Deserves Sentence Examples
God knows he deserves it.
You are the last person who deserves to be here.
To my mind he deserves the golden prize.
You're incapable of loving him the way he deserves, and you know it.
She deserves more—much more, and I truly believe we could provide it.
Whatever happens to him, he deserves it!
He deserves a burial of some sort.
She deserves to know, if only for her peace of mind.
He deserves your trust of his judgment.
I'll try not to get in the way, but everyone deserves a little time to themselves.
AdvertisementSurely such sleuthing and cleverness deserves more reward than hiding in the bushes and watching the dogs of law ineptly do their duty.
I figured this county deserves a more astute sheriff than the current candidate, so I tossed my hat in the ring this morning.
The mother of the groom deserves to look her best.
We're just co-workers and Howie deserves his personal life.
Maybe so, but I still feel the bunch deserves watching.
AdvertisementI think it deserves a look-see, right?
This meeting of Christians we admit deserves to be made illicit, if it resembles illicit acts; it deserves to be condemned, if any complain of it on the same score on which complaints are levelled at factious meetings.
His system declared that holiness and sin are free voluntary exercises; that men act freely under the divine agency; that the slightest transgression deserves eternal punishment; that it is through God's mere grace that the penitent believer is pardoned and justified; that, in spite of total depravity, sinners ought to repent; and that regeneration is active, not passive, with the believer.
I hope Adrienne marries a man who will give her the help she deserves.
I have more money than anyone deserves.
AdvertisementMrs. Martin did much good and she deserves to be honored for it.
She's a sweet child who deserves much more than she's ever gotten.
Rhyn deserves better. I think I got what was coming to me for being as selfish as my bitchy sister.
He deserves a decent burial.
This girl deserves better than to be tossed aside like yesterday's trash.
AdvertisementAnyone stupid enough to go wandering in the woods deserves this.
His handling of the elegiac couplet, and especially of its second line, deserves especial recognition.
Another matter which deserves attention was the great drought which culminated in the year 1902.
As regards chronology he is not very trustworthy; on the other hand, his moderation towards opponents, not excepting Cyril, deserves recognition.
The rise of the Lombard communes produced a sympathetic revolution in Rome, which deserves to be mentioned in this place.
Giuseppe Ferraris Rivoluzioni d haIfa (1858) deserves notice as a work of singular vigour, though no great scientific importance, and Cesare Balbos Sommario (Florence, 1856) presents the main outlines of the subject with brevity and clearness.
It deserves the name, in the modern sense, of Natural Theology.
The man who inspired Plato deserves that name.
This is a suggestion which deserves to be well weighed.
Heraclitus again deserves a prominent place in a history of the idea of evolution.
Of Aristotle's immediate successors one deserves to be noticed here, namely, Strato of Lampsacus, who developed his master's cosmology into a system of naturalism.
Considering that this book was written before the time of Haller, or Bonnet, or Linnaeus, or Hutton, it surely deserves more respectful consideration than it usually receives.
This voyage of the middle of the 9th century deserves to be held in happy memory, for it unites the first Norwegian polar explorer with the first English collector of travels.
Among proposed normal explanations of these phenomena that of hallucination (q.v.), including illusion as to what is seen almost amounting to hallucination, deserves careful consideration.
Nevertheless there does exist evidence for the genuineness of the physical phenomena which deserves consideration.
His account of its first reception and subsequent fortunes in England deserves to be cited as a curious piece of literary history.
The edition in Bohn's British Classics (7 vols., 1853) deserves mention.
He therefore deserves the homage which Xenophon paid to him in choosing him as hero for his didactic novel.
Gamma (1661, on the same story as Tennyson's Cup) especially deserves notice.
With regard to this point the work of the Smithfield Club deserves recognition.
One further feature of the development of the Pectinibranchia deserves special mention.
If the Austrian alliance was chiefly responsible for his rejection of that statesmanlike plan, which he had before him at Smolensk, it certainly deserves all the hard things said of it by the champions of Josephine.
To treat the actual forms of religion as expressions of our various human needs is a fruitful idea which deserves fuller development than it has yet received; but Feuerbach's treatment of it is fatally vitiated by his subjectivism.
The first is entitled Externarum et internarum principalium humani corporis Tabulae, &c. while the second, which is the most valuable, is merely appended to the Lectiones Gabrielis Fallopii de partibus similaribus humani corporis, &c., and thus, the scope of each work being regarded as medical, the author's labours were wholly overlooked by the mere naturalhistorians who followed, though Coiter introduced a table, " De differentiis Auium," furnishing a key to a rough classification of such birds as were known to him, and this as nearly the first attempt of the kind deserves notice here.
In 1832 Edward Lear, afterwards well known as a humorist, brought out his Illustrations of the Family of Psittacidae, a volume which deserves especial notice from the extreme fidelity to nature and the great artistic skill with which the figures were executed.
The subject deserves investigation.
