Developers Sentence Examples
Developers are creating homes in places they would have once considered unthinkable.
Auction site eBay will release new Apis in the next few months so developers can start creating applications.
It was city government's intention that developers should meet the total costs of major developments.
Live Meeting has XML-based Apis that enable developers to create programs that integrate with the Live Meeting service.
Investors in raw acreage can be classified as either speculators or developers, as can purchasers of small lots.
In order to satisfy this demand E-commerce 123 has gathered a team of highly creative experienced website developers.
Levels above 3 are designed for use only by developers and generate HUGE amounts of data, most of which is extremely cryptic.
The move will enable developers to create interactive applications for digital cable.
The code fragment allows web developers to include this search box within a web page.
Documentation is freely available in order to assist developers in their choice of Reynaers products.
AdvertisementPublic opinion surveys has persuaded the developers to reduce the planned height of the turbines to 100m.
The Internet Activation process used by the vast majority of developers is highly expensive, and comes from well established, experienced third-party developers.
How did poor slum dwellers become property developers in their own right?
With accessibility experts working alongside multimedia developers, the idea for Skills for Access came into being.
No more excuse for Prescott to let his crony corporate windfarm developers impose their brutal monstrosities upon local communities... .
AdvertisementThe XSLToolbox's goal is to help developers avoid the drudgery of writing the complicated XSLT transforms often needed to integrate XML applications.
He proposed a national center to get the planners, architects, developers, housing professionals and even the highway engineers to work together.
Usability evaluations by you or experts - these techniques are done by usability experts or the resource developers themselves rather than the end users.
Users and developers should understand that use of this element should be currently considered experimental.
Code Universe also features programming forums, news, articles, dicussion boards, etc. Code Universe - Where developers hangout!
AdvertisementPhotographic developers often contain hydroquinone and these are also well worth investigating.
As well as its ' public gaming servers jolt also provides tailored solutions for game developers, publishers and companies.
Developers at tidal Electric, involved in the concept of tidal lagoons, have met Timms, who is positive about the idea.
Unless faced will ` real life ' situations developers are often loath to modify code or their work practices.
Then it was down to the developers to make matchmaking and stuuf like in Halo 2. Hopefully the 360's live service will be better.
AdvertisementFor these programs, developers used an evolutionary approach, disciplined processes, and meaningful metrics.
The development of the consumer monoculture Historically, the erosion of cultural integrity was a conscious goal of colonial developers.
Philip steered the Campaign to victory over the developers who planned to build a 20 cinema multiplex in Crystal Palace Park.
You can either include the feed in your favorite desktop newsreader, or web developers can embed the feed in their own web sites.
By the time the causeway did open, Sanibel had been declared largely off-limits to the developers.
Employment Opportunities We have established ourself as one of the leading developers of new technology in our arena.
Instead the developers have simply plonked in a custom mode, which allows you to practice a battle using your own parameters.
Also the game looks stunning, and the developers ' attention to detail means the whole thing looks frighteningly realistic.
During the past six months, property developers and investors seeking funding for their property transactions have contacted me on an increasingly regular basis.
Where the control of Japanese Knotweed is not feasible in situ the present lack of appropriate facilities will make disposal extremely restrictive to developers.
You'll also be introduced to suitable developers, as well as basic sepia, selenium and blue toning of fibre-based prints.
Crysis is a sci-fi first-person shooter from the award-winning developer Crytek, the developers of the critically acclaimed Far Cry.
Mall developers are tony Stewart should on quick studies.
Greedy developers, government sycophants and greenie fetishists blatantly lie that their wind-turbines are safe and attractive edifices.
So what excuse do " professional " web developers have for producing tat?
Developer attitudes Developers vary in their approach to mixed tenure development; many would prefer there to be no tenure mix.
Perhaps most importantly, the coming release of the SYSTRAN translation workbench represents a shift in the attitude of MT developers toward users.
The developers made a concession, in quirks mode only, for honoring (misguided) requests to use Symbol font.
Retail reit developers quot the blade his neck fortunately are not written.
The Scottish banks were eager developers and purchasers of the new technology and soon acquired a reputation as innovators.
Sky-high prices for large flats are also pushing developers toward smaller units.
How many of those 15,000 developers will be snooping on the network do you think?
Mall developers are tony stewart should on quick studies.
