Desires Sentence Examples
Once again she had let her desires drive them from her mind.
Women have desires too – probably every bit as strong as a man's.
Only Betsy was raised outside of New England and she easily bowed to our collective desires to remain within its six state bounds.
She could live a lifetime and never find someone so perfectly fit to her wants and desires.
She feels that both stars have clear goals, desires, and interests.
The threatened dualism of ideal and material becomes for Aristotle mainly a contrast of matter and form; the lower stage in development desires or aims at the higher, matter more and more tending to pass into form, till God is form without any matter.
He desires to end your misfortunes and restore you to your homes and families.
It was an interesting mental exercise and said much about the desires of the participants.
I have the least rewarding job of any of us so my desires are directed to family and this mind boggling venture Howie is taking us on.
The political conditions of Europe favored the realization of Italian desires.
AdvertisementThe service lasted just under an hour and consisted mostly of Reverend Humphries preaching against giving in to the devil's temptation for wicked bodily desires.
In these circumstances, when, as frequently will be the case, the person calling desires to be put in communication with a subscriber who belongs to another section, connexions must be established in the office between the two sections; this necessitates additional switchboard arrangements, and also increases the time required to put subscribers in communication with one another.
Thus there is a differentiation between the long-distance traveller who desires to be carried from one extreme of the city to the other and the short-distance traveller who is going between points at a much less distance.
Sadler further learnt that she was "singularly well affected to Henry's desires."
This fell far short of his desires, and he now dexterously referred the whole question to the nation at large.
AdvertisementHe defends them against Zeus, who, in accordance with a widely diffused mythical theory, desires to destroy the human race and supplant them by a new and better species, or who simply revenges a trick in which men get the better of him.
Wissowa, Religion and Kultus der Romer (1902), according to whom Spes was originally not a garden goddess, but simply the divinity to whom one prayed for the fulfilment of one's desires.
Alexander of Russia directed his own diplomacy, and round him he had gathered a brilliant body of men who could express but not control their master's desires.
The spiritual experience of the individual utters itself in words, and desires association with others who know the same grace.
Sickness is suffering, so is death, so is union with the unloved, and separation from the loved; not to obtain what one desires is suffering; the entire fivefold clinging to the earthly is suffering.
AdvertisementThe writer desires to express his indebtedness to Mr Israel Abrahams for bibliographical and other suggestions.
In the gospel he found a God revealed who is goodness and love, and who desires faith and love from men.
Butler never attempts to prove that a future life regulated according to the requirements of ethical law is a reality; he only desires to show that the conception of such a life is not irreconcilable with what we know of the course of nature, and that consequently it is not unreasonable to suppose that there is such a life.
Moreover, among the particular passions, appetites and desires there are some whose tendency is as clearly towards the general good as that of others is towards the satisfaction of the self.
That God desires that all should be saved, and that the salvation of each depends on his own choice - these are the general convictions of modern theology.
AdvertisementIt is this latter fact which has led many students of human character to state that men do in fact aim at the gratification of their personal desires and impulses.
In 1675 Spener published his Pia desideria, or Earnest Desires for a Reform of the True Evangelical Church.
Things indifferent might be trusted to him, but the main lines of English diplomacy and foreign policy show rather the influence of the kings personal desires of the moment than that of a statesman seeking national ends.
As it was their doubtful reputation and financial embarrassments enabled Henry to offer them as a gigantic bribe to the upper classes of the laity, and the Reformation parliament met for its last session early in 1536 to give effect to the reports of the visitors and to the kings and their own desires.
It can easily be shown that men do attach moral adjectives to environment, temperamental tendencies, natural endowments, instinctive desires, in a word to all or most of those forces moulding character.
For the very argument from the undeveloped possibilities of each man's character by which the determinist proves the compatibility of his theory with the phenomenon of sudden conversion and the like is sufficient also to prove that the state can never be sure that the punishments which it inflicts upon the individual will have the effect upon his character and conduct which it desires.
There is, however, in the Cynic notion of wisdom, no positive criterion beyond the mere negation of irrational desires and prejudices.
But it remains true that the contrast with the " righteousness of the scribes and pharisees " has always served to mark the requirement of " inwardness " as a distinctive feature of the Christian code - an inwardness not merely negative, tending to the repression of vicious desires as well as vicious acts, but also involving a positive rectitude of the inner state of the soul.
Rightness of purpose, preference of virtue for its own sake, suppression of vicious desires, were made essential points by the - Aristotelians, who attached the most importance to outward circumstances in their view of virtue, no less than by the Stoics, to whom all outward things were indifferent.
Then, when Christianity threw off the Mosaic ritual, this religious sense of purity was left with no other sphere besides morality; while, from its highly idealized character, it was peculiarly well adapted for that repression of vicious desires which Christianity claimed as its special function.
This, at any rate, is Hobbes's cardinal doctrine in moral psychology, that each man's appetites or desires are naturally directed either to the preservation of his life, or to that heightening of it which he feels as pleasure.2 Hobbes does not distinguish instinctive from deliberate pleasureseeking; and he confidently resolves the most apparently unselfish emotions into phases of self-regard.
The question, however, still remains, what motive any individual has to conform to these social principles when they conflict with his natural desires.
