Determines Sentence Examples
If you believe a mere dream determines your fate, you're a fool.
There is no single event that determines the outcome of one's destiny, he said with a shake of his head.
What determines the origin of the cercaria rather than a new generation of rediae is unknown.
Now how does it come about that the distribution of the carbon between these very unlike states determines the strength, hardness and many other valuable properties of the metal as a whole?
Area and location of the classic car often determines its value or market price.
This tool then determines your used car value.
The distortion of the spring determines the actual force which the wind is exerting on the plate, and this is either read off on a suitable gauge, or leaves a record in the ordinary way by means of a pen writing on a sheet of paper moved by clockwork.
Geographical FactorsGeographical position determines the particular species of plants which grow in any particular locality.
This determines to a large extent the fineness of the yarn which can be spun.
The common school of each district is under the immediate supervision of a board of trustees; but a state text-book commission determines what text-books shall be used in these schools; the state superintendent of public instruction prepares the questions that are used in examining applicants to teach, passes judgment on publications for use in school libraries, and advises with the county superintendent of schools.
AdvertisementPhilosophical truth, as deduced from the teaching of Aristotle, it was said, directly contradicts the teaching of the church, which determines truth in theology; but the contradiction leaves the authority of the latter unimpaired in its own sphere.
This principle determines the forms of all teeth of spur-wheels.
The former quantity determines the distance to which a body, as for example the capping „111,.,,, FIG.
What determines how much money you or Chad or anyone gets paid?
The winner of each battle determines where to attack next.
AdvertisementThe angle which the earth's axis makes with the plane in which the planet revolves round the sun determines the varying seasonal distribution of solar radiation over the surface and the mathematical zones of climate.
It is not the quantity but the quality of the anatomical and bionomic characters which determines their taxonomic value, and a few fundamental characters are better indications of the affinities of given groups of birds than a great number of agreements if these can be shown to be cases of isomorphism or heterophyletic, convergent analogy.
What it is that determines the arrest of some eggs and the progressive development of others in the same capsule is at present unknown.
For example, the physicist determines the density, elasticity, hardness, electrical and thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, &c.; the chemist, on the other hand, investigates changes in composition, such as may be effected by an electric current, by heat, or when two or more substances are mixed.
Beilstein determines their presence by heating the substance with pure copper oxide on a platinum wire in the Bunsen flame; a green coloration is observed if halogens be present.
AdvertisementAn extensive water-parting in the north central part of the state, an elevation whose inclination is almost imperceptible, determines the course of three great continental river systems. From this central elevation the land slopes off in all directions, rising again in the extreme north-east corner, where the rugged granite uplift in Cook county, known as the Misquah Hills, reaches an altitude of 2230 ft., the highest point in the state; and in the south-west corner, where an altitude of 1800 ft.
The linear invariant a s is such that, when equated to zero, it determines the lines ax as harmonically conjugate to the lines xx; or, in other words, it is the condition that may denote lines at right angles.
The aperture and the number of bands being both fixed, the condition of blackness determines the angular magnitude of a band and of the spectrum.
The bed of fire-clay under a coal seam, being impervious to water, frequently determines the horizon of numerous springs issuing from the hillsides.
The information so gained not only determines the value of the deposit, but also serves to indicate the best methods of development and of working.
AdvertisementThis natural object of all our activity, both public and private, determines the true general character of the rest of our existence, whether in feeling or in thought; which must be devoted to love, and to know, in order rightly to serve, our Providence, by a wise use of all the means which it furnishes to us.
Being told that they are knights he determines that he too will be one, and returns to his mother announcing his intention of at once setting forth into the world to seek for knighthood.
Cavendish and subsequently Faraday discovered this fact, and the latter gave the name " specific inductive capacity," or " dielectric constant," to that quality of an insulator which determines the charge taken by a conductor embedded in it when charged to a given potential.
Just as there is a faculty which apprehends beauty in the sphere of art, so there is in the sphere of ethics a faculty which determines the value of actions.
Their experiments show that in similar conditions the evaporation of sea-water amounts to from 70 to 91% of the evaporation of fresh water, a fact of some importance in geophysics on account of the vast expanses of ocean the evaporation from which determines the rainfall and to a large extent the heat-transference in the atmosphere.
