Device Sentence Examples
He handed the device to her.
That device can track where you are at any time.
The device is a most effectual one.
He touched the communications device to activate it.
Others have held that it was a device of the priests.
This device was originally adopted in the d'Arlincourt copying telegraph.
You probably have a device, such as a smart phone, that has an Internet connection and a GPS.
He lifted a small soul-tracking device off the table, a round compass whose edges were lined with symbols from a dead language too old for him to read.
Weller asked "What do I have, some sort of tracking device stuck in my shorts?"
To detect these currents some device has to be inserted in the antenna circuit or else inductively connected with it which is sensitive to high frequency currents.
AdvertisementThis he achieved by the introduction of a device which is called a metallic ligament.
If we consider the lines of magnetic force in the neighbourhood of the receiving antenna wire we shall see that they move across it, and thus create in it an electromotive force which acts upon the coherer or other sensitive device associated with it.
He touched the device behind his ear.
On the accession of Mary he was summoned to the council - most of whom had signed the same device - reprimanded for his conduct, and ordered to confine himself to his palace at Lambeth until the queen's pleasure was known.
Lodge particularly studied the action of electric waves in reducing the resistance of the contact between two metallic surfaces such as a plate and a point, or two balls, and named the device a coherer."
AdvertisementMiller, delivered to the South Carolina railroad in 1834, presented a feature which has remained characteristic of American locomotives - the front part was supported on a four-wheeled swivelling bogie-truck, a device, however, which had been applied to Puffing Billy in England when it was rebuilt in 1815.
Distribution of steam is effected by a slide valve, sometimes fitted with a balancing device, and sometimes formed into a piston valve.
So often had he declared that the Rhine and Holland were necessary to France that every one looked on his present assertions as a mere device to gain time.
The Master Car Builders' Association, a great body of mechanical officers organized especially to being about improvement and uniformity in details of construction and operation, expressed its sense of the importance of " self-coupling " so far back as 1874, but no device of the kind that could be considered useful had then been invented.
Jessi set down the device, aware she was there for a reason.
AdvertisementFurther to conciliate the Romans and especially Sulla,he sent to the Capitol a group of Victories guarding a device in gold showing Bocchus handing over Jugurtha to Sulla.
This is supposed to have suggested to the Seljuks of Konia their heraldic device adopted in the 13th century, which, brought to Europe by the Crusaders, became the emblem of Teutonic empire in 1345.
There is usually fixed above the sucker a short iron valverod, with a device known as a rivet-catcher to prevent damage to the pump by the dropping of rivets from the pump-rods.
A considerable extension of the three years' term has been secured in certain cases by a legal device for escaping the provisions of the eleventh clause of Wesley's Deed Poll, but some more satisfactory method of dealing with the subject is under consideration.
For ordinary combustions compressed oxygen is used, so that the combustible substance burns almost instantaneously, the action being induced by means of some electrical device which can be controlled from without the calorimeter.
AdvertisementAbout 1892 the idea occurred to him of using vacuum-jacketed vessels for the storage of liquid gases, and so efficient did this device prove in preventing the influx of external heat that it is found possible not only to preserve the liquids for comparatively long periods, but also to keep them so free from ebullition that examination of their optical properties becomes possible.
When the furnace with this well-known regulating device was to be used, say, for the melting of metals or other conductors of electricity, the fragments of metal were placed in the crucible and the positive electrode was brought near them.
Were it not for the use of some such device the arc would be liable to constant fluctuation and to frequent extinction.
The glare of these seemed to the allies to betoken the familiar device of lighting fires previous to a retreat, and thus confirmed them in the impression which Napoleon's calculated timidity had given.
As a memorial of the miraculous interference, the Byzantines erected an altar to Torch-bearing Hecate, and stamped a crescent on their coins, a device which is retained by the Turks to this day.
When the constitutional convention met in Philadelphia in 1787 to frame a constitution for a stronger Federal government, the agriculturists of Rhode Island were afraid that the movement would result in an interference with their local privileges, and especially with their favourite device of issuing paper money, and the state refused to send delegates, and not until the Senate had passed a bill for severing commercial relations between the United States and Rhode Island, did the latter, in May 1790, ratify the Federal constitution, and then only by a majority of two votes.
By this device the Lords were obliged to acquiesce in the repeal of the paper-duty.
This device consists of a roller of radius r, pressed into contact with a disk.
This simple device may be looked upon as the crown of the hydraulic system, since by its various modifications the installation of hydraulic power became possible in almost any situation.
It is of interest accordingly to note how and why the device originated.
This device not only makes the cast iron much more uniform, but also removes much of its sulphur by a curious slow reaction.
The shares, when made of the same material, required constant sharpening; this necessity was removed by the device, patented by Robert Ransome in 1803, of chilling and so hardening the under-surface of the share; the upper surface, which is soft, then wears away more quickly than the chilled part, whereby a sharp edge is always assured.
