Detached Sentence Examples
It was hard for him to remain detached around the beautiful woman with silver-white hair.
They are strengthened by several detached forts and redoubts.
At South Manchester, an attractive industrial village, a silk mill was built in 1838; the silk mills of one firm (Cheney Brothers) here cover about 12 acres; the company has done much for its employees, whose homes are almost all detached cottages in attractive grounds.
Pieces already detached were restored to their original positions, and those blackened by damp and dust were carefully cleaned.
In the hill section are the better residences, most of which are wooden and detached.
Small detached hills, rising to 200 ft.
Romas was detached and unreadable, the supreme warrior prince.
The actual position of sea-level lies so near the summit of the crust-heap that the varied relief of the upper portion leads to the formation of a complicated coast- The con- line and a great number of detached portions of land.
It became now detached from the limitations of nationalism and local association with which it had been hitherto circumscribed.
The Congressional Enabling Act of the 30th of April 1802 followed that alternative of the North-West Ordinance which provided for five states in determining the boundaries, and in consequence the Indiana and Michigan districts were detached.
AdvertisementOn this side of Gable is the fine detached rock, Napes Needle.
Walfish Bay forms a detached portion of the Cape province of the Union of South Africa.
On the other bank Fort Chaudanne is now the innermost of several forts facing towards the southwest, and the foremost of these works connects the fortifications of the left bank with another chain of detached forts on the right bank.
A detached building belonging to each contains a bath and a kitchen.
Single individuals or small companies are found, however, on the coast all the year round; they may have become detached from the main bodies, and be seeking for the larger schools which have long left on their return migration.
AdvertisementNot only was Syria thus weakened by being detached from the body of the Seljukian empire; it was divided by dissensions within, and assailed by the Fatimite caliph of Egypt from without.
The central sculptures of the western pediment of the Parthenon, which Morosini intended to take to Venice, were unskilfully detached by his workmen, and falling to the ground were broken to pieces.
In some parts it rises into irregular uplands and elevated plains, interspersed with detached rocks of granite; in others it sinks into marshy lowlands, which frequently remain under water during the rainy season.
As native influences, however, began to reassert themselves in the Nile valley, Alexandria gradually became an alien city, more and more detached from Egypt; and, losing much of its commerce as the peace of the empire broke up during the 3rd century A.D., it declined fast in population and splendour.
While Miinnich conducted a systematic devastation of the peninsula, forces were detached under his lieutenants Leontiev and Lascy to attack Kinburn (Kilburun) and Azov.
AdvertisementMoncey (7000) had marched towards the city of Valencia, but been repulsed in attempting to storm it (June 28); Bessieres had defeated the Spanish general Joachim Blake at Medina de Rio Seco (June 14, 1808) and Dupont (13,000) had been detached (May 24) from Madrid to reduce Seville and Cadiz in Andalusia.
On the 5th of May 1809, Wellesley moved towards the river Douro, having detached Beresford to seize Amarante, from which the French had now driven Silveira.
Beresford was detached to succour Badajoz, but was soon recalled, as it had fallen to Soult.
These surround little spherules of glass which are detached when the rock is struck with a hammer.
The coating of silver obtained by this process is coherent and homogeneous, while that deposited from a solution of silver nitrate, as the result of the primary action of the current, is crystalline and easily detached.
AdvertisementWhen a current passes from an electrolyte to a metal, the electron must be detached from the atom it was accompanying and chemical action be manifested at the electrode.
In1844-1859the German Confederation carefully fortified it, and in 1876 the new German Empire added a comprehensive outer girdle of detached forts, culminating in the powerful citadel of Wilhelmsburg.
One or more of the electrons may be detached from the system by a finite force, the number so detachable depending on the valency of the atom; if the atom loses an electron, it becomes positively electrified; if it receives additional electrons, it is negatively electrified.
The process of electric conduction in metals consists in the movement of detached electrons, and many other phenomena, both electrical and thermal, can be more or less completely explained by their agency.
That is neces sarily a blood-holding structure and is obliterated and fused with soft tissues of the sternal region so that the lamellae cannot be detached and presented as standing out from it.
It became isolated and detached, why or with what advantage to the organism it is difficult to say, and at that period of Arachnidan development the great ventral nerve cords occupied a more lateral position than they do at present.
I, Chelicera (detached).
The fleet soon after sailed, a squadron being detached against Angola, with the intention of taking possession of that colony, in order to secure a supply of slaves.
Like most innovators, Roscellinus stated his position in bold language, which emphasized his opposition to accepted doctrines; and his words, if not his intentions, involved the extreme Nominalism which, by making universality merely subjective, pulverizes existence into detached particulars.
The monotheistic influence of Aristotle and his Arabian commentators shows itself in Albert and Aquinas, at the outset, in the definitive fashion in which the " mysteries " y sof the Trinity and the Incarnation are henceforth detached from the sphere of rational or philosophical theology.
Later in the same year Nuevo Leon was detached, but Texas remained a part of the state until 1835.
By the promise of loo million dinars to the expropriated Begs, he won over the Moslems of Bosnia, and by similar methods he detached the Slovene section of the newly founded Agricultural party (Zemljoradnici).
There is nothing even to connect these Jews with Palestine; they may have formed a part of the very considerable Jewish community which we know to have been settled in Egypt as early as the 5th century B.C. On the other hand, it is extremely improbable that the Jews of Judaea, whom Nehemiah had entirely detached from their immediate neighbours, would have taken part in any general rising against Persia.
He withdrew all his detached garrisons except in the most important Concentra centres, and set himself to make his railway communication Policy.
In the ordinary course of nature, all living matter proceeds from pre-existing living matter, a portion of the latter being detached and acquiring an independent existence.
Terence was by birth an African, and was thus perhaps a fitter medium of connexion between the genius of Greece and that of Italy than if he had been a pure Greek or a pure Italian; just as in modern times the Jewish type of genius is sometimes found more detached from national peculiarities, and thus more capable of reproducing a cosmopolitan type of character than the genius of men belonging to other races.
The change of views above referred to may be studied in the detached articles of MM.