To the infinitely actual there is necessary the possible; that which determines involves somewhat in which its determinations can have existence.
We have therefore to consider that the absolute ego, from which spring all the individual egos, is not subject to these conditions, but freely determines itself to them.
If the mere state of mind of the person using the water determines the effect, then in the case of both kinds of benediction, the true and the false alike, it would be one and the same.
The state controls professional and technical schools through the regents' examinations of candidates for admission to such schools and to the professions, determines the minimum requirements for admission to college by the regents' academic examinations, maintains the large State Library and the valuable State Museum, and occasionally makes a gift to a college or a university for the support of courses in practical industries; but it maintains no college or university that is composed of a teaching body.
Apart from the growth-habits of the plant itself, the consideration that chiefly determines the routine of barley cultivation is the demand on the part of the maltster for uniformity of sample.
This body very largely determines the course of study in the elementary schools, high schools, normal school and the normal departments of the University and the State College, approves the requirements for entrance to the University and the State College, and prepares the questions for the examination of teachers.
The later basalts are especially marked by columnar jointing, which determines the famous structures of the Giant's Causeway and the coast near Bengore Head.
Estheria (RUppell, 1837) was instituted for the species dahalacensis, which Sars includes in his genus Leptestheria (1898); but Estheria was already appropriated, and of its synonyms Cyzicus (Audouin, 1837) is lost for vagueness, while Isaura (Joly, 5842) is also appropriated, so that Leptestheria becomes the name of the typical genus, and determines the name of the family.
The suffrage for legislature elections generally determines that for all other elections within the state, and as a rule it carries with it eligibility to office.
Of the committee on rules, which practically determines the order in which important measures come before the house, he was formerly chairman, and he had the power of appointing the committee; but on the 19th of March 1910, the house passed a resolution which increased the membership of this committee from 5 to lo, excluded the Speaker, and transferred the appointments to the house.
The contrary method is psychological metaphysics, which makes metaphysics dependent on psychology, on the ground that the origin of knowledge determines its limits.
Fouillee meets the mechanics of evolution by the argument that will to live determines.
When, as in the case of contact, a mutual relation is perceived between the motions of two particles, the changes of velocity are in opposite directions, and the ratio of their magnitudes determines the ratio of the masses of the particles; the motion being reckoned relative to any base which is unaffected by the change.
The inhabitants of Nias, an island to the west of Sumatra, have the strange belief that to everyone before birth is given the choice of a long and heavy or short and light soul (a parallel belief may be found in early Greek philosophy), and his choice determines the length of life.
The Subalpine is the region which mainly determines the manner of life of the population of the Alps.
It is this extraordinary rapidity that makes the process so economical and determines the way in which its details must be carried out.
If Q is expressed in terms of this unit in equation (I), it is necessary to divide by c, or to replace k on the right-hand side by the ratio k/c. This ratio determines the rate of diffusion of temperature, and is called the thermometric conductivity or, more shortly, the diffusivity.
In every district of the Oberlandesgerichi, the Rechtsanlvdlte are formed into an Anwaltkammer (chamber of advocates), and the council of each chamber, sitting as a court of honor, deals with and determines matters affecting the honor of the profession.
But it is not merely height that determines the general character of the vegetation.
Antioch in Persis, of course, sends athletes to the great games of Greece, but in this decree it determines to take part in the new festival being started in honour of Artemis at Magnesia.
He found that pressure increases luminosity, so that hydrogen, for example, the flame of which in normal circumstances gives no light, burns with a luminous flame under a pressure of ten or twenty atmospheres, and the inference he drew was that the presence of solid particles is not the only factor that determines the light-giving power of a flame.
The general meridional direction of the ranges and valleys determines the direction of the prevailing surface winds, this being, however, subject to many local modifications.
Prior to the settlement is the work of survey, which first determines the area of every village and frequently of every field also.
The administrative head of the system fs the director of education, who is appointed by the commission, and who arranges the course of study, approves the plans for school houses, determines in what towns secondary schools shall be established and in what towns American teachers shall teach, divides the archipelago into school divisions and appoints a division superintendent in each, and supervises the examination of teachers and the application of insular school funds.
Man determines the sorts or nominal essences, nature the similitudes.