Many suffered under this law, but the ultimate effect was to invest the press with new popularity, and very soon the newspapers conceived a device which effectually protected their literary staff, for they employed dummy editors whose sole function was to go to prison in lieu of the true editor.
In color-printing, the colors, which are much the same as those in use in Europe, are mixed, with rice-paste as a medium, on the block for each operation, and the power of regulating the result given by this custom to an intelligent craftsman (who, again, is neither the artist nor the engraver) was productive in the best period of very beautiful and artistic effects, such as could never have been obtained by any mechanical device.
In the cities and towns horses used as beasts of burden are now shod with iron, but in rural or mountainous, districts straw shoes are substituted, a device which enables the animals to traverse rocky or precipitous roads with safety.
Hence to represent D, Greek has now to resort to the clumsy device of writing NT instead.
Even in Roman times it kept its own coinage with the punning device of the bent arm holding a palm branch, and the head of Aphrodite on the reverse, and continued the use of the Greek language.
This novel device has the advantage of toning down, if not of eliminating, personal and national prejudices by which controversy is frequently embittered.
The older, devised by Hooke in 1667, is provided with valves above and below, both opening upward, through which the water passes freely during descent, but which are closed by some device on hauling up. The newer or slip water-bottle type consists of a cylinder allowed to drop on to a base-plate when a sample is tro be collected.
One of these projects, on which an elaborate report had actually to be submitted to the Emperor, was a device for which it was claimed that it had solved the problem of perpetual motion.
Experiments have also been made with a device in which the air-supply is obtained by the evaporation of liquid air absorbed in asbestos.
In the first example, which was erected on the quay at Newcastle in 1846, the necessary pressure was obtained from the ordinary water mains of the town; but the merits and advantages of the device soon became widely appreciated, and a demand arose for the erection of cranes in positions where the pressure afforded by the mains was insufficient.
Their weapons were all individual, not one co-operative device of offence being known among them, although they understood fortification.
The device is a translation into stone of a type not uncommon in gem-cutter's and goldsmith's work of the " Mycenaean " age.
These formed part of the general resort to every possible fiscal device.
No proper statistical basis for estimating the quotas existed, and the device gave each state a plausible reason for attempting secession on occasion.
He clearly perceived the significant analogy between terrestrial gravity and the force exerted in the solar system, and by the ingenious device of a circular pendulum illustrated the composite character of the planetary movements.
The fleur-de-lis is a common device in ancient decoration, notably in India and in Egypt,where it was the symbol of life and resurrection, the attribute of the god Horus.
Its characteristics were a flamboyant and fantastic treatment of plant and animal (though not of human) forms, a free use of the geometrical device called the " returning spiral," and much skill in enamelling.
Such corrections may be made by the device of applying additional unpaired, or what we may call external, forces to particles of the system.
Remusat rather dubiously suggested, while Schmidt and Schiefner maintained, that the silent letters were a device of grammarians to distinguish in writing words which were not distinguished in speech.
But it is in the design of steel concrete beams that the greatest ingenuity has been shown, and almost every patentee of a "system" has some new device for arranging the steel reinforcement to the best advantage.
The use of reflecting mirrors for the purpose of observing from cover is no novelty, and during the trench warfare of the Crimean War 1854-5 a device was patented which scarcely differs from the simple mirror periscope of the World War.
Such a circumstance occurring at a time of general festivity, when devices, mottoes and conceits of all kinds were adopted as ornaments or badges of the habits worn at jousts and tournaments, would naturally have been commemorated as other royal expressions seem to have been by its conversion into a device and motto for the dresses at an approaching hastilude."
The choir is painted in perspective (there was no room to build one), the earliest example of this device, which was so frequently used in baroque architecture.
Mr Wood met this difficulty by the simple device of so shaping the cars that they completely protect both their own running gear and the track from all possible spattering, a device which, simple as it is, has materially lessened the cost of the steel and greatly increased the production.
The device of the dolphin and the anchor, and the motto festina lente, which indicated quickness combined with firmness in the execution of a great scheme, were never wholly abandoned by the Aldines until the expiration of their firm in the third generation.
We are told in the chronicle written by Desclot soon after his time, that Peter was only trapped into cohabiting with his wife by the device which is familiar to readers of Measure for Measure.
The name is probably derived from "badge," device, on account of the marks on the head; or it may be identical with the term separately noticed below, the French blaireau being used in both senses.
The device was employed with success by Professor Charles Richet and others in thought-transference experiments.
The Galitzin seismograph, devised by Prince Galitzin, is of the same type, but it essentially differs from the Milne instrument in having its pendulum dead-beat; this is brought about by an electromagnetic device.
Its labors embraced not only Egypt and Nubia (as far as Khartum) but also the Egyptian monuments in Sinai and Syria; its immense harvest of material is of the highest value, the new device of taking paper impressions or squeezes giving Lepsius a great advantage over his predecessors, similar to that which was later conferred by the photographic camera.