A detached portion of the parliamentary division of Hornsey, Middlesex, is in the metropolitan borough of Hackney.
The French had from the outset favoured operations on the further side of the Straits, and the expediency suggested itself of either throwing the whole Allied army in that direction, or else of diverting the reinforcements thither as a detached contingent.
Popa, a detached peak in the Myingyan district, belongs to this system and rises to a height of nearly 5000 f t., but it is interesting mainly as an extinct volcano, a landmark and an object of superstitious folklore, throughout the whole of Central Burma.
The finished cylinder is next carried to a rack and the pipe detached from it by applying a cold iron to the neck of thick hot glass which connects pipe-butt and cylinder, the neck cracking at the touch.
Next, the rest of the connecting neck is detached from the cylinder by the application of a heated iron to the chilled glass.
It is impossible to describe this machinery within the limits of this article, but it is notable that the principal difficulties to be overcome arise from the necessity of providing the glass with a perfectly continuous and unyielding support to which it can be firmly attached but from which it can be detached without undue difficulty.
A certain number are heads (human and animal) detached from bodies, in a manner not known in the Egyptian hieroglyphic system, with which some of the other symbols show obvious analogies.
These segments, or " proglottides," become detached in groups, and if kept moist retain their powers of movement and vitality for a considerable time.
As a general rule the ripe proglottides are detached in chains and replaced by others which in their turn become detached, the process being repeated for a year or so until the worm weakens and is cast out.
In special cases, however, a proglottis may be detached before attaining full growth, and with its generative organs in an imperfectly developed condition.
H, E, Egg-float and further enlarged J, detached egg of Culex.
On passing a current of electricity, of which the volume and pressure are adjusted to the conditions of the electrolyte and electrodes, the anode slowly dissolves, leaving the insoluble impurities in the form of a sponge, if the proportion be considerable, but otherwise as a mud or slime which becomes detached from the anode surface and must be prevented from coming into contact with the cathode.
The great strategic importance of Dijon as a centre of railways and roads, and its position with reference to an invasion of France from the Rhine, have led to the creation of a fortress forming part of the Langres group. There is no enceinte, but on the east side detached forts, 3 to 4 m.
The usual changes of station and detached duty made him acquainted with the geography of all the Southern states, and Sherman improved the opportunity by making topographical studies which proved of no small value to him later.
During the night Grant's detached division (Lew Wallace's) and Buell's army came up, totalling 25,000 fresh troops, and at 5 A.M.
The state was confiscated for rebellion in 1857, but in 1860 was restored to Raja Anand Rao Punwar, then a minor, with the exception of the detached district of Bairusia, which was granted to the begum of Bhopal.
In June 1825 Bolivar visited Upper Peru, which, having detached itself from the government of Buenos Aires, was formed into a separate state, called Bolivia, in honour of the liberator.
They detached Prince Rupert into the Channel with 20 ships, leaving Monk with only 57 to face the Dutch.
The " Nurnberg " and " Dresden" had been detached to examine passing ships, and the former was 25 m., the latter 12 m.
Shore Deposits are the product of the waste of the land arranged and bedded by the action of currents or tidal streams. On the rocky coast of high latitudes blocks of stone detached by frost fall on the beach and becoming embedded in ice during winter are often drifted out to sea and so carry the shore deposits to some distance from the land.
The road at the outer end is made of a less slope than the chain, so that on arrival the tub is lowered, clears the pin, and so becomes detached from the chain.
The former contrivances consist essentially of levers or cams with toothed surfaces or gripping shoes mounted upon transverse axes attached to the sides of the cage, whose function is to take hold of the guides and support the cage in the event of its becoming detached from the rope.
Examples of the Romanesque basilica style are the church of Obermiinster, dating from Iwo, and the abbey church of St Emmeran, built in the 13th century, and remarkable as one of the few German churches with a detached belfry.
The king himself commanded the right wing, which had to wait until small bodies of infantry detached for the purpose had driven in the Imperialist skirmish line, and had then to cross a ditch leading the horses.
Its residential portions are, characterized by detached homes set in ample and beautiful grounds.
The defences consist of an inner line of works which preserve the place against surprise, and of an outlying chain of detached forts of fairly modern construction, forming roughly two-thirds of a circle of three miles radius.
The works consist of an inner wall, brought into connexion with an outlying system of works, and of twelve detached forts, of which six are on the right and six on the left bank of the Pregel.
To neutralize Billow when necessity arose, the emperor now detached Lobau together with the squadrons of Domon and Subervie.
Along the front of his fortress was built a heavy detached wall, loop-holed for fire, and sufficiently high to be a most formidable obstacle.
Taking a detached view of Turkish civilization, even of the faith of Islam itself, for the two are inseparable - the Committee saw much wanting, much existing that was cumbersome and useless, much that provided a fatal handicap to the progress of the Ottoman State.
On the other side the ist Army was at Feng-hwang-cheng with one brigade detached on the roads on either hand, the left being therefore in front of the Takushan division and facing the Fenshuiling.
Calling in the brigade detached to the assistance of Nozu as well as all other available fractions of his scattered army, he himself attacked 1 The 5th division of the 2nd Army had been sent to join the 10th as the latter approached Hsimucheng.
After the death of Gustavus Adolphus at the battle of Liitzen, not far from Leipzig, in 1632, the elector, who was at heart an imperialist, detached himself from the Swedish alliance, and in 1635 concluded the peace of Prague with the emperor.
In England, a detached baptistery is known to have been associated with the cathedral of Canterbury.
In the second war with Great Britain he commanded the First Division of the detached militia of the state of New York, with the rank of major-general, and on the 13th of October 1812 was defeated at the battle of Queenston Heights.
It originally consisted of two detached buildings, but in 1826-1827 King William I.
The view that meets the eye southwards from the heights of the Kalta-alaghan is the picture of a chaos of mountain chains, ridges, crests, peaks, spurs, detached masses, in fact, montane conformations of every possible description and in every possible arrangement.
Immediately north of the Arkatagh the country is studded with three or four exceptionally conspicuous and imposing detached mountain masses, all capped with snow and some of them carrying small glaciers.
