Developing Sentence Examples
The blush was developing into a burning flame.
Russia, too, is developing her internal supplies.
In Mexico the national government is carrying out a consistent policy of developing its railway lines.
Iron is distributed throughout Australia, but for want of capital for developing the fields this industry has not progressed.
Conditions affecting the cost of opening, developing and working the mine or determining the methods to be adopted.
Developing the ideas of Leo I., Gelasius I.
The Grand Master began answering him, and Pierre began developing his views with more and more warmth.
It is on the service that he rendered to science in establishing the relations between electricity and magnetism, and in developing the science of electromagnetism, or, as he called it, electrodynamics, that Ampere's fame mainly rests.
The developing ova are 19.
Later the nitrogen-content of the nodule decreases, most of the organisms, which are largely composed of proteid material, becoming digested and transformed into soluble nitrogenous compounds which are conducted to the developing roots and seeds.
AdvertisementAt the same time the railway system was continually developing.
The continued presence of American warships on the Dalmatian coast alone prevented a series of brawls between Italian sailors and the Croat population from developing into open warfare.
The descendants of such cells will become more and more undifferentiated, thereby developing an increased vegetative activity.
The first attempts to utilize the explosive power of nitroglycerin were made by Nobel in 1863; they were only partially successful until the plan, first applied by General Pictot in 1854, of developing the force of gunpowder in the most rapid manner and to the maximum extent, through initiative detonation, was applied by Nobel to nitroglycerin.
The general conception of the physician's aim and task remained the same, though, as knowledge increased, there was much divergence both in theory and practice - even opposing schools were found to be developing some part of the Hippocratic system.
AdvertisementIf there had been no fighting daring these autumn months worthy of mention, much creditable work had been carried out by the invaders in respect to developing communications and to improving jetties and landing-places, especially at Suvla.
He forced them to become his dependants in return under a great variety of forms, but especially developing thereby the precarium land tenure and the patrocinium personal service, and organizing a private jurisdiction over his tenants, and a private army for defence.
In the Cyclostomata the primary embryo undergoes repeated fission without developing definite organs, and each of the numerous pieces so formed becomes a free larva, which possesses no alimentary canal.
Dr Wagener conceived the idea of developing the art of decoration under the glaze, as applied to faience.
In 1892 work was begun on the Chicago Drainage Canal, whose controlling works are here and whose plant, developing 40,000 h.p. from the 40 ft.
AdvertisementBy centralizing the financial administration by the creation of the Tresor de l'Epargne, and by developing the military establishments, Francis still further strengthened the royal power.
Somewhat similar views were held by Berzelius, when developing his dualistic conception of the composition of substances.
The plants are nearly allied to Cereus, differing chiefly in the floriferous portion developing these longer and more attenuated hair-like spines, which surround the base of the flowers and form a dense woolly head or cephalium.
There are species of gall-fly in which males are unknown, the unfertilized eggs always developing into females.
Winged Female which lives on leaves and buds of vine, and lays parthogenetically eggs of two kinds, one developing into a wingless female, the other into a male.
AdvertisementThe memory of these humiliations played their part in developing later the autocratic ideas of Louis.
This new commission explains his departure from the plan pursued in the earlier chapters of developing the seventh in each series into a new series of seven.
They agree, for instance, with that family in the presence of a descending flange at the hinder end of each side of the lower jaw; but their dentition is of a more generalized type, comprising the full series of 44 teeth, among which the incisors and canines are of normal form, but specially enlarged, and developing roots in the usual manner.
When acetylene is burnt from a 000 union jet burner, at all ordinary pressures a smoky flame is obtained, but on the pressure being increased to 4 inches a magnificent flame results, free from smoke, and developing an illuminating value of 240 candles per 5 cubic feet of gas consumed.
Numerous companies are engaged in developing the resources of the country by trading, planting and mining.
The heat of controversy is, however, abating, and during the past thirty or forty years both Catholic and Protestant investigators have been vying with one another in adding to our knowledge and in rectifying old mis takes; while an ever-increasing number of writers pledged to neither party are aiding in developing an idea of the scope and nature of the Reformation which differs radically from the traditional one.
The first serious conflict that arose between the developing modern state and the papacy centred about the pope's claim that the property of the clergy was normally exempt from royal taxation.
A peculiar literary feud in Germany served, about 1515, to throw into sharp contrast the humanistic party, which had been gradually developing during the previous fifty years, and the conservative, monkish, scholastic group, who found their leader among the Dominicans of the university of Cologne.
These poets aided also in developing that capacity which the Roman language subsequently displayed of being an organ of oratory, history and moral disquisition.
In developing a system of mensuration-formulae the importance of this latter group of cases must not be overlooked.
Similarly its ecclesiastical statesmen have been developing the full possibilities of its polity, to suit the demands of the time for coordinated effort.
Thus there seemed to be room for a new history, which should confine itself to matters still interesting to the theocracy of Zion, keeping Jerusalem and the Temple in the foreground, and developing the divine pragmatism, of the history, not so much with reference to the prophetic word'.
He was one of the very first Belgians to see the importance of developing the trade of their country, and at his own request he was attached to the commercial branch of the foreign office.
On the Danube the amount was 2 millions, but this total bids fair, under normal conditions, to be easily passed, inasmuch as the work of developing the port of Bratislava, the construction of docks, warehouses and shipbuilding yards, was already proceeding energetically.
Immediately dependent upon the prince, from whom they obtained their privileges, the most important of which were self-government and freedom from taxation, these traders soon became an important factor in the state, counterpoising, to some extent, the influence of the gentry, enriching the land by developing its resources, and promoting civilization by raising the standard of comfort.
Developing from this is a new point of practical importance to the hedonism of the Cyrenaics.
The restraints of religion were to be replaced by an education developing an enlightened self-interest.
An alternative method of developing the theory of the exponential function is to start from the definition exp x = I +x+x2/2 !
Settled government, settled habits, remunerative employment and opportunities for the improvement of their condition are developing in them the virtues of the two parent races.
Only what falls under the first and second of the divisions so indicated can be said to have discharged a function in developing philosophy; only so much constitutes Schelling's philosophy proper.
Olcott, she founded the " Theosophical Society "with the object of (I) forming a universal brotherhood of man,(2) studying and making known the ancient religions, philosophies and sciences, (3) investigating the laws of nature and developing the divine powers latent in man.
Meanwhile a serious condition of affairs was developing in the Red river settlement, the most considerable centre of population in the newly acquired territory.
An Aristotelian work often goes on continuously at first, and then becomes disappointing by suddenly introducing discussions which break the connexion or are even inconsistent with the beginning; as in the Posterior Analytics, which, after developing a theory of demonstration from necessary principles, suddenly makes the admission, which is also the main theory of science in the Metaphysics, that demonstration is about either the necessary or the contingent, from principles either necessary or contingent, only not accidental.
Aristotle, who made this great discovery, must have had great difficulty in developing the new investigation of reasoning processes out of dialectic, rhetoric, poetics, grammar, metaphysics, mathematics, physics and ethics; and in disengaging it from other kinds of learning.
Careful criticism of the narratives 3 has resulted in the separation of later accretions from the earliest records, and the tracing of the elaboration of older traditions under the influence of developing religious and social institutions.
Several improvements have been carried out in the city and port, and the place is developing rapidly as an industrial centre.
As a rule no parental care is exhibited, but incubation of the developing ova within some part of the parental body, or receptacles attached to the parent, occurs in some Lamellibranchs, some Gastropods, and in Argonauta among the Cephalopods.
