Develops Sentence Examples
An excretory system develops, opening at FIG.
It, as in other Mollusca, is not a blood-space but develops from the coelom, and it communicates with the exterior by the pair of renal tubes.
Then the posterior adductor develops, and becomes equal to the anterior, and finally in some cases the anterior becomes smaller or disappears.
In Anodonta, besides being thickened, the skeletal substance of the filament develops a specially dense, rod-like body on each side of each filament.
He develops this belief in an absolute in connexion with his own theory of evolution into something different both from the idealism of Hume and the realism of Hamilton, and rather falling under the head of materialism.
To quicken this by awakening deeper insight into the real objects of "faith," as these bore on their actual life, he develops his high argument on the lines already indicated.
After death the position of the body may or may not be flexed; usually rigor mortis develops rapidly.
The fruit consists of a three-celled capsule, covered externally with soft yielding prickles, and each cell develops a single seed.
The ectoderm behind the ciliated ring develops spicules, and the post-oral region of the larva elongates.
Or the primary hypha y first swell at its apex, and put forth a series of short peg-like branches (sterigmata) from the increased surface thus provided, each of which develops a similar basipetal chain of conidia (Aspergillus), and various combinations of these processes result in the development of numerous varieties of exquisitely branched sporophores of this type (Botrytis, Botryosporium, Verticillium, &c.).
AdvertisementMuch more complicated are the processes in a large series of "fructifications," where the mycelium first develops a densely packed mass of hyphae, all alike, in which labyrinths of cavities subsequently form by separation of hyphae in the previously homogeneous mass, and the hymenium covers the walls of these cavities and passages as with a lining layer.
When the free ends of the hyphae emerge again into the air they swell up into spherical bodies which may either fall off and behave as conidia, each putting out a germ-tube and infecting the host; or the germ-tube itself swells up into a zoosporangium which develops a number of zoospores.
In other species the infection occurs through the style of the flower, but the fungus after reaching the ovule develops no further during that year but remains dormant in the embryo of the seed.
By this means the ascus cell is brought uppermost, and after the fusion of the two nuclei it develops enormously and produces the ascospores.
From the sclerotia later the apothecium develops.
AdvertisementNow the heat developed by the combustion of coke to carbonic oxide with cold air containing the usual quantity of moisture, develops a temperature only slightly above this critical point; and it is only the heat represented by this narrow temperature-margin that is available for doing this critical work of fusion and deoxidation.
Fortunately the phosphorus, turned from a curse into a blessing, develops by its oxidation the needed temperature, though the fact that this requires at least i.
It is apparent, even from the brief summary just given, that the importance of Hume in the history of philosophy consists in the vigour and logical exactness with which he develops a particular metaphysical view.
The cellular process from the axis which develops into a leaf is simple and undivided; it rarely remains so, but in progress of growth becomes segmented in various ways, either longitudinally or laterally, or in both ways.
Avicebron develops his philosophical system throughout quite independently of his religious views - a practice wholly foreign to Jewish teachers, and one which could not be acceptable to them.
AdvertisementThe pottery develops beautiful form and color.
In the second phase (700500 B.C.), sometimes called the fourth period, proto-Corinthian and Attic black figured vases are sometimes, though rarely, found, while local geometric pottery develops considerably.
As the embryo develops it may absorb all the food material available, and store, either in its cotyledons or in its hypocotyl, what is not immediately required for growth, as reserve-food for use in germination, and by so doing it increases in size until it may fill entirely the embryo-sac; or its absorptive power at this stage may be limited to what is necessary for growth and it remains of relatively small size, occupying but a small area of the embryo-sac, which is otherwise filled with endosperm in which the reserve-food is stored.
From the fact that the bony horn-core of the hollow-horned ruminants first develops as a separate ossification, as do the horns of the giraffe, while the pedicle of the antlers of the deer grow direct from the frontal bone, it has been proposed to place the hollow-horned ruminants (inclusive of the prongbuck) and the giraffes in one group and the deer in another.
Precisely the same process in a converse sense develops the casual raids of early times into a scheme of conquest.
AdvertisementIn oak this develops the beautiful silver grain by cutting longitudinally through the medullary rays.
It consists essentially of cinnamic aldehyde, and by the absorption of oxygen as it becomes old it darkens in colour and develops resinous compounds.
Originally like Marduk a solar deity with the winged disk - the disk always typifying the sun 8 - as his symbol, he becomes as Assyria develops into a military power a god of war, indicated by the attachment of the figure of a man with a bow to the winged disk.
This large class of designers and craftsmen, to whom a thorough knowledge of the history of design is a necessity, follows and develops traditional lines.
The harmony of the whole consists in this, that each separate thing develops in and for itself in accordance with its own nature while at the same time its motion benefits the rest.
But when once he develops a taste for human blood, then the slaughter he works becomes truly formidable.
The hills are very fertile when irrigated, and the wet season develops a variety of perennial herbs, shrubs and annuals.
The sign x was kept in the western group for the guttural spirant in E, which was written X*; but, as this spirant occurred nowhere else, the combination was often abbreviated, and X was used for X precisely as in the Italic alphabets we shall find that F =f develops out of a combination FH.
The upturning of the rocks of the Great Plains at the foot of the Front Range develops an interesting type of topography, the harder layers weathering into grotesquely curious forms, as seen in the famous Garden of the Gods at the foot of Pike's Peak.
The Tractatus politicus develops his philosophy of law and government on the lines indicated in his other works, and connects itself closely with the theory enunciated by Hobbes a generation before.
Brown's views as to the structure of the unimpregnated ovule (with the introduction of the term "sac embryonnaire"); and in that it shows how nearly Brongniart anticipated Amici's subsequent (1846) discovery of the entrance of the pollen-tube into the micropyle, fertilizing the female cell which then develops into the embryo.
Smith had already dealt with this question; Ricardo develops and criticizes his results.
By its prompting the thing grows, develops and decays, while this " germinal reason," the element of quality in the thing, remains constant through all its changes.
Not the less is it the creative force, or deity, which develops and shapes this universal order or cosmos.
In some other cases medusoid develops directly from medusoid (hypogenesis), whether by sexual cells or by gemmation.
In a few Entomostraca (some Phyllopoda and Ostracoda) the chitinous lining of the fore-gut develops spines and hairs which help to triturate and strain the food, and among the Ostracods there is occasionally (Bairdia) a more elaborate armature of toothed plates moved by muscles.
Thus, in the Phyllopoda, the antennal gland develops early and is functional during a great part of the larval life, but it ultimately atrophies, and in the adult (as in most Entomostraca) the maxillary gland is the functional excretory organ.
