Devices Sentence Examples
One of the Horsemen devices was recoded.
Engineering devices were almost wanting.
Various devices have been suggested for extinguishing the arc and yet allowing the condenser oscillatory discharge to take place.
Both in England and in America this process of consolidation has been obstructed by all known legislative devices, because of the widespread belief that competition in the field of transportation was necessary if fair prices were to be charged for the service.
Yet the best safety devices are made in America, and means of reducing these death records are well known.
Generators with devices for regulating and stopping at will the action going on are generally termed "automatic."
Today, an astonishing 77 percent of the people in the world have mobile devices and thus access to all kinds of better care via telemedicine.
Hence devices for detecting the oscillations in the antenna are merely very sensitive forms of ammeter and voltmeter.
Many ingenious devices for forming bars have been produced; but generally a strong frame is used, across which steel wires are stretched at distances equal to the size of the bars to be made, the blocks being first cut into slabs and then into bars.
Many other devices have been introduced for facilitating the production of vacua.
AdvertisementMarconi gave great attention to the improvement of devices for the detection of electric waves..
Generally steam from the boiler is admitted direct to the low-pressure cylinder through a reducing valve, and valves and devices are used to prevent the steam so admitted acting as a back pressure on the high-pressure cylinder.
Clay tablets were here found belonging to the earlier type of the linear script (Class A), together with a great number of clay sealings with religious and other devices and incised countermarks.
It is, for instance, practically impossible to obtain reliable evidence as to the regularity of employment in any industry in the 17th century, and the best approximations and devices we can invent are very poor substitutes for what we really want.
Fine stone palaces, richly decorated, with separate sleeping apartments, large halls, ingenious devices for admitting light and air, sanitary conveniences and marvellously modern arrangements for supply of water and for drainage, attest this fact.
AdvertisementIn aquatic insects various devices for obtaining or entangling air are found; these modifications are described in the special articles on the various orders of insects (Coleoptera, Hemiptera, &c.).
If in the latter case the spider be afraid to come to close quarters, various devices for securing it are resorted to.
Hydrodynamical methods received increased attention and the investigation of the movements of the ocean by means of physico-mathematical devices developed as a result of the older work of Bjerknes, continued chiefly by Helland-Hansen and Sandstrom.
The slag is a waste product, and the flue-dust, collected by special devices in dust-chambers, is briquetted by machinery, with lime as a bond, and then resmelted with the ore-charge.
In an American process the glass is drawn direct from the molten mass in the tank in a cylindrical form by means of an iron ring previously immersed in the glass, and is kept in shape by means of special devices for cooling it rapidly as it leaves the molten bath.
AdvertisementThe name " patent plate " arose from the fact that certain patented devices originated by James Chance of Birmingham first made it possible to polish comparatively thin glass in this way.
War between Great Britain and Russia was declared on the 27th of March 1854, and it thus fell to the lot of the most pacific of ministers, the devotee of retrenchment, and the anxious cultivator of all industrial arts, to prepare a war budget, and to meet as well as he might the exigencies of a conflict which had so cruelly dislocated all the ingenious devices of financial optimism.
Corps was left to its own devices, but fortunately the crown prince of Saxony, who commanded it, had ridden forward and, seeing the French in force towards Roncourt, had issued orders which in the event proved decisive.
Ingenious devices had indeed been tried in the 17th biological conditions of the ocean as a whole.
Various devices have consequently been attached to leads intended to catch and hold the material when soft enough to be penetrated.
AdvertisementVarious devices were resorted to, old and new, to fill the treasury.
Engraved flowers, views and devices are often combined with decorative cutting.
How strongly his mind revolted against the use of charms, amulets, incantations and such devices appears from his writings; and he has expressly recorded, as underlying all his practice, the conviction that, however diseases may be regarded from the religious point of view, they must all be scientifically treated as subject to natural laws (De acre, 29).
The decomposition of the carbide by water may be brought about either by bringing the water slowly into contact with an excess of carbide, or by dropping the carbide into an excess of water, and these two main operations again may be varied by innumerable ingenious devices by which the rapidity of the contact may be modified or even eventually stopped.
He maintained that old prejudices would disappear with the progress of knowledge, and that superstition and mechanical devices of salvation would be insensibly abandoned.
The architectural Mexicans, Central Americans, and especially the Peruvians, had no derricks or other hoisting devices, but rolled great stones into place along prepared ways and up inclined planes of earth, which were afterwards removed.
All textile work was done by hand; the only devices known were the bark peeler and beater, the shredder, the flint-knife, the spindle, the rope-twister, the bodkin, the warp-beam and the most primitive harness.
To accelerate the rate of filtration various devices are resorted to, such as lengthening the tube below the filtering material, increasing the pressure on the liquid being filtered, or decreasing it in the receiver of the filtrate.
The Gardens of the Zoological Society of Hamburg, founded in 1863, always contain a large and fine collection and display many ingenious devices for the housing of the animals.
To prevent this many ingenious devices have been introduced.
We need devices, indeed, to determine priority or superior claim to be " better known absolutely or in the order of nature," but on the whole the problem is fairly faced.4 Of science Aristotle takes for his examples sometimes celestial physics, more often geometry or arithmetic, sometimes a concrete science, e.g.
Many devices are available for changing the objective.
Every critic could recognize the structural merits of the earlier plays, for their operatic conventionalities and abruptness of motive are always intelligible as stage devices.
The Attic bouleutae took the oath by Athena Boulaia; at Sparta she was ayopaia, presiding over the popular assemblies in the market-place; in Arcadia µnXavZTts, the discoverer of devices.
Others have attempted to reconcile the conflicting data by emendations of the figures and other ingenious devices.
It was at Athens that he seriously began to think of religion, and resolved to seek out the most famous hermit saints in Syria and Arabia, in order to learn from them how to attain to that enthusiastic piety in which he delighted, and how to keep his body under by maceration and other ascetic devices.
The ingenuity of nature, however, in adapting animals is not infinite, because the same devices are repeatedly employed by her to accomplish the same adaptive ends whether in fishes, reptiles, birds or mammals; thus she has repeated herself at least twenty-four times in the evolution of long-snouted rapacious swimming types of animals.
The word is also applied to many mechanical devices by which raw material is transformed into a condition ready for use or into a stage preparatory to other processes, e.g.
By various devices the labourer would then be kept constantly in debt to his employer and be held in involuntary servitude for an indefinite time.
The various devices which have been adopted to overcome this difficulty will be described in the account given of the several hydrometers which have been hitherto generally employed.
Though his writings abound in universal solvents and other devices of the alchemists, he made some real contributions to chemical knowledge.
Many devices are used, however, to ensure the adhesion between concrete and bar being perfect.