The whole point of a whirlwind visit to London was meeting investors and developers - plus a little house-hunting on the side.
They therefore require wind farm developers to lodge payment up front for grid development.
Perhaps most importantly, the coming release of the SYSTRAN Translation Workbench represents a shift in the attitude of MT developers toward users.
Apple, the manufacturer of Macintosh computers, offers discounted products to students, employees, and developers.
The goals for the developers in all the countries were very similar; however, the way they designed the cards was not the same.
With the desire to assist project developers and entrepreneurs who are needed finances as well as those investors looking for financing vehicles, the Renewable Energy Finance Network Directory contains a wealth of information.
The mission of developers behind Webster's Online Dictionary is to create the largest free dictionary of modern language.
The developers of GIMP are actually volunteers who have been working hard to create a polished, professional, and easy to operate photo editing program that can compete with expensive applications like Photoshop.
However, the developers offer full support and documentation to lead advanced and intermediate photographers smoothly through the program.
As web developers understand how powerful the teenage demographic is, the amount of websites for high school students rises.
No details are yet available about when either of these clubs will open in Birmingham's new $50 million entertainment district, but developers hope to have the district open in summer 2009.
Hugh Hefner saves Hollywood hill, meaning the actual sign (not be confused with The Hills), from developers.
In 2006, they acquired Hughes Supply, which has assimilated into HD Supply, serving contractors and multi-family housing developers.
One of the leading developers and manufacturers of CPAP equipment in the United States produces Resmed CPAP products.
Many times, small family owned parks may be sold to housing developers or other corporations that opt to abandon the amusement park in favor of potentially more profitable projects.
Keep in mind that most downloaded ROMs are illegal; publishers and developers need to release the rights of the programming in order for the ROM to be legal.
The great thing about digital downloads through services like PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade, and Wii Virtual Console is that developers can take chances that they may not otherwise be able to take with conventional retail releases.
However, in more recent years, video game developers and publishers are increasingly recognizing that making everything pink isn't what will attract women to gaming.
Considering that new Mario games for the Wii don't come out all that often, many gamers have turned to the Internet and indepedent developers to create some great Mario remakes.
Given the open source (and free) nature of Linux, there aren't too many major video game developers, publishers, and studios that create games for the platform.
Even though Sims 2 was released in 2004, there is still a large community of developers working on more enhancements and tweaks almost every month.
These same developers also work on Sims 3 add-ons, so if you have that game, keep your eyes open for those as well.
The game is actually part of a thesis developed by developers at the University of Southern California.
The convention includes panels with game publishers, developers and personalities and offers sneak peeks of games and tips on breaking into the industry.
The fifth annual Game Developers Conference Europe (GDCE), will be held in London from August 30 to September 1.
On August 30th, the conference will include a one day seminar on mobile game technology, featuring speakers from leading mobile developers, publishers, handset manufacturers and carriers.
Despite being released on 8-bit systems, the game looks absolutely fantastic as the developers have really got making games for the systems down to a 'T' by now.
It's true - your favorite game developers want you to develop an unhealthy pallor from sitting in front of a cathode ray tube all the time.
When making games, developers try to incorporate many compelling elements.
It has unsurprisingly taken a dim view toward the creations of video gaming's randier developers.
While commercially not as successful as action games, they have an enormous following of fans and independent developers.
In an effort to attract more budget-minded consumers, the developers of the game also offer a Special Value Edition of the game.
But then developers got their acts together and let loose some original and damn entertaining games, making it the number one handheld system.
The lineup of titles from both first and third party developers was respectable, and now that companies are getting the Wii-groove, more and better games are finding their way to store shelves.
The PlayStation 2 received a lot of loving from video game developers in 2005.
The innovation continues to pour out of developers' studios as they discover new ways to use the unique features of the DS.
From the Wii launch titles right up to the latest releases, Nintendo and third-party developers have done a fantastic job with creating video games for kids.
The developers of Brothers in Arms went through actual military training to gain first-hand knowledge of real fire team tactics, and this is reflected in the gameplay.
As you can imagine, because these are Buzz Lightyear free online kids games, the developers have kept the violence to a minimum.
Game developers are taking advantage of the enhancements on handsets and are making new and advanced cell phone video games.
