Devastated Sentence Examples
He would be devastated without you.
It was a brutal realization, one that left her devastated but also guiltier than ever.
Dean promised to talk to Cynthia but Randy was devastated as he ended the call.
While I'll be devastated, as I'm sure you will be when it ends, be comforted in what you've accomplished.
She'd gone from hopeful to devastated in the course of the first two days.
For crying out loud, Cindy, he'll be devastated, Mary interrupted.
During the war with Spain the town was devastated in 1595.
He got up the courage and asked me out but when I begged off he acted so devastated I felt like a heel.
In 1348 the island was devastated by the plague described by Boccaccio.
In 453 B.C. Elba was devastated by a Syracusan squadron.
AdvertisementThe exiles dwelt at Tell-abib (" Hill of the flood "), one of the mounds or ruins made by the great floods that devastated the country,1 near the " river " Chebar (Kebar), probably a large canal not far south of the city of Babylon.
Teignmouth was burned by French pirates in 1340, and was again devastated by the French on the 26th of June 1690.
The town was devastated by Totila, but seems to have recovered.
His only recollection is that you were as devastated over your sister as everyone else.
In 168 B.C. Antiochus Epiphanes captured Jerusalem, destroyed the walls, and devastated the Temple, reducing the city to a worse position than it had occupied since the time of the captivity.
AdvertisementIn 1903 the city was devastated by an epidemic of plague.
I reluctantly agreed and told him we were devastated that we prompted these deaths; the deputy sheriff, Youngblood, Brenda Washington.
Howie will devastated but he'll probably take Julie's side and forgive her.
Marcian repudiated the payment of tribute to Attila; he reformed the finances, checked extravagance, and repeopled the devastated districts.
Devastated by his wife's death, John lived a hermetic life in his solitary cabin in the woods.
AdvertisementAfter the death of Spock, the crew of the Enterprise is devastated.
Anyway he was devastated when they died.
The jealousy of the provinces, however, against the capital led to a series of disturbances, and for many years continual civil war devastated every part of the country.
In 614 Chosroes II., the king of Persia, captured Jerusalem, devastated many of the buildings, and massacred a great number of the inhabitants.
At his accession the greater part of his territory was occupied by strangers and devastated by war, and in European politics Brandenburg was merely an appendage of the empire.
AdvertisementA small group of their people are down in the area worst affected, trying to meet with individuals devastated by the tsunami.
A spokeswoman for the group said The band are really devastated and are really sorry for everybody who has tickets.
Anna Nicole is absolutely devastated by the loss of her son.
The career change was short-lived, however, due to Marshall's death in late summer 1995, which left Anna devastated and alone.
During the dark days of 430, after the unsuccessful expedition of Pericles to Peloponnesus, and when the city was devastated by the plague, Cleon headed the opposition to the Periclean regime.
One of the costliest and deadliest hurricanes in history, Katrina devastated much of New Orleans, Louisiana and several areas of Mississippi and Florida on August 29, 2005.
West is reportedly, understandably so, devastated, as anyone would be when faced with the loss of a mother and her unconditional support and love.
West had an extremely close relationship with his mom and was completely devastated by the loss.
Parents are often emotionally devastated when their child runs away.
Rycroft did several interviews in the days after this heartbreaking event, and seemed genuinely devastated by how she was treated.
After Hurricane Andrew devastated Homestead Florida on August 24, 1992, building codes changed.
Local wildlife can be devastated and even protected fisheries aren't exempt.
Jill is devastated, but instead of moping around, she does something about it.
Allusions have been made to "a devastated and Covenant controlled Earth".
Nicole, who had always hoped for a biological child, was devastated by the loss.
The organization has offices in Port-au-Prince, which has been devastated by the earthquake disaster.
I I, 13), occupied Edom for six months and devastated it; it was garrisoned and permanently held by David (2 Sam.
Inda-bigas was himself overthrown and slain by a new pretender, Khumba-Khaldas III., who was opposed, however, by three other rivals, two of whom maintained themselves in the mountains until the Assyrian conquest of the country, when Tammaritu was first restored and then imprisoned, Elam being utterly devastated.
He greatly distinguished himself by fidelity to duty during a plague that devastated Amsterdam in 1602.
Meanwhile Germany was ravaged and devastated by civil war, which Conrad was unable to repress.