Floor slabs may be regarded as wide and shallow beams, and the remarks made about the stresses in the one apply to the other also; accordingly, the various devices which are used for strengthening beams recur in the slabs.
And he further observes that " a great variety of devices and mottoes were used by Edward III.; they were chosen from the most trivial causes and were of an amorous rather than of a military character.
Such a circumstance occurring at a time of general festivity, when devices, mottoes and conceits of all kinds were adopted as ornaments or badges of the habits worn at jousts and tournaments, would naturally have been commemorated as other royal expressions seem to have been by its conversion into a device and motto for the dresses at an approaching hastilude."
It is not necessary to imagine, however, that these devices originated with the Semitic priesthood.
Ordinary reciprocating pumps were commonly employed, and also air lifts and similar devices for raising great quantities of water to a height of from 20 to so ft.
From sixteen to eighteen he resided at home, and was left to his own devices.
The style, although marked by mannerisms, by occasional affectations and rhetorical devices, is on the whole direct and businesslike, nor is the Greek bad for the period in which he wrote.
Anacolutha are of frequent occurrence, and cannot be explained as conscious literary devices.
Barsbai appears to have excelled his predecessors in the invention of devices for exacting money from merchants and pilgrims, and in juggling with the exchange.
They are unusually interesting from the fact that many of the exposed slabs in the walls of the chambers are ornamented with spirals and other devices, rudely incised.
Mrs Carlyle had to pass many hours alone, and the management of the household and of devices intended to shield him from annoyances was left entirely to her.
It is a serious flaw in the play that the fate of the heroine is virtually decided before the curtain rises, and the poet is obliged to create by theatrical devices the semblance of a tragic conflict which, in reality, does not exist.
Swedish timber is stencilled with red letters or devices, the inferior qualities in blue.
In order to avoid this various devices are adopted.
When these devices failed, attempts were made unsuccessfully to exclude Lord Stewart from the conferences on the ground of defective powers.
Many other forms of heliostats have been designed, the chief difference consisting in the mechanical devices for maintaining the constant direction of the reflecting ray.
Other letters of Cicero, especially those written to persons with whom he was not quite at his ease or those meant for circulation, are composed in his elaborate style with long periods, parentheses and other devices for obscuring thought.
It is in the Topics, 9 again, that we have hints at the devices of an inductive process, which, as dialectical, throw the burden of producing contradictory instances upon the other party to the discussion.
If more than one, recourse is to be had to certain devices of method, in the enumeration of which the methods of agreement, difference and concomitant variations3 find a place, beside the crucial experiment, the glaring instance and the like.
An appeal, however, to such devices, though a permissible " first vintage " is relatively an imperfection of method, and a proof that the tables need revision.
His influence on his successors has rather lain in the general stimulus of his enthusiasm for experience, or in the success with which he represents the cause of nominalism and in certain special devices of method handed down till, through Hume or Herschel, they affected the thought of Mill.
The effects of temperature being so marked on the readings of the horizontal and vertical force magnetographs, it is usual to place the instruments either in an underground room or in a room which, by means of double walls and similar devices, is protected as much as possible from temperature changes.
All over western Europe the elaborate devices of the census and the stations for the collection of customs crumbled away; taxation as such disappeared, through the hostility of the clergy and the exemptions accorded to powerful subjects.
Thus the flax industry was long kept away from the most powerful motives to apply to it labour-saving devices, and apart from the influence of scientific inquiry for the improvement of methods and processes.
It is certain to be met by fictitious devices which at the best will cause needless inconvenience to the contracting parties; restraints will be placed on the natural flow of capital, and industry will suffer.
When left to his own devices he became a drunkard and a murderer, and is accused of the death of his mother, sister and favorite queen.
Joseph was also required each day to write a Latin theme or declamation, though in other respects he seems to have been left to his own devices.
In Migula's scheme the attempt is made to avoid some of these difficulties, but others are introduced by his otherwise clever devices for dealing with these puzzling little organisms.
The harbour, which is important as a harbour of refuge, is protected on the east by land, and the Federal government has strengthened this protection by dikes and groins and other sand-catching devices; it has five lighthouses.
A year later he noticed that spongy platinum in presence of oxygen can bring about the ignition of hydrogen, and utilized this fact to construct his "hydrogen lamp," the prototype of numerous devices for the self-ignition of coal-gas burners.
The cathedral of St Martin was begun in 1063 by Bishop Anselm (later Pope Alexander II.); but the great apse with its tall columnar arcades and the fine campanile are probably the only remnants of the early edifice, the nave and transepts having been rebuilt in the Gothic style in the 14th century, while the west front was begun in 1204 by Guidetto (lately identified with Guido Bigarelli of Como), and "consists of a vast portico of three magnificent arches, and above them three ranges of open galleries covered with all the devices of an exuberant fancy."
Equestrian seals of barons and knights; the seals of ladies of rank; the armorial seals of the gentry; and the endless examples, chiefly of private seals, with devices of all kinds, sacred and profane, ranging from the finely engraved work of art down to the roughly cut merchant's mark of the trader and the simple initial letfer of the yeoman, typical of the time when everybody had his seal.
Afterwards, when the use of seals became common, and when they were as often toys as signets, fanciful legends or mottoes appropriate to the devices naturally came into vogue.
A few words may be said regarding the different kinds of types or devices appropriate to particular classes or groups of medieval seals; and, although these remarks have special reference to English seals, it may be noted that there is a common affinity between the several classes of seals of all countries of western Europe, and that what is said of the seal-devices of one country may be applied in general terms to those of the rest.
Armorial devices of the gentry first appear on seals at the close of the 12th century; and from that time there is a gradual development of the heraldic seal, which in the 14th century was often a work of fine decorative sculpture.
And, lastly, the devices on fancy seals are without end in their variety.
They are of great variety, and many of them are very interesting, both on account of the devices which they accompany and the sentiments which they express.
The laws of the state and the various rules of conduct laid down by religion or morality are merely devices adopted for general convenience.
In the simple arts of broiling and roasting meat, the use of hides and furs for covering, the plaiting of mats and baskets, the devices of hunting, trapping and fishing, the pleasure taken in personal ornament, the touches of artistic decoration on objects of daily use, the savage differs in degree but not in kind from the civilized man.
Again, many devices of civilization bear unmistakable marks of derivation from a lower source; thus the ancient Egyptian and Assyrian harps, which differ from ours in having no front pillar, appear certainly to owe this remarkable defect to having grown up through intermediate forms from the simple strung bow, the still used type of the most primitive stringed instrument.
Here, too, are the plants of the Westinghouse Company for the manufacture of electrical apparatus, of air brakes invented by George Westinghouse (born 1846), and of devices for railway signals which he also invented.
During the negotiations for peace at Lille (1797), Canning was actively concerned in the devices which were employed by Pitt and Grenville to keep the real character of the discussion secret from other members of the cabinet.
