Desirable Sentence Examples
It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right.
Secrecy, while occasionally necessary, is less desirable than openness.
She said she did not consider a degree of any real value, but thought it was much more desirable to do something original than to waste one's energies only for a degree.
He seems to have been regarded by his own party as a useful instrument, especially in disagreeable work, rather than as a desirable colleague.
And yet perhaps full success was neither possible nor desirable.
The best form of stove is that with which perfect combustion is most nearly attained, and to which a pan of water is affixed to supply a desirable humidity to the air, the gas having the effect of drying the atmosphere.
A few words of further explanation may therefore be desirable.
But the rebuff showed that it was desirable in the interests both of the British government and of Afghanistan that an opportunity should be made for enabling the amir to have personal acquaintance with the highest Indian authorities.
Such dispositions were clearly desirable, even before the event.
Soon there will be the most desirable new 3 Series of all, the coupe cabriolet.
AdvertisementSome relaxation of the disastrous severity seemed desirable, and out of this grew the second great system, which was presently introduced at Auburn and afterwards at the no less renowned prison of Sing Sing.
In 1830 Lord John Russell had given it as his opinion that cellular separation was desirable in all prisons.
From the modern point of view this is unavoidable and even desirable, since " theology " here represents the science of the 1 3 th century.
Shift, repot and propagate all plants that are desirable.
It is perhaps desirable, in an article like this, to treat of algae in the widest possible sense in which the term may be used, an indication being at the same time given of the narrower senses in which it has been proposed to employ it.
AdvertisementWhile political and ecclesiastical conditions made the breach with Rome possible - and in the view of most Englishmen desirable - Henry VIII.
The best time of the year for felling timber is in midsummer or midwinter, when the sap of the tree is at rest; it is not desirable to cut timber in the spring or autumn.
With increased skill in large castings, and the discovery of the use of cores, by which the fluid bronze was poured into a mere skin-like cavity, hammered or repousse work was only used in the case of small objects in which lightness was desirable, or for the precious metals in order to avoid large expenditure of metal.
Before reviewing the history of these discoveries, it is desirable to say a few words of the characters of the axolotl (larval form) and of the Amblystoma (perfect or imago form).
The workers, who control the polity of the hive (the "queen" being exceedingly "limited" in her monarchy), arrange if possible that young queens shall develop only when the population of the hive has become so congested that it is desirable to send off a swarm.
AdvertisementIn any case, it is desirable to diminish the loss of heat as much as possible by polishing the exterior of the calorimeter to diminish radiation, and by suspending it by non-conducting supports, inside a polished case, to protect it from draughts.
It Would Have Been Desirable, If Possible, To Have Tried The Effect Of A Larger Range Of Variation In The Experimental Conditions Of Load And Speed, With A View To Detect The Existence Of Constant Errors; But Owing To The Limitations Imposed By The Use Of A Steam Engine, And The Difficulty Of Securing Steady Conditions Of Running, This Proved To Be Impossible.
The Experimental Evidence, However, Is Somewhat Conflicting, And Further Investigations Are Very Desirable On The Variation Of Specific Heat With Temperature.
It is especially desirable for hospital and ambulance staffs to be inoculated with a vaccine prepared from sterilized cultures of plague bacillus.
Therefore, although the methods of local government are detailed below (Section X.), and other administrative arrangements are described under the various headings dealing with each subject, it is desirable to give here, for ease of reference and distinction, a schedule of the various areas into which England and Wales are divided.
AdvertisementIn these cases, after the local inquiry above referred to has been held, the county council, being satisfied that the proposal is desirable, may make an order for the same accordingly.
As to higher education the local education authority must consider the educational needs of their area and take such steps as seem to them desirable, after consultation with the Board of Education, to supply or aid the supply of education other than elementary, and to promote the general co-ordination of all forms of education.
If the board, after considering the report, consider it desirable, they require the county council concerned to prepare a scheme for the provision of small holdings; if the county council decline to prepare a scheme, the board may direct the commissioners to do so.
The explanation that this influence on the leucocytes explained the favourable action of quinine on certain inflammatory processes no longer holds, since we know that the inflammatory conditions are of microbic origin, and that the movements of the leucocytes are not objectionable, but highly desirable as a means of defence against bacteria and their products.
It was felt that a system of administration which could permit such a catastrophe was no longer desirable.
But, although this is so, it is perhaps hardly desirable to deprive ourselves of the use of two terms instead of one.
Darwin and others having regarded Lord Morton's mare as affording very strong evidence in support of the infection hypothesis, it was considered some years ago desirable to repeat Lord Morton's experiment as accurately as possible.
The amount yielded, moreover, was considerable, being equal to a penny on the income tax, which it is desirable to maintain as a reserve of taxation.
He remained in Europe, spending most of his time at Paris and holding blank commissions which he was authorized to fill in at his discretion in case the presence of a Confederate commissioner should seem desirable at any particular European court.
Of recent years wealthy natives have been competing with Europeans for the possession of this desirable quarter.
In making such comparisons, it is always desirable, if possible, to select as standards longperiod gauges which are so situated that the short-period district lies.