But irrepressibles like John Benton broke through the "non-mission law," and pressed forward through the "Adam Bede" country to Derby (which became the 2nd circuit in 1816); Nottingham, where a great camp-meeting on Whit Sunday 1816 was attended by 12,000 people; Leicestershire, where Loughborough became the 3rd circuit, with extensions into Rutland, Lincolnshire and Norfolk; and ultimately to Hull, which became the 4th circuit, and where a meeting which deserves to be called the First Conference was held in June 1819.
Such work deserves more recognition than it is ever likely to get.
Among the governors of the 19th century Miguel Tacon, governor in 1834-1839, a forceful and high-handed soldier, deserves mention, especially in the annals of Havana; he ruled as a tyrant, made many reforms as regarded law and order, and left Havana, in particular, full of municipal improvements.
His contemporary, Mesihi, whose beautiful verses on spring are perhaps better known in Europe than any other Turkish poem, deserves a passing mention.
The theatre still deserves the praise given it by Pausanias as the most beautiful in Greece.
His courage and dignity during his trial and on the scaffold has left him a better reputation than he deserves.
The success of the method cannot yet be judged, but the experiment is one which deserves very full trial.
It deserves to be recorded as one of the numerous coincidences of discovery that Laplace, on being made acquainted by Lagrange with his new method, produced analogous expressions, to which his independent researches had led him.
In this connexion one point deserves special notice.
We may also mention the two celebrated fountains, Fonte Gaia and Fontebranda; the former, in the Piazza del Campo, by Jacopo della Quercia (1409-1419), but freely restored in 1868, the much-damaged original reliefs being now in the Opera del Duomo; the Fonte Nuova, near Porta Ovile, by Camaino di Crescentino also deserves notice (1298).
In general he deserves the praise of steadily keeping in view the higher aims and interests of society in connexion with the regulation and development of its material life.
The commencement of anatomical investigations deserves notice here as influencing the general accuracy and minuteness with which zoological work was prosecuted, but it was not until a late date that their full influence was brought to bear upon systematic zoology by Georges Cuvier (1769-1832).
Another important development of Darwin's conclusions deserves special notice here, as it is the most distinct advance in the department of bionomics since Darwin's own writings, and at the same time touches questions of fundamental interest.
He has no claim to be regarded as a genius; but, as SainteBeuve has said, he well deserves a place "da p s la classe des esprits infiniment distingues" - distinguished, however, it ought to be added by intelligence rather than by intellect, and less by the power of saying much than by the power of saying a little well.
This is so characteristic of von Moltke's methods and of the tactical preconceptions of the time that it deserves more detailed notice.
It is true that there is nothing, or hardly anything, that properly deserves the name of poetry in them - no passion, no sense of the beauty of nature, only a narrow "criticism of life," only a conventional and restricted choice of language, a cramped and monotonous prosody, and none of that indefinite suggestion which has been rightly said to be of the poetic essence.
It deserves.
The nature of the distinction between annals and history is a subject that has received more attention from critics than its intrinsic importance deserves.
One variety deserves special mention.
Apart from his redoubtable powers as a controversialist, Philoxenus deserves commemoration as a scholar, an elegant writer, and an exponent of practical Christianity.
As an illustrator in black and white he also deserves to be remembered, especially for the cuts to Dalziel's Bible, already mentioned, and his illustrations to George Eliot's Romola, which appeared in the Cornhill Magazine.
Among the writers before the age of Cicero he alone deserves to be named with Naevius, Plautus Ennius and Cato as a great originative force in literature.
On the eastern side the parallel valley of `Asal el-Ward deserves special mention; the descent towards the plain eastwards, as seen for example at Ma'lula, is singular - first a spacious amphitheatre and then two deep very narrow gorges.
By reason of its unusual geological character and great economic importance this district deserves a more extended description.
Connolly's study of the early Syrian creed (Zeitschrift _fib, die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, 1906, p. 202) deserves careful consideration.
One inscription, though of late date, deserves mention.
Enderlein has recently shown that the jaws of the Hemiptera can be recognized in a reduced condition in connexion with the louse's proboscis, the modification is so excessive that the group certainly deserves ordinal separation.
It is clear that acetylene, if it is to be used on a large scale as a domestic illuminant, must undergo such processes of purification as will render it harmless and innocuous to health and property, and the sooner it is recognized as absolutely essential to purify acetylene before consuming it the sooner will the gas acquire the popularity it deserves.
The only part of the Historia which deserves to be treated as a historical document is the section known as the Genealogiae Saxonum (§§ 57-65).
Finally he says that it fully deserves for statehood.
The Exemplar Humanae Vitae of Uriel d'Acosta also deserves reference.
Einhard married Emma, or Imma, a sister of Bernharius, bishop of Worms, and a tradition of the 12th century represented this lady as a daughter of Charlemagne, and invented a romantic story with regard to the courtship which deserves to be noticed as it frequently appears in literature.
The law regulating the twelfth census deserves to rank with those of 1790, 1850 and 1879 as one of the four important laws relative to census work.
The latter office he held for fortythree years, during which time he wrote over 360 compositions for the church and much instrumental music, which, though unequal, deserves more consideration than it has received.
