Depression Sentence Examples
She hadn't recognized it as depression then, though.
Physical ills were miserable, but this depression was unbearable.
It is in the south that the depression remains most distinct and it is there known as the Campidano.
Since the ball he had felt the approach of a fit of nervous depression and had made desperate efforts to combat it.
Again Pierre was overtaken by the depression he so dreaded.
After these syndromes, we come to the entire spectrum of mental illnesses, from depression to paranoia.
The depression separating the two lower lobes from the lobus caudatus, and known as the porta hepatis, was appropriately designated as the "crucible" of the liver.
During the Great Depression in the United States, many unemployed Americans simply left the city and went back to farm life, sometimes living with relatives.
Nothing in life seemed to him of much importance, and under the influence of the depression that possessed him he valued neither his liberty nor his resolution to punish his wife.
In Argentina these burdens bear heavily upon the labouring classes, and in years of depression they send away by thousands immigrants unable to meet the high costs of living, For the year 1900 the total expenditures of the national government, 14 provincial governments, and 16 principal cities, were estimated to have been $208,811,925 paper, which is equivalent to $91,877,247 gold, or (at $5.04 per pound stg.) to £18,229,612, ios.
AdvertisementIn this the tongue of the relay is kept over to the spacing side by means of a current flowing in one direction, but on the depression of the signalling key the current is reversed, moving the relay tongue over to the marking side.
Beyond the south-east corner of the lake is a depression known as the Bahr-el-Ghazal (not to be confounded with the Nile affluent of the same name).
From this depression eastward the general level of the plateau gradually rises to an elevation of 6000 ft.
The Black Sea, the fauna of which appears to be very rich, belongs to the Mediterranean region, slightly modified, while the Caspian partakes of the characteristic fauna inhabiting the lakes and seas of the Aral-Caspian depression.
This is mainly due to a great falling off in traffic, because of a general business depression; from 1907 to 1909 the reduction in the accident record is still greater.
AdvertisementSouth of this enclosed depression is another great hydrographic barrier which parts it from the low plains of the Amur, of China, Siam and India, bordered by the shallows of the Yellow Sea and the shoals which enclose the islands of Japan and Formosa, all of them once an integral part of the continent.
The depression westward of the Caspian and Aral basins, and the original connexion of these seas, have also come under the close investigation of Russian scientists, with the result that the theory of an ancient connexion between the Oxus and the Caspian has been displaced by the more recent hypothesis of an extension of the Caspian Sea eastwards into Trans-Caspian territory within the postPleiocene age.
Luther's depression fled.
The Stadium, in which the Panathenaic Games were held, was first laid out by the orator Lycurgus about 330 B.C. It was an oblong structure filling a natural depression near the left bank of the Ilissus beneath the eastern de clivity of the Ardettus hill, the parallel sides and semicircular end, or acev50vn, around the arena being partially excavated from the adjoining slopes.
Sixteen years of depression were followed, from 1895 to 1 9 08, by thirteen years of great prosperity.
AdvertisementIn 1525-1535 there was a marked depression in the classical studies of Germany.
Chronic anxiety is also associated with major depression.
Hadur, run north-eastward to the Jauf depression.
On this barren summit lay a wide flat depression, surrounded with rugged walls of rock, which were festooned with wild vines.
Since the uplift and stream dissection a slight depression has allowed the sea to invade the lower portions of the river valleys, forming the bays known as Narragansett Bay, Providence "river," Sakonnet " river," &c. Glaciation has disturbed the river 1 Block Island, over which the jurisdiction of the state extends, lies Jo m.
AdvertisementThis glacial material is in the form of a till or boulder clay, but in the lowlands, and especially along Narragansett Bay, it is generally overlaid by stratified drift deposited by glacial streams. Within Narragansett Bay are the numerous islands characteristic of an area which has suffered comparatively recent depression, the largest being Rhode Island (or Aquidneck), Conanicut Island and Prudence Island.
This high physical zest in life seems to have declined after 1831, when his eyes began to trouble him, and he became liable to depression.
Structurally Japan is divided into two regions by a depression (the Fossa Magna of Naumann) which stretches across the island of Hondo from Shimoda to Nagano.
The depression is marked by a line of volcanoes, including Fuji, and is in part buried beneath the products of their eruptions.
But from the beginning of that year, a period of extreme commercial and financial depression set in, and the treasury had to postpone all recourse to loans for whatever purpose, so that railway progress was completely checked in the field alike of the original and the acquired state lines.
Within a few days recovery usually occurs somewhat suddenly, but death may occur from the severe depression, or from the secondary effects of suppuration.
By some authorities the Manych depression is taken as part of the boundary between Europe and Asia.
The year 1890 was one of great depression following the exhaustion of the surface ore, but the provision of better machinery and cheaper coal led to a revival in 1891.
Notwithstanding the increased production of gold, Johannesburg during1905-1907passed through a period of severe commercial depression, the result in part of the unsettled political situation.
Between this ridge and the offshoots of Geraneia opposite a narrow depression allowed of easy transit across the Isthmus neck.
The city is built in a bowllike depression of the great central plateau, and the drainage from the surrounding hillsides has produced a dangerously insanitary condition, from which one or two virulent fever epidemics have resulted.
It ascends the tube, the substance is rapidly volatilized, and the mercury column is depressed; this depression is read off.
In the deep sea two types of feature are recognized under the general names of depression and elevation.
The depression is distinguished according to form and slope as (r) a basin when of a roughly round outline, (2) a trough when wide and elongated, or (3) a trench when narrow and elongated lying along the edge of a continent.
The deepest part of a depression is termed a deep, and the highest part of an elevation when not reaching the surface a height.
Similarly we may note the caldron or small steep depression of a round outline, and the furrow or long narrow groove in the continental shelf.
The seaward edge of the continental shelf often falls steeply to the greatest depths of the ocean, and not infrequently forms the slope of a trench, a form of depression which has usually a steep slope towards a continent or an island-bearing rise on one side and a gentler slope towards the general level of the ocean on the other.
This rise is separated from the Crozet Rise by a depression extending to 2675 fathoms, through which the Kerguelen Trough (which lies north of Kerguelen) is brought into free communication with the Indo-Atlantic Antarctic Basin.