He first follows Shaftesbury in exhibiting the social affections as no less natural than the appetites and desires which tend directly to self-preservation; then reviving the Stoic view of the prima naturae, the first objects of natural appetites, he argues that pleasure is not the primary aim even of the impulses which Shaftesbury allowed to be " self-affections "; but rather a result which follows upon their attaining their natural ends.
The latter are " necessarily presupposed " as distinct impulses in " the very idea of an interested pursuit "; since, if there were no such pre-existing desires, there would be no pleasure for self-love to aim at.
Further, so far from bodily appetites (or other particular desires) being forms of self-love, there is no one of them which under certain circumstances may not come into conflict with it.
He urges that the notion of " good 1 on the whole " is one which only a reasoning being can form, involving as it does abstraction from the objects of all particular desires, and comparison of past and future with present feelings; and maintains that it is a contradiction to suppose a rational being to have the notion of its Good on the Whole without a desire for it, and that such a desire must naturally regulate all particular appetites and passions.
With a little straining these are made to correspond to five chief divisions of Jus, - personal security (benevolence being opposed to the ill-will that commonly causes personal injuries), property, contract, marriage and government; while the first, second and fourth, again, regulate respectively the three chief classes of human motives, - affections, mental desires and appetites.
Some years earlier, Gay,' admitting Hutcheson's proof of the actual disinterestedness of moral and benevolent impulses, had maintained that these (like the desires of knowledge or fame, the delight of reading, hunting and planting, &c.) were derived from self-love by " the power of association."
Neither the doctrine of Hobbes, that deliberation is a mere alternation of competing desires, voluntary action immediately following the " last appetite," nor the hardly less decided Determinism of Locke, who held that the will is always moved by the greatest present uneasiness, appeared to either author to require any reconciliation with the belief in human responsibility.
Thus, in his view, not merely natural inclinations towards pleasures, or the desires for selfish happiness, require to be morally resisted; but even the prompting of the individual's conscience, the impulse to do what seems to him right, if it comes into conflict with the common sense of his community.
Any national bank may secure its depositors in this manner if it so desires.
Louis Philippe's government was far from satisfying his desires for reform, and he persistently urged the "broadening of the bases of the monarchy," while he protested his loyalty to the dynasty.
At the popes appeal Charles crossed the Alps, took Verona and Pavia after a long siege, assumed the iron crown of the Lombard kings (June 774), and made a triumphal entry into Rome, which had not formed part of the popes desires.
His first act was to release French policy from the Austrian alliance of 1756; in this he was aided both by public opinion and by the confidence of the kingthe latter managing to set aside the desires of the queen, whom the ambition of Maria Theresa and Joseph II.
By the former Turgot hampered the great interests; by the second he thwarted the desires of courtiers not only of the second rank but of the first.
By a twofold coup detat, parliamentary and military, he culled the fruits of the Directorys systematic aggression and unpopularity, and realized the universal desires of the rich bourgeoisie, tired of warfare; of the wretched populace; of landholders, afraid of a return to the old order of things; of royalists, who looked upon Bonaparte as a future Monk; of priests and their people, who hoped for an indulgent treatment of Catholicism; and finally of the immense majority of the French, who love to be ruled and for long had had no efficient government.
Desires are presentations struggling into consciousness against hindrances, and when accompanied by the supposition of success become volitions.
What we call Self is, above all, such a central mass, and Herbart seeks to show with great ingenuity and detail how this position is occupied at first chiefly by the body, then by the seat of ideas and desires, and finally by that first-personal Self which recollects the past and resolves concerning the future.
Hence in "liver" divination, as in astrology, the interpretations of the signs noted all have reference to public affairs and events and not to the individual's needs or desires.
He disbelieves in Job's integrity, and desires him to be so tried that he may fall into sin.
John was attacked by the representatives of the various nations and reprimanded even for his private conduct, but endeavoured to extricate himself from this uncomfortable position by gratifying their desires, if not by reforming abuses.
Each of us detailed our general desires about a potential location.
Women have desires too – probably every bit as strong as a man's.
How do we know it is not our own selfish desires disguised by the unconscious into seemingly altruistic motives?
These actions depend on the desires furnished by hypothetical imperatives.
Well our newly opened bridal boutique, Maisie Maxwell near Lichfield can cater for whatever your heart desires.
The innocent girl, Lisa, finds herself the object of the savage brutes ' sordid desires.
A gentle touch on the sensitive touch-screen selection panel is all it takes for the sensors to translate your desires into perfectly brewed coffee.
She desires the couch of heart's joy, she desires the couch.
He loves you and desires to fulfill the desires of your soul.
The author explores the theme of inhibited sexual desires fully in his illustrations.
They are tainted by material concerns, even selfish desires.
We have taken to using pleasure gel to spice up our carnal desires.
Sometime he hath enlarged your soul with ardent and longing desires after him, and satisfied you with the fatness of his house.
It simply cannot overcome the selfish desires of its own citizens, even when those desires threaten to destroy the whole king- Dom.
And (hopefully) something to also satisfy my desires for teen drama with a supernatural edge.
Indeed the FIEC desires to encourage that kind of true and biblical ecumenism.