He determines to rob them both (an operation which may be very satisfactorily expressed by - I); but, being a wag, he chooses his own way of doing it.
Now that which binds together these elements of our nature and maintains their interrelation in their respective spheres of activity - that which determines an individual's powers, his tastes, his opportunities, advantages and drawbacks, in a word, the character - is his "Karma."
This is the charter of the Church, and its acceptance is the first requisite for salvation; for the Church determines doctrine, exercises discipline and administers sacraments.
He appoints numerous officers with the concurrence of the Senate, has the usual power of vetoing legislative bills, and has authority to inspect the records of officers, or to employ accountants to do so, and to suspend, during a recess of the General Assembly, any executive officer at the seat of government except the lieutenant-governor; he must, however, report to the General Assembly at its next session the cause of any suspension and that body determines whether the suspended officer shall be restored or removed.
The frame is a structure which supports the pieces of the mechanism, and to a certain extent determines the nature of their motions.
It also determines the forms of the teeth of straight racks, if one of the centres be removed, and a straight line EIE, parallel to the direction of motion of the rack, and perpendicular to CilCi, be substituted for a pitch-circle.
The substance which determines the form of a column of air is demonstrabl y indifferent for the timbre or quality of tone so long as the sides of the tubes are equally elastic and rigid.
This tilt determines the hydrographical system.
By virtue of the passive principle the thing is susceptible of motion and modification; it is matter which determines substance (obvia).
The impact of the regular series of drops which is at any moment striking the sink (or vessel receiving the water), determines the rupture into similar drops of the portion of the jet at the same moment passing the orifice.
If God determines to extend the promise of faith to the Gentiles, who shall accuse Him of injustice?
It forms an integral part, so to speak, of the wind for the time being, and the direction of the wind in every instance determines the horizontal motion of the balloon.
In this case also the authority consists of such members and is elected in such manner as the order determines, and it has such of the powers of an ordinary district council as the order may confer upon it.
Though the Alexandrian idea largely determines the evangelist's treatment of the history, the history similarly reacts on the idea.
The surface of the earth is rarely impermeable, and the structure of the rocks largely determines the direction of flow of so much of the rainfall as sinks into the ground and is not evaporated.
Near the crest of anticlines is commonly an enriched portion of the ground in mineralized districts; and, in the case of water supply, the tilt of the strata determines the direction of the underground flowage.
The parameter which determines the variable curve may be given as a point upon a given curve, or say as a parametric point; that is, to the different positions of the parametric point on the given curve correspond the different variable curves, and the nature of the envelope will thus depend on that of the given curve; we have thus the envelope as a derivative curve of the given curve.
Zeuthen in the case of curves of any given order establishes between the characteristics pc, v, and 18 other quantities, in all 20 quantities, a set of 24 equations (equivalent to 2 3 independent equations), involving(besides the 20 quantities) other quantities relating to the various forms of the degenerate curves, which supplementary terms he determines, partially for curves of any order, but completely only for quartic curves.
For no punishments can prevent the individual from becoming a person of whatsoever character he chooses or from committing acts of whatsoever moral quality he determines to prefer.
The fundamental plane which it determines is horizontal and is termed the plane of the horizon.
This pull determines the variations of the ideal elements.
The will, Agatho said, is a property of the nature, so that as there are two natures there are two wills; but the human will determines itself ever conformably to the divine and almighty will.
This instrument determines the functions of the ban; the control of common interests, such as railways, posts, telegraphs, telephones, commerce, industry, agriculture or forests; and the choice of delegates by the chamber, to sit in the Hungarian parliament.
Then the intersection of EB and DB' determines a point P on the (true) curve.
The polarizing prism is fixed at the centre of a circular disk, that has a scale on its circumference, which with a fixed vernier determines the positions of the polarizer, for which the bands disappear at the assigned point of the field.
This ratio, known as the eccentricity, determines the nature of the curve; if it be greater than unity, the conic is a hyperbola; if equal to unity, a parabola; and if less than unity, an ellipse.
The existence or non-existence of an articulation determines the deciduous or persistent nature of the calyx.
One of the most important derivatives of diphenyl, from the theoretical point of view, is diphenic acid or diorthodiphenyl carboxylic acid, which can be obtained from diparadiaminodiphenyldiorthocarboxylic acid, H2N NH 2, or from phenanthrene, the consti Hooc Cooh tution of which it determines.