In some cases, as, for example, when a high earthen embankment crosses a gorge, and there is plenty of stone to be had, it is desirable to place the outer bank upon a toe or platform of rubble stonework, as in fig.
Any stone of which it is desirable to build a masonry dam would certainly pcssess.
It is desirable, wherever possible, to perform operations on numbers or numerical quantities from the left, rather than from the right.
The westward advance of the invaders would have continued, if only there had remained to attract them lands as desirable as those they had already won.
The only point on which they were agreed was that it would be highly desirable to strip the Church of most of her endowments, in order to fill the exchequer of the state.
The Aberdeen ministry, however, thought it desirable that it should be represented in the crisis by a strong man at Constantinople; and it selected Lord Stratford de Redcliffe for the post, which he had filled in former years with marked ability.
Sir Bartle Frere, who had won distinction in India, and was sent out by Lord Beaconsfields government to the Cape, kept back the award; and, though he ultimately communicated it to Cetewayo, thought it desirable to deman.d the disbandment of the Zulu army.
It is on the whole desirable to recognize such affinities in our schemes of classification.
His company," she adds, " could not but be very desirable for us, and he had all the assurances we could give him of being always welcome; but, to make him easy in living with us, it was necessary he should do so on his own terms, which Sir Francis at last assenting to, he then believed himself at home with us, and resolved, if it pleased God, here to end his days as he did."
This indicates that less attention has been paid to the straw than to the grain, for it is certain that, were it desirable, a great range of variation might be induced in the foliage and straw.
Since the desirable lands of the country have been occupied, the prices of these lands have advanced slowly, with the result that the big farms are being divided up into small holdings.
It is commonly supposed to be capable of prizing limpets from their rock, and of opening the shells of mussels; but, though undoubtedly it feeds on both, further evidence as to the way in which it procures them is desirable.
As slavery is assassination inasmuch as it destroys all that is valuable and desirable in human personality, so property is theft inasmuch as it appropriates the value produced by the labour of others without rendering an equivalent.
Pleasure, in Aristotle's view, is not the primary constituent of well-being, but rather an inseparable accident of it; human well-being is essentially well-doing, excellent activity of some kind, whether its aim and end be abstract truth or noble conduct; knowledge and virtue are objects of rational choice apart from the pleasure attending them; still all activities are attended and in a manner perfected by pleasure, which is better and more desirable in proportion to the excellence of the activity.
Wollaston's theory of moral evil as consisting in the practical contradiction of a true proposition, closely resembles the most paradoxical part of Clarke's doctrine, and was not likely to approve itself to the strong common sense of Butler; but his statement of happiness or pleasure as a " justly desirable " end at which every rational being " ought " to aim corresponds exactly to Butler's conception of self-love as a naturally governing impulse; while' the " moral arithmetic " with which he compares pleasures and pains, and endeavours to make the notion of happiness quantitatively precise, is an anticipation of Benthamism.
Not less important is the interval that separates Bentham's polemical attitude towards the moral sense from Mill's conciliatory position, that " the mind is not in a state conformable to utility unless it loves virtue as a thing desirable in itself."
Such love of virtue Mill holds to be in a sense natural, though not an ultimate and inexplicable fact of human nature; it is to be explained by the " Law of Association " of feelings and ideas, through which objects originally desired as a means to some further end come to be directly pleasant or desirable.
Thus present man is a being that can only be understood through a knowledge of his past history; and any effort to construct for him a moral and political ideal, by a purely abstract and unhistorical method, must necessarily be futile; whatever modifications may at any time be desirable in positive law and morality can only be determined by the aid of " social dynamics."
It had besides long been thought desirable to possess a station on the route between Australia and Panama; it was also felt that the Polynesian labour traffic, the abuses in which had caused much indignation, could only be effectually regulated from a point contiguous to the recruiting field, and the locality where that labour was extensively employed.
Whilst some, like Voltaire and the Physiocrats, representatives of the privileged classes and careless of political rights, wished to make use of the omnipotence of the prince to accomplish desirable reforms, or, like Montesquieu, adversely criticized despotism and extolled moderate governments, other, plebeiaris like Rousseau, proclaimed the theory of the social contract and the sovereignty of the people.
The pope banished, it was now desirable to send away those to whom Italy had been more or less promised.
In Theology Herbart held the argument from design to be as valid for divine activity as for human, and to justify the belief in a supersensible real, concerning which, however, exact knowledge is neither attainable nor on practical grounds desirable.
The change of ministry which followed the establishment of a regency in 1857 made it desirable to appoint a new envoy at Frankfort, and in 1858 Bismarck was appointed ambassador at St Petersburg, where he remained for four years.
Gunpowder, too, was invented; and now that the weight of the cavalry soldier was diminished by the substitution of lighter armour, a quicker and better bred horse was thought desirable for military service.
It is true, as was pointed out by Sedgwick, that the species from the same part of the world resemble one another more closely than they do species from other regions, but recent researches have shown that the line between them cannot be so sharply drawn as was at first supposed, and it is certainly not desirable in the present state of our knowledge to divide them into generic or subgeneric groups, as has been done by some zoologists.
However, it seemed desirable that the reforms announced by the council of Pisa, which the popes set up by this synod seemed in no hurry to carry into effect, should be further discussed in the new council which it had been agreed should be summoned about the spring of 1412.