She is now enfolding and kissing Him that was the object of her desires.
Could there be satisfactory explanations of human behavior which made no appeal to beliefs or desires?
At once highbrow and lowbrow, it has a way of adapting its identity to fulfill the desires of its visitors.
Maelstrom of conflicting emotions, desires and uncertainty.
A. Things That Hinder A person who desires to become a mourner must eliminate anything masking sin in his or her life.
He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence.
We suggest refinements of the conditions in order to find a balance between the conflicting desires.
I've finally relented to my desires for an iPod.
Or we slip and fall yet again to our desires of one sort or another and feel angry with ourselves for being so spineless.
Both in his outward conduct and in his inward spiritual desires he was ruled by God's Word.
And this new emphasis on creating and satisfying desires and appetites also had its roots in enlightenment thinking.
The main proof of the objective value of the view we may gain will rather lie in the degree in which it succeeds in assigning to every element of culture its due position, or in which it is able to appreciate and combine different and apparently opposite tendencies and interests, in the sort of justice with which it weighs our manifold desires and aspirations, balancing them in due proportions, refusing to sacrifice to a one-sided principle any truth or conviction which experience has proven to be useful and necessary.
On behalf of the Liberal government an amendment was moved, stating that "This House, while recording its condemnation of the flogging of Chinese coolies in breach of the law, desires, in the interests of peace and conciliation in South Africa, to refrain from passing censure upon individuals."
In all its principal features, however, the Escorial remains what it was made by the genius of Toledo and Herrera working out the grand, if abnormal, desires of their master.
If any one desires to appreciate the intellectual plane and the power - of this Ultramontane habit of thought, he will find ample material in the performances of the notorious swindler Leo Taxil under Leo XIII., and in the acceptance of his blasphemous effusions by the highest ranks of the clergy.
Schelling was prematurely thrust into the position of a foremost productive thinker; and when the lengthened period of quiet meditation was at last forced upon him there unfortunately lay before him a system which achieved what had dimly been involved in his ardent and impetuous desires.
It can easily be shown that men do as a matter of fact attach moral adjectives to environment, temperamental tendencies, natural endowments, instinctive desires, in a word to all or most of those forces moulding character, from which, according to libertarians, the individual's freedom of choice should be clearly distinguished and separated, and to which it can be and is frequently opposed.
She was beloved of Apollo, who promised to bestow on her the spirit of prophecy if she would comply with his desires.
I cannot explain the peculiar sympathy Miss Sullivan had with my pleasures and desires.
Prince Vasili entered the room with the air of a happy conqueror who has attained the object of his desires.
In her view the aim of every religion was merely to preserve certain proprieties while affording satisfaction to human desires.
I 've finally relented to my desires for an iPod.
The new director has laid emphasis on unconscious fears and desires in his reworking of the well-loved fairy tale.
The young, the old and the infirm are all liable to be sacrificed to sate the murderous desires of the Ant.
It isn't long before his desires become inexorable and he sets out to scupper what he can't have leading to an explosive nail-biting climax.
The reality of spiritual realms was being replaced by earthly desires to enhance individual power or ego.
Both in his outward conduct and in his inward spiritual desires he was ruled by God 's Word.
A mountain, or a starry sky, offers no foothold to our desires.
And this new emphasis on creating and satisfying desires and appetites also had its roots in Enlightenment thinking.
Muse is an alternative designer clothing line for women in their mid to late twenties who desires to dress youthful yet smart.
She spoke of the intimate details of their acrobatic sexual antics including the wild consummation of their formerly unspoken desires.
We found her full of triumph, and vehement desires to be dissolved, and to be with Christ.
Creating an excellent opportunity for the individual who desires employment or needs a foot in the door to a career in childcare.
Gift baskets allow you to customize so that each and every item you place into the basket is geared toward a child's likes, dislikes, wants, needs, and/or desires.
Part of the key is not to look for what is the hottest new trend, but rather seeing what you need and how the currently available line can address those desires.
If you are looking for luxury cat carriers that won't require a second home mortgage to purchase, then Pet Flys has many items that will fulfill your aesthetic desires and your cat's comfort needs.
Indiana, the state that has marketed the country's first soybean oil candles, desires to get enough signatures on a petition in order to move Indiana forward in ethanol and soybean production.
The initial client meeting is essential to establish goals and desires for the space.
The Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge Powder Pink product promises to fulfill all of my desires; its natural looking, blendable and long-wearing.
Whatever your wants or desires, any number of the above sites will offer you free dragons to adopt.
The first is that every young woman on her prom night desires to be the center of attention.
Make sure your parents are aware of your modeling desires before you start sending out your photos and resume to prospective agents.
Make sure you create an open environment where your child can discuss her sexual behaviors and desires.
This means that the initial costs - airfare and accomodations - must be paid for in advance when booking on whatever travel site the couple desires.
Religious readings can also be added, if this is what the couple desires.
Above all, be flexible with your needs and desires for an outdoor wedding.
Knowing that family and friends are there to witness this milestone may be all the couple desires.
If she asks, certainly voice your opinion but understand it is her day so her desires should be considered first.