But the relations in which these detached mountain-masses stand to one another and to the Arka-tagh behind them have not yet been elucidated.
The form of the Pensees forbids the attempt to evolve from their detached utterances a completely coherent system.
On the 18th of April 1648, at the general assembly of the Zaporozhians, he openly expressed his intention of proceeding against the Poles and was elected hetman by acclamation; on the Toth of May he annihilated a small detached Polish corps on the banks of the river Zheltndya Vodui, and seven days later overwhelmed the army of the Polish grand-hetman, massacring 850o of his 10,000 men and sending the grand-hetman himself and all his officers in chains to the Crimea.
The western promontory is flanked on the north by the picturesque Alum Bay, and the lofty detached rocks known as the Needles lie off it..
Outside this improved inner line, which includes the whole area of the attack and defence of 1870, lies a complete circle of detached forts and batteries of modern construction.
One corps of the Army of the Tennessee was detached to cover the Memphis & Charleston railway.
Primary deposits are doubtfully represented by the detached fragments of unfossiliferous strata of Traras, Blida and east of Orleansville.
Diatom ooze has been found in detached areas between the Philippine and Mariana islands, and near the Aleutian and Galapagos groups, forming an exception to the general rule of its occurrence only in high latitudes.
This faculty is of advantage to those lizards which lack other means of escape when pursued by some other animal, which is satisfied with capturing the detached member.
In the Maryland campaign Lieut.-General Jackson was again detached from the main army.
The surface features consist of an immense elevated plateau with a chain of mountains on its eastern and western margins, which extends from the United States frontier southward to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; a fringe of lowlands (tierras calientes) between the plateau and coast on either side; a detached, roughly mountainous section in the south-east, which belongs to the Central American Plateau, and a low sandy plain covering the greater part of the Isthmus of Yucatan.
Tepic was detached from the north-west part of Jalisco and organized as a territory in 1889.
Quintana Roo was detached from the state of Yucatan in 1902 and received a territorial government.
These three suburbs - as well as the little hamlet of Demirtash, containing about Soo houses all occupied by Bulgars - are all built in the native fashion; but the, fifth suburb, Karagatch, which is on the right bank of the Maritza, and occupies the region between the railway station and the city, is Western in its design, consisting of detached residences in gardens, many of them handsome villas, and all of modern European type.
But the detached and piecemeal way in which the revision had been carried out naturally caused certain inequalities in the execution of the work.
Just as a process of syncretism has given rise to cults of animal gods, tree spirits tend to become detached from the trees, which are thenceforward only their abodes; and here again animism has begun to pass into polytheism.
Side by side with the doctrine of separable souls with which we have so far been concerned, exists the belief in a great host of unattached spirits; these are not immanent souls which have become detached from their abodes, but have every appearance of independent spirits.
Life is not "a series of detached acts, in each of which a man can calculate the sum of happiness or misery attainable by different courses."
Following what was then deemed a fundamental maxim of political science, they divided the government into three departments, the legislative, the executive and the judicial, and sought to keep each of these as far as possible detached from and independent of the other two.
The buildings were detached, small and of the humblest character.
A cylindrical campanile stands detached from the church on either side of the western apse (FF).
The bakehouse (M), also remaining, is a detached building of immense size.
Detached from these, and separated entirely from the monastic buildings, were various workshops, which convenience required to be banished to the outer precincts, a saw-mill and oil-mill (UU) turned by water, and a currier's shop (V), where the sandals and leathern girdles of the monks were made and repaired.
Detached from the great mass of the monastic edifices was the original abbot's house (N),with its dining-hall (P).
Advancing into the inner court, the buildings devoted to hospitality are found close to the entrance; while those connected with the supply of the material wants of the brethren, - the kitchen, cellars, &c., - form a court of themselves outside the cloister and quite detached from the church.
This inner gate conducted into the base court (T), round which were placed the barns, stables, cow-sheds, &c. On the eastern side stood the dormitory of the lay brothers, fratres conversi (G), detached from the cloister, with cellars and storehouses below.
A text may become illegible through damp or constant thumbing; portions of it may be torn away; if it is in book form, leaves or whole quires may be detached and either lost or misplaced.
The former region consists of detached mountain masses of crystalline rocks, not yet eroded down to the level of the Piedmont Belt.
At the same time, three of the classes considered by him as Mollusca have been one by one removed from that association in consequence of improved knowledge, and one additional class, incorporated since his day with the Mollusca with general approval, has, after more than forty years, been again detached and assigned an independent position owing to newly acquired knowledge.
Ceara was subsequently detached, but the "state" of Maranhao remained independent until 1774, when it again became subject to the colonial administration of Brazil.
Buffalo is widely known for the beauty of its residential sections, the houses being for the most part detached, set well back from the street, and surrounded by attractive lawns.
The collimator of a spectroscope should be detached, or moved so as to admit of the introduction of an auxiliary slit at a distance from the collimator lens equal to its focal length.
The southern, or Malwa, portion is made up of detached or semi-detached districts, between which are interposed parts of other states, which again are mixed up with each other in bewildering intricacy.
Isolated detached blocks measure from 50 to loo ft.
The method of conquest was the establishment of small detached forts in strategic positions, each garrisoned by 500 or 1000 men, and it was accompanied by a full share of those disasters which vigorous barbarians always inflict on civilized invaders.
They are detached houses, standing each in its own garden, and not forming terraces or rows.
In 1815 it was enlarged by a portion of Lusatia, which had become detached from Silesia as far back as the 11th century and since then had been annexed to the kingdom of Saxony.
Each occupied a small detached cottage, standing by itself in a small garden surrounded by high walls and connected by a common corridor or cloister.
At the Jacobins at Paris, a cloister lay to the north of the long narrow church of two parallel aisles, while the refectory - a room of immense length, quite detached from the cloister - stretched across the area before the west front of the church.
The detached pillar or stack called the Old Man of Hoy (450 ft.) is a well-known landmark to sailors.
The enceinte is pierced by nineteen openings or gateways, but of these seven are not used by the public. As soon as the enceinte was finished eight detached forts from 2 to 22 m.
From 80 to 50 B.C. the upper Maeander valley and all Phrygia, except the extreme north, were detached and added to Cilicia.