The turning of attention towards the knee interferes with the jerk; hence the device of directing the person to perform vigorously some movement, which does not involve the muscles of the lower limb, at the moment when the light blow is dealt upon the tendon.
The second class is marked by the heraldic type of two animals, usually lions rampant, facing one another, but divided by a pillar .or some other device.
The heraldic type of the two lions is the device over the principal gateway of Mycenae, and stamps this, the oldest great monument on Greek soil, with a distinctly Phrygian character.
It is not known precisely when the mechanical device of the rosary was first used.
Metternich was anxious to secure an apparent unanimity of the powers to back the Austrian intervention in Naples, and every device was used to entrap the English representative into subscribing a formula which would have seemed to commit Great Britain to the principles of the other allies.
It is easily seen that if the mirror be rotated at the same angular velocity as the sun the right ascensions will remain equal throughout the day, and therefore this device reflects the rays in the direction of the earth's axis; a second fixed mirror reflects them in any other fixed direction.
The British Museum possesses an interesting Etruscan or Archaic Italian example of this primitive device.
Or still more the dialectical device by which the sceptic claims to escape the riposte that his very argument presumes the validity of this or that principle, viz.
Mill's device rested special inductions of causation upon the laws that every event has a cause, and every cause has always the same effect.
This device was never remote from the constructions of writers for whom the teaching of Spinoza and Leibnitz was an integral part of their intellectual equipment, Other modes of correlation, however, find favour also, and in some variety.
The object of this device is not, primarily, to produce work from heat, but to escape the inconveniences that would otherwise arise through extreme cooling of the air during its expansion.
The obvious importance, especially to scattered villages or tribes, of systematic joint action in the face of a common danger makes it reasonable to infer that federation in its elementary forms was a widespread device.
The difficulty of adapting the long wanderings of Ulysses to a plan of this type is got over by the device - first met with in the Odyssey - of making the hero tell the story of his own adventures.
He concludes that the aged Ulysses belongs to the " continuation " (the change wrought by Athena's wand being a device to reconcile the two views), and hence that the continuation is the work of a different author.
Indeed, many prominent French and German divines still denied papal infallibility altogether; and Louis Napoleon had regularly fallen back on Richelieu's old device of stirring up the embers of Gallicanism, whenever the French clergy grew restive about his alliance with Victor Emmanuel.
Stories were told of the ingenuity and generosity by which he had made the marshes round Selinus salubrious, of the grotesque device by which he laid the winds that ruined the harvests of Agrigentum, and of the almost miraculous restoration to life of a woman who had long lain in a death-like trance.
By this simple device he provided a means of measuring small electric currents far in advance of anything yet accomplished, and this instrument proved not only most useful in pure scientific researches, but at the same time was of the utmost value in connexion with submarine telegraphy.
The device, frequently seen in farmyards, by which the power of a horse is utilized to drive threshing or other machinery, is sometimes described as a "horse-power," but this term usually denotes the unit in which the performance of steam and other engines is expressed, and which is defined as the rate at which work is done when 33,000 lb are raised one foot in one minute.
Certain letters, however, vary in pronunciation, and are distinguished by diacritical marks, a device orginated by J ohn Huss.
In the East the custom which has prevailed for centuries, and which is a practice at the present day, of using the seal as a stamp wherewith to print its device in ink or pigment in authentication of a document is parallel to our western habit of inscribing a signature for the same purpose.
Lastly, there is usually to be discerned amongst such lower races a belief in unseen powers pervading the universe, this belief shaping itself into an animistic or spiritualistic theology, mostly resulting in some kind of worship. If, again, high savage or low barbaric types be selected, as among the North American Indians, Polynesians, and Kaffirs of South Africa, the same elements of culture appear, but at a more advanced stage, namely, a more full and accurate language, more knowledge of the laws of nature, more serviceable implements, more perfect industrial processes, more definite and fixed social order and frame of government, more systematic and philosophic schemes of religion and a more elaborate and ceremonial worship. At intervals new arts and ideas appear, such as agriculture and pasturage, the manufacture of pottery, the use of metal implements and the device of record and communication by picture writing.
The same device was successful against Louis XIV.
Besides, nothing is gained by such a device, which would bring the year of the end of the second period down to the meaningless date 152, too late to refer to Onias.
During those two months every device was employed, by direct assault and by mining operations, to reduce the garrison, who held out nobly, meeting assault with sortie and mine with countermine.
Among numerous anecdotes the following is characteristic. Periander, on being consulted by the tyrant Thrasybulus of Miletus as to the best device for maintaining himself in power, by way of reply led the messenger through a.
This ingenious device originated in America.
The use of the name of an animal for a mechanical device is not uncommon, cf.
Ala ud-din, the Seljuk sultan of Iconium (1245-1254), and Ertoghrul, his lieutenant and the founder of the Ottoman branch of the Turkish race, assumed it as a device, and it appeared on the standard of the janissaries of Sultan Orkhan (1326-1360).
His wisdom was shown by the fact that he concentrated his attention on the one device which must evidently prove effective for defence, if only he were given time to perfect itthe building of a national navy.