The use of steel construction in the erection of large buildings is the natural consequence of the conditions imposed upon owners of property lying within sections of large cities, and the result of the introduction of new materials and devices.
Various devices were successively made to reduce the size of the exterior piers.
In contrast with his father Cypselus, the founder of the dynasty, he is generally represented as a cruel despot, or at any rate as having used all possible devices for keeping his city in subjection.
The account of the manner in which the Buddha is said to have overcome the wicked devices of this apostate cousin and his parricide protector is quite legendary; but the general fact of Ajatasattu's opposition to the new sect and of his subsequent conversion may be accepted.
Beyond the Kei the natives were left to their own devices.
Interest was stimulated in the National War Bonds by various devices from time to time, such as the use of " tanks " as collecting boxes, the institution of a " Business Men's " week and a " Feed the Guns " week, and the transformation of Trafalgar Square in Oct.
The following characteristic extract from a letter shows Hamilton's own opinion of his mathematical work, and also gives a hint of the devices which he employed to render written language as expressive as actual speech.
Mechanical devices for determining weights or comparing the masses of bodies may be classified as (a) equal-armed balances, (b) unequal-armed balances, (c) spring balances and (d) automatic machines.
Some of them played the part of professional jesters (like the later buffoons and court fools), and kept collections of witticisms ready for use at their patrons' table; others relied upon flattery, others again condescended to the most degrading devices (Plutarch, De adulatore, 23; De educatione puerorum, 17).
For the devices employed against the Scottish schiltrons of pikemen at Dupplin and Halidon, were the same as those which won all the great battles of the Hundred Years Warthe combination of archery, not with cavalry (the old system of Hastings and Falkirk), but with dismounted menat-arms. The nation, meanwhile prosperous, not vexed by overmuch taxation, and proud of its young king, was ready and willing to follow him into any adventure that he might indicate.
From the very first his reign was a time of war, foreign and domestic, of murmuring, and of humiliating b ill shifts and devices.
For aerated water bottles several successful devices have been introduced.
By analogy the term "to cork" is used of any such devices for sealing up a bottle or aperture.
By a number of ingenious devices Hansen developed methods by which dt could be determined.
When it is proposed, by way of insurance on Athenian possessions abroad, to flatter the favourite of a doubtful ally, Athens must remember that such devices will not avail a power which has no army except on paper, and no ships fit to leave their moorings.
Owing to the enormous demand for comb-foundation at that time various devices were tried with the view of securing (I) more rapid production, and (2) a foundation thin enough to be used in surplus chambers when working for comb-honey intended for table use.
By adapting to this instrument various ingenious devices he was enabled to employ it in a great variety of investigations, connected especially with photometry, hygroscopy and the temperature of space.
His nature, when not enhanced by the electrical and chemical devices of his owner & trainer, is said to be quite placid.
Through water communication using acoustic, electromagnetic and optical devices is continuing to be an active research area for us.
A Feasibility Study into the development of intelligent speed adaption devices for motorcycles is needed.
The Series 60 Platform is the world's most widely adopted smartphone platform, with millions of devices already in use.
The barometric altimeters that are used in some of our most popular heart rate monitors are very accurate, pressure sensing devices.
Examples include americium 241 used in smoke detectors and Polonium 210 used in dust detection and anti-static devices.
In fact, in practice, the devices are made up using transistor amplifiers.
Also to assess strategies to reduce possible complications of totally implantable venous access devices (e.g. anticoagulants to reduce the risk of thrombosis ).
There is the possibility that incorrectly assembled respiratory therapy devices connected to a tight fitting facemask could also be a hazard.
The new portable music devices are a great way to carry an assortment of music around.
This has driven writers to use tricks such as the one I have just used - inserting asterisks or other typographic devices.
This means that layers of ATM and SDH systems sit between devices and the optical backbone.
This is the manufacture of devices which are a few billionths of a meter in size.
They should be looked upon as devices providing a complimentary and synergistic support to other methods of skin care or conventional skin treatments.
Secondly, we again have the cavalcade of plot devices.
A running belay using chocks, nuts or similar devices.
For some reason, Solaris's USB drivers are quite choosy about what storage devices they will accept.
He then designed a marine chronometer employing these improvements and created a pocket watch utilizing his compensating devices.
Are all lavatories fitted with low volume cisterns or cistern displacement devices?
More than 200 EDGE devices including PC cards and mobile phones have been offered throughout the world since EDGE was first commercialized.
In-house sales are assured; chips are increasingly commonplace in the electronic devices the Japanese company produces.
They do not encode an element of thought but are essentially communicative devices.
However USB 2.0 devices are backward compatible with USB 1.1 interfaces.
This work includes functional materials (electrical devices and catalysts) and structural materials in the form of ceramic composites.
The third area concerns examples of the design and development of several medical devices and implants using polymer composites.
Vacuum constriction devices for erectile dysfunction Clinical bottom line There is little good randomized trial data on the use of vacuum constriction devices for erectile dysfunction Clinical bottom line There is little good randomized trial data on the use of vacuum constriction devices.
Don't use matches or lighters to light gas cookers - spark devices, which you can buy from hardware stores, are safer.
Tucker ordered huge spar torpedoes mounted on the ironclads, while the wooden corvettes were fitted to receive these devices when needed.
You can also output video to 1394 FireWire devices for high quality viewing with lower CPU and disk usage.
The new devices are based on the physics of photonic bandgap crystals.
He first utilized electronic music devices to create imagery, and also deconstructed the TV to create electronic imagery.
In addition, these devices have not overcome the problem of inefficient drug delivery associated with the MDIs to a large extent.
Local devices will have values of the device file, baud rate, and file descriptor for the device.
The Poor Law is restrictive in that by deterrent devices it confines help to relieving destitution.
Most terrorist bombs are improvised and so are known as improvised explosive devices or IEDs.
The ship had been installed with explosive devices to sink it, should there be a serious problem.
These electronic measuring devices often have to be customized to individual customer requirements.
Some products come within the ' borderline ' area with medical devices.
The small size of the MultiMediaCard is allowing digital device product manufacturers the ability to continuously design ultra-small, portable device product manufacturers the ability to continuously design ultra-small, portable devices.
Even these difficulties could be managed with remote storage, or even home storage devices that are not in the machine.
Most requirements are met by a selection of devices such as a microcontroller plus an ASIC plus discrete parts including merchant semiconductor devices.
Pointing Devices The standard mouse is quite a challenging device for many people with reduced dexterity.
Computers are useful for many simulations related to nuclear weapons other than designing clever little devices that rapidly disassemble in spectacular ways.
There are 82 channels to eliminate dual frequency distortion from other devices.
This includes surgical gowns and surgical drapes that are placed on the market as medical devices.
