Depressed Sentence Examples
His face was depressed and gloomy.
It left her depressed, when she wanted to be happy the last few months of her life.
He dressed but instead of returning to his duties, lay back on his bed, depressed and exhausted.
Anyway she finally got so lonely and depressed that she locked herself in her room one day and shot herself.
The counterweight is a depressed cantilever arm 12 ft.
Alex was bored and she was depressed.
The doctors said it was because she was depressed.
The grey skies of winter and grey cement of the city depressed her.
The final nail in the coffin of their friendship left her feeling depressed.
With each successive generation more people are becoming more severely depressed at a younger age.
AdvertisementThe vapour of nickel carbonyl burns with a luminous flame, a cold surface depressed in the flame being covered with a black deposit of nickel.
At a time when much speaking has depressed, has almost exterminated eloquence, he maintained that robust, powerful and vigorous style in which he gave fitting expression to the burning and noble thoughts he desired to utter."
The political and religious quarrels of the 16th century still further depressed the city, in which the reformed religion was established in 1521.
In San Diego, Imperial and Riverside counties a number of creeks or so-called rivers, with beds that are normally dry, flow centrally toward the desert of Salton Sink or " Sea "; this is the lowest part of a large area that is depressed below the level of the sea, - at Salton 263 ft., and 275 ft.
The body is broad and depressed, the neck short, the head large and flat, the eyes small and the tail rudimentary and hidden in the fur.
AdvertisementDuring the prevalence of the north and north-west winds the surface level of the northern part of the Red Sea is depressed by as much as 2 ft.
Many grew depressed and felt expendable -- especially since U.S. officials had made clear they would not negotiate with Iraq over hostages.
Although depressed people may seem lethargic, samples of their blood show a raised level of stress hormones such as cortisol and noradrenaline.
While the hammer is still depressed the intermediate lever comes to rest on a small leather-covered ledge near the top of the hopper.
Strategies include mechanical locking with lead ' fishtails ' and die pad perforations, and improving the overall package symmetry by using depressed pads.
AdvertisementProjecting brows, deeply sunk dark eyes, short noses, either straight or arched, but 'always depressed at the root, and moderately thick lips, with a somewhat receding chin, are general characteristics.
Towards the close of the 2nd century B.C., when the Ptolemaic and Seleucid kingdoms were equally depressed, the Nabataean kingdom came to the front; under Aretas III.
The continual feuds with the Kaffirs, and also the continual desire to trek into new countries, all tended to keep back farming, and the country in the years 1867 to 1870 was in a generally very depressed condition.
Isolating yourself from others might make you feel depressed.
Ryland looked even more depressed.
AdvertisementBoth bear their round or ovoid male catkins at the ends of the slender terminal branchlets; the ovoid cones, either terminal or on short lateral twigs, have thick woody scales dilated at the extremity, with a broad disk depressed in the centre and usually furnished with a short spine; at the base of the scales are from three to seven ovules, which become reversed or partially so by compression, ripening into small angular seed with a narrow wing-like expansion.
Those that go to the voluntary muscles are depressed only by very large and dangerous doses.
Though the chief religions of the highlanders, the Episcopalian and Catholic forms, were depressed by persecution, and priests were few, the clans had long been accustomed to lack of religious functions and did not feel the want.
The first phalanges are expanded at their lower ends, and the wide, depressed middle phalanges embedded in a broad cutaneous pad, forming the sole of the foot, on which the animal rests in walking instead of on the hoofs.
Eck left Leipzig triumphant, and Luther returned to Wittenberg much depressed.
It is covered with long hair, longest on the middle line of the back, where it is capable of being raised or depressed at will, of a dark-grey colour, with numerous transverse black bands and spots.
After the plain had been raised above sea-level to a higher elevation than it now occupies, it was much dissected by streams and then depressed, allowing the sea to invade the stream valleys.
Depressed by his failure, deeply wounded by the king's favour for Louvois, and worn out by overwork, Colbert's strength gave way at a comparatively early age.
The movable plate can be thus depressed by placing on it a certain standard weight W grammes.
The daily use of potash, and especially nitrate of potash, tends to reduce the tension and increase the patient's safety, but if pushed too far may sometimes render him very weak and depressed.
The existence of neuralgia usually betokens a depressed or enfeebled state of health.
Juvenal is no organ of the pride and dignity, still less of the urbanity, of the cultivated representatives of the great families of the republic. He is the champion of the more sober virtues and ideas, and perhaps the organ of the rancours and detraction, of an educated but depressed and embittered middle class.
A year or two of dull drudgery and few fees followed, and he began to be much depressed.
So also the local powers of resistance may be lowered by injury or depressed vitality.
Then, with the left-hand button depressed, drag the mouse to redraw the graph.
Nevertheless, she was worn out and depressed by her efforts to render the great cavernous palace habitable.
Like a religious leader found to have committed indiscretions, the followers of the property boom will become depressed by the subject.
However, in a depressed economic climate with stagnant property values, this same market remains insignificant.
Sometimes I just want company because being alone just makes you think about the problem more and then you become introvert and depressed.