Consultants are wedding professionals who navigate couples through the wedding planning process, using their knowledge to fulfill the desires of the brides and grooms they are helping.
However, couples need to consider and balance their own desires with those of friends and family members, and it's always possible to compromise on price or display by downsizing a cake or including a more basic dessert as well.
A vow renewal can be as simple or elaborate as a couple desires, and there are many options available to celebrate this special occasion.
With an informal wedding reception, almost anything goes as long as it reflects your unique wants and desires.
It's fairly safe to say that any parent who desires to dress their child in a Grateful Dead shirt probably represents the most devoted of fans.
Someone who desires a career in bioengineering should have several characteristics.
The site even provides visitors with the functionality to input the criteria that is important to them (for example, particular majors or locations) and receive a list of schools that fit their desires.
Knowing the pros and cons of different types of ships helps passengers choose which one to sail on, letting them personalize their vacation to suit their personalities and individual desires.
Carnival ships come in a range of sizes to suit every traveler's desires.
While planning this type of event can be costly and time consuming, it may be the best way for your organization to experience a religious getaway that is specific to your group's particular needs and desires.
Know what to expect and be sure the cruise you select fits your specific desires.
For rock-bottom prices you can't expect to cruise whenever and wherever your heart desires.
Each facility in the network has it's own set of criteria governing adoptions, but Iams Home 4 the Holidays shelters work together to match the needs of the pets with the desires of the families.
Some models have also contained an apartment on the upper levels, or office space depending on the consumer's needs and desires.
Sliding glass doors fit into a home when the homeowner desires an unobstructed view to the outside world.
These synthetic stones are less costly than natural sapphires and are a good choice for a person who desires a stunning birthstone necklace but does not want to pay the price for natural sapphires..
For the gentleman who desires custom dress shirts and suits made to his specifications, tailor-made clothing can still be found.
It even goes further than just meeting your desires for a certain color.
Of course, there are a few companies that do not have strict guidelines and are simply trying to profit of people's desires to be more environmentally friendly.
Determine your needs and desires before embarking on the journey of finding the perfect swim shorts for your active lifestyle.
Finding panties that give you that vital sensual confidence to satisfy your desires and those of your special someone should not be as difficult as you may think.
However, there are blogs to guide you in your search and increasing numbers of reproduction houses that understand the desires of a plus-size fashionista.
This exercise will prompt your deepest desires to come forth, and probably a few more questions about the best place to retire.
Once you've had a chance to preview some of these featured sites, you'll have a better idea of what online community best suits you and your desires.
Talking openly about your needs, desires and concerns will increase intimacy and enjoyment.
For seniors whose post-retirement dreams involve gardening, however, planning for a home with a yard large enough for gardening and planting will better meet their needs and desires.
For a senior who desires to live independently but requires some additional medical assistance, in home health care is a helpful alternative.
Pictures from magazines or a web site may help you communicate your desires to your hair stylist.
Whatever you decide to give, if it is a gift that came from the heart and lines up with the needs and desires of the receiver, know that the gift will be a well-received one.
He felt that the reason a dreamer cannot remember their dreams is because of the super ego's goal to protect the conscious mind from the thoughts and desires of the unconscious mind.
The Sleep Number bed is a specially-designed bed that allows an individual to adjust the firmness of the bed to fit their desires and needs.
He suggested that the unconscious is the part of the mind that is hardest to access because it contains people's deepest fears, emotions, and desires.
Repressed desires and unconscious fears show up in dreams in Freudian theory.
Freud believed that dreams were a window into the unconscious mind and a way to act out unconscious wishes and desires.
Sigmund Freud considered dreams to be "output" processing in that they delved into subconscious desires and uncovered hidden desire, as an output.
Wish-fulfilling dreams from the output perspective are expressing your deepest desires.
If shipping is fast, or if your local post office uses the "Fast Return" system, GameFly is a great deal for your gaming desires.
In recent years, Nintendo has come under heavy attack from veteran gamers for being "too kiddy", "not serious about video games", or "ignorant of their customers' desires".
With a retro style throughout, chrome accents, and a very cool body style outside and high technology inside, this light-weight travel trailer is an absolute dream for a single traveler who desires to live in comfort wherever they go.
Thankfully, the popular wireless carrier has handsets that can suit a range of preferences, needs, and desires.
Purchasing an unlocked phone instead of one that is locked permits the owner of the phone to chose any cellular provider he or she desires.
For starters, you can purchase something like the Apple iPhone and customize it to suit your preferences and your desires.
Level three has two questions and verbally measures children's understanding that sex is permanent over time despite changes in appearance, desires, or activities.
During recovery the mother is encouraged to turn, cough, and deep breathe to keep her lungs clear, and the neonate is usually brought to the mother to breastfeed if she so desires.
Ascension Funeral Services makes the guarantee that the funeral services they offer will never be overpriced and will always be to the desires of the clients.
The child can also have the option of scattering the ashes where he or she desires, such as the beach or dog park.
Strong, shiny hair is perhaps one of womankind's greatest desires.
When you're ready to make a change, visit with your stylist and address your desires and concerns.
Rather than invest in expensive lavish hair products and styling tools, you can improve the health and quality of your hair by understanding your hair's unique needs and your own personal desires.
