Designated Sentence Examples
They walked into the camp from the designated exercise areas.
Betsy was knee deep in meetings through the dinner hour so I was designated to baby sit Howie.
Returning to her designated room, she hung all her clothes in the cedar lined wardrobe and tucked her personals in the spacious dresser.
He was able to ski from the summit, but only on those slopes and trails designated blue or green, novice or intermediate.
They were so designated by those who valued them.
The technical words by which the process of allegorizing is designated in the Physiologus, like 41,unveia, Occopia, ava'yc.ay, aXXrjyopia, are familiar to the students of Alexandrian exegesis.
But Matarigvan was feigned to have brought Agni, fire, and "the fetching of the god was designated by the same verb mathnami as the proper earthly boring" of the firestick.
A baby book is usually already organized in a theme and categories, with pages designated for specific information and may not leave much room for creativity.
Some are designated simply as accent pieces, perfect for adding a splash of color or bringing contrast to a room.
Whether this type is more conveniently designated by the word Iberian, or by some other name (" Eur-african," " Mediterranean," &c.) is a matter of comparative indifference, provided that there is no misunderstanding as to the steps by which the term Iberian attained its meaning in modern anthropology.
AdvertisementThe larger forms designated by special generic terms include the following.
Farmers should contact IB or their local National Farmers Union for details of designated abattoirs in their area.
Many bars offer complimentary soft drinks to designated drivers.
Depending on the group involved, special anniversary meetings may be designated as "open" meetings.
Shelbie plays Cristina, daughter of the housekeeper and designated translater.
AdvertisementOther parts of the river were colonized by peasants who emigrated with government aid, and were bound to settle in villages, along the Amur, at spots designated by officials.
Of the person designated, no more is known than may be inferred from the writing which bears his name.
The alchemists designated it by the sign of Saturn k.
His position is ordinarily designated by the name Conceptualism (q.v.), though there is very little talk of concepts in Abelard's own writings.
This is manifestly true, however real the facts may be which are designated by the generic and specific names; and the position is fully accepted, as has been seen, by a Realist like Gilbert, who perhaps adopted it first from Abelard.
AdvertisementThe satrapic administration was retained by Alexander and his successors, especially in the Seleucid empire, where the satrap generally is designated as strategus; but their provinces were much smaller than under the Persians.
The Calvinists are composed mostly of Magyars, so that in the country the Lutherans are designated as the " German Church," and the Calvinists as the " Hungarian Church."
He had designated as his successor his natural son, g the highly gifted Janos (John) Corvinus, a youth of seventeen.
The archbishop died on the 23rd of January 989, having, according to his secretary's account, designated Gerbert his successor.
The sultan had designated Ahmed as his successor, but Selim, though temporarily defeated, succeeded in winning over the janissaries.
AdvertisementAll we know is that about the 1st century the Greek word Kacroircpos designated tin, and that tin was imported from Cornwall into Italy after, if not before, the invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar.
A commission 1 Umtonga had been originally designated by Panda as his successor.
But the detachments designated for Gully beach could not all be got off at the exposed point, and those left over had to march on to " W " beach at the last moment and were not afloat till nearly 4 A.M., their embarkation being effected with great difficulty owing to the surf.
Finally, there are the village headmen, assisted in Upper Burma by elders, variously designated according to old custom.
He was designated by Gregory as one of four men most worthy to succeed him, and, after a vacancy of more than five months following the decease of Victor III., he was elected pope on the 12th of March 1088 by forty cardinals, bishops, and abbots assembled at Terracina, together with representatives of the Romans and of Countess Matilda.
Gamaliel I., a grandson of Hillel, and like him designated Ha-Zagen (the Elder), by which is apparently indicated that he was numbered among the Sanhedrin, the high council of Jerusalem.
At first the plant was supposed to possess almost miraculous healing powers, and was designated " herba panacea," " herba santa," " sana sancta Indorum "; " divine tobacco " it is called by Spenser, and " our holy herb nicotian " by William Lilly.
Taylor's Methodus Incrementorum Directa et Inversa (London, 1715) added a new branch to the higher mathematics, now designated the " calculus of finite differences."
Henry's influence seems to have been resented by Ludolf, who in 946 had been formally designated as his father's successor.
But it was also frequently used to denote (in whole or part) that portion of the old Mithradatic kingdom which lay between the Halys (roughly) and the borders of Colchis, Lesser Armenia, Cappadocia and Galatia - the region properly designated by the title "Cappadocia towards the Pontus," which was always the nucleus of the Pontic kingdom.
There are six large islands, namely Sakhalin (called by the Japanese Karafuto); Yezo or Ezo (which with the Kuriles is designated Hokkaido, or the north-sea district); Nippon (the origin of the sun), which is the main island; Shikoku (the four provinces), which lies on the east of Nippon; KiUshi or Kyushu (the nine provinces), which lies on the south of Nippon, and Formosa, which forms the most southerly link of the chain.
The gold occurs in alluvial deposits designated as gulch-, bar-, beach-, tundraand bench-placers.
Of these the former contains only portions of the Pentateuch,' and is therefore usually designated the Fragmentary (Jerusalem) Targum.
Athanasius," is more accurately designated by its first words Quicumque vult.'
In 1861 the strategic importance of Taranto was recognized by the Italian government, and in 1864 a Naval Commission designated it as third maritime arsenal after Spezia and Venice.