Piezoelectric materials are the basis of electromechanical devices, and therefore piezoelectric films are especially relevant to micro electro mechanical systems or MEMS.
The Biometric devices scan the fingerprint or retina of the eye to allow only authorized personnel to gain access to secure areas.
Sandbags are one of the most well-known devices for keeping floodwater out of your property.
To achieve the speed gain, researchers at the University of Southampton added fluorine to the silicon devices.
These devices all serve some function in the home, or they wouldn't exist.
For wings with full-span leading-edge devices a factor, dependent on planform geometry, is applied to allow for three-dimensional effects.
Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments built the first integrated circuit (IC) in 1958 using germanium (Ge) devices.
The unit also covers preparing accessories, such as gobos, gobo holders, color changers, scrollers and data-driven devices.
Processes being studied include granulation, cohesion and coating in fluidized and spouted beds and in other dispersed phase devices.
On August 11th Laupepa was returned by german gunboat from the Marshalls, landed at Apia and turned adrift to his own devices.
Numerous devices are used by the devil to wreck havoc into people's lives.
This name has been earned as it's not a regular belt holster or case as is usually supplied with some WM devices.
If you wish to connect multiple devices to your one network socket, you might need to use an Ethernet hub.
Energy Conversion Devices touts its magnesium based atomically based engineered hydrides as capable of storing hydrogen efficiently and effectively.
Technology incorporating an oscillating hydrofoil varies considerably from more commonly used rotational MEC devices.
Work on the compatibility of such devices with sodium hypochlorite 2% solution is not yet complete.
These are devices which help to involve the group by making the scenario less impersonal.
The 60 Ã… gain regions of these devices typically contains 9% indium and 34% aluminum resulting in a high affinity for oxygen.
Most effectively used at 1% in hot water as a steam inhalant to complement conventional inhalant devices.
Most photo-quality inkjet devices use print heads with hundreds of very small jets that eject the ink onto the media.
Less is more Packing more devices onto the same-size chip is not the only advantage to building an integrated circuit with molecular junctions.
In addition to the Ethernet port, there are two high-speed serial ports for HMIs, programming interface or other serial devices.
Yes, under certain circumstances the electromagnetic interference from a mobile phone can affect the performance of some medical devices.
Operation is simple thanks to the automatic recognition of connected devices, auto image set-up and auto keystone correction.
Thanks to PDAs, mobile laptops, tablet PCs and Blackberry devices, you can work from anywhere, even abroad.
Applications of optics and SLM devices, including neural networks, telecommunications switches, WDM switches, volume holography and tuneable lasers.
Noreve the international leader of top-of-the-line leather cases for Hi-Tech devices offers you infinite possibilities for the customization of your products.
In order to deliver the radiation to the patient we use devices called medical linear accelerators, or " linacs " .
I was getting strange lockups on loading Windows, and sometimes just before the IDE devices initialized on the initial bios screen.
Not the least of these problems were electrical for control and protection devices and each diesel-hydraulic locomotive needed some 2½ miles of electrical wiring.
Louvrelong glazed elevations incorporate solar shading devices in the form of fixed louvers and access walkways, constructed from Western Red Cedar.
The water used in high pressure jet devices may be contaminated with sewage or oil lubricants.
The Linux kernel is used right from small embedded devices, scaling up to large mainframes.
The high spin polarization of the mixed valence manganites make them attractive for devices based on spin polarized tunneling and spin injection.
In all cases the devices used neat marijuana supplied by NIDA with a potency of 2.3% THC.
Further development of this device to make it commercially marketable is possible, and research into similar fiber optic devices is envisaged.
With good solid structural XHTML markup, each of these various Internet devices can have equal access to your site's content.
In later years even great architect Inigo Jones was employed to produce lavish sets accompanied by various mechanical devices for the Jacobean masques.
Left to his own devices he would have exported far greater quantities of lethal materiel to both Iran and Iraq.
Some of these delivery devices are water-soluble and release the drug as the polymer matrix dissolves.
You can connect a theoretical maximum of 127 USB devices to your computer.
The minimum dimension of manufactured devices and ICs has decreased from 20 microns to the sub micron levels of today.
Battery or solar operated devices can be placed in the ground to help deter moles from burrowing in your garden.
And yet, surrounded by the false mystique of technical devices, we readily yield up all possibility of doing it well.
Combining satellite navigation with speed / safety camera alert devices to get you from A to B safely.
The invention may even eliminate the necessity of letter boards and spelling devices.
He is performing computer modeling of the performance of liquid crystal twisted nematic LCOS display devices.
Hypertension, Dialysis, and clinical nephrology - links to medical products, devices, services, and drugs pertaining and papers.
This has not been the case with near-shore devices that have been constructed largely off-site.
This obviously gives the Consultant the opportunity to make system changes in his office, and spend less time on-site updating the devices.
Even more complicated integrated atom optics devices and networks, similar to integrated circuits for electrons, can be devised.
Examples are trials with genetically modified organism, radioactive substances or involving medical devices.
Fiber optic devices for cross section converters The complete range of fiber optics can be connected to amplifiers with analog outputs.
To some extent ubiquitous computing is the attempt to reduce the need to have an overabundance of physical pervasive devices.
Vehicle Technology Caravans overrun devices Standard Spring Cylinder Most AL-KO overrun devices supplied to the caravan market are fitted with a standard spring cylinder.
It provides a basic J2ME application runtime environment targeted at mobile information devices, such as mobile phones and two-way pagers.
At the other end are simpler, less capable browsers on hardware such as wireless palmtop devices.
The RAF also dropped dummy parachutists and firework devices in a dummy airborne landing at Yvetot, some 30 miles North of Le Havre.
Particle Accelerators are devices used to accelerate charged elementary particle Accelerators are devices used to accelerate charged elementary particles or ions to high energies.
The ceiling of the aisle is decorated with heraldic and floral devices and carved pendants.
This includes computers and related peripherals, network devices and printers.
The BT Glide is the first cordless phone to take advantage of Bluetooth to connect to a vast range of devices.
Module 3B5 covers principles of solid state electronic devices ranging from the underlying semiconductor physics to the operating characteristics and design of advanced transistors.
There are a number of pigeon proofing devices which can be used to prevent or deter pigeons from roosting or nesting on your property.
It also fully privatized the safety reviews for several categories of medical devices.
However, the cost of these devices is often prohibitive to patients.
A number of projects are available based on spectral-temporal measurements of femtosecond pulses interacting with different photonic materials and devices.
Is there any move to convert analog radios in this way and, if so, can you recommend any devices?
Emergency position indicating radio beacons (EPIRB) are electronic devices that gives off a radio signal on the designated frequency of 406 MHz.
The sprinkling devices and the medium itself are not rateable.