Whilst a neighbor helped with her shopping, the lady found herself increasingly isolated, lonely and depressed.
For the last several years, a global oversupply of this coffee has kept prices depressed.
Depressed people interested in considering this hormone precursor should consult a doctor.
The Japanese, much as I think they are dismal, depressed little geeks, are not thoughtless, rapacious idiots.
There's Manfred, a depressed wooly mammoth, Sid, an amusing sloth and Diego, a mischievous sabre-toothed tiger.
Some of us may feel anxious, depressed or fearful, we may have dietary problems, trouble sleeping or trouble sleeping or trouble staying awake.
Ask your doctor Am I mentally unwell or depressed?
Thus, taking the continent as a whole, it may be described as a plateau, fringed by a lowlying well-watered coast, with a depressed, and for the most part arid, interior.
Obviously, meth use is not limited to economically depressed areas.
They may be inattentive, moody, depressed, or emotionally volatile, making it difficult for them to sustain positive play interactions with others.
With the tongue depressed and the child saying "ah," the care provider wipes the back of the throat and the tonsils with the sterile swab, applying it to any area that appears either very red or is discharging pus.
In addition, the head is disproportionately large and the bridge of the nose is depressed.
Alcohol use happens during the week to provide relief when stress is felt or to "feel good" when depressed.
However, some people who have psoriasis are so self-conscious and embarrassed about their appearance that they become depressed and withdrawn.
Emphasizing their childrens strengths, especially when these children appear sad or depressed, and encouraging them to stay active and see their friends can help a child cope with the disease.
A child restricted to a bed with a traction device may become frustrated and bored, and perhaps even depressed, irritable, and withdrawn.
Parents may need to seek professional psychological help for children suffering from low self-esteem when the child is depressed or shows overly aggressive behavior.
Because JDMS usually requires two years or even longer of drug treatments, exercise programs, limitations on some activities, and special attention to diet, children often become angry, depressed, or self-pitying.
People with this disease have a lingering fever and feel depressed and exhausted.
Depressed reflexes in only one limb, while the other limb demonstrates a normal response usually indicates a peripheral nerve lesion.
Rejected children also report lower self-esteem and may be more depressed than other children.
On returning to London he found his congregation at the Tabernacle dispersed; and his circumstances were so depressed that he was obliged to sell his household furniture to pay his orphan-house debts.
Shell depressed, with rounded aperture; cephalic tentacles long.
The very large quantity of output made available for export under these exceptional conditions brought about the flooding of the British and other markets with sugars at depressed prices, not unfrequently below the prime cost of production, to the harassment of important industries carried on by British refiners and sugar-growing colonies.
The position of the foot exercises much influence on the security of the seat; it should be opposite the girth, parallel with the barrel of the horse, with the heels depressed.
He felt sad and depressed.
Once in the regiment I had not gone to some merrymaking where there was music... and suddenly I felt so depressed...
His face was sad and depressed.
He was greatly depressed.
The previous depressed disposition of the mother will not have assisted her resilience in the face of such an attack .
Beryllium, unfortunately, is a toxic material, and increasing the Be fraction in the recipe actually depressed the superconductivity transition temperature.
The survivor of trauma may feel fearful or depressed.
There 's Manfred, a depressed wooly mammoth, Sid, an amusing sloth and Diego, a mischievous sabre-toothed tiger.
The Stanford experiment was terminated after only six days, as prisoners were becoming depressed and traumatized by the experience.
Some of us may feel anxious, depressed or fearful, we may have dietary problems, trouble sleeping or trouble staying awake.
Astonishing Splashes of Color Kitty Wellington, the depressed and unhinged narrator of Clare Morrall 's novel, has a strong and compelling voice.
The baby blues is a common term for women who feel depressed, lethargic, uninterested, and even resentful of their infants.
However, if you continue to feel depressed, you may be suffering from a more severe case of the baby blues called post-partum depression.
Birds can get bored and depressed if they aren't allowed to exercise as needed.
I am worried about our older cat feeling depressed and living in fear.
If he/she seems unusually depressed or is having trouble in school, considering enlisting the support of a therapist trained to deal with the issues surrounding children and divorce.
If several months have passed since your divorce and you still feel anxious or depressed, don't be afraid to seek assistance from a qualified therapist.
When a spouse cheats, the other spouse often feels betrayed, depressed and undervalued.
Walking into an ugly, plain room everyday might leave you feeling depressed, tired and unmotivated.
The skin will not be depressed by the needle, as this will cause unnecessary discomfort.
A character that goes to work day in and day out and never gets to play can become downright depressed and refuse to go to work.
Without friends, you could quickly grow lonely and depressed.
If your anxiety causes you to feel depressed, Relora may help.
You go from being excited about the festivities coming up to feeling depressed about them.
You feel depressed and start to think you may have seasonal affective disorder.
All of these situations can cause you to feel depressed, anxious, or an overall sense of doom.
You know that you are a competent, capable person (hey, you've made it this far, right?), so keep that in mind when you begin to feel sad or depressed.