None of them, in point of fact, has held its ground, and even his proposal to denote unknown quantities by the vowels A, E, I, 0, u, Y - the consonants B, c, &c., being reserved for general known quantities - has not been taken up. In this denotation he followed, perhaps, some older contemporaries, as Ramus, who designated the points in geometrical figures by vowels, making use of consonants, R, S, T, &c., only when these were exhausted.
On the 1st of September in the year zoo, when Trajan was consul for the third time, Pliny, who had been designated consul for a part of the year, was appointed to deliver the "Panegyric" which has come down to us, and forms a most important source of our knowledge concerning this emperor.
In 1821 the site was designated as the seat of the state government, and early in the following year the town, named in honour of Andrew Jackson, was laid out.
Instead of this the Church substituted the name of the disciple through whom the message was delivered for that of his Master, and designated our Apocalypse "The Apocalypse of John."
The crowns suspended in churches suggested doubtless the sumptuous pensile luminaries, frequently designated from a very early period as coronae, in which the form of the royal circlet was preserved in much larger proportions, as exemplified by the remarkable corona still to be seen suspended in the cathedral at Aix-laChapelle over the crypt in which the body of Charlemagne was deposited."
In particular cohortes praetoriae now designated the imperial bodyguard.
Although most people have a general vague idea of what constitutes an "antelope," yet the group of animals thus designated is one that does not admit of accurate limitations or definition.
The justices and presiding justice are designated from among the justices of the supreme court by the governor;.
A homestead consisting of a lot of land with one or more buildings, and properly designated as such in the office of the county clerk, but not exceeding $1000 in value, is exempt from forced sale so long as it is owned and occupied as a residence by a householder having a family or by a married woman, except to recover the purchase money, to satisfy a judgment obtained before it was designated as a homestead, or to collect taxes upon it.
In a school district which maintains a four-year accredited high school there is a text-book commission consisting of the city superintendent or the principal of the high school, two members of the board of directors designated by the board, and two teachers appointed by the board.
There seems to be a mistake in the first part of this statement; what Eratosthenes will have said is that the oldest prince after the king was the designated successor.
Seebeck (1805-1849) is the simplest form of apparatus thus designated, and consists of a large circular disk mounted on a central axis, about which it may be made to revolve with moderate rapidity.
Sometimes this is designated "the collective sovereignty."
In 1806 one of the most influential of the German clerics, Karl von Dalberg, then prince bishop of Regensburg, chose him to be his coadjutor and designated him as his successor.
The senate conferred the imperial power upon him alone, although Tiberius Gemellus, the grandson of the preceding emperor, had been designated as his co-heir.
The town was laid out in the same year, and after the organization of Montana Territory it was designated as the capital.
Notwithstanding his ostensible opposition to the coup d'etat of 1851, he was designated, upon the establishment of the Empire, as successor to the throne if Napoleon III.
In the Bundahish, however (9th century), the twelve " Akhtars," designated by the same names as our signs, lead the army of Ormazd, while the seven " Awakhtars " or planets (including a meteor and a comet) fight for Ahriman.
Particular Christians were designated to take charge of the services, and orders of worship were framed out of which grew ultimately elaborate liturgies.
The theologians of the Greek and Latin churches expressly found the conception of a Christian priesthood on the hierarchy of the Jewish temple, while the names by which the sacerdotal character is expressed - iEpEbs, sacerdos - originally designated the ministers of sacred things in Greek and Roman heathenism, and then came to be used as translations into Greek and Latin of the Hebrew kohen.
What have been designated faculties are, upon his view, merely classified facts or phenomena of consciousness.
He advanced towards the modern view of elements as the undecomposable constituents of material bodies; and understanding the distinction between mixtures and compounds, he made considerable progress in the technique of detecting their ingredients, a process which he designated by the term "analysis."
The first may be designated the French period.
In the pharmacopoeia it is designated potassa sulphurata.
With the latter, which is best designated as the "system of natural liberty," we ought to associate the memory of the physiocrats as well as that of Smith, without, however, maintaining their services to have been equal to his.
In the summer of 1570 he was, in spite of his protestations, designated to succeed Norris as ambassador at Paris.
They were formerly regarded as older thaii the schists and were designated on this account primitive, fundamental, &c. They have also been called Laurenlian, a name which is still sometimes applied to them.
The " maritime provinces " of eastern Canada, including Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, may be considered together; and to these provinces as politically bounded may be added, from a physical point of view, the analogous south-eastern part of Quebec - the entire area being designated the Acadian region.
Each Of The Thirty Lines Of Epacts Is Designated By A Letter Of The Alphabet, Which Serves As Its Index Or Argument.
He is closely associated with Bel, or En-lil of Nippur, as whose son he is commonly designated.
Soon after the king's departure for the Holy Land it became known that he had designated his nephew, the young Arthur of Brittany, as his successor.
The result of this minute was that a frontier commissionership, including Sind, was sanctioned by the home government, and Sir Frederick (afterwards Lord) Roberts had been designated as the first Commissioner, when the outbreak of the Second Afghan War caused the project to be postponed.
In 1794 a third secretary of state was reappointed, and in 1801 this secretary was designated as secretary of state for war and the colonies.
These creatures have no proper English name, and are generally known as hyraxes, from the scientific term (Hyrax) by which they were for many years designated - a term which has unfortunately had to give place to the earlier Procavia.
