Deterioration Sentence Examples
This leads to deterioration of agriculture and lessens the production.
This deterioration increases with the number of successive copyings.
This was, however, more probably due to the deterioration of the country through desiccation, which has forced the settled population farther westward, where Sana became the centre of the later Himyaritic kingdom.
During recent years the average value of the product has fallen, due apparently to deterioration in'quality.
If there are any cracks or deterioration, do not use until it is repaired.
She appealed to the king's less refined instincts, and Henry's deterioration of character may be dated from his connexion with her.
In some cases, by taking away the strong, self-reliant and energetic, it may result in the deterioration of the home population.
The presence in a metal of even small proportions of arsenide generally leads to considerable deterioration in mechanical qualities.
It is agreed that the first step in the preservation of metal-work against deterioration or corrosion is the obtaining of absolute cleanness of metal before the application of paint or oil.
On the other hand, there has not been any deterioration; all the skill of former days is still active.
AdvertisementAn improvement was shown only in the position of employees in smelting works, otherwise a deterioration is to be observed everywhere, most markedly in the textile industry.
In the i4th century there is a significant deterioration in the monastic chroniclers, and their place is taken by the works of secular clergy like Adam Murimuth, Geoffrey the Baker, Robert of Avesbury, Henry Knighton and the anonymous author of the Eulogium historictrum.
We cannot trace the gradations of this political revolution, but we know that it met with determined opposition from the crown, which resulted in the utter destruction of the Arpads, who, while retaining to the last their splendid physical qualities, now exhibited unmistakeable signs of moral deterioration, partly due perhaps to their too frequent marriages with semi-Oriental Greeks and semi-savage Kumanians.
There can be little doubt that all unnatural and artificial modes of life tend to deterioration of the powers of resistance of the organism to disease.
Copper, when pure to start with, suffers considerable deterioration in plasticity.
AdvertisementMost metals when molten are capable of dissolving at least small proportions of carbon, which, in general, leads to a deterioration in metallicity, except in the case of iron, which by the addition of small percentages of carbon gains in elasticity and tensile strength with little loss of plasticity.
There is a deterioration in the diction as well as in the music of poetry.
The compact condition permits the hay to be kept with less deterioration of quality than under the old system of more loose baling.
The tumor is still growing, which means there is still a chance at cognitive deterioration.
If, in these circumstances, the food supply be also insufficient, the combination of influences is sure, in course of time, to bring about a physical deterioration of the race.
AdvertisementIt was some time before this was discovered in India, and the result has been the deterioration of much good land.
Only in the very last year of his life was there perceptible a positive deterioration.
Such great works have generally been well constructed, and there are many which after fifty years of use are perfectly sound and water-tight, and afford no evidence of deterioration.
We're testing the growth reactions or rate of deterioration of various organics exposed to a variety of energy and magnetic sources.
You are a sarcastic, trigger-happy gray alien named Crypto whose race faces extinction due to genetic deterioration.
AdvertisementIt is a well-ascertained fact that the insulator, gutta-percha, is, when kept under water, practically imperishable, so that it is only the original strength of the sheathing wires and the deterioration allowable in them that have to be considered.
A tenant is not responsible, under such a covenant, for deterioration due to diminution in value caused by lapse of time or by the elements.
When this continues for a length of time it tends by itself to cause deterioration of the blood-vessels and leads to death either by cerebral apoplexy or by cardiac failure.
The surfaces of the dividing prisms must be very exact, so that no deterioration of the image may arise from them.
The process of enfleurage is used in those cases where the odoriferous substance is present to a very small extent, and is so tender and liable to deterioration that it cannot be separated by way of distillation.
It has now been almost 15 years since I contracted this disease, and thankfully, there has been very little further deterioration, and I am still going strong.
It can be upsetting when you notice a deterioration in the health of a cat you care about.
Like their parents, they may take responsibility for the deterioration of their home lives and often feel anger, loneliness, fear, guilt and depression.
When acid free paper is made, a base (to neutralize the naturally occurring acids in the wood pulp) is added to the paper in order to prevent this deterioration from happening.
In this way there is little loss in a single year by deterioration, and the corms, if harvested at the right time and well kept-i.e., cool and dry-will more than repay the labor and trouble involved.
The metal awning itself is protected against rust and deterioration, but the support system that holds it rarely is.
Minnesota Eye Consultants offers an innovative near-vision refractive correction technique to those who have experienced this age-related deterioration of their near vision.
Mold, wood deterioration or rotting baseboards can be a significant and costly problem.
Deterioration is often rapid with symptoms such as seizures, dementia, feeding and speech difficulties, respiratory dysfunction, heart problems, and muscle weakness.
However, when these depressed feelings start to dominate everyday life and cause physical and mental deterioration, they become what are known as depressive disorders.