At the south-east corner the rim of the crater is, as it were, breached by a deep crevasse through which the Abai escapes, and here develops a great semicircular bend like that of the Takazze, but in the reverse direction - east, south and north-west - down to the plains of Sennar, where it takes the name of Bahr-el-Azrak or Blue Nile.
The megaspore-nucleus divides repeatedly, and cells are produced from the peripheral region inwards, which eventually fill the sporecavity with a homogeneous tissue (prothallus); some of the superficial cells at the micropylar end of the megaspore increase in size and divide by a tangential wall into two, an upper cell which gives rise to the short two-celled neck of the archegonium, and a lower cell which develops into a large egg-cell.
In the Californian Pinus monophylla each spur bears usually one needle, but two are not uncommon; it would seem that rudiments of two needles are always produced, but, as a rule, only one develops into a needle.
After fertilization, some of the uppermost bracts below each flower become red and fleshy; the perianth develops into a woody shell, while the integument remains membranous.
In colonial corals a bud is always formed from the edge-zone, and this bud develops into a new zooid with its corallum.
As it is practically impossible to reproduce the symptoms of ergotism nowadays, whether experimentally in the lower animals, or when the drug is being administered to a human being for some therapeutic purpose, it is believed that the symptoms of ergotism were rendered possible only by the semi-starvation which must have ensued from the use of such rye-bread; for the grain disappears as the fungus develops.
The most important are Holinshed, Stow and Camden; and gradually, with Speed and Bacon, the chronicle develops into the history, and early in the I 7th tentury we get such works as Lord Herberts Reign of Henry VIII., Haywards Edward VI., and, on the ecclesiastical side, Hvlvn.
The author develops the Platonic theory of pre-existence, and shows that true education consists not in mere erudition, but rather in the formation of character.
The point common to all Pteridophyta is that from the first the gametophyte is an independent organism, while the sporophyte, though in the first stages of its development it obtains nutriment from the prothallus, becomes physiologically independent when its root develops.
After fertilization the latter surrounds itself with a cell-wall and develops into the sporophyte.
The phloem completely surrounds the xylem, which usually develops from two protroxylem groups.
The third somite as well as the second develops a pair of parapodial jaws; the first somite is a prosthomere carrying jointed antennae.
Thomas Aquinas, for example, develops the Platonic Scholas- argument which proves the dependence of the will ticism.
But sooner or later peripheral neuritis develops, usually beginning with sensory disturbances, tingling, numbness, formication and occasionally cutaneous anaesthesia.
It develops from direct ingestion of the larvae.
The praeoral somite develops the rudiment of a nephridium, but eventually entirely disappears.
As the seed develops from the ovule which has been fertilized by the pollen, the essential structures for seed-production are two, viz.
As this book will hopefully show, motor sport develops fast and people's allegiance to Oulton Park sticks.
A woman in a Cadillac survives a car crash but develops total amnesia.
Course develops managers to have a critical appreciation of the disciplines of media management at strategic, tactical and operational levels.
The article develops a balancing model of discretion and relates it to the theory of legal argumentation.
It also develops its own ideas, such as a table football table and a folding bike for the new Volkswagen Beetle.
Initial skin contact causes mild skin irritation, which develops into more severe yellow fluid-filled blisters.
If the patients develops a profound bradycardia during colonoscopy the investigation should be terminated and the use of atropine considered.
As your project develops, we provide detailed design support from our in-house cad equipped Design team.
Ensure that Prospect develops a cadre of high quality ULRs.
The BBA looks forward to working with the group as it develops its thoughts in the important area of cross-border clearing and settlement.
A new corm develops at the base of the new shoot.
Sometimes a middle aged tree develops crotches or pockets in the fork where branches stem from the trunk.
An ovarian cyst is a fluid filled sac which develops in an ovary.
When inflammation develops in a tissue, lymphocytes and monocytes migrate out of the blood stream and cross the endothelium.
The friendship which develops between Gorobei and Kambei reflects the balm which renders life endurable.
A child who has had a good period of dry nights, but then develops bedwetting has ' secondary nocturnal enuresis ' .
Like Bea Smith, Rita develops an intense hatred of Joan Ferguson, which quickly escalates into an all out war.
This fat growing evergreen develops long shoots with small adhesive rootlets.
Fatherhood project - Nonprofit that examines the future of fatherhood project - Nonprofit that examines the future of fatherhood and develops ways to support men's involvement in child rearing.
It is from this that he develops an almost fatherly bond with Krisztina.
The torso develops to its proper size, but the head may be larger than normal with a prominent forehead and flat nose.
On the parallel ridges of cuspate forelands, patterned vegetation develops, due to the differing particle size and hydrology.
Becomes a commissioned officer 1929 Develops the initial idea of the jet engine - using a gas turbine to produce a propelling jet.
The European Union of gymnastics is an organization which promotes and develops European gymnastics at all levels.
Build up their confidence and self esteem again, this reduces stress and develops a stress hardiness for future use.
Where the soil is very acid, dune heath develops, often dominated by heather.
Hepatitis E should be considered if a pregnant woman develops acute hepatitis E should be considered if a pregnant woman develops acute hepatitis after recently returning from an endemic area.
The Cur deus homo, in which he develops views of atonement and satisfaction which are still held by orthodox theologians.
They then fail to use blood glucose properly and glucose intolerance develops.
Hence angioplasty is rarely an approach for these patients until critical limb ischemia develops.
Bowel cancer develops in the lining of the bowel, known as the mucosal lining.
The track eventually develops into something not too dissimilar to ' Dayvan Cowboy ', with similar madcap drumming toward the end.
In Vertigo he really gets beneath the skin of a deranged romantic obsessive who develops acute melancholia.
You might wish to be part of an academic group which develops statistical methodology to be applied to medical research.
Reverse flies Develops upper back and rear shoulder musculature and helps stabilize the scapula.
As the tumors keep on growing a young person who develops acoustic neuroma will almost always eventually develop symptoms from it.
The GOsC regulates, promotes and develops the profession of osteopathy, maintaining a Statutory Register of those entitled to practice osteopathy.
About 1 in every 100,000 people in the UK develops chronic pancreatitis every year.
In time platinum develops a natural patina that many people prefer over the 'just polished ' look.
Edison develops tin foil cylinder phonograph; files patent for it on December 24 which is awarded on February 19, 1878.
Acquisition of prosodic phonology I am interested in how prosodic phonology develops in the speech of young children.
I am still thrilled and often amazed how an idea in my mind develops into a finished piece of work.
Currently, the company develops and runs more than thirty gaming portals in eight European countries as well as China, Malaysia and India.
Insulin resistance also develops, due to downregulation of the insulin receptors caused by increased insulin production in response to increase glucose concentrations.
Acquisition of prosodic phonology I am interested in how prosodic phonology I am interested in how prosodic phonology develops in the speech of young children.
Charles Macintosh develops a new fabric for making raincoats.