The Australian Shelf rises steeply as a rule from depths, of 2500 to 3000 fathoms. A broad depression with depths of from 3300 to 3500 fathoms lies to the east of the Cocos Islands and extends into the angle between the Malay Archipelago and Australia.
From the floor of this vast and profound depression numerous isolated volcanic cones rise with abrupt slopes, and even between the islands of the Hawaiian group there are depths of more than 2000 fathoms. The Society Islands and Tahiti crown a rise coming within 150o fathoms of the surface, two similar rises form the foundation of the Paumotu group where Agassiz found soundings of.
Notwithstanding the large number of streams, the depression of their channels and height of their banks render them for the most part unsuitable for the purposes of irrigation, - which is conducted by means of jhils and tanks.
The rift-valley faults continue down the depression, marked by numerous volcanoes, in the region of the Natron Lake and Lake Manyara; while the steep walls of the deep depression of Tanganyika and Nyasa represent the western rift system at its maximum development..
In 1907 during a period of severe and prolonged trade depression the imports had fallen to £5,263,930, but the exports owing entirely to the increased output of gold from the Rand mines had increased to £37,994,658; gold and diamonds represented over £37,000,000 of this total.
They are closely arrayed, capable of depression or elevation, and form a shield to the front of the breast impenetrable by the bill of a rival.
The city stands on a small plain occupying the south-western part of a large lacustrine depression known as the Valley of Mexico (El Valle de Mexico), about 3 m.
Similar to this is a narrow plain along the southern shore of Lake Erie, which, in fact, lies in a shallow depression in this Erie plain.
Pastoral and mining enterprise, however, could not save the settlers from severe depression in the years 1867 to 1871.
Faulty banking ended in a crisis, and 187 9 proved to be the first of sixteen years of almost unbroken depression.
After gaining office at the beginning of 1891 the BallanceSeddon party had to struggle with the last four years of the period of depression.
Despite the many obstacles it had to meet, including drought, commercial depression and the hostility of many of the ex-burghers, the crown colony administration had achieved remarkable results.
The statute of 1630 forbidding the exportation of wool, followed by the Plague of 1665, led to a serious trade depression, while the former enactment resulted in the vast smuggling trade which spread along the coast, 40,000 packs of wool being smuggled to Calais from Kent and Sussex in two years.
In the western parts of the system they mostly go to feed the Kara-muren or the Cherchen-darya, while farther east they flow down into some larger self-contained basin of internal drainage, such as the Achik-kol, the two lakes Kara-kol, or the Ghaz-kol, and even yet farther east make their way, some of them into the lakes of the Tsaidam depression or become lost in its sands or in those of the Kum-tagh desert on the north, or go to feed the headstreams of the great rivers, the Hwang-ho (Yellow River) and the Yangtsze-kiang (Blue River) in the south.
In the east the range is mostly narrow, and dies away on the edge of the Tsaidam depression; but in the west it swells out into the lofty and imposing mass of the Ilve-chimen or Shia-manglay, which is capped with perpetual snow.
In the western part of this valley occurs the very important transverse water-divide of Gulcha-davan (14,150 ft.), which separates the basin of the Cherchen-darya that goes down into the Tarim basin from the area that drains down to the Ghaz-kol, which belongs to the Tsaidam depression.
Immediately south of the Kalta-alaghan comes a relatively deep depression, the Kum-kol valley, forming a very well-marked feature in the physical conformation of this region.
Agricultural prices declined; agricultural depression set in.
Bismarck broke with the National Liberals, who were the champions of free trade; at the same time the agricultural depression set in, and the agricultural interest demanded protection against American and other foreign competition.
Concurrently with the growth of this unrest Rudolph had become increasingly subject to attacks of depression and eccentricity, which were so serious as to amount almost to insanity.
This value of is the tangent elevation (T.E); the quadrant elevation (Q.E.) is -S, where S is the angular depression of the line of sight and if 0 is h ft.
Hence the Pacific basin may be regarded as a stable and homogeneous geographical unit, clearly marked off round nearly all its margin by steep sharp slopes, extending in places through the whole known range of elevation above sea-level and of depression below it - from the Cordilleras of South America to the island chains of Siberia and Australia.
Beyond the tropical high-pressure belt, the winds of the North Pacific are under the control of an area of low pressure, which, however, attains neither the size nor the intensity of the " Iceland " depression in the north Atlantic. The result is that north-westerly winds, which in winter are exceedingly dry and cold, blow over the western or Asiatic area; westerly winds prevail in the centre, and south-westerly and southerly winds off the American coast.
Its direction changes from south-east to east-south-east opposite to the entrance into the Gulf of Nicoya, where it is cut into two sections by a depression some 20 m.
The Rio Grande de Tarcoles rises close to the Ochomogo Pass and the sources of the Reventazon, at the base of Irazu; and the headwaters of these two streams indicate precisely the depression in the central plateau which severs the northern from the southern mountains.
The deepest depression of the whole range is the Velber Tauern valley (8334 ft.) between the Velber and the Tauern, and the principal pass is the Niederer (Mallnitzer) Tauern (7920 ft.).
Another group of lakes is to be found in the Laguna district of south-western Coahuila, where the Tlahualila, Mairan, Parras and others occupy a large lacustrine depression and receive the waters of the Nazas and Aguanaval rivers from the south-west (Durango).
The great Mapimi desert of western Coahuila is another lacustrine depression, but only marshy lagoons remain.
It passed under a depression in the mountains of the extreme north of the valley.
Again, in1898-1899the total ordinary revenue of the state was J6,013,921; in 1906-1907 it had increased to £11,428,612, or by more than 90%, and though1907-1908was a year of depression its total revenue (£11,177,186) exceeded that of any year save its immediate predecessor.
Its adhesive foot is paralleled by a cup-shaped ciliated depression, possibly nervous, found in all the larvae cited, except some Echinoderms, and which in Asterids and Crinoids actually serves as an organ of attachment.
Washington skilfully evacuated his Brooklyn lines on the night of the 29th, and in a measure relieved the depression which the defeat had produced in his army.
The oblique trend of the coast would be even more pronounced but for a comparatively modern crustal movement, causing a depression in the northeast, with a resulting encroachment of the sea upon the land, and an elevation.