In fact, Croteam has gotten into the 3D engine market, selling the licensed use of their major code components to developers who want a quick start on a new project.
However, developers will still support the Xbox for some time and the Xbox 360 offers limited backwards compatibility.
The Xbox receives less support from Japanese developers than the other two biggies, so don't expect too many role playing games.
Of course this is not the case, rivalries exist between millions of gamers as they fight to stand up for there favourite developers and producers as well as genres and formats.
Patches are often made available by developers to remove bugs and similar well into the games lifetime, whereas problems with console games are always going to be that way.
Various developers take advantage of the new technology being available to the general public and release intensely impressive games in terms of expanse and graphics.
In 2004, the original developers of Counter Strike moved the game into the Source engine, giving the graphics a major upgrade and allowing more realistic physics and better environments for the game.
The European conference, The Game Connection, allows developers and publishers to meet to do business.
One of the oldest video game industry conferences -- The Game Developers Conference -- will be held in San Francisco from March 7th-11th, 2006.
Not surprisingly, the developers built on this with up to four players going head to head in occasionally furious dance-offs.
Because there isn't nearly as much animation found in these hidden objects games as in titles of different genres, the developers are able to integrate much higher quality and details in the background.
Shareware - Shareware games are similar to commercial games except they are often made by smaller independent developers.
Depending on the game, developers could maximize a game's potential by utilizing the VMU.
SportsCenter, the network's signature telecast, created a famous look that video game developers have clamored to integrate into their own video games.
Ouendan featured Japanese artists, the developers here have created a playlist that reads like the amalgamation of a teenage girl's CD collection with her parents' dust-collecting vinyl collection.
Developers are adding more realistic collisions and physics - linemen don't scrub up against each other like two man-sized blocks of concrete, but rather push limb against limb.
Football is a difficult visual problem for video game developers.
There are some ROMs that are home-brewed, which means they are programmed by non-commericial developers for distribution.
Free video game design programs can give you a taste of what the big name developers do.
No wonder developers immediately began porting classics from the SNES onto the new Game Boy.
New items, levels and other goodies could be featured if developers chose to utilize it.
A part of the fee from the subscription goes towards paying royalties to the the publishers and developers of the games.
At the time, it was innovative -- not to mention great fun.Many times since then, developers have attempted to recreate the magic of the Gauntlet franchise, with mixed results.
If you were not a part of this specific demographic, the game developers wanted very little to do with you.
Besides, the game developers are making the girls tougher and with awesome fighting skills, as well as giving them abilities that were once given to male characters.
As technology gives developers the ability to create characters that look and act real, there will undoubtedly be better and more realistic girls of gaming on the horizon.
The game offers impressive production values and shows the developers' attention to detail.
To offer a more unified experience for gamers, the developers have also opened up the ability to import tracks from other related games into Guitar Hero 5.
Accused cheaters have no recourse, according to the developers at Bungie.
The developers at Bungie have been having fun with gamers since the release of Halo 2 several years ago.
The video game developers wanted to create titles that anyone could play, regardless of whether they were 8 or 80 years old.
Mattel started the revolution with their LED-lighted sports games Baseball, Football, and Basketball, but developers soon realized that portable games with interchangeable cartridges were the way to go.
The graphics were slightly better (as evident in Vectorman) and developers quickly saw a need for Genesis games and put them out as fast as they could.
The Sega Genesis, the first 16-bit system, is released by Sega and is the system that had the following of more than 40 developers through its run.
Sega Genesis Collection also offers unlockable bonus games and interviews with the original Sega developers.
Nintendo of America's early policy toward third-party developers limited them to five games per year.
So, as many developers did at the time, they established a quasi-independent subsidiary to release more games per year while complying with Nintendo's limitations.
With great competition in the video game market, major developers will cater to the gamer's needs on recalls without hesitance.
The formula for cartoon racers begun by Super Mario Kart has been imitated by several other developers, usually with little success.
Developers Alpha Dream and Nintendo have also found ingenious ways to incorporate traditional Mario Bros elements into an incredibly fresh adventure without making them seem stale or tacked on.
The team of developers worked closely with expert sources to ensure the historical accuracy of the game.
The company has several subsidiaries and recently purchased a number of independent developers to strengthen its production teams.
Some third-party developers have worked on and are continuing to work on agreements with Nintendo to bring the player-created Miis into their games as well.