Ask for help from family and friends if you feel overwhelmed, depressed, or stressed out.
If you suspect your teen is depressed or has another mental disorder, make an appointment immediately.
Teens who are depressed may turn to drugs to self-medicate.
I know that I should continue our friendship...but that still doesn't help the fact that every time I see her I feel depressed.
If you get depressed when you see her, don't hang out with her, don't IM her, take her off your Facebook feed.
Heredity - You are more likely to become depressed if a family member has suffered from depression in the past.
This also means that if you have been depressed in the past, you are likely to become depressed again.
Gender - Females are more likely to become depressed than males, possibly because of hormonal factors.
Depressed teens may experience physical illnesses and discomfort.
Although alcohol and drug use can cause depression, depressed teens may also turn to drugs or alcohol as a form of self-medication, creating a vicious cycle.
Depressed teens will often have problems at school.
Depressed teens may become obsessed with death, express an interest in dying, or begin to harm themselves.
If you sleep ten hours every night, only to still feel tired, have no interest in the swimming lessons that you once loved, and these feelings persist for several weeks, you may be depressed.
It isn't always easy to determine whether a teen is feeling depressed, since adolescence is a time when a young person goes through many changes.
When a teenage male is depressed, he might become more aggressive.
Sometimes, teenagers become depressed and isolate themselves.
Do I feel angry, depressed, or confused?
In severe cases, depressed teens may even commit suicide.
The symptoms of teen depression are generally similar to those you find among depressed adults.
Alcohol impairs judgment, increasing the risk of suicide in severely depressed patients.
To keep the depressed feelings at bay, crack abusers will often use more crack to hold off symptoms.
It's helpful for quitting smoking even if you're not depressed.
The higher someone's score, the more likely it is that he or she may be clinically depressed.
The assessment does give a fairly accurate indication (when given correctly) that someone may or may not be depressed.
It's available on the Internet, but it's a much better plan to talk to a doctor rather than take this self-assessment if you think you or someone else may be depressed.
The assessment alone cannot help you if you are depressed, but a doctor can provide support and discuss treatment options with you.
Feeling angry, depressed, anxious, or out of control, when not able to be online.
It does not only help you feel calmer and in some cases, depressed, it slows down vital bodily functions necessary while driving.
A depressed teen will not be able to put on a happy face to please others and may have uncontrollable crying.
Depressed teenagers will also feel guilty for many things in their life that are either not their fault or uncontrollable, making them feel even worse about themselves.
A depressed adolescent will start to lose interest and motivation to do the things he or she used to enjoy.
Unfortunately, the disorder is sometimes resistant to treatment, and the person can become clinically or majorly depressed.
Chances a very good that you or someone you know has felt depressed at some point.
It is possible to be depressed without realizing that the symptoms that you are experiencing add up to this disorder.
About 80 percent of people who reported feeling depressed stated that they had at least some degree of functional impairment due to the condition.
Over one-quarter of depressed individuals (27 percent) had problems at work or in their personal relationships because of depression.
Due to the loss of appetite and lack of sleep, speed users will crash and then become very depressed.
According to, people who use this drug usually appear very alert and energized initially, but then begin to display a depressed mood or aggressive behavior as the high wears off.
People who drink are often depressed and seek an outlet to numb those negative feelings, but it backfires.
Becoming depressed and withdrawn as a result of the concern is often another indicator that there is a problem.
Sadly, the depressed economy has taken its toll on Ashwell's original designer home decor.
However, several media outlets have reported that Wilson has been depressed for several months.
Unnamed sources that claim to be close with the Wilsons have stated that Owen had been depressed for months before his suicide attempt.
When Gov (as I called him) passed away, I was deeply saddened and depressed.
Depressed shady nooks in the rock garden or the hardy fernery suit it admirably.
In a worst case scenario, such as Ryan's, a youth feels so depressed and angry that their feelings turn to thoughts of revenge by "making the bully sorry."
It is important when diagnosing geriatric depression that those around the depressed person are able to distinguish what depression truly is, while ensuring it does not become a misdiagnosis of dementia.
Many depressed seniors are misdiagnosed with dementia, or on the contrary, dementia is overlooked and the patient is prescribed medication for depression.
Often, family members are asked to participate in therapy sessions, used as both an encourager to the depressed elderly and also so the person's support team can fully grasp what is going on.
The more support a depressed person (at any age) receives, the better chance there is for recovery.
Another alternative form of treatment for the depressed senior is the discovery of a new activity or participation in a specialized program such as art therapy.
If you look at things negatively, you will most likely start to feel depressed, which could inhibit other things you should do to continue aging with grace.
Some individuals become depressed, while others are elated.
Snoring may occur because the muscles in the neck and jaw are too relaxed and the central nervous system is depressed.
When it is deficient, a person may feel depressed.
You may feel anxious, depressed, or have an unknown cause.
On the drums, try keeping your foot flat on the bass pedal, keeping it depressed the entire time.
It is common for a child to feel sad or depressed after a stroke.
When a depressed mood is severe and accompanied by other symptoms that persist every day for two or more weeks, the parent should ask for a referral to a mental health professional who can help the child cope and recover.