Hence rivers in the Appalachians are not navigable; it is only farther down-stream, where the rivers have been converted into estuaries and bayssuch as Chesapeake and Delaware baysby a slight depression of the coastal plain belt, that they serve the purposes of navigation.
A section of the coastal plain, from North Carolina to southern New Jersey, resembles the plain farther south in general form and quality of soils, but besides being narrower, it is further characterized by several embayments or arms of the sea, caused by a slight depression of the land after mature valleys had been eroded in the plain.
The erosion of the region must have been far advanced, perhaps practically completed, in very ancient times, for the even surface of the peneplain is overlapped by fossiliferous marine strata of early geological date (Cambrian); and this shows that a depression of the region beneath an ancient sea took place after a long existence as dry land.
When the two lowlands are traced eastward they become confluent after the Niagara limestone has faded away in central New York, and the single lowland is continued under the name of Mohawk Valley, an east-west longitudinal depression that has been eroded on a belt of relatively weak strata between the resistant crystalline rocks of the Adirondacks on the north and the northern escarpment of the Appalachian plateau (Catskills-Helderbergs) on the south; forming a pathway of great historic and economic importance between the Atlantic seaports and the interior.
Lake Superior is unlike the other lakes; the greater part of its basin occupies a depression.
Many streams descend from the ravines only to wither away on the desert basin floors before uniting in a trunk river along the axis of a depression; others succeed in uniting in the winter season, when evaporation is much reduced, and then their trunk flows for a few score miles, only to disappear by sinking (evaporating) farther on.
The tilting of the mountain mass was presumably not a simple or a single movement; it was probably slow, for Pitt river (headwaters of the Sacramento) traverses the northern part of the range in antecedent fashion; the tilting involved the subdivision of the great block into smaller ones, in the northern half of the range at least; Lake Tahoe (altitude 6225 ft.) near the range crest is explained as occupyilig a depression between two block fragments; and farther north similar depressions now appear as aggraded highland meadows.
The displacement of the mountain block may still be in progress, for severe earthquakes have happened in the depression next east of the range; that of Owens Valley in 1870 was strong enough to have been very destructive had there been anything in the desert valley to destroy.
More important is San Francisco Bay, situated about midway on the Pacific coast of the United States, the result of a moderate depression whereby a transverse valley, formerly followed by Sacramento river through the outermost of the Coast ranges, has been converted into a narrow straitthe Golden Gate and a wider intermont longitudinal valley has been flooded, forming the expansion of the inner bay.
The belt of ielative depression between the inner Pacific ranges and the Coast range is dhided by the fine volcano Mt Shasta (14,380 ft.) in northern California into unlike portions.
To the north, the floor of the depression is for the most part above baselevel, and hence is dissected by open valleys, partly longitudinal, partly transverse, among hills of moderate relief.
South of Mt Shasta, the Valley of California is an admirable example of an aggraded intermont depression, about 400 m.
In the decline that followed the Civil War an apparent minimum was reached of 4,068,034 tons in 188o; but this does not adequately indicate the depression of the, shipping interest, inasmuch as the aggregate was kept up by the tonnage of vessels engaged in the coasting trade and commerce of the inland waters, from which foreign shipping is by law excluded.
Just to the right of this and at the lower part of the bare area is a triangular depression for the right suprarenal body.
When it is slit open from in front a longitudinal ridge is seen in its posterior wall, which is called the verumontanum or crista urethra, and on each side of this is a longitudinal depression, the prostatic sinus, into which numerous ducts of the prostate open, though some of them open on to the antero-lateral surface.
But in the 'nineties the price of the cotton fell below the cost of production, owing to the enormous supply, and this was accompanied by economic depression.
The Dip of the horizon at sea is the angular depression of the apparent sea horizon, or circle bounding the visible ocean, below the apparent celestial horizon as above defined.
In the centre of this antipedal area there has appeared (often at a very early period) a gland-like depression or follicle of the integument.
The brown hare is a night-feeding animal, remaining during the day on its "form," as the slight depression is called which it makes in the open field, usually among grass.
Geologically and structurally Cyrenaica is a mass of Miocene limestone tilted up steeply from the Mediterranean and falling inland by a gentle descent to sea-level again at the line of depression, which runs from the gulf of Sidra through Aujila to Siwa.
The lower portion of the Delaware river has been entered by the sea as the result of the depression of the land, giving a harbour, at the head of which developed the city of Philadelphia.
As early as 1788 Sir Charles Blagden (1748-1820) made measurements of the freezing points of salt solutions, and showed that the depression of freezing point was.
Similar 'considerations show that, since at its freezing point the vapour pressure of a solution must be in equilibrium with that of ice, the depression of freezing point produced by dissolving a substance in water can be calculated from a knowledge of the vapour pressure of ice and water below the freezing point of pure water.
But we have seen that the depression of dT of the freezing point of a dilute solution is measured by TPdv/L.
The north part of the sea is very shallow, and between the southern promontory of Istria and Rimini the depth rarely exceeds 25 fathoms. Between Sebenico and Ortona a well-marked depression occurs, a considerable area of which exceeds Ioo fathoms in depth.
In 1844 he was ordained deacon and priest in the English Church, and held curacies at Aston, Rowant and St Thomas's, Oxford; but being naturally attracted to the Episcopal Church of his native land, then recovering from long depression, he removed in 1846 to Stonehaven, the chief town of Kincardineshire.
History Of Mission Fields The continuity of missionary enthusiasm maintained through the primitive, the medieval, and the modern periods of the Church's history, operating at every critical epoch, and surviving after periods of stagnation and depression, is a very significant fact.
Once more the chain bends to the north-west, rising in several lofty peaks (the highest is the Aiguille de la Grande Sassiere, 12,323 ft.), before attaining the considerable depression of the Little St Bernard Pass.
Thence to the Reschen Scheideck Pass the main chain is ill-defined, though on it rises the Corno di Campo (10,844 ft.), beyond which it runs slightly north-east past the sources of the Adda and the Fra g ile Pass, sinks to form the depression of the Ofen Pass, soon bends north and rises once more in the Piz Sesvenna (10,568 ft.).
The depression is filled by Miocene and later beds, which for the most part lie flat and undisturbed as they were laid down.
Beyond the depression also, excepting in the Jura Mountains, there is no sign of the folding which has raised the Alpine chain.
