Devastate Sentence Examples
It will devastate her.
Fires have the potential to cause minimal damage, or to devastate an entire residence.
That would devastate Howie.
The British decided to strike a critical blow which would devastate the rebels.
The diagnosis of parvo in puppies can devastate an owner or breeder.
Nevertheless, the findings suggest remarkable plasticity and robustness of language in spite of brain lesions that would devastate an adult's language abilities.
In revenge, she sent a huge wild boar to devastate the countryside.
Scaling before perfecting the business model-can devastate a startup financially.
The king retaliated by sending troops of cavalry to devastate Saxony, and declared at Quierzy he would exterminate his foes unless they accepted Christianity.
The Seychelles lie outside the track of the hurricanes which occasionally devastate Reunion and Mauritius and are also immune from earthquakes.
AdvertisementThe condition is incurable and just a few incidences of FIP within a cattery can devastate a breeder's reputation.
But the guerilla tactics of the wily klepht were powerless against Ibrahim, who marched northward, and, avoiding Nauplia for the present, seized Tripolitsa, and made this the base from which his columns marched to devastate the country far and wide.
Namely, those individuals who may have married another Greek because it's what they think they are supposed to do or feel that they will devastate their parents if they don't.
We see them under command of two Danish " kings," Godfred and Siegfried, first in the country of the Rhine-mouth or the Lower Scheldt; afterwards dividing their forces and, while some devastate far into Germany, others extend their ravages on every side in northern France down to the Loire.