Traumatic shock-A condition of depressed body functions as a reaction to injury with loss of body fluids or lack of oxygen.
Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood.
As noted above, suicidal ideation can be a potential facet of depressed mood adjustment disorders, and untreated adjustment disorder with depressed mood can lead to more serious mental illness, including major depression.
They may also turn that unresolved anger inward, becoming depressed or adopting a dark, gloomy lifestyle.
However, when these depressed feelings start to dominate everyday life and cause physical and mental deterioration, they become what are known as depressive disorders.
Its onset is gradual, and dysthymic patients may not be able to pinpoint exactly when they started feeling depressed.
Individuals experiencing a major depressive episode have a depressed mood and/or a diminished interest or pleasure in activities.
Children experiencing a major depressive episode may appear or feel irritable rather than depressed.
When used together correctly, therapy and antidepressants are a powerful treatment plan for the depressed child or adolescent.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy assumes that the patient's faulty thinking is causing the current depression and focuses on changing the depressed patient's thought patterns and perceptions.
The therapist helps the patient identify negative or distorted thought patterns and the emotions and behavior that accompany them and then retrains the depressed individual to recognize the thinking and react differently to it.
If firstborns cannot meet these expectations or fear that they cannot, they often become depressed and sometimes resort to suicide to escape the pain they feel.
They may become severely depressed, anxious, or socially withdrawn.
Parents may need to seek professional psychological help for children who suffer from peer rejection, especially when the child is depressed or shows overly aggressive behavior.
Children in foster care may have nightmares, problems sleeping or eating, and may be depressed, angry, and confused.
Infants with a score between 4 and 6 have moderate depression of their vital signs while infants with a score of 0 to 3 have severely depressed vital signs and are at great risk of dying unless actively resuscitated.
Mothers often are exhausted and sometimes depressed after the birth of a child.
Children with low self-esteem have a difficult time dealing with problems, are overly self-critical, and can become passive, withdrawn, and depressed.
Parents may need to seek professional psychological help for children suffering from low self-esteem when the child is depressed or shows an inability to create friendships.
Parents may need to seek professional psychological help for children suffering from peer rejection, especially when the child is depressed or shows overly aggressive behavior.
Professional psychological help may also be needed if the child is depressed.
They may have temper tantrums over going to school or become depressed.
Tricyclic anti-depressants work by shoring up the brain's supply of norepinephrine and serotonin, chemicals that are abnormally low in depressed patients.
This phenomenon occurs when the depressed person starts to gain more energy but is not yet fully relieved of the depressive symptoms.
The drug escitalopram (Lexapro) does not appear to help depressed children and adolescents, according to one clinical study.
They may have a negative self-image and become angry, anxious, and depressed.
Parents should seek immediate help for children who are depressed or suicidal.
They typically binge alone two or more times a week and often feel depressed and guilty when the episode concludes.
When only one extreme in mood (the depressed state) is experienced, this condition is called unipolar.
In between these episodes, the patient does not feel depressed or have other symptoms associated with depression.
Generally patients are diagnosed with dysthymia if they feel depressed more days than not for at least two years.
In major depressive disorder, the patient is depressed almost all day nearly every day of the week for at least two weeks.
Not everyone who is going through the grief cycle will become depressed.
When the elements are not in harmony, you feel anxious, empty and depressed.
If the décor of your home is too yin, then you can become depressed and even suffering from illnesses.
Teen mothers often feel depressed as they contemplate the responsibilities of parenthood.
Many women who are new to the SAHM lifestyle find that they become depressed from the lack of adult contact.
A woman may go from feeling euphoric to feeling sad or even depressed.
When our bodies lack serotonin, the chances of becoming depressed or suffering from insomnia increase.
I don't know if i should leave him, if I'm just depressed, or what.
If you do find yourself depressed over the demise of a relationship, there are people you can talk to.
My lover is so depressed because my mom doesn't want us to see one another until I'm 18 in a year.
As a result, you may feel alone and a little depressed.
No wonder you're depressed and miserable.
Instead of getting depressed that you're not spending that time with a boyfriend or girlfriend, instead see it as a part of your life when you have the world at your fingertips and can choose to do anything.
In fact, not fighting back in the face of daunting odds is what can make them feel depressed, restless and angry.
It is not unusual for children to become depressed following a divorce.
Those who are exhibiting behavior or conduct disorder problems are most likely to get treatment; depressed children are not nearly as likely to get professional help.
For example, if a depressed child makes a mistake on an assignment at school, he may think that there is no point in trying to do his best, since he will mess that up, too.
When someone contemplates suicide, whether it's because he's terribly depressed or in despair due to life circumstances, there are several spiritual events going on that very moment.
She left the room in a depressed mood and started cleaning the house.
Tail rather short, clothed with short depressed hairs.
Incoming currents pass from line through one coil of the relay, the key, and either the battery or battery resistance, according as whether the key is raised or depressed.
The keyboard has five keys similar to those of a piano, and the letters and figures are obtained by the different combinations which can be formed by the raised and depressed keys.