If a guinea pig develops bald patches on its face, this could indicate the fungal disease ringworm.
In today's terminology, we can say that he develops self-awareness.
The work not only develops artistic skills but also promotes self-awareness and self esteem.
He develops and delivers programs that increase self-awareness and personal change to help aeronautical managers enhance their personal and leadership performance.
This develops self-control, devotion to God, and identity with the needy.
By making accomplishments, your child develops a positive self-image.
Such factors might include the age at which a patient first develops symptoms and whether the patient had a splenectomy.
If laryngeal stridor develops, allow a few breaths of air and then continue more slowly.
Shillony develops this theme of " sacred subservience " in twenty-eight concise chapters grouped into nine sections.
When it finds a suitable substratum, the adult polyp develops, growing by budding.
Seed sown in May emerged within 7 days. The plant develops a long taproot.
It introduces accounting terminology and develops the ability to analyze and interpret financial reports including income statements and balance sheets.
A ring of small toadstools of Marasmius (right) develops near the killing zone in autumn.
As one island volcano becomes extinct, another develops over the hotspot, and the cycle is repeated.
If fat wasting develops, will switching to another drug restore the fat?
This, the fire devil, is also classed as a minor whirlwind as it develops upwards from the surface.
However, an Address to the Coal Miners develops into a very zealous piece of propaganda.
He develops a unique computer program, gets paid zillions, and develops a romantic interest with one of his work colleagues.
Thus the greater part of Tuscany, and the provinces thence to Rome, enjoy a mild winter climate, and are well adapted to the growth of mulberries and olives as well as vines, but it is not till after passing Terracina, in proceeding along the western coast towards the south, that the vegetation of southern Italy develops in its full luxuriance.
Thus in Cunina octonaria, the ovum develops into an actinula which buds daughteractinulae; all of them, both parent and offspring, develop into medusae, so that there is no alternation of generations, but only larval multiplication.
They are attracted to the flower by its colour or its perfume; they seek, collect or feed on its honey, and while so doing they remove the pollen from the anther and convey it to another flower, there to germinate on the stigma when its tubes travel down the style to the ovary where their contents ultimately fuse with the "oosphere" or immature egg, which becomes in consequence fertilized, and forms a seed which afterwards develops into a new plant (see article Angiosperms).
In Tannhauser and Lohengrin Wagner's intellectual power develops far more rapidly in the drama than in the music. The Sangerkrieg, with its disastrous conflict between the sincere but unnatural asceticism of the orthodox Minnesingers and the irrepressible human passion of Tannhauser, is a conception the vitality of which would reduce Tannhauser's repentance to the level of Robert le Diable, were it not that the music of the Sangerkrieg has no structural power, and little distinction beyond a certain poetic value in the tones of violas which had long ago been fully exploited by Mozart and Mehul, while the music of Tannhauser's pilgrimage ranks with the Vorspiel to Lohengrin as a wonderful foreshadowing of Wagner's mature style.
The abdomen consists of ten segments, the tenth furnished with long and slender multi-articulate tails, which appear to be only two in number at first, but an intermediate one gradually develops itself (though this latter is often lost in the winged insect).
Its introduction and six chapters present with rare lucidity the earliest conceptions of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Son of God, the Church, Christian dogma and Catholic worship; and together form a severely critico-historical yet strongly Catholic answer to Harnack's still largely pietistic Wesen des Christentums. It develops throughout the principles that "what is essential in Jesus' Gospel is what occupies the first and largest place in His authentic teaching, the ideas for which He fought and died, and not only that idea which we may consider to be still a living force to-day"; that "it is supremely arbitrary to decree that Christianity must be essentially what the Gospel did not borrow from Judaism, as though what the Gospel owes to Judaism were necessarily of secondary worth"; that "whether we trust or distrust tradition, we know Christ only by means of, athwart and within the Christian tradition"; that "the essence of Christianity resides in the fulness and totality of its life"; and that "the adaptation of the Gospel to the changing conditions of humanity is to-day a more pressing need than ever."
As the plant develops the veil is ruptured; the lower portion forms a sheath or volva round the base of the stem, while the upper portion persists as white patches or scales or warts on the surface of the cap. The stem usually bears an upper ring of tissue, the B C Amanita muscaria.
This alone, however, does not account for the peculiar character of the Sauternes, for during the latter period of ripening a specific microorganism termed Botrytis cinerea develops on the grape, causing a peculiar condition termed pourriture noble (German Edelfaule), which appears to be responsible for the remarkable bouquet observed in the wines.
Side by side with the kin there is always found the domestic group, but the latter institution develops fully only as the former weakens, so that the one comes largely to inherit the functions of the other, whilst the tribe too in its turn hands over certain interests..
In the former the prothallus produces one or more fern-plants vegetatively, the projection which develops into the sporophyte in many cases occupying the position of an archegonium.
It has, moreover, been shown (see especially Goodrich, 5) that shortly before its metamorphosis, Actinotrocha develops a coelomic space which lies immediately in front of the oblique septum, and gives rise later to the cavity of the lophophore and tentacles.
These experiences are like photographic negatives, until language develops them and brings out the memory-images.
I think that punishment by depriving children of sweets only develops their greediness.
The global DD movement also develops various types of strategy, hopefully resulting in the realization of these visions.
Made from premium grade redwood pine timber with natural green finish that develops into warm honey brown with weathering.
When she develops ovarian cancer and embarks on a debilitating regimen of chemotherapy, she finds herself not in control for the first time.
While the movement generally follows the Vivaldian model of ritornello form, Zani develops strategies of his own.
In today 's terminology, we can say that he develops self-awareness.
The second verse returns to the faster semiquaver pattern which develops into runs, sometimes chromatic, up and down the keyboard.
Science develops artifacts [technologies] in ways that are separable from society.
This may change as your research develops, but it will help you avoid being sidetracked into irrelevant issues.
Juggling develops good spacial awareness & a high degree of coordination.
It develops an immune reaction to its own survival instinct.
A third strand develops the theology of creation and the new creation.
As we develop safes, armored cars, security forces and ghost squads, so thieving develops further in directions we find unpleasant.
Feisty tomboy Sara begins to put soccer aside as she develops a close friendship with her classmate Samir.
Strategic Human Resource Management develops your understanding of the theoretical origins and underpinnings of human resource management.
Of course, as he grows and develops, these feeding sessions will spread out somewhat, and his food options will begin to change greatly.
If she develops a diaper rash, use an ointment containing zinc oxide to help clear up her skin.
As she hears your words, she is learning different sounds, and as she grows and develops, she'll try to copy those sounds.
Once your baby develops a rash, you'll need to begin treating it as soon as possible.
Enlarged risk of hydramnios, when extra fluid develops around the twin fetuses.