It was till 1866 a landgraviate and electorate of Germany, consisting of several detached masses of territory, to the N.E.
In 1895 the chief of Katr (Sheikh Jasim ben Thani), instigated by the Turks, attacked Sheikh Isa of Bahrein, but his fleet of dhows was destroyed by a British gunboat, and Bahrein (like Zanzibar) has since been detached from Oman and placed directly under British protection.
Subsequently Pope Alexander was detached from his allies, and made peace with Frederick, after which a truce for six years was arranged between the emperor and the league.
Many of the smaller, useless shoots are rubbed out altogether; the best are allowed to grow perhaps a foot or more in length, and then either have the tips pinched out with the finger and thumb, or the ends may be cracked or broken, and allowed to hang down, but are not detached completely.
At the beginning of his reign, however, the new elector took up a somewhat detached position.
The communities which inhabited the detached hills and projecting ridges which later on formed the city of Rome were in a specially favourable position.
Other interesting buildings are the cathedral with its detached tower, dating from 1500, and the Marien-Kirche with fine cloisters.
He therefore proposed that he should be detached with ten sail of the line, and the frigates and small craft, to pass between the Middle Ground and Saltholm Flat, and assail the Danish line at the southern end while the remainder of the fleet engaged the Trekroner battery from the north.
Its detached forts shelter the city from bombardment, and so long as sea communication is open with England, Antwerp would be practically impregnable.
The internal façade of the Palazzo Ginetti is finely decorated with stucco, and has a curious detached baroque staircase by Martino Lunghi the younger, which Burckhardt calls unique if only for the view to which its arched colonnades serve as a frame.
Many detached sayings scattered throughout the book show a depth of insight, or a practical shrewdness, or again a power of concise speech, which stamps them on the memory.
In this way two marked forms of leaf are produced - (I) Simple form, in which the segmentation, however deeply it extends into the lamina, does not separate portions of the lamina which become articulated with the midrib or petiole; and (2) Compound form, where portions of the lamina are separated as detached leaflets, which become articulated with the midrib or petiole.
The fall is directly caused by the formation of a layer of tissue across the base of the leaf-stalk; the cells of this layer separate from one another and the leaf remains attached only by the fibres of the veins until it becomes finally detached by the wind or frost.
Within the outer municipal boundary are included (besides Deutz) the suburbs of Bayenthal, Lindenthal, Ehrenfeld, Nippes, Sulz, Bickendorf, Niehl and Poll, protected by another widely extended circle of detached forts on both banks of the Rhine.
The Roman Catholic cathedral of St Stephen (Elizabeth Street) is an imposing building, having a detached campanile containing the largest bell in Australia.
The inner line of fortifications was razed in 1890, and the defensive works now consist only of the citadel and three detached forts, one of which, Fort Blucher, serves as a tete-de-pout on the left bank of the Rhine, Wesel contains some quaint old houses, and a town hall, dating from 1396, with an elaborate facade, and containing a valuable collection of old silver plate.
The general aspect of the country is flat, except in the district of Monghyr, where detached hills occur, and in the south-east of the province, where the Rajmahal and Santal ranges abut upon the plains.
Besides detached German colonies in Hungary proper, there is a considerable and compact German (Saxon) population in Transylvania.
However, Godfrey and his friends were easily worsted, and when the dispossessed duke again tried the fortune of war he found that the German king had detached Henry of France from his side and was also in alliance with the English king, Edward the Confessor.
Until 1890 it belonged to the detached portion of Perthshire.
During some displays, auroral light appears in irregular areas or patches, which sometimes bear a very close resemblance to illuminated detached clouds.
Some passages are evidently fragmentary; and a few detached pieces are still extant which were originally parts of the Koran, although they have been omitted by Zaid.
Private houses in these western districts consist chiefly of residential flats, though in the Kasr el-Dubara quarter are many detached residences.
The British resident, Major Missett, having represented the importance of taking Rosetta and Rahmanieh,to secure supplies for Alexandria, General Fraser, with the concurrence of the admiral, Sir John Duckworth, detached the 31st regiment and the Chasseurs Britanniques, accompanied by some field artillery under Major-General Wauchope and Brigadier-General Meade, on this service; and these troops entered Rosetta without encountering any opposition; but as soon as they had dispersed among the narrow streets, the garrison opened a deadly fire on them from the latticed windows and the roofs of the houses.
Since then too it had become quite detached from the nobility, which ostentatiously despised the teaching profession.
In Characeae no fewer than four methods of vegetative reproduction have been described, and the facility with which buds and branches are in these cases detached has been adduced as an evidence of affinity with Bryophyta, which, as a class, are distinguished by their ready resort to vegetative reproduction.
When such plants are detached they are enabled to float for great distances, and the great Sargasso Sea of the North Atlantic Ocean is probably only renewed by the constant addition of plants detached from the shores of the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico.
On the coasts of Europe marine algae detached by the autumnal gales are commonly carted on to the land as a convenient manure.
It is found in numerous detached settlements in Macedonia, Albania and northern Greece, and in colonies of recent date in Servia and Bulgaria.
They are seldom found in large numbers at any great distance from the sea, and usually congregate in the principal towns and commercial centres, such as Adrianople, Constantza, Varna and Philippopolis; there are also detached colonies at Melnik, Stanimaka, Kavakly, Niegush and elsewhere.
A successful diplomacy detached the emperor Sigismund from France, and by the Treaty of Canterbury paved the way to end the schism in the Church.
The effect may be partly due to the peculiar form of the book as a detached series of documents and comments.
Their continuity, however, is interrupted by numerous valleys separating them into detached flat-topped hills, which are comparatively seldom marked by precipices of naked rock.
The ridges, too, are more and more trenched until they become groups of detached hills or mountains.
Above the Archean gneiss lies a series of red and chocolate-coloured sandstone (Torridon sandstone), which form a number of detached areas from Cape Wrath down the seaboard of the shires of Sutherland and Ross and Cromarty, across Skye, and as far as the island of Rum.