Other possible threat to secure devices is data remanence.
An easy-to-use universal remote control provides one-touch access to your stored music and manages most entertainment devices attached to your system.
Do not reprocess devices designated for single use only.
Pile driving devices are normally part of a larger bespoke drilling rig that is utilized.
Look how many years it took to get even rudimentary safety devices into cars.
You will be an experienced medical salesperson, ideally selling devices, disposables or equipment to ITU or theaters.
Within the field of disposable surgical scalpels, many devices are currently available.
Our client is a major player in the global healthcare devices sector.
Vehicle devices to detect fatigue are far less reliable than a driver's own self-awareness of sleepiness.
The DC characteristics of the standard devices were then calibrated and modeled using a compound semiconductor Monte Carlo device simulator.
Growth of magnetic semiconductors for spintronics, which may be used in future information storage devices.
This consortium is working to develop new low-cost electronic devices derived from organic semiconductors.
This allows simplified setup of Local Area Networking devices.
What devices are out there to record direct digital signal?
The Quality - level is some directly measurable data that is likely to have the same signification across devices.
Devices can be attached either via the three phono sockets or an S-Video Port.
These data have sofar not been reproduced in solid state devices with reproducible contacts.
These devices work in a different manner to the more familiar grating spectrometer.
Overall there is no consensus that automated blood pressure measuring devices are less accurate; however all the studies used different automated sphygmomanometers.
The interventional technique used to treat carotid stenosis has improved and new stents and cerebral protection devices have been developed.
Her husband Steven associated with a. Game of incomplete says quot usa spying devices or to privacy is.
The insights gathered by corpus stylistics must no longer extend to single sentences or devices alone.
The Zodiac has come and gone, yet in my opinion still trumps many newer devices.
The group also leads several programs in novel optical traps (laser tweezers and spanners) and active holographic devices.
So even the benefits of the tracking devices may be part of a distinctly unhealthy pattern that negates the benefits.
This ensures color uniformity across input and output devices so that final printed results match originals.
Bluetooth enabled mobile videophone WISDOM will develop a Bluetooth enabled devices for mobile video use.
More than 2500 devices are fabricated at the same time on a single wafer.
Some newer devices deliver lower energy shocks using biphasic waveforms.
Marconi's system of electric wave telegraphy consists therefore in setting up at the transmitting station the devices just described for sending out groups of damped electric waves of the above kind in long or short trains corresponding to the dash or dot signals of the Morse alphabet.
Xerophytes.These plants have devices (a) for procuring water, (b) or for storing water, (c) or for limiting transpiration; and these adaptations are obviously related to the physically or physiologically dry habitats in which the plants live.
Various devices are adopted for the protection of the eggs from mechanical injury or from the attacks of enemies, and for fixing them in appropriate situations.
Now the later dramas are often notoriously awkward and redundant; while the removal of those convenient operatic devices which symbolize situations instead of developing them, does not readily appear to be compensated for by any superior artistic resource.
The events of the day indeed clearly indicated that the enemy's underwater devices were an even more serious obstacle to the forcing of the Dardanelles than were the Ottoman batteries.
All kinds of devices were suggested for expediting the acquisition of Latin; grammar was to be set aside; Latin was to be learned as a " living language "; much attention was to be devoted to acquiring an extensive vocabulary; and, " to save time," composition was to be abolished.
For purposes of torpedo attack the periscope is used as a range-finder to determine the distance the target is away, and also in connexion with tables to determine the correct time to fire the torpedo, allowing for the speed of the enemy, course, etc. Officers of submarines have devised various mechanical devices to avoid calculations, and these have been added to the periscope.
Nor are its dimensions (460 by 345 ft.) such as to place it in the first rank of structures of this class, nor are there any underground chambers below the arena, with devices for raising wild beasts, &c. But, as we learn from the case of their squabble with the people of Nuceria, the games celebrated in the amphitheatre on grand occasions would be visited by large numbers from the neighbouring towns.
Albeit of illustrious descent, the genealogies which represent Arnulf as an Aquitanian noble, and his family as connected - by more or less complicated devices - with the saints honoured in Aquitaine, are worthless, dating from the time of Louis the Pious in the 9th century.
The people, thoroughly Protestant, were excited by the proofswhich they thought were afforded that the real object of the Tractarians was to reconcile England with Rome; and practices which are now regarded as venial or even praiseworthysuch as the wearing of the surplice in the pulpit, and the institution of the weekly offertorywere denounced because they were instituted by the Tracta.rians, and were regarded as insidious devices to lead the country ROmewards.
The day will finish with everyone working on a live presentation using all types of pyrotechnic devices.
Provided that they are properly maintained, counterbalance springs and similar counterbalance or ratchet devices to hold them in the open position are acceptable.
Sorry, no video cameras, still cameras or recording devices are allowed to be used in any theaters.
The design has employed a range of energy saving devices to limit reliance on fossil fuel in the operation of the building.
Using rhetorical devices Such devices give a lecture zest.
Medical devices get scant attention in the safety debate.
All of these things will be made possible through the future seamless connectivity between these devices.
Automatic Brightness Control - In display devices, the self-acting mechanism which controls brightness of the device as a function of ambient light.
Vehicle devices to detect fatigue are far less reliable than a driver 's own self-awareness of sleepiness.
These doors are fitted with self-closing devices capable of closing the doors from all angles of swing.
Replacement of the existing devices to self-closing percussion taps is also under consideration by management.
You must not obstruct or wedge the doors or remove the self-closing devices.
Our wearable devices allow a range of medical signals to be collected through sensors attached to the patient.
An enormous variety of vertical shading devices are readily available.
Their devices to shirk work and deceive the masters seemed to me silly and immoral.
The new design offers a novel and complementary approach to shoreline devices that is completely unobtrusive and well protected.
Do not water on windy days. Install rain shut-off devices on in-ground irrigation systems to avoid watering lawns during rain events.
These information media become possible through new types of interfaces and will allow drastically simplified and more intuitive use of devices.
Using surveillance from satellites, bugs and other sophisticated snooping devices, the NSA infiltrates every facet of Dean 's existence, tracing e..
Woolworths also stock satellite navigation devices incorporating speed trap detectors from some of the top brands.
Mnemonics (yes its spelled right) are memory jogging devices which can help your memory greatly.
Yet these devices held the key to new battlefield tactics, which could have broken the stalemate of trench warfare.
Her husband steven associated with a. Game of incomplete says quot usa spying devices or to privacy is.
Planes flown from the US bombed sugar mills, strafed trains and dropped incendiary devices and leaflets on Havana.
He is now responsible for reliability modeling and analysis of deep submicron devices covering oxide integrity, hot carrier, electromigration and ESD.