It is sometimes desirable to make minutest objects in a preparation specially visible.
It is often desirable to pass from direct to oblique lighting.
It may be highly desirable for the government to occupy certain territories, but political exigencies at home will not permit it to incur the expenditure, or international relations may make such an undertaking inexpedient at the time.
As he weighed if he'd be forced to choose between someone he loved and an immortal's mate with a desirable gift, he couldn't help thinking Jade wouldn't take breaking up well.
Of course the sad truth about happiness is that it is entrancing, desirable and maddeningly elusive.
The aim, however, is not to achieve a haughty puritanism or to become priggish; nor is a severe asceticism considered desirable.
Other desirable attributes would include analog and digital circuit design, AutoCad, networking and an understanding of the Marine environment.
There are at least two essential reasons why laws preventing the bribery of foreign officials are desirable.
So can there really be colour-blind casting and, if so, is it desirable?
Plants exhibiting desirable characteristics of flower color, habit, size, variegation, fruit color, flavor etc. are often given names.
This is why it is not at all desirable to become clairvoyant if one is not pure and capable of self-mastery.
To be a novel, it is generally considered desirable to have some kind of story and in this Hogan is entirely conventional.
With Volvo upping the style ante and launching a desirable soft top and small coupe soon, it might just happen.
The property is located within a desirable cul-de-sac and enjoys open views across the countryside to the rear.
Whether or not even greater uniformity and desirable combinations of traits can be achieved more readily in F1 hybrid cultivars remains an open question.
Located on the fringe of the highly desirable commuter village of Burton Fleming.
Giving a " socially desirable " answer or the one you think the employer is looking for is dangerous.
Normally I would not see cutting LEA staff as a problem - indeed I would see it as eminently desirable!
Like most disabled people, I will always take the accessible option over all others, including the environmentally desirable ones.
In such a society economic growth and international trade on a massive scale are neither desirable nor necessary.
Using computers in field classes makes it possible to do educationally desirable things which are very difficult or impossible without their assistance.
At this time this seemed desirable so I hailed the lorry and got into the cabin.
But the take-up rate is still far below the 95% considered desirable by experts.
Where higher factors might appear desirable, a more thorough analysis of the problem should be undertaken before deciding on their use.
Centre of Percussion.It is obviously desirable that the deviations or changes of motion of oscillating pieces in machinery should, as far as possible, be effected by forces applied at their centres of percussion.
The farmer decides which traits are most desirable for his or her farming purposes and buys in the appropriate bull 's semen.
The latest award as most desirable woman is just the latest notch in her belt.
Sweet Gale (Myrica) - The Myricas, though not showy flowering shrubs, are desirable on account of their scented foliage.
Soo chow jade is a desirable gem stone for jewelry because it closely resembles jade yet it is more accessible and affordable.
If you go to the vintage clothing site Rusty Zipper, you'll see just what was so desirable about Oakton brand men's shorts.
The final consideration after deciding on a raincoat type and desirable features is fabric selection.
The pleasant unfolding of events makes these dreams quite desirable.
Among this product mix is a very successful line of mobile phones, including some very desirable Android smartphones.
With that in mind, Bluetooth headsets are generally more desirable than wired headsets.
A lack of oxygen can cause central nervous system damage in the fetuses that implanted in a less than desirable area.
Many desirable behavioral patterns start to emerge as a part of the child's normal development.
Some other desirable behaviors are not part of a child's normal development and need to be modeled and taught by their parents.
Of course pressure could always be obtained by the aid of special reservoirs, but to build these was not always desirable, or even practicable.
By the end of the century, however, owing to a great extent to the publication of the essays of Malthus, the pendulum had swung far in the opposite direction, it was thought desirable to possess the means of judging from time to time the relations between an increasing population and the means of subsistence.
To prevent discontinuity of results at this stage, recapitulation from an analytical point of view is desirable.
For all the more desirable game a close season has been established by the state.
This "round robin" created a sensation which aroused public opinion and was instrumental in bringing about some desirable reforms in the War Department.
It is, indeed, most desirable that men should be nursed by men.
Subsequently trade with British possessions revived, and in time a more elaborate treaty with England became desirable.
As butter is consumed in the raw state, a trustworthy preliminary treatment of the cream is in the highest degree desirable.
As a preliminary step to the determination of the pressure in the bore of a gun, it is desirable to measure the pressure obtained by exploding a charge of powder in a closed vessel, varying the weight of the charge and thereby the density of the powder-gas.
Michelson's experiments therefore argue in favour of the view that the luminescence in a vacuum tube is similar to that produced by phosphorescence where the translatory energy does not correspond to the oscillatory energy - but further experiments are desirable.
Section II of the act ordered, inter alia, that the trial of every election petition shall be conducted before a puisne judge of one of the common law courts at Westminster and Dublin; that the said courts shall each select a judge to be placed on the rota for the trial of election petitions; that the said judges shall try petitions standing for trial according to seniority or otherwise, as they may agree; that the trial shall take place in the county or borough to which the petition refers, unless the court should think it desirable to hold it elsewhere.
As this point arises in connexion with so many tribes it is desirable to offer the evidence for it here once for all.