The developers wanted to focus on the environment and have done two things that innovate the first person shooter genre.
If you have played the other Nancy Drew games, you should have a pretty goodidea of what to expect in this game, although the developers have added a few new features.
Many developers have been involved in making the games, and this 13th version in the franchise was created by Slightly Mad Studios with Canadian developer EA Black Box.
With over 60 cars to race in Shift, the developers have split the types of cars into special "Tiers."
Many of the important announcements from the largest video game developers and companies will come at the major video game trade shows.
To get word straight from the horse's mouth, it is oftentimes a good idea to visit the official websites of game companies and game developers.
The increased cost of manufacturing cartridges -- $25, compared to 10-cent CDs -- turned many third-party developers away.
Because many third-party developers shifted their focus away from Nintendo, a significant proportion of the titles found on the Nintendo 64 were either developed in-house, or by "second-party" companies like Rare.
The "DS" stands for "Dual Screen" or "Developer's System" and is intended to urge developers to create more innovative games with the system's creative features.
To set the system apart from the rest of the market, Nintendo included a number of unique features on the DS that game developers utilize in many ways.
Nevertheless, Nintendo has provided a launching point for developers to flaunt their creativity and open a new range of gaming possibilities for the world.
Courting third-party developers, as well as first-party titles featuring the Mario family of characters, the Nintendo Entertainment System went on to sell in excess of 60 million units worldwide.
The developers have made the game on a PC and say it will easily be localized for any next-gen system for release.
Time will tell, but with excellent graphics that developers will no doubt improve on and the versatility of a media player, the $249.99 price tag gives you a lot more than the Nintendo DS and tons more than the Gameboy Advance.
That said, most homebrew applications and freely-distributed titles from independent developers are likely fair game.
It made the games quicker to load, more expensive for developers to manufacture, and harder to hack.
This port, which generally went ignored by game developers, allowed the GameShark people (and other cheat-device makers) an interface for affecting the games that the PSX ran.
Most PSP users simply plug games in and play them the way the developers intended -- these people do not have to worry about this Trojan horse.
The developers will continue to produce some world class titles that will continue to do wonders at the cash register.
While video game developers have long sought the answer to this question, there are a few quantities known to make for a good puzzle game.
The video game developers have done a good job with this offering and it's a lot of fun for the whole family.
In this way, Sony's possible jump into motion-sensitive controllers might be attractive to game developers.
This allows developers to provide impressive 1080p graphics, large level maps, and plenty of extras that may not have been possible with the smaller format of the DVD disc.
The developers have created a 3D comic book-styled video game.
The developers of Seed hope to release the game in April of 2006.
Brenda Brathwaite, game designer and chair of the International Game Developers Association's Sexuality SIG will chair the event and deliver a keynote address as well.
Like all the newest consoles of its generation, it promises ground-breaking new graphical detail, and puts unprecedented processing and memory resources at the feet of eager game developers.
If enemies can hear your movements, developers wanted to make sure that the gamer hears them as well.
More advanced technology gave developers the chance to enhance control and graphics in their games.
The Jedi Knight series continues through 2005, while the Xbox RPG Knights of the Old Republic won "Game of the Year" from the Game Developers Choice Awards in 2004.
This hat gives Link the ability to change size at certain places, a move well-utilized by the developers at Capcom.
Nothing particularly special, but I can't exactly fault the developers for not spending too much time on this front either.
Sadly, the biggest fault of the game is the fact that the developers gave you this huge environment to play around in, but hardly bother with letting the player choose how the game falls into place.
If it does, then you are in luck because you will get a superior picture (especially if the game developers used Hi-Def in the game) and superior sound.
If your school has intern relationships with major developers and publishers, this benefit will work well for you.
If you feel your portfolio is weak, spend some time creating your own sample projects; video game developers admire this kind of initiative and the demonstration of creativity is appreciated.
Most video game developers have full-time teams of programmers, artists and designers.
Most of the confusion about video game developers and publishers comes from the fact that there is a lot of role overlap in the video game industry.
For example, many game publishers have their own in-house development teams as well as contracting with outside video game developers to provide games for them to publish.
In addition, some video game developers either make the transition to publishing their own games as they become more successful.