This drove the English king to put still further pressure on the enemy; in 1359 he led out from Calais the largest English army that had been seen during the war, devastated all northern France as far as Reims and the borders of Burgundy, and thencontinuing the campaign through the heart of the winterpresented himself before the gates of Paris and ravaged the Ile de France.
We must go to countries like the Asiatic provinces of Turkey, devastated by Ottoman rule, to find such a diminution in the numbers of the people as was seen in Ireland during the last half of the 19th century.
One of the worst forms taken by this ill-will was the oft-revived myth of ritual murder, and later on when the Black Death devastated Europe (1348-1349) the Jews were the victims of an odious charge of well-poisoning.
Benevolent and sympathetic in disposition, he won the affection of his people by fearlessly visiting the districts ravaged by cholera or devastated by earthquake in 1885.
A huge avalanche of earth and rocks buried the Nagase Valley with its villages and inhabitants, and devastated an area of over 27 sq.
The marriage, however, was forbidden by Philip. Alexander, as soon as he had reduced Ionia, summoned Halicarnassus, where Memnon, the paramount satrap of Asia Minor, had taken refuge with the Persian fleet, to surrender; and on its refusal took the city after hard fighting and devastated it, but not being able to reduce the citadel, was forced to leave it blockaded.
They feel uncomfortable and helpless if they are alone and can be devastated when a close relationship ends.
She is devastated that the child she carried inside her womb is no longer alive.
Whatever you're feeling is okay and it's totally normal to be completely devastated over the loss of an animal companion.
For some couples, the unexpected shock may result in a happy event while others may be devastated by the news.
Had not the phylloxera devastated the vineyards during the last decade of the 19th century, the production would be considerably higher; 7,700,000 gallons of olive oil and 2500 million oranges and lemons are also produced, besides the other minor products above referred to.
His endeavour, for instance, to put a stop to the slave raiding which devastated the Sudan provinces was wholly ineffectual.
The Douglases continued to play the part of double traitors; Hertford, in autumn, again devastated the border and burned religious houses (whether he always burned the abbey churches is disputed), but Beaton never lost heart and had some successes.
It is said to have been attacked and devastated by the Javanese in 1252, and at the time when it passed by treaty to the East India Company in 1819, Sir Stamford Raffles persuading the sultan and tumenggong of Johor to cede it to him, it was wholly uninhabited save by a few fisherfolk living along its shores.
The plague devastated the badly drained towns, new diseases spread death, the fear of the Turks was permanent.
In 1902 Palestine was devastated by a severe epidemic of cholera.
The latter founded the cathedral; but the town was almost entirely destroyed by earthquake in 1170, and devastated by Henry VI.
It was devastated by the Samnites, was one of the 12 Latin colonies that refused in 209 B.C. to provide more soldiers, and was in 186 used as a state prison, like Alba and Setia.
In 1466, 40,000 persons died of plague in Paris; in1477-1485the cities of northern Italy were devastated, and in 1485 Brussels.
The remains of a temple, devastated in ancient times (possibly by Dionysius of Syracuse in 384 B.C.), were also discovered, with fragments of Attic vases of the 5th century B.C., which had served as ex votos in it.
In the beginning of the next century it had grown to the size of a small town and was granted civic rights and surrounded with walls, and in the course of the following centuries was frequently attacked and even devastated.
Soon, however, the nomads (Dahae) gained their independence, and, as we have seen, repeatedly attacked and devastated the Parthian Empire in conjunction with the Tocharians and other tribes of Sacae and Scythians.
Peroz (457484) fell in battle against them; his treasures and family were captured and the country devastated far and near.
In 1858 and again in 1874 the town was devastated by plague (see also TRIPOLI and CYRENAICA).
Two years later Jerusalem was devastated by his general Apollonius, and a Syrian garrison occupied the citadel (Akra).
Frequently ravaged during the wars which devastated the district, it was plundered several times by the imperialists during the Thirty Years' War; in 1657 it was burnt by the Poles and in 1713 by the Russians.
It is my purpose also to give the names and number and times of those who through love of innovation have run into the greatest errors, and proclaiming themselves discoverers of knowledge, falsely so called, have like fierce wolves unmercifully devastated the flock of Christ.
Persian Seistan was once highly cultivated by means of a great system of canal irrigation; but for centuries, since the country was devastated by Timur, it has been a barren, treeless waste of flat alluvial plain.