The spread of these limestones was repeatedly checked by the steady influx of detritus from the land during the pauses in movements of depression.
The cap is flattened above with a central depression and a thick lobed irregular margin.
Another simple case is where the plane or slightly convex surface of the stroma rises at its margins and overgrows the sporogenous hyphal ends, so that the spores, asci, &c., come to lie in the depression of a cavity - e.g.
Deposits show that originally it formed part of the great inland sea that filled this depression in Pleistocene times.
This basin may be, on the whole, considered as a continuation of the synclinal depression of the Manych, which stretches along the northern foot of the Caucasus from the Sea of Azov.
More than this, the Caspian was also, it is pretty certain, at the same epoch, and later, in direct communication with the Sea of Azov, no doubt by way of the Manych depression; for in the limans or lagoons of the Black Sea many faunal species exist which are not only identical with species that are found in the Caspian, but also many which, though not exactly identical, are closely allied.
Eastwards it penetrated up the Uzboi depression between the Great and Little Balkhan ranges, so that that depression, which is strewn (as mentioned above) with Post-Tertiary marine deposits, was not (as is sometimes supposed) an old bed of the Oxus, but a gulf of the Caspian.
The term Bangweulu is sometimes applied to the whole depression, but is properly confined to the area of clear water.
Another exception is to be found in the Strada Stabiana (Stabian Street) or Cardo, which, owing to the existence of a natural depression which affects also the line of the street just east of it, is not parallel to the other north and south streets.
The Eoccne system is unknown in Germany except in the foothills of the Alps; but the Oligocene and Miocene are widely spread, especially in the great plain and in the depression of the Danube.
The depression of the Rhine is a trough lying between two faults or system of faults.
This was partly due to the cnmmercial and industrial depression of the early years of the century, partly was another outcome of the federal constitution, which made it difficult to adjust the budget to the growing needs of the Empire without disarranging the finances of its constitutent states.
The miserable state of public finances and the depression of trade doubtless helped to induce them to perform a duty which they ought to have performed from the first; but their chief motive was the desire to escape the menace of universal suffrage or, at least, to make sure that it would be introduced in such a form as to safeguard Magyar supremacy over the other Hungarian races.
For nearly three years Austria had been watching with bitterness and depression the course of the crisis in Hungary.
A pit or depression, known as "the cerebral organ," opens into the brain just above the mouth; this usually divides into two limbs, which are deeply pigmented and have been called eyes.
In 1866 Kansas City was entered by the first railway from St Louis; 1867 saw the beginning of the packing industry; in 1869 a railway bridge across the Missouri assured it predominance over Leavenworth and St Joseph; and since that time - save for a depression shortly after 1890, following a real-estate boom - the material progress of the city has been remarkable; the population increased from 4418 in 1860 to 32,260 in 1870, 55,785 in 1880, and 13 2, 716 in 1890.
The selling value of land has shown a decrease in modern times on account of the agricultural depression.
The altitude of the valleys generally increases towards the east of Transylvania, the lowest depression being found in the western part of the Maros valley.
The opinion that Lake Aral periodically disappeared, which was for a long time countenanced by Western geographers, loses more and more probability now that it is evident that at a relatively recent period the Caspian Sea extended much farther eastward than it does now, and that Lake Aral communicated with it through the Sary-kamysh depression.
The present writer is even inclined to think that, besides this southern communication with the Caspian, Lake Aral may have been, even in historical times, connected with the Mortvyi Kultuk (Tsarevich) Gulf of the Caspian, discharging part of its water into that sea through a depression of the Ust-Urt plateau, which is marked by a chain of lakes (Chumyshty, Asmantai).
In Fucaceae an apical cell is situate at the surface of the thallus in a slit-like depression at the apex.
Most of these animals were of small size, and many had long upper canines, like those of the existing Hydrelaphus; while in all there was no depression for a gland in front of the eye.
Cantref y Gwaelod (the hundred of the bottom) is the Welsh literary name of this bay, on the shores of which geological depression has certainly taken place.
A certain depression and weariness of spirit darken the general tone.
Omissions of a few passages written from memory at a time of profound nervous depression would have altered the whole character of the book.
Another depression, entirely barren, the Wadi Rayan, covering 280 sq.
The Highlands are separated into two completely disconnected and in some respects contrasted regions by the depression of the Great Glen, extending from Loch Linnhe to Inverness, by which the ancient plateau was severed.
The Lowlands of Mid-Scotland, or the Central Plain, constitute a broad depression with south-westerly to north-easterly trend lying between the Highland line that runs from the head of the Firth of Clyde to Stonehaven and the pastoral uplands that stretch from Girvan to Dunbar.
The total thickness of both these groups of rock cannot be less than 30,000 ft., and, as most of them bear evidence of having been deposited in shallow water, they could only have been accumulated during a prolonged period of depression.
The question arises whether this depression affected only the area of the midland valley, or extended also to the regions to the north and south; and so far as the evidence goes there is ground for the inference that, while the depression had its maximum along the line of the lowlands, it also involved some portion at least of the high grounds on either side.
By other fractures and unequal movements of upheaval or depression portions of the older rocks have been brought up within the bounds of the younger, and areas of the younger have been enclosed by the older.
The mountains in fact have been hewn out of the original bulk of the land in proportion as the valleys have been excavated_ The denudation would continue so long as the ground stood above the level of the sea; but there have been prolonged periods of depression, when the ground, instead of being eroded, lay below the sea-level and was buried sometimes under thousands of feet of accumulated sediment, which completely filled up and obliterated the previous drainage-lines.
This long and wide depression, though it looks like one great valley, strictly speaking, includes portions of the valleys of the Tay, Isla, North Esk and South Esk, all of which cross it.
Elsewhere in central Scotland such a wide depression is known as a howe, as in the Howe of Fife between the Ochil and Lomond Hills.
Further stimulus was also supplied by the high prices that obtained during the Napoleonic wars, and, in spite of periods of severe depression since then, the science of agriculture has continued to advance.
The period of general depression which set in before 1885 was surmounted in Scotland with comparatively little trouble.
In Perth, Fife, Forfar and Aberdeen the average was 30%; but in nearly all the counties, towards the end at least of the period of depression, the coexistent demand and competition for farms were observable.