That's feline leucocyte antigen - which is part of the immune system which determines how a cat can handle a particular disease organism.
Boolean contains (Object attrVal) Determines whether a value is in this attribute.
Boolean equals( Object obj) Determines whether two points are equal.
In other words, God's activity determines canonicity.
The dictionary performs syntax analysis of phrases and determines morphological composition of each given word for English-language entries.
Nevertheless, it is still assumed to occur, and its purely conjectural magnitude determines what we call the ' velocity of light ' .
Whilst the Church's law determines that individuals in particular circumstances may not receive certain sacraments, each specific case requires pastoral discernment.
The poled microstructure determines the linear elastic, dielectric and piezoelectric moduli.
The tightness is a parameter that determines the rate of the light falloff.
Broadly speaking, your swing speed determines what is the correct shaft flex.
Arts Council funding would at least be free from the factional infighting that determines so much in local government, in EDDC as elsewhere.
The new data, if any, is followed by a symbol that determines the next location to be displayed.
An essential part of all ultrasonic flow meters is the circuit or algorithm that determines the time of arrival of the ultrasonic pulse.
Apart from that it's the degree of fermentation that determines whether you end up with green, oolong or black tea.
Interpretation of a biblical passage, narrowly speaking, determines the meaning of the human author.
The th percentile someone else determines majority more than.
The way I feel determines which method I use, and that decision defines the way I percept my surroundings.
Anyway the problem poser determines the mood of the thread by his/her reaction to the advice given.
Depending upon how the reader is able to deal with the descriptive prose, determines the readers response to this particular novel.
There are 7 members on the Management Side and 9 members on the Teachers ' Side and the Sub-Committee determines its own quorum.
The Board itself determines the remuneration of non-executive directors.
The parameter sigma determines the width of the bell.
What determines whether a term has material, simple or personal supposition?
Triangulation coarseness (ANGLE) The parameter ANGLE determines the degree of surface triangulation coarseness (ANGLE) The parameter ANGLE determines the degree of surface triangulation.
Correspond determines the similarity of codon usage of two or more codon frequency tables.
Sometimes, too, when a great dramatic climax has given place to a lyrical anticlimax, retrospective moods, subtleties of emotion and crowning musical thoughts press in upon Wagner's mind with a closeness that determines every word; and thus not only is the whole third act of Tristan, as Wagner said when he was working at it, of " overwhelming tragic power," but Isolde's dying utterances (which occupy the last five minutes and are, of course, totally without action or dramatic tension) were not unlike fine poetry even before the music was written.
We then have the polygon of forces Exaf, the reciprocal figure of the lines meeting at that point in the frame, and representing the forces at the point Exaf; the direction of the forces on EH and XA being known determines the direction of the forces due to the elastic reaction of the members AF and EF,, showing AF to push as a strut, while EF is a tie.
A single known force in a polygon determines the direction of all the others, as these must all correspond with arrows pointing the same way round the polygon.
Niven, F.R.S., called the degree table, determines the change of direction of motion of the shot while the velocity changes from V to v, to shot flying nearly horizontally, To explain the theory of this table, suppose the tangent at the point of the trajectory, where the velocity is v, to make an angle i radians with the horizon.
The simple nerve-ganglion or brain (g) lies on the anterodorsal side of the pharynx, and by its position determines the orientation of the animal, the cloacal opening lying on the same side, and the course of the gut being" neural."The sense organs are a pair of pigmented eyes (oc), and two pairs of antennae, one anterior proximal and near the wreath, the other distal and usually more or less lateral.
In that case the main branch is found to represent the new series if a' and b 1 are also put equal to zero, so that n l r I I N = 4 - y2' where r takes successively the values 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 A knowledge of the constants now determines the trunk series, which should be n I I N - (I,5)2 The least refrangible of the lines of this series should have a wavelength 4687.88, and a strong line of this wave-length has indeed been found in the spectra of stars which are made up of bright lines, as also in the spectra of some nebulae.
War is the ultimate barbarism, the primitive belief that fighting determines who is right—but of course it doesn't.
The senior management team determines resource allocation and staffing policy, two key drivers of research performance.