Among them the Baden Ladies' Society, founded in 1859 by the Grand Duchess Luise, deserves mention.
The latter alone deserves remark.
He could not, like Marlowe's Mephistophilis or Milton's Satan, regretfully paint the glories of the height from which he has been hurled; for he denies the distinction between high and low, since "everything that comes into being deserves to be destroyed."
It deserves to be noted that in 1872 an important step was also taken towards removing entirely the duties on purely revenue articles, tea and coffee being then admitted free of duty.
Szarzynski, who died young in 1581, deserves notice as having introduced the 1 His collected works were printed in 1584; they were many times reprinted, the best edition being that of Warsaw (4 vols., 1884).
In times of great national disasters he deserves to be remembered as a true patriot; but the spirit of his poetry is altogether unwholesome.
The most distinguished teachers at Athens were Plutarch (q.v.), his disciple Syrianus (who did important work as a commentator on Plato and Aristotle, and further deserves mention for his vigorous defence of the freedom of the will), but above all Proclus (411-485).
Among the later viceroys the Conde de Revillagigedo (1789-1794) deserves mention as a progressive ruler who developed commerce and improved administration, and took the first, but very imperfect, census, on which Humboldt based his estimate of the population in 1803 at 5,840,000.
One feature of municipal activity in Bradford deserves special notice - there is a municipal railway, opened in 1907, extending from Pateley Bridge to Lofthouse (6 m.) and serving the Nidd valley, the district from which the main water-supply of the city is obtained.
The small triangular section of the coastal plain in New Jersey north of Delaware Bay deserves separate treatment because of the development there of a pectiliar topographic feature, which throws light on the occurrence of the islands off the New England coast, described in the next paragraph.
As in the Atlantic coastal plain, it is only the lower, seaward part of this region that deserves the name of plain, for there alone is the surface unbroken by hills or valleys; the inner part, initially a plain by reason of its essentially horizontal (gently seaward-sloping) structure, has been converted by mature dissection into an elaborate complex of hills and valleys, usually of increasing altitude and relief as one passes inland.
But they were, considering the conditions under which the instrument was framed, comparatively few, and the Constitution, when one regards it as a piece of drafting, deserves the admiration which it has received from nearly all American and most foreign critics.
All parts of the Dominion are well adapted for sheep; but various causes, amongst which must be reckoned the prosperity of other branches of agriculture, including wheat-growing and dairying, have in several of the provinces contributed to prevent that attention to this branch which its importance deserves, though there are large areas of rolling, rugged yet nutritious pastures well suited to sheep-farming.
But the emendation deserves the higher praise as being in most instances the more difficult achievement.
Zabarella to the Arabians, and himself gifted with great logical powers, always deserves study in his editions of the Organon and the Physics, and in his Doctrinae Peripateticae.
It Deserves To Be Remarked, That As The Dominical Letter Of The First Year Of The Era Was B, The First Column Of The Following Table Will Give The Dominical Letter Of Every Year From The Commencement Of The Era To The Reformation.
Apart from his sophistical defence of Spanish colonial policy, Acosta deserves high praise as an acute and diligent observer whose numerous new and valuable data are set forth in a vivid style.
Of his ecclesiastical achievements the bull against simony at papal elections deserves the most honourable mention.
The fact that the Vatican presents a great force hostile to and obstructive of certain characteristic tendencies of modern life and thought has; necessarily raised up a powerful opposition even in countries traditionally Catholic. France no longer deserves the title of eldest daughter of the Church; the Catholicism of Italy is largely superficial; even Spain has shown signs of restiveness.
The Newtonian base deserves some further consideration.
In this connexion the interesting scheme formulated by Hertz (1894) deserves notice.
One other incident in the chequered history of Antwerp deserves mention.
The worship of Cybele was characteristic of Thrace, whither it spread from Asia Minor at a very early period, and it deserves notice that Hypsipyle and Myrina (the name of one of the chief towns) are Amazon names, which are always connected with Asiatic Cybele-worship. Coming down to a better authenticated period, we find that Lemnos was conquered by Otanes, one of the generals of Darius FIG.
This is the only part of the Gesta which deserves much attention.
Among the schools which give specialized instruction, mention must be made of the admirable trade schools (ambachtsscholen) established in 1861, and the corresponding industrial schools for girls; the fishery schools and schools of navigation; the many private schools of domestic science, and of commerce and industry, among which the municipal school at Enschede (1886) deserves special mention; and the school of social work, " Das Huis," at Amsterdam (1900).
The car casting system deserves description chiefly because it shows how, when the scale of operations is as enormous as it is in the Bessemer process, even a slight simplification and a slight heatsaving may be of great economic importance.
Whether or not this tradition deserves to rank as historical, it appears certain that at a still earlier period there existed a confederacy of thirty towns, of which Alba was the supreme head.
The Commercial Institute of Antwerp deserves special notice as an excellent school for clerks.
How far the earlier part of the story deserves credence has been and still is much debated.
Chase was one of the ablest political leaders of the Civil War period, and deserves to be placed in the front rank of American statesmen.