A conscientious man according to his lights, he took as his device the motto Pacluin serva, keep troth, which was afterwards inscribed on his tomb, and did his best to live up to it.
This was, of course, one more device for strengthening the power of the crown.
This device was apparently intended to soothe Welsh national pride, by reviving in form, if not in reality, theseparate existence of the old Cymric state.
It also gave Edward an excuse for treating every loyal Frenchman as guilty of treason, and, to his shame, he did nol always refrain from employing such a discreditable device.
It is seldom in the worlds history that a hollow legal device such as this has had such long enduring and deplorable results.
The peasantry defended themselves by the simple device of understating the numbers of their families; the returns made it appear that the adult population of England had gone down from 1,355,000 to 896,000 since the poll-tax of 1379.
Another device of Edward for filling his exchequer was a very stringent enforcement of justice; small infractions of the laws being made the excuse for exorbitant fines.
The less popular device of turning old manorial arable land into sheep-runs was also known, but does not yet seem to have grown so common as to provoke the popular discontents which were to prevail under the Tudors.
Though this device enabled them to say that they had not yielded to the Russian demand, it was obvious that they entered the conference with the foregone conclusion of conceding the Russian claim.
Since the person charged to take the auspices for a certain day was constitutionally subject to no other authority who could test the truth or falsehood of his statement that he had observed lightning, this became a favourite device for putting off meetings of the public assembly.
A device of more recent introduction is an electrically-driven charging machine, in which the centrifugal force created by a fly-wheel revolving at high speed is applied to drive coal into the retort.
It was particularly used of a sculptured tablet in the shape of a partly unrolled scroll on which could be placed an inscription or device.
The arms of the popes and ecclesiastics of high birth were borne on an oval cartouche; and it is thus particularly applied, in Egyptian archaeology, for the oblong device with oval ends, enclosing the names of royal personages on the monuments.
He is convinced that virtue (where it is more than a mere pretence) is purely artificial; but not quite certain whether it is a useless trammel of appetites and passions that are advantageous to society, or a device creditable to the politicians who introduced it by playing upon the " pride and vanity " of the " silly creature man."
The device is common in ecclesiastical art, but the name is especially given in the Church of Rome to a small cake made of the wax of the Easter candles and impressed with this figure.
A great part of the bill was closured by what was known as the device of the " gag " without discussion, although it occupied the House of Commons altogether eighty-two nights.
Instead of weakening this aristocratic agitation by the see-saw policy of Catherine de Medici, Marie could invent no other device than to despoil the royal treasure by distributing places and money to the chiefs of both parties.
For an accurate determination of the plane of polarization analysers that act by extinction are not of much practical use, and a different device has to be employed.
His?coo T «Lvov or sieve (cribrum Eratosthenis) was a device for discovering all prime numbers.
Coddington employed the same construction, and for this reason this device is frequently called the Coddington lens; although he brought the Wollaston-Brewster lens into general notice, he was neither the inventor nor claimed to be.
With this device these particles appear bright against a dark background, and can be easily seen.
This went on for a thousand nights till Shahrazad had a son, and ventured to tell the king of her device.
Other dry powder inhalers will have the medication either in disks or in the device itself.
The manufacturer claims that this device does not kink your rope and after 6 months on test I can not dismiss this claim.
This has made the book more laborious to produce, but has made the finished product a better teaching device.
This particular device is manufactured with a flat-topped led to provide excellent wide angle viewing for switchtop and annunciator illumination.
The red led on the TV link device should now be lit.
The handsome radiator cap mascot provides an excellent sighting device as you navigate this great leviathan of an MG.
Now after using the device for several months I can achieve really full, pouty lips when I want.
Louvre simple device is quick to install onto any greenhouse louver window and can be pre-set to automatically cope with fluctuations in Temperature.
A microwave oven employs a device called a magnetron which produces strong magnetic fields with very short wavelengths (high frequency ).
Further development of this device to make it commercially marketable is possible, and research into similar fiber optic devices is envisaged.
Then it applied a defensive device common to most arboreal marsupials.
The device will carry a 1 megaton nuclear warhead.
Basically, a microcontroller is a device which integrates a number of the components of a microprocessor system onto a single microchip.
The system also allows each microcomputer in the network to access a central data storage and retrieval device, the file server.
The clean room has all the facilities for device fabrication including dry etching by ion beam milling.
It is slightly larger than a deck of cards, making it a truly mobile device.
The Chat 50 can also replace headphones and headsets that can quickly become uncomfortable, restrict movement and tether the user to the device.
This small device (shown on the right) emits bursts of ultrasound when the integral movement sensor detects something moving.
It's the same device that any unreliable narrator employs.
We are unclear about the tactical niche of this cartridge, which is claimed by the factory to be a good sniping device.
These device relies bacteria living on balls of Sulfur to remove nitrate from the water.
Ongoing work includes using ion implantation for novel device and circuit architectures and for processing gallium nitride in novel ways.