Their elections gave rise to innumerable lawsuits, which all terminated at the court of Rome, and in most cases it was the pope himself who designated the monks to fill vacant posts in the abbeys.
The symbol by which Mark is designated in Christian art is usually that of a lion.
It is more probable that the expression Shumer designated the whole of Babylonia in much the same manner as did Akkad, and that the two words "Shumer and Akkad " were used together as a comprehensive term.
It is much more likely that the two dialects were thus designated because of their respectively harsh and soft phonetics.'
Some odd lots of skins arrive designated simply as "sundries," so no classification is possible, and this will account for the absence of a few names of skins of which the imports are insignificant in quantity, or are received direct by the wholesale merchants.
The fur has often been designated as red or Tatar sable.
In Germany it is sometimes designated Stiller Freitag (compare Greek, Ef3bo,u&s t17rpaKro; Latin, hebdomas inoficiosa, non laboriosa), but more commonly Charfreitag.
He assisted the German king, Sigismund, in his campaigns against the Hussites, and in 1422 married Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Sigismund, who designated him as his successor.
Jorgensen in the second dinitrotetramminecobalt chloride, [Co(NO 2) 2 (NH 3) 4 ]Cl, designated as flavo - whereas the older isomer of Gibbs was distinguished as croceo-salt.
The structures in ordinary language designated as leaves are considered so par excellence, and they are frequently spoken of as foliage leaves.
The excise, which was a favourite resource of Whig financiers, he had designated as a hateful tax.
The antagonists met in debate at seven designated places in the state.
The territories occupied by peoples of distinctively Teutonic race and language are commonly designated as German, and in this sense may be taken to include, besides Germany proper (the subject of the present article), the German-speaking sections of Austria, Switzerland and Holland.
The above three breeds were designated Yorkshire Whites, and are still so named at times.
Thus such dates are met with as the year of the third time of numbering of a particular king, the next being designated as the year after the third time of numbering.
The Post Office Department was designated by executive order as responsible for the enforcement of these measures.
The excluded genera are distributed among the liverworts, lichens and fungi; but notwithstanding the great advance in knowledge since the time of Linnaeus, the difficulty of deciding what limits to assign to the group to be designated Algae still remains.
I., and may well be designated " antler-horns."
The region thus designated is a peninsula projecting southward from the great mountain masses of the interior.
In the post-Talmudic age the Qaraites, who rejected the tradition of the Talmud, designated the Jews who adhered to that tradition as Rabbanites.
When once we admit that this designated not only the mountain, which is 1730 ft.
But when Vigilius died (June 7, 555), he accepted the council, and allowed himself to be designated by Justinian to succeed the late pope.
Even Epicureanism, which might appear concrete, was by him rightly designated abstract.
Proctor found that between Aldebaran and the Pleiades most of the stars have a motion positive in right ascension and negative in declination, a phenomenon which he designated " star-drift."
It was led by what may be called the spiritual noblesse of Islam, which, as distinguished from the hereditary nobility of Mecca, might also be designated as the nobility of merit, consisting of the "Defenders" (Ansar), and especially of the Emigrants who had lent themselves to the elevation of the Koreish, but by no means with the intention of allowing themselves thereby to be effaced.
Walid designated his two sons as heirs to the Caliphate.
Musa had been designated, as we have seen, by Abu'lAbbas as successor to Mansur.
But not all the inhabitants of the villages were designated by that name.
In 46 B.C. he shared in the glory of Caesar's African triumph, and in 45 he was made a patrician by the senate, and designated as one of Caesar's "masters of the horse" for the next year.
The southern part of the Great Basin region is vaguely designated the Colorado desert.
After 293 Maximianus left the care of the Rhine frontier to Constantius Chlorus, who had been designated Caesar in that year, but in 297 his arms achieved a rapid and decisive victory over the barbarians of Mauretania, and in 302 he shared at Rome the triumph of Diocletian, the last pageant of the kind ever witnessed by that city.
In 1873, at the time of the "Virginius" incident (see Cuba), when an invasion of Spain was projected, Sheridan was designated to command the United States field army.
General Pr-inciples.----Willis designated as aggregate combinations those assemblages of pieces of mechanism in which the motion of one follower is the resultant of component motions impressed on it by more than one driver.
Thisconstant, now designated as Joules equivalent, is the principal experimental datum of the science of thermodynamics.
Their presence is due to lateral outgrowths of crystals shooting from the side of a growing stalactite, or to deflections caused by currents of air, or to the existence of a diminutive fungus peculiar to the locality and designated from its habitat Mucor stalactitis.
If, on the other hand, pariahs, and consequently the dingo, cannot be separated specifically from the domesticated dogs of western Europe, then the dingo should be designated Canis familiaris dingo.
The three other poems, designated as "Book II" in the Junius MS., are characterized by considerable imaginative power and vigour of expression, but they show an absence of literary culture and are somewhat rambling, full of repetitions and generally lacking in finish.
Several months later, however, it was separated from these two provinces and became a Territory; in 1836 it was officially designated as a department, and remained as such until ceded to the United States by the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, in 1848.
Among the literary works are included all that he himself designated moral and historical pieces, and to these may be added some theological and minor writings, such as the Apophthegms. Of the moral works the most valuable are the Essays, which have been so widely read and universally admired.
