Devastation Sentence Examples
But on the whole there was no ruinous devastation of the land.
They flew over the Peak, and she straightened to see the devastation in the moonlight.
Finally, after months of inaction, Ibrahim began once more his systematic devastation of the country.
In 1821 and 1883 great devastation was caused here by floods.
Some of the plays seem to have bordered on the political, as The Plunderings, describing the devastation of Sicily in the time of the poet.
Delavigne, inspired by the catastrophe of 1815, wrote two impassioned poems, the first entitled Waterloo, the second, Devastation du musee, both written in the heat of patriotic enthusiasm, and teeming with popular political allusions.
In 1170 a great flood caused immense devastation in the north and helped to form the Zuider Zee.
His one act of wanton devastation, the clearing of the New Forest, has been grossly exaggerated.
The shadow of nuclear devastation is over our planet.
Without sufficient protection, and the right types of business insurance coverage, a single problem or disaster could result in financial devastation.
AdvertisementA tale of utter devastation which whole swathes of the countryside may never recover from.
It can cause devastation to a myriad of people who are trapped in its vicious cycle.
Homeowners need to be covered in the event of a flood, fire, or other form of devastation, and must also have the insurance coverage that will protect them in case another person hurts themselves on the property and decides to sue.
The video featured both shots of the recording process and footage of the devastation in Haiti.
Though the outbreak was unconnected with the religious feud, the latent fanaticism of both creeds was soon aroused, and the island once more became a scene of pillage and devastation.
AdvertisementThe islands on the sea-front are exposed to devastation by cyclonic storm-waves.
Since the last devastation Rangoon has undergone considerable improvements.
The space battle stopped completely as Qatwali, Anshan, and Yirkin alike watched the devastation of his planet.
This would wreak devastation in such a fragile environment.
More recently, people had witnessed the devastation caused by the bombing of cities during the Spanish Civil War.
AdvertisementThey clearly cared for the people affected by the financial devastation they saw around them.
These Cylons were originally biologically born on Earth, but rediscovered resurrection technology when nuclear devastation threatened.
He journeys to the cave to get answers for Jor-El, and his biological father explains that he must bring the three crystals together immediately to avert cataclysmic devastation.
The Christians made efforts to creep back to their former possessions and churches were rebuilt in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth; but another devastation was the result of the ferocious inroads of the Mongolian Timur (Tamerlane) in 1400.
Not even the German bombs could inflict more devastation on the capital of Ulster in the last war.
AdvertisementIn 1625 a large flood caused devastation from Tiverton down to Exeter.
It burnt for six days, so you can imagine the devastation that it's caused to our great city.
In April 1942, Bath suffered enormous devastation at the hands of the Luftwaffe.
Natural catastrophes and the havoc of War cause widespread devastation, wiping out life and art in a matter of seconds.
True, by the time of its collapse 15 years ago the Soviet Union was a byword for ecological devastation.
With a morbid fascination, people flocked to Kirkwall from outer areas to catch a glimpse of the devastation.
As other wannabes jostle to express their devastation to the cameras they start to realize that everyone wants to cash in on the tragedy.
While the tsunami undoubtedly caused much death and devastation in this island nation, only the easternmost islands were affected.
Once things quietened down, we climbed back into the camp; it was a scene of total devastation.
Elizabeth, whose prudence and parsimony were averse to so formidable an undertaking as the complete subjugation of the powerful Irish chieftain, desired peace with him at almost any price; especially when the devastation of his territory by Sussex brought him no nearer to submission.
On the other hand, the vassal was not bound to render service, unless he were paid for his service; and it was only famine, or Saracen devastation, which freed the king from the obligation of paying his men.
By 1570 the strife had degenerated into a barbarous devastation of border provinces; and in July of the same year both countries accepted the mediation of the Emperor, and peace was finally concluded at Stettin on Dec. 13, 1570.
It is true that many of these ranges are characterized by the rounded tops and the rather evenly slanting, waste-covered slopes which ncrmally result from the long-continued action of the ordinary agencies of erosion; that they bear little snow in summer and are practically wanting in glaciers; that forests are often scanty on the middle and lower slopes, the mord so because of devastation by fires; and that the general impression of great altitude is much weakened because the mountains are seen from a base which itself is 5000 or 6000 ft.
In 375 it again joined the Athenian alliance; two years later it was besieged by a Lacedaemonian armament, but in spite of the devastation of its flourishing countryside held out successfully until relief was at hand.
The circumstance which has given popular interest to the lemming is that certain districts of the cultivated lands of Norway and Sweden, where in ordinary circumstances they are unknown, are, at uncertain intervals varying from five to twenty or more years, overrun by an army of these little creatures, which steadily and slowly advance, always in the same direction, and regardless of all obstacles, swimming streams and even lakes of several miles in breadth, and committing considerable devastation on their line of march by the quantity of food they consume.