This means that there is a third factor that determines the importance of the storm surge - namely the morphology of the shingle beach.
Triangulation coarseness (ANGLE) The parameter ANGLE determines the degree of surface triangulation.
It determines the production process both as a valorization of capital and as a labor process.
The fabric determines not only how warm or cool the attire is, but also plays a big part in how formal the blouse appears.
Measured in megabytes (MB), the amount of memory a camera has determines the number of images you can take and store.
The configuration of your PC is what determines how much RAM memory you can get.
What the computer will be used for most determines how much money you may need to spend on it.
The type of finishing/dyeing determines quality.
As many people know, RAM, or Random Access Memory, is the amount of memory that determines which type of applications you can do on your computer.
Orchard Bank determines which card is best suited to your financial needs and budget when you apply.
The magnetic strip holds the information which determines whether or not your card is approved.
A three-tier interest rate system determines the actual interest rate an approved applicant will receive for a Chevron Texaco Visa card.
Once the money has been deposited onto the debit card, the funds may be used as the individual determines.
The court then determines if you should be required to repay the debt.
The user determines which account he or she would like to link to this account.
The partner determines the rewards and the reward levels.
If a court determines that something in the divorce decree requires protection from public disbursal, it can seal the record, thereby preventing you from viewing it.
Since this date determines the value of the marital property under community property laws, it can become something that separated couples fight over.
Equitable distribution is different from community property law in that the financial situation of each spouse determines what percent of the couple's property each one receives.
If the judge determines that the actions of the parent who left the marital home were harmful to the children, that conclusion may have an impact on which parent is given physical custody of the children.
The program determines the level of incentive based on the size of the solar array you install, whether the array is off-grid or grid-intertied, and many other factors.
Asian culture determines paler women to be wealthier, as their skin, in theory, does not have as much exposure to the sun from hard labor.
Each league determines its own head-to-head categories and point values, with specifics often being set by the commissioner or league manager.
Often the amount of aid given by universities determines where students prefer to attend.
The type of virtual pet that you adopt determines its complexity and interactivity.
How you take care of them usually determines how long they may live or what their temperament is, depending on the site.
The On Hill Performance Center lets you go out on the hill with an instructor, who determines what technique problems are due to improper boot fit.
Each of these factors determines the right snowboard sizing for your particular needs.
It is the grand score that determines the individual's degree of anxiety and whether or not the mental health professional recommends counseling, medications or another type of treatment.
Avoid using a screen name that is identifying or that determines gender.
In some tropical areas, the stage of growth of the coconut determines when people most enjoy it.
If your primary care physician determines that you may be suffering from depression, he/she will probably refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist for further evaluation.
How long you experience depression symptoms as well as your ability to cope with them determines the severity of your depression as well as treatment options.
April makes it clear that much of what determines the success of these couples is established early on.
A rundown of some of the richest movie stars may not be a true reflection of earnings, however, as how an actor manages his money is what determines his true net worth.
A rundown of some of the richest movie stars may not be a true reflection of earnings as it is how an actor manages his money is what determines his true net worth.
The application will then determine your financial need based on your income and what portion of your own education the government formula determines that you can pay.
The EFC is a measure of your family's finances and determines how much the student will be expected to contribute toward the cost of college tuition.
If the FASFA determines that you qualify for a PELL grant, you will automatically be awarded this grant.
Furthermore, you will get to take a test that determines how well you learn online and what kind of student you are.
This layer of skin also contains pigment that determines a dog's color and protects him from the sun.
This determines how often to do the boosters instead of just blindly giving dogs yearly boosters.
The lab then determines what breeds make up the dog's background.
The type or specific area of the tattoo design being worked on determines the number of needles.
The degree of adularescence determines the value of the stone.
The design determines how the earrings are stored as well as being part of the aesthetic appeal.
From baby soft knits to sturdier Merino wool fabrics, the style of the garment determines the textile that is used.
Employers set up the 401K plan, while the employee determines how much to contribute based on limitations set up by law.
The type of care provided by the franchisee determines the number of hours and which hours the franchise will have to commit to their franchise.
Once the verification process is complete and a senior citizen qualifies for subsidized low-income housing, his or her income determines the monthly rental fee.
It determines the extent of daytime sleepiness.
