Depreciated Sentence Examples
Few countries have suffered more from a depreciated currency than Argentina.
Captain Singleton, the last work of the year, has been unjustly depreciated by most of the commentators.
In a few years the bank failed, and the state in 1831 borrowed money to redeem the depreciated notes issued by the bank.
The great economic changes which depreciated the value of the king's domain contributed towards the result.
The importance of this singular but superficial departure from the normal structure has been so needlessly exaggerated as a character that at the present time its value is apt to be unduly depreciated.
As "Mitchell's Bank" this institution was known for forty years as one of the strongest banking houses west of the Alleghanies, its notes passing at par during panics in which even the government issues were depreciated.
British currency has been introduced instead of Chandori rupees, which were much depreciated.
The Daniel is often unjustly depreciated.
In the civil war of Stephen's reign the county suffered severely; the great Roll of the Exchequer of 1165 proves the shire receipts had depreciated in value to two-thirds of the assessment for the Danegeld.
International commercial transactions were based on the American gold dollar, which was usually worth loo pesos of this depreciated currency.
AdvertisementThe Donated Assets reserve comprises of these robes which, due to their long life, are not depreciated.
For straight line depreciation, we would normally expect your items to be depreciated over a minimum period of three years.
He is judged harshly by contemporary writers, as simplex and insufficiens; but Dodu (in his Histoire des institutions du royaume de Jerusalem) suggests that Guy was depreciated because the kingdom had been lost in his reign, in much the same way as Godfrey of Bouillon was exalted because Jerusalem had just been won at his accession.
Many homeowners were dismayed to find that their homes depreciated sharply during the foreclosure crisis around 2008.
The result was a depreciated housing market and a high number of foreclosed homes.
AdvertisementA certain amount (currently $5,000) can be deducted during the first year, while other costs must be depreciated over the next fifteen years.
Formerly, its value depreciated over three years.
While your monthly payment may be more affordable, it will take you longer to payoff an already depreciated used vehicle.
This provision is a much better deal for the consumer, who would normally receive a check for the depreciated value of the vehicle in this situation.
Collision-Covers the damage to a vehicle regardless of fault, based on a depreciated value of the vehicle.
AdvertisementSome policies are limited to depreciated value coverage, which means the policy will only pay the value of the item you lost, considering deprecation for age and use.
The constant fluctuations in the value of the currency, then much depreciated, intensified the distress and complicated the situation.
During the commonwealth and empire aes grave was used to denote the old as in contradistinction to the existing depreciated coin; while aes rude was applied to the original oblong coinage of primitive times.
The fall in prices was aggravated, first by the unpropitious weather and deficient harvest of the years 1816, 1817, and still more by the passing in 181 9 of the bill restoring cash payments, which, coming into operation in 1821, caused serious embarrassment to all persons who had entered into engagements at a depreciated currency, which had now to be met with the lower prices of an enhanced one.
The royal assignats, which had been issued under Louis XVI., had depreciated less than the republican ones.
AdvertisementCivil servants, who were paid in this depreciated scrip, suffered considerable distress.
The authors of the Augustan age are unduly depreciated, while Ennius, Plautus, Laberius, Sallust are held up as models of imitation.
Erasistratus, instead of following Hippocrates as Herophilus did, depreciated him, and seems to have been rather aggressive and independent in his views.
Part of the Revolutionary debt was paid in depreciated paper, part was assumed by the United States government, part was paid at various rates of depreciation between 1803 and 1820, and the remainder, $43,971, was repudiated in 1847.
Blaine, who had previously opposed greenback inflation now resisted depreciated silver coinage.
Acts were passed in 1781, 1792, 1793 and 1794 to facilitate redemption at depreciated rates, and the last bills were called in on the 1st of January 1806.
He has been excessively praised by Schopenhauer, whose appreciation of the author induced him to translate the Ordculo manual, and he has been unduly depreciated by Ticknor and others.
The coins chiefly in use were (i) copper cash, which were strung in hundreds on strings of straw, and, as about 911 weight was equal to one shilling, were excessively cumbrous, but were nevertheless valued at their face value; (ii) nickel coins, which, being profitable to mint, were issued in enormous quantities, quickly depreciated, and were moreover extensively forged.
An interest which has become lost after the sacrifice, during the subsequent course of the voyage, will pay nothing; an interest which has become depreciated will pay in proportion to the diminished value.
Alghough no longer a great power, she still had many of the responsibilities of a great power; and if the Swedish alliance had considerably depreciated in value, it was still a marketable commodity.
During these years of fiscal prosperity the country suffered much from financial crises caused by industrial stagnation, an excessive and depreciated paper currency and political disorder.
This vicious system, grafted as it was upon an inefficient administration, and added to the weight of a continually depreciated currenc y, debased both by ill-advised fiscal measures and by public cupidity, formed one of the principal causes of the financial embarrassments which assailed the treasury with ever increasing force in the latter part of the 16th and during the 17th and 18th centuries.
Epicurus himself had not apparently shared in any large or liberal culture, and his influence was certainly thrown on the side of those who depreciated purely scientific pursuits as onesided and misleading.