Depressant Sentence Examples
It is a powerful cardiac depressant, diminishing both the force and frequency of the heart's beat.
This is accelerated by a marked depressant action upon the heart, similar to that produced by veratrine and aconite.
In medicine copper sulphate was employed as an emetic, but its employment for this purpose is now very rare, as it is exceedingly depressant, and if it fails to act, may seriously damage the gastric mucous membrane.
In large doses it has a depressant action on the nervous system, leading even to coma and total abolition of reflex action.
Digitonin, on the other hand, is a cardiac depressant, and has been found to be identical with saponin, the chief constituent of senega root.
Alcohol is a depressant which can worsen your mood, while caffeine can overstimulate the system.
Nicotine is also a depressant, and this may explain why some people report feeling calmer when they smoke.
Alcohol acts as a depressant on the nervous system, and using it gives a person the slightly fuzzy, dizzy feeling that most people refer to as a buzz.
But alcohol and drugs can be very useful accomplices for depression, with their physiologically depressant effects giving a boost to the depression spiral.
Some of the medications doctors may prescribe are benzodiazepines, anti-seizure medications, anti-psychotic drugs, and beta-blockers.Benzodiazepines are a central nervous system depressant.
AdvertisementPotassium nitrate was used at one time in many different diseased conditions, but it is now never administered internally, as its extremely depressant action upon the heart is not compensated for by any useful properties which are not possessed by many other drugs.
Sodium salts have not the depressant effect so marked in those of potassium.
In medicine antipyrine ("phenazonum") has been used as an analgesic and antipyretic. The dose is 5-20 grs., but on account of its depressant action on the heart, and the toxic effects to which it occasionally gives rise, it is now but little used.
But on account of this depressant action it is to be avoided for women and children and rarely used for men.
However it is a potent respiratory depressant and should be used with caution, starting with low doses of 50mg twice a day.
AdvertisementSummed up, its action is that of an irritant, and a cardiac and nervous depressant.
Similarly the depressant action on the respiratory centre in the medulla oblongata occurs only after the administration of enormous doses.