At the same time plans were formed for constructing a great network of railways, partly for the purpose of developing the natural resources of the country, and partly for the purpose of increasing its powers of defence and attack.
Russia required, it was said, not classical scholars, but practical, scientific men, capable of developing her natural resources.
The continental spinners have largely increased, but are developing into huge syndicates, all working on the schappe principle.
This is, of course, more true of the middle ages than of the times that preceded and followed them; the Church under the Roman empire hardly as yet realized the possibilities of " sermons in stones," and took over, with little change, the model of the secular and religious buildings of pagan Rome; the Renaissance, essentially a neo-pagan movement, introduced disturbing factors from outside, and, though developing a style very characteristic of the age that produced it, started that archaeological movement which has tended in modern times to substitute mere imitations of old models for any attempt to express in church architecture the religious spirit of the age.
For it he proposed to substitute the genetic method, whereby human conscious experience might be exhibited as growing or developing from its essential basis in connexion with external conditions.
He has a special relation to Fichte in developing the Kantian activity of consciousness into will and substituting activity for substantiality as the essence of soul, as well as in breaking down the antithesis between phenomena and things in themselves.
In the United States there has been an arduous struggle over this question, and combinations of merchants have sometimes compelled favourable terms. In England, though the merchant has maintained a great part of the trade with shopkeepers, the developing trade with makers of shirts, underclothing, &c., is mainly done by the manufacturers directly, and perhaps the simplification of relations by direct dealing in the cotton trade has now reached a point of fairly stable compromise.
This view was hotly contested by many workers and it was sought to explain the trichogyne - without much success - as a respiratory organ, or as a boring organ which made a way for the developing apothecium.
The wants, moreover, of the North American colonies did not escape the attention of Archbishop Laud during his official connexion with them as bishop of London, and he was developing a plan for promoting a local episcopate there when his troubles began and his scheme was interrupted.
Later on in the season, perhaps small cauliflowers will be planted along the margins of the beds where the carrots are growing, and will be developing into larger plants requiring more space by the time all the carrots have been picked and marketed.
In Leipzig Lessing had also an opportunity of developing his friendship with Kleist who happened to be stationed there.
The West India Company, erected in 1621, though framed on the same model, aimed rather at waging war on the enemies' commerce than in developing their own.
Monoblepharis has oogonia with single oospheres and antheridia developing a few amoeboid uniciliate antherozoids; these creep to the opening of the oogonium and then swim in.
It is found that in densely wooded districts furs are darker in colour than in exposed regions, and that the quality of wool and hair is softer and more silky than those from bare tracts of country, where nature exacts from its creatures greater efforts to secure food, thereby developing stronger limbs and a consequently coarser body covering.
The confederate tribes were originally organized for purposes of war into six great divisions or clans, this organization developing into the main social fabric of the state.
Here is the junction of the great railway system which unites Bengal with Central India and Bombay, and is developing into a great centre of inland and export trade.
In dry seasons this will supply 6000 H.P., and for quite ten months in an ordinary year 14,000 H.P. The plant in 1902 consisted of five turbines, having horizontal axles, and each developing woo H.P. when running at 300 revolutions a minute.
The chief energies of this king in fact were expended on developing the south extremity of Thebes on both banks.
At the conference of ministers which met at Vienna, on the 20th of November, for the purpose of developing and completing the Federal Act of the congress of Vienna, Metternich found himself face to face with a more formidable opposition than at Carlsbad.
Political unity had been firmly established; he desired to use the whole power of the imperial government in developing the material resources of the country.
Meanwhile Bismarck, who was not intimidated by the parliamentary opposition, irritating and embarrassing though it was, resolutely proceeded with his task of developing the National!.
Equally important was the action of the government in developing foreign trade.
There is a bronze statue to John Fielden (1784-1849), to whose energy in developing the cotton manufacture the town owes much of its prosperity.
There seemed to be no reason why Denmark also should not become a powerful state under the guidance of a powerful monarchy, especially as the sister state of Sweden was developing into a great power under apparently identical conditions.
From one point of view the haggada, amplifying and developing the contents of Hebrew scripture in response to a popular religious need, may be termed a rabbinical commentary on the Old Testament, containing traditional stories and legends, sometimes amusing, sometimes trival, and often beautiful.
Nicholas conceived great plans for beautifying and developing Rome.
The antipodal cells aid more or less in the process of nutrition of the developing embryo, and may undergo multiplication, though they ultimately disintegrate, as do also the synergidae.
The developing embryo at the end of the suspensor grows out to a varying extent into the forming endosperm, from which by surface absorption it derives good material for growth; at the same time the suspensor plays a direct part as a carrier of nutrition, and may even develop, where perhaps no endosperm is formed, special absorptive "suspensor roots" which invest the developing embryo, or pass out into the body and coats of the ovule, or even into the placenta.
In Coelebogyne (Euphorbiaceae) and in Funkia (Liliaceae) polyembryony results from an adventitious production of embryos from the cells of the nucellus around the top of the embryo-sac. In a species of Allium, embryos have been found developing in the same individual from the egg-cell, synergids, antipodal cells and cells of the nucellus.
In albuminous Monocotyledons the cotyledon itself, probably in consequence of its terminal position, is commonly the agent by which the embryo is thrust out of the seed, and it may function solely as a feeder, its extremity developing as a sucker through which the endosperm is absorbed, or it may become the first green organ, the terminal sucker dropping off with the seed-coat when the endosperm is exhausted.
Moreover, since the "real" is the object of the "true," and can be distinguished from the "unreal" only by developing superior value in the process of cognition which arrives at it, the notions of "reality" and "fact" also turn out to be disguised forms of value.
On account of an important difference in the structure of its molars, it is now very generally referred to a distinct genus, under the name of Evotomys glareolus; these teeth developing roots at a certain stage of existence, instead of growing permanently.
Crickhowell and Talgarth are market towns, while Llanwrtyd Wells is a rapidly developing health resort.
Meanwhile Henry had been developing a serious interest in politics, and he could brook no superior in whatever sphere he wished to shine.
Under the Congested Districts (Scotland) Act of 18 97, £35, 0 0 0 a year was devoted within certain districts of Argyll, Inverness, Ross and Cromarty, Sutherland, Caithness, Orkney and Shetland, to assisting migration, improving the breeds of live stock, building piers and boatslips, making roads and bridges, developing home industries, &c.
He believed that life was an expanding, growing force, and that animals responded to the environment by developing new wants, seeking to satisfy these by new movements and thus by their own striving producing new organs which were transmitted to their descendants.
But he was too original to remain long content with a subordinate position, and the pottery business was developing so rapidly that he had every inducement to commence work on his own account.
The urgency of foreign affairs, and subsequently internal strife at the council table, hindered Hastings from developing farther the system of civil administration, a task finally accomplished by Lord Cornwallis.
The earliest age of civilization, which we may designate as the clay age, is marked by rude, hand-made pottery and thumb-marked bricks, flat on one side, concave on the other, gradually developing through several fairly marked stages.
Army, and that in the event of a threat developing from the Trentino there would be sufficient warning to allow the reenforcement of the front in good time.
As the historical and practical position was developing on these lines the lawyers who fashioned English common law in the r 2th and r3th centuries did not hesitate to apply to it the teaching of Roman law on slavery.
The former belong to the school of empirical logic, the latter to the school of conceptual and formal logic. Both have started from points which Aristotle indicated without developing them.
The economic evolution of the state since Reconstruction has been in the main that common to all the old slave states developing from the plantation system of ante-bellum days, somewhat diversified and complicated by the special features of a young and border community.
