Deterministic Sentence Examples
However, equivalence questions for the deterministic case, whether two grammars or pushdown automata generate the same language or tree are open.
A deterministic automaton has only one next state for a specific input symbol.
Use of such black box environmental forecasting can reveal missing structure in the deterministic models.
There are several reasons why it might be necessary to go beyond a deterministic description of ecosystem dynamics, and include stochastic effects.
For the more orthodox, Deterministic Chaos Theory seemed a dead letter issue.
It was then shown that modern geometric methods developed for deterministic time series analysis could be used in this genuinely stochastic setting.
Social models tend to be either deterministic or stochastic in nature.
There is a tendency in the literature to associate Mackie 's model of causality with a deterministic view of the universe.
Modern determinists differ from the earlier advocates of their theory in their endeavour to exhibit at least the compatibility of morality with the absence of freedom, if not the enhancement of moral values which, according to some of its advocates, follows upon the acceptance of the deterministic account of conduct.