But by this noumenal will he did not mean a divine will similar to our rational desire, a will in which an inference and desire of a desirable end and means produces our rational action.
Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, who was chief secretary for Ireland, suffered from an affection of the eyes and found it desirable to resign, and Lord Salisbury appointed his nephew in his stead.
They rejected Mr Chamberlain's food-taxes, discredited his statistics, and, while admitting the theoretical orthodoxy of retaliation, criticized Mr Balfour's attitude and repudiated his assumption that retaliation would be desirable.
Hence the possession of the remains of a chief who had been both popular and prosperous was regarded as highly desirable.
However until increased facilities of transport brought more desirable stones into competition they were used extensively in Philadelphia and.
A few concordant determinations of density having been effected, the question was at first regarded as disposed of, until the thought occurred that it might be desirable to try also the more usual method of preparation in which the oxygen is removed by actual oxidation of copper without the aid of ammonia.
Registers of death are, in law, evidence of the fact of death, and the entry, or a certified copy of it, will be sufficient evidence without a certificate of burial, although it is desirable that it should also be produced.
On this view of the matter, results, however desirable, are no certain test of a mission doing its work.
For the plum on loamy soils the plum, and on chalky and light soils the almond, are the most desirable stocks, and for the cherry on loamy or light rich soils the wild cherry, and on chalk the " mahaleb " stock.
Those most suitable for the purpose of the gardener are carefully selected for propagation, while others not so desirable are destroyed; and thus after a few generations a fixed variety, race or strain superior to the original form is obtained.
It is well also to have an open exposure towards the east and west, so that the garden may enjoy the full benefit of the morning and evening sun, especially the latter; but shelter is desirable on the north and north-east, or in any direction in which the particular locality may happen to be exposed.
This access is especially desirable as regards the store-yards and framing ground, where fermenting manures and tree leaves for making up hot beds, coals or wood for fuel and ingredients for composts, together with flower-pots and the many necessaries of garden culture, have to be accommodated.
The lean-to is the least desirable form, since it scarcely admits of elegance of design, but it is necessarily adopted in many cases.
Pig dung is very powerful, containing more nitrogen than horse dung; it is therefore desirable that it should undergo moderate fermentation, which will be secured by mixing it with litter and a portion of earth.
When weeds are thrown to the pigs, this fermentation becomes specially desirable to kill their seeds.
Caryophyllus are most desirable.
Put in cuttings of the different desirable species which are now fit for that purpose.
It was desirable that the new sovereign should be able to count upon the friendly support of the great powers, and yet not be actually a member of their reigning dynasties.
Under a rational system of institutions, the adaptation of numbers to the means available for their support is effected by the felt or anticipated pressure of circumstances and the fear of social degradation, within a tolerable degree of approximation to what is desirable.
But, unfortunately, he had altogether neglected that very part of our literature with which it is especially desirable that an editor of Shakespeare should be conversant.
Bismarck always attached great importance to the improvement of the railway service, and he saw that uniformity of working and of tariffs was very desirable.
It was also desirable to complete the military organization.
This superseded the complicated system of laws and royal ordinances which had accumulated in Prussia during the fifty years that had elapsed since the system of short service had been introduced; the application to other states of course made a clearer statement of the laws desirable.
It was therefore for every reason desirable to remedy a state of things by which so many parishes were left without incumbents, a condition the result of which must be either to diminish the hold of Christianity over the people, or to confirm in them the belief that the government was the real enemy.
To meet the increase in the French army, and the open menaces in which the Russian press indulged, a further increase in the German army seemed desirable.
It was desirable in such circumstances that a younger and more vigorous statesman than Prince Hohenlohe should be placed at the head of affairs before the Reichstag met; and on the 17th of October he resigned, and was succeeded as chancellor by Herr von Blow, the f,oreign secretary.
There followed the Renunciation, primitive enough in form, but the postulant solemnly renounced, not Satan and his works and pomp, but the harlot church of the persecutors, whose prayers were more deadly than desirable.
It was obviously desirable that a speech written for delivery by a client should be suitable to his age, station and circumstances.
In addition to these " common affairs " the Hungarians, indeed, recognized that there were certain other matters which it was desirable should be managed or identical principles in the two halves of the monarchy - namely, customs and excise currency; the army and common railways.
The disturbed state of European politics and the great increase in the military establishments of other countries made it desirable for Austria also to strengthen her military resources.
They were little influenced by the pan-Slav agitation; it was desirable for them that Austria, which gave them freedom and power, should continue strong and united.
Parliamentary discussion, moreover, was sure to bring out those racial differences which it was desirable should be forgotten, and the elections carried into every part of the empire a political agitation which was very harmful when each party represented a different race.
He rejected Zeno's doctrine of desirable things, intermediate between virtue and vice.
The Federalist outcry could only have been silenced by removal of Freneau, or by disclaimers or admonitions, which Jefferson did not think it incumbent upon himself - or, since he thought Freneau was doing good, desirable for him - to make.
Sometimes, indeed, such contact with deity is thought to be dangerous, and the rites indicate avoidance (tabu), and sometimes it is thought desirable.