Of these the most extensive, as well as the most lofty, is that which fills up almost the whole southern portion of the island, and is generally designated by modern geographers as Mount Olympus, though that name appears to have been applied by the ancients only to one particular peak.
This mountain, designated by Strabo Mount Olympus, is a conspicuous object from Larnaca, from which it is only 12 m.
This has been since designated as polyzoism or panthelism or panvitalism, 2 and represents the obscure undifferentiated groundwork out of which Tylor's Animism arises.
So the Peruvians designated the Earth as Pachamama, " mother of (all) things."
They are designated by the same name, shin; and they are in The Japanese name is tsuchi, " heaven and earth," a translation of the Chinese ten-chi, Aston, Shinto (1 9 o 5), p. 35.
On the side of Nature the lowest rank (r) seems to belong to what Usener has designated " momentary " or " occasional " gods.'
At Tours he lived with Euphronius, and so great was the young man's popularity that, on the death of Euphronius in 573, the people unanimously designated him bishop.
The NamePersia, in the strict significance of the word, denotes the country inhabited by the people designated as Persians, i.e.
There is,1 however, also shown, as a result of the Afghan intrusion and the impotency of the later Safawid kings, a long broad strip of country to the west, including Tabriz and Hamadan, marked conquests of the Turks, and the whole west shore of the Caspian from Astrakan to Mazandaran marked conquests of the czar of Muscovy; Makran, written Mecran, is designated a warlike independent nation.
Karroo is a corruption of Karusa, a Hottentot word meaning dry, barren, and its use as a place-name indicates the character of the plateaus so designated.
Meanwhile he had been designated by Celsus (in whose family the see of Armagh had been hereditary for many years) to succeed him in the archbishopric; in the interests of reform he reluctantly accepted the dignity, and thus became involved for some years in a struggle with the so-called heirs.
Flanders in the feudal period was a fief of the king of France - the count of Flanders being the first of the twelve peers of France; but there was a small strip extending from Alost to the isles of Zeeland, designated Imperial Flanders, of which the count was the vassal of the Holy Roman emperor.
While Mendes Pinto and his book are typically Portuguese of that age, the Historia tragicomaritima, sometimes designated the prose epic of saudade, is equally characteristic of the race of seamen which produced it.
The extremity of the peninsula is called Ras Mandia or Cape Africa - Africa being the name by which Mandia was designated by Froissart and other European historians during the middle ages and the Renaissance.
Of these the first twenty-five were entitled the Antiquities of Human Things (Antiquitates Rerum Humanarum), while the remaining sixteen were designated the Antiquities of Things Divine (Antiquitates Rerum Divinarum).
The part lying to the south of this line can be designated as highland, and only the part north of it as lowland.
A number of followers, estimated by Prince at 500, but by his critics at one-fifth of the number, were got together, and it was given out by "Beloved" or "The Lamb" - the names by which the Agapemonites designated their leader - that his disciples must divest themselves of their possessions and throw them into the common stock.
Penaud succeeded in overcoming the difficulty in question by the invention of what he designated an automatic rudder.
Wenham, thinking to improve upon Henson, invented in 1866 what he designated his aeroplanes.'
These he designated " aerodromes."
Substances which were comparatively transparent to heat he designated by the adjective "diathermane," the property being "diathermanate," while for the heattint or heat-coloration produced by passage through different materials he coined the word "diathermansie."
And as man under a genealogical point of view belongs to the Catarhine or Old World stock, we must conclude, however much the conclusion may revolt our pride, that our early progenitors would have been properly thus designated.
Aristotle in his will made him guardian of his children, bequeathed to him his library and the originals of his works, and designated him as his successor at the Lyceum on his own removal to Chalcis.
Until recent years the supposed inheritance of characters acquired by a dam from one or more of her former mates was usually designated by breeders "throwing back"; by physiologists, "infection of the germ," or simply "infection."
Roger Mortimer, 4th earl of March, was designated by Richard II.
Their eldest son was created earl of Lincoln during his father's life, and Richard III., after the death of his own son, had designated him as his successor.
Augustus had been designated (not indeed officially, but none the less regularly) as princeps - the first citizen or foremost man of the state.
This Memra (= Ma'amar) or, as it is also designated, Dibbura, is a hypostasis that takes the place of God when direct intercourse with man is in view.
The two territories designated respectively Nueva Andalucia and Castella de Oro were united in 1514 into the province of Tierra-firma, and entrusted to Pedro Arias de Avila.
He was unable, however, in consequence of ill-health, to reside at Bogota and discharge the presidential duties, and consequently in August 1888 Senor Carlos Holguin was designated to act for him.
Thus Andorra is not a republic, but is designated in official documents as the Vallees et Suzerainetes.
In the Ottoman Empire the rulers appointed to the quasi-independent Christian communities subject to it have usually been designated " prince, " and the title has thus come to signify in connexion with the Eastern Question a sovereignty more or less subordinate.
An investigation of the great aurora of the 4th of February 1872 led him to refer such phenomena to a distinct branch of science, designated by him "cosmical meteorology"; but he was not destined to prosecute the subject.
Laurens was designated with the vicomte de Noailles to arrange the terms of the surrender, which virtually ended the war, although desultory skirmishing, especially in the South, attended the months of delay before peace was formally concluded.