This is the case with the power of the pope and his primacy, the exercise and manifestation of which have been continually developing.
Men thought they were witnessing the dawn of a new era in the East; Mehemet Ali was hailed as the most beneficent and enlightened of princes; and political philosophers like Jeremy Bentham, who sent him elaborate letters of good advice, thought to find in him the means for developing their theories in virgin soil.
The Malay chiefs of other districts encouraged immigration from China with a view to developing the mineral resources of their territories, and before long Chinese settlers were to be found in considerable numbers in Sambas, Montrado, Pontianak and elsewhere.
While the Phoenician alphabet was thus fertile in developing daughter alphabets in the West, the progress of writing was no less great in the East, first among the Semitic peoples, and through them among other peoples still more remote.
The opportunity for developing water-power by the purchase of the canal around Pawtucket Falls (chartered for navigation in 1792) led them to choose the adjacent village of East Chelmsford as the site of their projected cotton mills; they bought the Pawtucket canal, and incorporated in 1822 the Merrimack Manufacturing Company; in 1823 the first cloth was actually made, and in 1826 a separate township was formed from part of Chelmsford and was named in honour of Francis Cabot Lowell, who with Jackson had improved Cartwright's power loom, and had planned the mills at Waltham.
But, by this as it may, the institution of caste, when once established, certainly appears to have gone on steadily developing; and not even the long period of Buddhist ascendancy, with its uncompromising resistance to the Brahman's claim to being the sole arbiter in matters of faith, seems to have had any very appreciable retardant effect upon the progress of the movement.
The developing eggs are not carried about by the mother, but deposited in her subaqueous burrow, "where they are aerated by the currents of water produced by the abdominal feet of the parent."
Catholicism was considered as an organic growth, developing from certain seminal principles in accordance with certain definite laws.
On the contrary, the Renaissance was rather the last stage of the middle ages, emerging from ecclesiastical and feudal despotism, developing what was original in medieval ideas by the light of classic arts and letters, holding in itself the promise of the modern world.
Under Methodist influence he decided to enter the ministry, but, developing Congregational ideas, was trained at Cheshunt College.
Scientific and practical questions connected with the possibility of laying an Atlantic submarine cable then began to be discussed, and Lord Kelvin was foremost in developing true scientific knowledge on this subject, and in the invention of appliances for utilizing it.
She took a leading part in establishing and developing the Maria Grey Training College for teachers and in the work of the Froebel Society, of which she was the president.
In 1660, after five years of incessant warfare, Sweden had at length obtained peace and with it the opportunity of organizing and developing her newly won empire.
Nicol Saunderson (1682-1739), Euler and Lambert helped in developing the theory, and much was done by Lagrange in his additions to the French edition of Euler's Algebra (1795).
At the end of a fortnight the white spat has become darkcoloured from the appearance of coloured patches in the developing embryos.
In the post-exilic period the historical meaning of the passage was forgotten, and a new significance was given to it in accordance with the gradually developing eschatological doctrine.
These become brown, finally blackish and greatly contorted until a large scab is formed on the developing tuber, whence the name by which the disease is known - "black scab."
Shortly it may be said that he was essentially a mass of contradictions - brilliant, passionate to the point of mania, but utterly weak and unstable, capable of developing into a saint or a monster, but quite incapable of becoming an ordinary human being.
The representative of this tendency, Chrysippus, addressed himself to the congenial task of assimilating, developing, systematizing the doctrines bequeathed to him, and, above all, securing them in their stereotyped and final form, not simply from the assaults of the past, but, as after a long and successful career of controversy and polemical authorship he fondly hoped, from all possible attack in the future.
Here, too, the reason of things - that which accounts for them - is no longer some external end to which they are tending; it is something acting within them, " a spirit deeply interfused," germinating and developing as from a seed in the heart of each separate thing that exists (X6yos cr repyartK6s).
In the first place, the ancient question of " spontaneous generation " received fresh impetus from the difficulty of keeping such minute organisms as bacteria from reaching and developing in organic infusions; and, secondly, the long-suspected analogies between the phenomena of fermentation and those of certain diseases again made themselves felt, as both became better understood.
During this period, however, Charles displayed great tact in his dealings with both parties, and kept his country in the path of administrative and economic reform, organizing the army, developing the railways, and establishing commercial relations with foreign powers.
Morgan criticized with great freedom the moral character of the persons and events of Old Testament history, developing the theory of conscious "accommodation" on the part of the leaders of the Jewish church.
His diligent investigations into the efficiency of various illuminants in differing circumstances, and into the best conditions for developing their several maximum powers of brilliancy, while greatly improving the usefulness of the line of beacons along the extensive coast of the United States, effected at the same time a great economy of administration.
F, Ephyra developing into a medusa by the growth of the adradial regions.
A few cases are known in which the developing embryos are nourished by a special secretion while in the brood-chamber of the mother (Cladocera, terrestrial Isopoda).
Buckle, in his History of, Civilization in England (1857), was the first to work out the influences of the material world upon history, developing through a wealth of illustration the importance of food, soil and the general aspect of nature upon the formation of society.
The engine was an eight-cylinder Antoinette petrol motor, developing 49 horse-power at 1100 revolutions a minute, and driving directly a single metal screw propeller.
In germination the coleorhiza lengthens, ruptures the pericarp, and fixes the grain to the ground by developing numerous hairs.
The scutellum meanwhile feeds the developing embryo from the endosperm.
In developing our conception we must discard from consideration the complexities that arise from the organization of the higher living bodies, the differences between one living animal and another, or between plant and animal.
In the later years of his life he was engaged in developing a system of multiplex telegraphy.
Besides this, of course, objections might be made to the method of development, as not only subverting the principle of contradiction, but as galvanizing negation into a means of advancing or developing the whole body of human knowledge and reality.
MacBride (op. cit.), who has insisted that in the fixed stage of the developing starfish, Asterina, the relations of these plates to the stem are quite different from those which they bear in the developing and adult crinoid.
The condition of the realm had been stable and prosperous during and social the earlier years of Edward III., the drain on its re- effects of sources caused by heavywar-taxation havingbeen more than compensated by the increased wealth that arose from growing commerce and developing industries.
At this time the prince gave small promise of developing into the model monarch that he afterwards became.
On the one side, developing the great salt-fish trade, her vessels were encompassing Iceland, and feeling their way towards the Banks of the West; on the other they were beginning to feel their way into the Mediterranean.
Internal commerce was evidently developing in a satisfactory style, despite of the wars; in especial raw wool was going out of England in less bulk than of old, because cloth woven at home was becoming the staple export.
The individuals inhabiting the Indus and the Ganges must therefore have been for long ages isolated without developing any distinctive anatomical characters, those by which P. indi was separated from P. gangetica having been shown to be of no constant value.
Zwingli and Calvin, developing a hint of Hus, introduce a distinction between the visible and the invisible Church which Melanchthon repudiates but later Lutheranism adopts.
Thus from 1725 to 1825 a more tolerant and rational belief was developing in New England, and to some extent elsewhere.
The developing seed thus encloses fungal hyphae, which remain dormant within the seed and in spring develop symbiotically with the growth of the wheat plant, doing no apparent injury until the time of fruiting is reached, when the fungus takes complete possession and fills the new seed with a mass of darkcoloured spores.
He taught philosophy and theology at the university of Paris and enjoyed a great reputation as a subtle dialectician; his lectures developing the philosophy of Aristotle attracted a large circle of hearers.