Since highlights are always in style no matter what the the season is, take a few ideas with you to your colorist and discover which color process works best for your desires.
Narrow your results down to the stylist who seems the most capable of delivering your desires.
Thankfully, there are some solutions to these disadvantages for the parent who desires to homeschool, but wants to tackle these problems head-on.
When considering which path works best for your specific needs and desires, think about what type of training or background you'll need to have to qualify for your chosen career.
Once you have clarified your desires regarding natural childbirth, you can begin to take the necessary steps to put your plan in action.
Although Pamela Anderson is not currently pregnant, if she desires a baby with her new husband, she may want to consider trying soon.
Although some celebrities, like Halle Berry and Marcia Cross, are open about their desires for a family, others prefer to keep things private.
While a home cooked meal is a pleasure to taste, standing over a hot oven is the last thing an oversized mother desires.
Visiting your doctor to find out the cause of the bleeding is the only way to get you the desired peace of mind that every pregnant woman so desires.
When making a decision about what type of childbirth class you would like to take, you should understand what your birth philosophy is and what your desires are for your childbirth experience.
During the classes, the participants also discuss desired childbirth experiences and how they can work to make their desires a reality.
So it's a combination of responding to their desires and providing direction."
Every season Venus introduces new body styles to fit the needs and desires of its customers.
The bishop moves on the diagonal any number of spaces it desires in one direction.
If you've been paying any attention at all to the desires of the preschool set, you'll know that T.M.X.
An expensive gift can flop if it's not chosen with the desires of the recipient in mind.
Also, talk with other people who may have great insight into the wants and desires of the person in question.
See what the recipient is missing from a particular collection, or ask a spouse or close friend who also collects and who knows what doll or accessory the recipient desires.
That being said, understanding how to date in your senior years will satisfy your desires and give you the happiness you are looking for in love.
True romantic love letters "speak" from the heart and expose your inner thoughts and desires.
Whatever your desires may be, there is an opportunity out there to match.
Know your partner and her desires, listen to his hints, watch each other's body language for clues.
Although he may seem like a dream come true and someone who truly desires a mature BBW, he may not be the person you believe him to be.
While you don't have to go any deeper into a relationship than you desire, you should recognize that others may have different wants and desires.
It's a new century, ladies, and you have just as much right to pursue your desires as men do, so don't be a wallflower.
And finally, are you willing to put the needs of a new baby before your own desires and needs?
Your love life won't improve, however, without first talking about your individual desires and wishes.
Openly communicate your desires to your spouse, be willing to experiment together, and continually thinking of new ideas will keep the two you satisfied in the bedroom.
Patience, understanding and putting the needs of the children ahead of your own desires, will in the end, strengthen your relationship with your boyfriend and his children.
What you're struggling with, is what family and neighbors will think if they learn of your desires.
People often deny they are genetically influenced in this way, but the effects of these instinctual drives often overpower thoughts, needs, and basic desires.
When listing your interests and desires in your profile, focus on the positive and eliminate the negative.
Virtual dating in an online game is different from the expansions because another person's needs, interests, and desires come into play.
What makes these scams so insidious is their adeptness at answering personal desires.
As with most con artists, Internet email scammers are adept at profiling your psychological needs and desires.
Some love letters have passed down from generation to generation, a tangible proof of the emotions and desires.
Your love shows through in learning and meeting your partner's unique desires in ways no one else can.
Remember that transgendered people are just like everyone else, with the same hopes and desires.
A safe, secure, and loving relationship between a girl and an older man will likely meet the same scrutiny that a relationship between a girl and an older man who truly enjoys her company and desires a long-term commitment will.
Create a spa at home and she will let you cater to all of her desires.
Any Tacori design is able to be customized for a center stone's specific size and shape to meet any couple's desires.
The wedding gift list will address the couple's desires and needs.
From a beautiful solitaire to a ring adorned with intricate designs and accent stones, there are many exquisite yellow sapphire engagement rings to fit the desires and budgets of all future brides.
The key to finding the right proposal idea is to discover what the potential bride-to-be desires in a marriage proposal.
You can find them in yellow gold, white gold, platinum-any metal your heart desires, as long as you're willing to look and/or have one custom made.
Despite etiquette it is best to follow the desires of those that are hosting the party.
Antique rings can be a meaningful selection to a couple who desires a ring with history and something unusual that is not inside every jeweler's collection.
This willingness to embrace other aspects of the fashion world demonstrates how in touch Juicy Couture is with the hippest trends, and how the company is willing to expand to meet their customers' needs and desires.
Growing restless with the regular Halloween routine, he desires something bigger and better and finds himself in Christmas Town.
While one person desires a leather cover for their checkbooks that is basic, the next will want something that says a little bit more about them.
According to their general characteristics, they share the same goals and desires.
Care for your inner-self and pay attention to its desires and ideals.
Dreams, secrets and unconscious desires are now at the surface.
However, there is one woman who has an innate understanding of the Virgo man's methods, ego, desires and disdain for chaos, mainly because they suit her own needs so well.
Earth can give water the form it so desires and needs and in return, water will nurture earth and give it all the nourishment it needs to grow and blossom.
