar sense an author may have his materials collected and arranged by a literary hack or "devil."
The term "printer's devil" for the errand boy in a printing office probably combines this idea with that of his being black with ink.
The common notions of the devil as black, ill-favoured, malicious, destructive and the like, have occasioned the application of the term to certain animals (the Tasmanian devil, the devil-fish, the coot), to mechanical contrivances (for tearing up cloth or separating wool), to pungent, highly seasoned dishes, broiled or fried.
When the divine is most completely conceived as unity, the demonic is also so conceived; and over against God stands Satan, or the devil.
Although it is in connexion with Hebrew and Christian monotheism that this belief in the devil has been most fully developed, yet there are approaches to the doctrine in other religions.
Some taught that while the future had been assigned by God to Christ, the devil had received the present age (p. 309).
But the devil was duped, as Christ overcame both him and death" (p. 367).
The devil, as a being resulting from God's will, cannot always remain a devil.
Another time in the night I heard him above my cell walking on the cloister, but as I knew it was the devil I paid no attention to him and went to sleep."
The power of creating anything is also denied the devil, and only the power of corrupting substances is conceded to him.
This belief in the devil was specially strong in Scotland among both clergy and laity in the 17th century.
Kant regarded the devil as a personification of the radical evil in man.
Schelling regarded the devil as, not a person, but a real principle, a spirit let loose by the freedom of man.
Under the horse of the king lies a defeated enemy, the Parthian king Artaban; under the horse of Ormuzd, the devil Ahriman, with two snakes rising from his head.
Though for a long time they were callous wreckers and pirates, and cruel, and though they show great want of feeling in the "devil murders" - ceremonial murders of one of themselves for grave offences against the community, which are now being gradually put down - still on the whole the Nicobarese are a quiet, inoffensive people, friendly to each other, and not quarrelsome, and by inclination friendly and not dangerous to foreigners.
The dingo or dog of the latter is wanting; and the Tasmanian devil and tiger, or wolf, are peculiar to the island.
The devil (Dasyurus or Sarcophilus ursinus) is black, with white bands on neck and haunches.
Elderly Gladys has stepped into the limelight to announce that she was the Psychic Tipster but she has seen God and will no longer practice the devil's work as she calls it.
We're commanded by the White God, who is charged with protecting humanity against the Black God, commonly referred to as the devil.
The devil shot the Oracle twice, then once more.
His words were too extraordinary for her to understand fully, but she knew serving men like these for eternity was equivalent to living with the devil in hell.
The alternative – that her own body was about to betray her to the devil – wasn't something she could handle.
Funny how the devil is the one who's deceived me the least.
I'm just playing the devil's advocate, from a legal point of view.
True, but playing the devil's advocate, I have some problems with Gladys.
Let's play devil's advocate just the same.
They argued their way back to Parkside with Dean playing the devil's advocate while Fred quoted a dozen mystery stories that bore out his hypothesis, a hypothesis that grew in detail with each passing mile.
Cox used to quote proverbs like "The Devil makes work for idle hands to do."
Just playing devil's advocate to raise a bit of honest debate.
I have pared the devil's nails forty times, roasted them in raven's eggs, and cured agues with them.
Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Leon Berger, who plays the devil in the festival's production, is the official biographer of Michael Flanders.
Being a cocky little devil, he challenged my bossy little collie bitch, who immediately put him in his place.
She was a brave witch; she never blenched at the stake, which was proof enough of her compact with the Devil.
In all the schemes for world brotherhood, permanent international peace, industrial conciliation, the existence of the Devil is ignored.
With Sex and the City costume designer and stylist Patricia Fields dressing the Devil women, the bag has received added cachet.
Can Jeremy catch the ' giant devil catfish '?
The British censor removed all the scenes depicting Devil worship.
In the late 20th century the devil is having a field day.
With a box of tools and a few mighty simple contrivances he had made out to have a devil of a temple.
The rain has eased but the firewood still crackles like the devil's frying pan.