According to the Arda-Viraf--Nama the religion revealed through Zoroaster has subsisted in its purity for 300 years, when Iskander Rumi (Alexander the Great) invaded and devastated Iran, and burned the Avesta which, written on cowhides with golden ink, was preserved in the archives at Persepolis.
During nearly the whole of the 18th century Courland, devastated by continual wars, was a shuttlecock between Russia and Poland; until eventually in 1795 the assembly of the nobles placed it under the Russian sceptre.
He devastated the country and returned to Tyrconnel with rich spoils; in the following year he shared in Tyrone's victory over the English at the Yellow Ford on the Blackwater; and in 1599 he defeated an attempt by the English under Sir Conyers Clifford, governor of Connaught, to succour O'Conor Sligo in Collooney castle, which O'Donnell captured, forcing Sligo to submission.
In 1421 Zizka stormed the town, which later on was retaken and devastated by the troops of Duke Leopold, bishop of Passau.
The place was devastated by malaria in the middle ages, and did not recover until the Chiana valley was drained in the 18th century.
The district was devastated by Jenghiz Khan, and has never since fully recovered its prosperity.
It was twice devastated by the Hussites, and in 1631 and 1642 it was occupied by the Swedes.
Early in the 14th century the inner port was blocked by Giovanni Orsini, prince of Taranto; the town was devastated by pestilence in 1348, and was plundered in 1352 and 1383; but even greater damage was done by the earthquake of 1456.
His son reigned at Samarkand, but was overthrown by Timur (Tamerlane), the Mongol sovereign of Samarkand, who, to put an end to the attacks of the wild Tianshan tribes, undertook in 1389 his renowned march to Dzungaria, which was devastated, East Turkestan also suffering severely.
The land was divided into counties, or gauen, which were ruled by counts, prominent among whom were members of the families of Conradine and Babenberg, by whose feuds it was frequently devastated.
According to the emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus, the emperor Heraclius (610-640) invited the Serbs to come over to settle down in the devastated north-western provinces of the Byzantine empire and to defend them against the incursions of the Avars.
Sailing up the Shannon they built strongholds on Lough Ree and devastated Connaught and Meath.
Moreover, Sparta's attention was at this time fully occupied by troubles nearer home - the plots of Pausanias not only with the Persian king but with the Laconian helots; the revolt of Tegea (c. 473-71), rendered all the more formidable by the participation of Argos; the earthquake which in 464 devastated Sparta; and the rising of the Messenian helots, which immediately followed.
The invading army even made its way into Laconia and devastated the whole of its southern portion; but the courage and coolness of Agesilaus saved Sparta itself from attack.
Slave-raiding was practised on a scale which devastated and almost depopulated vast regions and greatly hampered the commercial activity of the large cities, of which Zaria and Kano were the most important.
But this pontiff died soon after his election; and after a delay of eighteen months, during which Frederick marched against Rome on two occasions and devastated the lands of his opponents, one of his partisans, Sinibaldo Fiesco,was chosen pope, and took the name of Innocent IV.
Dean could think of a litany of adjectives, including, but not limited to, upset, pissed, irate, enraged, livid, seething and certainly devastated.
When she found out her manager was having an affair with her own bodyguard she was devastated.
Crystal is thrust into a past ruled by superstition, then catapulted into a future devastated by biological weapons.
The super cyclone which devastated coastal Orissa in 1999, killing at least 10,000 people and making millions homeless.
Gracious in victory, he went over to console an understandably devastated Piggy.
The whole village is absolutely devastated at the loss of two of its young people.
Coastal Sri Lanka was utterly devastated by the Indian Ocean tsunami.
They failed to oppose the introduction of no-fault divorce, which has devastated the stable married family.
Even after being devastated by an earthquake and a bomb in the early 20th century, it is still is an elegant architectural sight.
Georgian and Victorian London was devastated in WWII - huge swathes of the center and the East End were totally flattened.
We were devastated by the flood of complaints that came in.
The small village was devastated by the loss of the Penlee lifeboat, the Solomon Brown, just before Christmas 1981.
September 2 10 years with Scottish Widows leaves saver £ 200 down Devastated saver appeals to financial ombudsman.
The truly repentant sinner is devastated by the way he has offended God with his sin.