Afterwards, owing to the increased attention given to stock-fattening and dairying, and to a rise in prices, farming reached a condition of equilibrium, and the most noticeable residuum of the period of depression was the large intrusion of the butcher and grazier class into the farmer class proper.
Caithness-shire was declared to be the greatest sufferer by the period of depression; rents fell in that county by 30 to 50% on large farms, 20 to 30% on medium, and 10 to 60% on small farms. Nevertheless, the decline in the value of land was serious.
The former connexion between the Caspian and Aral by means of the gulf now represented by the Sary Kamish depression seems to be admitted by Russian scientists, nor would there appear to be much doubt about the connexion between the Khivan oasis and the northern extremity of the Sary Kamish.
In the intra-andine depression, between the East and West Cordilleras, recent deposits with plant remains occur near Loja, and to the north-east of Cuenca is a sandstone containing mercury ores, somewhat similar to that of Peru.
Farther north nearly the whole of the depression is filled with lavas, tuffs and agglomerates, derived from the Tertiary and recent volcanoes which form the most striking feature of the Andes of Ecuador.
Even here there are local modifications, as at Ambato, where a shallow depression, surrounded by barren, dust-covered ridges exposed to cold winds, is celebrated for its warm, equable climate and its fruit.
Economic depression gave the Granger Movement considerable popularity, and an outgrowth of the Granger organization was the Independent Reform Party, of 1874, which advocated retrenchment of expenses, the state regulation of railways and a tariff for revenue only.
As a moralist and a guide to the conduct of life - an aspect of Goethe's work which Carlyle, viewing him through the coloured glasses of Fichtean idealism, emphasized and interpreted not always justly - Goethe was a powerful force on German life in years of political and intellectual depression.
The Civil War increased the depression, and the lands of those who had taken part against the Union were confiscated.
This fact, taken in connexion with the great depth of the depression of the Ghor below the Mediterranean - already 682 ft.
The latter indicate that at one period nearly the whole of this depression was filled with water up to a level somewhat above that of the Mediterranean.
The western margin of the valley is possibly defined by another fault which has not yet been detected; but in any case it is clear that the great depression owes its extraordinary depth to faulting.
A mixture of pounded brick, clay and ashes was then ground finely in water to the consistence of cream, and successive coats of this mixture were then applied with a brush, till a second skin was formed all over the wax, fitting closely into every line and depression of the modelling.
She starts her nest underground or in a surface depression, forming a number of waxen cells, roughly globular in shape and arranged irregularly.
In 1899 it was little over 217,000 Rx, the period of lowest intermediate depression being in 1897.
The alluvial deposits of the plain, as made known by the boring at Calcutta, prove a gradual depression of the area in recent times.
The deposits of the Indc-Gangetic plain are of modern date and the formation of the depression which they fill is almost certainly connected with the elevation of the Himalayas.
The alluvial deposits prove depression in quite recent geological times; and within the Himalayan region earthquakes are still common, whilst in Peninsular India they are rare.
These ranges are separated from the Nilgiris by a broad depression or pass known as the Palghat Gap, some 25 m.
The industry suffered depression owing to the indigo riots of 1860 and the emancipation of the peasantry by the Land Act of 1859; but in the closing decade of the century it received a much more disastrous blow from the invention of the German chemists.
The first-fruits of this passion was a volume of poems, published in 1841, entitled A Year's Life, which was inscribed by Lowell in a veiled dedication to his future wife, and was a record of his new emotions with a backward glance at the preceding period of depression and irresolution.
Horrible mental depression and melancholia are present, and there may be hallucinations of vision and hearing passing into violent delirium.
The oblique trend of the coast would be even more pronounced but for a comparatively modern crustal movement, causing a depression in the northeast, with a resulting encroachment of the sea upon the land, and an elevation in the south-west, with a resulting advance of the land upon the sea.
But in many cases it is more readily determined by observing the rise of the boiling-point or the depression of the freezing-point of the solution.
For the depression of the freezing-point a relation of the same form applies, but do is negative, and L is the latent heat of fusion.
The highest pressures recorded for cane-sugar are nearly three times as great as those given by van't Hoff's formula for the gas-pressure, but agree very well with the vapour-pressure theory, as modified by Callendar, provided that we substitute for V in Arrhenius's formula the actual specific volume of the solvent in the solution, and if we also assume that each molecule of sugar in solution combines with 5 molecules of water, as required by the observations on the depression of the freezing-point and the rise of the boiling-point.
Occasionally the death-warning is in the form of an apparition of some other person; it may also take the form of a temporary feeling of intense depression or other massive sensation.
In the great lacustrine depression of Nicaragua is collected all the drainage from the eastern versant of the volcanic mountains, from the sheer western escarpment of the main cordillera, and from a large area of northern Costa Rica.
The only river which flows out of the depression on the north enters the Bay of Fonseca at Tempisque.
The accumulated waters which pour down into the depression are gathered into the two basins of Lake Managua and Lake Nicaragua.
The various schemes which have been put forward for the conversion of the San Juan and the lacustrine depression into an interoceanic waterway are fully discussed under Panama Canal.
The main Nicaraguan cordillera, which flanks the depression on the east, has often been called the Cordillera de los Andes, from its supposed continuity with the mountain-chains of Panama and the west coast of South America.
The most densely peopled region and the focus of civilization is the lacustrine depression and the surrounding uplands.
The behaviour of the majority of the troops had been beyond all praise, but all were now worn-out, physically fatigued by the long trial of the retreat and suffering from the great moral depression caused by unexpected defeat and retirement from the lines they had held so long.
Taken internally in any but minute doses, the drug causes the most severe gastro-intestinal irritation, the vomited and evacuated matters containing blood, and the patient suffering agonizing pain and extreme depression.
At its confluence with the Oka the Volga enters the broad lacustrine depression which must have communicated with the Caspian during the post-Pliocene period by means of at least a broad strait.
Then the stream turns south-east and descends into another lacustrine depression, where it receives the Kama, below Kazan.
The great lacustrine depression of the middle Volga was thus reached; and when the Mongol invasion of 1239-42 came, it encountered in the Oka basin a dense agricultural population with many fortified and wealthy towns - a population which the Mongols found they could conquer, indeed, but were unable to drive before them as they had done so many of the Turkish tribes.