The crest-line of an anticline or trough-line of a syncline is rarely horizontal for any great distance; its departure from horizontality is designated the "pitch," and the fold is said to pitch (or dip) towards the north, &c. Most simple folds - with the exception of very shallow curvatures of wide area, - when considered in their entirety, are seen to be somewhat canoe-shaped in form.
Here the Grail is a food-providing, self-acting talisman, the precise nature of which is not specified; it is designated as the "rich" Grail, and serves the king and his court sans serjant et sans seneschal, the butlers providing the guests with wine.
The old king very naturally preferred to keep his dominions united under his own immediate government, but he had designated his eldest sonas his successor in England and Normandy, while Richard was to have his mothers heritage of Aquitaine, and Geoffreys wifes dowry, the duchy of Brittany, was due to him, now that he had reached the verge of manhood.
On his death-bed the king had designated John as his successor, holding apparently that a bad ruler who was at least a grown man was preferable to a child.
Norfolk, who had been designated to lead the expedition to Guienne, declared that though he was ready to follow his master to Flanders in his capacity of marshal, he would not be drafted off to Gascony against his own will.
Brooks, however, refused these conditions, saying that he could not reach the place designated "without running the gauntlet of mobs and assassins, prisons and penitentiaries, bailiffs and constables."
He was designated by Duke Godfrey as his successor; but the emperor Henry IV.
Not only is the charge of secrecy rigidly obeyed in regard to the alien world, but full initiation into the deeper mysteries of the creed is permitted only to a special class designated Akils, (Arabic `Akl, intelligence), in contradistinction from whom all other members of the Druse community, whatever may be their position or attainments, are called Jahel, the Ignorant.
English Unitarian periodical literature begins with Priestley's Theological Repository (1769-1788), and includes the Monthly Repository (1806-1838), The Christian Reformer (1834-1863), the Prospective Review (1845-1854), the National Review (1855-1864), the Theological Review (1864-1879), and now the Hibbert Journal, one of the enterprises of the Ilibbert Trust, founded by Robert Hibbert (1770-1849) and originally designated the Anti-Trinitarian Fund.
When settled they are mostly designated Sarts - a name which has reference more to manner of life than to anthropological classification, although a much stronger admixture of Iranian blood is evident in the Sarts, who also speak Persian at Khojent and Samarkand.
From of old, in China, circles were divided into 3654 parts, so that the sun described daily one Chinese degree; and the equator began to be employed as a line of reference, concurrently with the ecliptic, probably in the second century B.C. Both circles, too, were marked by star-groups more or less clearly designated and defined.
He mapped 324, chose out nine, which he designated by the letters of the alphabet, to be standards of measurement for the rest, and ascertained the coincidence in position between the double yellow ray derived from the flame of burning sodium and the pair of dark lines named by him " D " in the solar spectrum.
Both in early and in late inscriptions Shamash is designated as the "offspring of Nannar," i.e.
The whole kingdom of the north is commonly designated the kingdom of Ailech, from the ancient stronghold near Derry which the sons of Niall probably took over from the earlier inhabitants.
August I589 by a Jacobin monk, Jacques Clement; with his dying breath he designated the king of Navarre as his successor.
In the system that passes under the name of Ptolemy, Saturn is associated with grey, Jupiter with white, Mars with red, Venus with yellow, while Mercury, occupying a peculiar place in Greek as it did in Babylonian astrology (where it was at one time designated as the planet par excellence), was supposed to vary its colour according to changing circumstances.
It was then found necessary to distinguish clearly between horses and ponies, and, accordingly, all animals measuring 14 hands or under were designated " ponies," and registered in a separate part of the (Hackney) Stud-Book.
In ancient geometry the name was restricted to the three particular forms now designated the ellipse, parabola and hyperbola, and this sense is still retained in general works.
To this form the terms trichasial and polychasial cyme have been applied; but these are now usually designated cymose umbels.
The concreted turpentine obtained in the United States by making incisions in the trunk of a species of pine, Pinus australis, is also so designated.
Repeat offenders will be designated as ' French ' and shall thus become anathema.
Every regulated vessel ensure the vessel is anchored within the limits of designated anchorage areas All parameters for designated anchorages are guidelines only.
According to the PTO, the data we receive includes the assignee designated at the time of filing.
Each AONB has been designated for special attention by reason of their high qualities.
Parking is limited and students can only park in the marked bays designated for the use of Canterbury Christ Church students.
In a vacancy in a rectorial benefice the Chairman shall be a Vicar of that benefice designated by the Area Dean.
Some of the trees are 300 years old, and the forest has been designated a rare biosphere by UNESCO.
There are three designated backpacker campsites in addition to those already outlined within the Accommodation Section.
Please use the designated car parks on the left of Lime Way.
Our group designated the task of carrying the crystal chalice to the map holder.
According to the person's indications, colored clothespins are clipped at the designated numbers.
It is a designated nature reserve and we watched condors flying overhead.
The semi-detached miners ' cottages now form part of a conservation area designated in 1980.
Apart from designated border crossings, the immediate border area is a military restricted zone.
The Chairman of the Content Board, or designated deputy, will decide whether to grant a further appeal or not.
Usually the owner or designer of the website is the person designated to drive traffic to the site.
Displays A specially designated area is available for displays of pupils work.
In 1989 the Center was officially designated a World Health Organization Collaborating Center.