Body depressed, without dorsal papillae, but with two very large lateral expansions, with dorsal plications.
Much buying might take place when stocks were scanty, with the result that prices would be needlessly forced up; and when stocks were plentiful demand might be weak and prices, therefore, be unduly depressed.
As in the last family, the post-glenoid process of the skull is broad; the whole skull be i ng depressed with a shortened facial portion.
The activity of the spinal cord is similarly depressed.
The limit can be depressed only by a diminution in Xo, such as photography makes possible, or by an increase in /2, the refractive index of the medium in which the object is situated.
They are smooth depressed areas (in the case of the largest, the Shat el Jerid, lying a few feet below the level of the Mediterranean), which for more than half the year are expanses of dried mud covered with a thick incrustation of white or grey salt.
The tail is short, broad and depressed, and covered with coarse hairs, which in old animals generally become worn off from the under (From Gould's Mammals of Australia.) Platypus.
Gulfs formed by the overflowing of depressed lands lie upon the continental shelf, e.g.
In the beavers or Castoridae these bones are in close contact at their lower ends, the tail is depressed, expanded and scaly, and the habits are aquatic. Beavers have webbed hind-feet, and the claw of the second hind-toe double.
In this sight both hind and fore sights are fixed on a rigid bar pivoted about the centre; the rear end is raised or depressed by a rack worked by a hand-wheel; ranges are read from the periphery of a drum; the fore-sight and leaf of the hind-sight are provided with small electric glow lamps for night firing.
Most of these German citizens in process of time were absorbed by the Polish population, and became devoted, heart and soul, to their adopted country; but these were not the only Germans with whom the young Polish state depressed the land, and, at this very time, another enemy appeared in the east - the Lithuanians.
The antennae are short tubular extensions of the body wall, sometimes retractile with a depressed tip from which protrudes a tuft of fine stiff bristles.
The maturely dissected and recently glaciated uplands of New England are now somewhat depressed with respect to sea-level, so that the sea enters the valleys, forming bays and estuaries, while the interfiuve uplands and hills stand forth in headlands and islands.
Roughly speaking, the district consists of a series of parallel ridges, whose summits are depressed into beds or hollows, along which the rivers flow; while between the ridges are low-lying rice lands, interspersed with numerous natural reservoirs.
Sewellels are medium-sized terrestrial rodents, with no postorbital process to the skull, which is depressed in form, and rootless cheek-teeth, among which the premolars number I, the first in the upper jaw being very small.
Skull depressed, frontals contracted and without post-orbital processes; p.; or; molars rootless, with transverse enamel-folds.
The head is mesati-cephalic, verging on brachycephalic in the case of many of the Dokpa; the hair is black and somewhat wavy; the eyes are usually of a clear brown, in some cases even hazel; the cheek-bones are high, but not so high as with the Mongols; the nose is thick, sometimes depressed at the root, in other cases prominent, even aquiline, though the nostrils are broad.
There is also a sponge trade, but the former coral trade is depressed.
The mirror can be elevated and depressed by means of a flexible shaft which passes up the centre of the mast and actuates gear attached to the mirror frame.
In 1602 Sigismund wedded Constantia, the sister of his deceased first wife, an event which strengthened the hands of the Austrian party at court and still further depressed the chancellor.
In the production of these mountains and plateau there was first, at the close of the Cretaceous period, an upheaval of the earth's substance to form a mountain rim and a depressed basin.
They are non-magnetic or very feebly magnetic. But the critical points of such nickel steel though thus depressed, are not destroyed; and if it is cooled in liquid air below its Ar, it passes to the a state and becomes magnetic.
His youth was depressed.
This increase of villenage morally depressed the peasantry, and widened still further the breach between the yeomanry and the gentry.
A fearful drought in 1862-1864 greatly depressed it, and especially discouraged cattle ranching.
No Portuguese satirist possessed such a complete equipment for his office as Nicolao Tolentino, and though a dependent position depressed his muse, he painted the customs and follies of the time with almost photographic accuracy, and distributed his attacks or begged for favours in sparkling verse.
Hence in all cases except that in which the angles a l and a 2 are supplementary to each other, the force is attractive when a is small enough, but when cos a i and cos a 2 are of different signs, as when the liquid is raised by one plate, and depressed by the other, the first term may be so small that the repulsion indicated by the second term comes into play.
One is to grease the float round its water-line so that the water is depressed round it.
It is a peculiarity of natural wings, and of artificial wings constructed on the principle of living wings, that when forcibly elevated or depressed, even in a strictly vertical direction, they inevitably dart forward.
If, for instance, the wing is suddenly depressed in a vertical direction, as at a b of fig.
The same thing happens when the wing is depressed from e to f and elevated from g to h, the wing describing a waved track as at There are good reasons why the wings should always be in advance of the body.
Early in 1832 he lost his wife, a sorrow that deeply depressed him in health and spirits.
In April the friends heard of the second and final overthrow of Ludovico it Moro, and at that news, giving up all idea of a return to Milan, moved on to Florence, which they found depressed both by internal troubles and by the protraction of the indecisive and inglorious war with Pisa.