The ligating and dividing system stapler is a very efficient time-saving device.
In this project a listening device, the ' smart stethoscope ' was developed.
Once the calves have learned to use the teats they move onto a barrel device.
Reflective This system uses optical transceivers located near to devices that transmit the data to a common location for redirection to a receiving device.
A new optical device was developed for continuously measuring the rate of sediment transport in the system.
And its easy to see and use built-in auto chromatic tuner helps keep you in tune without having to use an external device.
They see every foul device of imperialist tyranny employed against them with at any rate the passive acquiescence of the British working class.
AirMagnet BlueSweep is an easy-to-use freeware utility to identify and analyze any nearby Bluetooth device.
The device performs a gentle and repeated circular motion, which moves the vertebrae of the lower back and the pelvic area.
The device can be turned off at any time with a magnetic wand.
Globally the most common form of this device are likely to be domestic water meters and the meters found in gasoline dispensing equipment.
It can record baleen whale calls within an area of up to 50 km around the device.
They are an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed, but can also wreak havoc if you push the wrong buttons.
Thus in La Petite Fadette, by the happy device of making the hemp dresser the narrator, she speaks (to quote Sainte-Beuve) as though she had on her right the unlettered rustic and on her left a member of the Academie, and made herself the interpreter between the two.
The nimbus in Christian art appeared first in the 5th century, but practically the same device was known still earlier, though its history is obscure, in non-Christian art.
A volume might be written on Orlando di Lasso's art of so crossing the voices as to render possible successions of chords which, on a keyed instrument where such crossing cannot be expressed, would be a horrible series of consecutive fifths; the beauty of the device consisting in the extreme simplicity of the chords, combined with the novelty due to the fact that these chords cannot be produced by any ordinary means without incorrectness.
At the receiving station he connected, as stated, one end of the sensitive tube to earth and the other to the antenna, and improved and applied a device of Popoff for automatically tapping the tube after each electric impact had rendered it conductive.
If a simple receiving antenna as above described is set up with an oscillation-detecting device attached to it, we find that it responds to incident electric waves of almost any frequency or damping provided that the magnetic force of the wave is perpendicular to the antenna, and of sufficient intensity.
That Heriberts device proved effectual in raising the spirit of his burghers, and consolidating them into a formidable band of warriors, is shown by the fact that it was speedily adopted in all the free cities.
Again, the anti-Wagnerians were entirely justified in penetrating below the splendidly simple and original orchestration of the night-scene between Ortrud and Telramund, and pointing out how feebly its music drifts among a dozen vague keys by means of the diminished 7th; a device which teachers have tried to weed out of every highflown exercise since that otiose chord was first discovered in the 17th century.
By this device Japanese conservatism was effectually conciliated, and Buddhism became in fact the creed of the nation, its positive and practical precepts entirely eclipsing the agnostic intuitionahism of Shinto.
This oppression led to the device of " semi-periodical " publications, of which La Minerve francaise (1818-1820) is an instance.
It remains to be seen how knowledge can be explained on such a basis; but, before proceeding to sketch Hume's answer to this question, it is necessary to draw attention, first, to the peculiar device invariably resorted to by him when any exception to his general principle that ideas are secondary copies of impressions presents itself, and, secondly, to the nature of the substitute offered by him for that perception of relations or synthesis which even in Locke's confused statements had appeared as the essence of cognition.
The name, however, is German, and the family device - an open door - points to an original form Thiirer, meaning a maker of doors or carpenter.
Rotatory kilns of various other makes are now in use, but the same principles are embodied, namely, the employment of a rotating inclined cylinder for burning the raw materials, a burner fed with powdered coal and a blast of air, and some device such as a cooling cylinder or cooling tower by which the clinker may be cooled and the air correspondingly heated on its way to the burner.
He also invented a device which allowed the bed on which the type pages were placed to run in and out more readily, thus reducing the great labour involved in that part of the work of the older form of press, and he also used a new kind of iron lever or handle to turn the screw which applied the necessary pressure.
A similar though ruder device is used in the Poquonock river in Connecticut.
The lever by which they were turned was connected with the device by which the ends of the main aeroplanes could be flexed simultaneously though in opposite directions; i.e.
The political effect of the device was all that John had desired.
Frahm,' during an important investigation on the torsional vibration of propeller shafts, measured the relative angular displacement of two flanges on a propeller shaft, selected as far apart as possible, by means of an electrical device (Engineering, 6th of February 1903).
But the former device is too obviously a dens ex machina, the purpose of which would be equally well served by supposing with Fichte the individual self to be endowed with the power of subconsciously extraditing a world which returns to it in consciousness under the form of a foreign creation.
It is quite conceivable that the still earlier Sumerian priesthood invented the method of orthographic inversion, which after all is the very first device which suggests itself to the primitive mind when endeavouring to express itself in a manner out of the ordinary.