The Lower, with its abundant intercalated lavas and tuffs, extends continuously as a broad belt along the northern margin of the Central Plain, reappears in detached tracts along the southern border, is found again on the south side of the Uplands in Berwickshire and the Cheviot Hills, occupies a tract of Lorne (Oban and the vicinity) in Argyllshire, and on the north side of the Highlands underlies most of the low ground on both sides of the Moray Firth, stretches across Caithness and through nearly the whole of the Orkney Islands, and is prolonged into Shetland.
Other detached tracts cover a considerable space in Annandale, one of them ascending the deep defile, known as the Devil's Beef Tub, at the head of that valley.
On the west side of the Highlands Jurassic rocks are found in many detached areas from the Shiant Isles to the southern shores of Mull.
This, however, is erroneous, for Whymper located a detached range running parallel with the Cordillera on the west, for a distance of 65 m.
The crowns of the molars belong to the crescentic or selenodont type, and are tall-crowned or hypsodont; but one or more of the anterior premolars is usually detached from the series, and of simple pointed form.
The hinder part of the body is much contracted, and the femur long and vertically placed, so that the knee-joint is lower in position, and the thigh altogether more detached from the abdomen than in most mammals.
The Canary Islands resemble a roughly-drawn semicircle, with its convex side facing southwards, and with the island of Hierro detached on the south-west.
It contains a lofty Doric column and a detached chapel and banqueting hall, and in the vicinity are picturesque fragments of the monastic chapel of Friarside, and of the manor house of Hollinside.
But it was the close of a lengthy period during which Egypt had endeavoured to keep Palestine detached from Asia, and Palestine had realized the significance of a powerful empire at its south-western border.
The heads of the figures are nearly detached from the ground, their substance is little thicker than paper, and yet in no place has the metal been broken through by the punch.
The church of St Mary Magdalen, built of granite, and richly ornamented without, was erected early in the 16th century, but possesses a detached tower dated 1380.
They sweep in a broad band of roughly parallel ranges to the south-west, preserving their general direction till they abut on the Great Registan desert to the west of Kandahar, where they terminate in a series of detached and broken anticlinals whose sides are swept by a sea of encroaching sand.
The town covers a considerable area; the detached white houses of its suburbs are surrounded by trees and flowering shrubs.
In preparing this for the market it is usually spread out on the leaves of the pepper plant in order to free it from the hairs that have become detached from the pouch.
Some tracts of frontier territory are detached from the various regions and entrusted to political residents, as, for instance, on the Sudan frontier and also on the Abyssinian boundary, where strict surveillance is necessary to repress raiding incursions from Tigre, and where the chief intelligence department is established.
In 1853 Tientsin was besieged by an army of T'aip'ing rebels, which had been detached from the main force at Nanking for the capture of Peking.
A great many troops had been detached by Hisham to Africa and other provinces, the caliph himself was in one of his country places; the prefect of Damascus also was absent.
Qahtaba detached his son Masan against Nasr and went himself to meet Nobata, whom he beat on the ist of Dhu`l-hijja 130 (6th August 748).
After the conquest of Nehawend, Qahtaba had detached one of his captains, Abu `Aun, to Shahrazur, where he defeated the Syrian army which was stationed there.
In reply Cadorna detached two more divisions, the 9th and loth, from the general reserve in Friuli, to be held in reserve at Schio and Bassano, and gave an additional group of Alpine battalions to the I.
This is a meaning or universal, which can have no detached or abstract self-subsistence.
But the destruction of the armament by a storm decided the issue against him; his south Italian subjects successfully defied his religious edicts, and the province of Ravenna became detached from the empire.
When detached clouds are drifting rapidly across the sun, we often see the shadows of the bars of the window on the walls or floor suddenly shifted by an inch or two, and for a moment very much more sharply defined.
It is the largest of the Thuringian states, and consists of the three chief detached districts of Weimar, Eisenach and Neustadt, and twenty-four scattered exclaves, of which Allstedt, Oldisleben and Ilmenau belonging to Weimar, and Ostheim belonging to Eisenach, are the chief.
He was democratic because he was not in any way separated nor detached from the common people by his quality, his culture, or his aspirations.
The perforated pharyngeal region has then been detached from the adherent epipleura or opercular folds (wall of atrial or branchial chamber) by cutting the fluted pharyngo-pleural membrane d, and separated by a vertical cut from the intestinal region.
As regards correspondence with the standard distribution, it will be noted that Finland, the next country to Sweden geographically, comes after Japan, far detached from northern Europe by both race and distance, and is followed by Portugal, where the conditions are also very dissimilar.
There must clearly be a Church, and the small success of the Civil Constitution made clear that public opinion would not put up with a Church practically detached from Rome.
Zuni (pop. 1525) has a five-storeyed dwelling surrounded by detached huts; Acoma (pop. 492 in 1900; 566 in 1902), standing on a cliff 357 ft.
The old name was reintroduced by Diocletian, by whom Cyrenaica (detached from Crete) was divided into Marmarica (Libya inferior) in the east, and Cyrenaica (Libya superior) in the west.
It is an isolated spur of the Aravalli range, being completely detached from that chain by a narrow valley 7 miles across, in which flows the western Banas.
The other islands are comparatively small, and may, in some cases, be regarded as detached parts of Roatan, with which they are connected by reefs.
His poem is rather lyrical than narrative, which may account for some obscurities in the connexion of thought; but his alphabetic scheme proves that he designed twenty-two stanzas, not sixty-six detached couplets.
Two years later, while cruising off Cadiz with Lord Collingwood, he was detached with his squadron to pursue a French fleet that had been sent to the relief of St Domingo.
The greater part of the land has always been held by small independent farmers (only about 15% of the farms are worked by tenants), but until late in the 18th century a curious method of parcelling the land resulted in each man's property consisting of a number of detached plots or strips, the divisions often becoming so minute that dissension was inevitable.
The highest of these apparently detached groups are Mt.
The coating of lime or mortar is soft and brittle, and consequently the young oysters can easily be detached with a stout knife.
To provide against the intended action of the first, Zaki detached his nephew, Ali Murad, at the head of his best troops to proceed with all speed to the north; and, as to the second, the seizure of such families of Sadiks followers as were then within the walls of the town, and other violent measures, struck such dismay into the hearts of the besieging soldiers that they dispersed and abandoned their leader to his fate.