A characteristic feature of the genus Agathis (Dammara) the Kauri pine of New Zealand, is the deciduous habit of the branches; these become detached from the main trunk leaving a well-defined absciss-surface, which appears as a depressed circular scar on the stem.
A well-grown plant projects less than a foot above the surface of the ground; the stem, which may have a circumference of more than 12 ft., terminates in a depressed crown resembling a circular table with a median groove across the centre and prominent broad ridges concentric with the margin.
Numerous circular pits occur on the concentric ridges of the depressed and wrinkled crown, marking the position of former inflorescences borne in the leaf-axil at different stages in the growth of the plant.
At the time of the beginning of the diamond industry, not only the territory of Cape Colony and the Boer Republics, but all South Africa, was in a very depressed condition.
Its head is of enormous size, broad, flat and depressed, the remainder of the body appearing merely like an appendage.
A peculiar feature of the arable tract is the Pats (literally cups) or depressed lands near the river-banks.
Some were born in this condition, some clansmen were depressed into it by crime, consequences of war or other misfortune; and strangers of a low class coming into the territory found their level in it.
The remains of the original genital gland within the theca became the "axial organ" surrounded by the "axial sinus" derived from the anterior coelom, and this again by structures derived from the right posterior coelom, which, as explained above, had been depressed to the aboral pole.
The Protocrinidae lead up to Proteroblastus, in which the theca is ovoid, sometimes prolonged into a stem, the plates differentiated into (a) smooth, irregular, depressed interambulacrals, (b) transversely elongate brachioliferous adambulacrals, to which the diplopores, which lie at right angles to the main food-groove, are confined.
There can be no doubt that the first effect of the Conquest was that the upper strata of the agricultural classes lost the comparative independence which they had hitherto enjoyed, and were in many cases depressed to the level of their inferiors.
He has a small dolichocephalous head, prominent nose somewhat curved and high but depressed at the tip, high narrow forehead with projecting brows, oval face and dark eyes.
The former, if it existed at all, could be found only in the more depressed portions; and even here it would evaporate under the influence of the sun's rays, forming a vapour which, if it existed in considerable quantity, would in some way make itself known to our scrutiny.
In 1830 the Linen Board ceased to exist, the trade having been for some time in a very depressed condition owing to the importation of machine-made yarns from Scotland and England.
The depressed areas contain the long, narrow, precipitously walled lakes of East Africa.
It consists of a compressed intermolar portion with a flat upper surface, broad behind and becoming narrower in front, and of a depressed anterior part rather shorter than the former, which is narrow behind and widens towards the evenly rounded apex.
When in a compound pistil the style of each carpel is thus displaced, it appears as if the ovary were depressed in the centre, and the style rising from the depression in the midst of the carpels seems to come from the torus.
In a few cases the action is merely physical, but most frequently it is chemical in its nature, and is exerted on the living cell, the activity of which is either stimulated or depressed.
When we come to consider more in detail the results of these actions we find that the various secretions of the body, such as the sweat, gastric juice, bile, milk, urine, &c., may be increased or diminished; that the heart may have its muscular or nervous apparatus stimulated or depressed; that the nerve-centres in the brain, medulla and spinal cord may be rendered more sensitive or the reverse; and that the general metabolism of the body may be altered in various ways.
I got so depressed when you never called, and I started imagining all sorts of things.
She spent the better half of the next day too depressed to leave her bed before forcing herself up and parking on the patio in the sun, determined not to waste another day in the dark.
It sounded like a classic case of depression, yet she had nothing to be depressed about.
This will make many people feel desolate and depressed at a time they need to see their loved ones daily.
In such rivers, long term runoff accumulations remain depressed.
When the shutter button is depressed halfway, the power turns on again, and charging resumes.
Whilst flows in neighboring impermeable catchments responded rapidly to the lack of rainfall, and were notable depressed by month end.
The clinical features of excessive doses of opiates include coma of varying severity, small pupils and depressed respiration.
Who cares if I am in a wheelchair and my friend is clinically depressed?
Meanwhile, is St John's wort a way forward for the mildly depressed?
Mr Speed was in trouble with the police during the time that he was severely depressed.
The refugees targeted by the above project are often socially isolated and economically depressed.
Furthermore, SCHIP enrollment in 2003 would be artificially depressed.
Check depressed thinking habits - Are depressed thinking habits - Are depressed thinking habits getting in the way of your trying these self care exercises?
I realized I was actually depressed for a while, and that I am not depressed for a while, and that I am not depressed now.
At the extreme end of the spectrum, people can find themselves clinically depressed or even suicidal.
Once they realize that they face a serious threat of deportation, many become severely depressed.
To issue a command " to pull yourself together " to a deeply depressed, inactive patient is an obscenity.
The alcoholic loses mental and physical energy and may become seriously depressed - alcohol is a depressive drug.
Not having enough money also tends to make anyone depressed.
You may feel depressed, tearful, angry or anxious for no apparent reason.