Steam actuation is also a serious possibility for micro-engineered devices, although surface tension effects caused by liquid water must be taken into account.
The intention is to permit the use of such devices without the need to hold a Wireless Telegraphy license.
There is no way out by using the teleportation devices.
If only some manufacturer would offer schools some kind of tracking devices at a reasonable cost to stop these thoughtless thugs !
Or at least we will soon, and therefore it seems irrelevant whether or not it becomes illegal to tinker with devices.
The tools bar allows you to add new devices.
Trackball mouse devices - suitable for right and left hand users, there is no need to move your arm or rotate your wrist.
Devices transmit digital signals without the use of an analog based carrier signal.
Tripwire Enterprise is the new upgrade path for Tripwire for Network Devices.
Gordon et al. reports tritium beta efficiencies of 27% for devices having large 1mm 2 pixels.
The course will cover switching delays occurring in bipolar and unipolar semiconductor devices.
Inlet guide vanes -- devices positioned by the inlet guide vane actuator pilot valve.
Also, warping the pointer can cause problems for users of absolute location pointing devices (like graphics tablets).
The objective of the project is to study modal characteristics of some currently used optical waveguide devices.
The Aussie cavers produced strange descending devices weighing several kilos.
These include devices to prevent whiplash and lateral skidding, which have cut accidents in Japan by 15 %.
Devices of rhetoric are used to bring imagery to writing.
All weapons are strictly prohibited from the stadium, from small knives to incendiary devices.
Handheld devices, however, never became the corporate standard as everyone was anticipating back in the late '90s.
You need a smoke alarm, window guards or window stopping devices, (check local fire and building codes) and safety covers over all electrical outlets.
The very best of monitors can evade the interference of competing signals that come from microwaves and other wireless devices.
When you purchase a weaker monitor and your house is simply booming with electronic devices, you may find yourself having to explore unique set up options in order to achieve decent reception.
Both are extremely useful devices, but it is easy to see where one concept may be more convenient than the other.
When it comes to expensive technological devices such as baby cams and monitors, it can never hurt to run a little online research regarding your product options.
Dual video monitors are typically designed with two reception devices that can be used in two different rooms.
When you buy, look for desks offering ample workspace for placing computers, phones and other devices, plus ample space to work with files, documents or books.
Features include being able to transmit photos directly to mobile devices like cell phones.
Few digital devices made by one company have sold as fast as the iPod.
As with most portable and wireless devices, you need to be aware of how long the battery of a camera phone is expected to last before it needs to be recharged.
On the other hand, there are now more advanced cell phones, often referred to as wireless devices, that can perform all sorts of data functions.
Having proper anti-theft devices in place can also save you substantial amounts on your auto insurance, not to mention protect the modifications and electronics you may have added along the way.
Products are high-quality and include things like Ionic Air Purifiers, home massage chairs, digital photo frames, cool space-saving CD stereos, compact exercise machines, personal grooming devices, innovative kitchen tools and much more.
Both devices are flash players, offering durable, skip-free playback that's an absolute necessity for active music listeners.
Conventional models can have this problem if devices like floor vacuums and blow dryers are used near the screen.
They can be practical devices you need for everyday use or fun, nonsensical things that really have no purpose.
New technology has expanded these communication devices into fun tools with built in cameras, Internet capability with email and texting, and even video gaming.
Modern heaters may also be fitted with safety devices, for instance a tip over - cut out switch.
These are also typically the most modern of devices and generally offer good safety features.
This latter aspect of GPS is becoming more frequently used with cars being fitted with GPS tracking devices that are activated in cases of theft.
Another feature of many navigation systems is that they can also act as hands-free phone devices, which reduces the number of dashboard gadgets in the car.
One of the downsides of navigation systems is that they have become a target for thieves and devices should be removed from the car when the car is left unattended.
There are a wide range of different GPS devices specific to different sports.
This can be a good way to help determine a short list of GPS devices to research further.
This will allow users to hook up multiple peripherals such as cameras, MP3 players, printers and game devices.
Digital cameras can now be simple electronic devices or complicated if you make them.
Two types of GPS devices, which are the most common, are included in this GPS buyer's guide.
Usually sporting small screens, Portable GPS devices can be used anywhere.
Most of these type of GPS devices also have portable functions like touch-screens, internal speaker, and internal antenna.
Some in-dash devices are capable of playing DVDs, satellite or HD radio, and playing your mp3 player.
This GPS Buyer's guide can help you by providing a list of features that GPS devices may have.
Some devices also let you give it commands, eliminating any need to reference the GPS device.
Travel. If you are an avid traveler, GPS devices make finding destinations easy.
The question "How do I pick the best GPS to buy?" will come up if you are not properly informed on the features, types and functions of navigational devices.
There are specific GPS devices that sport maps of trails and off-road destinations.
Most often, you'll mount the aftermarket devices on a suction stand.
While prices are relatively low for the simple units, expect to pay more if you are interested in voice-enabled devices or GPSs that include traffic reports.
You will also learn about GPS devices that are good for traveling and hiking or ultra-portable ones that you can wear on your wrist like a watch.
Like most electronic devices, you have many choices.
When it comes to automobile GPS choices, most of the devices come with a power cord and a way to mount it on your windshield.
If you prefer your devices as technologically advanced as possible with the most possible features, you'll want to give the TomTom GO 740 Live a second glance.
What started as a single device with minimal features has transformed in to car-systems, mobile applications, even GPS devices equipped to work with laptops.
Standard GPS devices have straightforward functionality.
Automotive GPS devices were designed with driving in mind.
A few Automotive GPS devices can locate restaurants, stores, and businesses by their name or genre.
These ingenious devices can store thousands of books, newspapers and magazines, allowing a reader to carry their entire library along with them wherever they go.
These e-reading devices are incredibly popular but in reality, eBooks aren't restricted to being read simply on an e-reading device such as those listed above.
Many who get the devices don't realize that bookstores typically make their eBooks specifically for their devices, and as such, each can offer different prices, availability and more.
Nearly all of the eBook sites and devices allow you to download a free sample of the book you're interested in.
On the other hand, Bluetooth capability will also enable you to share data with other devices such as a mobile phone, wirelessly.
Aside from smart devices, laptops are the most popular means of wireless Internet access, but there are many options out there, and a few guidelines when purchasing a wireless laptop computer might be needed.
Alarm clocks that provide the ability to set multiple alarms are one of the most popular kinds of multiple setting devices.
Smartphones have become multifunctional devices that can replace their standalone equivalents, like MP3 players, GPS navigators and portable gaming systems.
Your books are able to be synced across multiple devices using Nook applications on your cell phone, iPhone, iPad or computer.
While the future probably holds great things for wireless video surveillance, the technology just isn't on par with wired devices yet.
You can purchase a number of cameras online at Best Buy's website.You can also browse a broad range of other home security devices at the site.