Other symptoms include tiredness, pain, bone deterioration, broken bones, anemia, and increased bruising.
Unsteadiness when standing still and deterioration of position sense is common.
Although complications from paralysis, hydrocephaly, Chiari II malformation, and urinary tract deterioration threaten the well-being of the survivors, the outlook for normal intellectual function is good.
Controlling blood pressure may slow the rate of deterioration of kidney function.
Pacifier nipples should be examined regularly for deterioration, including tears, frayed edges, holes, or a change in color.
In Keshan Province, China, a condition (Keshan disease) occurs that results in deterioration of regions of the heart and the development of fibers in these areas.
Any deterioration in these particular areas must be documented and reported.
Only within the past few years have stores been established in the foreign settlements for the sale of silver utensils, and already the workmanship on these objects displays palpable signs of the deterioration which all branches of Japanese art have undergone in the attempt to cater for foreign taste.
It cannot be denied that there has been actual deterioration of the native races, and elimination in their numbers, consequent upon contact with Europeans and Americans (see further, Polynesia).
Nevertheless to check our sympathy would lead to the "deterioration of the noblest part of our nature," and the question, which is obviously of vital importance, whether we should obey the dictates of reason, which would urge us only to such conduct as is conducive to natural selection, or remain faithful to the noblest part of our nature at the expense of reason, he leaves unsolved.
Fewer members at this level means less manpower for recruiting new affiliates, leading to a self-perpetuating circle of deterioration.
The biggest danger of the subnormal body temperature found in hypothermia is the deterioration in the ability to think clearly.
The vertebrae of the spine also show only a few signs of deterioration due to excessive work loads.
Each process does leech some nutrients, but the beet is a veritable nutritional powerhouse to begin with, so a certain degree of deterioration doesn't negate the vegetable's positive properties.
He passed the recently restored Beaumont Hotel, a beautiful structure that after several decades of disuse and deterioration had finally been returned to its past glory.
To this character the fungus owes its generic name (Marasmius) as well as one of its most valuable qualities for the table, for examples may be gathered from June to November, and if carefully dried may be hung on strings for culinary purposes and preserved without deterioration for several years; indeed, many persons assert that the rich flavour of these fungi increases with years.
Attempts to breed these sheep in other countries have always resulted in a deterioration in the quality of the skins owing to some peculiarity of climate.
Cables have frequently been picked up showing after many years of submergence no appreciable deterioration in this respect, while in other cases ends have been picked up which in the course of twelve years had been corroded to needle points, the result probably of metalliferous deposits in the locality.
The former distinctly argues against the idea of a deterioration of man in the past.
These enenlies are as a rule so conspicuous that we do not look on their depredations as diseases, though the gradual deterioration of hay under the exhausting effects of root-parasites like Rhinanthus, and the onslaught of Cuscuta when unduly abundant, should teach us how unimportant to the definition the question of size may be.
While the subject of the testing of petroleum for legislative purposes has been investigated in Great Britain by committees of both branches of the legislature, with a view to change in the law, the standard has never been raised, since such a course would tend to reduce the available supply and thus lead to increase in price or deterioration in quality.
Vegetable and other oils rapidly penetrate caoutchouc and lead to deterioration of its properties.
But, as we have seen, such an error of phase causes no sensible deterioration in the definition; so that from this point onwards the lens is useless, as only improving an image already sensibly as perfect as the aperture admits of.
Hoisting ropes are weakened by deterioration and breakage of the wires, due to corrosion and repeated bending.
The patriotic action of the council and its attendant popularity enabled it to recover considerable administrative control, which it continued to exercise for the next eighteen years, although its deterioration in ability, becoming every year more noticeable, as well as the rapid rise of democratic ideas, prevented it from fully re-establishing the supremacy which Aristotle, with some exaggeration, attributes to it for this period.
Voices were not lacking which, in view of Austria's relatively small share in foreign investments, ascribed the deterioration of the trade balance to the fact that the public bodies were " living beyond their means."
Visited in 1873 and 1878 the colony was found in excellent order, but by the end of the century it was stated that intermarriage was bringing a deterioration of intellect, morals and energy, and that the islanders would probably drift into imbecility.
Furs kept in such a condition are not only immune from the ravages of the larvae of moth, but all the natural oils in the pelt and fur are conserved, so that its colour and life are prolonged, and the natural deterioration is arrested.
It is almost certain that they did not prevail in Hawaii in early times, but that they were the result of that deterioration in the race which their traditions and many of their customs indicate.'
Except by smell, by change of specific gravity, and by deterioration of drying properties, these adulterations are difficult to detect.
The death-rate then gradually rises, slowly till 25, more rapidly later, when, from about 45 onward deterioration asserts itself more pronouncedly, and by three score years and ten the rate begins to exceed that of childhood.