They have been detached fr;m the mainland partly by a marine inlet, partly by the lagoon-like creeks formed by the rivers..
In 1874 the Gold Coast and Lagos were detached from Sierra Leone, and the Gambia in 1888.
The western ridge culminates on the north in the peak of Kaisargarh (11,300 ft.), and the eastern in a block, or detached headland, on the south, where rests the immortal " zirat " or shrine (11,070 ft.).
General Wilshire was accordingly detached from the army of the Indus with 1050 men to assault Kalat.
The Methuen Treaty, signed on the 2 7th of December 1703, detached Portugal from the French alliance, and made her for more than 50 years a commercial and political satellite of Great Britain.
Inhabiting the southern part of the Bolivian plain are the Chiriguanos, a detached tribe of the Guarani race which drifted westward to the vicinity of the Andes long ago.
The detached masses into which a jet is resolved do not at once assume and retain a spherical form, but execute a series of vibrations, being alternately compressed and elongated in the direction of the axis of symmetry.
The peace did not last long, and in 309 Ptolemy commanded a fleet in person which detached the coast towns of Lycia and Caria from Antigonus and crossed to Greece, where Ptolemy took possession of Corinth, Sicyon and Megara (308).
Few remains of its former importance exist, the chief being the Citadel built by the Genoese and still showing Latin inscriptions on some of its towers, the one or two detached towers left when the town walls were pulled down, and two or three mosques, formerly Genoese churches.
The parliamentary borough of Chelsea returns one member, and includes, as a detached portion, Kensal Town, north of Kensington.
The revolving band forms the cathode, and at one end makes a rubbing contact with a travelling belt placed at an angle so that the crystals of silver detached thereby from the cathode are conveyed by it from the solution and deposited outside.
Near Wrexham, but in a detached portion of Flintshire, to the S.E., is Bangor-is-coed (Bangor yn Maelor), the site of the most ancient monastery in the kingdom, founded before r80; some 1200 monks were slain here by IEthelfrith of Northumbria, who also spoiled the monastery.
On the south side of the building is the detached mausoleum of Bohemund, son of Robert Guiscard, who died in 1 r i 1, constructed partly in Byzantine, partly in the local style.
The uppermost saucers of the pile become detached successively and swim off.
Each segment when detached becomes an ephyra, such as that drawn in fig.
He accompanied Massena to Genoa, and acted as his principal lieutenant throughout the protracted siege of that city, during which he operated with a detached force without the walls, and after many successful actions he was wounded and taken prisoner at Monte Cretto on the 13th of April 1800.
Kotaraja lies near the northern extremity of the island, and consists of detached houses of timber and thatch, clustered in enclosed groups called kampongs, and buried in a forest of fruit-trees.
An inner arm ran nearly east from the island and terminated in a masonry head and fort, and an outer detached arm bent to the north and terminated in a circular fort, a narrow entrance for shipping being left between the two.
The entrenchments surrounding this building covered some 60 acres of ground, and included a number of detached houses and buildings, knit together by ditches and stockades.
It was afterwards acknowledged that the Oudh proclamation, interpreted as Canning meant it should be, was a wise piece of statesmanship. After the fall of Lucknow Canning insisted that Sir Colin Campbell should take immediate action against the rebels in Oudh and Rohilkhand, and a number of petty and harassing operations were carried out by detached columns; but Campbell moved too slowly to bring his guerrilla opponents to book, and the rebellion was really brought to a conclusion by Sir Hugh Rose's brilliant campaign in Central India.
He was in North America in 1755, on the coast of France in 1756, was detached on a cruise to reduce the French settlements on the west coast of Africa in 1758, and his ship the "Torbay" (74) was the first to get into action in the battle of Quiberon in 1759.
The invading sovereign, going to Sta Maria delle Grazie with his retinue to admire the renowned painting of the "Last Supper," asked if it could not be detached from the wall and transported to France.
The endosperm detached from a large Ginkgo ovule after fertilization bears a close resemblance to that of a cycad; the apex is occupied by a depression, on the floor of which two small holes mark the position of the archegonia, and the outgrowth from the megaspore apex projects from the centre as a short peg.
A characteristic feature of the genus Agathis (Dammara) the Kauri pine of New Zealand, is the deciduous habit of the branches; these become detached from the main trunk leaving a well-defined absciss-surface, which appears as a depressed circular scar on the stem.
The lordship of Etampes, in what is now the department of Seine et Oise in France, belonged to the royal domain, but was detached from it on several occasions in favour of princes, or kings' favourites.
To illustrate Decorated and Perpendicular the churches of Clifton and of Marston Moretaine, with its massive detached campanile, may be mentioned; and Cople church is a good specimen of fine Perpendicular work.
Bessarabia had been detached from the rest of the principality and placed under the direct control of the military authorities.
These plains slope gently toward the east, those of the Amazon basin apparently lying in great terraces whose escarpments have the character of low, detached ranges of hills forming successive rims to the great basin which they partly enclose.
It stands detached from the lower ranges of the Eastern Cordillera, and gives the impression that it is essentially independent.
This division of the national territory was modified in 1905, by creating seven additional departments from detached portions of the old ones, and by cutting up the unsettled districts of Goajira and the great eastern plains into four intendencias.
There is no system outlined in the location of these detached lines, though in 1905-1908 President Reyes planned to connect them in such a way as to form an extensive system radiating from the national capital.
Walfish Bay on the west coast north of the Orange river is a detached part of Cape Colony.
The colony is officially divided into nine provinces, but is more conveniently treated as consisting of three regions, to which may be added the detached area of Walfish Bay and the islands along the coast of Namaqualand.
The ectoderm beneath each fold becomes detached from the surface of the basal plate, and both it and the mesogloea are folded conformably with the endoderm.
It is a rugged and difficult country, intersected by creeks, and abounding in isolated peaks and detached ranges of hills.