The center begins each study with a physical examination that determines whether a sleep study is appropriate.
The apnea hypopnea index (AHI) is a calculation that determines the severity of sleep apnea.
Also the type of lenses are recommended by your optometrist after he/she determines your eye condition.
The level of difficulty you play the game in determines what value your pets will be worth.
Also, you have the opportunity to align yourself with Good or Evil, which determines certain paths in the game.
When you play any of the nine available mini-games in Wii Play, you receive a score at the end that determines at what level you completed the stage.
How much sugar remains after fermentation determines a wine's sweetness.
The terroir, which are the unique natural conditions in which the grapes grow, determines the regions.
The climate, topography and soil conditions in each region determines which grapes grow best there.
Just like computers, different smartphones use different operating systems, and the type of OS determines the different features available for the phone.
A titer is the serial dilution of antibodies (protein molecules or immunoglobulins produced by the immune system in response to specific disease agents) found in blood serum that determines their level of concentration.
The TORCH test screens for the presence of IgM antibodies, and the titer determines their concentration in the blood.
Genetic defects may be passed through nuclear DNA (nDNA), the genetic material found in each cell that determines the majority of hereditary characteristics, or through mtDNA.
A platelet count is a diagnostic test that determines the number of platelets in the patient's blood.
Fragile X, a defect in the chromosome that determines sex, is the most common inherited cause of mental retardation.
Seeing a worm is what determines the diagnosis.
Physical examination of the inside using a speculum and the outside, in addition to a detailed history of how the injury occurred, determines appropriate treatment.
Once assessment has led to a diagnosed problem with alcohol, its severity determines the treatment needed.
Bone conduction audiometry determines the extent to which there is neurosensory hearing loss.
The most familiar of this type of testing is the tympanogram, which determines if fluid has built up behind the eardrum.
The doctor determines whether a child has a sty by visually examining the appearance of the eyelid.
A hearing determines the amount of compensation.
Appearance determines the child's presentation, i.e., how the child looks (clothes posture, grooming, and alertness).
Orientation assessment determines if the child has a normal sense of time, place, and identification of self (can state his or her own name).
It also determines whether the individual has an understanding of consequences associated with their actions.
Fragile X syndrome, in which a segment of the chromosome that determines gender is abnormal, primarily affects males.
The results of these tests, along with the subject's age, determines the number and level of subtests to be administered.
An individual's stage in development determines whether he or she makes primarily embryonic, fetal, or adult hemoglobins.
Finally, the third component of personality is character-the set of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral patterns learned from experience that determines how a person thinks, feels, and behaves.
The combination of these two types of chromosomes determines the sex of a child.
Social interaction determines which language they eventually learn.
A blood cell count determines if the number of phagocytic cells or lymphocytes is below normal.
Measurement determines the circulating blood level at the time blood was drawn.
As noted, the size of the PDA determines how much harder the heart has to work and how much bigger the heart becomes.
If the physician determines that medication is indicated, parents should ensure their child continues to receive ongoing assessment.
An autosomal dominant trait is a gene that is not related to the chromosome that determines gender; therefore, it affects boys and girls equally.
The severity of the burn determines the type of treatment and also where the burned person should receive treatment.
Regardless of the method used, the child's level of cognitive and emotional development often determines the success of treatment.
How the genes are paired determines the person's blood type.
When you learn cha cha, where you put the chasse within the rhythm determines the dance.
In general, the Lead determines the direction of movement and the variations of steps done in a dance.
Traditional classical feng shui of Form and Compass determines the prime sector of your home based on several reports such a flying star report.
This is important because the direction of the water flow determines where the energy is deposited.
Y-DNA testing determines the male line in a family tree.
A man's genetic inheritance determines the precise thickness and pattern of the hair.
The Department of Education in each state determines what the home school minimum education requirements are.
State law determines whether a child will be required to take acheivement tests.
This test determines which positions would suit the applicants best.
The real numbers will probably be similar to what the calculator determines, but the exact dollar amount may vary slightly.
If the amount that the calculator determines is a significant amount of money, borrowers may choose to use either of these two methods to shave years off the length of the mortgage and/or save a significant amount of money on interest.
Each business day of the week, the British Bankers' Association determines the LIBOR rate at approximately 11 a.m. local time.