Several formally designated protected areas (including San Rafael) appear to exist in name alone.
Bicycles must not be brought into residences at any time, except to specifically designated areas.
Certain provisions of these terms of use may be superseded by expressly designated legal notices or terms located on particular pages of this Website.
Compilation and publishing of a list for all voters for the Council area by designated polling districts.
This country has designated areas where protest is not allowed for no reason other than the fear of the corrupt ruling elite.
Each form from year 7 to year 11 will run its own fundraising event or events on their designated day.
Projects Birkwith Moor This section of trail is designated footpath that crosses wet fragile upland.
Consignment reference designated by the forwarder (if any ).
The isolate was designated T1 and was assigned to an AG by both observation of hyphal fusion and DNA sequencing.
They were designated by the word gar following the founder's name.
It was designated for its estuaries and adjacent coastal habitats, which are important for breeding gulls, terns and wintering waterfowl.
A designated area is an area such as park lands or adopted highways with a speed limit of 40 miles per hour or under.
Clear hot spot This command removes any designated hot spot from the bitmap image.
The specific gravity of each batch in the stock solution should be checked at least weekly by designated staff with a calibrated hydrometer.
An operation halt day, indicated by a hyphen, must not be designated twice or more with the same date.
Holborn's Gray's Inn workhouse was designated for able-bodied inmates.
Most GPs can't give this jab - you have to go to a designated yellow fever clinic.
One of the 15 players must be chosen as the ' designated kicker ' .
Holbrook toolroom lathes appear to have been designated either " B " for the smaller machines, or " T " for the larger.
Powered by good old fashioned legwork, it follows a set route to school, collecting pupils at designated bus stops.
It has been designated as an orphan medicinal product.
This puts considerable pressure on the training program for mentors, and some institutions involve teachers other than the designated mentor in the training.
Nearly all the town is within designated conservation areas and many buildings are of townscape merit.
Panels and sub-panels should be supported by colleges of assessors with experience of working in designated multidisciplinary ' thematic ' areas.
The LA designated officer then decides whether to involve social care or the police.
However, the correct release of products is the responsibility of the designated person carrying out the procedure.
All vessels were now to discharge their cargo only at designated " legal quays " in the Pool of London.
Emergency position indicating radio beacons (EPIRB) are electronic devices that gives off a radio signal on the designated frequency of 406 MHz.
The squadron or troop performs route reconnaissance of the designated route or routes for the movement.
Do not reprocess devices designated for single use only.
The supervisor or designated mail center worker should call the previously designated first responder.
For the duration of the Artillery Strike, your designated target will appear on their Command Map and Mortar sights as a targeting reticule.
For those who need their beauty sleep a designated quiet camping area will offer a peaceful haven away from the night's revelry.
Definitions Obligatory set-aside This covers the area of compulsory set-aside designated for any year, 10% for 2003.
Maybe a designated social worker could attend family services, get to know how the church operates and explore ways to work collaboratively.
I drove 10km south to the area designated as a World Heritage Area.
No personal license will be required to supply alcohol at a Club Premises and there is no need to have a designated premises supervisor.
The four fleet sweepers were henceforth to be designated the 17th MS Flotilla under the command of Cdr.
Our 24 hour staffed helpline has designated slots where a multi lingual worker will answer the telephone.
The whole intact primitive crofting township is designated an Ancient Monument.
Upon arrival at Sussex you will be designated a personal tutor for the period of your study.
The apartments will feature sliding mirror wardrobes where designated.
As a Charity you must maintain accounting records and prepare accounts once a year to your designated accounting year-end date.
With a limited budget up front, we were able to deploy a number of units of our choice across several designated drop zones.
By this stage BSE had been designated a zoonosis.
Its visible and religious forms then give way to abstract formulae, which in their turn are slowly replaced by the rational manifestation of the philosophic principles of law that gains the victory in the final stage of development, designated by Vico as that of civil and human law.
This is the law of cycles, constituting that which is designated by Vico as the "eternal ideal history, or rather course of humanity, invariably followed by all nations."
Max Reess distinguished the species according to the appearance of the cells thus, the ellipsoidal cells were designated Saccharomyces ellipsoideus, the sausage-shaped Saccharomyces Pasteurianus, and so on.
From the Phascolomyidae, the two families, which may be collectively designated Phalangeroidea, differ by the circumstance that in the skull the tympanic process of the alisphenoid covers the tympanic cavity and reaches the paroccipital process.
He is commonly designated as En-zu, i.e.
The gall-bladder, appropriately designated as "the bitter," was regarded as a part of the liver, and the cystic duct (compared, apparently, to a "penis") to which it is joined, as well as the hepatic duct (pictured as an "outlet") and the ductus choleductus (described as a "yoke"), all had their special designations.
The seeds of the cryptogams or flowerless plants are not true seeds and are properly designated "spores" (see Fruit).
In reality, however, the families designated Eproboscidea (Hippoboscidae, Braulidae, Nycteribiidae and .Streblidae), are not entitled to be considered as constituting either a suborder, or even a main division of the Cyclorrhapha; they are simply Cyclorrhapha much modified owing to parasitism, and in view of the closely similiar mode of reproduction in the tsetseflies the special designation Pupipara should be abandoned.
The expressions designated by Dr Whewell, Laplace's coefficients (see Spherical Harmonics) were definitely introduced in the memoir of 1785 on attractions above referred to.