These associations of individuals can hardly be the result of the metamorphosis of a corresponding number of larvae, but are probably due to a spontaneous fragmentation of the adult animals, each such fragment developing into a complete Phoronis (De Selys-Longchamps).
Nay, it would even be found that the habit of philosophical reflection often operated adversely to the attainment of this end, by developing the thinker's selfconsciousness, so as to disturb that normal relation to external objects on which the zest of ordinary enjoyment depends.
Erigena's contemporaries, and was certainly unorthodox enough to justify the condemnation which it subsequently received from Honorius III.; but its influence, together with that of the Pseudo-Dionysius, had a considerable share in developing the more emotional orthodox mysticism of the 12th and 13th centuries; and Neoplatonism (or Platonism received through a Neoplatonic tradition) remained a distinct element in medieval thought, though obscured in the period of mature scholasticism by the predominant influence of Aristotle.
Taking the different impulses in detail, he first shows how the individual's happiness is promoted by developing 1 It should be observed that, while Clarke is sincerely anxious to prove that most principles are binding independently of Divine appointment, he is no less concerned to show that morality requires the practical support of revealed religion.
Taylor is more persuasive when he is developing his second main thesis - that of the alleged existence of an ultimate dualism in the nature of morality.
At the completion of his three years' course at Halle he was for two years private tutor in the family of Count Dohna-Schlobitten, developing in a cultivated and aristocratic household his deep love of family and social life.
This may be attributed to Semitic influence, or we may suppose that the process of anthropomorphizing theriomorphic gods was naturally developing itself; for Mexico has shown us and Greece can show us abundant examples of these mixed figures, in which the anthropomorphic god retains traces of his theriomorphic past.
In a typical case a sensation of heat developing into a burning pain is felt in the throat and stomach.
While retaining the principles of feudal recruiting, he had endeavoured to establish a system of rigid discipline among his troops, which he had strengthened by taking into his pay foreign mercenaries, particularly Englishmen and Italians, and by developing his artillery.
The small stellated dodecahedron is formed by stellating the Platonic dodecahedron (by "stellating " is meant developing the faces contiguous to a specified base so as to form a regular pyramid).
The sailing vessels are decreasing in numbers in the exterior trade, but not in the coasting trade, which is decidedly developing and occupying more craft.
It aimed at preserving orthodoxy and developing sainthood on the medieval mociel.
The increasing violence of the Conservative press and opposition, the divisions developing in the ranks of liberalism, and the restlessness of the agricultural protectionists led by Seor Gamazo, did not weigh so much in the balance at court against Sagasta as the aggressive attitude of the military politicians.
In these cocoons are deposited the eggs together with a certain amount of albumen upon which the developing embryos feed.
While Desargues and Pascal were founding modern synthetic geometry, Rene Descartes was developing the algebraic representation of geometric relations.
In place of developing flower-buds, bracts may, in certain circumstances, as in proliferous or viviparous plants, produce leaf-buds.
If the margins of such a receptacle be developed upwards, the centre not developing, a concave receptacle is formed, which may partially or completely enclose a number of flowers that are generally unisexual.
In these instances the placentas may be formed at the margin of the united contiguous leaves, so as to appear single, or the margins may not be united, each developing a placenta.
He clarified the principles of the calculus by developing them with the aid of limits and continuity, and was the first to prove Taylor's theorem rigorously, establishing his well-known form of the remainder.
For the whole mass of cognisable fact, the mundus intelligibilis, is contained impliciter in each monad, and the several modes of apprehension can only be regarded as so many stages in the developing consciousness of the monad.
He'd meant to piss her off earlier, keep her from developing any sort of affection for someone who had no intention of keeping her.
This would effectively preclude any export credits for arms deals with any developing country.
The government has been much more successful in developing an economy which has grown and withstood the vagaries of the world markets.
Using ultrasound to guide the way, a needle is inserted through the mother's abdomen into the developing placenta.
To improve pupils ' achievement and progress in games through developing high quality learning activities.
Yes, there are situations that may affect your kidneys or liver function and thus put you at risk for developing lactic acidosis.
I was a slow starter in developing anything akin to my own brand of humor.
Exposure to tobacco smoke and certain inhalant allergens are also known to increase the risk of developing asthma.
They are often associated with anisometropia and both of these conditions are thought to predispose children to developing amblyopia.
The lush growth provides a safe nursery for developing amphibians including toads, frogs and smooth newts.
We also have interests in developing alternative DNA amplification methods - for example, the ligase chain reaction.
These facts may suggest that patients with multiple myeloma are more vulnerable to developing megaloblastic anemia than others.
Or we transfer the costs to the developing world or migrant labor by tacitly accepting appalling working conditions and very poor returns for labor.
Adopting a new appellation was simple enough; developing this harsh land would be more difficult.
My general view is that the book's strength lies in the range and subtlety of the examples cited in developing argumentation.
The most important thing is to prevent atherosclerosis from developing.
Long term Ensure the sustainable success of junior athletics in the Mendip area by developing all aspects of the club's activities.
It was the invasion of Poland that made Joseph Rotblat suggest to James Chadwick that they should start work on developing an atomic bomb.
Singapore, for example a supposedly highly authoritarian state has an infinitely better education system for developing creative brains.
Difficulties in developing automaticity further increases problems, as spellings learned, for example, are lost when concentrating on writing.
However, developing countries are already awash with separate aid initiatives.
We were then invited to carry out trials on planting bamboo to stop landslides from further developing.
His early days were spent taking pictures of the couture shows in Paris where he often found himself developing films in the hotel bathtub.
We are developing a new method of screening potentially bioactive molecules which uses a combination of enzymes to select active structures.
We are interested in expanding the repertoire of biocatalytic reactions by developing novel biocatalysts for reactions that are chemically very difficult.
Paint manufacturers may use biocides in their products in order to prevent these organisms developing.
Developing school grounds provides an opportunity to enhance biodiversity on a local scale.
The group collaborates with DSTL at Porton Down in developing molecular biosensors.
India's budget is about 20% that of China, China accounts for more than half of the developing world's expenditures on plant biotech.
Issued last week, the report favors crop biotech for poor farmers in developing nations.
Workers in the industry are on the frontline of exposure and at risk of developing cancer or seeing birth defects in their children.
This is developing an analogy given by the new presiding bishop rather than purely his own analysis.
The workshop introduces blackboard, explores ways in which it can be used in teaching and learning and looks at developing effective courses.
Hannah had to have both of her legs and arms amputated after developing blood poisoning having caught meningitis when she was three years old.
For all the reasons that I see natural bodybuilding developing, I see that the non-natural scene will decline.
John will work across all five Olympic boroughs, developing partnerships between health and sport to drive health improvements across North East London.
We are currently developing an ion mobility spectrometer for the detection and quantification of trace compounds in exhaled breath in real time.
The history of illness during the weekend before the death was consistent with developing bronchopneumonia.
Countries should assess the risk and take precautionary measures against developing BSE in cattle and the human disease vCJD.
A study was to investigating whether the use of cardiopulmonary bypass increased the risk of developing acute renal failure.
Although the condition mainly affects women, men are also at risk of developing candidiasis.
For purposes of developing a working definition, the Committee is considering other factors in addition to total market capitalization.
Our findings, together with review of the publications, provided clinical data for developing the current UICC staging system for nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Of course, this splendid cavalcade of evolution must be expected to continue, with who knows what future forms developing.
We are now using expression profiling in wildtype and Gli3 mutant mice to identify novel Wnt target genes in the developing cerebral cortex.