Frankie became depressed to the point where he thought his showbiz career was over.
Their wage levels are to remain depressed by the debt burden.
By the next evening, Mimi, especially, seemed depressed.
The doctor returned and found the man looking very depressed.
Clients who express disinterest in social interaction are often thought to be depressed.
By page 46 I'd found the epigram for my next book and a quote for a text message to a depressed friend.
The bite had left a sub-circular depressed fracture about 6mm across on the dorsal surface of the shaft, just above the distal epiphysis.
Our waiter was the only unwelcoming Lebanese person I had ever met and seemed very mournful and depressed.
But halfway into the book, I was so depressed I could barely muster the energy to turn the page.
I was depressed when I was in college but I finally mustered up the confidence to go out.
The claimant underwent neurosurgery in respect of the depressed skull fracture and fixing of dental wiring, which was in place for five weeks.
The attitude of people with other impairments, especially sensory, is often depressed.
K 1 and K2 are two transmitting keys; the former reverses the direction of the line current, the latter increases the strength irrespective of direction, by joining on another battery when the key is depressed.
When one of the levers of K is depressed, the condenser C 1 and the cable, and the condenser C2 and the artificial cable, are simultaneously charged in series; but, if the capacity of C 1 bears the same proportion to the capacity of the cable as the capacity of C2 bears to the capacity of the artificial cable, and if the other adjustments are properly made, no charge will be communicated to C3.
He showed that an imaginary spheroidal shell, concentric with the earth and cutting the slope between the elevated and depressed areas at the contour-line of 1700 fathoms, would not only leave above it a volume of the crust equal to the volume of the hollow left below it, but would also divide the surface of the earth so that the area of the elevated region was equal to that of the depressed region.6 A similar observation was made almost simultaneously by Romieux, 7 who further speculated on the equilibrium between the weight of the elevated land mass and that of the total Areas of waters of the ocean, and deduced some interesting relathe cru st tions between them.
It is important to note that though depressed mood adjustment disorder is less common among children, when it does occur, suicidal thoughts and even suicide attempts can be one of the symptoms.
Individuals who exhibit latent or delayed speech may be depressed, while those who have rapid or pressured speech may suffer from mania or anxiety.
It isn’t surprising that the majority of empaths at one time or another become highly depressed.
Depressed and nearly suicidal, Rosalinda is admitted to an asylum.
A depressed economy and concern over expenses and ratings led to several contract disputes on the long-running CBS drama in 2009.
Depressed and more than a little alone, Jane dreams of what her life will be like without the firm.
Although Goths tend to be stereotyped as depressed people who wear black clothing, this description is not truly accurate, nor does it do Goths justice.
It is very common and perfectly normal for families to be shocked, angry, depressed, or overwhelmed when told that their child has a lifelong disability.
If a child worries about how parents stress over finances, or feel that parents assume the child will take care of the autistic sibling in adulthood, she may feel overwhelmed and depressed about the future.
No one likes to deal with anyone depressed because business is bad.
Over time, the automaker discovered that, in certain models, the gas pedal could remain depressed after the driver removed his or her foot, causing unintended acceleration of the vehicle.
In some vehicles, the pedal remained in a depressed position, resulting in a loss of control.
Over time, the pedal assembly could stick, causing the gas pedal to remain in the depressed position and leading to a loss of driver control.
Feeling depressed about how much you weigh will not motivate you to take positive steps.
Moreover, if the drug is suddenly stopped, extreme fatigue, depressed mood, and insomnia can follow.
I was tired all the time, fatigued and getting depressed too.
If you're depressed, comfort eating is often a result.
Clinically depressed people are often advised to take up running, since the "runner's high" that often occurs during a hard run works as a direct antidote to negative feelings.
Like their contemporaries The Cure and Joy Division/New Order, Depeche Mode would become synonymous with "depressed sixteen-year old".
Like Depeche Mode, The Cure's reputation is often synonymous with depressed teenagers with too much eyeliner.
Producer Niles Rodgers takes on the themes originated by Marty O'Donnell and creates a gamut of songs ranging from pop, dance, and if depressed can be a genre, he's managed to create a couple of those types.
Amos quickly became depressed and embarrassed over the album fiasco.
Prizes go to the most depressed goth, the most industrial goth, and the sexiest goth.
She admits that her husband doesn't understand why she wants to lose weight and often offers Anna her favorite food when she is depressed.
If someone comes in looking exhausted and depressed after standing in line for eight hours, I'm asking myself, "Can you really handle this show?"
When a key is depressed, slightly raising one of the pins, the horizontal arm will pass over it and in doing so will momentarily join the battery to the line.
When there is no current the shutter covers the perforations and no light passes, but when a current traverses the wires they are depressed by electromagnetic action, carrying the shutter with them, and a quantity of light proportional to the current strength is admitted through the perforations.
He was not depressed by this misfortune, especially as he was at the time closely engaged in the preparation of the Historical and Critical Dictionary (Dictionnaire historique et critique) .
The branches may be depressed or elevated, so as to check or encourage them, as occasion may arise; and it is highly advantageous to keep them thin, without their becoming in any part deficient of young shoots.