Its end led directly to the Cold War, which consumed inconceivable amounts of money and almost pushed the world to the brink of nuclear devastation.
In spite of the devastation that it is causing the disease still has a taboo status.
The establishment of the Interstate Commerce Commission was hailed as a first step toward ending the devastation wrought by rate wars.
Disappointment eventually turns to devastation when you, in an act of desperation, contact the company and find out that the product has been discontinued.
Save The Children sends teams to help both children and families recover from the devastation.
Only a passing object the size of an actual star would be guaranteed to cause environmental devastation on Earth.
But on the whole there was no ruinous devastation df the land.
It's not unusual for losing a job to cause feelings of relief, devastation, loss, anger, and even a moderate amount of happiness.
Everyone knows active alcoholics and have seen the devastation in their lives as a result of alcohol, and if I can be that one example on how it can work, then I have accomplished my goal.
Oprah eventually shoved Rosie into the Dome of Devastation, slicing her up in cubes.
The first National Fire Prevention Day was officially declared in 1920 by President Woodrow Wilson as a way of remembering the death and devastation caused of the Great Chicago Fire and the Great Peshitgo Fire of 1871.
The demo was impressive, the destroyed city with its crumbled buildings and rubble everywhere really gives you a sense of doom and devastation.
The environment really captures the devastation of the city's destruction.
Moms and dads may feel their faith and religious beliefs shaken by the devastation of losing a baby, and the clergy can help them identify, sort through, and learn to come to peace with these feelings.
This catastrophic event has caused devastation in Haiti like it has never seen before.
Helping the people of Haiti after devastation such as an earthquake requires the support of many.
This provides some small lasting reminder of the terrible devastation for the current generation.
Then, in the subtlest suggestion of wartime devastation, this instinct civilization falls back through the cracks.
They are escaping persecution, death or devastation in their home country.
It is what makes devastation seem not so shocking.
His ambiguous conduct, however, led to the despatch of two expeditions against the Mirdites and the devastation of their territory.
Until the advent of the nomads from central Asia, and the devastation of Mesopotamia and the opposite Syrian shore of the river, there were many flourishing cities along its course, the ruins of which, representing all periods, still dot its banks.
The delusion was dissipated slowly, and even after the great Tatar invasion and devastation of eastern Europe its effects still influenced the mind of Christendom and caused popes and kings to send missions to the Tatar hordes with a lingering feeling that their khans, if not already Christians, were at least always on the verge of conversion.
It reviews all the abuses, declares that the German people are the victims of war, devastation and dearth, and that the common man is beginning to comment on the vast amount of wealth that is collected for expeditions against the Turk through indulgences or otherwise, and yet no expedition takes place.
A large portion of the Great Army refused to be bound by the peace of Wedmore, made some further attempts on England which were frustrated by Alfred's powerful new-built fleet, and then sailed to the continent and spread devastation far and wide.
His capacity for accepting the gravest responsibilities was shown, not less than by his handling of an army in battle, by his ruthless devastation of the Valley - a severe measure felt to be necessary both by Sheridan himself and by Grant.
These invasions were fortunately not frequent, but when they occurred they caused an incalculable amount of devastation and suffering.
The advance of a Turkish detachment through the western districts, where other garrisons were besieged, was marked by pillage and devastation, and 5000 Christian peasants took refuge on the desolate promontory of Spada, where they suffered extreme privations.
He dissuaded the Romans, disheartened by the devastation wrought by the Gauls, from migrating to Veii, and induced them to rebuild the city.
The disastrous invasion of the Turks, incessant civil wars and devastation by foreign armies and pestilence, caused a very heavy loss both of population and of prosperity.
He was ejected for Nonconformity in 1662, and was so affected by the sight of the devastation caused by the great fire of London that he died shortly afterwards, on the 29th of October 1666.
In the following campaign of 362 Mantineia, after narrowly escaping capture by the Theban general Epaminondas, became the scene of a decisive conflict in which the latter achieved Achaeans and jealousy of Megalopolis, was punished in 222 by a thorough devastation of the city, which was now reconstituted as a dependency of Argos and renamed Antigoneia.
The work of devastation was renewed, the priests were driven out, and on the Siintel mountains near Minden, the Frankish forces were almost annihilated.
His attributes were the spear and the burning torch, symbolical of the devastation caused by war (in ancient times the hurling of a torch was the signal for the commencement of hostilities).
Early sharply followed them up, his men infuriated by the devastation of the "Granary of the Confederacy."
On the 6th of May 1527 the Eternal City was stormed by the Imperial troops and subjected to appalling devastation in the famous sack.