Pricing with both devices is a moving target, but Nooks tend to be slightly more expensive.
Still, the price difference between the devices is generally minimal.
Note that not all books can be shared - for both devices, lending is enabled at the publisher's request.
Both devices also allow you to "check out" books from virtual libraries.
Wireless-N (802.11n) is the standard that can be found in most smartphones, laptops, tablets and other wireless devices.
While there are routers from major manufacturers that offer this technology, there are not too many wireless devices that have adopted this standard yet.
Single band routers will typically offer just 2.4GHz for the greatest flexibility, as nearly all 802.11n wireless devices -- like tablets and smartphones -- will use that frequency.
That's why nearly all wireless routers will come with Ethernet ports on the back where various devices can be connected.
Left to their own devices, cats will choose their own territories without any consideration for what humans consider to be the proper "boundaries".
Cats as devices - How cats can be useful devices.
Left to their own devices, cats will use just about any perch they can find as a window seat.
Literary devices - The language in the story is artful and incorporates creative writing techniques like foreshadowing, metaphor and irony.
These devices make it easy to access your money and take care of your banking needs around the clock.
And don't forget to look for discounts if you use anti-theft devices in your home or car.
Less counter space is necessary and yet these devices are rugged to handle knocks to the ground.
American Express Mobile offers users numerous ways in which they can stay connected to their accounts via their mobile devices.
Regularly using a water bottle, along with other water saving devices can make a large impact on your family's annual water consumption.
While you might be familiar with solar powered devices like solar calculators or even homes that use solar panels on the roof, have you ever wondered how do photovoltaic cells work?
They are basically large, flat devices that collect solar radiation and convert that energy to electrical energy.
The easiest way to understand how do photovoltaic cells work is through reviewing how these devices were invented, and how the technology has advanced throughout the history of solar power.
Produce direct current (DC), but special devices called "inverters" can convert solar DC current to alternating current (AC) to power regular appliances.
The earliest photovoltaic devices, created in the 1950s, were used by the U.S. on early satellites.
Passive solar strategies rely entirely on the orientation and detailing of a home to capture energy rather than mechanical or electrical devices, as with active solar design.
In warmer months, shading devices such as roof overhangs, trees, blinds and awnings can help to mitigate the heat transfer.
If the plumbing devices that you have are more than a few years old, there's a good chance that better, lower flow options have been introduced to the market.
Out of all the various appliances and fixtures that require water to function, toilets are responsible for the largest percentage of water used in most households, assuming that modern low-flow devices have not been installed.
These panels can be paired together on large solar farms to harvest enough energy to power small towns and neighborhoods, or smaller units of cells placed on houses to power the lights and electronic devices for that home.
Products are used externally as wraps, soothing neck and eye pillows, and similar devices.
Vending machines - These cool devices can dispense beer, soda, coffee, or candy.
Typically, these devices are tall and bulky, and you may not want your steamer out all the time.
Because of this, he has to invent his own devices and work his way into and out of trouble using nothing but his gadgets and his mind.
The irony is that the Internet is bringing these old works back to life as people download some of the world's oldest books onto some of the world's newest technological devices.
Usually, these devices can't record the same quality of video because of the limited resolution and lack of any lighting accessories.
Besides your computer, you can also play virtual pet games on console systems like the Wii, GameBoy and Nintendo DS as well as purchase proprietary devices like the Tamagotchi handheld unit.
While virtual pets were the highlight of the early 2000's as featured on tiny handheld devices, the advent of better Internet has made it so simple to have one of numerous virtual pets online.
Zagg's invisibleShield film is also available for iPhones and other electronic devices.
This device is versatile, working on iPads and iPhones, as well as many other smartphone and tablet devices.
With so many cool accessories, it's not difficult to see that there are many ways to enhance your iPad experience - and the devices discussed here represent just a small sample of the many available options.
These early forays into digital imaging serve as original blueprints for the convenience of today's devices.
Sony digital cameras are reputable picture-taking devices that don't break easily.
The devices are manufactured with high quality standards and are an investment that should be enjoyed for many years.
Gain the upper hand by learning everything you can about the best digital imaging devices on the market.
Although it sounds like techno-jargon, its usage is literal in the sense that devices like the Canon Rebel XT 8 MP digital SLR camera use a totally electronic form of communication between the lenses and the camera itself.
Fans of Canon imaging devices will tell you that any EOS Rebel camera is a good investment, but if you'd like more information before opening your pocketbook, check out the Digital Rebel XT's optics, performance and consumer features.
The program gives users multiple options for storing photos on different devices and even on Apple's iCloud platform, and the program includes a backup utility that can help protect against data loss.
Users can share their images by creating multimedia slide shows that can be viewed in iTunes or Apple devices and by posting them to Facebook, Flickr, and other image hosting websites.
Some exercises that can strengthen your core are yoga, a stability ball, and the use of balance devices.
The hairs also allowed these snow transport devices to glide along the snow.
In addition to exploring the wide variety of stress reducing devices and methods available, stress sufferers should also be confident about talking with a health professional who can help create a stress reduction plan.
Meditation timers are devices to help you deepen your meditation practice, allowing you to realize its full potential.
Knowing that seventy percent of the customers using tanning beds are girls and women, the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Medical Association are warning their patients against using these devices.
That way the counter isn't cluttered with rarely used devices.
For example, you may not be able to rig certain kinds of electrical devices up, like fog machines on the dance floor, at an outdoor wedding reception.
While personalizing your electronic devices with celebrity wallpapers and screensavers can be fun, it pays to follow a few safety precautions.
Viewers quickly headed to social media outlets and their mobile devices to express shock at the overtly sexual choreography.
Most computers already contain media devices such as Windows Media Player or iTunes for the Mac.
If you study on campus, there are activities from sports to student clubs; if you study online, you will largely be left to your own devices as far as entertainment, exercise, and artistic pursuits are concerned.
Proficiency with audiometers, computers and similar testing devices is important in this field.
Treating a patient with hearing issues can include examination of the ear canal, cleaning of the ear canal, prescribing and preparing hearing aids and implants, and counseling about how to use the devices.
Stuffed toys that contain talking devices or other electronics are entirely inappropriate to give to a pet.
Electronic dog collars are training devices that can be used to provide reinforcement during your initial dog training efforts, giving your dog that extra incentive to comply with your commands.
Because these are merely training aids and not automatic devices that can use to train your pet without your participation, it's important to learn all you can about them before deciding whether your situation warrants their use.
This is our catch-all category, filled with all those handy products and devices that stock so many pet supply store shelves.
Owners should be aware that these devices are not suitable for use on every dog, and should be avoided if a pet has fear/abuse issues.
However, this hybrid is not the type of puppy that can be brought into the home and left to its own devices.
