Depress Sentence Examples
Locally applied they depress the terminations of sensory nerves, and may thereby lessen pain.
This capacity he never abused so as to burden his conscience or depress his spirits.
Of the three bromides in common use the potassium salt is the most rapid and certain in its action, but may depress the heart in morbid states of that organ; in such cases the sodium salt - of which the base is inert - may be employed.
Immune system function requires having certain essential nutrients and avoiding things that depress immunity.
Excessive exercise may depress the immune system temporarily.
Now, if politics depress you and, after four years, you are still not over your ex-boyfriend, then you might be emo.
With your right foot on the brake pedal, depress the clutch with your left foot.
Then gently depress the plunger, pushing the grinds down to the bottom of the press.
Release the hand brake; gently depress the accelerator pedal and the vehicle will move off smoothly.
The usual choice for reducing uric acid levels is allopurinol, because it inhibits xanthine oxidase and can depress new purine synthesis.
AdvertisementThe valve cap was apparently used to depress a little plunger in the valve, allowing air to be pumped into the tire.
Although both drugs have specific antagonists available, care should be taken not to depress respiration too much.
It isn't the best choice for sleeping on since it will tend to depress more in the middle due to the longer size.
A whammy bar, or a tremolo, is a bar that hangs off the guitar's bridge that a player can depress or pull up on the change the pitch of the note being played.
These numbers represent which fret to depress the string on.
AdvertisementRather, tablature just shows you which frets to depress on which string.
Houses in foreclosure - or sitting empty and for sale by investors - can depress the value of other homes in the area.
To do this, simply remove your right foot from the brake, depress the clutch with your left foot, and move the gear shifter into second gear.
In affected vehicles, the accelerator pedal could become harder to depress and slower to return to a normal position.
Depress the "B" string at the first fret while letting the "G" and the high "E" play open.
AdvertisementDepress the trigger to spray foam out, coating the area in a thin film.
When you engage in an activity or craft, you give your mind something else to do besides thinking about things that may depress you.
The use of concave lenses (lenses that depress inward) to correct nearsightedness is attributed to Nicholas of Cusa and the thought that specific lenses were required to ease various problems with vision prevailed for centuries.
A poison may severely depress the central nervous system, leading to coma and eventual respiratory and circulatory failure.
Immune system function requires ingesting certain essential nutrients and avoiding others that depress immunity.
AdvertisementNarcotics should never be combined with other types of drugs that depress the central nervous system.
Individuals with diabetes and diseases that depress the immune system are more likely to develop periodontal disease.
Infections that depress thyroid hormone production usually cause permanent hypothyroidism.
A screeching sound that happens when you depress the brake pedal usually means you have a worn brake pad.
The legislation of the Lombard kings, in form a territorial and not a personal law, shows no signs of a disposition either to depress or to favour the Romans, but only the purpose to maintain, in a rough fashion, strict order and discipline impartially among all their subjects.
Arsenic and antimony do not form combinations with albumen, but they both greatly depress the central nervous system and circulation; and, if their action be long continued in large doses, they cause fatty degeneration of the viscera and disappearance of glycogen from the liver.
Thus, though the generally higher proportion of females in the community may seldom be enough to depress more than slightly the death-rate as a whole, it has a substantial effect upon it at the ages where women are in more marked numerical predominance, as in later life, and in places where the number of domestic servants is unusually great.
Three days later he was proclaimed "first tsar," in order still further to depress the Naruishkins, and place the government in the hands of Sophia exclusively.
They also all of them claimed, under the concordat, exemption from taxes; and, since many of them indulged in commercial and industrial pursuits, they competed unfairly with other traders and manufacturers, and tended to depress the labor market.
They all depress the conducting power and the grey matter of the spinal cord, and to a much less extent that of the brain.
If W is the weight required to depress the attracted disk into the same sighted position when the plates are unelectrified and g is the acceleration of gravity, then the difference of potentials of the conductors tested is expressed by the formula V - V'=(d - d') /87 W where S denotes the area of the attracted disk.
The signals must therefore be sent at regular intervals, and to ensure this being done correctly a telephone or time-tapper is provided at each keyboard to warn the operator of the correct moment to depress his keys.
As it does not depress the heart when used in medicinal doses, it may be given to patients suffering from cardiac disease.
Aconite is indicated for internal administration whenever it is desirable to depress the action of the heart in the course of a fever.
All that the gentry could do was to depress the lower orders, and this they did at every opportunity.
All potassium salts if taken in large doses are cardiac depressants, they also depress the nervous system, especially the brain and spinal cord.
Large doses also depress the nervous system, weakening the anterior horns of grey matter in the spinal cord so as ultimately to cause complete paralysis, and also causing a partial insensibility of the cutaneous nerves of touch and pain.
Buchanan, which has an arbitrary scale and can be varied in weight by placing small metal rings on the stem so as to depress the scale to any desired depth in sea-water of any salinity, the specific gravity being calculated for each reading by dividing the total weight by the immersed volume; (3) the total immersion areometer, which has no scale and the weight of which can be adjusted so that the instrument can be brought so exactly to the specific gravity of the water sample that it remains immersed, neither floating nor sinking; this has the advantage of 'eliminating the effects of surface tension and in Fridtjof Nansen's pattern is capable of great precision.