Among the more important public buildings must be noticed the Evangelical Marienkirche (Oberkirche), a handsome brick edifice of the 13th century with five aisles, the Roman Catholic church, the Rathhaus dating from 1607, and bearing on its southern gable the device of a member of the Hanseatic League, the government offices and the theatre.
The collar may be plain, or crenated (" milled "), or engraved with some device.
It was customary for pilgrims to bring back as proof of their pilgrimage to a particular shrine or holy place a badge, usually made of lead or pewter, bearing some figure or device identifying it with the name or place.
We may obtain an excellent representation of the motion of the layers of air in a train of sound waves by means of a device due to Crova and known as " Crova's disk."
In some soils foundations may be obtained by the device of building a masonry casing like that of a well and excavating the soil inside; the casing gradually sinks and the masonry is continued at the surface.
A shunt is resistive device used to generate a small signal voltage to display current on a moving coil ammeter.
It's a very simple, effective anti counterfeiting device.
A fuse is a safety device to stop overheating in faulty appliances.
Then a specially designed applicator is used to ' inject ' the device under your skin.
This means a new computer or device can be added to a network without manually assigning it a unique IP address.
Fuel nozzle -- device to inject fuel into the combustion chamber in a highly atomized and accurately shaped spray.
Making NTFS essentially a device driver layer add-on drives Windows compatibility into a whole new ballpark.
The soldier had died following an operation to insert a stent into an artery, a device designed to cleanse the bloodstream of cholesterol.
The bowstring jig Some form of device is required to hold the bowstring in place as it is being made.
To protect against excessive force exerted on the torso, there is a load limiting device to reduce the risk of bone breakage.
Home kernel buffer cache A linked list of buffer cache A linked list of buffers used to minimize the number of times a block-type device must be accessed.
The headset comes with a nifty in-car clip for securing the device, along with a rather bulky belt pouch.
This fish does not have a swim bladder, the device used by most bony fish to keep buoyant.
The door should be hung on three 100 mm steel butt hinges and be fitted with an overhead hydraulic self-closing device of approved specification.
All other device specific routines which are not directly callable from Fortran have the routine name prefixed by the letter ' F ' .
The Photo option allows you to either view images pre loaded on the device or actually taking them via the included 1.2 megapixel camera.
On the other hand, another stylistic device, shaky handheld camerawork, doesn't add anything to the scenes in which it is used.
The climbers on the Everest West Ridge Team will use a new system that consists of a device called a nasal cannula.
Device for pouring melted vinamold steadily into the mold cavity.
Indeed, will today's terrestrial TV channels transfer to the mobile device?
Unlike female chastity belts, the development of the male chastity belts, the development of the male chastity belt or device has been much easier to follow.
Below is the code listing where the device is nothing but an 80 byte chunk of memory.
A water saving device in your toilet cistern can save up to a liter of water with every flush.
It may be useful to place a colander, sieve or other device over the pan to keep the artichokes submerged.
If you have a small frame or are thin, the device may be visible as a bulge below your left collarbone.
Integrated in the front bumper structure, this device prevents passenger cars from being wedged under the truck in a frontal collision.
The others include the condenser, evaporator, and expansion device.
At Eden Magistrates ' Court Potter admitted obstructing a constable by fitting a jamming device to his car which prevented police recording his speed.
The device consists of a pressurized aluminum container, housed in a robust plastic discharging.
The lever device also contains a crown cork bottle opener. ideal buy along with the BBQ apron.
The loops which pass through the padlock of your chastity device are fashioned with brass ferrules and are non corrosive.
Local devices will have values of the device file, baud rate, and file descriptor for the device.
Bomb disposal experts then detonated this device the following day.
However installing such a device may be a waste of money if it does not work or has detrimental affects.
You will first need to connect the device from the LAN port, to your router.
Brain waves can be measured by implanting a small radio transmitter device into a rat that sends data to an external recorder.
The small size of the MultiMediaCard is allowing digital device product manufacturers the ability to continuously design ultra-small, portable device product manufacturers the ability to continuously design ultra-small, portable devices.
How much free space will I need on my handheld device?
Is there a radio or another wireless device near the computer?
Normally, writing more data than an output device will accept causes an error.
Pointing Devices The standard mouse is quite a challenging device for many people with reduced dexterity.
Diff lock - A device that locks the diff lock - A device that locks the differential for maximum traction in adverse conditions.
Spraying the entire conglomeration black is an effective device, for the objects no longer appear disparate.
Think about inventing a flexible yet discrete device for decisively removing earwax.
When the user has finished reading the e-book it can be deleted from the handheld device in order to make space for another text.
Q 4-4 Do I need permission to show a copyright image using an epidiascope or similar device?
Has a good water reservoir, 15 cup espresso coffee capacity and the anti drip device means it isn't too messy.
Phone calls and analog faxes are routed via GSM and device works as a substitute for a fixed telephone line.
He has already produced prototypes of a device - currently undergoing field trials in Germany - that looks set to provide a solution.