Clusius was so devastated by this that he never grew tulips again.
However the move has devastated the Air Canada shares, which are now virtually worthless.
The re-settlement of the conquered and devastated country was now organized on the Tudor and Straffordian basis of colonization from England, conversion to Protestantism, and establishment of law and order.
In April 1906 an eruption of Mount Etna caused the destruction of several villages and much loss of life and damage to property; in appointinga committee to distribute the relief funds the premier refused to include any of the deputies of the devastated districts among its members, and when asked by them for the reason of this omission, he replied, with a frankness more characteristic of the man than politic, that he knew they would prove more solicitous in the distribution of relief for their own electors than for the real sufferers.
He must be devastated.
Quinn will think were requesting something like a séance or spiritual encounter but if we don't humor Howie, he'll be devastated.
I just feel devastated.
Howie must have been devastated!
She couldn't let her sense of hope seize her for fear of being devastated.
I'd even feel terrible about myself after I'd done it and most likely be devastated.
Lori must be devastated.
During his absence in Egypt, whither he had been sent by Pompey, without the consent of the senate, to restore Ptolemy Auletes to his kingdom, Syria had been devastated by robbers, and Alexander, son of Aristobulus, had again taken up arms with the object of depriving Hyrcanus of the high-priesthood.
On the formation of the Wirth ministry in May 1921 he was appointed Minister of Reconstruction, and in that capacity negotiated with the French minister, Loucheur, a convention for supplying German materials for the restoration of the devastated area in France, and thus paying in kind part of the reparation which the German Reich had undertaken to pay in gold.
The inland region, called the sertao, is high, stony, and dry, and frequently devastated by prolonged droughts (seccas).
The subject has a special interest for Italy, which is devastated by malaria, and Italian science has contributed materially to the solution of the problem.
He has pointed out that certain areas and certain islands are entirely free from the disease, while neighbouring areas and islands are devastated.
The land had not been devastated, and many gladly returned from their hiding-places in Moab, Edom and Ammon.
A cyclone which devastated Vavau in April 1900 was the most destructive ever recorded in the group, but hurricanes are rare.
Later the Commission's activities were extended to devastated northern France.
In one campaign, in which he was joined by the Lucanians, he devastated the territories of Thurii, Croton and Locri.
The Saracens devastated it in the 8th century, but were driven out, and the island returned to the rule of kings, until they fell in the 10th century, their place being taken by four "judges" of the four provinces, Cagliari, Torres, Arborea and Gallura.
In the meantime, however, Pomerania had been devastated by the Thirty Years' War and occupied by the Swedes, who had taken possession of its towns and fortresses.
In the war which preceded this peace (generally known as the Thirty Years' War) Alsace had been so terribly devastated by the Swedes and the French that the German emperor found himself unable to hold it.
Half-hearted attempts after the peace to repair the ruined mines failed; the town became impoverished, and in 1770 was devastated by fire.
Lauban was founded in the 10th and fortified in the 13th century; in 1427 and 1431 it was devastated by the Hussites, and in 1640 by the Swedes.
Then, to avenge an insult sustained from the ruler of Egypt, Timur marched southwards and devastated Syria, thence turning to Bagdad, which shared the same fate.
On the night of the 1st of October 1872, the college and seminary, a part of the palace and the upper library were devastated by fire; but the damage was subsequently repaired.
Two other states on the northern extremity of the island were so far devastated by the Tambora eruption of 1815 that their territory, after lying for long uninhabited, was in 1866 divided between Dompo and Sangar.
The town, rebuilt after this disaster, was again more than once devastated by invading Danes and Sla y s.
His troops took Heidelberg and devastated the Palatinate, while Philip William took refuge in Vienna, where he died in 1690.
It had been drained of both wealth and fighting population; the devastated provinces of Elam and Babylonia could yield nothing with which to supply the needs of the imperial exchequer, and it was difficult to find sufficient troops even to garrison the conquered populations.
In 1884 the ejected dust and ashes devastated farmlands through large areas.
When war broke out between France and Austria in 1792 the Badenese fought for Austria; consequently their country was devastated and in 1796 the margrave was compelled to pay an indemnity, and to cede his territories on the left bank of the Rhine to France.
In 1674 it was captured and devastated by the French under Turenne, and after the death of the elector Charles (1685) it was claimed by the French as a dependency of Alsace.
