Detectable Sentence Examples
Patients with detectable levels are more likely to progress to overt hypothyroidism.
Six hands still had detectable levels of peanut allergen.
However, one fourth of children who have kidney symptoms still have detectable problems years later.
They also have detectable heart murmurs.
These variations result in spatially variable surface roughness patterns which are detectable on SAR imagery.
The earliest detectable lesions, called fatty streaks, contain macrophage foam cells that are derived from recruited monocytes.
The patient had no detectable anti-A and suffered no ill effects as a result of the major ABO incompatible transfusion.
With this method of drug screening, drugs that have been taken within the previous few days are normally detectable.
Suites are typically located in the most desirable parts of the ship where the motion is least detectable.
The flavor must simply be barely detectable to qualify, and can be achieved by using substandard by-products from the animal in question, be it chicken, beef or turkey.
AdvertisementPuppy pads are plastic backed pads that are doused in a scent that is not detectable to humans, but it can be smelled by dogs.
Infrared goggles can work by amplifying the light until it's detectable or by thermal imaging, where warmer objects show up in the line of vision while cold ones do not.
This is when the cork imparts off flavors and smells in the wine that aren't detectable until the wine has been opened.
You're in control of your security settings with these, so you can hide from everyone or be detectable by only a few friends.
These antibodies may not be detectable, however, until the second or third weeks of the illness.
AdvertisementIn some cases, RB1 gene changes/deletions are not found in the tumor cells (approximately 20% of RB1 gene changes or deletions are not detectable).
Hemolytic disease of the newborn and the anemia that results is detectable within the first few days after birth.
Patau syndrome is detectable during pregnancy through the use of ultrasound imaging, amniocentesis, and chorionic villus sampling (CVS).
Normally, there is very little hydrogen detectable in the breath; therefore, its presence indicates faulty digestion of lactose.
Studies have shown that signs of zinc deficiency are detectable after two to five weeks of consuming a zinc-free diet.
AdvertisementThe radial pulse (wrist area) is detectable, but rapid.
Type 3 is the rarest and most severe form and results when the body does not produce any detectable vWF.
Unfortunately many people with VWD possess DNA changes that are not detectable through DNA testing.
If the relative with VWD possesses a detectable gene change, then DNA testing should be considered.
Some patients with PWS have unique and subtle facial characteristics that are detectable only by physicians.
AdvertisementThe Swiss version is less detectable, but it is quite delicate.
It is up to 99 percent accurate from the first day of your missed period, provided you have detectable amounts of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine.
It is possible, however, that there are physical changes that are not yet detectable with the current technology and understanding of the human body.
One spectacular advantage of a wallet crafted out of leather is that the sleek surface makes fingerprints easily detectable.
In one test, they found 51 detectable pesticides on peaches.
The best part is, they're not detectable under your body-skimming clothes!
At the same time, there's something magical about creating a tiny tile graphic that can be infinitely repeated with no detectable edges.
As computers have advanced, almost every device from computers through cell phones can show millions of colors, often in more shades than are detectable by the human eye.
The scent of blood was subtle, detectable only by a vampire like him.
The coconut was barely detectable, the glaze a little thin and weedy, and the biscuits on the side seemed a bland afterthought.
You have picked out a suit, a sharp grey one with barely detectable pinstripes.
In the early 20th century, trainers gave race horses goldenseal in the hopes of masking the use of morphine and pain killers, but the narcotics were always detectable in urine tests.
Some bitches also have what we call a silent season that doesn't appear to have any detectable signs.
Normally there is no change noted in physical status or behavior, and the drinking usually occurs only on weekends during social occasions with peers, making it the least detectable of the three.
When in hypovolemic shock, systolic blood pressure taken in the arm is low or not detectable, the arms and legs are cool, and the nail beds may have a bluish or purplish discoloration.
It is important to realize that not all women have detectable amounts of hCG in their urine that early in their pregnancies and it may be necessary to wait a few days and take the test again.
The +/- version of the EPT pregnancy test is also 99 percent accurate from as soon as the first day of your missed period, provided you have detectable amounts hCG in your urine.
Upon laboratory analysis, all three brands had gluten levels in excess of the limit proposed by the CSA, with values ranging from below detectable limits in two samples to 1807 ppm gluten.
This result is inconsistent with the aether remaining at rest, unless we assume that the dimensions of the moving system depend, though to an extent so small as to be not otherwise detectable, on its orientation with regard to the aether that is streaming through it.
Injuries of the cerebellum, if large, derange the power of executing movements, without producing any detectable derangement of sensation.