What the devil is there to astonish anybody about a cross-town cruiser with a red water line?
And one young man has seen the vicar's daughter in the cemetary at midnight, dancing with the devil.
Being a dare devil at heart Jason also tried his hand at skiing.. .
Nothing defeats the devil faster than ignoring what he's trying to stir up.
After Jesus ' Baptism he was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.
The Tasmanian devil looks a small cuddly black dog from a distance.
Oh, I know, I'm a handsome devil.
He, poor devil, has frequently no choice.
Two weeks in Marbella, eh, you lucky devil.
We had a cat many years ago in Baton Rouge that was " playing " with a spit devil like cats play with lizards.
A grave digger makes a deal with the Devil.
The Soldier's Tale is a morality fable in which the Devil appears in different guises.
The good-natured childish granny pointed her accusing finger at the villain. She put a red devil with green eyes into my bed.
Some such as fairy flax, devil's bit scabious and sneezewort are due to seed introductions.
Barry Gunner, as the reverend gentleman whose daughter is the first to be stricken by devil fever, has unusually good diction.
Many centuries ago, a perfectly sensible and attractive religion called Gnosticism was based on the idea that the Hebrew god was the Devil.
Sri Lankans of various religions believe that certain ritual devil dances can cure the sick, appease angry gods, and ensure good harvests.
Following a massive earth quake the devil golems have been awakened, through the need for power and greed.
The Devil's Arrows are made of millstone grit, a type of sandstone not found locally.
The visibility is usually excellent and sitings of schools of devil rays, giant grouper and reef sharks are common.
Indeed, there is no quicker way for the Devil, his enemy, to take possession of man than through his greedy gullet.
I wonder if we'll find out what a devil's haircut is.
Convenient and beguiling, the cell phone nevertheless is the devil's handiwork.
Numerous devices are used by the devil to wreck havoc into people's lives.
If it sounds heavenly, let me be a virtual devil's advocate.
The Devil's cloven hoof is perhaps one of the most common articles of folk belief.
First Secondly, the devil tempts you to financial indiscipline.
The Devil could not get out and was very irate!
Sin is the family likeness of the devil, not Jesus.
Occasional splashes of color come from tormentil, heath milkwort, devil's matchsticks or silver-studded blue butterfly.
Although the content of the Chancellor's speech seemed fairly nondescript this year, as always the devil is in the detail!
In it he invented a new persona for the devil, endowing him with courtly manners.
However St Dunstan spotted the cloven hooves beneath the dress, and grabbed the devil's nose with his red hot pincers!
He sees the subtlety of the devil's schemes.
Scorpionfish are also well represented, including devil scorpionfish are also well represented, including devil scorpionfish which lurch across the sandy bed.
She is visibly overwhelmed and looks absolutely hot in a red sequin ` devil ' style dress and her hair all messed up.
It is thought by many today to be really rather silly to believe in a personal devil.
The devil has always shown a mortal spite and hatred toward that holy book, the Bible.
Away on holiday for a few days with his unappealing family, Stevie finds a devil's toenail.
The bus driver and the man were quickly undressing to reveal that they were in fact a flaming red devil and a grim reaper.
This, the fire devil, is also classed as a minor whirlwind as it develops upwards from the surface.
The Knights Templar did become very powerful and were destroyed by Philip the lV on a charge of devil worship.
This major was notorious as "Robin the Devil," and his story is told in Scott's Rokeby.
On the Scheldt, near the Place Laurent, is the Geerard-duivelsteen (château of Gerard the Devil), a 13th-century tower formerly belonging to one of the patrician families, now restored and used as the office of the provincial records.
As lieutenant of the Marches he was employed in settling disputes on the border, but used his power to instigate thieving and disorders, and is described by Cecil's correspondents as "as naughty a man as liveth and much given to the most detestable vices," "as false as a devil," "one that the godly of this whole nation hath a cause to curse for ever."