He believed strongly in the power of prayer and repeatedly had assurances that his prayers were heard; and when he was disappointed by non-fulfilment his grief and depression were terrible.
In 1877 a financial crisis occurred, met by the emission of paper money, but the depression was only temporary, and the country soon rallied from the effects.
The genital opening on each side is situated in a depression of the surface into which the renal organ also opens.
Travelling and music were the principal recreations of his life; but his health continued bad, and he suffered from depression.
Flatulence and diarrhoea as well as many general disorders are often due to intestinal depression caused by microbes.
For those who suffer from nervous depression, exercise in the Swiss mountains is useful, and even living at a height of about 6000 ft.
The nature of this is not very easy to analyse, but as mental depression is closely associated with irritation of the vagus nerve and weakening of the circulation, it seems not at all unlikely that mountain air acts by accelerating the pulse and quickening the circulation, and thus creating a sense of well-being.
But before 1903 had ended it was manifest that this had been a spurious activity, and a period of marked commercial depression, lasting until 190 9, ensued.
This depression was in considerable measure due to, and was largely aggravated by, the comparative inactivity of the Rand mines, and that inactivity was due in turn to the insufficiency of native labour - Kaffirs being employed to do all the unskilled work on the mines.
In a time of acute trade depression this commercial rivalry was disastrous to the welfare of South Africa.
The colour of the eyes and their prominence or depression are relatively very constant characteristics.
It is clear, then, that in front of the Himalaya there is a great depression, but as yet there is no indication that this depression was ever beneath the sea.
By 1835 this trade had completely died out, and Tenterden was suffering from the depression of agricultural interests.
And in the end he returns home in deep depression.
The long period of depression seems not to have been without a beneficial influence on the persecuted Buddhist church, for these teachers are reported to have placed the Tantra system more in the background, and to have adhered more strongly to the purer forms of the Mahayana development of the ancient faith.
The Ek-tagh or Mongolian Altai, which separates the Kobdo basin on the north from the Irtysh basin on the south, is a true border-range, in that it rises in a steep and lofty escarpment from the Dzungarian depression (1550 to 3000 ft.), but descends on the north by a relatively short slope to the plateau (4000-5500 ft.) of north-western Mongolia.
Crossing the lower peninsula from Saginaw Bay west by south through the valleys of the Saginaw, Maple and Grand rivers, is a depression - the former channel of an old glacial river - in which elevations for a considerable area are less than loo ft.
To the south-east of this depression a water-parting with summits varying from about 400 to 600 ft.
West of the divide and south of the depression, south-west Michigan is occupied by the valleys of the St Joseph, Kalamazoo and Grand rivers, by the gently rolling uplands that form the parting divides between them, and by sand dunes, which here and there rise to a height of from loo to zoo ft.
The convention adjourned without adopting any " platform " of principles, the party shrewdly deciding to make its campaign merely on the issue of whether the Van Buren administration should be continued in power and thus to take full advantage of the popular discontent with the administration, to which was attributed the responsibility for the panic of 1837 and the subsequent business depression.
Depression in trade brought down the imports in 1904 to £6,855,000.
Indicative of the fact that the agricultural community was little affected by the trade depression are the export figures for 1904 and 1906, which were £2,044,000 and £2,627,000 respectively.
The Jovain plain is watered by the Kali-i-mura, an unimportant river which flows south to the Great Kavir or central depression.
The drainage-system consists of underground sewers, which are discharged by a pumping-station into a natural depression to the eastward, called the Salt Lake.
In 1893 a financial crisis resulted in the suspension of ten banks; but with two exceptions they were reconstructed, and by the following year the effects of the depression had passed away.
They are ciliated, and their extremities are enlarged and have a small lateral depression in each.
The basal portion of the antennae frequently lies in a depression at the side of the rostrum, and this gives the antennae the appearance of emerging half-way along the rostrum.
During the vigorous depression of the wing, the nervure has the power of remaining rigid, whereas the flexible portion, being pushed in an upward direction on account of the resistance it experiences from the air, assumes an oblique position which causes the upper surface of the wing to look forwards."
The wing continues its movements of depression inclined to the horizon; but the impulse of the air, FIG.
This is closely followed on the south-east by the Chalk country, occupying the whole of the rest of England except where the Tertiary Basins of London and Hampshire cover it, where the depression of the Fenland carries it out of sight, and where the lower rocks of the Weald break through it.
The continuity of the belts of Chalk and of the Middle and Upper Oolites in the Eastern Plain is broken by the shallow depression of the Wash and the Fenland.
The London Basin occupies a triangular depression in the Chalk which is filled up with clays and gravels of Tertiary and later age.
This chain divides off the high-level sources of the Oxus on the west from the streams which sweep downwards into the Turkestan depression of Kashgar on the east.
Rang Kul Lake occupies a central basin or depression; but the Kara Kul drains away north-eastwards through the Sarikol (as the latter, bending westwards, merges into the Trans-Alai) to Kashgar and the Turkestan plains.
It overlooks the depression in which is Lake Rudolf and - east of that lake - southern Somaliland.
This remarkable phenomenon is explained by the position of Aussa in the centre of a saline lacustrine depression several hundred feet below sea-level.
Another lacustrine region extends from the Shoa heights south-west to the Samburu (Lake Rudolf) depression.
This thread gives rise to a spiral ciliated band lying in a depression on the body of each spermatozoid; the large spermatozoids eventually escape from the pollen-tube, and are able to perform ciliary movements in the watery liquid which occurs between the thin papery remnant of nucellar tissue and the archegonial necks.
The endosperm detached from a large Ginkgo ovule after fertilization bears a close resemblance to that of a cycad; the apex is occupied by a depression, on the floor of which two small holes mark the position of the archegonia, and the outgrowth from the megaspore apex projects from the centre as a short peg.
The tissue at the apex of the megaspore grows slightly above the level of the archegonia, so that the latter come to lie in a shallow depression.
Moreover, he was crippled by incipient disease of the brain, which at first inflicted unconquerable lassitude and depression, and latterly agonizing pain.
According to traditional accounts the first symptom of this disorder was usually a state of depression and lethargy.