Every business day at 11 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time (London time) the BBA determines the LIBOR rates for that specific day.
The FHA determines the amount of money you can borrow based on several factors.
There are several options for origami guns and the type you choose determines what type of paper you need.
The day the egg splits determines whether your twins will have one large placenta they share with two umbilical cords or two separate placentas.
The Baby Gender Mentor Home DNA Testing Kit determines gender by tracing the amount of active genetic fetal chromosomal DNA in a sample of your blood.
The LMP method calculated with Naegele's Rule determines the approximate gestational age of the baby.
During the physical examination, an obstetrician determines an approximate date of conception using your history and a blood test of hormone levels.
Basically, the male sperm determines the sex of a baby.
The cut of the swimsuit determines how much coverage the suit provides.
To some people, it's the cut that determines whether a bathing suit is considered exotic.
As you may surmise, the amount of breast tissue removed determines just how different the area will look after healing.
The amount of UV light taken into the clothing determines the UPF rating given to the clothing.
Genetics also determines your hair's color, although a bit of cosmetic help at the salon or from a home kit can change that quickly enough.
The term "bioavailable" or "bioavailability" determines how much of a specific substance within the body is available for usage.
Grease collection, water submersion and surface material determines how well and how fast you can clean the griddle.
The game is played in rounds and depending on how many ships each person has left afloat in each round determines how many shots he or she has at hitting the opposing player's boats.
When an egg is won, the white die is rolled, and that determines which egg they take.
The holder in the chandelier often determines what type of candle you will use.
The State then determines who is eligible for the specific grant and is responsible for distributing the money or services.
The State determines who is eligible and places the restrictions on the funding.
Each state has its own projects and determines what communities are in the most need.
The states or local government then determines which organizations qualify for the grants.
Federal law within the United States determines how the government can disperse grants for purposes such as stimulation or support purposes.
Their use of your donation determines the dollar amount of your tax deduction.
No single aspect determines if a fundraising event will be successful.
However, sometimes a guy will start by looking you over before he determines that he is interested.
This is the case whether the person wants to stop due to physical pain or because the individual determines that he or she is not emotionally ready after all.
This factor determines how each sign "does" things or thinks, after which, one can compare and contrast how two signs differ and how they are similar.
In short, the lesson is it's not what you are born with that determines one's life; it's what you do with it.
Each sign has an additional side that is known as a quality that determines how each sign acts and reacts to life.
Many astrologers believe that the mathematical relationship between the planets determines how those planets function in your chart.
A Virgo typically thinks things through and determines if a romantic partnership is worth pursuing.
The position of the card either in an upright readable position or upside down determines the meaning.
It comes equipped with Panasonic's "Intelligent Auto" mode (iA), which determines the optimal shooting mode and helps correct blurring, focus, and color issues.
After the agency determines you qualify for WIC, you are eligible to receive benefits such as breastfeeding support and food assistance.
Each state determines the amount of welfare payments for TANF recipients based on federal guidelines and available funding.
Light breaks down pigment, but different colors absorb different wavelengths of light, and this determines how quickly the laser is effective on each color.
The style of the tattoo also determines the location.
When we are born determines what sign we are.
If the doctor determines that autism isn't present, you'll sleep better at night again.
A physician, clinical social worker or psychologist (each with proper licenses) determines which interventions are medically necessary, according to the child's treatment plan.
The market determines the lifecycle of a business, and the small business owner must stay in touch with changing market conditions in order to keep up the pace of growth.
The income statement provides an overview of the firm's performance and determines the company's earnings for a particular accounting period.
Compensation - Who determines salary, incentives, and stock options for those who run the firm?
State law, sometimes called statutes or codes, determines the particulars about franchise taxes.
The size of the company often determines the number of people required for management positions to ensure the company's success.
The theory is the blood provides dynamic genetic information that determines what we should eat for achieving our ideal body weight.
This type of diet is not focused on outward appearance and the excess weight that makes us unhappy, but instead focuses on the scientific interior of our bodies which is what determines our over all health.
Your BMI is only part of the picture of what determines your risk for obesity related diseases.
The AHA's website includes a link to an online program that determines basic calories needed per day.
This calculating tool is critical in developing an eating plan for the Zone Diet because it determines the amount of protein, carbohydrates and fat allowed in a 24-hour period.