A mistake at the outset would probably have been fatal to him, but he saw the dangers of his position and moved so warily that in less than a year he had obtained the alliance of the elector of Saxony, a consequence of the terrible sack of Magdeburg by the imperialists in May 1631 and of the devastation of the electorate by Tilly.
The Baluch is still essentially a robber and a raider (a trait which is common to all tribes), and the history of Baluchistan is nothing but a story of successful robberies, of lawless rapine and bloodshed, for which plunder and devastation were accounted a worthy and honourable return.
The Yorkists courted the approval of public opinion by their careful avoidance of pillage and requisitions; and the Lancastrians, though less scrupulous, only once launched out into general raiding and devastation, during the advance of the queens army to St Albans in the early months of 1461.
The princes of Baroda were one of the chief branches of the Mahratta confederacy, which in the 18th century spread devastation and terror over India.
In the devastation of the north of England which followed the Conquest, Beverley is said to have escaped by a miracle attributed to St John; the Norman leader, while about to enter and pillage the church, fell from his horse dead, and the king, thinking this a sign that the town was under the protection of heaven, exempted it from pillage.
While Miinnich conducted a systematic devastation of the peninsula, forces were detached under his lieutenants Leontiev and Lascy to attack Kinburn (Kilburun) and Azov.
The final castastrophe was the invasion of the Gauls about 270 to 250; and, though the circumstances of this invasion are almost unknown, yet we may safely reckon among them the complete devastation of northern Phrygia.
The closing of the French market to Sicilian produce, the devastation wrought by the phylloxera and the decrease of the sulphur trade had combined to produce in Sicily a discontent of which Socialist agitators took advantage to organize the workmen of the towns and the peasants of the country into groups known as fasci.
It was Thomas who organized the Toulouse campaign of 1159; even in the field he made himself conspicuous by commanding a company of knights, directing the work of devastation, and superintending the conduct of the war after the king had withdrawn his presence from the camp. When there was war with France upon the Norman border, the chancellor acted as Henry's representative; and on one occasion engaged in single combat and unhorsed a French knight of reputation.
The efforts of Ladislaus of Hungary to mediate were vain, and the years 1497 and 1498 were marked by a terrible devastation of Poland by the Ottomans; only the bitter winter, which is said to have killed 40,000 Turks, prevented the devastation from being more complete.
The king ravaged the country as far north as Durham with such completeness that traces of devastation were still to be seen sixty years later.
The French now laid waste the land between the Meuse and Moselle for the same reason which brought about the devastation of the Palatinate in 1674, and the year closed with a war of manoeuvre on the upper Rhine between the Imperialists under the duke of Lorraine and the French under Luxemburg.
This devastation has usually been considered as a grave stain on the character of the commander who ordered it, but Turenne's conception of duty did not differ in this respect from that of Cromwell, Marlborough, Wellington and the generals of the American Civil War.
Dicuil's knowledge of the islands north and west of Britain is evidently intimate; his references to Irish exploration and colonization, and to (more recent) Scandinavian devastation of the same, as far as the Faeroes, are noteworthy, like his notice of the elephant sent by Harun al-Rashid (in 801) to Charles the Great, the most curious item in a political and diplomatic intercourse of high importance.
Peccaries are omnivorous, living on roots, fallen fruits, worms and carrion, and often inflict great devastation upon crops.
It was rebuilt in 963 below the Roman city, which had been abandoned after its devastation by the Saracens in the 9th century.
After the battle, however, she refused to submit voluntarily to Philip, and was forced to do so by the devastation of Laconia and the transference of certain border districts to the neighbouring states of Argos, Arcadia and Messenia.
This falling away in the taste for Madeira is partly ascribable to fashion and partly to the temporary devastation of the vineyards by the phylloxera in the middle of last century.
According to some writers, this devastation was even more complete than after the siege by Titus.
The fall of Samaria, Sennacherib's devastation of Judah, and the growth of Jerusalem as the capital, had tended to raise the position of the Temple, although Israel itself, as also Judah, had famous sanctuaries of its own.
Vesuvius (q.v.), the volcanic forces of which had been slumbering for unknown ages, suddenly burst into violent eruption, which, while it carried devastation all around the beautiful gulf, buried the two cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii under dense beds of cinders and ashes.
The seizure of Lincoln by Stephen in 1141 was accompanied with fearful butchery and devastation, and by an accord at Stamford William of Roumare received Kirton in Lindsey, and his tenure of Gainsborough Castle was confirmed.
The more he considered the devastation this would wreak on this woman he cared for, the more apprehension he felt about finding the man.
Hurricanes, accompanied by waterspouts, sometimes cause much devastation; but, on the whole, the islands are singularly free from such visitations.
In the first class the special purpose of the forests, such as the protection of the plains from devastation by torrents, must come before any smaller interests.