Enraged at this barbarous act, Peter put himself at the head of an army and devastated the whole of the country between the Douro and the Minho before he was reconciled to his father.
In May 1137 began a fresh campaign in which he devastated the district of Hiemois (round Exmes) and burnt Bazoches.
In June 1138, with the aid of Robert of Gloucester, Geoffrey obtained the submission of Bayeux and Caen; in October he devastated the neighbourhood of Falaise; finally, in March 1141, on hearing of his wife's success in England, he again entered Normandy, when he made a triumphal procession through the country.
Baiae was devastated by the Saracens in the 8th century and entirely deserted on account of malaria in 1500.
The first active interference of Lithuania in the affairs of Livonia took place immediately after the great outbreak of the peasants on Oesel; Olgierd then devastated all southern Livonia.
Between i 8 i 7 and 1831 the country was devastated by the chief Mosilikatze and his Zulus, and large areas were depopulated.
The Nordalbingians were still restless, and it is recorded that their land was devastated in 802.
The town was devastated in 1359 by the English, when, according to Froissart, no fewer than 900 mansions were burnt.
The city was devastated by the khan of the Crimea in 1483.
The territory of Damascus was devastated, and Jehu of Samaria (whose ambassadors are represented on the Black Obelisk now in the British Museum) sent tribute along with the Phoenician cities.
On the 18th of November 1839 he sent his declaration of war to Marshal Valee, but the impatient Hajutas had already devastated the Metija.
Its realization was delayed by the wars that devastated the country down to the overthrow of Maximilian, but the leaven was at work, and with the return of peace a marked increase in the number of primary and secondary schools was noted.
He made himself conspicuous by issuing a pamphlet in justification of the iconoclasts who devastated Flanders in 1566, and on Alva's arrival next year had to fly the country.
It lies in the centre of a fertile district, but has no buildings of importance, as it has often been devastated by earthquakes.
But after the death of Toghrul Shah (1170) his three sons disputed with each other for the possession of the throne, and implored foreign assistance, till the country became utterly devastated and fell an easy prey to some bands of Ghuzz, who, under the leadership of Malik Dinar (1185), marched into Kerman after harassing Sinjar's dominions.
Mayotte was devastated in 1898 by a cyclone of great severity.
In the centuries that followed the break-up of the Roman empire it again suffered much from barbarian attacks, and was finally devastated in 889 by bands of Norse raiders who had sailed up the Rhine.
During the various wars that devastated Germany in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, the town was frequently besieged and occupied by the several belligerents, but continued to belong to the electors till 1794, when the French took possession of it.
At the outbreak of this conflict in 1420 they gave ready support to their king Sigismund against the Bohemian rebels, whom they regarded as dangerous to their German nationality, but by this act they exposed themselves to a series of invasions (1425-1435) by which the country was severely devastated.
Besides this, Charles had to struggle against the incessant rebellions in Aquitaine, against the Bretons, whose revolt was led by their chief Nomenoe and Erispoe, and who inflicted on the king the defeats of Ballon (845) and Juvardeil (851), and especially against the Normans, who devastated the country in the north of Gaul, the valleys of the Seine and Loire, and even up to the borders of Aquitaine.
Generally, however, they confined themselves to raiding on a grand scale and, encouraged by the Porte or the Muscovite, systematically devastated whole provinces, penetrating even into the heart of Poland proper and disappearing with immense booty.
To increase the alarm of the English, as well as to relieve the famine which then prevailed, Wallace organized a great raid into the north of England, in the course of which he devastated the country to the gates of Newcastle.
Maria in Trivio, erected in 1353 in gratitude for the liberation of the city from a plague which devastated it in 1348, is in the style of contemporary brick campanili in Rome, but built mainly of black selce, with white marble columns at the windows.
The man who had devastated France returns to France alone, without any conspiracy and without soldiers.
To families whose finances are already devastated paying for the cost of cancer treatment, these prices may be out of range.
The third problem is he is leaving for a year in less than two months...but I am falling in love with him and would be devastated to find I was fooled this whole time.
It devastated me because I had tried to get her pregnant on numerous occasions and wasn't able to.
Of course, I was devastated and felt that his move meant we were officially over.
The war devastated the Asscher family and their company.