Diet is a significant factor, which often determines your weight, health and many facets of your appearance.
The arrangement of these components determines whether fats are classified as polyunsaturated, monosaturated, or saturated fat.
If your doctor determines H. pylori is the cause of your gastritis, be sure to return for a follow-up visit once your treatment is complete.
Spinning workouts generally motivate exercisers with loud music, the beat of which determines how fast or slow you bike during any given song.
This determines the chocolate to cream ratio, as well as any extracts or liqueurs that you may add to the mixture.
The monthly premium for this California health insurance plan is determines by income and family size.
The number of cars on your policy also determines your premium.
The level of coverage that you request determines premium payments.
The board determines which insurance companies will do insurance business in the state, as well as creating the bylaws under which insurance companies and their agents will work.
Your home warranty claim may be denied if the insurer determines that you have not maintained your home appropriately, the item was not installed properly or there is an unusual pattern of wear and tear.
This is because the dental network of any insurance company determines how easy it will be for members to find a dentist within their plan.
Sometimes quitting or being fired is an eligible reason too, but only if the Department of Labor determines that the termination was not the fault of the employee.
The structure of annuities do resemble other products sold by insurers in that actuarial math is part of what determines the duration of the contract, along with the dollar amounts involved.
Each state determines the amount of protection that drivers of motorized vehicles, including motorcycles, must buy.
Since each insurance company determines how much risk it is prepared to assume independently, a consumer looking for high risk homeowners' insurance coverage should shop around to find the best pricing.
Jim Bob and Michelle are conservative Christians, and they believe that God's will determines how many children they have.
The "immune" contestant then begins the voting process, which determines who will face off in the dueling circle.
He determines that a show of real power will do the trick and decides to halt all electricity throughout the world for a half hour creating a time of absolute stillness across the industrial world.
Your "friend request" is the equivalent of the calling card, and your online behavior determines whether you will be accepted into the huge, online "tea party" known as the social network.
So in this work, we wanted to study the process that determines how some content bubbles to the top to form a trend, and also how long these trends persist.
Deductions are subtracted before the taxpayer determines the total amount of income that the IRS can tax, reducing the total amount.
Because deductions apply before the taxpayer determines how much of their income is taxable, they are sometimes referred to as being "above the line."
This determines the actual bandwidth speed of your computer, and will be then shown in your web browser.
Once the script determines that there is data to search, the browser will load the XML file.
You'll find it hard to kill yourself when I'm the one who determines who lives and dies.
The conseil colonial, besides its advisory functions, discusses and votes the budget, determines the nature of the taxes, has supreme control over the tariffs, and extensive powers in the administration of colonial domains.
The caucus, which is the natural corollary of the detachment, determines by majority the vote of the whole of the members of the party, independence of action being allowed on minor questions only.
The indirect geographical elements, which, as a rule, act with and intensify the direct, are mainly climatic; the prevailing winds, rainfall, mean and extreme temperatures of every locality depending on the arrangement of land and sea and of land forms. Climate thus guided affects the weathering of rocks, and so determines the kind and arrangement of soil.
A zoning law determines definitely the residential, industrial and commercial districts; 29 street widenings, openings and cut-offs were under construction in 1921.
So far as the water-supply is concerned - and this is what ultimately determines the yield of crops - the rain which falls upon the soil should be made to enter it and percolate rapidly through its interstices.
The soft shales or clays of the hills bounding the valley render these hills especially subject to the action of denudation, and the result, in rounded slopes and easily accessible crests, determines the nature of the easy tracks and passes which intersect them.
It is based on the idea that what we believe about the future determines what we do in the present.
It determines where users must access multiple security levels in near real-time.
Demand for the book and how many copies are in stock also determines value.
It's important to remember that the resume you submit to potential employers when you are looking for a job determines whether or not you are likely to be asked to interview for a position.
The brief copy line on the outer envelope often determines whether a person throws the whole thing in the trash or opens and reads the materials.
The Black Book determines values by attending and tracking up to 50 dealer-only auctions.
This book determines its values through analyzing dealer-only auctions, what a dealer pays for trade-ins, and at what price the dealer sells the trade-in.
The straight leg is usually the leg that determines whether or not the lunge is "right" or "left".