The table-land of the Deccan above the Ghats, on the contrary, has an agreeable climate except in the hot months, as has also the southern Mahratta country; and in the hills of Mahabaleshwar, Singarh, and other detached heights, Europeans may go out at all hours with impunity.
To render the organization of this creature perfect in relation to its wants, it is provided with three long filaments inserted along the middle of the head, which are, in fact, the detached and modified three first spines of the anterior dorsal fin.
Bourke, with appendix, detached papers and notes for speeches, was published in 4 vols., 1844.
Perhaps the largest part, in volume, of De Morgan's writings remains still to be briefly mentioned; it consists of detached articles contributed to various periodical or composite works.
The ticket is made up of as many coloured sheets as there are party organizations (plus one for independent nominations), and the name of each candidate is on a perforated slip, which must be detached if it is to be voted.
In 1774 was passed the Quebec Act for the government of the Province of Quebec into which the Wisconsin region was incorporated by this act, but it had little effect on the French settlements west of Lake Michigan, which remained throughout the entire British period a group of detached and periodically self-governing communities.
This pro-British spirit, however, did not dominate the whole Wisconsin region, and while De Langlade was harassing the Pennsylvania and Virginia frontier, Godefrey de Linctot, a trader of Prairie du Chien, acting as agent for George Rogers Clark, detached several western tribes from the British adherence, and personally led a band of French settlers to his aid.
Cambridge is a typical New England city, built up in detached residences, with irregular streets pleasantly shaded, and a considerable wealth of historic and literary associations.
The original township of Cambridge was very large, and there have been successively detached from it, Newton (1691), Lexington (1713), Brighton (1837) and Arlington (1867).
The student of theology will do well to seek in the best histories of doctrine more detached treatment than Dogmatic can give.
The so-called Alpi Apuane (the Apuani were an ancient people of Liguria), a detached chain south-west of the valley of the Serchio, rise to a maximum height of 610o ft.
It consisted of a large number of detached buildings, in grounds made beautiful with gardens and trees, and commanding magnificent views over the Sea of Marmora, across to the hills and mountains of the Asiatic coast.
The bearded varieties are supposed to be hardier; at any rate they defy the ravages of predatory birds more completely than the unarmed varieties, and they are preferable in countries liable to storms of wind, as less likely to have their seeds detached.
The spores, when mature, are easily detached, and are carried by insects or by the wind to other wheat-plants.
The country is low and gently undulating, broken by detached hills and ridges not exceeding in elevation 2 Soo ft.
The modern German system of fortification consists of a girdle of fourteen detached forts, at a distance of from three to five miles from the centre of the town.
Besides these there were on the floor of the main apartment a number of detached movable couches or seats, all low, with one or more low tables of some sort.
Classical authors explained the name of Procida either as an allusion to its having been detached from Ischia, or as being that of the nurse of Aeneas.
This was probably due to their unsystematic character, for they are generally tracts or dialogues on detached questions, not elaborate treatises like the great works of Albert, Aquinas, and Erigena.
Further, he has no systematic works; his doctrines exist for the most part in short detached essays, in comments on the writings of Boehme and Saint Martin, or in his extensive correspondence and journals.
There is one small tree (Phylica nitida), which grows in detached patches on the lower grounds.
This is par excellence the African formation, and covers immense areas in South Africa and the Congo basin, with detached portions in East Africa.
From the latter (1270 he detached the comtat Venaissin in 1274 and gave it to 1285).
In 1498 Maximilian reversed the policy of his father Frederick III., and detached this territory, known afterwards as the province of Friesland, from the empire.
Sherman had captured, not the north point of Missionary Ridge, but a detached hill, and a new and more serious action had to be fought for the possession of Tunnel Hill, where Bragg's right now lay strongly entrenched.
When British arbitration was brought to bear upon the disputed claims of Persia over this country in 1872, it was found necessary to suppose two territories - one compact and concentrated, which was called " Seistan Proper," the other detached and irregular, called " Outer Seistan."
By the marriage of his brother Philip the Bold with Margaret of Flanders, Charles detached the Flemings from the English alliance, and as soon as he had restored something like order in the internal affairs of the kingdom he provoked a quarrel with the English.
The highlands of the Veluwe lying west of the Ysel really extend as far as the Crooked Rhine and the Vecht in the province of Utrecht, but are slightly detached from the Utrecht hills by the so-called Gelders valley, which forms the boundary between the two provinces.
Hood, having detached a part of his army, desired to gain time to bring in his detachments by holding this line for another day.
Such forms he distinguished as Coelentera, and showed that they had no special affinity with echinoderms, polyzoa, &c. He divided the Coelentera into a group Hydrozoa, in which the sexually produced embryos were usually set free from the surface of the body, and a group Actinozoa, in which the embryos are detached from the interior of the body and escape generally by the oral aperture.
These masses are easily detached by the agency of insects.
These mountains consist of detached remnants of a sheet of quartz conglomerates, interbedded with sandstones, containing crinoid stems and obscure brachiopods.
Each of these poor-law parishes may represent the extent of an old ecclesiastical parish, or a township separately rated by custom before the practice was stayed in 1819 or separated from a large parish under the act of 1662, or it may represent a chapelry, tything, borough, ward, quarter or hamlet, or other subdivision of the ancient parish, or, under various acts, an area formed by the merger of an extra-parochial place with an adjoining district by the union of detached portions with adjoining parishes, or by the subdivision of a large parish for the better administration of the relief of the poor.
Mount San Lorenzo, detached from the main chain in the pre-Cordillera, is ii,800 ft.
Owing to this, it has become the common practice of palaeobotanists to give distinct generic names to detached parts of plants which may even have belonged to one and the same species.
Thus the roots of Sigillaria are called Stigmaria, detached leaves Sigillariophyllum, and the fructifications Sigillariostrobus; the name Sigillaria applies to the stem, which, however, when old and partly decorticated has been called Syringodendron, while its woody cylinder has often been described under the name Diploxylon.
This naming of portions of plants, however objectionable, is often not to be avoided; for detached organs constantly have to be described long before their relation to other parts is established - which, indeed, may never be accomplished.
When found detached these leaves were taken for the fronds of a Fern.