Pregnant women who get chickenpox or shingles have a higher than normal risk of developing pneumonia.
The objective of antenatal care is to optimize the health of the mother and her developing baby and to plan for a safe childbirth.
It is clear therefore that there is an intimate relationship between the metabolic processes in the developing chloroplast and nuclear gene expression.
The legacies of European colonialism still resonate throughout the developing world.
Also developing ' sit com ' for different TV stations in Norway.
The PRO and NAW were developing a concordat on record-keeping issues which would be published.
One said that strong locality managers acting as a two-way communication conduit could play a key role in developing cohesion at locality level.
Such a fund would enable conscientious objectors to make a positive contribution to developing a sustainable, peaceful world.
The barons are now spreading the contagion to the developing world.
Regenerated cellulose was the original industry standard but Professor Courtney started his research career by developing synthetic membranes based on vinyl copolymers.
Windows authoring program for developing Japanese courseware, which doesn't require a Japanese system.
By developing a sustainable technology, developers acquire some green credentials.
Vinten were producing custom-made developing machines for many laboratories, kitting them out with everything from chemical pumps to drying room equipment.
They will advise on daily living activities such as dressing, eating and handling cutlery, and developing daily routines.
Detailed discussion of the problems involved in developing a tort of group defamation is outside the scope of this article.
Connecticut compare car insurance quote Delaware florida in developing services authority in approving not only did.
Sleep disturbances and, ultimately, sleep-wake cycle reversals, can be early signs of a developing delirium.
What can we do to reduce our risk of developing dementia?
This prepares the palatal arch for the developing dentition.
We will change land use to reduce dependence on the car, for example by giving priority to developing brown field sites around stations.
She slept badly and constantly felt tense, developing post traumatic stress disorder for which she took anti depressants.
Nausea, vomiting and watery diarrhea occur with some patients developing a maculopapular rash, red eyes and have hiccups.
Wnt signaling regulates myogenic differentiation in the developing avian limb.
We are currently broadening our repertoire into the developing of synchrotron X-ray diffraction.
The uncertainty is also likely to prove a disincentive for overseas investors who have played a major role in developing Wales ' manufacturing base.
Pete in interested in developing distance learning and use of WebCT.
A Debate Music therapy is developing an increasingly diverse body of theory.
Ajax, never slow at developing their youngster's minds, where particularly eager.
Ruptured ectopic pregnancy is a common cause of massive intraperitoneal hemorrhage in developing countries.
Finally India learned the art from the Persian weavers, developing a style to suit the tastes of their mogul emperors.
The risk of developing vaccine-related encephalitis is extremely small in comparison to the health risks associated with the diseases that vaccines prevent.
The risk of developing endometriosis is also higher in women who had their first period at an earlier age than average.
Research Paul's current research is concerned with developing and applying statistical and mathematical models for the vCJD epidemic in the UK.
Developing and delivering a strategy for mainstreaming race equality takes time.
Research is being carried out into developing methods of slowing the rate of cliff erosion without damaging the SSSI.
The study includes developing methods for teaching ethics in work situations.
Infectious disease is a major cause of reduced life expectancy in developing countries.
Q. Could recent mercury exposure affect the developing fetus?
Another very rare birth defect called exstrophy can also increase a person's risk of developing bladder cancer later in life.
Our approach is to work with and alongside clients, developing bespoke solutions that deliver results and smiley faces.
In developing RIVPACS, a wide range of different methods of classifying the reference sites and predicting the expected fauna were tested.
Distinctively Besson embraces a certain fetishism of style, developing a film language that is essentially colored, highly stylized, energetic and mysterious.
To do any less is to unnecessarily put the developing fetus at risk for neural tube birth defects.
What is already developing is the takeover of democratic society by a form of bastard feudalism.
Ned Minns Ned is developing a novel floating oscillating water column wave energy converter.
For help with developing a research project see the research process flowchart providing information on each step of the process.
In developing countries, using land to create an artificial food chain has resulted in misery for hundreds of millions of people.
Differential localized changes in proliferative rates of populations of cells could play a crucial role in the patterning of the developing forebrain.
He has come more under attack for his role in marketing baby milk formula in the developing world.
Boys and Girls Clubs Scotland, for instance, are currently developing a youth arts forum.
In particular we are developing an efficient ligation approach in which two peptide fragments are coupled while still attached to the solid-phase.
Brakes For over 40 years, Brakes has specialized in developing and supplying frozen, chilled and ambient food products to the catering industry.
The vaccines protect against rotavirus gastroenteritis, which kills about one child every minute in the developing world.
In other words, developing empirical generalizations informed by abstract theory.
All students are encouraged to attend short courses and workshops aimed at developing generic, transferable skills.
The condition, pituitary giantism, makes growth continue after most people stop developing.
Will was also musically gifted, developing a fine tenor or light baritone voice.
One was early developing Gnosticism that was a great threat to Christianity - don't be afraid of that big word!
They are derived from the epithelial sex cords of the developing gonads.
It equips graduates with the all-round skills that are necessary to succeed in a constantly developing business environment.
My study will firstly focus on the role of experience in developing basic life skills in the Trinidadian guppy.
An interrupted development hinders the brain from developing a natural handedness.
As corporate profits come under increasing pressure from the developing crisis, US capitalists are likely to hit back hard.
He also advises the Bank on best practice in relation to health and safety issues and assists in developing programs of preventative healthcare.
Today Hitachi is even more successful in developing and providing high-end Broadcast technology.
It is substantially hindering these [developing] countries in areas where they could be competitive.
Naively, Bandolier thought that iron deficiency was of only historical interest in Britain, tho important in developing countries with poor diets.
The OIC had advertised for parties interested on developing and constructing a trans-shipment container hub in Scapa Flow.
Between one in 2,000 and one in 10,000 people are at risk of developing malignant hyperthermia as a reaction to some commonly used anesthetics.
He later abandoned hypnotism in favor of free association and dream analysis in developing what is now known as " the talking cure.
Interest in the use of therapeutic hypothermia in these patients is developing rapidly.
There was a distinct trend for women patient over the age of 50 years to have increased risk of developing hypothyroidism.
Unwelcome visits from the landlord only increase the nervous hysteria already developing in the small flat fueling dreadful consequences.
Iraq was honored by UNESCO in 1981 for being the first developing country to eliminate illiteracy.
A vivid illustration of these two forces at work is provided by the developing eye.
And also the human historical world is now seen by all of us as a purely immanent developing process.
Animal cancer tests have also proved confusing in developing immunotherapy (Williams 1982 ).
In many developing countries fostering digital inclusion is a major aim of government.
There are perhaps three important issues that anyone interested in developing environmental work, that is genuinely inclusive, needs to think about.
Developing and distributing reagents kits to detect the currently circulating influenza A H5N1 viruses.
It plans to follow up this investigation by developing an audit of NHS inpatient services.
But isn't the digital divide just a function of the apparently insoluble economic gap between the developed and developing world?
The Laboratory has an on-going program developing techniques such as the shearing interferometer, including data processing methods.
But the EU is not a means of collaboration for the mass of people, far less a means of developing internationalism.
You have the opportunity to work as part of a team using and developing interpersonal, organizational and presentation skills.
Withdrawal results in a migraine-like headache which has led sufferers to treat with further doses, developing a particular syndrome of chronic ergot intoxication.
This concept is useful in developing an intuition for what drives the cost of assembly.
The risk of developing iritis varies according to the type of Juvenile Arthritis.
The cost of developing and certifying the ism at Euro-4 may not be the only reason for Cummins balking here.