For all reasons an attempt to preserve Stonehenge was desirable; and the owner, Sir Edmund Antrobus I was willing, on certain conditions, as to limitations of access, to co-operate with the Society of Antiquaries, Wiltshire Archaeological Society and Society for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments in taking such steps as might be necessary to prevent more stones from falling, and even (if possible) to set up some which had fallen.
Should a Flemish Eye be required or thought desirable, the operation can be done only manually.
But the new notes will instead be a version of the Swiss dinar, which is not only economically but also politically more desirable.
The NHS is admittedly a huge organization and eliminating fraud completely, although desirable, can probably never be more than a pipe dream.
He has used his hands-on knowledge of classic vintage drums to produce durable, roadworthy kits that sounds and looks very desirable with individuality.
It is also desirable for you to be familiar with basic research methodology and some of the research literature in your chosen field.
As a wise trade union functionary, he said the widest possible debate was always desirable.
So how did a one-room hovel become today's desirable country cottage?
Therefore, soft ferrites, which are ceramic insulators, become the most desirable material.
This will not help the financing of early infrastructure investment that might be essential or highly desirable.
However, peas, like any other legume, contain substances that are not desirable for an infant formula.
A full identification of the large deer mandible is also desirable.
Saving all motifs in a fingerprint After compiling a fingerprint, it may be desirable to save each of the motifs in a fingerprint After compiling a fingerprint, it may be desirable to save each of the motifs within it.
Put seeds near radioactive cobalt, grow the results, and keep the genetic mutants with desirable traits.
And see that reform is not just desirable; it is an urgent necessity.
To fear in such circumstances is understandable and even desirable, provided that fear does not paralyze us with inaction.
More debate on EU issues in national parliaments is desirable.
In addition, to achieve a high efficiency, it is desirable to recovery synchronization from received data signals without using preambles.
It tends to argue the pros and cons of schemes that have for long been agreed to be desirable - LRT.
However spatial proximity would clearly not be sufficient, or even desirable, for linking all kinds of information.
Previous experience of applied psychometrics in a business, teaching, public sector or other applied environment is highly desirable.
This underpins the rationale for our reserves policy, but would also lead to the charity awarding smaller grants than it would consider desirable.
Located within a desirable area just off Kendal Green, we are pleased to offer this practically extended semi detached residence for sale.
Thus, although its amenities may be a bit rustic, the Green Tortoise attends assiduously to a wide variety of desirable creature comforts.
Be the envy of all your friends with one of these desirable, yet affordable flat screens.
The farmer decides which traits are most desirable for his or her farming purposes and buys in the appropriate bull's semen.
For those glorious country lanes of prolonged spells of speed cruising a cat-back system desirable.
Historical Crosses Lotus Scarf Highly desirable and beautifully tactile, these scarves are a perfect accessory for daytime and evening wear.
In other situations, it is frequently desirable to have thermistor composite temperature sensors at more than one location.
High friction and low adhesion are desirable traits for products such as shoe soles, car tires and a variety of athletic equipment.
It is wrong to allow the wealthy to believe that the rest of society finds their existence desirable or even tolerable.
Only the remaining Wolves, with desirable traits, would have been selected to breed.
But it too will probably be finished during the 21st century, and artificial wombs built, if these should be thought desirable.
It is also desirable to have an idea of the size of the irregular changes which vary from one day to the next.
For very accurate work it is desirable that the base-plate, the slide and the scale should be of nickel steel, having the same thermal coefficient of expansion as glass.
The view, originally held by all Presbyterian churches in Great Britain and on the Continent, that union with and support by the civil government are not only lawful but also desirable, is now held only by a minority, and is practically exemplified among English-speaking Presbyterians only in the Church of Scotland (see Church of Scotland).
The first act of the new cabinet was to confirm instructions given by its predecessor to General Baldissera (who had succeeded General Baratieri on the 2nd of March) to treat for peace with Menelek if he thought desirable.
The parts of a river system have not been so clearly defined as is desirable, hence the exaggerated importance popularly attached to " the source " of a river.
In any case the people are driven out by some adverse change; and when the urgency is great they may require to drive out in turn weaker people who occupy a desirable territory, thus propagating the wave of migration, the direction of which is guided by the forms of the land into inevitable channels.
That the proximate ends at which Bentham aimed are desirable hardly any one would deny, though the feasibility of the means by which he proposes to attain them may often be questioned, and much of the new nomenclature in which he thought fit to clothe his doctrines may be rejected as unnecessary.
But there were dissensions within, both between Baldwin and his mother, Melisinda, who sought to protract her regency unduly, and between contending parties in Antioch, where the hand of Constance, Raymund's widow, was a desirable prize 4; while from without the horns of the crescent were slowly closing in on the kingdom.
The country soon became one of the most important provinces of the Roman Empire; its proconsulship was from the first regarded as the most desirable, and this eminence became still more marked afterwards.
The space enclosed by the outer wall was left unoccupied after the Persian wars in deference to an oracular response apparently dictated by military considerations, the maintenance of an open zone being desirable for the defence of the citadel.
Gradually, however, it became apparent that it would be desirable to give Turkish state securities, of which those governed by the decree of Muharrem formed the principal part, a better standing in European financial markets than was possible for bonds bearing so low a rate of interest; to obliterate thus, as far as possible, the effects of the past bankruptcy; and, further, to give the Turkish government a joint interest with the bondholders in the progress of the ceded revenues.