The seed-like body was detached as a whole from the cone, and in this condition was known for many years under the name of Cardiocarpon anomalum, having been wrongly identified with a true Gymnospermous seed so named a seed are obvious; the which is not tubular, but forms a long crevice, running in a direction radial to the strobilus.
This continental area has been described as " Gondwana Land," a tract of enormous extent occupying an area, part of which has since given place to a southern ocean, while detached masses persist as portions of more modern continents, which have enabled us to read in their fossil plants and ice-scratched boulders the records of a lost continent in which the Mesozoic vegetation of the northern hemisphere had its birth.
There can be little doubt that the majority of the Cycadean fronds of Jurassic and Wealden age, which are nearly always found detached from the rest of the plant, were borne on stems of the Bennettites type.
In 1880 the city was detached from the main district, called Hanthawaddy, and formed into a separate district, with an area of 19 sq.
The essence of cognition or knowledge was a synthetic act, an act of combining in thought the detached elements of experience.
Alex carefully detached Destiny from his neck.
Adding versatility for guests, a small detached barn in the garden offers a very private twin bedded suite.
Mark's family soon found a suitable 3 bedroom detached bungalow very close to where they lived.
Sleeps 4. Detached two bedroomed luxury bungalow of traditional Highland style.
West Kitty Cottage A detached three-bedroom bungalow providing comfortable accommodation for a family of up to five people.
Turning now to the dependencies of the Empire, we note that Spain was during this reign finally detached from the eastern caliphate.
A detached stone built potting shed with a stone slate roof and timber casement window.
These 2 bedroom detached chalets are built on one level.
Also when I played it it felt a lot more " spongy " owing to the detached console.
A Grade II listed 16th Century Tudor detached cottage.
Each frigate had a Wasp helicopter whilst a Wessex was detached from one of the guided missile destroyers and housed on the oiler.
The Warwick A five bedroom detached house with integrated double garage.
But Scannell is curiously detached from the children whose shocking futures he anticipates.
The passage has always appeared somewhat detached from the body of the work, and its purpose has long been something of a puzzle.
Extent and Medium 6 volumes; paper; The spines of many of the volumes are damaged and in some cases are completely detached.
He brought an essential element of sadness to the role of a man always slightly detached from the action.
Some of these necrotic lesions became torn and partially detached or with a shothole effect.
Long sweeping driveway giving access to the detached double garage.
Outside The property is accessed via a tarmac driveway to the side which provides ample parking leads to the detached garage / workshop.
They wish to erect a detached dwelling on the garden to the rear of 34 Church Street with vehicular access being via Bramley Way.
The property is a detached cottage with rendered elevations beneath a tiled roof.
Invented the cylindrical balance spring and the detached detent escapement (1782 ).
Players have ten minutes to find the largest collection of detached human eyeballs.
Ty Coch is a large detached self catering farmhouse in a peaceful location close to the foot of Snowdon.
The weakness may have been that a number of legionaries had been detached to build and garrison forts further south.
Is relatively progressive reasonably fuel-efficient mid-range hire fees to texas auto insurance detached house in leeds.
Replace the fusee box with the spring detached from the fusee box with the spring detached from the fusee.
Efforts to support corporate globalization appear to be detached from such concerns.
An imposing detached large farmhouse with extensive lawns and attractive outbuildings, including a listed granary on staddle stones.
Several distinct, detached haze layers can be seen above the opaque haze layers can be seen above the opaque haze layer.
How strict and detached were the lives the holy hermits led in the desert!
Your Move are pleased to offer for sale this two bedroom semi detached house situated on Third Avenue in Scampton.
The first one is a structured improvisation articulating sparse elements into a cold, detached organism.
The end walls have first three big lancets of even height with detached triple shafts.. .
It was a detached brick cottage with a garden where her father grew the largest leeks I have ever seen.
The biggest challenge in writing the libretto for Sirius on Earth was to create a detached yet familiar reality within a short time frame.
This implies that the oceanic lithosphere is detached from continental lower lithosphere also in the eastern Alps.
Side doors in detached garages should be fitted with a quality mortice lock to BS 3621 standard.
The fireplace was removed from a large detached mock tudor property in Winchester and came with an Edwardian painted fruitwood mantel.
A 4 bedroom contemporary style detached house, newly modernized which will accommodate up to 9 persons.
Politics cannot be detached from morality, but morality cannot be detached from spirituality.
A cozy, detached character cottage nestling on a peaceful hillside overlooking the market town of Belper.
They were not there as entirely detached observers, tho some did their best to be.
In the rear garden of the house we have a detached outbuilding that was once the tack room for the farm.
The church, serving both places, is in Everton village in what was until 1965 a detached portion of Tetworth ecclesiastical parish.
They flew many flights to Malta and Cyprus carrying troops and RAF personnel detached for the assault on the Canal Zone.
It just all seemed rather pointless watching it, I'm feeling very detached.
On Hart's account of legal positivism, however, a private citizen may adopt this detached attitude toward legal rules.
The most usual way in which these problems manifest themselves is when the cement render becomes detached from the wall in areas.
Located within a desirable area just off Kendal Green, we are pleased to offer this practically extended semi detached residence for sale.
He has a detached retina, which cannot be fixed.
Ample parking and turning on the lengthy tarmac drive, which leads to a large detached brick garage with pantile roof.
Commanding an elevated position overlooking the harbor and open sea views, this Edwardian semi detached house offers excellent family accommodation.
Plot 5 is a 3 bedroom semi detached house with parking space.
By Appointment Through The smallholding Center Only registered smallholding comprising 4/5 bed detached house, pleasant gardens and paddocks extending to approximately 6 acres.
The bracelet can easily be detached with a quick snip to the supporting wire.
This beautifully built detached family bungalow, offers spacious, comfortable living accommodation.
Because there was a chain sprocket on each end, the cylinder to be detached from the frame and replaced the opposite way round.
Somewhat detached from his peers, in an almost stereotypical fashion.
A few detached villas lay along part of the south side of Spring Place.
A sneer and a borrowed witticism, a detached, dispassionate veneer intended to convey intelligence.
It may be remarked that it is only the constant part of sky-light that can be due to detached molecules.