The geological history of the state covers the period from Algonkian to late Carboniferous time, after which there is a gap in the record until Tertiary time, except that there was apparently a temporary depression of the north-western and southwestern corners in the Cretaceous age.
Like the Atrato it brings down much silt, which is rapidly filling that depression.
Between the Western and the Central Cordilleras is a longitudinal depression along which the river Cauca finds its way towards the sea.
On the western side of this depression there are red sandstones with coal-seams, possibly Tertiary; the floor and the eastern side consist chiefly of ancient crystalline and schistose rocks.
In Ecuador the depression between the Eastern and Western Cordilleras is almost entirely filled with modern lavas and agglomerates; in Colombia the corresponding Cauca depression is almost free from such deposits.
Trade depression following the war of 1899-1902 turned attention to these resources, with satisfactory results.
A severe drought, affecting almost the entire colony for several years, caused great depression of trade, and many farmers suffered severely.
The depression was accentuated by the financial crisis in America, which affected adversely the wool trade, and in a more marked degree the diamond trade, leading to the partial stoppage of the Kimberley mines.
For small supplies such a well may be perfectly successful; but however small the quantity drawn, it must obviously have the effect of diminishing the volume of fresh water, which contributes to the maintenance of the level of saturation above the sea-level; and with further pumping the fresh water would be so far drawn upon that the mean level of saturation would sink, first to a curved figure - a cone of depression - such as that represented by the new level of saturation dd, and later to the figure represented by the lines ee, in which the level of saturation has everywhere been drawn below the mean sea-level.
The figure, in this case of uniform percolation, assumed by the water in the neighbourhood of a deep well is a surface of revolution, and, however irregular the percolation and the consequent shape of the figure, it is commonly, but somewhat incorrectly, called the " cone of depression.
The settlement of the plastic clay above the eroded portion soon produces a surface depression at the top of the embankment over or FIG.
He remained in power till 1878, when industrial depression enabled Macdonald to return to office on a protectionist programme.
It runs through a continuous forest at the bottom of the great depression lying between the Madeira river, which skirts the edge of the Brazilian sandstone plateau, and the Ucayali which hugs the base of the Andes.
An unbroken ridge, extending from Stockholm to Hango in Finland, separates the Baltic basin proper from the depression between Sweden and the Aland Isles, to which the name Aland Haf has been given.
On a hill of lower elevation than the castle and separated from the esplanade by a depression styled the Valley - the tilting-ground of former times - a cemetery has been laid out.
It fills a shallow depression which is drying up with astonishing rapidity, so that the process of desiccation can be shown on surveys separated by intervals of only ten years; large parts of it, like Aibughir Gulf, have dried up since the Russians took possession of its shores.
In some species a depression of the leaf-surface encloses the ligule, regarding the function of which little is known.
Between Tungnafellsjokull and Hofsjokull lies the broad depression of Sprengisandr (2130 ft.).
Myvatn fills a depression between lava streams, and has a depth of not more than 84 ft.
Along with this the nervous depression is very marked, and the state of prostration to which the patient is reduced can scarcely be exceeded.
South of this last line of elevations comes the depression of Kulja or Ili, cutting deep and far into the outer edge of the great plateau of central Asia.
After traversing the desert of Gobi from Sa-chou to Hami, the great northern route crossed over into the Dzungarian valley either by the Otun-koza depression or by the gap at Urumchi, or else it proceeded over the Muz-art pass on the east side of Khan-tengri or over the Bedel pass in the Kokshal-tau and so down into the valley of Kulja.
Seemann's favourable report on the capabilities of the islands, followed by a time of depression in Australia and New Zealand, led to a rapid increase of settlers - from 200 in 1860 to 1800 in 1869.
At the time of the British annexation the islands were suffering from commercial depression, following a fall in the price of cotton after the American Civil War.
The settlement of .European land claims, and the measures taken for the protection of native institutions, caused lively dissatisfaction among the colonists, who laid the blame of the commercial depression at the door of the government; but with returning prosperity this feeling began to disappear.
Sparta, favoured by the depression of Thebes in the Phocian War, was threatening Megalopolis.
On its outer or convex side the folded belt is clearly defined by a depression which is generally filled by modern deposits.
Since the close of the Cretaceous period the Bohemian massif has remained above the sea; but the depression which lies immediately outside the Carpathian chain has at times been covered by an arm of the sea and at other times has been occupied by a chain of salt lakes, to which the salt deposits of Wieliczka and numerous brine springs owe their origin.
It must have been composed in a time of natural gloom and depression, after Yahweh's anger had been provoked by "a very froward generation," certainly not before the Assyrian Empire had loomed up against the political horizon, aggressive and menacing.
The most striking feature is the existence of two great lines of depression, due largely to the subsidence of whole segments of the earth's crust, the lowest parts of which are occupied by vast lakes.
Farther north the western depression, sometimes known as the Central African trough or Albertine rift-valley, is occupied for more than half its length by water, forming the four lakes of Tanganyika, Kivu, Albert Edward and Albert, the first-named over 400 m.
The eastern depression, known as the East African trough or rift-valley, contains much smaller lakes, many of them brackish and without outlet, the only one comparable to those of the western trough being Lake Rudolf or Basso Norok.
Another large stream, the Hawash, rising in the Abyssinian mountains, is lost in a saline depression near the Gulf of Aden.
Such are Lake Rukwa, in a subsidiary depression north of Nyasa, and Eiassi and Manyara in the system of the eastern rift-valley.
Divergent opinions have been held as to the mode of origin of the East African lakes, especially Tanganyika, which some geologists have considered to represent an old arm of the sea, dating from a time when the whole central Congo basin was under water; others holding that the lake water has accumulated in a depression caused by subsidence.
During the whole of the time - Carboniferous to Rhaetic - that this great accumulation of freshwater beds was taking place, the interior of the continent must have been undergoing depression.
Towards the close of the Karroo period, possibly about the middle, the southern rim of the great central depression became ridged up to form the folded regions of the Zwaarteberg, Cedarberg and Langeberg mountains in Cape Colony.
A noteworthy feature of the Seistan lagoon is that in times of excessive flood it overspreads a vast area of country, both to the north and south, shutting off the capital of Seistan (Nusretabad) from surrounding districts, and spreading through a channel southwards, known as Shelag, to another great depression, called the Gaud-i-Zirreh.