Where a further subdivision is desirable without descending to the next lower term of grouping, the prefix "sub" is made use of, so that a class may be divided first of all into subclasses each of which is divided into orders, and an order into sub-orders each of which bears a group of families.
A ratio of 48 to is the minimum allowable; better 60 to 75 to 1, and for highly tempered steel ropes ratios of 150 to i or more are desirable.
Hardness and Chemical Stability.-These properties contribute to the durability of lenses, and are specially desirable in the outer members of lens combinations which are likely to be subjected to frequent handling or are exposed to the weather.
The beautiful duchess of Devonshire (Georgiana Spencer) is said to have won at least one vote for Fox by kissing a shoemaker who had a romantic idea of what constituted a desirable bribe.
Struve (Description de l'Observatoire ' Central de Pulkowa, pp. 196, 197) adds a few remarks to Steinheil's description, in which he states that the images have not all desirable precision - a fault perhaps inevitable in all micrometers with divided lenses, and which is probably in this case aggravated by the fact that the rays falling upon the divided lens have considerable convergence.
A similar change in the contour lines may result from the substitution of lines in fathoms for those originally drawn in metres, and hence it is extremely desirable that specific names should only be given to such features as are pronounced enough to appear on maps drawn with either unit.
It is required to inspect both state and county charitable and correctional institutions, except the state prison and the state hospital, to recommend such changes to the state government as may seem desirable, and to have a special care for dependent children whether in institutions or placed in permanent homes.
For greater simplicity and generality it is desirable to define the total heat of a substance as the function (E+pv), where E is the intrinsic energy and v the volume of unit mass (see Thermodynamics).
We will end war by making peace more desirable.
Stub matching is only desirable for relatively low fractional bandwidths.
N ature thrives on diversity, so a range of plant life is desirable.
However, some tippy teas have a brown leaf which is desirable.
Tolerance of ambiguity became desirable where it previously had been seen as undesirable.
You don't have to posses every desirable characteristic, but you should be aware of them and either cultivate them or align yourself with a partner who does.
The variations in wines -- and the things that makes one bottle more desirable than another -- come down to a few different factors.
Some opals will display a color effect only when viewed from one particular direction - this type of opal is less desirable and should be inexpensive.
However, clearance cards are sometimes the least desirable because there isn't always a great selection.
The breeding plan you're currently considering will not produce purebred cats, and your kittens will likely be less desirable to the buying public than a purebred kitten of either breed.
I would switch him to a cat food that will protect his urinary Ph and keep it in the desirable range of 6.4 to about 6.6.
A mixture of these types of accounts is desirable.
By just paying as little as $10 more than the minimum payment due, your account may be considered as more desirable that the accounts on which only the minimum payments are being made.
The dictionary defines a value as "a principle, standard or quality considered worthwhile or desirable."
The first, a gravity fed system uses no electricity or pumps and is more desirable if you have a lot of land around your home.
However, acai berries contain even higher concentrations of these desirable compounds and come with none of the associated risks of alcohol.
Linen from Europe is also prized - Belgian, Irish or Italian being highly desirable.
A warm color scheme, on the other hand, may be desirable if you want to feel more energized when enjoying your master bedroom.
This is especially desirable when using thermal curtains for added insulation.
When it comes to kitchen windows a nice roman shade or horizontal wood blind is desirable.
Lamps are often also desirable on bedside tables, however you can also hang sconces in their place.
Therefore, finding a highly desirable scent goes with the territory - but, that doesn't have to mean that high prices are in store.
Think things through when writing your profile, and don't be afraid to post the wacky details making you much more desirable and interesting to a potential partner.
Bank of America offers a great selection of online products and services that are highly desirable to today's digital banking enthusiasts.
A telephoto lens is highly desirable, as is a converter to supplement a lens.
Regular ground beef is usually a mish-mosh of tougher, less desirable cuts, but there are other kinds available besides your standard "ground beef."
Soba - Soba is made with buckwheat and the more buckwheat in the noodle recipe the more desirable the noodle.
Plantation owners often gave the least desirable parts of meat and vegetables to the slaves.
Losing your temper at home, while not particularly desirable, may not be as bad as losing your temper at work or in public; the consequences of each can be disastrous.
If you have the basic skills, a simple dress pattern, custom fit and a desirable look is within grasp.
The annual reader survey at asked that men rank their pick for the "most desirable woman."
The list ranks a number of readers' favorites for most desirable woman, taking into account "women who have the characteristics they value in a potential companion, like intelligence, humor, charisma, and ambition."
Beyonce, fresh off of landing the distinguished honor of "Most Desirable Woman" by, has now landed the coveted Sports Illustrated modeling gig.
Her rank as the most desirable woman seems to bode well for the sale of Sports Illustrated's top-selling issue, which hit the stands February 12, 2007.
The less desirable shots, Coluccio says, are not her friend.
In January 2007, released its "Top 99 Most Desirable Women."
Clooney is definitely now one of Hollywood's most desirable leading men.
For a winter event, the same style in a heavy silk or velvet might be desirable.