In recent years, the video game industry has seen substantial consolidation as several of the larger publishers have purchased multiple developers.
In some instances those developers are fully integrated into the publisher; in other cases they are left as separate business units with a fair amount of autonomy.
Often, the budgets and resources are better for the in-house developers, but these roles may be harder to land straight out of school.
Independent video game developers are often more willing to take a chance on a talented novice to the field.
As games get more realistic and developers try to push the envelope, it's possible that they will get away with more and more as time goes on.
Developers are apprehensive about putting video game nudity into their creations because it is proven that games with the Adults Only (AO) rating are poor performers.
Games must be fun and not gimmicky and most of your developers know this and most of your gamers can recognize gimmicky when they see it.
As a result, they are open to a lot more options than the official developers.
Even though developers go through a stringent testing process before releasing any given product, several issues inevitably arise, and that is why video game patches exist.
Video game patches should always be free to attain, either directly from the original video game developers website or through third-party sources.
Bolded items are still supported by developers.
Major areas in Canada that have the strongest video game industry presence includes Montreal and Vancouver, as well as numerous developers throughout Ontario.
The successful developers will be those that focus on games that capture the hearts and minds of gamers across the world, whether they are video games developed in Canada or elsewhere.
Gamers had games, developers had money, and all marketers had to do was worship one demographic.
And also like infants, video game developers (and consumers) love whatever is shiny and new.
In its short time in video game hardware, Microsoft has made a snug place for its system and successfully muscled around developers to create exclusive games for its console.
The Xbox 360 is reportedly quite powerful and has a relatively strong support from third-party developers, including more Japanese companies than before.
Developers such as the industry veteran Nintendo, realizes that the market must open its arms to a wider audience in order to survive.
Still, the potential is there, and in a few years, perhaps the developers can add some much needed strategic depth and help this feature reach its full potential.
Seamus also gathered the first members of the team and helped developers understand how they can create for the Xbox.
Developers utilized for the first time Dolby Interactive Content Encoding Technology, which allowed game developers to use true Dolby Digital sound during gameplay and rendered cut-scenes.
This way, developers don't have to deal with repetitive code and many of the boring aspects related to designing video games.
The Express edition of XNA Game Studio is largely targeted at students, hobbyist and independent game developers.
In order to publish the "precompiled binaries", game developers will need to pay an annual fee of $99 for admission to the XNA "Creators Club."
The developers have a core set of games they work on, but they also go with games that have the popular vote, so you might be playing From Russia With Love on the 360 yet!
The PlayStation systems have a unique architecture that programmers and developers are not as familiar with.
It's largely up to the developers, but we can look to a recent similar generational change for comparison.
We should expect another small increase in other gameplay factors as innovative developers find new ways to play old tricks, and find new tricks entirely.
It also prevents game developers from stretching the Xbox 360's limits by caching data to the hard drive in the form of virtual memory - something every PC does with regularity.
It's also the first to allow developers to patch buggy games, much like PC games.
The phenomenon may have had some humble beginnings with early Guitar Hero titles, but rhythm games have quickly exploded into huge popularity (and profitability for developers).
Since then, several other developers have created some great franchises with intriguing characters, unique special moves, and riveting gameplay.
Developers are getting more and more creative by the day with live wallpapers, opening up a whole new way to personalize your cell phone.
Generally speaking, there are fewer third-party developers of programs for the BlackBerry operating system than there are for Windows Mobile or other smartphone platforms.
For many novices and even intermediate users, the process can sound quite complex and that's why developers are working on easier ways to unlock the iPhone.
At the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2008 in San Francisco, Apple head honcho Steve Jobs announced a new service called MobileMe.
Each month, the developers will also release three additional songs for you to download.
One of the big differences between Google Android and these other platforms is that it is an "open source" platform, meaning that the raw code is available for other developers to build upon and to expand.
Furthermore, there is an Android Market where third-party developers can create and distribute a wide range of applications for Android phones, not unlike the iPhone App Store.
When asked about this, the developers said that the Android community will take care of those functions in the form of third-party applications.
This means that not only can official developers build and expand upon Google Android, but also smaller "amateur" developers.
This is similar in some ways to the iPhone App Store, except developers will be able to work with the very operating system and not just with creating new applications and games.
For now, the developers are looking toward an LTE launch some time in 2011.