His bearing is regal, and he's always in the spotlight whether or not he desires it.
Like his fellow water signs, Cancer and Scorpio, Pisces desires the one thing he doesn't have.
Authoritative parents demand good behavior but are responsive to the child's needs and desires.
They do not respond to a child's desires or complaints, instead simply expecting the child to meet the demands with no explanation.
Indulgent parents are very responsive to a child's desires but make no real demands.
These parents may give more than they demand, responding immediately to many of their children's desires.
Permissive parents place low demands on their children and are highly responsive to their kids' desires.
They place high demands on their children and tend to be less responsive to their desires.
They tend to have high demands, but also are highly responsive to their children's needs and desires.
Instead, they respond to their children's desires whenever they arise.
They believe that by giving in to their child's desires, they are showing them love.
Shopping online usually makes finding any pair of shoes or boots your heart desires a breeze.
Her desires lead her back to his estate where she encounters some less than kind vampires.
Set in a small apartment courtyard in West Hollywood, the series followed the residents as they pursued their love, passion, dreams, desires and more.
Despite their romantic honeymoon, Erica's career driven desires soon came between she and Tom.
The tree can be adorned with several different images, such as hearts, stars, butterflies or anything else ones heart desires.
If you have a client who desires a piercing that is not suitable for their body, you'll want to recommend an alternative in either the placement of the jewelry or the direction of the puncture.
Careful consideration of your style and desires will help you avoid some of the worst tattoo mistakes.
An opened-winged butterfly transforms into a cutesy, feminine tattoo or a work of art, depending on the wearer's desires.
A bodysuit tattoo can present several challenges to someone who desires it.
A Las Vegas wedding can be as wild and wacky or as sweet and romantic as the couple desires.
The studio also pumps it up with the trademarked, "toughest yoga class on earth," perfect for the athlete who desires a greater challenge.
The challenge is for each individual to tap into what he or she desires to change, and using Vinyasa as a vehicle to accomplish that.
Finding the right yoga center in Redmond to meet your own needs and desires can be quick and easy.
Selecting toys that encourage verbal communication, body language, and facial expressions can help your child learn more than one way to express her emotions, desires, and fears.
This is especially true if the child has attentive parents who seem to sense certain needs and desires without receiving any language cues from their child.
Remember to position your strengths and desires with what the company's advertised needs and goals are, but keep the resume objective brief.
Communications professional experienced with coordinating writers, photographers and fluctuating advertising dollars desires to create and structure Web content for a progressive multi-topic information site.
Plant manager and quality control specialist desires to apply 20 years of manufacturing expertise to expand product development and efficiency as a company executive.
The copywriter's words must make the customer feel he has to buy this product - he desires it so much he needs to buy it now!
Such questions can help you narrow the list of ideas below, to find one best suited to your personality, experience and desires.
Even though they struggle with the desires, these people are victims of a short-circuit in their coping mechanisms making it impossible to resist the drive to eat themselves into oblivion.
Not everyone's personality thrives when losing weight through a gym membership, because not everyone desires the experience of sharing equipment, sweat, and self-consciousness with throngs of strangers.
Whatever your heart desires, you can usually find it in lace.
However, unless you live in a major city, you probably don't have a lot of good shops that will cater to your desires.
These camis make perfect canvases for whatever your heart desires.
If you're just wearing satin panties under your clothes and no one will see them except you, you can choose whatever color your heart desires as long as it won't show through your pants or skirt. - Download songs like Uprising, Undisclosed Desires, and more.
Crazy by Gnarls Barkley - The mysterious Gnarls Barkley brings you soul for the 21st century, with nods to, well, just about every other genre your little heart desires along the way.
Even the most unique theme can fall flat if it is inconsiderate to their wishes and desires, but a carefully planned party will be a gift they remember for many birthdays to come.
Use rubber stamps, collages, photos or anything your heart desires to make a fun, unique card for your event.
Deciding upon graduation party food depends not only on what the graduate desires for his or her party, but also the size of the guest list.
The type of food you serve often depends on the age of the graduate and his or her desires.
When something stands in the way of her obtaining what she desires it makes for good reality TV.
The works you'll see on these pages may give you nightmares, but it's an admission price that many are willing to pay to explore dark desires and ideas from a place of comfort and safety.
Although nail art is not a look that everyone desires, the artful techniques and playfulness in the designs make them perfect conversation starters.
The key to all good marketing and promotions is to understand the wants, needs and desires of the target customer.
If having your friends displayed does not work with your current layout, preferences or desires, remove them at any time.
As with any personalized site, the best way to really set up your Xanga to reflect your own personality is to start with what the site provides, and then adjust it to reflect your own taste and desires.
These pieces can be anything the writer desires.
If you want to dress casually or dress up, you can do whatever your mood desires.
Is there no part of you that desires this woman as a man does, as more than a key to save your people?
There were too many miles between them to make her secret desires anything more than a dream.
And yet, in her moment of surrender, he had set his desires aside and assumed responsibility.
Selim determined on war with Persia, where the heresy was the prevalent religion, and in order that the Shiites in Turkey should give no trouble during the war, "measures were taken," as the Turkish historian states, which may be explained as the reader desires, and which proved fully efficacious.