The courts are still developing the jurisprudence on this issue.
In short, England is a gaping lacuna in this rapidly developing field.
In short, this is definitely the threads package to use under Linux for developing large-scale threaded programs.
Contrary to popular belief leprosy is not a disease of the past but is a serious health threat right now in many developing countries.
Alignment at word level effectively means developing a bilingual lexicon.
Presiding over several national Councils, revising and developing the Mozarabic liturgy, he was a prolific writer and outstanding churchman.
The two are at constant loggerheads with the distinctly different styles of detection with their love hate relationship slowly developing into something more romantic.
It may only be broken when developing specific logotypes for statutory NHS organizations.
A consumer panel of visitors with sight loss worked with Museum staff in developing these services.
The Greenwich team has concentrated its work on the traditional foods of developing countries to develop low-cost, enriched food mixes.
Plays a role in negative selection of developing T cells and the killing of targets by cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
Deaths from malaria are quite simply a result of our failure to eradicate malaria in developing countries.
Would the likely cost in terms of failures and/or malformations inevitable in developing a program of human reproductive cloning be ethically acceptable?
Being breast aware and having regular mammograms will not prevent you from developing breast cancer.
It is developing new techniques for visual guided control of robot manipulators using several uncalibrated cameras.
In this paper we explore the use of graphic calculators in developing mathematical modeling skills.
Previous research focused on developing an effective, linguistically meaningful, grammatical query system.
We are also developing novel ultra thin magnetic films, and sensors (including memS) based on them.
The combined genetic and visualization tools are providing powerful new methods for dissecting cell-cell interactions within the developing root meristem.
Molecular Ecology of Methane oxidation We have been developing molecular biology techniques to study the ecology of methane oxidation We have been developing molecular biology techniques to study the ecology of methane oxidizers.
In fact, decision games are a preferred method of developing experts in the U.S. Marines.
The authors propose a participatory methodology for developing more inclusive understandings of citizenship, identity and rights, based on Boal's forum theater.
The phenomenon of " brain drain " was invoked mainly as an argument for inhibiting economic migration from the developing world.
For example, there is a developing phenomenon of deliberately misspelled names being registered either as trademarks or as domain names.
The use of low energy muons is a rapidly developing field with great potential for the study of magnetism near surfaces.
More Managing fusarium mycotoxin risk The Agency is currently developing a Code of Practice to reduce fusarium mycotoxins in cereals.
African-Americans may have an increased risk of developing a myositis and poorer outcomes compared to Caucasians.
Protection for developed nations at the expense of the developing nations must come to end.
We focus on the hippocampal circuitry, but have recently strayed into developing neocortex to see whether similar principles apply there.
The number of patients who would have to receive a course of treatment to prevent one developing postherpetic neuralgia is 15.
What are the risk factors for developing post herpetic neuralgia?
However, the use of conditionality to advance nonproliferation in the EU's relations with developing countries is likely to be more controversial.
The US is now ready to virtually commit the NPT to history to clear the way for developing new nukes and space weaponry.
We seek to complement this work by developing close partnerships with two oblasts to implement oblast level economic and social strategies.
Oxfam warned that such obstinacy from the EU and the resultant standoff between major trading powers would ultimately harm developing countries.
Thus we have a director developing an oeuvre that combines social concerns with genuine cinematic expression.
We are therefore developing a new unit " in house ", the hardware for which will be installed on-site.
Otis project which focuses on developing and supporting on-line tutors.
The young, developing ovary and immature fruit often have the highest concentration of all!
Developing a diversity of task-oriented authoring tools to reduce the cognitive overhead for authoring hypertexts could change the face of the Web.
This toolkit has been designed to provide a starting point for developing a local strategy to tackle overweight and obesity.
If you've been to Florida they have wonderful parakeets, which are taken over as our most prolific developing bird in the UK.
Shared nematode parasite is developing in Pheasant much better than in Partridge, but has much greater effect on the later.
Random Dance is committed to developing extensive participatory and outreach opportunities and generating new work for and by young people.
Only they now have a sense of benign paternalism to any developing civilization.
Among young people is there a developing English Urdu patois?
We are beginning to notice a theme developing; that Irish pubs often seem to have patriot British names - such as this place.
McAlester penitentiary is clearly no holiday camp, and Ron's developing mental illness and physical deterioration whilst on death row makes grim reading.
Although many chemicals have been banned, the FAO estimate that up to 10,000 tons of obsolete pesticides remain in the developing world.
Common crops are developing different values as society slowly replaces petrochemicals with plant-based oils.
Despite developing phenylketonuria during his childhood years his mother Mary encouraged him to paint at the age of twenty-four.
I have a problem like excessive watering in my eye while eating and some times, also developing pimples of the affected side.
Young and Free is developing a brand new befriending service for young people aged 16 plus in the Bristol area.
Understanding the dynamics of the performance is also integral to developing poetics culturally relevant to ancient Israelite traditions.
At the moment we have a strong Under 17 side and we are developing mini polo for the age range 8 to 12 years.
Lyotard defines the postmodern as the process of developing a new epistemology that responds to new conditions of knowledge (Kellner 1990 ).
We offer courses that are flexible and up to date, providing maximum opportunities for choice, and for developing potentiality and opportunities.
The JSC would like to start a series of courses for developing practical IT skills, to be run by those with these skills.
This paper will seek to conclude that the obvious answer is to use research as the vehicle for developing praxis.
To this end, we are currently developing a new generation of microarrays, based on the use of oligonucleotide probes.
Increased professionalism in developing formats and relations with both advertisers and listeners resulted in success of music radio stations.
Review on the impact of genome-wide approaches in developing new prognostic and therapeutic strategies.
Patients with fragile X syndrome are also at increased risk of developing mitral valve prolapse, which may be causing his breathlessness.
We are developing new methods, for instance using cleavage by highly specific proteases, to inactivate proteins in fission yeast.
Many large ISVs, including Novell and IBM, are either developing new tools or porting already proven tools to the Linux platform.
People developing psoriasis usually go to their doctor with obvious lesions on their skin or in their hair.
The Center's teachers are chosen from among those developing their ideas in theoretical and clinical psychoanalysis or engaged in research.
Relying on the existing dog as the sole means of socializing a puppy is unlikely to prevent behavioral problems developing.
The female holds the developing egg capsules for several weeks before the mermaids purses are released.
The company is developing a gold mine at Sekisovskoye, which is scheduled to begin production in the 4th quarter of this year.
It is thought that oxygen radicals cause abnormalities in the developing retinal blood supply.
Therefore, there is a great interest in developing new target-specific radiopharmaceuticals.
Looping of the developing heart tube is a conserved structural rearrangement required to ensure the heart forms properly.
Now based at Babcock BES, Graeme works in the business process improvement team developing the estimating and tendering process for naval ship refit.
These activities bear the responsibility for developing intellectual skills vital to any educational process.
The longer a person has diabetes, the higher their chances of developing diabetic retinopathy.
In this project, we are particularly interested in developing our understanding of the effect of gas phase volume on foam rheology.
They tend to overprotect their children, with much greater danger to their personal and emotional development than the risk of developing rickets.
Walking and Exotic robots Forum - Online discussion forum for people interested in developing legged robots.
Participation and accountability key to reducing poverty Extreme poverty in the developing world is overwhelmingly rural.
This is the case in many sanitary landfills worldwide and especially in developing countries where scarcity of experts is the rule.
People who carry this condition have a 1 in 10 chance of developing a sarcoma.