While some apps, like Facebook for iPhone, are official releases from larger companies, a large number of the cell phone apps out there are actually created by amateur developers.
Before launching the Windows 7 Phone Series SDK to developers, Microsoft announced several hardware requirements for their Windows Phone 7.
The first official "Google Phone," the Nexus One is now only available to registered developers of Android applications.
This can largely be credited to the quickly advancing popularity of the Apple iPhone, but other developers like Research in Motion's BlackBerry have also worked to appeal to a more mainstream audience.
Jigsaw puzzles are also good hand-eye coordination developers, as are blocks or tower toys that encourage playing and coordination.
The professional product line includes five brands of permanent hair color, four brands of semi-permanent hair color, lightening paste, powder lightener, and a variety of developers and color essentials.
Computer programmers and web developers are needed to work on the Walmart website.
Managing programmers, developers, engineers, systems analysts, computer scientists, technicians and technology administrators.
The Academy of Sciences buildings were damaged enough in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake that developers began planning to rebuild the facilities.
At Imaginarium S.A., toy developers hope that each dollhouse is a model for quality play through promoting positive values and character qualities.
Then we each contact writers and recipe developers to get the new stories underway.
Graphic designers, Web developers, and printing companies are just some of the many businesses that work with writers on a regular basis.
Technical writers are sometimes known as technical content developers, documentation engineers, information developers, or document specialists.
Game developers and publishers willingly submit their games to the ESRB for ratings and, similar to the method used by filmmakers, will edit their games' content if seeking a particular rating.
The developers plan to build a housing community on the site.
To supply the increasing demand, both children's product developers and alarm clock manufacturers make alarm clocks for small busy fingers and expanding young minds.
Through research studies the developers of the assessment test that is standardized to measure the following in babies as young as six months old.
While video game developers dress quite differently than modular housing company execs, you don't have that option.
Firefox developers at the Mozilla Foundation are constantly developing new features and regularly issue updates for free.
Brokers, lawyers, real estate developers, accountants, planners and business incubators should have their ears to the ground and can help.
But the upcoming 2006 change to Intel chips in Macintosh operating systems may open up the Mac line to developers to again create business products.
While anti-spyware developers are working to develop fixes, no current program is able to detect this bug.
Other compatible applications are available submitted by a community of developers.
Each day, several new attacks occur, the result of which is constant updates by anti-spyware program developers.
Developers of Pattern Maker offer a four day free trial before you purchase.
The idea became a trend and other real estate developers created parcourses throughout the country.
The company was one of the major developers of the silky nylon tricot that still is used to make their nightgowns.
Underwire bras are often overlooked for girls, but they are a great solution for early developers who don't want to have their performance affected on the field or on the court.
Frostwire is a beta network which the developers claim offers the same downloading speed of Limewire Pro.
At that time, it operated off of the Gnutella network, but within six months, the developers switched the program to work off of its own network.
That's another bit of research that savvy marketers and social networking site developers should take to heart.
Fortunately, some savvy web developers have discovered a unique way to use SNA as a method of creating world peace.
Copyright management is important in the developers and those who maintain the architecture.
Since the popularity of MySpace and Facebook, social networking developers have been creating websites and embedded programs so that Internet users can stay connected.
Social networking developers are the brains behind the programming, layouts and overall feel of a social networking website.
Developers typically monitor their websites daily looking for bugs, comments or suggestions for improvement and they look for ways to add new and creative features.
There are quite a few developers behind the major companies that create some of the most popular social networking websites.
The social network developers for Twitter wanted a quick way for users to communicate with one another via the Web or text messaging, so you have 140 characters to relay your status update.
The developers of Digg (and other sites like them) have created an easy way to digg submissions via a toolbar.
Many tools also work with Scuttle, which can make it attractive to developers familiar with the larger platform but looking to implement it for personal or small community use.
Of all types of online communities across the Internet, there is an abundance of websites that offer social networking for website developers.
Website developers are typically people who are very enthusiastic about Internet programming and website design.
Regardless of their individual interests, one trait most website developers share is a desire to network with one another in order to share programming ideas, design successes or to seek guidance from one another.
FlashMove is a large portal for Flash developers that includes a forum, blogs, a mail system, galleries and even a store and tutorials.