It ascends the tube, the substance is rapidly volatilized, and the mercury column is depressed; this depression is read off.
Compound gulfs are formed seawards by fracture and landwards by the overflowing of depressed land, e.g.
It followed that when the gun was elevated or depressed, the rack caused the pinion to revolve, and the sight was thus raised or lowered to the proper height to fulfil the conditions given above; but, as Colonel Watkin said, owing to want of level of platform and other causes it was not satisfactory.
In 1870 peace had not yet been quite won; industry was depressed; and the scattered and scanty colonists already owed seven millions sterling.
Though ammonium chloride has certain irritant properties which may disorder the stomach, yet if its mucous membrane be depressed and atonic the drug may improve its condition, and it has been used with success in gastric and intestinal catarrhs of a subacute type and is given in doses of io grains half an hour before meals in painful dyspepsia due to hyperacidity.
The old Calvinist nobility of Lithuania were speedily reconverted; a Uniate Church in connexion with Rome was established; Greek Orthodox congregations, if not generally persecuted, were at least depressed and straitened; and the Cossacks began to hate the Pans, or Polish lords, not merely as tyrants, but as heretics.
Pierre felt uncomfortable and even depressed in his friend's company and at last became silent.
After just a few moments of exposure to Marvin's depressed state, the car commits suicide, saving the crew.
If you feel depressed or avoid social situations because of your acne, you need to visit your doctor.
He may take his father's side and then you have two people working against you, or he may become depressed and confused because he doesn't understand why you are saying such horrible things about someone he loves so much.
In the 2005 silver screen version, noted thespian Alan Rickman (Professor Snape, Harry Potter) voiced the bored, depressed robot with a dry, desultory tone that conveyed his distinct unhappiness with the universe.
Their faces are remarkable for the long upper lip and the depressed broad nose with enormous alae.
Prince Andrew, depressed and preoccupied with the business about which he had to speak to the Marshal, was driving up the avenue in the grounds of the Rostovs' house at Otradnoe.
It was coal country, or had been, as much of the depressed countryside screamed of poverty.
I was thinking about a friend who was depressed and ready to give her baby to anyone.
When one of a series of keys (each corresponding to a letter) arranged round a pointer is depressed, the motion of the pointer, which is geared to the shuttle armature, is arrested on coming opposite that particular key, and the transmission of the currents to line is stopped, though the armature itself can continue to rotate.
In the raised position a negative battery is connected to the distributor and in the depressed position a positive battery.
After being depressed between 5885 and 1894, the prices in Italy and abroad reached, in 1899, on the Rome Stock Exchange, the average 01 100.83 and of 94.8 on the Paris Bourse.
Structurally, the folds of this region are of ancient date; but the area is crossed by a series of depressions formed by faults, and the intervening strips, which have not been depressed to the same extent, now stand up as mountain ranges.
Nevertheless, during his last voyage he enjoyed excellent health even in the tropics, and seemed less depressed than his associates, Bertrand, Gourgaud, Las Cases and Montholon.
Moreover, borough government in England seems to have been mainly democratic until the r4th or 15th century; there was no oligarchy to be depressed or suppressed.
Gulfs may be classified according to their origin as due to fractures of the crust or overflowing of depressed lands.
Why did she feel so depressed when she was with Denton and so elated when she was with Keaton - Justin?
In the extreme west, which is as yet but slightly explored and settled, there is an extensive depressed area, largely saline in character, which drains into lakes and morasses, having no outlet to the ocean.
Suppose the key to be depressed, then a current flows through one winding of the differential relay to line and through the other winding and rheostat to earth.
When the key is released the condensers and cables at once begin to return to zero potential, and if the key is depressed and released several times in rapid succession the cable is divided into sections of varying potential, which travel rapidly towards the receiving end, and indicate their arrival there by producing corresponding fluctuations in the charge of the condenser C3.
There are, it is true, mountain ranges which are formed of folded beds; but in many cases the direction of the chains is different from that of the folds, so that the ranges must owe their elevation to other causes; and the folds, moreover, are of ancient date, for the most part Archaean or Palaeozoic. The configuration of the region is largely due to faulting, trough-like or tray-like depressions being formed, and the intervening strips, which have not been depressed, standing up as mountain ridges.
Howie doesn't have to work but he still suffers from head trauma, is pretty depressed and frankly, doesn't know what to do with himself.
At regular intervals a rotating arm on the distributor connects the five keys of each keyboard to line, thus passing the signals to the distant station, where they pass through the distributor and certain relays which repeat the currents corresponding to the depressed keys and actuate electromagnets in the receivers.
His complexion is tawny, darker than that of the Chinese, but clearer than that of the Cambodian; his hair is black, coarse and long; his skin is thick; his forehead low; his skull slightly depressed at the top, but well developed at the sides.
This was because all who began to grow depressed or who lost strength were sifted out of the army day by day.
Brandon Westlake, mournfully depressed, readied for Billy Langstrom's funeral while Dean wondered if Lydia Larkin might be involved in funeral plans of her own.