The city, as seen from the sea, is "built nobly," and deserves the title it has acquired or assumed of the Superb.
It deserves mention here that Garrison was then in utter ignorance of the change previously wrought in the opinions of English abolitionists by Elizabeth Heyrick's pamphlet in favour of immediate, in distinction from gradual emancipation.
The experiment of Engelmann referred to deserves to be mentioned here, if only in illustration .of the use to which algae have been put in the study of physiological problems. Engelmann observed that certain bacteria were motile only in the presence of oxygen, and that they retained their motility in a microscopic preparation in the neighbourhood of an algal filament when they had come to rest elsewhere on account of the exhaustion of oxygen.
If, therefore, Antilocapra deserves to be separated as a family from the Bovidae, the same can scarcely be refused for Merycodus.
The reverence with which the foreign monarch Benhadad addressed Elisha deserves to be noted as showing the extent of the prophet's influence.
Now skill in disputation is plainly a valuable accomplishment; and, as the Aristotelian logic grew out of the regulated discussions of the eristics and their pupils, the disputant sophistry of the 4th century deserves more attention and.
A peculiar variety is there found, marked by the absence of a mane; but whether this variety deserves to be classed as a distinct species, naturalists have not yet determined.
If any system deserves that name, it is that of village assessment, which still lingers in the memories of the people in the south.
The Madura pottery deserves mention from the elegance of its form and the richness of its colour.
The more congenial study of Aristotle, though incomplete, is more valuable in the positive sense, and has not received the attention it deserves.
He was a man of keen intelligence and cultivated mind, and deserves as much as Francis I.
There are, of course, also accounts in the great works on French institutions by Flach, Glasson, Viollet, Luchaire, but perhaps the one in Luchaire's Manuel des institutions francaises, piriode des Capetiens directs (Paris, 1892) deserves special recommendation.
The largeeyed Stenops tardigradus also deserves mention.
She deserves her appellation of "Good Queen Anne," and notwithstanding her failings must be included among the chief authors and upholders of the great Revolution settlement.
The works of English physicians of this period are of little medical value; but Lodge's Treatise of the Plague (London, 1603) deserves mention.
Considering the great importance of arresting the spread of infection at the outset, and the implicit reliance placed upon bacteriological criteria, the aetiology of such antecedent ailments deserves more attention than has hitherto been paid to it.
Sarrazin, Beowulf-studien (1888), which advocates the strange theory that Beowulf is a translation by Cynewulf of a poem by the Danish singer Starkadr, contains, amid much that is fanciful, not a little that deserves careful consideration.
He died in London, at the house of his son-in-law, on the 22nd of August 1752, leaving a memoir (3 vols., 1749-1750) which deserves more attention than it has received, both for its characteristic individuality and as a storehouse of curious anecdotes and illustrations of the religious and moral tendencies of the age.
In the case of the Old World, the divergence from the standard which most deserves notice is the remarkable preponderance of the young in all the countries of eastern Europe, as well as in India, accompanied by an equally notable deficiency of the older elements in the population.
Judging him by this masterpiece of scientific history, he deserves less commendation as a writer than as a thinker and an analyst.
Longimanus, the son and successor of Xerxes, though countenanced by Josephus, deserves little consideration.
Beccaria (1716-1781) deserves especial mention.
A much more favourable judgment must be given upon the short Treatise on eternal and immutable Morality, which deserves to be read by those who are interested in the historical development of British moral philosophy.
Philippi and Hans Steffen, who deserves special mention for his excellent geographical work in the southern Andes.
Where she deserves blame is in her use of her power for personal patronage, as in compassing the promotions of Chamillart and Villeroi, and the frequent assistance given to her brother Comte Charles d'Aubigne.
A 13aluch (or rather Makran) race which deserves attention is that of the Gadaras, who once gave the name Gadrosia to Southern Baluchistan.
The physical basis of Stoic psychology deserves the closest attention.
From Seneca we turn, not without satisfaction, to men of sterner mould, such as Musonius Rufus, who certainly deserves.
Samuel Usque, a Lisbon Jew, deserves a place to himself for his Consolagam as tribulagoes de Israel, where he exposes the persecutions endured by his countrymen in every age down to his time; the book takes the dialogue form, and its diction is elegant and pure.
Yet deism deserves to be remembered as a strenuous protest against bibliolatry in every degree and against all traditionalism in theology.
It deserves to be noted here that the former, the theology of the Aufklarung, was, like that of the deists, destined to a short-lived notoriety; whereas the solid, accurate and scholarly researches of the rationalist critics of Germany, undertaken with no merely polemical spirit, not only form an epoch in the history of theology, but have taken a permanent place in the body of theological science.
One outcome of the disclosures connected with the Agapemone deserves passing mention, as throwing some light on the origin of the wealth of the community.
Although it is certain that the four great geographical landmarks which to-day serve to keep Hudson's memory alive, namely the Hudson Bay, Strait, Territory and River, had repeatedly been visited and even drawn on maps and charts before he set out on his voyages, yet he deserves to take a very high rank among northern navigators for the mere extent of his discoveries and the success with which he pushed them beyond the limits of his predecessors.