The UK TUC is developing a slightly schizophrenic approach to new ways of working.
In the Chalet School, in contrast, girls who appear to be developing scoliosis are given remedial treatment.
Katharine S. Way (1982) is a successful TV scriptwriter for Casualty and The Bill and is developing original projects.
He began developing a series of float seaplanes soon afterward and produced four streamlined float planes.
These are all common issues, met often in working life, and developing a self-identity is essential.
And developing nations that emphasize greater food self-reliance can retain precious foreign exchange and avoid the instability of international markets.
The Washington Post piece, tho not immediately attracting much attention, may eventually become seminal to the developing controversy over the probable war.
He has also had a formative role in developing an Islamic seminary in Britain.
Fitzgerald, M. and Fulton, B.P. (1992) The physiological properties of developing sensory neurons.
No, there have been no recorded instances of the internet developing sentience due to it's complexity.
Developing wolf ranch years because of year-old sergeant serves nothing less than.
The concerns and demands of developing countries were largely sidelined and no significant agreements were made to make trade fairer.
The cashier at the photo developing shop told me that new parents comprised a fairly sizable chunk of their business.
A vigorous low, developing over southwest England, tracked slowly northwards on the 19th to become slow-moving to the west of Scotland.
Rabbits with dental disease are prone to developing snuffles.
Initially he worked for a university spinout developing novel systems to decontaminate complex effluents.
For developing a spirituality that is deeply rooted in living in the physical world.
Changing to Bonn also meant a major change of research interests toward the newly developing area of multivariate splines.
State Departmentducation departments are developing databases that track students throughout their K-12 school years.
A major stumbling block preventing this from occurring is the crippling debt these developing countries will subsequently owe.
You might as well, as one man has said, live in a coal pit and claim that you're developing a suntan.
One of IBM's more ambitious current projects involves developing a supercomputer on a chip with the University of Texas.
The Government has also taken a lead in developing superhighways in education and health.
Unless these are resolved, the UK researchers surmise, its economic potential is certain to be compromised, particularly for developing countries.
Others are studying genetic factors to determine whether some people are genetically susceptible to developing PD.
Developing a tort of group defamation which applied to races and religions would be a very sweeping extension of present English law.
A developing tachycardia is often an early sign of unrecognized blood loss.
Stones projecting above the surface give developing tadpoles an opportunity to soak up the sun!
The Script Factory has become one of Europe's leading development organizations working to support screenwriters by finding and developing new screenwriting talent.
Tamoxifen A randomized controlled trial has shown that tamoxifen A randomized controlled trial has shown that tamoxifen reduces the risk of developing breast cancer in women at increased risk for the disease.
The Indian Ocean tsunami (tho caused by earth tectonics) showed how vulnerable the developing world is to massive natural disasters.
After the rather tepid response received by the last title, UT 2003, Epic had to rethink their approach when developing UT 2004.
For the developing world tetanus is a major challenge with a high mortality among all age groups.
Research & Development Pipeline Oxford BioMedica is developing novel gene-based therapeutics in the fields of cancer, virus infection and neurodegenerative disease.
She is part of a local research collaboration developing novel therapeutics targeting regulators of tumor invasion.
I have been developing new methods for studying the thermodynamics of systems with long-range interaction.
Eating tomatoes could help prevent airline passengers developing deep vein thrombosis, scientists have shown.
In both, developing appropriate materials was extremely time-consuming.
First, it traces briefly the trajectory of the debate on industrial clusters in developing countries.
Currently, she is developing her cage harness suit for new Aerial and swinging trapeze.
Too many athletes and weight trainers focus on developing the ' mirror muscles ', the upper trapezius, anterior deltoid and pectorals.
Barden's high precision bearings are also having a major impact in the rapidly developing automotive aftermarket for ball bearing turbochargers.
Edward overcame the tyranny of his guardians at the age of seventeen and then set about developing a new form of awe-inspiring chivalric kingship.
It covers paroxysmal, persistent and permanent AF, considers AF developing after surgical procedures, and offers advice on haemodynamically unstable AF.
In Munich too, a spontaneous upsurge was developing.
A great debate ensued about whether there was value in developing a DOI when a permanent URL could achieve the same degree permanence.
This contrast to the situation in mammals, where the developing fetus receives a continuous external supply of nutrients from the mother's uterus.
The alternative is developing a microcosm viewer for that media type.
The pioneering Crusade team are developing variants of the herpes simplex virus that can be used in novel treatments in cancers.
Thus each participant was engaged in developing his or her negotiation skills vis a vis the other participants.
Gary was a leading visionary with the Highways Agency in developing and promoting the CAT procurement techniques.
Regular checks should be made to ensure that this material in not contaminating watercourses or other sites, or developing roots.
For those whose careers are spent on developing weaponry or GM foods, I agree with you.
Social care practice in this domain in the UK is firmly wedded, in principle at least, to developing evidence-based services.
The roots of hunger The developing world hasn't always been hungry.
Some writers proclaimed the necessity of building railways, developing agriculture and encouraging industries, before resorting to revolution; while others, like the Tuscan Gino Capponi, inspired by the example of England and France, wished to make the people fit for freedom by means of improved schools, books and periodicals.
It has been suggested that the red pigment Anthocyan, which is found very commonly in young developing shoots, petioles and midribs, effects a conversion of light rays into heating ones, so facilitating the metabolic processes of the plant.
Goebel has shown that if the developing foliage-leaves of the fern Onoclea strut/iiopieris be removed as they are formed, the subsequently developed sporophylls assume more or less completely the habit of foliage-leaves, and may be sterile.
In 1743 he published his Tacite de dynamique, a work famous as developing the mechanical principle, known as "Alembert's Principle," first enunciated in 1742 (see Mechanics).
In addition to these great and beneficent changes, means were taken for developing more rapidly the vast natural resources of the country, public instruction received an unprecedented impetus, a considerable amount of liberty was accorded to the press, a strong spirit of liberalism pervaded rapidly all sections of the educated classes, a new imaginative and critical literature dealing with economic, philosophical and political questions sprang into existence, and for a time the young generation fondly imagined that Russia, awakening from her traditional lethargy, was about to overtake, and soon to surpass, on the path of national progress, the older nations of western Europe.
A, of Helix; B, of Eolis; a, ova; b, developing spermatozoa; c, common efferent duct.
P. Marchal has (1904) described this power in two small parasitic Hymenoptera - a Chalcid (Encyrtus) which lays eggs in the developing eggs of the small moth Hyponomeuta, and a Proctotrypid (Polygnotus) which infests a gall-midge (Cecidomyid) larva.
Further, although the wing-rudiments appear externally in an early instar of an exopterygotous insect, the earliest instars are wingless and wing-rudiments have been previously developing beneath the cuticle, growing however outwards, not inwards as in the larva of an endopterygote.
Sentiments of limited independence of the British government had been developing since the very beginning of the settlement (see Massachusetts), and their strength in 1689 had been strikingly exhibited in the local revolution of that year, when the royal governor, Sir Edmund Andros, and other high officials, were frightened into surrender and were imprisoned.
Now the later dramas are often notoriously awkward and redundant; while the removal of those convenient operatic devices which symbolize situations instead of developing them, does not readily appear to be compensated for by any superior artistic resource.
One is forced to the conclusion that there existed in Napoleon's brain a dual capacity - one the normal and reasoning one, developing only the ideas and conceptions of his contemporaries, the other intuitive, and capable only of work under abnormal pressure.