Particular Christians were designated to take charge of the services, and orders of worship were framed out of which grew ultimately elaborate liturgies (see Liturgy).
In The Tables Of The Church Calendar The Epacts Are Usually Printed In Roman Numerals, Excepting The Last, Which Is Designated By An Asterisk (*), Used As An Indefinite Symbol To Denote 30 Or O, And 25, Which In The Last Eight Columns Is Expressed In Arabic Characters, For A Reason That Will Immediately Be Explained.
In the code of the Twelve Tables they are designated quaestores parricidii, " inquisitors of parricide or murder"; 2 and perhaps originally this was their full title, which was afterwards abbreviated into quaestors when their functions as criminal judges fell into the background.
There can be no doubt that Eme-sal means " woman's language," and it was perhaps thus designated because it was a softer idiom phonetically than the other dialect.
In certain designated matters they enjoy criminal jurisdiction, inclu,ding, since 1900, offences against the bankruptcy laws.
Llewelyn's brother, now David III., designated by the English " the last survivor of that race of traitors," for a few months defied the English forces amongst the fastnesses of Snowdon, but ere long he was captured, tried as a disloyal English baron by a parliament at Shrewsbury, and finally executed under circumstances of great barbarity on the 3rd of October 1283.
In the Homeric poems Cephalonia is generally supposed to be mentioned under the name of Same, and its inhabitants, among the subjects of Ulysses, to be designated Cephallenes (see, however, under Ithaca).
The senate itself might, in the later Republic, invite a victorious general to assume the title; and in these two customs - the salutation of the troops, and the invitation of the senate - we see in the germ the two methods by which under the Empire the princeps was designated; while in the military connotation attaching to the name even under the Republic we can detect in advance the military character by which the emperor and the Empire were afterwards distinguished.
We accept well behaved dogs by prior arrangement in designated " doggy friendly " bedrooms and the residents lounge.
For those who need their beauty sleep a designated quiet camping area will offer a peaceful haven away from the night 's revelry.
General Airdrop loads require special rigging equipment for delivery to a designated area.
No sum shall be drawn from the Club Account except by check signed by two of the three designated signatories.
Square brackets around disputed text are multiplying and MC.II finished its last designated session with much of its text bracketed.
The unit has 26 ENT beds, 2 of which are designated ENT step-down beds.
However, honorarium may be dismissed if the paper is not submitted by appropriate deadline and not written in the designated format.
A Designated Premises Supervisor is the person specified on the Premises License who is responsible for authorizing the supply of alcohol.
Designated trademarks and brands belong to their respective owners.
Sections 128 to 131 introduce a new offense of trespass on sites designated by the Secretary of State.
Hamdan is one of 14 people designated for a war crimes trial.
Other designated machines miss harrah 's hotel winery tours can.
The area north of the winter solstice line is designated for ceremonies.
As designated driver, Hannah had to listen to her drunk friends prate about nonsense until they finally fell asleep in the car.
Each time your child uses the potty, let him place a sticker in one of the designated spots on the potty training chart.
However, after some simple measurements and a difficult return to reality, chances are your idealistic décor dreams have somehow grown quite larger than your designated room space.
You can even create several craft stations at the shower itself, allowing people to make their own favor through a designated activity time.
You can establish weekly recurring orders automatically sent to you or your designated delivery address at a specified time.
When you want your swimwear to hold up to the rigors of swimming, surfing, and boogie boarding as well as the harsh chemicals of chlorine or saltwater, look for sports swimwear designated for that purpose.
Hard drive is also designated as Gigabytes, so don't confused hard drive with memory.
If the watch is removed forcibly, an instant alert with location information is automatically sent to a designated phone number or email address.
For holiday sales like Presidents' Day, Memorial Day and others, visit the website for designated operating hours.
A committee of librarians designated by the American Library Association (ALA) and the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) chooses the award winner each year.
Several P2P lending sites feature special sections designated for members who want to lend or borrow money with the stipulation that the transaction is taking place in a Christian manner.
Simply use your PayPass, which you can attach to your keychain, by tapping it on a designated reader.
Hill, 675 So. 2d 168 (Fla. 5th DCA 1996), the husband told the Court that he had designated the matrimonial home as being owned by himself and his wife as joint tenants.
In a community property state, all marital property accumulated from the date of marriage to the date of separation is designated as community property.
Remember that this area is designated for working, so be sure to put function first and let the design of the space follow.
The third is the area designated for clean up, which includes the kitchen sink.
If you are going to use a rectangle or square, then cut the headboard to fit the space you designated for it.
They can provide general overhead lighting for an entire room as well as specified illumination for designated areas.
It can help to define a space, set the mood, and of course, provide the appropriate illumination for designated spaces.
The original plans for the home had designated rooms.
The home was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1982, and The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, which was started by Wright in 1940 as a nonprofit institution, currently owns Taliesin West.
I just followed the quad sequence and applied the shadow to its designated area.
With a designated place to stash cotton balls, applicator wands and false eyelashes if need be, train cases keep beauty products separate from tools and implements.
Some might also be designated for beginners and others may be for more experienced players.
For example, a classical tune can be played for business incoming calls and different songs could be designated for calls from individual friends and family.
For digital SLRs,the manual dial designated for aperture and shutter speed setting adjustments is similar to film SLRs.