My desires, volitions and thoughts are thus the desires, volitions and thoughts of God.
Descartes had left untouched, or nearly `so, the difficult problem of the relation between the universal element or thought and the particular desires or inclinations.
It has been erroneously represented by interested persons that the Pharmaceutical Society desires a monopoly of the sale of poisons.
When, however, a company desires to construct a line on a commercial scale, to acquire land compulsorily, to divert rivers and streams, to cross roads either on the level or by means of bridges, to pass near houses, to build tunnels or viaducts, and to execute all the other works incidental to a.
Its supposed ill-boding nature is alluded to in Shakespeare's VI., where Suffolk desires for his enemies "their sweetest shade, a grove of cypress trees."
Demeter then returns to Olympus, but before her final departure from earth, in token of her gratitude, she instructs the rulers of Eleusis in the art of agriculture and in the solemnities and rites whereby she desires in future to be honoured.
With this opposition to the Church they combine a complete antinomianism, through the identification of all their desires with the impulses of the divine Spirit.
The grout, which he mentions as " coming over to us in Holland ships," about which he desires information, was probably the same as shelled barley; and mills for manufacturing it were introduced into Scotland from Holland towards the beginning of the 18th century.
Finally, it should be noted that, amid the failure of the national aims which the Directory and Bonaparte set forth, his own desires received a startlingly complete fulfilment.
As his chances of success became more and more desperate, he ventured on a step whereby he hoped to work potently on the pacific desires of the emperor Francis.
Rights which the landlord desires to retain over the lands let are excepted or reserved.
It is the Church which creates the First Crusade, because the clergy believes in penitentiary pilgrimages, and the war against the Seljuks can be turned into a pilgrimage to the Sepulchre; because, again, it wishes to direct the fighting instinct of the laity, and the consecrating name of Jerusalem provides an unimpeachable channel; above all, because the papacy desires a perfect and universal Church, and a perfect and universal Church must rule in the Holy Land.
The acquisition of Aleppo could only make that supreme object more readily attainable; and so Saladin had spent his time in acquiring Aleppo, but only in order that he might ultimately "attain the goal of his desires, and set the mosque of Asha free, to which Allah once led in the night his servant Mahomet."
One night while he lay awake, he tells us, he saw the likeness of the Blessed Virgin with her divine Son; and immediately a loathing seized him for the former deeds of his life, especially for those relating to carnal desires; and he asserts that for the future he never yielded to any such desires.
To disavow the acts and desires of the army and of the secret societies for defence with which all north Germany was honeycombed would be to imperil the very existence of the monarchy, whilst an attack on the wreck of the Grand Army meant the certainty of a terrible retribution from the new armies now rapidly forming on the Rhine.
The writer also desires to express his thanks to Messrs.
Incidentally he desires also to purify the heart from other violent passions which corrupt it and mar its peace.
Suppose, for example, that the artist desires to produce an inlaid diaper.
This is done several times, the number depending on the quality of graining that the expert desires to produce.
The king desires them to light certain lamps in the Church of the Sepulchre, including "three in our chapel."
Comte, Spencer, Bagehot, Durkheim and Giddings, for example, refer to it, if at all, only briefly and incidentally; they conceive society as an organism, or at all events as a growing whole, no one part or force being the cause of all others, and all interacting; society is not the product of any agreement or of force alone, but of a vast variety of interests, desires and needs.
The courts of justice and the public offices are also required to pay due regard in respect of language to the desires of a minority which numbers at least 20% of the inhabitants of the locality.
Within these limits, the first choice falls on large and well-known creatures which every one can recognize and desires to see.
The study of science was to bring human desires into line with their natural surroundings.
Every early religion seeks to realize such an intercourse with the object of worship as shall be two-sided; when the worshipper approaches the deity he desires to have an answer assuring him of acceptance and divine aid.
The origin and the blame of evil are not in the body, but in the desires of the soul.
He therefore issues the work to satisfy their desires, although, he states, it is manifest that it would have seen the light in a far more perfect state if his father could have put the finishing touches to it; and he mentions that, in the opinion of the best judges, his father possessed, among other most excellent gifts, in the highest degree the power of explaining the most difficult matters by a certain and easy method in the fewest possible words.
But financial difficulties, combined with civil and religious convulsions, long delayed the accomplishment of his desires.
A rider with good hands never depends upon his reins for retaining his seat; nor does he pull at the horse's mouth so as to make him afraid to go up to his bit; nor again does he ever use more force than is necessary for the accomplishment of what he desires to perform.
Moral virtue, which is that of the irrational desires so far as they are obedient to reason, is a purposive habit in the mean.
But in Ethics a man's individual good is his own happiness; and his happiness is no mere state, but an activity of soul according to virtue in a mature life, requiring as conditions moderate bodily and external goods of fortune; his virtue is (I) moral virtue, which is acquired by habituation, and is a purposive habit of performing actions in the mean determined by right reason or prudence; requiring him, not to exclude, but to moderate his desires; and (2) intellectual virtue, which is either prudence of practical, or wisdom of speculative intellect; and his happiness is a kind of ascending scale of virtuous activities, in which moral virtue is limited by prudence, and prudence by wisdom; so that the speculative life of wisdom is the happiest and most divine, and the practical life of prudence and moral virtue secondary and human.