The other subjects are Marriage (yabaK aoyos), Continence, the Duties of Bishops, Presbyters, Deacons and Widows, Prophecy, the Soul, the Transmigration of the Soul and the Devil, Angels, the Origin of the World, First Principles and the Divinity of the Logos, Allegorical Interpretations of Statements made with regard to God's anger and similar affections, the Unity of the Church, and the Resurrection.
In all these works his treatment is on the whole rational and sensible; but in The History of the Devil he is somewhat hampered by an insufficiently worked-out theory as to the nature and personal existence of his hero, and the manner in which he handles the subject is an odd and not altogether satisfactory mixture of irony and earnestness.
Not a few Christian martyrs sought and won the palm by smashing the idols in order to dislodge the indwelling devil; occasionally their zeal was further gratified by beholding it pass away like smoke from its ruined home.
As in the Talmud and the Jerusalem Targum, the serpent has even become the devil, i.e.
He was thus a "familiar spirit," akin to the "daemon" of Socrates; and if he was also half the devil of theology, half the kobold of old German myth, this was only because such "objectivations" are apt to clothe themselves in forms borrowed from the common stock of ideas current at the time when the seer lives; and Faust lived in an age obsessed with the fear of the devil, and by no means sceptical of the existence of kobolds.
In both cases the repetition of the legend and the recitation of a string of mystical names serve, like some other tales, apocryphal and otherwise, as amulets, sufficient to protect from the devil.
Sewing and crocheting are inventions of the devil, I think.
It is wonderful how much time good people spend fighting the devil.
If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui.
I have tried trade but I found that it would take ten years to get under way in that, and that then I should probably be on my way to the devil.
And oh, the housekeeping! to keep bright the devil's door-knobs, and scour his tubs this bright day!
Give me a biscuit, you devil!
The devil only knows!
Send him to the devil, I'm busy! he shouted to Lavrushka, who went up to him not in the least abashed.
But this sort of thing is the very devil, with them shooting at you like a target.
And this someone was he--the devil--and he was also this man with the white forehead, black eyebrows, and red lips.
Do go somewhere, anywhere... to the devil!" he exclaimed, and immediately seizing him by the shoulder and looking amiably into his face, evidently wishing to soften the rudeness of his words, he added, "Don't be hurt, my dear fellow; you know I speak from my heart as to an old acquaintance."
It is some letter of recommendation... what the devil do I want it for!
Rostov himself, his legs well back and his stomach drawn in and feeling himself one with his horse, rode past the Emperor with a frowning but blissful face "like a vewy devil," as Denisov expressed it.
May the devil take them--the traitors!
In the fourth act there was some sort of devil who sang waving his arm about, till the boards were withdrawn from under him and he disappeared down below.
If you only knew... it's the devil knows what!
Go to the devil!
It's the very devil!
Thoughts that had not entered her mind for years--thoughts of a life free from the fear of her father, and even the possibility of love and of family happiness--floated continually in her imagination like temptations of the devil.
These were temptations of the devil and Princess Mary knew it.
As it was, devil only knows what was happening.
He attended some lectures somewhere and imagines that the devil is no match for him.
Oh, go to the devil, all of you!
To the devil, the devil, the devil... cried the old count.
We too will take part..." the reader went on, and then paused ("Do you see," shouted the youth victoriously, "he's going to clear up the whole affair for you...."), "in destroying them, and will send these visitors to the devil.
But, devil take you, I haven't slept because of you!
There, how that devil hits out!
A peasant says the devil moves it.
An example of this would be " I will renounce the devil ".
No, if anything there 's more reproach in the eyes of the world - and I believe the devil 's laughing at us !
He sees the subtlety of the devil 's schemes.
Scorpionfish are also well represented, including devil scorpionfish which lurch across the sandy bed.
Another tale tells of a scoundrel called Jack who one dark night tricked the Devil into climbing an apple tree.
The Doctor was forced to set the self-destruct mechanism in the shelter, wiping the Sea Devil colony out to avert a war.
How long have you been in the snare of the devil?
A view from the Signal Hill Station looking in a southerly direction over the western side of Cape Town toward Devil 's Peak.