We always think of Theocritus as an original 'poet, and as the " inventor of bucolic poetry " he deserves this reputation.
The Ethical Characters ('HOLKOL xapaK-rlpES) deserves a separate mention.
Never more than a nominal wife at most, the unfortunate Stella commonly passed for his mistress till the day of her death (in her will she writes herself spinster), bearing her doom with uncomplaining resignation, and consoled in some degree by unquestionable proofs of the permanence of his love, if his feeling for her deserves the name.
The peculiarity of taxes which are levied by the imperial authority and distributed among the local authorities for disbursement deserves notice.
His merit lies in the fact that he was the first to deal systematically with the question of Church and State, and the position thus taken up by him, and the manner in which that position was assumed, gave rise to a lifelong conflict between Giannone and the Church; and in spite of his retractation in prison at Turin, he deserves the palm--as he certainly endured the sufferings - of a confessor and martyr in the cause of what he deemed historical truth.
Of the many interesting churches in the " new town " the Karlov deserves special mention.
Schmidt's theory of the photosphere deserves mention; it explains how the appearance of a sharp boundary might be due to a species of mirage.
Le Menteur fully deserves the honour which Moliere paid to it.
Halley certainly deserves the gratitude of posterity for undertaking the publication of the work at a very considerable pecuniary risk to himself.
Newton's solution of the celebrated problems proposed by John Bernoulli and Leibnitz deserves mention among his mathematical works.
It well deserves the epithet "craggy" (rraorraX6Ecraa) of the Homeric hymn.
The occasion deserves to be recollected as one on which a prime minister, who was not also chancellor of the exchequer, has himself proposed the budget of the year.
The Conservative government, which thus fell, will be chiefly recollected for its remarkable concession to democratic principles by the passage of the Reform Act of 1867; but it deserves perhaps a word of praise for its conduct of war, a distant and unusual war.
There is a handsome Roman Catholic cathedral, and the training seminary for priests called St John's College deserves notice.
But there is a third sort, namely sense-perception, which hardly deserves the name.
It is only as a novelist that he deserves consideration.
He now only contends that " virtue deserves to be chosen for its own sake, and vice to be avoided, though a man was sure for his own particular neither to gain nor lose anything by the practice of either."
Filelfo deserves commemoration among the greatest humanists of the Italian Renaissance, not for the beauty of his style, not for the elevation of his genius, not for the accuracy of his learning, but for his energy, and for his complete adaptation to the times in which he lived.
Dallas, who belonged to the financial school of Albert Gallatin, deserves to rank among America's greatest financiers.
Empirical knowledge scarcely deserves the name.
In the second part of the Syntagma, the physics, there is more that deserves attention; but here, too, appears in the most glaring manner the inner contradiction between Gassendi's fundamental principles.
Like his contemporaries, Stephen of Hungary and Canute of Denmark, Boleslaus recognized from the first the essential superiority of Christianity over every other form of religion, and he deserves with them the name of "Great" because he deliberately associated himself with the new faith.
Mansur, the second of the Abbasids, encouraged the appropriation of Greek science; but it was al-Ma ` mun, the son of Harun al-Rashid, who deserves in the Mahommedan empire the same position of royal founder and benefactor which is held by Charlemagne in the history of the Latin schools.
Ambrose has also left several funeral orations and ninetyone letters, but it is as a hymn-writer that he perhaps deserves most honour.
There is no part of Bismarck's diplomatic work which deserves such careful study as these events.
This ministry was very unfortunate in its conduct of foreign affairs, but it deserves to be remembered with honour on account of the act passed in 1807 for the abolition of the slave trade.
In Archaeocalamites, which certainly deserves generic rank, the branches may occur on every node, but only in certain parts of the stem; the ribs of successive internodes do not alternate, but are continuous, indicating that the leaves were superposed.
Herr Abeling's theory of the sources of the Nibelungen story is one among many; but, as it is one of the latest and not the least ingenious, it deserves mention.
She deserves more—much more, and I truly believe we could provide it.
Surely if it be blessed with even a fraction of the goodness and kindness of its father, the child deserves all the blessings of life; far more than might be offered by this wretch of a woman God may deem to mother it into the world.
If I gave the bastard the boot now, like he deserves, my old man would have my hide.
I will then identify the ways we can tell whether or not a school deserves the accolade of being a good school.
He deserves congratulations for his fine piece of work.
The league chairman deserves the gratitude of all the players for his great service to the game.
He deserves gratitude for the invaluable contribution he has made.
I believe she deserves kudos for just putting up with some of the drama that comes with her job.
In The Tobacco Factory, Bristol has an intimate, engaging performance space, which deserves the national acclaim it has received.
Your Jaguar is a fine car which deserves the best attention.
Definitely a valuable addition to the wildlife record of the Islands and deserves a place on anyone's bookshelf.
Smithy deserves a call-up, and the midfield would be greatly enhanced by Lee Bowyer, but it ain't going to happen.