The Seistan depression receives the drainage of a tract of country over 125,000 sq.
Citadep appears to relieve depression by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.
The report asserts that research carried out into other ways of treating depression may well fail to reach GPs.
I bet someone who has suffered severe depression can tell you The thing is, you have to work it out for yourself.
Earlier in the depression Learning Path, we talked about the importance of tolerating uncertainty when looking to overcome depression.
Occasionally they can actually worsen depression in what is known as a paradoxical adverse effect.
Mothers with postnatal depression are in just such a position.
The Fellowship works to enable people affected by manic depression to take control of their lives.
A woman in my village committed suicide because of post natal depression.
Precautions All patients who have been given morphine must be carefully observed for evidence of respiratory depression.
The Novice was admitted to Hospital for two nights, suffering from severe depression.
But alcohol and drugs can be very useful accomplices for depression, with their physiologically depressant effects giving a boost to the depression spiral.
Rates of childhood depression, suicide and school criminality have soared since the 1920's.
The psychiatrist found no evidence of depression, psychiatric disorder, dementia or impaired decision making capacity.
There is ample evidence that a deficiency of DHA is associated with depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and dementia.
I suffer from fibromyalgia, severe depression (bi-polar) and panic disorder.
These mood swings may be low, as in depression, or high, as in periods when we might feel very elated.
These include flushing, stunting syndrome, feed refusal syndrome, poult growth depression and poult enteritis complex.
Not until the successful Desert Storm operation, was the national depression, some called it the " Vietnam Syndrome, " partially erased.
If you have gad, it's very likely that you've already had another mental health problem, such as depression.
Infectious Diseases These include hepatitis that typically features severe depression in the recovery phase.
The triangular depression is reached by one of those little green hillocks so often to be found on English waysides.
The following remedies are commonly used in the treatment of depression, but treament by a fully qualified homeopath is recommended.
Olmsted himself suffered from depression, an affliction for which he was twice hospitalized during the construction of Central Park.
Effect of pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) upon depression associated with oral contraception.
The symptoms of atypical depression overlap with those associated with reactive hypoglycemia.
The after-effects of crack use may include fatigue, depression, paranoid ideation and depersonalisation as people ' come down ' from the high.
Suicidal, morbid, and persecutory ideation is common in severe depression.
The Harvard researchers urge further trials of fish oils in the treatment of depression and manic-depressive illness.
Tofranil contains a substance called imipramine which is used to treat depression.
One of the serotonergic receptors implicated in mediating certain symptoms of depression such as mood and eating abnormalities, is the 5-HT 2C receptor.
She had been suffering increasingly with bouts of depression, accompanied by an inability to write, since the early 1940s.
In severe anxiety and depression states, lack of descending inhibition is enough to maintain the dorsal horn in its sensitized state.
It is this that underlies the depression caused by giving interferon, which is itself a cytokine controlling aspects of the immune system.
It has been known to cause stomach irritation, euphoria or depression.
It is useful for alleviating jet lag and for depression due to weather conditions.
Insomnia is a symptom resulting from a variety of different causes, including depression, aging, jet lag and serious undiagnosed illness.
My emotions went from depression to sheer jubilation within 5 minutes.
Medication the usual treatment for manic depression is the drug lithium carbonate, which controls the condition but isn't a cure.
Many people taking it for undiagnosed bipolar depression go into mild or severe mania.
He was diagnosed as suicidal, and suffered from ulcers, depression, insomnia and constant headaches, for which he was heavily medicated.
Imipramine helps with anxiety and depression and is used when stimulant medication fails to get a response or it not appropriate to be given.
Traversing the Grand Barra Depression,, I watched endless shimmering mirages.
A consequence of psychological trauma is often depression; psychological trauma is routinely misdiagnosed in this way.
With about a third of these the depression precedes the onset of Panic Disorder.
Depression is often accompanied by paranoia and sometimes psychosis.
The ' look see ' was arranged to get digital pix taken of ' Depression era ' 1930's types.
The town suffered from the Great Depression but remained relatively prosperous.
I have given up in the past and only suffered irritability, not psychotic depression.
The vigorous depression will drift away northwards, leaving winds mostly coming from the northwest quadrant.
Hamlet shows a full range of emotions, beginning with confusion and depression, to melancholy and eventually murderous rage.
Pronounced central nervous system depression requires airway maintenance or, in extreme circumstances, assisted respiration.
All the way through The Sixth Sense you eagerly await revelation; shots of the depression pills and the cellar door demand explanation.
The adult insect has a coriaceous scutellum, rugulose apically, usually without a shallow medial depression.
Falling lines can indicate tiredness or even depression and illness whereas horizontal lines show good self-control and balance.
These increase serotonin levels in your brain and so help to lessen symptoms of depression.
The economy Recently the catastrophic Russian economic depression had been showing singes of bottoming out.
To the south of the Lough Neagh basin, the lowlands extend southwestwards along a Caledonian structural trend into the Monaghan-Clones depression.
Definition of total spinal Total spinal is a local anesthetic depression of the cervical spinal cord and the brainstem.
Japan is now caught in the same sort of deflationary spiral which gripped the world economy during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
A depression habit spiral I liked to switch off the lights when I was alone in the house and put the saddest music on.
The more strategies you try, the more chance you have of finding what works for you in turning the depression spiral around.
Another possible side effect is severe, sometimes suicidal depression.
Subjects also completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to assess depressive symptomatology.
The Depression sparked off problems, which the Weimar constitution and Treaty of Versailles prevented the government from using methods to effectively tackle.
At first I just thought that it was maybe just teenage depression but it's been AGES since i felt completely happy.
They have trained therapists in an approach called the Human Givens Approach, which can often help lift depression in less than 5 sessions.
He had what Johnson called " a very ticklish mind ", one clouded by severe depression.
Earlier in the Depression Learning Path, we talked about the importance of tolerating uncertainty when looking to overcome depression.
Babies that are born underweight are more likely to suffer from depression later in life, a study has today revealed.
Depression in the silk trade could provoke widespread unrest.
Tackle depression It's normal for new mums to feel weepy.
Depression is now the leading cause of mental disability, costing £ 32 billion a year in lost workdays.