The company develops these videos as a means of encouraging a baby's natural curiosity, using music, language, art, poetry, science and nature.
Again, it is important to remember that every child develops differently.
A preemie growth chart will help you keep track of your early bird's progress as he develops and reaches milestones during the first few years of life.
UpSpring Baby™ develops innovative products that promote health, wellness and safety for infants, toddlers and parents.
When a baby develops a strawberry hemangioma, parents are often clueless as to what this growth is and what can be done about it.
If your child develops a hemangioma, should he or she be treated?
Overall, as long as a baby develops along his own natural curve, parents have nothing to worry about.
Remember that every child develops at her own pace.
Additionally, contact your doctor if the rash continues to spread, if you notice that there are open sores, or if your baby develops a fever.
Choose vegetables that are free of cuts, bruises and spotting because rot develops where there is damage.
While the technology develops rapidly, you are buying a basic point-and-shoot digital camera when you buy a camera phone.
Try buying an inexpensive guitar initially, and if your child takes care of the guitar and develops a real passion for playing, then you can upgrade to a guitar of higher quality.
A forl is a pit that develops on a tooth near the gum line, and this can be very painful.
Since many clients call asking for help with an older cat's leg problems, our cats seem to be getting help for this problem even before it develops.
Since the initial symptoms are minor and there may be a long time period before clinical FIP develops, it may seem that there is a rapid onset of symptoms.
Although the vision is blurry, the sense of smell develops, and she will be able to identify her littermates.
This is the period of time that the flea stays in the cocoon and develops into an adult flea.
If your cat develops a severe case of feline herpes, your vet will prescribe supportive treatment for your cat.
If this is not something that the cat owner is willing to do, the animal will be placed in isolation for six months to see if the disease develops.
By providing this payment option to customers, the partner company increases brand recognition and develops customer loyalty.
Log furniture grows more beautiful with time as the wood develops a striking golden patina from use.
It develops a lovely golden colored patina from use, giving it a special warm inviting look.
Not to be confused with the more complex eco village, an eco community develops around just one thing, the preservation of valuable green space.
As the industry develops, the technology will continue to improve, perhaps further driving down the costs and making solar energy more affordable in the future.
The ELPC develops campaigns to protect and develop environmental resources by advocating various renewable energy sources in Midwest states, including Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin.
When the tridosha falls out of balance, the patient develops illness associated with the humors.
If your child develops these symptoms, call 911 or take him to the nearest emergency room, since such reactions may be life-threatening.
The chapter has an active City Center in Philadelphia, which develops member programs through community-based networking.
Although it is true that a baby's eyesight gradually develops over the first six months of life, it's never too soon to include simple patterns and shapes near the crib and changing table.
Jergens Natural Glow is a daily moisturizer for your body that not only softens your skin, but also gradually develops a light, natural-looking tan without exposing yourself to the dangers of the sun.
In fact, art can play a big influence in how your child develops.
In some cases, stress develops into chronic stress causing further damage.
Overcoming Procrastination shows some of the ways that procrastination develops and what to do about it.
Sometimes a person feels able to control the anxious feelings, but over time he or she develops clinical anxiety.
I know it's difficult and scary, but it's the only way he'll find out unless he suddenly develops psychic powers.
Consider montbretia/Crocosmia, which almost looks like freesia, but develops those aforementioned pods when mature.
During follow-up visits, the doctor should take notice if a patient develops a need for increased dosage.
Less commonly, addiction develops in a patient who was prescribed the medication for a legitimate reason.
Tolerance eventually develops, making higher doses necessary to get the same effect.
Because tolerance develops, bigger and purer doses are needed for chronic users to get their rush.
The hoarder first develops a thought about needing something, and this thought turns into anxiety.
A person with an alcohol tolerance develops it over time.
If your used pan has rust on it or develops rust stains, you can attempt to remove the rust with cleaners to make the pan usable again.
The actress portrays the lead role, a young woman who develops amnesia following a car accident and attempts to rediscover who she truly is.
Into the Wild - Stewart was featured in Sean Penn's movie Into the Wild, playing a young singer who develops a crush on one of the lead characters.
Before a girl develops her figure, you can buy jeans for her online, as there is less need for her to try them on to determine a good fit.
Still, it is always a good idea to keep your receipts for the more costly apparel, since every baby develops differently.
If you have multiple dogs and one develops the illness, it is a wise precaution to vaccinate your other animals.
Kennel cough is highly infectious, so if one of your dogs develops an infection, any other dogs you may have are also likely to get the virus.
Third, the coat develops mats without almost daily brushing.
If a plant develops a problem, remove it to a separate healing zone to avoid the potential contamination.
There is advice on growing problems, pruning and taking care of your garden as it develops.
You can plant them on arbors or trellises too, and enjoy the shade from their foliage while the fruit develops.
This uneven surface that develops catches on the strings and makes playing incredibly awkward.
However, you do need to weigh the cost negatives to other costs - such as doctor costs if your baby develops a skin problem due to chemical exposure from conventional fabrics.
Seeds of Change also develops original varieties of plants using traditional methods of cross pollination and choosing only the most vigorous plants from which to collect seed.
The meat that develops from grain feeding is high in saturated fat and has less omega-3 fatty acids.
You child will confide in the doll as well as practice important social skills as she grows and develops.
Smoking speeds up the rate at which the skin of the face develops wrinkles.
As the disease develops, you may notice changes in the personality of the individual.
A totally online option, Senior Citizen Magazine develops articles about topics such as business, health, lifestyle, and world news, plus gathers interesting articles from other news agencies.
The disease develops quickly and ultimately enters the central nervous system.
Philips may be best known for its lighting products, but the company develops innovative products for the healthcare industry as well.
If dry macular degeneration develops, some studies indicate that the use of vitamins containing lutein and other minerals may be helpful in slowing the progression of the condition.
Played by Vin Diesel, Riddick develops special vision and has mirrored eyes.
Slip on a pair of Dior shades and see what develops.
Your character develops as you progress through the game in a simulated time-line atmosphere.
Nintendo develops and manufactures the consoles and makes many games for the system as well.
Sega develops and releases the Dreamcast, the first 128-bit system.
At certain times during the game a player develops a white circle under them.
Keep your eyes peeled to this space for more information as the news develops.
Beginning with the prince's father ransacking a Maharaja's castle, the story quickly develops and leaves the prince alone to retrieve the mystical Dagger of Time, a sand-filled weapon rumored to have the ability to rewind time.
Of course, this is little more than words on a webpage at this point, so we'll just have to wait and see if anything develops.
As each planet develops, you can see it change before your eyes.
As the wine ages in the bottle, it develops succulent honey characters.
Belkin may be better known for networking products, but it also develops and sells cases, chargers, and other accessories primiarly for Apple products.