Club Secure employ nationwide fitters who will travel to your home address or to a caravan dealer to install the device.
At each leading-edge device setting there may be one or more trailing-edge flap settings.
The beacons then fluoresce near-infrared light in response to light beaming from a small device outside the body.
This layer of abstraction allowed the user interface front-end to be conveniently separated from any audio device specifics.
The micro fuel cell is a standalone device shaped like a cradle for recharging handsets.
The problem is how best to approximate the non displayable colors, the out of gamut colors, using ones within the device gamut.
Changes in unit size How big should a marine energy generation device be?
There were a few gremlins, which meant that the device worked intermittently at first.
The look of the actual device is on the bulky side, with rubber grips fitted either side of the main casing.
Features Allows unlimited concurrent connections for any device running terminal emulation, including hand-held RF systems.
Switches mark the packet headers of these flows to inform the destination device of the congestion which in turn notifies the source device.
The cautious grower will always monitor the humidity in his growroom which is measured by another simple device called a hygrometer.
Interest in meteorology His meteorological observations began in earnest in 1820 when he developed a new device, the dew-point hygrometer.
Device to be developed will solve this problem by application of the whole body hyperthermia.
From Studio Manager, individual device editors can be opened by double-clicking the device icons.
This particular device is manufactured with a flat-topped LED to provide excellent wide angle viewing for switchtop and annunciator illumination.
The arm is then immobilized in a sling or a device called a shoulder immobilized in a sling or a device called a shoulder immobilizer for several weeks.
After we introduced thermal inkjet, we began experimenting with the imaging capabilities of the device.
Two seemingly irrelevant bits of information, chanced upon earlier in the game, are necessary to successfully render the device harmless.
Each device connects to the LAN using a T junction to a single [logical] cable which forms the bus itself.
The 2.6.x kernels have no special device for handling IPsec packets.
Dear YM - I have a 52ft steel ketch with shorepower, connected through an isolating transformer and RCD (residual current device ).
The Laserkey is a smart, pocket-size device that projects a full-size keyboard through infrared technology onto any flat surface.
Heptagon has also produced a device that uses a semiconductor laser to project a ' virtual keyboard ' on to a surface.
We are also combining the mixing device with a UV Raman spectrometer as a novel probe of fast folding kinetics.
Rigger (or outrigger) The device that connects the oarlock to the shell and is bolted to the body of the shell.
Looking at the retina Your doctor will often look at the retina with a device called an ophthalmoscope.
At the time it was considered outrageous to use such an " extreme " device on Classic Trials.
Overtopping device An overtopping device An overtopping device uses the same principles as traditional hydropower plants in an offshore platform.
Even then, you may not want to make a PCB every time you use an smt device.
You can also make a sucking device with a modified retractable lead pencil.
This feature easily enables full-screen video playback on your secondary display device New video wizard.
The guitar plectrum is a small flat device held by the guitar player.
Printing With CAD2 you can print accurate designs to any device that has a Windows print driver, including large format plotters.
Made from durable molded polypropylene, the device consists of two stainless steel plates secured by galvanized topping screws.
For both gas sufferers and those near and dear to them, this passive control device offers a win-win proposition.
By routing a protocol through a hardware device, the machine can act as a client or server for a particular type of network.
Using the TCP/IP protocol, each device is identified by its IP Address.
A computing device may be either generally purposive, universal, or specialized.
Both of these qualitative techniques can be carried out using an extrusion device, e.g. an extrusion rheometer.
Water cooled pump for obtaining 9 bar group pressure, boiler safety valve features anti-flood device that drains to the waste out.
Built in the form of a giant bird the device was deep scarlet in color, with ' feathers ' picked out in gold.
Technically the strategic inter-cutting between Close-Ups of the performers and members of the audience is a simple and apparently seamless device.
The DC characteristics of the standard devices were then calibrated and modeled using a compound semiconductor Monte Carlo device simulator.
A working oral cavity vapor sampling device incorporating disposable sensors.
I need to know that correct device name for the 9-pin serial port.
You should see now the configuration settings for your device.
A pretty device, the rose, shamrock, and thistle, and a star, were exhibited by Mr. Sanders.
The dry shipper contains a device that monitors the temperature throughout the shipment period.
The new device, called a racquet, is made of a kitchen sieve with a handle built on.
Orange's online store had sold-out of the device at the time of writing.
Equally, the device of raining down trash seems too solitary a gesture to convey an overall sense of chaos.
Designed for a cheeky barbecue for two, the small grill looks more like an alien spaceship than a cooking device.
Wind of ashes The early stanzas establish their breakneck speed through the device of their length.
Only high winter floods crossed this spillway, which was a Roman dam protection device.
This device, which was not spinning, was coming lower toward the ground.
The Twist & Shape stepper is a patented multi directional stepper that offers two workout routines in one device.
Do not use any stopper or other device that would interfere with venting gas.
A powerful suction mount holds your device to the vehicle windscreen using unique vacuum technology.
The device may be used at other times to view sunspots.