She's devastated when she catches Jack with Adrian.
Devastated, the young girl gives into her mother's wishes and marries Manuel.
Damon is devastated to learn that Katherine was never in the tomb.
When Adam realized the truth, he was devastated.
Leo's refusal earned him the respect of the older man, but Greenlee misunderstood and, devastated at the idea that Leo would take money to never see her again, ended the relationship.
Then Leo died, leaving a devastated Greenlee to pick up the pieces.
But when Nick refused to marry her, Erica was devastated and pursues Tom Cudahy to make Nick jealous.
Rex was devastated when he learned the truth and left town in July of 2005 to move to Chicago with twin sister Cassie.
In the season one episode, "Lost and Found", the twenty-something Deb is devastated to learn that Jane is celebrating her 32nd birthday.
Cane looked forward to being a father and was devastated when he learned that Chloe had lied about it.
The character left behind a wake of devastated loved ones including his wife Lily, his "mother" Jill and "grandmother" Katherine.
Devastated by Stuart's death, Marian tried to shoot Kendall and was committed to a mental hospital.
Many parents would be devastated to learn their child may have autism, but new techniques and procedures can increase your child's chances of overcoming the condition.
Hurricane Katrina Relief -- After this hurricane devastated the Gulf Coast region in 2005, Joe Boxer employees stationed at a New Jersey warehouse raced into action and personally delivered over $100,000 in apparel to hurricane survivors.
Devastated fans wondered if this was the end of her short-lived career, but she insisted that she would fight and continue to follow her chosen musical path.
The case financially devastated the company and the owners were forced to sell the site to Vivendi in 2001.
Buffy was devastated by the rise of Angelus who made it his mission in life to torture the Slayer that he loved.
Buffy's death devastated all who loved her, including Spike.
Buffy and her companions left the devastated area to rebuild, train and continue the legacy of the Slayer.
In the third season, Beckett's character died in an explosion that devastated fans.
The war devastated the planet and drained its energy supply until finally both groups left Cybertron in search of a new energy source.
Accompanied by these so-called Oprichniki, who have been compared to the Turkish Janissaries of the worst period, he ruthlessly devastated large districts - with no other object apparently than that of terrorizing the population and rewarding his myrmidons - and during a residence of six weeks in Novgorod, lest the old turbulent spirit of the municipal republic should revive, he massacred, it is said, no less than 60,000 of the inhabitants, including many women and children.
The treaty with Russia provided that Azov should be razed and its territory devastated to form a barrier, Russia having the right to erect a new fortress at Cherkask, an island in the Don, near Azov, and Turkey to build one on the border of Kuban near Azov.
For six years (1673-79) the electorate was devastated by the French troops, and even after the Treaty of Nijmwegen it suffered from the aggressive policy of Louis.
All have perished in the numerous sieges and inundations which have devastated the city.
He was quickly driven from that country, and his own electorate was devastated by the Bavarians and Spaniards.
Alpatych, arriving from the devastated Bald Hills estate, sent for his Dron on the day of the prince's funeral and told him to have twelve horses got ready for the princess' carriages and eighteen carts for the things to be removed from Bogucharovo.
He remained in Moscow till October, letting the troops plunder the city; then, hesitating whether to leave a garrison behind him, he quitted Moscow, approached Kutuzov without joining battle, turned to the right and reached Malo-Yaroslavets, again without attempting to break through and take the road Kutuzov took, but retiring instead to Mozhaysk along the devastated Smolensk road.
The Deans were devastated and knew when Fred O'Connor returned and learned the news, he too would be crushed that his young pal was leaving.
From 1845 to 1857 volcanic eruptions were very violent, and islands once fertile were devastated and nearly destroyed.
By constructing an entrenched camp at Ulm and concentrating all the available food within it, he expected to compel Napoleon to invest and besiege him, and he anticipated that in the devastated country his adversary would be compelled to separate and thus fall an easy prey to the Russians.
During the ensuing year Prussia was devastated, and Albert consented early in 1521 to a truce for four years.
Between 1320 and 1323 he harried the Florentines and defeated them several times, captured Pistoia, devastated their territory up to the walls of the city in spite of assistance from Naples under Raymundo de Cardona and the duke of Calabria (King Robert's son); never before had Florence been so humiliated, but while Castruccio was preparing to attack Florence he died in 1328.