A cerebral thrombosis is a blood clot that develops at the clogged part of the blood vessel.
If the child develops ascites (abnormal build-up of fluid in the abdomen), treatment consists of medications and alteration of the diet to maintain calorie intake but to reduce salt and fluid intake.
As babies start controlling their own physical movements, their eye/body coordination develops.
The child develops visually guided eye/hand/body coordination, the fine motor skills and visual motor skills required for reading.
A condition, nystagmus, which sometimes develops in infancy, causes the eyes to jump, dance, wiggle, or oscillate.
Also refers to a small, round demyelinated area that develops in the brain and spinal cord of an individual with multiple sclerosis.
For most people, however, lactase deficiency develops naturally because, after about two years of age, the body produces less lactase.
If a child develops symptoms of lactose intolerance, the doctor should be consulted concerning dietary substitutions.
In the United States, one child in six develops an allergic reaction to certain substances, and foods are among the prime offenders.
Genes contain the instructions for how the body grows and develops before and after a person is born.
In children, especially those under the age of ten, a bright red rash that looks like a slap mark develops suddenly on the cheeks a few days after the original symptoms were experienced.
Parents should call their child's doctor if their child develops a rash, especially if the rash is widespread over the child's body or if the rash is accompanied by other symptoms.
As in percutaneous tests, a reddened, swollen spot develops at the injection site for each substance to which the child is sensitive.
About one of five people with GAS infection develops a sore, inflamed throat and pus on the tonsils (strep throat).
Late-onset GBS develops between the ages of seven days and three months.
Exposure to infected people should be avoided, and a family physician should be notified if the child develops an extremely sore throat or pain, redness, swelling, or drainage at the site of a wound or break in the skin.
Parents should notify their healthcare provider if their child develops symptoms atypical for their previously diagnosed condition or if those symptoms get worse or recur with infection.
A doctor should be consulted any time a child develops jaundice.
It often starts with a cold that over time develops into a barking cough.
Also refers to the fine, soft hair that develops on the chest and arms of anorexic women.
Anyone who develops symptoms such as a rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing after taking acetaminophen should stop taking the drug and get immediate medical attention.
In many cases, the child may have few or very minor outward signs of the disorder, and the diagnosis may be missed until the child develops vision problems or cardiac symptoms.
A doctor should be consulted if the rash is solid, bright red, causes fever, or the skin develops blisters, boils, or pus.
Multiple pregnancy, usually referred to as multiple gestation, is one in which more than one fetus develops simultaneously in the mother's womb.
Heredity seems to play a role in who develops depressive disorders.
Normally, by a given age, a child develops the gross motor skills required to get into a sitting position and remain seated without falling over, crawl, walk, run, and jump.
Its name derives from the fibrous scar tissue that develops in the pancreas, one of the principal organs affected by the disease.
Malignant hyperthermia is a rare, inherited condition in which a person develops a very high fever when given certain anesthetics or muscle relaxants in preparation for surgery.
Malnutrition is a condition that develops when the body does not get the proper amount of protein, energy (calories), vitamins, and other nutrients it needs to maintain healthy tissues and organ function.
If such a tumor develops within the first ten years of life, the result is gigantism (in which growth is accelerated) and not acromegaly.
If the tumor develops after growth has stopped, the result is acromegaly, not gigantism.
Hairbulb-The root of a strand of hair from which growth and coloration of the hair develops.
Coarctation of the aorta (COA) is a congenital heart defect that develops in the fetus.
Although hypertension may increase for several months early in life, it eventually decreases as the circulatory system develops and vessels become larger.
It develops in early infancy with initial symptoms of irritability, vomiting, and episodes of partial unconsciousness.
Type B develops in infancy or childhood with symptoms of mild liver or spleen enlargement and lung problems.
Eventually, the child develops problems with breathing and swallowing.
Once a patient has had scarlet fever, the person develops immunity and cannot develop it again.
Gender constancy has been defined as children's understanding of the irreversibility of their sex, which develops in stages between about the ages of two and seven years.
There is a growing amount of scientific research that suggests gender identity develops at a very early age.
Based on the diagnosis the orthodontist develops a custom treatment plan and designs the appropriate corrective appliances that will gradually straighten or move the teeth.
An infant under three months should be seen as soon by a pediatrician as possible if a fever develops.
Parents should consult a doctor for their child if they have Mediterranean ancestry and their child develops recurrent attacks of fever and pain consistent with the symptoms of FMF as described above.
Earlier surgical treatment is recommended when the child develops symptoms or has stunted growth.
For stuttering and other fluency disorders, a popular treatment method is fluency training, which develops coordination between speech and breathing, slows down the rate of speech, and develops the ability to prolong syllables.
This may be a serious condition called dysphagia, which develops from long-term GERD.
This condition usually develops because there is an ulcer in the lining of the esophagus that has begun to bleed.
Preeclampsia-A condition that develops after the twentieth week of pregnancy and results in high blood pressure, fluid retention that doesn't go away, and large amounts of protein in the urine.
This condition develops soon after birth and usually does not require medical attention.
In other cases, a doctor should be consulted on a non-emergency basis whenever stridor develops in a newborn or when stridor accompanies other signs of illness such as a fever.
The neural tube of the embryo develops into the brain, spinal cord, spinal column, and the skull.
On the other hand, prolonged separation anxiety that develops in school age children is considered an anxiety disorder by the American Psychiatric Association.
Periodontal disease most often develops when a pocket or space is formed between the teeth and the gums.
Trench mouth usually develops because of poor oral hygiene, stress, fatigue, and smoking.
The rash starts out as flat, red patches but eventually develops some bumps.
About one out of every thousand patients develops this complication, and about 10 to 15 percent of these patients die.
Psychoanalytic theory proposes instead that morality develops through humans' conflict between their instinctual drives and the demands of society.
Each society develops its own set of norms and standards for acceptable behavior, leading many to say that morality is entirely culturally conditioned.
Antisocial behavior develops and is shaped in the context of coercive social interactions within the family, community, and educational environment.
With regard to diseases leading to mineral toxicity, about one person in ten in the United States has the genetic mutation that can lead to hemochromatosis; however, not everyone with this mutation necessarily develops the disease.
When an osteosarcoma develops in the jawbone, the entire lower jaw is removed.
The bump develops a scab-like, honey-colored crust.
At least one of every seven cases develops findings of Chiari II malformation, a condition in which the lower part of the brain is crowded and may be forced into the upper part of the spinal cavity.
This particularly inflammatory form of psoriasis can be the first sign of the disease but often develops in patients with a history of plaque psoriasis.
Though psoriatic arthritis usually develops between the age of 30 and 50, it does occur in children.
Lymphadenitis can also occur in conjunction with cellulitis, which is a deep, widespread tissue infection that develops from a cut or sore.