The following sites are devoted to social networking website developers and are focused on the PHP approach to web design.
There are avid ASP enthusiasts around the world who gather together on social networks for website developers in order to get advice, offer help or collaborate together on group community projects.
The website is home base for most ASP developers. is another ASP community for developers who want to grow and advance together in their understanding of ASP.
For example, the Steam Community offers the Javaserver Group to JSP developers, and RailsLodge is an online social network for Ruby on Rails developers.
Paste the HTML code in this section and MySpace will read the code as if it had been programmed by one of their own developers.
Facebook mobile is safe to use and created by the developers of the main website.
Approved developers are the only users capable of changing Facebook profile pages through HTML code.
As developers attune to the wants and needs of Facebook users, Facebook profile trackers were born.
TwitterKeys was designed by two developers from The Next Web.
Learning how to create a Facebook app can open up a whole new avenue for web developers to create and profit.
One of the first things to check when you're hoping to begin Facebook development is the Developers page on Facebook.
This links you to the Developers on Facebook, which has Documentation and a link to the Forum where other developers of all levels discuss their problems and answers.
There are also links to preferred developers who can assist with the various parts of your app development.
Social networking app developers create the tools that allow you to connect via sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter with friends, family members, co-workers and more through your smartphone while you're on the go.
Social networking app developers know that their creations need to enrich your social life or online social experience in some way.
Bebo developers will find a helpful blog and find the necessary API libraries on the site.
The Facebook Developers page offers great tips for getting started creating a Facebook app to be used on the site.
There are some great tips and tools out there for those who feel comfortable as social networking app developers.
For a big company, it's the kind of effort that involves dozens of developers, marketers and support people.
Web developers who create web pages full-time often have very little overhead.
Web developers realize the potential of this medium and have created several flash website design awards for those who strive to push the limits of the medium.
Their flash website design award is one of the most respected among developers.
However, for most website developers, just viewing the site locally with a web browser will suffice.
Free Web Builder Program offers a comprehensive list of the free online programs that are available to website developers.
With most content developers hoping to earn an income from their work, it can be very difficult to find this content for free, but it isn't impossible.
Luckily, one of the more effective advertising methods online is offering free content, and many image developers offer a great deal of royalty free content in order to advertise their skills.
Both website developers and font designers often need to know how to display sample fonts on a web page.
For many years, web developers have been trying to get around the problems associated with the lack of commonality between the various operating systems and supported fonts.
For this reason, many web developers recommend that users of Internet Explorer especially disable javascript.
It isn't always obvious to many web developers why graphic design is important on the Internet.
Most developers make sure that their websites can still communicate the message they want whether JavaScript is enabled or not; others put the interactive parts into other kinds of interactivity such as CSS, AJAX, Flash, and widgets.
There is also a very active community of plug-in developers who provide ways to make your site do exactly what you want it to, including integration with the other services listed here.
Easier to learn than Dreamweaver, the robust application includes many themes and plug-ins designed to give complete control and flexibility to web developers for whatever they want to create.
With Microsoft's domination of the server and operating system environment, there are always many developers creating new tools for business owners.
It is free to download, and developers use it to create many different kinds of applications, from games to banking and everything in between.
Java is integrated into the GAE which is supposed to make it easy for java developers to integrate their technologies into the web hosting environment offered by the "cloud."
A full list of the supported java frameworks is provided, but some developers have had difficulty making their "pure java" apps run smoothly on the GAE.
All of that changed as the developers recognized the potential of Flash for not just illustrating websites but also for running entire sites.
Instead, Adobe created an "Exchange" where developers could release both free and commercial "Extensions" for Dreamweaver.
It enables developers to release many plugins for free, much like the open source community.
Eventually, the MySQL developers noticed this, and they came up with a couple of commands to make that process easier.
With Notepad, web developers can create text-based templates to easily use on the fly.
Even developers who prefer the use of third-party editors can benefit from occasionally completing an entire page from scratch.
John Hetenyi and Gustavus Szontagh must be rather regarded as adopters and developers of the ethical teaching of Samuel Koteles in the previous period.
By developing a sustainable technology, developers acquire some green credentials.
The aminophenols also find application as developers in photography, the more important of these developers being amidol, the hydrochloride of diaminophenol, ortol, the hydrochloride of para-methylaminophenol, C6H4.