A relief to know that he was n't some spawn of the devil or some freak of nature.
He who sups with the devil should expect to reap the consequences.
There are many strange superstitions connected with the Devil in Welsh folklore.
May Jesus bless you and protect you from the temptations of the devil.
Away on holiday for a few days with his unappealing family, Stevie finds a devil 's toenail.
Great to see the old devil back, in top-drawer form too.
Jeff Feuerzeig 's The Devil and Daniel Johnston is a touching portrait of the eponymous American musician and artist.
Through the treachery of a surprising white devil, Shakespeare challenges his audiences to spot the true color of villainy.
Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
This herbal tincture is a blend of herbal extracts including chamomile, prickly ash, burdock root, and devil's claw.
The sexy devil with the tail, tight red bodysuit or dress and vixen heels is sure to capture attention everywhere she goes.
Chocolate cake - you might be thinking this sounds weird for a red, white, and blue cake, but devil's food cake goes very well with fruit.
Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a mighty foothold to the Devil."
A layered chocolate cake or devil's food cake with chocolate buttercream frosting is a decadent, delicious choice and simple to do, since buttercream is so forgiving.
Not to play devil's advocate, but, um, exactly what does Bristol Palin herself do to financially provide for her son?
The devil is in the details, and you will never know exactly what you are getting for your money, if you neglect to read all of the fine print.
It is said that on August 4, 1577, during a terrible storm, the devil took the form of a black dog and appeared in St. Mary's Church in Bungay, Suffolk, and in another church seven miles away in Blythburgh.
Tourists now visit both churches, and the church in Blythburgh still bears burn marks on the door, from the devil dog's claws.
They had a run of hit records in the 1980s that started with Shout at the Devil in 1983 and ended with the Grammy nominated Dr. Feelgood in 1989.
Some of their most popular songs include Girls, Girls, Girls, Shout at the Devil, Too Young to Fall in Love, Home Sweet Home, Kickstart My Heart, Dr. Feelgood and Without You.
Four albums are tabbed in their entirety, including Dr. Feelgood, Too Fast For Love, Shout at the Devil and Theatre of Pain.
The top tabs listed on this site include Too Young to Fall in Love, Shout at the Devil, Wild Side, and Home Sweet Home.
They say the devil is in the details, and that could not be more accurate when it comes to designer coats for men.
On the "Kayt Was Here" blog a woman expressed her dismay at flying through Denver International and seeing several men wearing the short pants with birkenstock sandals, calling it the "pants of the devil".
Spicy Lingerie offers dozens of plus size fantasy lingerie sets and costumes including a mesh Parisian Maid costume, a Tuxedo Bunny Teddy and a Sexy Devil Costume.
Yellow Devil lenses are yellow with a black center.
You may also see devil contacts, reptilian styles, spider webs, gremlins, and more.
If you are into importing games, and a huge fan of Devil May Cry 4, then you may want to import a special package from Japan.
Finish the Devil Within game or complete 200 matches to get this character.
That's where the Devil Within story mode comes into place.
First of all, beating the Devil Within mode will unlock a slew of things that couldn't otherwise be obtained (like new levels and such for the fighting game).
With a name like Devil May Cry, you know it's going to be something good.
Like Prince of Persia, Devil May Cry has also had two sequels released.
The speedy blue devil has a lot of personality and he's known to run circles around the competition.
The media once blamed rock music, saying that artists like Marilyn Manson and Metallica transformed teens into devil worshipers and suicidal individuals.
Famed winemaker André Tchelistcheff, credited with defining the wine styles of California once said "God made Cabernet whereas the Devil made Pinot Noir."
These include "Black Magic Woman" by Santana, "Miss Murder" by AFI, "Cherub Rock" by Smashing Pumpkins, "Shout at the Devil" by Motley Crue, and "Rock You Like A Hurricane" by Scorpions.
A tiger, devil, clown mask, and an origami Yoda are just a few of the unusual models you'll see on this site.
Playful, spontaneous and fun, mix and match suits are a great way to convey a devil may care attitude.