Animals designated for dairy can't be sold for slaughter.
If you already have a file cabinet, simply hang these folders in a designated drawer.
One person needs to be the designated shipping address and when the wholesale scrapbook products arrive, she will be responsible for repackaging the items for each group person.
Most resorts have trails and terrain parks that are designated for both activities.
You can take the Boyne Mountain chairlift, and ski down some of the trails designated for cross-country skiing.
While a preteen chat room would typically be reserved for users who aren't yet teenagers, because the site doesn't allow users under 13, the Pre-Teen Chat room at Chat Center is actually designated for younger teens that are 13-15.
In order to be eligible for this award, a school must have 40 percent of the school population designated as disadvantaged and demonstrate a dramatic improvement in their state's academic performance system.
A designated player starts the game by hiding while the rest of the players count to 30.
Give each player 10 buttons in a designated color (one player may get 10 blue buttons, and another player 10 red buttons).
It's usually a given that once the wedding rehearsal is over, all involved head over to the designated wedding rehearsal dinner location.
As the bride opens each gift, the host or a designated guest should sit close by with a pad and paper at the ready.
As the bride opens each gift, the designated person writes down her exclamations. "Ooohs," "aahs" and "just what I needed" should all be written down.
After all the gifts are open, the designated guest will predict the bride's wedding night words by reading the list out loud.
While it isn't necessary to reserve a designated honeymoon package for your Tahiti honeymoon, the special touches may lend an added air of romance to your visit and ultimately be worth every penny.
If a group is hosting the shower, a member of the bridal party or friend may be designated to handle the favors.
Consider the limo driver to be your own personal designated driver.
If you will not be hiring a limousine service for your wedding transportation needs, do appoint a designated driver.
Have the safety of a designated driver without any of your friends missing out on the fun, and you'll all arrive together, in style.
They can be used as place settings and double as favors, or be used as favors alone if you have no designated seating.
While none of them is specifically designated as a cake topper, the Jack and Sally Haunted mansion could be used on a shorter cake or one with fewer tiers.
Some registries work in conjunction with retailers to provide a portion of profits to the designated charities, allowing couples to register for a few items.
Rehearsal dinner invitations can be included with the wedding invitation, or in a separate mailing to designated guests.
The day of the wedding, ask all the bridal party members to wear their tees as they prepare for the day, allowing the professional photographer to capture photographs of everyone in his/her designated tee. actually has a designated fall blend, though there are other color blends available to match a myriad of fall wedding color schemes.
The rest of the cast waits in a surveillance room and guides the two contestants to the designated area.
Once at the designated area, the pair must then aggravate or call out the paranormal spirits using the provided equipment in the set time frame.
So, to me, to be on a television show every single day at a designated period of time just wouldn't work in terms of my schedule."
For decades, boys' clothes, whether for everyday attire or special occasion, designated both the child's age and place in society.
Remember to have soda and water readily available for the designated drivers and non-drinkers in the group.
If you're driving to a party, always use a designated driver.
Freshman students who wish to avoid drinking may be offered a mentoring program or designated alcohol-free dorm.
During the rush process, sometimes designated as Rush Week, students attend informational meetings and social events to learn more about fraternity life.
Your rewards can be designated for your own children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins or simply a close friend.
This longstanding community college decided to start offering a bachelor's degree in interior design in January of 2010 and found that students prefer to have their college designated as a state school.
Designated youth areas include a playroom, teen disco, and video arcade, and activities range from scavenger hunts and beach parties to karaoke and movies.
Several areas aboard cruise ships are frequently designated adults only.
The exact areas reserved for adults vary on each cruise ship, and some are only informally considered adults only rather than officially designated so.
Most cruise activities are not specifically designated for adults or for children, but certain types of activities inevitably attract a greater number of young travelers.
Although the Alaskan cruise season is designated to avoid inclement weather, you may encounter cool, wet, rainy, or even cold conditions.
Ships are equipped with suitable safety equipment, however, and passengers should never smoke on board except in designated smoking areas.
The cruise also features designated playrooms for sexy lifestyle action.
Designated decks, pools, restaurants and nightclubs are transformed into fantasy playgrounds with sexy, erotic atmospheres.
Carnival Cruise Line, Royal Caribbean and Princess Cruises all feature designated areas, such as pools, spas, and bars designed exclusively for passengers 18 years and older.
Princess Cruises, a leader in Alaskan voyages, has a designated area on its website where passengers can note special menu requests.
Depending on the scope of the park, it may have separate areas designated for large and small dogs, so Small Dog Breeds are not overrun by larger dogs, allowing all pets to interact safely.
Large dogs will be stacked on the floor in a space designated by the judge.
Additionally, only a certain number of rooms will be designated "pet friendly" in each participating hotel.
Website monitoring - Other systems offer you the option of monitoring your dog online, particularly if he roams outside of the designated home zone.
In apartment dwellings, BCA Rescue Network volunteers may want to speak with the family's landlord to evaluate the building's pet policies and any designated dog potty runs.
For inside dogs, many people opt to train their pets to relieve themselves on newspapers or puppy pads set in a designated area.
Once all parts are in place, place the plants in the designated locations and turn the pump on.
A courtesy light that comes on when the opener is activated and shuts off after a designated time.
Have a designated place for the items you are getting rid of and a plan to dispose of them.