But the ruling community deserves a censure more severe than that directed against the ruled.
What deserves a special mention, tho, is the sheer chutzpah of the whole thing.
The future of the NHS deserves debate, but based on facts, not sentimental claptrap such as is presented by Ms Beckett.
He deserves a chance anyway - he can't look less clueless than Tim Sherwood on Saturday.
Such treatment deserves condemnation from the Church's pastors wherever it occurs.
The high quality design which this site deserves should include ambitious strategies to minimize resource consumption.
Without sounding too corny she is a wonderful person who deserves a good husband.
This last salute called forth an impromptu couplet from the gifted Bard which deserves to be immortalized.
I've often thought about devising a competition to see which club most deserves to have good coxes.
All free, as long as you will give the little cutie the attention she deserves.
Picnic areas are numerous on the banks of this enchanting loch which richly deserves its title of ' The Jewel of Cowal ' .
I've always believed Tony Hicks has never received the acclaim from the music industry that he so rightly deserves.
In our opinion Tribes certainly deserves the award for Most Responsible Tour Operator.
So it certainly deserves close attention and I have made a complete summary of it for my own edification.
This relationship, which now embraces ethical as well as spiritual and material values, deserves detailed consideration.
Charles Napier deserves praise for creating a truly hateful villain, sneering and snarling his way through the film in a hilariously over-the-top manner.
Sir Guy Dawber (1861-1938) is now largely overlooked by architectural historians but deserves to be better known.
But Pick deserves at least a footnote in the history of modern irrationalism.
The investigative journalism presented within this report is exquisite and deserves respect from all aspiring journalists and general public alike.
But most direct mail deserves to be called junk mail.
In our book anyone who is doing anything to minimize the differences between browsers deserves a medal!
Others see him as a boorish oaf who no longer deserves any respect after marching across the line of Olazabal's putt.
Independent schools are often perceived as being better than they really are, while the state sector sometimes attracts more odium than it deserves.
Tension (as well as timing - lack of which is even bigger pet peeve for me) probably deserves its own topic.
Jamie Oliver deserves some plaudits for using his celebrity status to good effect.. .
Amanda Peet, beside from being extremely beautiful, is also a good actress that deserves more plaudits than she actually gets.
Whether it deserves the prominence granted it by this model is doubtful.
In either case a grave crime has been committed which deserves a grave punishment.
It deserves a far wider readership than it has ever yet gained.
Anyone can nominate a young person who they think deserves recognition from the local community.
Justly reproved, I commend any business which encourages the appreciation of Britain's waterways deserves support, not carping.
For that reason, the Dresden Dolls ' name deserves to be shouted from the highest rooftops.
Bearing in mind what this research has tried to show, the idea of ' tradition ' deserves closer scrutiny.
Broadcasting a drama serial which deals with issues of psychology and paranormal in primetime Saturday night deserves brownie points.
We spent an exhilarating few minutes there and he deserves a good slap for not mentioning this highlight.
Few, except the open partisans of national bankruptcy, doubted its necessity; yet so strong was the current of feeling worked up for party purposes by opponents of the measure, that Sellas achievement in having by its means saved the financiai.situation of Italy deserves to rank among the most noteworthy performances of modern parliamentary statesmanship.
The theory of the origin of society put forth by Hobbes, though directly opposed in most respects to modern ideas of social evolution, deserves mention here by reason of its enforcing that principle of struggle (bellum omnium contra omnes) which has played so conspicuous a part in the modern doctrine of evolution.
On his release Valdemar attempted to retrieve his position by force of arms, but was utterly defeated at the battle of Bornhoved (22nd of July 1227), which deserves a place among the decisive battles of history, for it destroyed at once and for ever the Danish dominion of the Baltic and established the independence of Lubeck, to the immense detriment in the future of all the Scandinavian states.
He deserves well of posterity for his services to learning and art; the restoration of the Arch of Constantine; the enrichment of the Capitoline museum with antique marbles and inscriptions, and of the Vatican library with oriental manuscripts (see Assemani); and the embellishment of the city with many buildings.
The tradition fixing this hallowed place seems to have been constant throughout the whole of the Christian centuries, and it is one of the very few "holy places" shown to travellers and pilgrims in Palestine, the authenticity of which deserves consideration.
An article by George Sand in the Revue des deux mondes (1841) also deserves notice.
But Cookworthy deserves to be remembered for his discovery of those abundant supplies of English clay and rocks which form the foundation of English porcelain and fine earthenware (see Ceramics).
And the speech Against Theomnestus deserves attention for its curious evidence of the way in which the ordinary vocabulary of Athens had changed between 600 and 400 B.C.
The talented writer Karel Havlicek, the founder of Bohemian journalism, deserves special notice.
Lastly, we must observe that, in proportion as the legal conception of morality as a code of which the violation deserves, supernatural punishment predominated over the philosophic view of ethics as the method for attaining natural felicity, the question of man's freedom of will to obey the law necessarily became prominent.
He deserves to be treated as a gentleman.
Do you expect to find any man in Corinth who deserves so rich a gift?