Among notable mammals the chimpanzee is found in Unyoro, Toro and north-west Ankole, and has only recently become extinct in Buganda; the okapi inhabits the Semliki forests on the Congo frontier; the giraffe (the male sometimes developing five horn cores) is common in the Northern, Eastern and Rudolf provinces; there are three types of buffalo - the Cape, the Congo and the Abyssinian; two species of zebra (one of them Grevy's), the African wild ass, the square-lipped (" white ") and pointed-lipped (" black ") rhinoceroses, the elephant, hippopotamus, water tragelaph (" Speke's antelope "), Cape ant-bear, aard-wolf (Proteles), hunting-dog, and nearly every genus and most of the species of African antelopes.
Against trial and sentence he alike protested, developing his protest in a series of articles in the Nouveau Monde, a review published in Paris under his direction.
Meanwhile he had been developing his attack on the feminist movement, which had received a great stimulus in Scandinavia from the dramas of Ibsen.
Ravaisson (see Ravaisson-Mollien), by his Rapport (prepared for the Exhibition of 1867) on philosophy in France, gave a fresh impulse to the transition from spiritual realism to idealism, by developing the Aristotelian g okecn s of matter and the Leibnitzian appetition of monads into " l'amour " as the very being of things.
They carry only some determinant or determinants which are capable of developing colour when they interact with some other determinant or determinants carried alone by pigmented individuals.
At least as early as the beginning of the rrth century, but probably long before that date, mercantile communities claimed the right, confirmed by the emperors, of settling mercantile disputes according to a law of their own, to the horror of certain conservative-minded clerics.& Furthermore, in the rapidly developing towns, opportunities for the exercise of self-administrative functions constantly increased.
In 1875 the London Argand, giving a duty of 3.2 candles illuminating power per cubic foot of ordinary 16 candle gas, was looked upon as the most perfect burner of the day, and little hope was entertained that any burner capable of universal adoption would surpass it in its power of developing light from the combustion of coal gas; but the close of the century found the incandescent mantle and the atmospheric burner yielding six times the light that was given by the Argand for the consumption of an equal volume of gas, and to-day, by supplying gas at an increased pressure, a light of ten times the power may be obtained.
It was from Helvetius that he learnt that, men being universally and solely governed by self-love, the so-called moral judgments are really the common judgments of any society as to its common interests; that it is therefore futile on the one hand to propose any standard of virtue, except that of conduciveness to general happiness, and on the other hand useless merely to lecture men on duty and scold them for vice; that the moralist's proper function is rather to exhibit the coincidence of virtue with private happiness; that, accordingly, though nature has bound men's interests together in many ways, and education by developing sympathy and the habit of mutual help may much extend the connexion, still the most effective moralist is the legislator, who by acting on self-love through legal sanctions may mould human conduct as he chooses.
This disciple of the German philologists, this crowned Carbonaro, the friend of the archaeologists and historians who were to help him to write the Histoire de Cesar, dreamed of developing the policy of nationalism, and of assisting the peoples of all countries to enfranchise themselves.
New 3G Wireless Network Stress Tester UbiNetics is developing a 3G testing system that will simulate ' real-world ' conditions in a lab environment.
Connolly understood socialism in Ireland as standing in, carrying on and developing the tradition of republicanism established by the United Irishmen.
There are churches developing a collegiate style of ministry, resembling somewhat that which the Churches of Christ brought to the URC.
The findings offer an explanation as to why breast cancer is more rife in the western world compared with the developing world.
Walking and Exotic Robots Forum - Online discussion forum for people interested in developing legged robots.
Should you contract rubella during early pregnancy, it can result in serious damage to your developing baby.
To assist range states in developing an international strategy for saiga conservation, that leads to the recovery of the species.
For more information on developing Scouting in ethnic communities, please contact the Community Development Department at Baden-Powell House.
Katharine S. Way (1982) is a successful TV Scriptwriter for Casualty and The Bill and is developing original projects.
A low-cost procedure for automatic seafloor mapping, with particular reference to coral reef conservation in developing nations.
The effects of secondhand smoke on children can be more serious because their bodies are still developing.
No, there have been no recorded instances of the internet developing sentience due to it 's complexity.
Developing our Forest Garden area by planting up a shrub layer of soft fruit bushes.
These two hurdles, for which separate solutions exist, must, however, be solved simultaneously for developing improved vaccines.
The developing spermatogonia rely on the Sertoli cells for all of their nourishment.
We 're experiencing ways in which the common priesthood and the ministerial priesthood are developing together in a spirituality of communion and trust.
She is off the vent after being off for 2 weeks and then being put back on due to her developing a staph infection.
Third, state education departments are developing databases that track students throughout their K-12 school years.
The risks of a developing a stranglehold on these combined areas need to be examined.
As few as one severe sunburn before the age of 18 may double the risk for developing melanoma later in life.
You might as well, as one man has said, live in a coal pit and claim that you 're developing a suntan.
One of IBM 's more ambitious current projects involves developing a supercomputer on a chip with the University of Texas.
Surf kayaking was clearly developing, largely due to the efforts of Oliver Cock, with his annual surf weeks in Bude.
Instead of physical survival traits, we 're developing cultural ones instead.
Ruskin followed this book with a second volume, developing his ideas about symbolism in art.
Progress continues in developing new techniques to match image curves over arbitrary viewpoints for extracting symmetry axes and recognition.
Stones projecting above the surface give developing tadpoles an opportunity to soak up the sun !
The Script Factory has become one of Europe 's leading development organizations working to support screenwriters by finding and developing new screenwriting talent.
Tamoxifen A randomized controlled trial has shown that tamoxifen reduces the risk of developing breast cancer in women at increased risk for the disease.
These studies are aimed at developing high throughput assay procedures.
It further noted Culham 's world leadership in developing the spherical tokamak concept.
Among other things, developing relations with India in the oil sector, would be the topmost item on his agenda.
It is tragic that 5m people a year in developing countries die of communicable diseases.
At same time the levels of soluble transferrin receptor (needed to get iron into developing red cells) rise.
The computational group has a transputer based Meiko Computer Surface and is developing a small parallel array based on i860 nodes.
Barden 's high precision bearings are also having a major impact in the rapidly developing automotive aftermarket for ball bearing turbochargers.
In developing this identity, Fitch set out to create an umbrella brand which would work across each part of the organization.
Second only to Owen as a war poet, he recorded the war and his developing responses with uncompromising honesty.
More info Management Developing People through Coaching tbc This half-day program will focus on the underpinning philosophy, principles and skills of effective coaching.
West 8's design concept focuses heavily on developing an organic, lush and green park, with softly undulating hills.
This contrast to the situation in mammals, where the developing fetus receives a continuous external supply of nutrients from the mother 's uterus.
However, the government did award Edward Jenner £ 10,000 to carry on his work in developing a vaccine against smallpox.
The Blair Government has been much more successful in developing an economy which has grown and withstood the vagaries of the world markets.
The alternative is developing a Microcosm viewer for that media type.
China, North Korea, Cuba, and Russia, among others, are also believed to be developing cyber warfare capabilities.
My priority was n't developing a washboard stomach or fitting into a tight t-shirt without looking like a sack of jellyfish.
The skin becomes inflamed and cracks developing weepy sores and scabs.
Research Royal Holloway has earned a world-class reputation for developing original research.
This exchange of information will assist the Agency in developing co-ordinated strategies for the control of food-borne zoonoses.
The doctor told me my high blood pressure put me at risk of developing an aneurysm in the future.
Many toddlers still put things in their mouths and are still developing their fine and gross motor control; therefore, pay attention to the recommended age on the label.