Faraday first succeeded by the simple but ingenious device of using a light magnetic needle tethered flexibly to the bottom of a cup containing mercury so that one pole of the magnet was just above the surface of the mercury.
To repel these attacks he employed the talents of a number of court poets and artists, who in public recitation and pageant, in emblematic picture and banner and device, proclaimed the wisdom and kindness of his guardianship and the wickedness of his assailants.
William supported him in every device, however unjust, with a cynical frankness which was the distinguishing trait of his character; for he loved to display openly all the vices and meannesses which most men take care to disguise.
According to Huygens's principle (see Diffraction) each aether particle, set vibrating by an incident wave, can itself act as a new centre of excitement, emitting a spherical wave; and similarly each particle on this wave itself produces wave systems. All systems which are emitted from a single source can by a suitable optical device be directed that they simultaneously influence one and the same aether particle.
One can only assume it would be substantially more if it were to be leveled with a nuclear device.
Deciding which device you are viewing or recording is determined by push buttons on the front of the SCART switch.
Erasmus Darwin invented a device to copy drawings or writing in which two quill pens were fastened together.
If all of your organization 's user data and databases resides on one host, then you must ensure maximum protection for that device.
No constitutional device can overcome a resolute refusal by a majority of the people to overcome it, outside a totalitarian framework.
A typical device takes the form of a miniature, desktop sized robot arm with sufficient linkages to allow a 3D workspace.
Pressing RETURN leaves the prefix set to the root directory of the boot device.
Another half-hour passes before they arrived with spanners and screwdrivers etc, to dismantle the device - but to no avail.
That interestingly is roughly the contracted price for Pelamis sea snake wave device.
Automatic Brightness Control - In display devices, the self-acting mechanism which controls brightness of the device as a function of ambient light.
In addition, the whole device could be slid off the carriage by slackening just one lever.
This device allows us to catch part of the smolt run.
Orange 's online store had sold-out of the device at the time of writing.
The sophisticated platoon splitting algorithm also makes the Radar Recorder an extremely accurate counting device.
Life span You may also want to factor how long your new display device can last.
The speakerphone mode is surprisingly decent for such a small device.
The standby button is on the top of the device on most models.
The Twist & Shape Stepper is a patented multi directional stepper that offers two workout routines in one device.
A stepper motor system does not need any type of feedback device to control position, which brings down the system price.
Copying Website Information into a computer cache or storage device for private on or off-line browsing purposes is also permitted.
The superimposed upper left image is the subject 's left eye tracked by a device inside a helmet.
All NewsGator products synchronize seamlessly, enabling users to read their RSS feeds anywhere, anytime, with any device.
Tachometer generator -- device that supplies power at a frequency proportional to the driven speed which drives the synchronous motors in the indicator.
Semi conductor thermoelectric device which works on the Peltier effect.
It exposes ' American Idiot ' as nothing more than the third-rate version of ' Suspect Device ' that it is.
Let me say, for the thousandth time, that you never put your absolute faith in any safety device on the weapon.
As it is, the device gives this slight tower a top-heavy appearance, almost looking like it is standing on legs !
How to set up a touch screen input device under XFree86.
All hardware requires Device Drivers and Microsoft have toughened up the rules in this area.
Bluetooth requires that a transceiver chip be included in each device.
The device was mounted directly above the apron traverse handwheel on a raised rectangular boss.
They are also installing a device which listens for the twanging sound of metal having a mid-life crisis.
After all, they're opinions about a device you're looking into by someone who has already used it.
Clearly, the wireless era, powered by the ubiquity of the device and the arrival of 3G, is under way.
A new type of device for measuring ultrashort pulses of light has recently won an international award.
The fitting of a rear underrun device on trucks is obligatory nowadays.
My H Drive letter has been usurped by another device Home Directories - How do I access my network files from the Mac?
A vena cava filter is a small, metal device about an inch long, shaped rather like the spokes of an umbrella.
Wireless on/off and voice recorder buttons are located on the side of the device, along with a handy locking switch.
Project work has also examined advanced device structures such as tapered waveguide lasers where high-power operation is possible.
The device was found by a neighbor on the windowsill of the house at Lowtown Terrace in Cullybackey at about 7.30am.
People having fits of apoplexy was a very common plot device in classic literature. Today, it’s more commonly known as a stroke, which just doesn’t sound as romantic.
He used the rhetorical device of ethos to convince his audience by appealing to their morals.
He used the rhetorical device pathos in his email campaign to plead for higher donations to support the starving kittens.
A metaphor can be contained in a single sentence or it can be used as an underlying device throughout an entire story.
Alliteration is considered a literary device and can be used to create a unique written style.
Also, as with any other electric device, don't use the monitor around water to reduce the risk of electrocution.
Walking Wings are a walking assistance device that helps baby learn to walk by balancing more naturally and hands-free, while experiencing fewer falls.
As with any high-tech gadget, proper implementation is necessary for achieving the device's maximum potential.