For many years an ardent advocate of the establishment of a Catholic university, at the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore (1884) he saw the realization of his desires in the establishment of the Catholic University of America at Washington, of which he became first chancellor and president of the board of trustees.
Inference from sense is the one condition of all belief in anything beyond oneself, whether it be Nature, or Authority, or God; and it is the one condition of all needs, which are not mere feelings, but desires of things.
The want of a central government opelated injuriously, for it often happened that intricate negotiations and solemn treaties between several sovereign states were required before a line could be constructed; and, moreover, the course it was to take was often determined less by the general exigencies of commerce than by many trifling interests or desires of neighboring states.
A man so passionless as Godwin could venture thus to argue without suspicion that he did so only to gratify his wayward desires.
Originating in the common sentiment of humanity, which desires by some visible memorial to honour and perpetuate the memory of the dead, it was practised alike by peoples of high and of low development, and continued through all the stages of culture that preceded the introduction of Christianity.
But these committees, later known as the Lords of the Articles, were to exercise almost the full powers of parliament in accordance with the desires of the crown, or of the dominant faction, and they were among the grievances abolished after the revolution of 1688-1689.
But it must by no means be supposed that every man who goes out hunting desires to gallop at a great pace and to jump formidable obstacles, or indeed any obstacles at all.
It is evil desires, low ideals, useless cravings, idle excitements, that are to be suppressed by the cultivation of the opposite of right desires, lofty aspirations.
He desires to interpret the coming of Jesus Christ into the world, to declare whence and why He came, and to explain how His coming, as light in the midst of darkness, brought a crisis into the lives of all with whom He came in contact.
Such a life was specially recommended for one who has lived the life of a householder, and, having begotten sons according to the sacred law and offered sacrifices, desires in his old age to abandon worldly objects and direct his mind to final liberation.
Like Stone, Alexander Campbell had adopted (in 1812) immersion, and, like him, his two great desires were for Christian unity and the restoration of the ancient order of things.
Nothing further seems to have been done in the matter until the 28th of January 1675, when Oldenburg informed " the Society that Mr Newton is now in such circumstances that he desires to be excused from the weekly payments."
The scheme shall contain in full safeguards for the protection of the Assyro-Chaldeans and other racial or religious minorities within these areas, and with this object a Commission composed of British, French, Italian, Persian and Kurdish representatives shall visit the spot to examine and decide what rectifications, if any, should be made in the Turkish frontier where, under the provisions of the present Treaty, that frontier coincides with that of Persia."(Article 63.)" The Turkish Government hereby agrees to accept and execute the decisions of both the Commissions mentioned in Article 62 within three months from their communication to the said Government."(Article 64.)" If within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty the Kurdish peoples within the areas defined in Article 62 shall address themselves to the Council of the League of Nations in such a manner as to show that a majority of the population of these areas desires independence from Turkey, and if the Council then considers that these peoples are capable of such independence and recommends that it should be granted to them, Turkey hereby agrees to execute such a recommendation, and to renounce all rights and title over these areas.
Rabbinic erudition could not forget the repression of vicious desires in the tenth commandment, the stress laid in Deuteronomy on the necessity of service to God, or the inculcation by later prophets of humility and faith.
Some of us have our moorings tied and our foundations dug deep, and our desires are not heavenly.
Just as in a clock, the result of the complicated motion of innumerable wheels and pulleys is merely a slow and regular movement of the hands which show the time, so the result of all the complicated human activities of 160,000 Russians and French--all their passions, desires, remorse, humiliations, sufferings, outbursts of pride, fear, and enthusiasm--was only the loss of the battle of Austerlitz, the so-called battle of the three Emperors--that is to say, a slow movement of the hand on the dial of human history.
Take me, take me! prayed Natasha, with impatient emotion in her heart, not crossing herself but letting her slender arms hang down as if expecting some invisible power at any moment to take her and deliver her from herself, from her regrets, desires, remorse, hopes, and sins.
It is clear that the man who advocates the conclusion of a peace, and that the Minister should command the army, does not love our sovereign and desires the ruin of us all.
But Princess Mary experienced a painful rather than a joyful feeling--her mental tranquillity was destroyed, and desires, doubts, self-reproach, and hopes reawoke.
Your misfortunes are cruel, but His Majesty the Emperor and King desires to arrest their course.
For the French retreating along the old Smolensk road, the final goal-- their native land--was too remote, and their immediate goal was Smolensk, toward which all their desires and hopes, enormously intensified in the mass, urged them on.
Allow yourself to be led by the Spirit rather than your sinful desires.
What, however, with the idealists was an object of thought alone, the absolute, is to Lotze only inadequately definable in rigorous philosophical language; the aspirations of the human heart, the contents of our feelings and desires, the aims of art and the tenets of religious faith must be grasped in order to fill the empty idea of the absolute with meaning.
I raise fervent prayers to Heaven that the Almighty may exalt the race of the just, and mercifully fulfill the desires of Your Majesty.
No, because men have needs and desires women couldn't understand.