It is, however, not absolutely clear whether the improvement observed on maturation is actually due to the action of these micro-organisms. It may be that the conditions which are favourable to the improvement of the wine are also favourable to the continued existence of the micro-organisms, and that their disappearance is coincident with, and not the cause of, a wine's deterioration.
A more or less close adaptation to local conditions is thus brought about, and breeds or races are produced which are sometimes liable to deterioration on removal even to a short distance in the same country, as in numerous cases quoted by C. Darwin (Animals and Plants under Domestication).
For infinitely distant objects the radius of the chromatic disk of confusion is proportional to the linear aperture, and independent of the focal length (vide supra," Monochromatic Aberration of the Axis Point "); and since this disk becomes the less harmful with an increasing image of a given object, or with increasing focal length, it follows that the deterioration of the image is proportional to the ratio of the aperture to the focal length, i.e.
The amount recovered as mesne profits need not be limited to the rental value of the land, but may include a sum to cover such items as deterioration or reasonable costs of getting possession, &c.
For example, when you ignored my first summons" - Fate glared at him - "you made the deterioration of the underworld eighty percent likelier.
He was obliged to resign from his diocese due to a deterioration in his health.
There has been a rapid deterioration with progressive ataxia, confusion and agitation.
In patients with diabetes mellitus this may lead to a deterioration of metabolic control; latent diabetes mellitus may become manifest.
If a rubber diaphragm is fitted, examine it for damage or deterioration.
But more important is the less glamorous task of tackling serious disrepair - doing the unseen jobs to remedy damp and deterioration.
Tests followed to quantify the extent of the deterioration.
The special interest of the sites is the subject of specific guidelines to protect the interest of the site from damage or deterioration.
None of the issues relating to the complainant's mother 's hydration level contributed to her deterioration.
The mice fed the drug cocktail lived substantially longer, and had a delayed onset of nerve and muscle deterioration.
McAlester penitentiary is clearly no holiday camp, and Ron's developing mental illness and physical deterioration whilst on death row makes grim reading.
The improvements were mainly physical (96% of residents liked their house or flat ), the deterioration related to drugs and vandalism.
In 1856 she published Dred; a Tale of the Dismal Swamp, in which she threw the weight of her argument on the deterioration of a society resting on a slave basis.
As examples of class (i.) may be mentioned - erection or enlargement of buildings, laying down of permanent pasture, making of gardens or fences, planting of hops, embankments and sluices; as examples of (ii.) - chalking of land, clay burning, application to land of purchased artificial or purchased manure, except they have been made for the purpose of making provision to protect the holding from injury or deterioration.
The results in the second case show that an increase of aperture up to that corresponding to an extreme aberration of half a period has no ill effect upon the central band (§ 3), but it increases unduly the intensity of one of the neighbouring lateral bands; and the practical conclusion is that the best results will be obtained from an aperture giving an extreme aberration of from a quarter to half a period, and that with an increased aperture aberration is not so much a direct cause of deterioration as an obstacle to the attainment of that improved definition which should accompany the increase of aperture.
Hoisting ropes are weakened by deterioration and breakage of the wires, due to corrosion and repeated bending, and should be kept under careful inspection.
Most metals when molten are capable of dissolving at least small proportions of carbon, which, in general, leads to a deterioration in metallicity, except in the case of iron, which by the addition of small percentages of carbon gains in elasticity and tensile strength with little loss of plasticity (see Iron).
I cannot say for sure that your dog's case of Canine Valley Fever has recurred or if the initial infection caused deterioration of the joint that now requires a surgical repair.
If the child's deterioration in health and the cost of allergy drugs outweigh their benefits, allergy shots may be appropriate.
Spinal muscular atrophy is a term that describes a number of different conditions, all of which have in common the gradual deterioration of the voluntary muscles.
Prompt treatment normally prevents immediate complications, but a delay in the treatment of a severe allergic reaction can result in rapid deterioration and even death.
Placing the sealed bag in a cooler or in a container that is inside a second container filled with cold water or ice will help prevent tissue deterioration.
Huntington's disease-A rare hereditary disease that causes progressive chorea (jerky muscle movements) and mental deterioration that ends in dementia.
This supplement is often recommended for joint pain, because it is believed to slow cartilage deterioration and improve joint mobility.
It helps protect against memory loss and is reported to help slow mental deterioration.
It supports healthy immune function and may help stave off a number of diseases because it works to prevent cell deterioration and aging.
Some are unsafe due to deterioration and the dilapidation of the structures.
While the warranty does not cover deterioration caused by typical use, it does cover any major issues that may have come from the factory or faulty labor.
They may face other challenges, including deterioration of motor skills and problems with posture, which do not affect most people on the autism spectrum.
Those who enter the late motor deterioration stage later in life may experience significant physical problems without necessarily having any deterioration in cognitive or social realms.
This sets up a scenario for weight gain and a deterioration of health.