Such discounts are the most desirable, so be sure to ask friends to share.
Although the cartoon character is hardly new, a Scooby Doo nightgown is still a desirable item of children's sleepwear, thanks to endless repeats of the show on various TV channels.
Although the tailfins and convertible roof make this model highly desirable for collectors, the Corvette did not earn its way into the American psyche until the debut of the Sting Ray in 1963.
In addition to federal financial aid, most colleges and universities offer scholarships and other incentives to students who can demonstrate academic promise, athletic ability, or other desirable characteristics.
Cruise line employment may seem desirable, but even if you feel it may be the job for you, there are other reasons to consider staying ashore.
In addition to having a stellar resume geared toward your desired job, there are other things you can do to help make yourself a more desirable employee.
A willingness to commit to a long term contract is also highly desirable because cruise ships prefer to employ persons who can take the time to learn procedures well and will be able to serve the cruise line for an extended period of time.
Suites are typically located in the most desirable parts of the ship where the motion is least detectable.
Similar in size and appearance to the Carnival Spirit, this ship has all the most desirable amenities and activities for passengers to enjoy.
As with any desirable job, gaining employment on a UK cruise ship line will be competitive.
Fall is the least desirable time for Bahamas cruises, since it offers the greatest chance for inclement weather.
Guillotine nail trimmers tend to squeeze the nails before they actually cut through and are the least desirable of the lot.
It's truly a tragedy to see what selective breeding for the least desirable traits can do to any type of dog, and how it has marred the reputations of a number of very fine dog breeds.
Line-breeding involves mating dogs that are not as closely related in order to preserve certain desirable characteristics found in that family group.
Other countries, including Canada and a number of locations in Europe, Australia and Asia have developed similar programs based on what the AKC is using to recognize desirable canine behavior.
A whelping box is especially desirable if you also have other animals, because the mother will feel more comfortable during delivery than in an open area.
Europe. C. simplicifolia is an interesting, desirable, and free-growing subject for the rock garden; flowers rich yellow in June and July, on arching and drooping Laburnum-like racemes.
If cut flowers are desired, then bold groups on borders, in beds, or on grass sheltered by hedges or shrubs are desirable.
It is the more desirable because of its easy culture, as it requires no different treatment from ordinary Dahlias.
European species with scentless yellow flowers, is also a neat alpine, and so is E. rupestre, which is desirable for the rock garden.
Very desirable, too, is T. pumilis yunnanensis from China, with handsome glossy foliage and large, almost slaver-shaped, clear yellow flowers.
It has a dwarf form (nana) about a foot high, and there are varieties with double flowers which are showy and desirable, ranging in color from white to deep crimson, and lasting a long while.
Free flowering, vigorous and hardy, it is one of the most amiable and desirable.
Verloti, and S. juratense, and these are all desirable for a full collection.
Whatever kinds among these we may prefer, a fuller and more graceful use of the Ivy in or near the flower garden and its surroundings is desirable.
H. nummularium and humifusum, both dwarf trailers, are also desirable for the rock garden.
It is a most desirable plant, and as hardy as D. nudicaule.
A very exposed position is not suitable for this heavy-foliaged tree, and shelter from cold winds is desirable.
C. lilacinus, a lavender-colored sort, is a splendid grower and very desirable.
It is hardy enough for walls, and in southern and warm localities withstands our winters without even this protection, but is not the most desirable of plants.
In a special bed the near shelter of hedges is desirable, though their roots should be kept away.
P. fimbriatum is a similar species, equally desirable.
It is a most desirable plant, thriving best in light warm soils, and is suited either for the rock-garden or dry banks.
Another Japanese species, P. corymbosum, is less common, though desirable for walls.
P. orbiculare is a rare and desirable native Rampion, 1 to 2 feet high, and is best among rock plants, where it would be free from the destructive effects of the hoe and rake.
G. repens and Menziesi are less desirable and much rarer.
The autumn-flowering strain is very desirable, as the plants succeed the German varieties, and so prolong the season.
A succession of planting is desirable to secure a late bloom.
As old plants do not bloom so long as young ones, occasional replanting is desirable.
Uvaria. It is desirable because it is earlier in flower than most varieties, and also because it is a free grower.
The varieties cardinalis (bright crimson-purple), coerulea (bluish), alba (white), Dunnetti (rose), splendens (scarlet), picta elegans (crimson-purple, edged with white), and a dwarf variety, nana, about 9 inches high, are desirable.
The variegated-leaved form (albo-marginatum) is desirable, as the vegetation is distinct and constant.
Backyard gardeners enjoy cranberry as both a desirable full sun groundcover and as part of a fruit and vegetable harvest.
Proper composting and mulching, along with appropriate additives, will help create the desirable loam texture.
However, high density planting is preferred by some gardeners because smaller trees are desirable in smaller spaces.
This suggestion should not prevent you from trying a plant that you find especially desirable, just make sure you account for any additional nurturing the plant may need due to the weather conditions.
Yet still other plants are added the garden to act as decoys or lures, keeping insects away from more desirable plants.
Using print books is desirable because the transcriptions are always first rate, and you can take your book with you if you are planning to be somewhere where you won't have the Internet.