The Dirt Devil Spot Scubber is a portable, lightweight, hand-held shampooing vacuum cleaner that is designed to quickly and easily remove spots and stains.
Other features of the Dirt Devil Spot Scrubber include a 3.0 amp motor, 4 foot hand tool/hose reach, cord wrap storage element, a rotating power brush, quick spray, a long 15 foot power cord and two year warranty.
Unlike most shampooers, the Dirt Devil Spot Scubber is small (only 10 pounds) and designed for quick and convenient use.
Of all the portable deep cleaners on the market as of 2010, the Dirt Devil Scrubber is the smallest, most compact cleaner available.
The Dirt Devil Spot Scrubber retails for about $100, making it an affordable compact portable deep cleaner.
Many reviewers indicated that they needed to use a rag to soak up the moisture that was not picked up by the Dirt Devil Scrubber.
The Dirt Devil Spot Scrubber does not have an electric pump for spraying; instead, a manual pump requires the individual using the product to hand pump this sprayer with their thumb.
Overall, the Dirt Devil Scrubber promises a lot, but might not be the best portable compact sprayer on the market.
The Dirt Devil Easy Lite vacuum is a super compact lightweight vacuum designed for lighter home cleaning jobs.
For taller users who may end up with back pain as a result of slouching down to push other vacuums, Dirt Devil has designed the handle on this product to adjust to different heights.
Dirt Devil makes it possible to clean the air along with the floor.The unit's HEPA filter traps all of the most common allergens that make their way into our homes today and eliminates them.
The upright version of the Dirt Devil Lite comes with a 10 amp motor, which is rather impressive for such a small sized vacuum.
As long as you know what the Dirt Devil Easy Lite vacuum was intended to do, you will find that it works quite well.
Those who purchase the Dirt Devil Easy Lite vacuum are typically looking for something that can be pulled out quickly for a fast room clean up or to pick up the occasional mess on hard wood flooring.
With the company having sold over 23 million units, it is no wonder that the Dirt Devil hand held vacuum cleaner has become synonymous with cleaning.
In 1984, the company launched the first cordless unit, the Dirt Devil Hand Held Vacuum.
The Detailer is the smallest model of Dirt Devil hand held vacuum cleaners.
You can purchase these household small appliances directly from the manufacturer at the Dirt Devil website.
If you would rather purchase a vacuum in store, most major retailers carry the Dirt Devil Brand.
You can buy genuine replacement parts and accessories under the parts section of the Dirt Devil website or you can search for your individual model under the hand held vacuums and see every accessory available for that unit.
Play up your dog's trouble-making nature by dressing him as a convict, devil, or a pirate.
You will usually find the costumes divided into sections ranging from generic witch and devil gear, all the way to odd and unique costumes such as a ketchup and mustard bottle duo.
If she is very traditional and romantic, a wacky theme or dare devil proposal is likely to force her to reconsider her answer.
It is not uncommon to see a Bollywood actor invoke God (or any of various Hindi gods), be tempted by the Devil, or speak of love in the most melodramatic of terms.
For those who live in a black box, the number 666 is a sign of the devil, and The Omen is the classic tale of Satan's son born into the mortal world to wreak bloody horrors on anyone who gets in his way.
He tended toward detective roles in other films such as The Blue Lamp (1950) and Beat the Devil (1953).
They quickly warned their supervisors that the ship was cursed, for the devil had put his stamp on the numbers, but they were laughed at and told to get back to work.
It was the belief that she convenes with eleven other witches and the devil every Friday to conjure up mischief for the next week that made Friday the "Witches Sabbath".
The family atmosphere of the Days of Our Lives soap opera took a hit in the 1990s when the show flirted with supernatural storylines including having Marlena Evans Brady being possessed by the devil.
Reilly. Reilly was credited with writing the devil's possession of beloved daytime heroine Marlena Evans on Days of Our Lives.
When it was revealed that she was possessed by the devil, the fans were equally divided in their vehemence of loving the story line or hating it.