It is a legitimate question that deserves a carefully reasoned answer.
Maybe you don't think this deserves its own point.
I trust that the effort of The Great Round World to bring light to those who sit in darkness will receive the encouragement and support it so richly deserves.
We belong to different camps, but that does not prevent my esteeming her as she deserves.
Justly reproved, I commend any business which encourages the appreciation of Britain 's waterways deserves support, not carping.
For not shying away from controversy alone Griffith deserves his merits.
Do you think Karina Bryant deserves the honor of Sportswomen of The Year?
This disabled and frail subsection of the older population deserves better services than it gets.
The listener deserves time to hear Bach 's harmonic subtleties.
If he swore at the referee then he deserves everything that Laws punishes him with.
For example, after dropping the terms and faces he changes the triplicity rulerships, an action that deserves some explanation.
If there 's any doubt that Rome deserves a triumphant procession to herald its arrival, bear this in mind.
We do think the ventriloquist doll deserves his own film - which I guess is why we 're writing ' Shhh ' !
I've also witnessed master salespeople who are able to obtain far more money, talent and media attention than their product deserves.
Every baby, and every new mom, deserves a good baby shower.
Baby's first birthday deserves a special baby birthday party.
The National Child Support Enforcement Agency can help you get the financial benefits your child deserves, even if the other parent refuses to be emotionally or physically there for your child.
Now that you've learned the essential details of glazing, it's time to research these fun products and give your kitty the posh mealtime ambience he or she deserves.
Your new independence deserves a fresh look.
Make it clear that your child deserves to have two parents whose attentions are on her and not on each other.
With benefits like this, cinnamon deserves a place of honor in both the kitchen and the herbal medicine chest.
Whether you're blessed with naturally flawless skin or suffer from an irritating condition that demands to be covered up, chances are you stand to gain something from a product that treats the skin with the care and respect it deserves.
Every eye shape deserves special attention to create the most gorgeous look, and tips for hooded eye makeup can help you learn how to accentuate your peepers with timeless or trendy makeup styles.
You little princess deserves a scrapbook that's unique and special.
Here, after literally stealing and marrying the Queen, the King must convince the court and its subjects that he deserves his title.
Prom is a bigger, more outstanding event, and as such it deserves a more intricate and unique theme to make it more special than a typical school dance.
You also want to give classmates enough time to discuss who they think deserves the award the most.
However, any school that consistently wins back-to-back state championship deserves some attention.
A winter wonderland deserves a fairytale princess.
Take the same care and effort that every bride deserves when choosing your second wedding dress.
Christmas cake stencils, fanciful border templates, small cookies, edible candies, and tinted fondant all help make finished cakes stand out, so make sure to track down the props you need to give your design the attention it deserves.
Being compared to someone who is believed to be solely responsible for breaking up the legendary Beatles is a serious accusation and deserves a little more investigating.
The justification by court commissioner Reva Goetz on Jamie Spears' part is that he deserves the raise due to Britney's current career and personal success.
But, the courts say Jamie Spears deserves getting paid over $150,000 a year (including the $1,200 a month for his office maintenance).
Of course, we all hope the allegations aren't true, because no one deserves to be abused, emotionally or otherwise.
With care and consideration, a Mother's Day cruise weekend can be a wonderful way to tell Mom you love her and she deserves all the special treatment in the world.
It makes a great gift to give someone who deserves it as well.
The site's "Best Price Guarantee" deserves a look.
The shelter will use the information you provide to make an educated decision whether you can provide a particular pet with the care it needs and deserves.
This is much kinder to her, and I think she deserves that kind of treatment.
Every loyal pooch deserves a plush and comfortable dog bed.
Take time to think the decision through to make sure that puppy will have the safe and loving home he deserves.
Every bitch deserves a safe and relatively comfortable place to deliver her pups, so a whelping box is essential.
However, by following some tried and true tips, practicing patience and showing your dog the respect he deserves, it won't be long before your home is accident-free and your dog's bladder is under control.
Always treat your dog with the respect he deserves and once he voids outside, make sure you praise him for his good work.
Each and every puppy brought into this world deserves a good home and a chance at a happy life.
An adoption is a life-long commitment that deserves your best effort, so make sure you're prepared for the cost and challenges of dog ownership.
Does best in good free soil, and is excellent for dry banks, and in Midland and cold districts deserves a south wall.
The flowers are of the most vivid scarlet, and as they last a long time in bloom it well deserves care.
It deserves a very good position among the best flowering trees for lawn or for a grove.
A dwarf sort, nanus, deserves a place, as it flowers at midsummer, when its commoner relative has done.
It is wholly distinct from any of the Campanulas in our gardens, and well deserves culture.
Persian Iris (Iris Persica) - One of the most charming of the early kinds, it deserves a place wherever the soil is warm and dry.
Passion-flower (Passiflora) - The hardy blue Passion-flower, P. caerulea, from its beauty and distinctness deserves to be grown wherever the climate permits.
The outdoor culture of this plant deserves more attention than it has hitherto had.