However, they are particularly desirable in the rock genre.
The band's late 1960s origin and their contemporary appeal make Blue Oyster Cult tabs desirable to musicians across a range of eras and styles.
However, a jumbo-sized guitar has a large, resonate body and produces a rich, warm, full sound that is desirable for strumming.
Older wood is more potent than newly formed cedar, making the heartwood the most desirable part for exterior use.
While carpet used to be the most desirable flooring in homes across the country, today's new homebuyers are looking for the convenience and stylish looks of hardwood floors.
Lustre is directly linked to the depth of a pearl's nacre, so it's easy to understand why thicker nacre is so desirable.
You might be surprised to learn that some people actually do let common standards and values rule their jewelry choices, opting for pieces that include gems the industry tells us are the most desirable.
This adds to the exclusivity of the stone and makes it a highly desirable collectors or investment item as well as being stunning in jewelry.Loose stones are available in a range of colors and styles.
It is these symbolic meanings of the monkey that makes it a desirable fashion accessory for many people worldwide.
This interesting twist on classic styling is what makes the Chanel designs so desirable.
Even the most fashionable or desirable items can look drab and boring if there are not worn well.
A longer short may not be as desirable for running since the motion of running can pull up the shorts on the leg.
For those who want to keep a hat on hand for times that the weather is less than desirable, the Packable Microfiber Rain Hat is done in a bucket style that can be rolled up and packed away.
This is desirable because it speeds up the process and kills any seeds that might be waiting to germinate.
This is a wonderful system if you are applying medication or other products to your body to benefit your health, but is less desirable when you are applying potentially toxic products to your skin on a daily basis.
In order to rid a farm of pests, whatever is making the environment desirable to pests must be removed.
The effects of pollution are reduced, while producing products which are eco-friendly and more desirable in taste and quality.
However, they do have a residual effect which is highly desirable for long-term flea control.
Beaded panties are also desirable as part of a romantic or fantasy lingerie ensemble that is suitable for a honeymoon or any other planned evening of romance.
This is especially desirable for jobs that require a lot of standing or walking.
You may not always find exactly what you want, but there's a good chance you will leave with something desirable.
If living in your own home is no longer practical or desirable, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, retirement communities, and independent facilities are all viable options.
Remember, not everyone's criteria is the same for what makes a retirement place desirable.
The Marina District of San Diego features amenities desirable to retirement life and affords a water view.
A culmination of all the physical symptoms such as sweating and vaginal dryness, which may simply make a woman feel less desirable.
There are many instances where the federal health insurance plan does not cover the costs of medical care or prescription medication, making an additional insurance on top of Medicare desirable.
Different definitions can lead to significant differences in AHI values, which makes a standard desirable for many patients and professionals.
Lightweight and practically invisible, contact lenses are immensely popular, especially in the United States, because they are seen as a more desirable alternative to glasses without being as invasive as laser eye surgery.
Because of its desirable location on the lakeshore, however, the Crystal Beach community was eventually restored and today is a thriving vacation community of cottages and cabins.
Many MMOGs operate on a subscription basis, meaning that a fee is paid by each subscriber every month, a desirable scenario for game producers.
In this way, rolling a "six" on a die is the most desirable.
Different people appreciate varying characteristics in the wine, so taste in wine is highly subjective; however, there are certain traits that are considered more desirable than others.
Some wines, especially whites, have mineral characteristics, which are considered desirable in good wines.
Although there are a variety of reasons it boils down to how desirable the cookie jar is to other collectors.
For many antique tool collectors, the most desirable Stanley woodworking tools are planes.
Very desirable antique Singer sewing machines will have some detail that attracts the collector.
Some even have detailed cabinetry as part of the machine that is very desirable to some collectors.
As with many antiques, if some type of provenance can be proven, the item can become more desirable to certain collectors.
If an item is not desirable to collectors, regardless of whether or not it is rare, unusual or beautiful, its value is down.
They became not only desirable but rare since there was only a limited number made.
Leather bound books are a sign of quality and are very desirable to most collectors.
The better the condition of the gold the more desirable it will be to the collector.
A desirable book that doesn't have many available copies will fetch more at auction than a book that has many copies.
Gradually this attitude began changing as researchers concluded that the child's attachment to a security object is normal and even desirable.
In the early stage of Bell's palsy, when facial muscles are the most flaccid, it is desirable to allow the muscles to simply rest and recover on their own.
A caregiver can try both and see which is the most desirable.
To encourage crawling, parents can place toys and other desirable objects just beyond the baby's reach.
This can be a normal, if not socially desirable, stage of development.
A lower muscle mass and a decrease in activities cause a lower metabolic rate, meaning that fewer calories are needed each day to maintain a desirable weight.
You may realize that the restricted growth of a bonsai plant is desirable since if left unchecked, the pachira aquatic plant can grow up to 50 feet in height.
The land was so desirable that several eastern states asserted territorial claims on the area.
Virgin hair can withstand the elements much longer than processed hair which is why it is the most desirable for wigs.
For many people, porcupine spikes are not desirable, but for the punk and skater communities deadly spikes are a categorical must.
The minimum length can vary from 8 to 12 inches, and most natural colors of hair are desirable.