If a child develops symptoms of lymphadenitis, he or she should be taken to the doctor or emergency room.
When Tay-Sachs begins to show itself, the baby stops interacting with other people and develops a staring gaze.
Identical, or monozygotic, twins are of the same sex and are genetically identical and physically similar, because they both come from one ovum (egg), which, after fertilization, divides in two and develops into two separate fetuses.
A blister or a red, swollen, itchy patch then develops.
A chalazion is an inflammation or blockage of the deep oil glands within the eyelid that develops into a small hard mass.
Sometimes, a chalazion develops after a sty has healed.
In a TRAP sequence one twin develops normally and the other lacks a heart.
Chest pain or difficulty breathing develops.
When parents and caretakers do not change the children's diapers often, feces is in contact with skin and irritation develops in the perianal area.
Mastoiditis typically develops over the few days following an ear infection.
A rash called erythema marginatum often develops (especially in those patients who will develop heart problems from their illness), composed of pink splotches that may eventually spread into each other.
The long-term prognosis of an RF patient depends primarily on whether he or she develops carditis.
The most common sign of infection from a human bite is inflammation, which usually develops within eight to 24 hours following the bite.
Often the infected person develops a fever or experiences fatigue or headaches.
In such cases, a small sore develops on the palpebral conjunctiva (the membrane lining the inner eyelid) and is often accompanied by conjunctivitis (inflammation of the membrane) and swollen lymph nodes in front of the ear.
A vasculitic ulcer is a hole or tear that develops in the tissues around an inflamed blood vessel.
Although JDMS is rarely fatal, it can lead to medical emergencies if the child develops vasculitic ulcers.
Most children will not get a rash the very first time they are exposed to poison ivy, oak, or sumac, although this is when the sensitivity, or immune response, to urushiol develops.
Attachment to an object often develops toward the end of the first year, although attachment to pacifiers happens earlier.
Renal vein thrombosis develops when a blood clot forms in the renal vein, which is the blood vessel that carries blood from the kidneys back to the heart.
However, not everyone who has the gene develops narcolepsy; between 12 percent and 35 percent of the United States population is thought to carry the gene but only 0.02 percent develop the disorder.
As of the early 2000s, narcolepsy is thought to be an orexin deficiency syndrome; that is, it develops when a person's hypothalamus does not secrete enough orexins to keep the person from falling asleep at inappropriate times.
In the first few months of life, a baby's brain develops at an amazing rate.
Pincer grip-The ability to hold objects between thumb and index finger, which typically develops in infants between 12 and 15 months of age.
Typically develops between four and five months of age.
In the first two years of life the brain develops rapidly, and children learn new physical, mental, and social skills.
Often a vicious circle develops where a rejected child is given fewer and fewer opportunities by his peers to relate and thereby learn new skills.
A healthcare provider should be contacted if a child develops symptoms suggestive of peroxisomal disorder or if a child already diagnosed with a peroxisomal disorder shows signs of worsening disease.
High blood pressure develops about 10 years after a young person becomes overweight.
Occasionally a tumor, called a retinoblastoma, develops in the retina of the eye.
A coercive cycle frequently develops in which parents and children mutually control one another with threats of negative behavior.
Less common in the United States than folic acid anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency anemia is another type of megaloblastic anemia that develops when the body does not absorb enough of this nutrient.
Over time, the reticulocyte develops to become a mature, oxygen-carrying red blood cell.
Baby bottle tooth decay is a dental problem that develops in infants, especially infants that are put to bed with a bottle containing a sweet liquid.
Occasionally, either the umbilical opening is too large or it develops improperly, allowing the bowels or stomach to remain outside or squeeze through the abdominal wall.
Shin splints are characterized by soreness and slight swelling of the front, inside, and back of the lower leg and by sharp pain that develops while exercising and gradually intensifies.
Anyone who develops severe diarrhea while taking erythromycin or related drugs should stop taking the medicine and call a physician immediately.
If an allergic reaction develops, the product should be discontinued immediately and a physician called.
If the condition develops rapidly, confusion, seizures, and coma are likely to occur.
One source of difficulty comes from the fact that neurological control over the arms and shoulders develops faster than control of the legs.
Developmental milestone-The age at which an infant or toddler normally develops a particular skill.
As the child ages, significant loss of speech, hand movement, and reasoning develops.
Operational thinking develops (mental actions that are reversible).
Kidney disease has been reported in children with nail-patella syndrome, but renal involvement more commonly develops during adulthood, usually during the fourth decade of life.
Staph infection of the blood (staphylococcal bacteremia) develops when bacteria from a local infection infiltrate the lymph glands and bloodstream.
Chronic infection develops in one person in five.
Hyper-IgM syndrome appears during the first year of life when the child develops recurrent infections of the respiratory tract that do not respond to standard antibiotic treatment, along with chronic diarrhea.
The child develops a series of severe ear, throat, or chest infections that do not clear up with standard antibiotic treatment.
It is believed that the infection usually develops after the bowel wall has already been weakened or damaged by a lack of oxygen, predisposing it to bacterial invasion.
Every child develops at an individual pace.
Neonatal inclusion conjunctivitis develops within five to 12 days after birth and is contracted as the child passes through the mother's cervix.
If the bowel perforates, or develops a hole in it, emergency surgery is required to repair the intestine and prevent infection.
In children with less severe diaphragmatic hernias, the diagnosis may be made later in childhood if the child develops intestinal obstructions.
Bacterial pneumonia develops after the child inhales or aspirates pathogens.
This condition has been in the early 2000s been termed developmental hip dysplasia, because it often develops over the first few weeks, months, or years of life.
Although the exact cause of the disease is unknown, it often develops following a recent viral or bacterial infection of the respiratory tract and is an abnormal reaction of the immune system to the infection.
In 80 percent of those with kidney involvement, the kidney disease develops within the first four weeks of illness.
Kidney failure develops in about 2-5 percent of all affected children and in 15 percent of those with elevated blood or protein in the urine.
As the fetus develops, it receives the oxygen it needs from the mother's blood system.
Surgery may be required if the duct does not close on its own as the baby develops.
In 1956, psychiatrist Erik Erikson provided an insightful description as to how personality develops based on his extensive experience in psychotherapy with children and adolescents from low, upper, and middle-class backgrounds.
Well-nurtured and loved, the infant develops trust and security and a basic optimism.
The adolescent seeks leadership (someone to inspire him or her), and gradually develops a set of ideals to live by.
Rat-bite fever refers to an infection which develops in a person after being bitten or scratched by an infected animal.
A rash made up of tiny pink bumps develops, covering the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.
Lymph nodes in the area become swollen and tender, and the patient develops fever, chills, and headache.
A person with strep throat suddenly develops a painful sore throat one to five days after being exposed to the streptococcus bacteria.