This native of our shores, and of the tops of the Scottish mountains, is very pretty, with its flowers of soft lilac or white springing from cushions of grass-like leaves; but the deep rosy form, rarely seen wild, best deserves cultivation.
One of the best sites for all types of guitar chords and tabs, deserves mention for its large database of songs and easy access.
Simply put, this two-in-one system is responsible for your home's interior comfort level all year long; giving it the attention and care it deserves is critical to not only your comfort, but your pocket book as well.
Lauren's believes that such a significant purchase deserves a more personal touch, and they'll use your preferences to design the ring of your dreams.
A better quality piece will also last longer without scratching, warping, or otherwise succumbing to damage, and any long-lasting friendship deserves a long-lasting piece of jewelry.
Your baby deserves the best, and organic infant socks will bring a little warmth and comfort to tiny toes without the risk of any harmful chemicals or toxins getting close to your baby's precious skin.
Every woman deserves to feel comfortable in her bra, especially since this is an item many women wear all day long.
Who says only a size eight model deserves to feel seductive and sultry?
Anyone can have a luxurious pair of panties to wear whenever she wants, something every woman deserves.
Well, you can uproot everything familiar with the series and create a game that deserves its own massive following.
The game deserves a review of its own, as finding card players and battling decks from town to town can be pursued regardless of the main story.
The storyline alone deserves the laughs because Travis Touchdown suddenly has the urge to become the best assassin... after realizing he is running out of money to buy action figures and collector cards.
This game, however, deserves to be graded as something of unique intrinsic value and not just lumped into a category defined by its prominent title.
In the Lord of the Rings universe, each character is very unique and deserves to have his or her own cheat codes.
Any vinter who can throw this many grapes into a vat and come out with good juice deserves support and praise.
Shiraz is by far the most popular red wine out of Australia and of course, deserves mentioning.
Backpacking for beginners is a very popular activity throughout the world, but preparation for the activity isn't always given the forethought and consideration that it deserves.
Diagnosis in these situations deserves the attention and care of a doctor with specialized skills in diseases of the ear, nose, throat, equilibrium, and neurological system.
A family tree is a special document, and it deserves special materials.
Everyone's family story is one that deserves to be told, and exploring these records may be a positive step on your journey to discovering your history.
A dramatic dress deserves stunning hair and a romantic gown will need a softer look.
In addition to providing your hair with the nourishment and treatment it deserves, you should also ensure that it is in the best shape possible.
While the actual science behind Wen may be a mystery, the product has such a faithful following, it deserves a fair shot at impressing your locks.
Although many teen mothers don't tell their partners about the pregnancy, the expectant father deserves to know.
Every child deserves to have their basic needs for food, clothing, shelter, and education met.
Every ball python deserves the very best habitat and care a pet owner can provide.
Buying swimsuits separately means that you'll be able to give each section of the bikini the attention it deserves, and it all but insures that your eventual swim style will fit.
Every miniature dollhouse deserves a fitting collection of miniature porcelain dollhouse dolls.
For a child who deserves the ultimate gift, try out the Dance With Me Elmo, which is 36" tall.
The category tab deserves more insight as it is one of the most concise features of any board game resource.
The last thing your generosity deserves is to be scammed by an illegitimate organization, so if the charity of your choosing is not mainstream or well known, take the extra steps necessary to make sure they are who they claim to be.
Technically, it was never released in theaters, but it's an hour long television special that airs yearly during the Christmas season and definitely deserves mention as one of the greatest Christmas movies of all time.
Whoever first came up with the idea of Halloween pun costumes either deserves a medal or a pie in the face, but they are now a staple of every party and sometimes so clever, they win contests for sheer originality.
There are many ways to make a fairy princess dress stand out, and every fairy princess deserves her special recognition.
With the close of 2007 make your New Years resolution to fall in love with someone who genuinely deserves you.
Similarly, a tiny diamond and sapphire band might not get the attention it deserves if your hands are large.
The absence of side stones allows the eye to fall on the center diamond, giving it all the attention it deserves.
Not every book that is published deserves a five-star rating.
A wallet this user-friendly deserves to have your fingerprints all over it.
Specifically speaking, they offer a lipstick-red vinyl tote-bag that definitely deserves a second look.
Of course, winter deserves its own special category for all it demands of us each year.
A handsome clutch designed by Girbaud deserves to be shown off at every possible opportunity.
Camelot is his ideal way of life and, as far as he's concerned, every person in the world has the same rights and deserves the same advantages.
After all, he’s number one and believes he only deserves the best.
Everyone deserves to feel truly loved for who he is, no matter what.
While not every task deserves a reward, keep in mind positive rewards help encourage positive behavior.
The following cake ideas for kids are perfect for birthday bashes or just because your little one deserves a sugary reward.
You also need to find a daycare center where you feel comfortable leaving your son or daughter, and where your child will get the care he or she deserves.
Between her good looks and the low-cut tops, she steals more attention than she deserves.
A vibrant Hawaiian flower deserves to stay beautiful, so before you opt for this design idea, make sure you consider future color touch-ups during the lifetime of your tattoo.