Among the more popular rumors in their day include Marlena's possession by the devil (true), Gina is Hope's twin (false) and the many faces of Roman Brady (mostly true).
With glowing yellow eyes and levitating off the bed, a truly unpalatable third wheel - the devil, tested Marlena and John's love.
The inverted pentagram and Horned God combination has long been associated with devil cults.
You can find lye at the grocery store under the brand name Red Devil.
In 1968, the big screen movie, Rosemary's Baby, was giving new meaning to the phrase, "You little devil", and a quirky little soap opera titled Dark Shadows premiered on ABC in 1966 and ran through 1971.
The service lasted just under an hour and consisted mostly of Reverend Humphries preaching against giving in to the devil's temptation for wicked bodily desires.
She'd do anything for him, even if the devil took her soul!
Dusty can definitely kill the devil.
He paused and then snatched her arm, following the devil as he walked down a sidewalk full of frozen figures.
With his hair mussed and his youthful features, he didn't look like the devil she knew him to be.
How the devil do I know who?
Taran accepted, never believing anything could make him ally with the devil he meant to kill.
On the Scheldt, near the Place Laurent, is the Geerard-duivelsteen (château of Gerard the Devil), a 13th-century tower formerly belonging to one of the patrician families, now restored and used as the office of the provincial records.
Clemens accuses Basilides of a deification of the Devil (Oast etv Ten) 8c&f30Xov), and regards as his two dogmas that of the Devil and that of the transmigration of souls (Strom.
His best known work was Die Betooverde Wereld (1691), or The World Bewitched (1695; one volume of an English translation from a French copy), in which he examined critically the phenomena generally ascribed to spiritual agency, and attacked the belief in sorcery and "possession" by the devil, whose very existence he questioned.
From the fourth vestibule he brought the female devil Ruha, daughter of Kin, and set her over the whole four.
After Christ has appeared from heaven in the guise of a warrior, and vanquished the antichristian world-power, the wisdom of the world and the devil, those who have remained steadfast in the time of the last catastrophe, and have given up their lives for their faith, shall be raised up, and shall reign with Christ on this earth as a royal priesthood for one thousand years.
A few years later William of Malmesbury adds a love adventure at Cordova, a compact with the devil, the story of a speaking statue that foretold Gerbert's death at Jerusalem - a prophecy fulfilled, somewhat as in the case of Henry IV.
Similarly the Armenian writer Gregory Magistros (c. 1040) accuses the Thonraki of teaching that "Moses saw not God, but the devil," and infers thence that they held Satan to be creator of heaven and earth, as well as of mankind.
Redemption was thought of as still future, as the power of the devil had not been broken but rather increased by the First Advent, and the Second Advent was necessary to his complete overthrow.
However each individual area of study is only circumstantial evidence of devil worship.
They have sequenced the cacao tree, the mosquito, coral, the Tasmanian devil, the bald eagle, the leafcutter ant, a germ that attacks wheat plants, and the extinct woolly mammoth.
God is alone--but the devil, he is far from being alone; he sees a great deal of company; he is legion.
It would have puzzled the devil himself!
Bianca looked fearfully at the pregnant blonde, whose blood already soaked her clothing, then at the waiting devil beside her.
The chief names in this advanced theology connected with Cartesian doctrines are Ludwig Meyer, the friend and editor of Spinoza, author of a work termed Philosophia scripturae interpres (1666); Balthasar Bekker, whose World Bewitched helped to discredit the superstitious fancies about the devil; and Spinoza, whose Tractatus theologico-politicus is in some respects the classical type of rational criticism up to the present day.
He died on the 15th of May 913, one tradition saying he was struck by lightning, and another that he was thrown alive by the devil into the crater of Mount Etna.
Devil take you! came from different sides.
She was effectively trapped in Hell with the devil for eternity.
He was the bastard son of Robert the Devil, duke of Normandy, by Arletta, the daughter of a tanner at Falaise.
She didn't look at him, afraid of finding the devil himself in front of her.