When a rash develops, this form of strep throat is called scarlet fever.
The infected person develops a high fever and possibly a rapid heartbeat when lying down, paleness, shortness of breath, and fluid retention.
Young women within the first menstrual period are not usually treated unless symptoms are exceptionally severe or if anemia develops.
The most common symptom of an IgE-mediated drug allergy is a rash that develops after the child has taken the drug for several days and produced antibodies against it.
A common form of irritant contact dermatitis in infants is diaper rash, which develops when the protective epidermal layer of the baby's skin is damaged by long periods of contact with fecal matter and urine.
The infection usually develops in children and adolescents whose ears are exposed to persistent, excessive moisture.
Hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid, develops when the thyroid gland fails to produce or secrete as much thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyonine (T3) as the body needs.
Less often, hypothyroidism develops when the pituitary gland fails and does not release enough thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which stimulates the thyroid to produce and secrete normal amounts of T4 and T3.
Hypothyroidism that develops after birth is sometimes referred to as a silent disease because early symptoms may be so mild that no one realizes anything is wrong.
Although hypothyroidism usually develops gradually, when the disease results from surgery or other treatment for hyperthyroidism, symptoms may appear suddenly and include severe muscle cramps in the arms, legs, neck, shoulders, and back.
Pneumonia is common following near drowning and often develops within the first 24 hours.
Then the fertilized egg must travel to the woman's uterus (womb), where it lodges in the uterus lining and develops into a fetus.
Receptive language development (the ability to comprehend language) usually develops faster than expressive language (the ability to communicate).
This test detects a specific antibody, called hepatitis A IgM, that develops when HAV is present in the body.
Furthermore, narcotics are usually not recommended for long-term use because the body develops a tolerance to narcotics, reducing their effectiveness over time.
Cerumen impaction develops when earwax accumulates in the inner part of the ear canal and blocks the eardrum.
Although each baby develops differently, these milestones indicate a child's progress over time.
Prenatal development refers to the process in which a baby develops from a single cell after conception into an embryo and later a fetus.
During this time, a single-celled zygote develops in a series of stages into a full-term baby.
As the embryo develops, each germ layer differentiates into different tissues and structures.
The mesoderm develops into muscles, bones, heart tissue, lungs, reproductive organs, lymphatic tissue, and other tissues.
Fine hair called lanugo first develops on the head; structures such as the lungs, sweat glands, muscles, and bones continue to develop.
Infants can become infected with CMV while still in the uterus if the mother becomes infected or develops a recurrence of the infection during pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancy-A pregnancy that develops outside of the mother's uterus, such as in the fallopian tube.
A child who develops strabismus after the age of eight or nine years is said to have adult-onset strabismus.
Infantile esotropia develops in children under the age of six months.
Accommodative esotropia develops in children under age three who cross their eyes when focusing on objects nearby.
Most strabismus develops in young children, although a few diseases may cause it to develop in adults.
Sometimes this happens before birth (congenital), or sometimes it occurs as the baby develops after birth.
The antibody response develops within seven to 10 days of vaccination and provides protection for up to two years.
Adaptive immunity develops throughout life.
It generally develops in people between the ages of ten and 20.
If, however, the child does not improve, develops a fever, and becomes lethargic, the pediatrician should be called immediately.
The child usually develops upper respiratory symptoms followed by fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, headache, and a stiff or sore neck or back.
School refusal usually develops after a child has been home from school for an illness or vacation.
Usually refusal to attend school develops gradually, with children putting up increasingly intense resistance to going to school as time passes.
This so-called neural tube develops into the spinal cord, and at one end, the brain.
It develops in children whose consumption of protein and energy (measured by calories) is insufficient to satisfy their nutritional needs.
Marasmus usually develops between the ages of six months and one year in children who have been weaned from breast milk or who suffer from weakening conditions such as chronic diarrhea.
Kwashiorkor-like secondary PEM usually develops in children who have been severely burned, suffered trauma, or had sepsis (massive tissue-destroying infection) or another life-threatening illness.
If a child develops hives, has difficulty breathing or swallowing, swelling of the lips or face, fainting, or dizziness, he or she should be transported to an emergency department immediately.
If a child develops anaphylaxis after an insect sting, that child is at an increased risk of developing anaphylaxis if stung again.
The rash-erythema migrans (EM)-generally develops within three to 30 days and usually begins as a round, red patch that expands outward from the tick bite.
Any child that develops a round, bull'seye skin rash, joint pain, flu-like symptoms, and/or neurologic symptoms as described above should see a doctor.
Anatomical and brain imagery studies show differences in the way the brain of a dyslexic child develops and functions.
Pain usually develops within hours of the start of menstruation and peaks as the flow becomes heaviest during the first day or two of the cycle.
The healthy toddler years are characterized by the struggle for autonomy as the child develops a sense of personhood separate from the parent.
The school-age child develops a sense of industry and learns the basic skills needed to be comfortable in society.
The child develops appreciation of rules and a conscience that influences compliance and affects disobedience.
As the child with a cleft grows and develops, he or she will certainly experience many good and bad reactions from adults and children.
Once the recognition of property boundaries develops, stealing becomes an intentional act that must be addressed more deliberately.
Stuttering usually begins in childhood when the child is developing language skills, and it rarely develops in adulthood with only 1 percent of the population affected by the disorder.
If respiratory distress develops, it is critical to obtain immediate care to reduce the risk of aspiration of material (saliva or milk) into the trachea and the lungs.
If a child or adolescent develops any of the symptoms of STDs, he or she should be evaluated for possible infection.
They should call the pediatrician if they notice bleeding from the birthmark, if a sore develops on the birthmark, if the mark is growing larger.
Flat bones develop by intramembranous ossification, where bone develops within sheets of connective tissue.
Pediatricians often see families in which a vicious circle of negative interactions develops.
The infected tissue develops an ulcerated area, and a diphtheria membrane may form over the wound but is not always present.
When a person develops skin infections during an outbreak of diphtheria, the doctor will consider the possibility of cutaneous diphtheria and take a smear to confirm the diagnosis.
It develops suddenly, often for no apparent reason, and causes painful spasms that make the individual tilt the neck at an angle.
Most often adult torticollis develops between the ages of 30 and 60.
Sometimes the pituitary develops a tumor that destroys it.
The tests may also be ordered in later stages if the pregnant woman comes in contact with an infectious agent or develops symptoms of infection.
Congenital myopia develops because of an obstruction along the visual pathway such as cataract.
Bonding begins rapidly, shortly after birth, and reflects the feelings of parents toward the newborn; attachment involves reciprocal feelings between parent and infant and develops gradually over the first year.
Attachment develops over the larger period of infancy and is treated in a separate entry.