This means that you don't have to wade through pages of corrective and training devices to find the smocks you are looking for.
These devices save time and are handy, but you surely don't need one to change your strings.
Guitarists, both beginning and advanced, use a myriad of tuning devices to help them get their guitars as close to in tune as possible.
However, these devices are not as accurate in their pitch as their name may suggest.
However, most circuits for outlets or switches often have many devices attached to the circuit.
Available in a variety of styles, these useful and attractive jewelry storage devices will enhance your décor while putting that perfect pair of earrings right at your fingertips.
Grasp the top of the sock firmly; use rubber gloves or other assistive devices if extra gripping power is necessary.
It is the job of the fire guard to inspect and maintain all fire protection devices under his or her jurisdiction.
The emergency notifications are delivered as text messages to mobile phones and other wireless devices.
With new wireless technology, the Internet is accessible to people from cell phones and other handheld devices.
If you have grandchildren or youth who visit, lock the gun up in a secure place with safety devices activated.
There are many different types of magnifying glasses and sound augmentation devices available to make it easier for the elderly to enjoy their favorite pastimes.
Residents with auditory limitations can use assistive devices to enhance hearing.
In fact, it is very helpful to include models with wheelchairs and other assistive devices.
These devices also accommodate people with visual impairments because the text size can be increased.
In the Respironics CPAP devices, the higher price tag reflects several additions not available through other devices.
You may be given a dollar amount or only specific devices to select from.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) devices may be used.
If this is the case, your doctor may recommend the use of specially-designed devices called CPAP machines which will help to keep the airways open.
Talk with your doctor if you are having trouble with the CPAP devices, as there are various other options and adjustments available.
Electrodes lead from the body to the monitoring devices give an understanding of what is happening during sleep.
After a sleep study, the process then moves to understanding the data that has been collected throughout the sleep studies using each of these devices.
Alfred Adler (1870 to 1937) believed that dreams were problem solving devices, a way to gain control over thoughts from an individual's waking life.
Snorers can benefit from some medical interventions including devices and surgery.
Dr Trudeau from Del Mar Family Dentistry offers acrylic devices like Snore Guard that are worn while the patient sleeps.
The devices hold the jaw in a position which opens the airway passage, making breathing easier.
Treatment options are vast and include noninvasive interventions, oral devices, and surgery.
A physician may recommend a dentist who can fit patients for oral devices.
This devices comes with a money back guarantee.
There are many other devices and products sold that purport to be able to block a person from snoring.
Examples of white noise devices designed to block the sound of snoring include The Snore Masker Pro Earplugs and White Noise CDs.
The Snore Dentist is another fantastic resource in Jersey who has much to offer including oral devices to prevent snoring.
Dentists are wonderful resources for people who have snoring problems that can be treated with oral devices.
A dentist can offer help for snoring by fitting oral devices that keep the airway passage open, allowing for unobstructed breathing.
Devices may be available over the counter, such as mouthpieces, but other devices such as the CPAP machine and mask are available through a prescription from your doctor.
The first involves dental devices created to help people with various sleep problems, and the second addresses anxiety and possible phobias.
Oral devices can help by repositioning the mouth to prevent tissue from the soft palate and the throat from collapsing into the breathing passage.
The AADSM supports using surgical procedures or oral devices to treat some of the breathing conditions.
Many dentists are able to fit patients for oral devices to treat snoring or obstructive sleep apnea, but not all are educated about the latest advancements in dental sleep medicine.
The interventions include oral devices and surgery in the upper airway passage used for the treatment of sleep disorders.
Dentists in the Virginia Beach area can offer help for snorers by fitting them with oral devices.
The devices prevent the soft tissues in the palate and the tongue from falling back into the airway passage.
The breathing devices are commonly used to treat sleep apnea.
A travel pack can help an individual to travel with their devices.
Check with your insurance agent about the amount of coverage you have and which types of devices they will cover.
Then, medications and CPAP devices, which improve breathing quality, can be prescribed to improve your condition.Do not wait.
The devices are fitted to the patient's mouth.
Oral devices fitted by a sleep dentist can effectively treat the problem in many cases.
Oral devices can treat snoring and sleep apnea effectively.
Tongue retaining devices (TRD) focus on moving the tongue forward, preventing it from collapsing back into to airway passage.
Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD) keep the tongue and the soft palate away from the air passage by moving the jaw forward.
There is no absolute guarantee that the oral devices will work in every situation.
Dental devices can be effective, but the most common form of therapy is the CPAP mask which keeps airflow continuous.
Some patients find relief using oral devices fitted by dentists, some use CPAP machines and others may require surgery.
When structural problems are determined to be the source of the problem, a breathing device may be prescribed; however, some patients opt for oral devices fitted by a dentist.
Many dentists not affiliated with the AADSM are perfectly capable of fitting patients with oral devices for sleep apnea.
Portsmouth sleep apnea options include a variety of approaches that range from oral devices to surgical procedures.
Surgery may not be for everyone, and those who dislike the idea of sleeping with masks and surgical procedures may benefit from exploring oral devices to address the sleep problem.
Most dentists are able to fit the devices with ease and the devices can offer relief from the breathing problems in an approach that is less invasive as surgery is.
Do invest in CPAP devices if your doctor has recommended them.
Oral devices and lower jaw positions can be excellent snoring cures.
Anti-snoring devices can reduce frequent or loud snoring, thereby improving sleep, increasing productivity, and decreasing the risk of negative health effects.
When lifestyle changes are not sufficient, the use of anti-snoring devices is an effective alternative to surgery for many people.
A variety of anti-snoring devices is available, both over-the-counter and by prescription.
Some dental devices are similar to athletic mouth guards, while others fit around the chin and head to alter jaw position.
A dentist must fit dental devices and then evaluate them every 6 to 12 months to ensure proper fit.
Many over-the-counter anti-snoring devices, such as special pillows and nasal strips, offer little to no help for those with moderate to severe snoring.
Before recommending anti-snoring devices or developing a treatment plan, your doctor will perform a medical examination and ask you and your partner questions about the frequency and severity of your snoring.
There are many anti-snoring devices on the market that claim to instantly stop snoring and improve sleep.
Dental treatments for sleep apnea and snoring are typically non-surgical, involving oral devices that help to keep the airway open during sleep.
Granbury Dental Center specializes in oral devices and splints used to treat TMJ and mild to moderate sleep apnea as well as snoring.
Keep in mind that devices for sleep apnea developed by dentists can effectively treat obstructive sleep apnea.
However, the devices are not effective in treating central sleep apnea.
Many patients find that the oral devices offered by sleep dentists work as well as CPAP machines, making this an attractive option for people who have sleep apnea.
Many patients find relief using oral devices or CPAP machines but others want a potentially permanent solution.