During the first three years of life, the human brain develops to 90 percent of adult size.
Once the appendix is perforated, bacteria-filled fluid is released into the abdominal cavity and peritonitis then develops.
Because the appendix is more likely to perforate in children than adults, parents should not hesitate to call the doctor if their child develops symptoms that may indicate appendicitis.
Hyperglycemia, also known as diabetic ketoacidosis, is a condition that develops over a period of a few days as the blood glucose levels of a type 1 or type 2 diabetic gradually rise.
Over time as glucose production accelerates, the child develops hyperglycemia or glucotoxicity and lipotoxicity (hyperlipidemia or high fat levels in the blood) as well.
As diabetes develops and symptoms increase, hyperglycemia becomes progressive but will occur only occasionally in the carefully managed diabetic patient.
An acquired arteriovenous fistula is one that develops after a person is born.
Insecure attachment develops when a primary care-giver does not consistently respond in ways that are warm, affectionate, loving, dependable, and sensitive to the infant's needs.
Secure attachment-Usually develops when the primary caregiver is sensitive to the infant's behavior and is emotionally and physically available to the child.
If no irritation develops within a few days, another patch test is performed.
The antibodies cause the baby's red blood cells to be destroyed and the baby develops anemia.
If this condition develops in the fetus in utero, the pregnant woman will generally notice a decrease in fetal movement, which should be immediately reported to her clinician.
If hyperbilirubinemia cannot be controlled, the baby develops kernicterus.
They circulate through various organs in the lymphatic system as the fetus develops.
When an infectious agent enters the body, the immune system develops antibodies which can weaken or destroy the disease-producing agent or neutralize its toxins.
The most common sign of infection from an animal bite is inflammation, which usually develops within eight to 24 hours following the bite.
If the deletion is on the chromosome 15 inherited from one's mother, a different syndrome develops.
If these genes are deleted, not inherited, or incorrectly imprinted, PWS develops.
As early as six months, but more commonly at one to two years, a compulsive desire to eat develops.
Anemia, malnutrition, and digestive disorders, including bowel obstructions, can develop, if trichotillomania develops into trichotillophagia or eating of the hairs.
Normal separation anxiety develops during this same period.
Bake for 3-5 minutes until a light film develops on the batter.
In the end, keeping to one's authentic message as a dance routine develops will help maintain fresh new choreography and entertain audiences and dancers for years.
Believe it or not, the type of vase your lucky bamboo lives in makes a huge difference as to whether or not it develops an algae problem.
Once your offshoot develops roots, place it in a permanent container of either soil or water.
As your genealogy research develops, you'll need fill in the blanks family trees to record your progress.
For example, sticking to the text when your child develops a sudden interest in knights, instead of letting him explore the topic further.
Whether a homeschooled child develops and thrives socially directly depends on the amount of time and effort put forth by the parents.
The skills that a computer networking graduate develops can be applied to applications of all sizes, from opportunities in large corporations to ones involving small business enterprises with a handful of users.
The BBA develops and publishes the Libor interest rates every London business day using data from at least eight major banks in London.
During this trimester, the fetus develops arms and legs.
In a normal pregnancy, the egg is fertilized by a man's sperm and then implants in the woman's uterus, where it develops into a baby.
From there, the egg develops into a fetus.
Many women enjoy seeing their bellies grow as the baby develops.
Skin appears red because of the blood coursing through the baby's veins, but as the trimester progresses the skin develops glands, hair, and finger and toenails.
If a pregnant woman develops preeclampsia, high blood pressure, or gestational diabetes, it may be necessary to deliver the baby early.
In the two weeks leading up to ovulation, the uterus is being prepared for a potential pregnancy and develops a thicker lining for the fertilized egg to implant in to.
Discover how a baby develops in the womb and learn about changes that take place as a fertilized egg develops into a cluster of cells that gradually form an embryo.
This shell develops into membranes that protect and nourish the inner cells.
Cranial nerves become visible and the brain forms five distinct areas as it develops.
The fetal period is an exciting time because the embryo has transformed into a fetus that gradually develops into a baby.
In the months that follow, scar tissue develops around the coil implants, which creates a barrier in the fallopian tubes.
It will be interesting to see how her style develops as she makes the transition from teenager to young woman.
Our design group chooses the prints, the colors and develops all the body styles and pre-production samples.
As a child ages, he or she develops a greater need for vitamin C over time.
One of folic acid's most important functions takes place during pregnancy as the fetus develops its neural tube.
Unlike most traditional rice cookers which make loose or "sticky" rice, Persian cookers are designed to cook the rice in such a way that a light and crispy crust develops on the bottom of the rice.
Hunter Public Relations is an award-winning, marketing public relations firm that develops and executes programs that help brands achieve their sales and marketing objectives.
As a couple develops their life together, it is natural to seek some relationship help to resolve certain problems.
In many cases, the quality of partners met online will determine quite a lot of the happiness an individual develops during the service.
As time goes on and the relationship develops trust, the movement changes to a deeper and deeper level of intimacy.
One of the risks of exchanging emails and phone conversations for too long a period of time is that a sense of comfort develops as two people discover shared interests, passions and similar values.
In addition, a sense of familiarity develops with the sound of the other person's voice.
That being said, when a monogamous relationship develops, the expectation is that trust develops over time and two people feel safe in sharing confidential and personal information with their partner.
You can follow that up by telling him that although you have strong feelings for him, should he end his relationship with the other girl, you would be interested in seeing how a relationship between the two of you develops.
Jealousy develops in part from a need for control.
In fact, it could be sometime before your ex develops that level of comfort with you, so respect that.
A celiac develops specific anti-bodies to fight gluten, but as the result of what some believe to be an auto-immune reaction, the celiac's immune system begins to attack its own tissue, specifically the small intestine.
This contributes to its understated elegance, and to its timeless nature, because this type of leather develops a richer color, or patina, over time.
Sometimes this can become a kind of fatal attraction that ultimately causes quite a few problems later on as the relationship develops.
This sign would much rather partner with another and just see what develops.
Just simple conversation not only helps you and your child bond, but it also develops writing skills, vocabulary and self-expression.
This fast-paced game develops eye-hand coordination.
For a young child, start with only a few rules and add more as he/she develops.
Although you can't protect your child from every health concern, there are many things you can do to fend off illness and injury as your child develops.
In this sequel, Kristin Stewart's character Bella, develops a relationship with Taylor Lautner's character, Jacob.
When the two are finally revealed to one another, a relationship develops between the two based on their love of music.
An evil presence in a hotel pushes a father to violence and the son develops psychic abilities that allow him to see the past and the future.
Carmen develops an alter ego just to get hired but then has to try and kill her alter ego off to succeed.
For example, most toddlers are flat footed until plenty of barefoot walking develops the shape of the foot.